ISSN: 0975-8534
July-December, 2024
No. 2
(A Journal of Urban Governance & Management)
(A Multi Disciplinary Peer-Reviewed Refereed Research Journal)
Regional Centre for Urban &
Environmental Studies
(Established by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India)
Acredited as "UTKRISHT" by Capacity Building Commission Government of India
Sustainable Development and Environment in India
-Dr. S. Vijay Kumar
Exploring Challenges of Street Vendors in Urban Weekly Markets
-Dr. Ritika Chowdhary and Dr. Sukriti Chowdhary
Educational disparities: a study on the gaps in learning
opportunities for scheduled tribes girls in Sonbhadra &
Lakhimpur Khiri districts of Uttar Pradesh
-Dr. Devindra Singh and Dr. Nasruddin
Ekatma Manavwad: Integrating Traditional Values and Modern
Strategies for Environmental Sustainability
-Dr. Shashi Bhushan
Cultural Interactions Between Great and Little Traditions: Insights
from the Tribes of North Bengal
-Nabanita Goswamy and Sayantani Banerjee
Review on Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks for Hydrological
-Dr. Indrasen Singh and Dr. Onkar K. Chothe
A Comparative Study of Educational Interest and Career Maturity
Among Urban and Rural Girls in Secondary Education
-Mirza Fazila Beg
Preserving Ethnic Heritage: AStudy on the Ethnic Games of the
Dimasas in Assam
-Prof. Somenath Bhattacharjee and Mr. Somnath Chakraborty
|NVjay Auma
IhawyM (An ate) & lbad (Retl), Drwnt of lom5, W
llg akativa Univealy, Watangl
Iytnnt ot onwnt, hyanIalColleg ('viny), tUniversity feb
Sukriti Chowdhary
V'ixiting 'aulty. Amity Unlvernity
Devindra Singh
Rewwnh Otier, Scheduled Canten and Seheduled Tribes Kouarh
Training lnstitute, lLucknow, UP
D. Nasruddin
Assistant Dirvtor, Regional Centre For
Urban and Environmental Stude
(RCUES),. Lucknow
Dr. Shashi Bhushan
Independent Researcher
Specialization: Environmental Sustainability, Indian Philosophy
Nabanita Goswamy
Reseanch Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Nagaland University
Sayantani Banerjee
Research Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Nagaland University
Dr. Indrasen Singh
Senior Professor and Dean (Academic Affairs), NICMAR Hyderabad
Dr. Onkar K. Chothe
Assistant Professor, NICMARHyderabad
Mirza Fazila Beg
Degree College.
M.Ed. Scholar, Department of Education, Eram Girls'
Prof. Somenath Bhattacharjee
Department of Anthropology, Nagaland University, Lumami, Nagaland
Mr.Somnath Chakraborty
Ph.D. Research Scholar (Sports Coach of Judo), Department of
Nagaland University
Ilrhan Panorama : Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 No, 2
Dr. S. Vijay Kumar
Professor (Associate) &Head (Retd.).
Department of Economics,
KGC PG College (NAAC "A" Grade).
Kakatiya University.
Warangal, Telangana State
There is a direct relationship between environment and economic development. Economic development without
environmental considerations can cause serious environmental damage in turn impairing the quality of life of present
and future generations. In the process of economic development, the environmental problems have been ignored or less
concentrated. Any country's environmental problems are related to the level of its economic development, the
availability of natural resources and the lifestyle of its population. Rapid population growth, poverty, urbanization,
industrialization and several related factors are responsible for the rapid degradation of the environment. Now, the need
of the hour is to concentrate on sustainable development ie, "Meeting the needs of present generation without
compromising with the needs of future generations". In order to be sustainable, development must combine three main
elements: fairness, protection of the environment, and economic efficiency. This is possible in particular via measures to
protect the quality of the environment, and by the restoration, development, and maintenance of habitats that are
essential to species. This implies the sustainable marnagement of the use of the animal and plant populations being
exploited. In other words, it is the rational management of human, natural, and economic resources that aims to satisfy
the essential needs of humanity in the very long term. Today, developing countries and developed countries are all
suffering from environmental problems. Therefore, environmental problems have been the object of discussion
throughout the world.
(Key Words : Environmental lssues, Climate Change, Global Warming, Biodiversity, Sustainable Development)
Goals. During the first United Nations
The term'sustainable developmene
remained virtually unnoticed until its
Environment Assembly (UNEA-1), in
revival in the Gro Harlem Brundtland
report 'Our common future', published
post-2015 sustainable development
agenda should fully integrate economic,
in 1987. Itis very encouraging, therefore,
social and environmental dimensions in
to see that nations renewed their
commitments to sustainable
balanced manner". This was reiterated
development in 2012 at Rio+20, and
by the UN Secretary-General in his
affirmed that a new integrated agernda
and environmentally viable future for
our planet and for present and future
December 2014 synthesis report The
Road to Dignity by 2030. Sustainable
development means, "Meeting the
needs of present generation without
compromising with the needs of future
generations. They called for the
generations." In 1983, the United
development of Sustainable Development
Nations set up the World Commission
beyond 2015 would ensure the
promotion of an economically, socially
June 2014, ministers concluded that the
a "coherent, holistic, comprehensive and
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol.
on Environment and
called 'the Brundtland Commission'
examine the problems related to this
area. The Commission in its report
entitled "Our Common Future"
submitted in 1987, used and defined this
concept of sustainable development for
the first time. The concept of sustainable
development was defined by Ms. Gro
etc. Environment
July-December, 2024
human civilization. Human
close relations with the
which they live. The whole
role in
beings have
and ecology consisting of
water, plants and animals earth, air,
provide the
necessary and sufficient
sustaining human life.
relationship betweern
Harlem Brundtland, the then Prime
economic development. Ecconomic
Minister of Norway and the chair of the
development without environmental
World Commission on Environment
considerations can cause serious
and Development (WCED) as "Meeting
the needs of present generation without
compromising with the needs of future
generations." This report insists on the
need to protect the diversity of genes,
species, and all terrestrial and aquatic
a vital
damage in turn
impairing the quality of life of present
and future generations. In the process of
economic development, the
environmental problems have been
ignored or less concentrated. Any
ecosystems in nature. This implies the
country's environmental problems are
sustainable management of the use of
related to the level of its economic
the animal and plant populations being
exploited. Save Environment for Better
Future - Prevent Disasters. Awake and
stop not until the goal of save
environment is successfully achieved.
This should be the spirit of every citizen
and it should be taken up as a movement
all over the world. To protect
and future generations there is no other
way, except to protect environment.
Environment can be simply defined as
"A system
all biotic
(living) and abiotic (non-living)
elements affecting human life. The biotic
components comprise all flora and
fauna, and abiotic includes
fire, sunlight, rocks, rivers, water, air,
seas, climate
Sustainable Development And
Environment in India
development, the availability of natural
resources and the lifestyle of its
population. Rapid population growth,
poverty, urbanization, industrialization
and several related factors are
responsible for the rapid degradation of
the environment. Today, developing
countries and developed countries are
all suffering from environmental
problems. Therefore, environmental
problems have been the object of
discussion throughout the world. Ths
Paper is an attempt to review the current
state of the environment and identifying
the policy issues for promoting
sustainable development and to protect
environmnent with a Special Reference to
Ilrhan Panorama : Vol. XXI, July-December, 2024 No. 2
India and a way forward. This Paper is
and authentic amenities. The natural
broadly divided into eight sections: (i)
Environment-economy linkages, (ii)
and environmental resource input
Review of major environmental
concerns, (iii) Impact of environmental
degradation on society, (iv) Global
Environnmental Issues, (v) Link between
bio-diversity and climate change, (vi)
Sustainable Development, (vii) Climate
Change Impact and Actions with Special
Reference to India, (vii) Suggestions
and Conclusion.
Environment-Economy Linkages:
function is central to understanding the
relationship between economic growth
and environment. Water, soil, air,
biological, forest and fisheries resources
are productive assets, whose quality
helps to determine the productivity of
the economy. Focusing on this role of
environment as producer good
highlight the direct effect the
environmental problems have on
economic growth. Thus economic
management lays emphasis on the
All economic activities either
environment and the environmental
affect or are affected by natural and
environmental resources. Activities
such as extraction, processing,
quality in turn on the efficient working
of the economy. Environmental
degradation imposes costs on the
economy that results in output and
manufacture, transport, consumption
and disposal change the stock of natural
resources add stress to the
environmental systems and introduce
Wastes to environmental media.
Moreover, economic activities today
affect the stock of natural resources
available for the welfare of the future
human capital losses.
Loss of labor productivity
resulting from ill health, foregone crop
output due to soil degradation and
erosion, lost fisheries output and
tourism receipts from coastal erosion or
lost soil productivity from deforestation
and have intertemporal welfare effects.
can be some of the manifestations of
From this perspective, the productivity
of an economic system depends in part
such reduced output. Moreover,
on the supply and quality of natural and
studies suggest that air and water
environmental resources.
population are taking a heavy tol,
particularly of people in the developing
Natural and environmental
resources have three economicroles: (1)
Waste disposal services, (2) Natural
resources inputs into production and (3)
Directly consumed life support services
growing bodies of epidemiological
world, through ill health and premature
mortality. The impact of water and air
pollution is particularly adverse on the
younger, the very aged and the poor.
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 No
Pollution control is thus linked to
destruction of crops, while moving sand
sustainable development and not a
luxury good to be afforded after the
covers the land and makes it sterile. In
the plains, riverine erosion due to floods
development process has taken off.
and eutrophication due to agricultural
runoff are noticed. Increased
dependence on intensive agriculture
Review of Major Environmnental
A country's environmental
problems vary with its stage of
development; structure of its economy,
production technologies in use and its
environmental policies. While some
problems may be associated with the
lack of economic development, others
are exacerbated by the growth of
economic activity; Poverty presents
special problems for a densely
populated country with limited
Soil Degradation: In India out of the
total geographical areas of 329 million
hectares, 175 million hectares are
considered degraded. Erosion by water
and wind is the most inportant factor to
soil erosion with other factors like water
logging, salivation etc., adding to the
degradation. While soil erosion by rain
and river in hill areas causes landslides
and floods, deforestation, overgrazing,
traditional agricultural practices,
mining and incorrect setting of
development projects in forest areas
have resulted in opening up of these
areas to heavy soil erosion. In the arid
west, wind erosion causes expansion of
desert, dust storms, whirlwinds and
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
and irrigation also results in salination,
alkalization and water logging in
irrigated areas of the country.
Deforestation: Forest is renewable
resource and contributes substantially
to the economic development by
providing goods and services to forest
dwellers, people at large and forest
based industries, besides generating
substantial volume of employment.
Forests are playing main role in
enhancing the quality of environment
by influencing the ecological balance
and life support system.
Biodiversity: Biodiversity is one of the
major environmental concerns in India,
now India is in the tenth position in the
world and fourth in Asia in plant
diversity. The biodiversity in forests,
non-irrigated lands, irrigated lands and
hill areas deserts and
ecosystems is subject to many pressures.
One of the major causes of the loss of
biological diversity has been the
depletion of vegetative cover in order to
expand agriculture. Since most of the
biodiversity rich forests also contain the
maximum mineral wealth and also the
best sites for water impoundment,
mining and development projects in
Urban Panorama:
Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 No.
Such areas have led to destruction of
habitats. Poaching and illegal trade of
congested traffic, poor roads and
outdated automotive technologies and
wildlife products too, have adversely
affected biodiversity.
Pollution: The main factors
most contributing factors to
contributing to urban air quality
environment. The coastal areas of India,
deterioration are growing
with a coast line of over 7500 km harbor
industrialization and increasing
variety of specialized marine
vehicular pollution. It has been
ecosystems like mangroves, coral reefs,
aggravated by developments that
salt lakes and mudflats which mainly
typically Occur as COuntries
industrialize, growing cities, increasing
traffic, rapid economic development
form the habitat for endangered marine
and industrial growth, all of which are
An important impact of climate
closely associated with higher energy
change and global warming may be the
trafficmanagement system.
Coastal and marine pollutions are
species and commercially important
marine flora and fauna.
consumption. Industrial pollution is
rise in sea level. The primary effect of sea
concentrated in industries like
level rise will be increased coastal
petroleum refineries, textiles, pulp and
flooding, erosion, storm surges and
paper, industrial chemicals, iron and
wave activity. Primary studies on the
impact of one-meter sea level rise on the
steel and nonmetallic mineral products.
Small scale industries especially
foundries, chemical manufacturing and
brick making are also significant
polluters. In the power sector, thermal
power, which constitutes bulk of the
Indian coastline indicate that 0.41 % of
India's coastal area will be inducted.
Poverty is also one of the reasons
for environmental degradation in India.
The circular link between poverty and
generation, is an important source of air
environment is an extremely complex
phenomenon. Inequality may foster
unsustainability because the poor, who
Vehicle traffic is the most
rely on natural resources more than the
installed capacity for electricity
important source of pollution in all the
mega cities. The number of vehicles in
these cities has increased manifold. This
increase has been characterized by a
boom in private transport. Other
reasons for high vehicular pollution are
two stroke engines, aged vehicles,
rich, deplete natural resources faster as
they have no real prospects of gaining
access to other type of
Acceleration in poverty alleviation is
imperative to break this link between
poverty and environment.
Sustainable Development And Environment in lndia
Urban Panorama: Vol.
Impact of Environmental Degradation
on Society:
more severe, as the
fodder and water
forces access
them to fuel,
Environmentaldegradation is the
miles to collect the
result of the dynamic interplay of
for their subsistence.
socioeconomic, institutional and
technological activities. Environmental
changes may be driven by many factors
Jlossuly-December. 2024 No
neces ities
pressure on available escalation in
arable land isthe
enormous that it
transportation. Poverty still remains a
armies by land
problem at the root of several
environmental problems. The impact of
envìronmental degradation on society
has been discussed in the following:
demands by
as we1| as
lordsformation of land
including economic growth, population
growth, urbanization, intensification of
agriculture, rising energy use and
It has been estimated that the process of
deforestation, bad soil and water
management, submergence of and in
dam reservoirs, industrial and urban
expansion, overgrazing, wind and
water erosion, salination, flooding,
water logging and so on,contribute to a
loss of productivity in roughly one
growth of criminalization iin
to the
side with illegal
community lands, the
marginal farmers
for land,
movements toincreasingly
assert local
control over
productive resources
like land and
forests. The latter process most
results in state repression,
the climate of social unrest.
Much of these have severally
strained social relations within
communities and between communities
and the state. For instance, every year,
over five lakh people are forcibly
million hectare of land annually. The
displaced by development projects
above process results in desertification
and creation of droughtprone
rehabilitated, and alternatives are rarely
conditions, leading to the immersion of
provided. In the process, communities
those dependent on land for their daily
and families are broken up, destroying
them are not
structure of Social and economic
Given these processes and the
resultant, decline in livelihood for the
millions critically dependent on these
resources, there are few options but to
inevitable consequence. For instance, a
cultivate increasingly marginal lands,
thereby compounding the sustainability
crisis. The imnpact on women is even
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Loss of cultural diversity is an
report based on a comprehensive survey
of people displaced by the Rihan
stated that, "Many of the oustes,
particularly the tribals, have fallen into
Irhan Panorama : Vol. XXI, July-December, 2024 No, 2
the typical cycle of debt bondage,
coupled with increasing destitution and
intermittent employment as contract
labourers incoal mines and elsewhere..
most were simply kicked out with
nothing left to fend for themselves."
Human activities, principally
through emissions of greenhouse
gases, have unequivocally caused
global warming, with global
surface temperature reaching
1.1°C above 1850-1900 in 2011
Section - IV
Global Environmental Issues:
Widespread and rapid changes in
As early as 1896, the Swedish
scientist Santé Arrhenius a Swedish
Scientist had predicted that human
activities would interfere with the way,
the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere
and biosphere have occurred.
Climate change has reduced food
security and affected water
the sun interacts with the earth,
security, hindering efforts to meet
Sustainable Development Goals.
Climate change has caused
widespread adverse impacts and
resulting in global warming and climate
change. His prediction has become true
and climate change is now disrupting
global environmental stability. The last
few decades have seen many treaties,
conventions, and protocols for the cause
of global environmental protection. Few
examples of environmental issues of
global significance are:
Climate change
Ozone layer depletion
Global warming
Loss of biodiversity
Climate Change: Climate change refers
to the long-term impact on temperature
or weather patterns and global
temperature rise due to excessive
greenhouse gases. 2023 Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change has highlighted some of the
following main points:
related losses and damages to
nature and people that are
unequally distributed across
systems, regions and sectors.
In urban areas, observed climate
change has caused adverse
impacts on human health,
livelihoods and key infrastructure.
Innovation and adoption of low
emission technologies lags in
most developing countries,
particularly least developed ones,
due in part to weaker enabling
conditions, including limited
finance, technology development
and transfer, and capacity
International cooperation is a
critical enabler for achieving
ambitious climate change
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama :
mitigation, adaptation, and
climate resilient developmernt.
Despite several preventative
measures and new technologies being
made to combat further climate change,
the truth is that the forecast for climate
change in 2024 is not looking much
better. Climate change in 2024 and the
years to come are only expected to get
worse. The worst projection for climate
change in 2024 is that the chance for the
average global temperature to rise
above 1.5°C has increased to almost 50%
for the next five-year period between
2022 and 2026. It is expected that 2024
will continue to be exceptionally warm,
seeing as 2023 broke multiple
temperature records worldwide. As
long as we continue to emit extreme
amounts of greenhouse gas and carbon
dioxide emissions into the atrmosphere,
climate change willcontinue to worsen.
Ozone Layer Depletion: Earth's
atmosphere is divided into three
regions, namely troposphere,
stratosphere and mesosphere. The
stratosphere extends fromn 10 to 50 kms
from the Earths surface. This region is
concentrated with slightly pungent
smelling, light bluish ozone gas. The
0zone gas is made up of molecules each
containing three atoms of oxygen; its
chemical formula is 03. The ozone layer,
in the stratosphere acts as an efficient
Vol. XXIII, July-December,:
2024 No.2
and untilrecently, this resulted in a well.
balanced equilibrium.Ozone is formed
when oxygen molecules absorh
ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths
less than 240 nanometers and is
destroyed when it absorbs ultraviolet
radiation with wavelengths greater than
290 nanometers. In recent years,
scientists have measured a seasonal
thinning of the ozone layer primarily at
the South Pole. This phenomenon is
being called the ozone hole.
Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion:
Increased penetration of solar UV-B
radiation is likely to have high impact on
human health with potential risksof eye
diseases, skin cancer and infectious
Effects on Terrestrial Plants: In forests
and grasslands, increased radiation is
likely to change species composition
thus altering the bio-diversity in
different ecosystems. It could also affect
the plant community indirectly
resulting in changes in plant form,
secondary metabolism, etc.
Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems: High
levels of radiation exposure in tropics
and subtropics may affect the
distribution of phytoplanktons (micro
algae), which form the foundation of
aquatic food webs. It can also cause
damage to early development stages of
fish, shrimp, crab, amphibians and other
filter for harmnful solar Ultraviolet B
animals, the most severe effects being
(UV-B) rays. Ozone is produced and
decreased reproductive capacity and
impaired larval development.
destroyed naturally in the atmosphere
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
ban Panorama : Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 No. 2
Effects on Bio-geo-chemical Cycles:
Increased solar UV radiation could
Tax imposed for ozone depleting
affect terrestrial and aquatic bio-geo
chemical cycles thus altering both
sources and sinks of greenhouse and
Ozone friendly substitutes-HCFC
(less ozone depleting potential
important trace gases, e.g. carbon
dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO),
carbonyl sulfide (COS), etc. These
changes would contribute to biosphere
atmosphere feedbacks responsible for
the atmosphere build-up of these
greenhouse gases.
Effects on Air Quality: Reduction of
stratospheric ozone and increased
penetration of UV-B radiation result in
higher photo dissociation rates of key
trace gases that control the chemical
and shorter life)
Recycle of CFCs and Halons.
Global Warming: Before the Industrial
Revolution, human activities released
very few gases into the atmosphere and
all climate changes happened naturally.
After the Industrial Revolution, through
fossil fuel combustion, changing
agricultural practices and deforestation,
the natural composition of gases in the
atmosphere is getting affected and
climate and environment began to alter
reactivity of the troposphere. This can
increase both production and
significantly. Over the last 100 years, it
destruction of ozone and related
warmer and warmer, unlike previous
8000 years when temperatures have
oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide,
which are known to have adverse effects
on human health, terrestrial plants and
outdoor materials.
The ozone layer, therefore, is
highly beneficial to plant and animal life
on earth filtering out the dangerous part
of sun's radiation and allowing only the
beneficial part to reach earth. Any
disturbance or depletion of this layer
would result in an increase of harmful
was found out that the earth is getting
been relatively constant. The present
temperature is 0.3-0.60C warmer than it
was 100 years ago. The key greenhouse
gases (GHG) causing global warming is
carbon dioxide. CFC's, even though they
exist in very small quantities, are
significant contributors to global
warming. Carbon dioxide, one of the
most prevalent greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, has two major
radiation reaching the earth's surface
leading to dangerous consequences.
Ozone Depletion Counter Measures:
anthropogenic (human-caused)
(Montreal Protocol) to phase out ozone
depleting chemicals since 1974:
are believed to be contributing to the
International cooperation, agreement
sources: the combustion of fossil fuels
and changes in land use. Net releases of
carbon dioxide from these two sources
rapid rise in atmospheric concentrations
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol.
since Industrial Revolution. Because
estimates indicate that approximately 80
percent of all anthropogenic carbon
dioxide emissions currently come from
fossil fuelcombustion, world energy use
has emerged at the center of the climate
change debate. 2023 was the hottest year
on record, with global average
temperatures at 1.46C above
industrial levels and 0.13C higher than
the eleven-month average for 2016,
currently the warmest calendar year on
record. According to National Oceanic
ice is
July-December, 20 24 No)
taking a heavy toll
penguins and could
wipe out
populations according to: 2023
Section -V
Link between
Bio-Diversity and
Climate change is
species already threatened
multiple threats
Climate Change
across the globe
fragmentation due to
colonization, logging, agriculture
and mining etc. are all
and Atmospheric Administration
to further destruction of
(NOAA) Administrator Rick Spinrad,
the steady annual increase of global
Individual species may not be able
warming is a "direct result of human
activity," mainly from the burning of
fossil fuels for transportation and
electricity generation but also from
cement manufacturing, deforestation,
and agriculture.
Loss of Biodiversity: The term
biodiversity was coined in 1985.
"Biodiversity is the variation among living
organisms from different sources including
terrestrial, marine and desert ecosystems,
and the ecological complexes of which they
are a part." More than 500 species of land
animals are on the brink of extinction
and are likely to be lost within 20 years;
to adapt. Species most threatened
by climate change have small
ranges, low population densities,
restricted habitat requirements
and patchy distribution.
Ecosystems will generally shift
northward or upward in altitude,
but in some cases they will run out
of space - as 10C change in
temperature correspond to a 100
Km change in latitude, hence,
averageshift in habitat conditions
by the year 2100 was the order of
140to 580 Km.
Coral reef (most diverse of all
the same numbers were lost over the
marine ecosystems) mortality
whole of the last century. The scientists
say that without the human destruction
may be
may increase and erosion
accelerated. Increase levels .
of nature, this rate of loss would have
taken thousands of years. In Antarctica,
climate change-triggered melting of sea
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
carbon dioxide adversely impact
the coral building
Jeban Panorama : Vol. XXlI, July-December, 2024 No 2
Sea level may rise, engulfing low
ecological damage on both a worldwide
lying areas causing disappearance
and a local scale. In order to be
of many islands, and extinctions
sustainable, development must
of endemic island species.
Invasive species may be aided by
climate change. Exotic species can
combine three main elements: fairness,
protection of the environment, and
out-compete native wildlife for
development project must be based ona
better-developed mode of consultation
between the community and the
members it comprises. The success of
space, food, water and other
resources, and may also prey on
native wildlife.
Droughts and wildfires may
increase. An increased risk of
wildfires due to warming and
drying out of vegetation is likely.
Sustained climate change may
change the competitive balance
among species and might lead to
forests destruction.
Sustainable Development:
Sustainable development means
"Meeting the needs of present
generation without compromising with
the needs of future
generations". It
implies the fulfillment of several
conditions: preserving
the overal1
balance, respect for the environment,
and preventing the exhaustion of
natural resources. Reduced
of waste and the
and energy
is presented as a
more or
break from other modes of
development, which have led and are
economic efficiency.
such a policy also depends On
Consumers accepting certain constraints
and citizens observing
requirements with regard to
transparency and participation.
are powerful tool for defining the
complete sustainability problem. This
consists of Economic, Social, and
pillars. If
is weak then the systemanyone
as a whole
is unsustainable.
Environment Viable) Economic
rationalization of
must also be implemented.consumption
worrying social
Most national and
problem solving efforts focus on only
one pillar at a time. For example, the
United Nations Environmental
Programme (UNEP), the environmental
protection agencies (EPA) of many
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol. XXIII,
July-December,,2024 No.2
nations and environmental NGOs focus
on the environmental pillar. The World
Trade Organization (WTO) and the
The Environment
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) focus mostly
on economic growth, thought the OECD
gives some attention to social
Social contract
to increase the
eneral welfare
of the people
sustainability, like war reduction and
justice. The United Nations attempts to
strengthen all three pillars, but due to its
consensual decision making process
and small budget has minor impact.The
United Nations focuses mostly on the
economicpillar, since economic growth
is what most of its members want most,
especially developing nations. This
The largest system of them all is
the biosphere we live in. It contains the
human systemn, which has two main
systems: social and economic. When
groups of people, fromn a tribe to a
nation, agree to form a government they
form a social contract to increase their
leaves a void. No powerful international
general welfare. This contract binds the
organization is working on the
sustainability problem as a whole,
which would include all three pillars.
social and economic systems of the
group of individuals together. The
people (the social subsystem) are
However, as the Great Recession of 2008
working together under a central
demonstrated, weakness in the other
government to maximize their economic
pillars can directly weaken the
environmental pillar. Many nations and
states are cutting back or postponing
system's output. Seeing the overall
stricter environmental laws
system this way makes it clear that
environmental sustainability nust have
the highest priority, because the lower
investment, since their budgets are
running deficits. Many environmental
NGOs are seeing their income fall. The
the carrying capacity of the
environment, the lower the common
social pillar is critical too. Once a war
good delivered by the social system and
the less output the economic systemn can
breaks out environmental sustainability
has zero priority. If a nation lives in dire
Important Policies of Sustainable
poverty, the environment is pillaged
Development: (1) Accelerating
with little thought for the future.
Therefore, solutions to the sustainability
problem must include making all three
pillars sustainable.
economic growth (2) Meeting basic
needs (3) Raising living standards (4)
Helping in ensuring clean environment
free from all types of pollution (5)
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol. XXI, July-December, 2024 No. 2
Maximizing the net effects of economic
development (6) Preservation and
enhancement of the stock of the
environmental, human and physical
capital(7) Intergenerational equity and
Overall strict control on gross
exploitation of the natural resources of
each country.
Challenges for Sustainable Development:
In the field of sustainable development,
there are many major challenges to be
addressed. They require us to re-think
our economy and our growth in favour
of a society that is more economical in its
use of raw materials and energy. Some
of these challenges include: climate
change, energy consumption, waste
production, threats to public health,
poverty, social exclusion, management
of natural resources, loss of biodiversity,
and land use. In this context, sustainable
development approaches are now
essential obligations. Sustainable
cycles such as fresh water, impoverishment
of agricultural soil, deforestation, and
reduced biodiversity. This means that
the future development of all species
living on earth, ultimately including
human beings, is under threat. Inorder
to be sustainable, development must
also be harmonious. At least a certain
amount of social cohesion must exist on
a planetary scale in order to create the
conditions for the peace we need. Major
differences between the situations of
economic players are sources of tension
and conflict. The North/South
economic divide and the unequal
distribution of the consumption of the
planet's natural resources between the
world's populations are notable
potential causes of tension.
Three Challenges Facing the UN's
Sustainable Development Goals:
Main Challenge is the "Strengthening
Governance", while the other three key
development must mainly be able to
respond to the various problems raised
by demographic growth, the planet's
limited capacity, and social inequality.
challenges of Sustainable Development
that urgently need to be addressed are:
Bring together the right stakeholders at
Earth does not have unlimited
Sustainable development inherently
resources, especially since individual
consumption has been increasing
considerably because the less developed
countries wish to catch up with the
others. Greenhouse gas emissions are
one of the main consequences of human
activity that accelerate global warming.
This warming carries risks of shortages
and the disruption of certain natural
the right time in the right place:
involves many different stakeholders
operating at many different scales, from
national governments, to transnational
corporations, to local and international
NGOS, to small villages, and many
How do we make difficult trade-offs?
There will be many co-benefits among
the Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol. XXIII,
July-December,: 2024 No,2
(SDGs), where addressing one goal
economnic, social and environmental
helps address others at the same time.
policies already implemented must be
obtained. The states and the European
For example, addressing climate change
will have co-benefits for energy security,
health, biodiversity and oceans.
However, the SDGs wiIl also involve
trade - offs. It is crucial to recognize that
difficult choices will also need to be
made that may involve winners and
losers, at least in the short term. For
example, biodiversity could be
mus t
responsibilities as a driving force in the
field of sustainable development. This
strategy follows on from the European
Sustainable Cities & Towns Conference
(Lisbon 1996), and must be a facilitator
of public opinion and policies in order to
change consumption and investment
threatened if forests are cut down to
behaviours. This _trategy hinges on
expand agricultural production for food
security. Food security could be
measures that take the main challenges
threatened if food crops are switched to
bio fuel production for energy security.
Water security could be threatened by
decisions to intensify or expand
agriculture, or to build hydropower for
energy security and greenhouse gas
How do we build in accountability for
action? A final key challenge is ensuring
responsibility and accountability for
into account, transverse measures,
appropriate funding, the involvement of
all the parties concerned, and the
efficient implementation and
monitoring of political decisions. The
main directives of the strategy are: the
promotion and protection of basic
rights, solidarity within and between
generations, the guarantee of an open
and democratic society, the
participation of citizens, companies and
progress towards meeting the SDGS.
the social partners, the coherence and
Mechanisms to do this need to link
integration of policies, use of the best
available knowledge, the precautionary
principle, and the 'polluter pays'
principle. As a general rule, any policy
involving a strategy in favour of
across local, national and international
Strategies for Sustainable Development:
On a political level, the European Union
has determined a strategy to facilitate
more sustainable development.
Sustainable development relie on
economic, social and environmental
foundations in the framework of
coordinated worldwide governance.
Feedback concerning the various
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
sustainable development must include
the following guidelines, which have
international scope and permanernt
Becoming more responsible with
regard to the future and future
generations: promoting the
Urban Panorama : Vol. XXI, July-December, 2024 No, 2
precautionary principle, the
'polluter pays' principle, and the
general principle of responsibility.
Taking into account the three
aspects already mentioned, in a
balanced manner, which assumes
that the 'environ mental
responsibility', 'economic
capacity', and 'social solidarity'
areas must be handled equally.
Incorporating sustainable
development in all areas of
All activities and all
processes in the city must be
Increasing the co-ordination
between political areas and
improving consistency. Thus,
any wide-ranging political
decision must be preceded by an
Important Policy Measures for
Sustainable Development:
Reducing Poverty: Reduction of
poverty should be the foremost
priority of the Government. It
should select those projects which
provide greater employment
opportunities to the poor. It
should expand health; family
planning and education that will
help reduce population growth.
Supply of drinking water,
sanitation facilities, and slum
clearance should be given top
Removing Subsidies: To reduce
environmental degradation at no
net financial
early evaluation of its social,
Government, subsidies for
resource use by the private and
public sectors should be removed.
Because, subsidies on the use of
economic and ecological
consequences. This approach
electricity, fertilizers, pesticides,
diesel, petrol, gas, irrigation,
requires transparent decision
water etc lead to their wasteful use
procedures and the involvement
and environmental problems.
of all participants concerned, as
Clarifying and Extending
Property Rights: Lack of property
wellas the prior determination of
conflicts of interest.
rights over excessive use of
Achieving the sustainable
resources leads to degradation of
development objectives through
partnership. All institutional
levels must work together
Constructively and fully assume
their role as an interface with civil
society and the private sector.
environment. This leads to
overgrazing, deforestation and
over exploitation of minerals.
Therefore, clarifying and
assigning ownership titles to
private owners will solve
environmental problems.
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol. XXI, July-December, 2024 M
Market based Approaches:
Various market based approaches
covering both domestic and
should be adopted to protect
encourage the establishment of
less polluting industries,
Market based
instruments in the form of
emission tax, pollution taxes,
marketable permits, depositor
fund system, input taxes,
differential tax rates, user
administrative charges, subsidies
equipment etc should be
extensively used to protect
Regulatory Policies: Regulatory
international trade. It should
adoption of cleaner technologies,
adoption of environment friendly
processes etc to control
environmental degradation.
Participation in Global Ervironmental
Efforts: Participation in various
international conventions and
agreements on environmental
protection and conservation can
also help to minimize damages of
environmental degradation. They
policies are the other weapons for
include the Montreal protocol, the
reducing environmental
Basel convention, the Rio
degradation. Regulators have to
make decisions regarding price,
quantity and technology. They
Earth summits, etc.
Renewable energy: Policies
decide the technical standards,
should be framned for the use of
regulations and charges on air,
water and land pollutants.
Public Participation: Public
renewable energy like solar arnd
awareness and participation are
highly effective to' improve
environmental conditions. For
this purpose, various formal &
informal education programme,
a wareness
programmes, advertisement,
public movements, afforestation,
Declaration, the Agenda 21, the
wind in place of coal and petrol.
Atomic Energy Agency predicted
that renewable energy would
overtake natural gas to become
the second largest source of
power generation worldwide
within two years, and that global
wind and solar generating
capacity would increase by more
than 30 per cent.
conservation of wild life etc. are to
be organized on a large scale.
Climate Change Impact and Actions
Trade and Environment: The
Government should formulate an
with Special Reference To India:
environment friendly trade policy
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Climate change is defined as the
change in weather patterns over a
Urban Panorama : Vol. XXI, July-December, 2024 No, 2
period of time wherein the time can be in
humid sub-tropics of South India, with
number of years to decades and million
5,700km of mainland coastline and 400
years. In general, climate change is
million people living in conditions of
described with respect to a particular
region. Sometimes, it can be referred by
taking the entire Earth into account.
Biodiversity and Climate Change:
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life
on earth, and its biological diversity. It
actually boosts ecosystem productivity
where each species, no matter how
small, all have an inmportant role to play
and that it is in this combination that
enables the ecosystem to possess the
ability to prevent and recover from a
variety of disasters. For example -Orissa
Super Cyclone, Latur earthquake,
Bhopal chemical disaster, Andhra
cyclone, Gujarat earthquake. It is now
believed that human activity is changing
biodiversity and causing massive
extinctions. The World Resource
Institute reports that there is a link
between biodiversity and climate
change. Rapid global warming can
affect ecosystems chances to adapt
naturally. Over the past 150 years,
deforestation has contributed an
estimated 30 percent of the atmospheric
build-up of CO2. It is also a significant
driving force behind the loss of genes,
species, and critical ecosystem services.
The 2010Maple croft Climate Change
Vulnerability Index ranks India as the
world's most vulnerable country apart
from Bangladesh. With climatic zones
ranging from the Himalayas to the
extreme poverty, India is fully exposed
to the hazards of global warming. At
present there is a high level of pollution
at Delhi due to heavy vehicular traffic
and industries.
Action: The Indian government
commissioned a major study into the
effects of climate change by its own
scientists. The Indian Network for
Climate Change Assessment (INCCA)
published its report towards the end of
2010. Focusing on impacts predicted as
early as the 2030s, the results make
disturbing reading for government
Extreme Heat: Models predict an
average increase in temperature in India
of 2.3 to 4.80C for the benchmark
doubling of Carbon-dioxide scenario.
Temperature would rise more in
Northern India than in Southern India. It
is estimated that 7 million people would
be displaced, 5700 km of land and 4200
km of road would be lost, and wheat
yields could decrease significantly.
There is strong evidence now that most
of the observed warming over the last 50
years is caused by human activities.
India is experiencing awarming climate.
Unusual and unprecedented spells of
hot weather are expected to occur far
more frequently and cover much larger
areas. Under 4°C warming, the west
coast and southern India are projected to
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama: Vol.
shift to new, high-temperature climatic
regimes with significant impacts on
agriculture. Average temperature
across thecountry is predicted to rise by
at least 1.7°C from a 1970s baseline.
India's most respected plant scientist,
Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, estimates that
each one-degree Celsius rise in
temperature reduces the wheat growing
season by a week. The volume of rainfall
is predicted to increase, but with greater
variability and risk of flooding or
drought. This is the prospect of greatest
concern to small farmers.
Action: With built-up urban areas
rapidly becoming "heat-islands",urban
planners will need to adopt measures to
counteract this effect.
Changing Rainfall Patterns: A decline
in monsoon rainfall since the 1950s has
already been observed. The frequency of
heavy rainfall events has also increased.
A 2°C rise in the wworld's average
temperatures will make India's summer
monsoon highly unpredictable. At 4°C
warming an extremely wet monsoon
that currently hasa chance of occurring
only once in 100 years is projected to
occur every 10 years by the end of the
century. An abrupt change in the
monsoon could precipitate a major
crisis, triggering more frequent
droughts. India's northwest coast to the
south eastern coastal region could see
higher than average rainfall. Dry years
are expected to be drier and wet years
wetter. Greater flooding in large parts of
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
July-December,. 2024
India, for example - Heavy rainfall and
floods at places in South Tamil Nad
and South Kerala due to Ockhi Cyclone.
Acton: Improvements in hydro
meteorological systems for weather
forecasting and the installation of flood
warning systems can help people move
out of harm's way before
related disaster strikes. Building codes
will need to be enforced to ensure that
homes and infrastructure are not at risk.
Droughts: Evidence indicates that parts
of South Asia have become drier since
the 197Os with an increase in the number
of droughts. Droughts have major
consequences. In 1987 and 2002- 2003,
droughts affected more than half of
India's crop area and led to a huge fall in
crop production. Droughts are expected
to be more frequent in some areas,
especially in north-western India,
Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh.
Crop yields are expected to fall
significantly because of extreme heat by
the 2040s.
Acton: Investments in R&D for the
development of drought-resistant crops
can help reduce some of the negative
Ground Water: More than 60% of
India's agriculture is rain-fed, making
the country highly dependent on
groundwater. Even without climate
change, 15% of India's groundwater
resources are overexploited. Although it
is difficult to predict future ground
Urban Panorama: Vol. XXII, July-December, 2024 No. 2
water levels, falling water tables can be
expected to reduce further on account of
increasing demand for water from a
growing population, more affluent life
styles, as well as from the services sector
and industry.
Acton: The efficient use of ground water
resources will need to be incentivized.
Glacier Melt: Much attention focuses on
the observed retreat of Himalayan
glaciers, the source region for India's
three major rivers. The INCCA report
anticipates an increase in water run-off
in the Himalayan region of 5%-20%.
Beyond the 2030s, the 500 million people
living in the catchments of the Ganges
and Indus rivers may experience
monsoon season. The Indus and
Brahmaputra are expected to see
increased flows in spring when the
snows melt, with flows reducing
subsequently in late spring and
summer. Alterations in the flows of the
Indus, Ganges,and Brahmaputra rivers
could significantly impact irrigation,
affecting the amount of food that can be
produced in their basins as well as the
livelihoods of millions of people (209
million in the Indus basin, 478 million in
the Ganges basin, and 62 million in the
Brahmaputra basin in the year 2005).
Action: Major investments in water
storage capacity would be needed to
benefit from increased river flows in
diminishing water availability in
spring and compensate for lower flows
summer. Glaciers in the northwestern
later on.
Himalayas and in the Karakoram Range
- where westerly winter winds are the
major source of moisture - have
Sea level rise: Sea level has been raising
at 1.33mm per annum, a rate likely to
increase and exceed predictions of UN
remained stable or even advanced. On
scientists. Studies suggest that a one
the other hand, most Himalayan glaciers
meter rise in sea level would displace
- where a substantial part of the
over 7 million people, threaten
moisture is supplied by the summer
monsoon - have been retreating over the
freshwater supplies and the concentration
of industry and infrastructure. Three of
past century.At2.5°Cwarming, melting
the world's major cities
glaciers and the loss of snow cover over
Kolkata and Chennai - must
the Himalayas are expected to threaten
the stability and reliability of northern
contemplate this risk. The World Bank
says that 500 million people live in States
prone to devastating cyclones which are
predicted to reduce in frequency but
increase in intensity. Mumbai has the
India's primarily glacier-fed rivers,
particularly the Indus and the
Brahmaputra. The Ganges will be less
dependent on melt water due to high
annual rainfall downstream during the
world's largest population exposed to
coastal flooding, with large parts of the
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama: Vol.
city built on reclaimed land, below the
hiçh-tide mark. Rapid and unplanned
urbanization further increases the risks
of sea water intrusion. With India close
to the equator, the sub-continent would
see much higher rises in sea levels than
higher latitudes. Sea-level rise and
storm surges would lead to saltwater
intrusion in the coastal areas, impacting
agriculture, degrading groundwater
quality, contaminating drinking water,
and possibly causing a rise in diarrhea
cases and cholera outbreaks, as the
cholera bacterium survives longer in
saline water. Kolkata and Mumbai, both
densely populated cities, are
particularly vulnerable to the impacts of
sea-level rise, tropical cyclones, and
riverine flooding.
Recurring floods in various parts
of the country and 2004 Indian Ocean
Action: Building codes will need to be
strictly enforced and urban planning
will need to prepare for climate-related
disasters. Coastal embankments will
need to be built where necessary and
Coastal Regulation Zone codes enforced
Agriculture and food security: Water
will be affected as
precipitation and evaporation patterns
change around the world. This will
affect agricultural output. Food security
is likely to be threatened and some
regions are likely to experiernce food
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
XXIII, July-December, 2024
shortages and hunger. While overall rice
yields have increased, rising
temperatures with lower rainfall at the
end of the growing season have caused a
significant loss in India's rice
production. Without climate change,
average rice yields could have been
almost 6% higher (75 million tons in
absolute terms). Studies shows that
wheat yields peaked in India and
Bangladesh around 2001 and have not
increased since despite increasing
fertilizer applications. Observations
show that extremely high temperatures
in northern India -above 34°C - have
had a substantial negative effect on
wheat yields, and rising temperatures
can only aggravate the situation.
Seasonal water scarcity, rising
temperatures, and intrusion of sea water
would threaten crop yields,
jeopardizing the country's food
security. Should current trends persist,
substantial yield reductions in both rice
and wheat can be expected in the near
and medium term. Under 2°C warming
by the 2050s, the country may need to
import more than twice the amount of
food-grain than would be required
without climate change.
Action: Crop diversification, more
efficient water use, and improved soil
management practices, together with
the development of drought-resistant
crops can help reduce some of the
negative impacts.
Energy Security: Climate-related
lehan Panorama :Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 No, 2
impacts on Water resources Can
mountain ranges of the Western Ghats,
undermine the two dominant forms of
and in India's northeastern states.
power generation in India -hydropower
Action: Improvements in irrigation
and thermal power generation - both of
which depend on adequate water
supplies to function effectively. To
function at full efficiency, thermal
power plants need a constant supply of
fresh cool water to maintain their
cooling systems. The increasing
variability and long-term decreases in
river flows canpose a major challenge to
hydropower plants and increase the risk
of physical damage from landslides,
flash floods, glacial lake outbursts, and
other climate-related natural disasters.
Decreases in the availability of water
and increases in temperature will pose
major risk factors to thermal power
Action: Projects will need to be planed
taking into account climatic risks.
Water Security: Many parts of India are
systems, water harvesting techniques,
and more-efficient agricultural water
management can offset some of these
Health: Climate change is expected to
have major health impacts in India
increasing malnutrition and related
health disorders such as child stunting with the poor likely to be affected most
severely. Child stunting is projected to
increase by 35% by 2050 compared to a
scenario without climate change.
Malaria and other vector-borne
diseases, along with and diarrheal
infections which are a major cause of
child mortality, are likely to spread into
areas where colder temperatures had
previously limited transmission. Heat
waves are likely to result in a very
substantial rise in mortality and death,
and injuries from extreme weather
already experiencing water stress. Even
without climate change, satisfying
events are likely to increase.
future demand for water will be a major
Action: Health systems will need to be
challenge. Urbanization, population
growth, economic development, and
increasing demand for water from
agriculture and industry are likely to
strengthened in identified hotspots.
Improvements in hydro-meteorological
systems for weather forecasting and the
installation of flood warning systems
aggravate the situation further. An
can help people move out of harm's way
increase in variability of monsoon
rainfall is expected to increase water
Shortages in some areas. Studies have
found that the threat to water security 1s
very high over central India, along the
before a weather-related disaster strikes.
Building codes will need to be enforced
toensure that homes and infrastructure
are not at risk.
Migration and conflict: South Asia is a
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama:Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 N
hotspot for the migration of people from
"Climate Change". Ban on
disaster- affected or degraded areas to
polythene carry bags is very
other national and internationalregions.
The Indus and the Ganges
Brahmaputra-Meghna Basins are major
transboundary rivers, and increasing
Developing Recycling methods of
waste is essential to contain
demand for water is already leading to
Save Petrol and Diesel by
tensions among countries over water
sharing. Climate change impacts
agriculture and livelihoods can increase
the numnber of climate refugees.
Action: Regional cooperation on water
issues willbe needed.
Eco - friendly - means earth-friendly or
not harmful to the environment. This
term most commonly refers to products
that contribute to green living or
practices that help conserve resources
like water and energy. Eco-friendly
products also prevent contributions to
air, water and land pollution.
Action: In order to be eco- friendly, we
have to protect our biodiversity.
Suggestionsand Conclusion:
Strict Implementation of
"Strengthening Public Transport
System" to save environment and
foreign exchange.
Planting more and more trees on
war foot basis is the need of the
hour. Afforestation, reforestation
and stopping deforestation to
increase ground water level and
rain fall for irrigation.
Developing Public Transport
System to reduce CO2 levels in the
Develop Non - Conventional
Methods of Power Generation like
Wind Energy. Geothermal Energy
(Generating clean, renewable
energy from hot water sources
deep berneath the earth's surface,
thus converting earth's heat into
electricity), Hydel Energy, Fuel
Environment and Pollution
cells (A fuel cell is an
Laws: There is no dearth of laws
electrochemical cell that converts
from a fuel
relating to environment and
pollution inour country, but their
enforcement is very weak. Hence,
they should be implemented very
strictly. Promoting "Clean and
Green Campaign" in our country
is vital to reduce the effects of
chemical energy
into electricity through
electrochemical reaction of
hydrogen fuel with oxygen or
Oxidizing agent) and Solar
Introduce a Carbon Tax-We need
Sustainable Development And Environnment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol. XXII, July-December, 2024 No. 2
major legislation such as putting a
price on carbon. Capturing carbon
another energy storage device,
that can be recharged by plugging
and reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and planting trees
it in to an external source of
could help slow and eventually
reverse global warming trends.
Exponentially Increase the
Deployment of Renewable
Energy - Aggressively expanding
and strengthening the large-scale
deployment of both centralized
and distributed renewable energy
including solar, wind, hydro,
biomass, and geothermal to ease
transmission and distribution
Develop National Renewable
Energy (RE) Policy - Enact and
deploy a comprehensive new
energy road map with innovative
renewable energy policies. In
addition, set national renewable
energy standards, such as 20
percent by 2020, 40 percent by
2030 and 100 percent by 2050 to
create demand, new industries
and innovation, and a new wave
of green jobs.
Electrifying Transportation
Expedite a move to electrify
transportation by encouraging
expanded use of electric vehicles
(EV) and plug-in hybrids (A plug
in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)
is a hybrid electric vehicle that
uses rechargeable batteries, or
electric power) and deployment of
solar-powered EV charging
stations around the country.
Promote Nuclear Energy - For
clean and cheap power we have to
produce electricity through
nuclear plants like France where
its 75% of electricity is from
nuclear energy.
Energy Efficiency - Promote
energy eficiency in the economy,
notably in industry, transportation,
buildings and appliances. Make
energy eficiency a high priority
by expediting the development
and implementation of cost
effective energy efficiency
standards. To reduce the long
term demand for energy, engage
states, industrial companies,
utilities and other stakeholders to
accelerate energy efficiency
investments such as large-scale
nationwide use of LED lamps, etc.
Utility-Scale Projects Plan for
the long term; phase out
conventional energy subsidies,
and develop a long-term plan to
replace fossil with utility-scale
renewable generation.
Renewable Innovative Financing
Solution - Provide innovative
financing (e.g., tax-free solar
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama: Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 NI..
bonds or green infrastructure
with glass- based "solar panels
bonds) to instill more confidence
from potential investors and
decrease the cost of financing for
renewable energy projects. Create
and fund a national smart
that you can drive on" in a bid to
infrastructure bank to accelerate
powered completely or
for renewable
significantly by direct solar
energy. Usually, photovoltaic
Decentralized Energy- Avoid
(PV) cells contained in solar
panels convert the Sun's energy
local demand
future fossil fuel investments in
India and, instead, emphasize
nationwide deployment of
community-scale solar projects
and micro grids with storage.
India's present 40-GW solar target
should be extended to include
photovoltaic panels on the rooftop
of every home in India, generating
enough power to reduce the
country's massive dependence on
fossil fuels.
Micro grids: Aggressively invest
in a smart, two-way grid (and
micro grids). Invest in smart
meters, as well as reliable
turn roads into sOurces of
renewable energy.
Promote Solar Vehicles - A solar
vehicle is an electric vehicle
directly into electric energy.
Develop Energy Storage Energy
storage should include thermal,
grid battery storage (e.g., Tesla
Power wall home battery backup),
compressed air/gas, vehicles-to
grid/home, pumped hydro, fuel
cells or hydrogen, flywheels,
superconducting magnets and
Super capacitors. Develop
"Hydrogen Economy" plans.
Recent innovations in hydrogen
generation, storage, transport and
use could transform it into
ultimate source of clean enerSY
the two-way flow of electricity.
Now India can export sunshine
around the world by convertin8
solar energy into liquid hydrogen
Solar Roadways India should also
networks that can accommodate
take advantage of the vast
network of roads across India and
the sun that beats down on them
and turn them into energy
creating solar super highways.
Transform India Into a
Solar Manufacturing
Establish R&D facilities
academia, research institutions,
industry, government and
The idea of solar panel roads is to
entities to guide
replace traditional asphalt roads
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
IJrban Panorama : Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 No. 2
Eco Friendly Measures - means
minimal, or no harm upon
ecosystems or the environment.
Climate Change Mitigation and
Adaptation: Global warming due
to CO2 emissions
according to the UN have
increased by almost 50% since
is accelerating climate
change and threatens the survival
of millions of people, plants and
animals by causing meteorological
events like droughts, fires and
floods, which are becoming
increasingly frequent and more
Protecting the Oceans: The
oceans have become the giant
waste dumps for plastic. What's
more, there are other serious
environmental problems related to
the oceans such as damage to
ecosystems due to global
warming, dumping of pollutants,
wastewater and fuel spills. Hence,
the need of the hour is improved
management of protected areas,
giving them sufficient resources,
and reducing overfishing,
pollution and acidification of the
ocean caused by the increase in the
extreme. This means we need to
earth's temperature.
take measures to mitigate its
effects and adapt to its
consequences which, even if we
The Energy Transition and
accounts for 60% of global
keep global warming under 2 °C
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
as required by the Paris
the UN calculates that 13% of the
Agreements, will last for
world population lacks access to
electricity and that3 billion people
The World Health Organization
depend on fossil fuels for cooking.
This situation requires an energy
(WHO) estimates that 90% of
humanity breathes polluted air, so
is calling for a reduction in air
pollution to cut rates of respiratory
illnesses, thus preventing seven
million deaths a year. Contaminated
water also causes major health
problems and five million deaths a
Renewable: While energy
transition towards a cleaner, more
accessible and efficient model
based on the use of renewable
energy sources to build
communities that are more
sustainable, inclusive and
resistant to environmental
year according to Oxfam
problems like climate change.
Intermón. Hence, we should
A Sustainable Food Model:
eliminate dumping, minimizing
Intensive food production harms
the use of chemicals and treating
more wastewater, among other
the environment by depleting the
soil and damaging marine
ecosystems. What's more, over
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
ploitation of natural reOurces
has pul food Nufety and the
availability of drinking waler at
risk. Ilewe, it essentlal to hange
the food production model and
our food habits, including a more
plant-based diet featuring local
ingredieonts to save energy and
reduce CO2 emissions.
Protecting Biodiversity: We have
already lost 8% of known animal
species and 22% are at risk of
extinction due mainly to the
destruction of their natural
habitats, poaching and the
introduction of invasive species.
Hence, we should take action for
conclusive actions to put an end to
these threats and conserve our
natural heritage, including our
increasingly threatened forests.
Sustainable Urban Development:
The growth of cities, which will
need to accommodate around 5
billion people by 2030, will be
human, anin al and plant
nurvival, affets more than 40%, of
the world population, and
Kcording to the World Fonomic
Porum, agriculture accounts for
more than 70%, of the water used
in the planet's most arid countries.
Hence, the need of the hour is
responsible use of hydrological
will improve food and
energy production, as well as
protecting the biodiversity of our
water ecosystems and helping us
slow climate change
Over Population and Waste
Management: The UN expects the
world population to exceed 8.5
billion by 2030, forcing us to
considerably reduce the amount
of waste we generate through
prevention, reduction, and reuse
and recycling as part of the
circular economy, with the aim of
minimizing the impact on health
and on the environment.
another of the decade's big
Implemnenting Regenerative
environmental challenges. Hernce,
the metropolises of the future will
Farming: Regenerative farming is
need to be compact, safe,
inclusive, ecological and energy
efficient, with more green spaces,
more environmentally friendly
buildings and more sustainable
methods of transport which put
the needs of pedestrians above
those of traffic.
Hydric Stress and Water Scarcity:
The lack of this resource, vital to
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
an agricultural practice that
focuses on restoring the health of
the soil and reversing environmental
damage. This practice works to
rebuild soil fertility, increase
biodiversity, and reduce the use of
synthetic fertilizers and
pesticides. Regenerative farming
also works to improve water
retention and reduce water runoft,
which can help to reduce soil
Ueban Panorama : Vol. XXI, July-December, 2024 No 2
erosion and improve water
quality. Regenerative farming
helps to improve soil structure,
increase organic matter, and
promote healthy microbial
activity in the soil. In addition to
improving soil health,
regenerative farming also works
to restore biodiversity by
increasing the number of
beneficial insects, birds, and other
wildlife. This helps to create a
more balanced ecosystem that can
better resist pests and diseases. By
reducing the use of synthetic
fertilizers and pesticides,
regenerative farming also helps to
protect waterways from
to help protect the environment
from degradation.
Savings & Loan Opportunities:
Savings and loan opportunities
be an effective tool
preventing environmental
degradation. By providing access
to capital for projects that promote
sustainability or that simply
provide families with a non
destructive means to grow
financially and overcome poverty.
This gives people in rural
communities the means and
margin to conserve and restore
natural resources, such as forests
and wetlands.
Spiritual Renewal: Spiritual
environmental degradation. Trees
renewal is a powerful tool for
preventing environmental
degradation. A restored
relationship with the Creator can
absorb carbon dioxide and other
help us recognize
pollutants from the air, helping to
reduce air pollution. They also
provide shade and shelter,
interdependence with the rest of
creation. This can help us develop
a sense of responsibility for the
environment and a desire to
protect it. This spiritual renewal
Tree Planting: Planting trees is an
effective way to prevent
helping to reduce the urban heat
island effect and evaporation.
Trees also help to reduce soil
can lead to stewardship: more
erosion by stabilizing the soil with
their roots. In addition,trees help
mindful consumption, greater
to conserve water by reducing
more sustainable practices.
runoff and providing a natural
filter for water that passes through
the soil. Finally, trees provide a
habitat for wildlife, helping to
maintain biodiversity. Planting
Additionally, it can inspire us to
environment, such as engaging in
trees is a simple and effective way
environmental policies.
respect for the environment, and
take action to protect the
conservation efforts, reducing
waste, and advocating for
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama: Vol. XXIII,
Pollution Control: Air, water,
noise, soil are some of the major
2024 No.2
Programmes: Enactment of
environment-centric acts and
regulatory standards must be
enforced to keep pollution within
policies is not enough. Their
effective implementation and
careful observation are what wil
actually make a difference to
environmental conservation
lowest levels.
Forest Conservation: Increased
industrialization has come at the
Vote for Climate Action: Exercise
forms of pollution plaguing the
environment today. Pollution
control boards can be set up or
cost of deforestation. The
implication of forests being cut
down is that the ecology is
significantly affected. Afforestation
measures need to be taken and
forest conservation regulations
must be seriously implemented.
Creating Awareness: Until
people are made aware of the
graveness of the situation, the
problem of environmental
degradation cannot be dealt with.
Creating awarerness through
campaigns and
movements can
help avert the problem of the
ongoing environmerntal crisis.
Waste Management: Solid waste
management must be carefully
managed in urban areas. Rural
waste has the potential of being
used as natural manure by
converting it into compost.
Water Management: Rainwater
harvesting and conservation of
water can help with the long-term
potent problem of scarcity of
Implementation of Policy
democratic rights by supporting
the candidates and policies that
prioritize climate change
mitigation and environmental
Reduce Carbon Footprint: Make
conscious choices to reduce
carbon footprint. Opt for
renewable energy sources,
conserve energy at home; using
public transportation or carpool,
and embrace sustainable practices
like recycling and composting can
reduce pollution.
organizations like Earth.Org and
its NGO partners, dedicated to
educating the public on environmental
issues and solutions, supporting
conservation efforts, holding
those responsible, accountable,
and advocating for effective
environmental solutions can
result in positive changes for the
protection of environment.
Embrace Sustainable Habits:
Making sustainable choices in
everyday life, reduce single-use
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama:Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 No. 2
plastics, choosing eco-friendly
products, prioritizing a plant
based diet and reduce meat
consumption, and opting for
sustainable fashion and transportation,
Small changes can have a big
positive impact on environment.
attending peaceful protests,
rallies, and marches, or joining
online campaigns to raise
awareness and demand policy
changes can contribute to building
Be Vocal, Engage and Educate
Others: Spreading awareness
Change Life Styles: No economic or
industrial strategy is going to be
importance of environmental
successful without the world's
stew ardship, engaging in
Conversations, sharing information,
and inspiring others to take action
population changing its approach to
can create a global movement for a
sustainable future.
Nothing Should Be Given Freely:
Most of the governments of today,
offering free Schemes to the public
to gain votes and seek power. But,
this leads to wastage of economic
and natural resources and
ultimately affects environment.
For example: Free power supply
climate and environment. Hence, before
compelling poorer nations to change
their developmental journey, ie's
necessary for individuals, especially in
the developed world, to alter their
lifestyle in favour of simple behavioural
changes, all of which directly contribute
to mitigation efforts. For example: India
has great experience in individual-led
sustainable behaviours - using a cloth
for kitchen cleaning instead of tissue
papers, leaves instead of disposable
to the farmers and the poor and
waving of loans etc. If inevitable
give subsidies that too certain
plates and packaging material, water
based toilet cleaning systems, reuse and
up cycling of household items, getting
extent only, but not freely at the
cost of tax payers money, which is
sight of discomfort, turning off lights
meant for developmental purpose
and also to protect environment.
Efficient use of natural, economic
resources and implementing
strictly Environmental Protection
Laws can only save environment
to agreater extent.
Stand with Climate Activists:
Our support for activists on the
frontlines of climate action,
a stronger movement for climate
justice and a sustainable future.
about the climate crisis and the
things repaired than thrown at the first
when not using the room/area, etc., and
digital consciousness in the form of
accepting bills as e-bills rather than
paper bills, conserving electricity
through the purchase of energy-efficient
products, switching off when not in use,
adopting cleantech products, virtual
meetings but physical activities like
outdoor run, use of solar water heaters
etc. Thus, a change in life style (demand)
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama: Vol. XXIII,
will automatically cause a change in
supply by relevant industries and can
help toprotect environment.
Voluntary Relinquishment: This
is not new in India. With a
historical ashram based culture
where householders give up their
material desires voluntarily to
advance towards devotion to
society and God, the principles
have been used for greater
community welfare even in
present times. The 'Give it Up'
LPGSubsidy Scheme is perhaps
low to 17-18 degrees and then
using a blanket. Default
on ACs and temperatures in
public places like malls, offices
and airports can be increasedfrom
18 to 24-25 degrees. Popularly
called the 'Air conditioning
paradox .
Over Consumption: Today,
households need more devices per
person as compared to a single
television earlier. For example:
overconsumption, disposability
the best example of this theory in
resulting in growing mountains of
trash. As per IFC, world generates
practice at scale.
0ver two billion tons of municipal
Best Practices: Usage of locally
solid waste annually and is expected
sourced nature-based artisan
to increase 70% by 2050. Hence,
choices like pattals, and bamboo
limiting the social consumption is
bottles, refraining from excessive
plastic use, conserving water,
small actions such as collecting
kitchen water to water plants, not
leaving taps endlessly open, and
using rainwater harvesting to
utilize rainwater are both doable
and desirous in the context of
climate change. Making conscious
one of the right directions to save
Reducing the need to carry
disposable plastic bags repeatedly
on errands, both by decreasing
consumption and replacing them
with reusable fabric bags. More
than 1 million bags are used every
minute with an average working
will go a long way in curbing
life of 15 minutes, but stay on the
earth's surface forever, unless
large-scale demand for
environmentally adverse things.
Building a culture of water reuse
Using air-conditioning and
through individual behaviour
change and mandated design
choices in favour of sustainability
thermostats at more optimum
and sustainable temperatures: As
specifications in favour of
pointed out by the Prime Minister
of India, there is little sense in
harvesting. Water is becoming
keeping temperatures artificially
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban 'anorama :Vol. XXIII, July-December, 2024 No, 2
Some regions of the world have
almost no access to fresh water.
Governments should mandate
water-efficient technologies and
water and is responsible for 2-8%
of global carbon emissions, 24%, of
insecticides, and 11% of
pesticides. Apart from voluntary
re- examine water-wasting ones
reuse and up cycling of clothes,
(e.g., Reverse Osmosis water
there is a strong need for a Policy
machines, single flush toilets).
Practicing sustainable agriculture
on Circularity in Textiles in India,
through the use of local seeds and
as currently, less than 50% of
textile waste in lndia undergoes
natural farming practices.
any kind of reuse, repair, or
Agriculture residue to be used for
mulching and composting. Fiscal
Incentives for large households
rather than single or two-person
Incorporation of Local and
households, indirectly nudge
societies to favour sustainable
choices. Increased demand will re
energise the market for
Sustainable Geography and
Culture: 'Annam Brahmam or
Food is God. Even today, Indian
cuisine is primarily plant-based
like rice, dal, and roti. Meat is an
added separate delicacy. Most of
sustainable, traditional products
that were made by local skilled
workers and did not require
dependent on local geography
industries from across the world
medicinal value to food but also
to produce. Moreover, products of
ivory, leather, and those made of
endangered species must be
reduces ecological footprint and
reduces energy requirements.
individually discouraged and
policy-banned. Circularity and
reuse of waste products must be
incentivised by the government. A
good example will be the
Government's mandate for
the cuisines are heavily
which not only provides a
This is opposed to the global
practice of industry-supplied
veganism where in order to eat
more sustainable food; one has to
be dependent on avocados flying
from halfway across the world or
soy milk which has previously
ethanol blending in petrol.
caused Amazon rainforest
Fashion and Textiles: Another
area where individualchoices and
government action must converge
is Fashion and Textiles. As per
UNEP, the fashion industry is the
second- biggest consumer of
Golden Principle of Sustainable
Eat Local, Eat Fresh, and Eat
More plant-based diet.
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama : Vol.
Use of leaf-based disposable
plates instead of Styrofoam and
single-use plastic.
Use of fermented products (as is
XXIII, July-December,
2024 No.)
Creed: Countries must look at
encouraging sustainable lifestyles
- emphasis on low wastages on
adjusting life in a way that'wants'
dominant in Asian cultures) that
don't become needs'. Tha's
use natural sun storage for
living well but harmoniously.
Excesses of materialism only have
achieving the desired state.
negative externalities
Up cycling food waste, or organic
composting food waste (sour milk
wastage, more littering, more
to paneer and reuse ofwhey water
for lentils).
Growing medicinal herbs such as
Tulsi, and Neem around us.
eternal garbage sitting on the
earth's surface, less happiness
the law of diminishing marginal
utility of the happiness
Afforestation of water-table
saving trees.
Eating seasonally and locally - e.g.
more millets than quinoa.
OWnership curve can be seen in
everyday lives. Most of the
generation that is between ages 30
and 70 has seen a life where
disposability and dispensability
Production of natural varieties
were not a part of existence.
and seed harvesting are to be
publicly incentivized.
Materiality was linked to long
A Public Policy and not the
acquisition that fueled feelings of
happiness. Even though choice is
undertaking the 'Right Decision:
good for us, its relationship to
periods of sacrifice and the rare
In India, the Ujala program,
launched in 2015, to encourage
contentmnent is quite complicated.
energy-efficient LED lights has
large set of negative outcomes.
These range from indecisiveness
resulted in energy savings of
around 48 billion kWh per year
and estimated savings of USD
2.5bn per year. People were
incentivised to adopt these LED
lights by bringing down buying
costs for people. Thus, a people
behaviour lifesty le change
approach directly helped in
climate mitigation.
Mindful Consumption of
Resources, based on Need and not
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
and choice overload leads to a
to confusion to complications to
dissatisfaction. In the Picture ot
Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde savs
"Nowadays, people know the
priceof everything and the valu
of nothing."
A Way Forward:
Enhance Methodology
Carbon Sequestration: Incorporate
a longer time frame (e.g., 20-30
Ilrban Panorama :Vol. XXII, July-December, 2024 No. 2
years) to calculate the projected
GHG emissions trajectory, instead
of relying solely on the average
that has been taking place all over the
rate of change over the last 10
Rapidenvironmental degradation
world in recent decades has alarmed
economists and environmentalists alike.
Efforts to enhance carbon
Fostering sustainable development
requires the effective management of
sequestration through initiatives
Compens atory
like the
Afforestation Fund Management
naturally human and physical capital.
Improved coordination across the
and Planning Authority
countries to share the global resources,
(CAMPA) should be recognized.
indicators that are relevant to
technology and scarce resources is the
need of the hour. Global level generosity
in promoting and protecting
developing countries with large
democracy, exchange of technology,
agrarian populations, such as
agro-biodiversity, soil health,
food losS, and waste management.
maintaining stability of prices in the
various economies, judicious use of all
environmental material throughout to
enhance human development and
sustainable development is vital.
Sustainable development can be
Expand Set of Indicators: Include
For India, the EPI could
incorporate indicators like the
area under organic farming, crop
diversification, and measures to
reduce post-harvest losses,
reflecting the country's efforts
toward sustainable agriculture.
Transparent Weighting and
Funding: Provide clear and
transparent explanations for any
changes in the weighting of
indicators, addressing concerns
raised by countries like India.
Engage in consultations with
achieved only if the environment is
conserved and improved. Access to
more material choices and economic
betterment should not throw us off
balance between economic
development and environment. We are
forgetting that we came from Nature
and hence we must return to it. Our
conscious and unconscious choices
should not be divorced from the drivers
of life on earth. Hence, the global
movement on climate change must be
stakeholders, including
accommodative of sovereign choices
government representatives and
and economic needs, but centred on
experts, to ensure that the
individual behaviour -'LiFE' - Life Style
for Environment.
weighting of indicators aligns
with global priorities and national
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
The author affirms that there are
Sustainable Development And Environment in India
Urban Panorama :Vol. XXI, July-December, 2024 N
no conflicts of interest regarding the
research, authorship, and publication of
this article.
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