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2004, International Journal of Modern Physics A
10 pages
1 file
The group embeddings used in orbifolding the AdS/CFT correspondence to arrive at quiver gauge field theories are studied for both supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric cases. For an orbifold AdS 5×S5/Γ the conditions for embeddings of the finite group Γ in the SU (4)~ O (6) isotropy of S5 are stated in the form of consistency rules, both for Abelian and non-Abelian Γ.
Nuclear Physics B, 1998
We study the relation between the large N limit of four dimensional N = 2, 1, 0 conformal field theories and supergravity on orbifolds of AdS 5 × S 5. We analyze the the Kaluza-Klein states of the supergravity theory and relate them to the spectrum of (chiral) primary operators of the (super) conformal field theories.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001
We discuss spectra of AdS 3 supergravities, arising in the near horizon geometry of D1/D5 systems in orbifolds/orientifolds of type IIB theory with 16 supercharges. These include models studied in a recent paper (hepth/0012118), where the group action involves also a shift along a transversal circle, as well as IIB/ΩI 4 , which is dual to IIB on K3. After appropriate assignements of the orbifold group eigenvalues and degrees to the supergravity single particle spectrum, we compute the supergravity elliptic genus and find agreement, in the expected regime of validity, with the elliptic genus obtained using U-duality map from (4,4) CFTs of U-dual backgrounds. Since this U-duality involves the exchange of KK momentum P and D1 charge N , it allows us to test the (4,4) CFTs in the P < N/4 and N < P/4 regimes by two different supergravity duals.
This thesis takes steps towards the development of a systematic account of the relationships between SUSY quiver gauge theories and the structures of their moduli spaces. Highest Weight Generating functions ("HWGs"), which concisely encode the field content of a moduli space, are introduced and developed to augment the established plethystic techniques for the construction and analysis of Hilbert series ("HS"). HWGs are shown to provide a faithful means of decoding and describing HS in terms of their component fields, which transform in representations of Classical and/or Exceptional symmetry groups. These techniques are illustrated in the context of Higgs branch quiver theories for SQCD and instanton moduli spaces, as a prelude to an account of the quiver theory constructions for the canonical class of moduli spaces represented by the nilpotent orbits of Classical and Exceptional symmetry groups. The known Higgs and/or Coulomb branch quiver theory constructions for nilpotent orbits are systematically extended to give a complete set of Higgs branch quiver theories for Classical group nilpotent orbits and a set of Coulomb branch constructions for near to minimal orbits of Classical and Exceptional groups. A localisation formula ("NOL Formula") for the normal nilpotent orbits of Classical and Exceptional groups based on their Characteristics is proposed and deployed. Dualities and other relationships between quiver theories, including A series 3d mirror symmetry, are analysed and discussed. The use of nilpotent orbits, for example in the form of T (G) quiver theories, as building blocks for the systematic (de)construction of moduli spaces is illustrated. The roles of orthogonal bases, such as characters and Hall Littlewood polynomials, in providing canonical structures for the the analysis of quiver theories is demonstrated, along with their potential use as building blocks for more general families of quiver theories.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2015
Field theories on anti-de Sitter (AdS) space can be studied by realizing them as low-energy limits of AdS vacua of string/M theory. In an appropriate limit, the field theories decouple from the rest of string/M theory. Since these vacua are dual to conformal field theories, this relates some of the observables of these field theories on antide Sitter space to a subsector of the dual conformal field theories. We exemplify this 'rigid holography' by studying in detail the six-dimensional N = (2, 0) A K−1 superconformal field theory (SCFT) on AdS 5 × S 1 , with equal radii for AdS 5 and for S 1. We choose specific boundary conditions preserving sixteen supercharges that arise when this theory is embedded into Type IIB string theory on AdS 5 ×S 5 /Z K. On R 4,1 ×S 1 , this six-dimensional theory has a 5(K − 1)-dimensional moduli space, with unbroken five-dimensional SU (K) gauge symmetry at (and only at) the origin. On AdS 5 × S 1 , the theory has a 2(K − 1)dimensional 'moduli space' of supersymmetric configurations. We argue that in this case the SU (K) gauge symmetry is unbroken everywhere in the 'moduli space' and that this fivedimensional gauge theory is coupled to a four-dimensional theory on the boundary of AdS 5 whose coupling constants depend on the 'moduli'. This involves non-standard boundary conditions for the gauge fields on AdS 5. Near the origin of the 'moduli space', the theory on the boundary contains a weakly coupled four-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric SU (K) gauge theory. We show that this implies large corrections to the metric on the 'moduli space'. The embedding in string theory implies that the six-dimensional N = (2, 0) theory on AdS 5 × S 1 with sources on the boundary is a subsector of the large N limit of various four-dimensional N = 2 quiver SCFTs that remains non-trivial in the large N limit. The same subsector appears universally in many different four-dimensional N = 2 SCFTs. We also discuss a decoupling limit that leads to N = (2, 0) 'little string theories' on AdS 5 × S 1 .
arXiv (Cornell University), 1998
We analyze short and long multiplets which appear in the OPE expansion of "chiral" primary operators in N = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory. Among them, higher spin long and new short multiplets appear, having the interpretation, in the AdS/CFT correspondence, of string states and supergravity multiparticle states respectively. We also analyze the decomposition of long multiplets under N = 1 supersymmetry, as a possible tool to explore other supersymmetric deformations of IIB string on AdS 5 × S 5 .
In this thesis we present selected results taken from the author's published work . Due to space constraints not all the relevant material is presented and the reader is referred where necessary to extra results in the original papers. §4.3 and §A are based on the article [1] written in collaboration with Yang-Hui He and James Sparks. §2, §3, §4.1, §4.2, §4.5, §5 and §B are based on the article [2] with Diego Rodriguez-Gomez and James Sparks. §8 and §9 are based on the article [3]. §4.4 is based on unpublished work. Original contributions reported in this thesis include: • The examination of baryonic-type symmetries in the AdS 4 /CFT 3 correspondence and the study of different choices of quantization of gauge fields in AdS 4 that lead to different field theory duals to the same gravitational background ( §3). • The classification of isolated Calabi-Yau four-fold singularities with no vanishing six-cycles and the extension of AdS 4 /CFT 3 with proposed candidate dual gauge theories for such singularities ( §3.3). • The study of the physics of vacua in which the above-mentioned baryonic symmetries are spontaneously broken, showing that a dual gravity analysis involving resolutions of Calabi-Yau singularities, baryonic condensates, Goldstone bosons and global strings matches with field theory expectations ( §4.1 and §4.2). • The derivation of a general formula for the action of a Euclidean M5 brane which is wrapped on a minimal six-submanifold ( §4.2.3). • The exploration of the role of supergravity fluxes in the dual description of the Higgs effect ( §4.3). • The identification of the importance of the M-theory circle in the supergravity dual to Higgsing of the field theories, and the study of the related exotic baryonic branches and renormalization group flow scenarios ( §4.4).
Modern Physics Letters A, 2018
The [Formula: see text] superconformal algebra is derived from the symmetry transformations of fields in the [Formula: see text] SYM action in [Formula: see text]. We use a Majorana–Weyl spinor in [Formula: see text] instead of four Weyl spinors in [Formula: see text]. This makes it transparent to relate generators of the [Formula: see text] superconformal algebra to those of the super-[Formula: see text] algebra. Especially, we obtain the concrete map from the supersymmetries [Formula: see text] and conformal supersymmetries [Formula: see text] in [Formula: see text] SYM to the supersymmetries [Formula: see text] in the [Formula: see text] background.
We discuss spectra of AdS3 supergravities, arising in the near horizon geometry of D1/D5 systems in orbifolds/orientifolds of type IIB theory with 16 supercharges. These include models studied in a recent paper (hepth/0012118), where the group action involves also a shift along a transversal circle, as well as IIB/ΩI4, which is dual to IIB on K3. After appropriate assignements of the orbifold group eigenvalues and degrees to the supergravity single particle spectrum, we compute the supergravity elliptic genus and find agreement, in the expected regime of validity, with the elliptic genus obtained using U-duality map from (4,4) CFTs of U-dual backgrounds. Since this U-duality involves the exchange of KK momentum P and D1 charge N , it allows us to test the (4,4) CFTs in the P < N/4 and N < P/4 regimes by two different supergravity duals. PACS: 11.25.-w, 11.25.Hf, 11.25.Sq
Nuclear Physics B, 1998
We study the unitary supermultiplets of the N = 8 d = 5 anti-de Sitter (AdS) superalgebra SU (2, 2|4) which is the symmetry algebra of the IIB string theory on AdS 5 × S 5 . We give a complete classification of the doubleton supermultiplets of SU (2, 2|4) which do not have a Poincare limit and correspond to d = 4 conformal field theories (CFT) living on the boundary of AdS 5 . The CPT self-conjugate irreducible doubleton supermultiplet corresponds to d = 4 N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. The other irreducible doubleton supermultiplets come in CPT conjugate pairs. The maximum spin range of the general doubleton supermultiplets is 2. In particular, there exists a CPT conjugate pair of doubleton supermultiplets corresponding to the fields of N = 4 conformal supergravity in d = 4 which can be coupled to N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory in d = 4. We also study the "massless" supermultiplets of SU (2, 2|4) which can be obtained by tensoring two doubleton supermultiplets. The CPT self-conjugate "massless" supermultiplet is the N = 8 graviton supermultiplet in AdS 5 . The other "massless" supermultiplets generally come in conjugate pairs and can have maximum spin range of 4. We discuss the implications of our results for the conjectured CFT/AdS dualities.
Abstract: According to the AdS/CFT correspondence, the d = 4, N = 4 SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory is dual to the type IIB string theory compactified on AdS5 × S 5. Most of the tests performed so far are confined to the leading order at large N or equivalently string tree-level. To probe the correspondence beyond this leading order and obtain 1 N 2 corrections is difficult since string one-loop computations on an AdS5 × S 5 background generally are beyond feasibility. However, we will show that the chiral SU(4)R anomaly of the super YM theory provides an ideal testing ground to go beyond leading order in N. In this paper, we review and develop further our previous results [1] that the 1/N 2 corrections to the chiral anomaly on the super YM side can be exactly accounted for by the supergravity/string effective action induced at one loop. 1.
Acta Materialia (PREPRINT, in press), 2023
Philosophy Compass, 2007
Vértices (Campos dos Goytacazes), 2019
Боспорский феномен: quarta pars saeculi. Итоги, проблемы, дискуссии. Материалы международной научной конференции. СПб, 2023. С. 337-343, 2023
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Crimson Publishers, 2024
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022