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Por su capacidad para identificar nuevas oportunidades y evidenciar que es posible romper las fronteras de la productividad, el emprendimiento dinámico reviste importancia para el crecimiento económico en el mundo.
Imagining the Other, 2023
Part Two illustrates the politics of migration, looking at particular problems and case studies: problems of migration between Africa and Europe, within Africa, in Latin America, and finally between the Islamic World and Europe. Part Three widens the scope and looks at the imagination of the other between exclusion and adoration. Part One starts out by Jean-Marc Bourdin claiming: We are all migrants. Employing Mimetic Theory, Bourdin analyzes the various desires that lie behind migration, and concludes that "humans have been migrating since they were humans" and "as long as a terra incognita appeared in sight". Politics should come to terms with this. Beginning from a meditation on the Mona Lisa, Wilhelm Guggenberger argues that the problems of migration would be much easier to handle if there were a real encounter with the migrants, rather than mere imagination about them. This would not end all conflicts, but it would offer "the possibility of discovering in the other a real person in common life practice instead of just perceiving him or her as an image that triggers a pre-programmed pattern of reactive behavior." Andreas Müller provides an analysis of the legal framework for migration and asylum. Starting with the Geneva Refugee Convention, Müller critically appraises the common European asylum system and the problematic attempts to defend the EU's borders. He draws some interesting conclusions for European identity: "European identity remains frail, to say the least. And nowhere does this become as clearly and painfully manifest as in Europe's dysfunctionality with respect to the Common Asylum System." The different approach to Ukrainians fleeing the war in their country, might be seen as a sign of hope, but is not without problems either. Matthew Packer approaches the problem from another discipline: literary studies. Analyzing the depiction of mimesis and migration in Viet Thanh Nguyen's novel The Sympathizer and Mohsin Hamid's novel Exit West, as well as in Ai Weiwei's movie Human Flow, he argues "that the migrant crisis is a mimetic crisis, on a global scale, and that this hypervisibility and the work of writers ... are helping us recognize it as such, even making it unavoidable as a topic." Part two is opened by Gilles Reckinger and his insights into Trans-Mediterranean Migration and the Exploitation of African Mobile Workers in Southern Italy. Migrants from Africa are often declared to be inferior, and this inferiorization is used to deny "access to the fundamental rights of citizenship to non-nationals", sees "at play" today both in mass media and political spectacles. António Machuco Rosa considers Mimetic Desire, Exclusion, Polarization in Social Digital Networks. He wants to "show how, due to their technological design, based on intersubjective relationships created by buttons such as 'Like', 'Following', 'Share', etc., the new digital social networks create conditions for the proliferation of pseudo-narcissistic and pseudo-masochistic behaviours." Furthermore, he
Voluntary Sector Review
This article explores the third sector’s role during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the experiences of disabled people in England and Scotland. It draws on semi-structured longitudinal interviews with 71 disabled people and 31 key informants, primarily from disabled people’s organisations. The third sector’s nimble response, supporting people in myriad innovative ways, emerged as a key finding. In contrast, statutory services were experienced by many as a barrier rather than an enabler, posing doubts about the state’s ability to respond to the crisis. Our findings raise questions about the role of the state and the third sector. We employ and critique Young’s typology of sector–state relations, concluding that the state needs to engage with the third sector as an equal and strategic partner, recognising its civil society credentials. Further, we raise questions about the appropriateness of using supply and demand models to understand the third sector’s societal role.
Introductory course notes for seminary students on Hermeneutics: Introductory thoughts: Even though our focus will be Biblical Hermeneutics, hermeneutics is central to the whole of life, for it is the medium, the matrix, the means to have meaning and understanding in all human communication. We are engaged in hermeneutics all our waking hours. It involves interpretation of life, and thus all of life is involved in hermeneutics. Everyone is engaged in the process of interpretation and understanding all of the time. This is because we are created with a mind by the LOGOS of the universe (see pp. 49), whose mind is beyond our comprehension, yet who has spoken his mind in revelation, and we can know and understand his mind and Person. Considering this, it is evident that hermeneutics in every sense is a life and death matter of the utmost seriousness for all people since it determines whether we come to believe and receive his truth or whether we harden our hearts in rejection. In this case, biblical hermeneutics may challenge us to revise our reading strategies of Scripture; yet it is not a magic wand that makes all things suddenly clear. Biblical interpretation takes much careful thought and work, prayer and diligence; it requires willingness to be challenged and molded and revised in our attitudes and perspectives. Biblical hermeneutics in this course is approached as a correlate to biblical theology in the assumption that a properly biblical hermeneutic must lead to a redemptive-historical, Christological, gospel-centered reading of the whole Bible communicating the whole gospel for the whole person for the whole world to be proclaimed by the whole church. In this view, the gospel of Jesus is the hermeneutical key to the whole universe and as such is the true story of the world. There is nothing in all creation that does not relate to, and find its meaning, in relation to that story. Biblical hermeneutics therefore demands that we gain significant knowledge of the principles, and learn skill in applying those principles, but these are not its primary goal: the goal is to grow as disciples with the mind of Christ so that his interpretation of reality increasingly becomes ours, and that his heart becomes ours. We want to know his mind, but we must ask whether we are truly open to God revising our understandings, our theories, our interpretations, and our hearts?
The United Arab Emirates resembles US ‘Teflon President’ Ronald Reagan.
Während der römischen Kaiserzeit mussten germanische yandwerker ihr Material f2r das weinschmiedehandwerk aus dem Römischen Reich importieren. ueshalb war Recycling eine wichtige Rohstoffquelle f2r die Schmiede. uennoch wurden die suntmetalllegierungen in der Regel nach ihren jeweiligen Verarbeitungseigenschaten gezielt eingesetzt. uer Vergleich römischer und germanischer weinschmiedetechnik offenbart einige gravierende Unterschiedek komplexe Verfahren der Oberflächenveredelung und der Verzierung wie slattvergoldung, vmaillieren und Niellieren fanden während des. bis. Jahrhunderts n. thr. offenbar keinen vingang in das germanische weinschmiedehandwerk. rllerdings sprechen zahlreiche rrgumente f2r ein sowohl nach individuellen wähigkeiten als auch nach Zugangsmöglichkeiten zu handwerklichen Kenntnissen und wertvollen Rohstoffen differenziertes, teilweise hochspezialisiertes yandwerk mit rnfängen einer cum grano salis ‚germanischen yokunst' bereits im fr2hen. Jahrhundert n. thr. Keywordsk rnalysenl sunt-und vdelmetalll weinschmiedl Metallographiel Oberflächenveredelungl Vergoldungl xermanenl Römer-ß well as access to specialised knowledge and precious raw materials, with a cum grano salis 'xermanic court art' beginning as early as the early st century ru. Keywordsk rnalysesl sase and Precious Metalsl xoldsmithl Metallographyl Surface Refinementl xildingl xermanil Romans Einf2hrung "uas seispiel w2rstengrab xommern zeigte, dass es sehr sinnvoll ist, Materialbestimmungen nach ,festen Maßstäben' durchzuf2hren und nicht etwa auch sewertungen nur nach ,rugenschein' gleichwertig in die wundbeschreibung aufzunehmen. uabei entspricht es nunmehr dem Stand der worschung, dass nicht nur auf Materialidentifizierungen und ggf. die Zusammensetzungsanalyse gezielt wird, sondern von rnfang an und durchgehend anhand des mikrostrukturellen sefundes auch nach den in wrage kommenden yerstellungstechniken geforscht wird",-ß Abb. yortfund von Łubiana, Kr. Kościerzyna (Pommern, PL).-ß. Untersuchungen ausgewählter xegenstände zur zdentifizierung gestalterischer und technischer sesonderheiten von Werkstätten und Werkstattkreisen.
Federalismo: desafios contemporâneos, 2019
Há muitos anos, a guerra fiscal domina o cenário do federalismo fiscal brasileiro. Leis e decretos estaduais que concediam benefícios e incentivos fiscais do ICMS foram objeto de ações diretas de inconstitucionalidades, revelando que a disputa pela manutenção ou realocação de empresas em seus próprios domínios era o foco principal dos Estados para tentar aumentar a atividade econômica, gerando empregos e permitindo uma contínua arrecadação de tributos. Situação análoga ocorreu com os municípios que, ao diminuírem as alíquotas do ISS ou ao criar deduções na base de cálculo do tributo, tentavam atrair empresas para os seus territórios.
Ephemeris Napocensis, 2019
The artefact in the focus of this study refers to a silver monogram-ring recovered as a stray-find during the archaeological excavations on the site of the cemetery no. 3 at Bratei (Sibiu County, Romania). Despite initially interpreted as a Greek monogram, after close scrutiny, we were able to determine that we are faced with a Latin monogram, the context of which has to do with the Latin West, and not with the early Byzantine Empire. The main purpose of the paper is that of interpreting the item both from an archaeological and historical point of view, while analysing it in an “object biography” type of approach so as to highlight as many aspects as possible from its life-cycle. All the known parallels pointed to the fact that the monogram depicted on the ring was that of the Ostrogothic king Athalaric. Being part probably of a destroyed funerary context, the ring was an original product of the workshops in the Italian peninsula and was probably sent to one of the local chieftains as part of a gift-giving strategy destined to reiterate and consolidate the diplomatic ties that have been established since the reign of Theodoric.
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Encyclopedia of Biblical Reception, 2018
Bajo el Volcán, 2010
Дани српскогa духовног преображења, XXVII, 2021
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2006
The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 2015
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2006
Boletim do Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos, 2012