Tangicam: Exploring observation tools for children
Wendy Mackay
LRI & INRIA Futurs*
Bâtiment 490 – Université Paris Sud
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Jean-Baptiste Labrune
LRI & INRIA Futurs*
Bâtiment 490 – Université Paris Sud
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
This paper describes the design and early evaluation of the
Tangicam, or tangible camera, a mobile device for children
to capture and edit realistic pictures and videos. Our first
experimental results show that the affordances of the
Tangicam allow imitation learning and free playing in a
context of tangible and augmented reality. Our goal is to
create a simple and robust observation system that lets
children produce narratives based on situated [51] video,
audio and sensor data. We also want to explore how these
temporal structures may allow children to describe
themselves, other children or natural phenomena and how
such situated time series may help develop new forms of
synaesthetic and intersubjective constructions.
Free play, physical video editing, augmented reality, mixed
reality, sensors, self-observation, inter-subjectivity,
Children are fascinated by images: from a very early age,
they observe their mothers, their bodies and nearby objects.
As they get older, they sketch images to represent absent
people or things, using tools such as fingerpaint or crayons,
on a variety of media. Such tools are robust, inexpensive
and are well adapted to their motor capabilities and
interacting with writable surfaces is clearly attractive to
young children. Yet these tools limit their figurative skills:
pencils, sand and other simple objects are too primitive for
producing realistic representations.
If children want to create realistic photographs or movies,
they must master devices designed for adults. Digital
cameras are often fragile and expensive, with small buttons
that require precise motor skills too difficult for young
children [21]. Video editing usually requires a computer
and understanding of a complex, multi-command WIMP
(windows icon mouse pointer) interface intended for
Another problem is that realistic imaging products focus on
either capture or editing, not both. Some digital video
cameras do offer limited editing functions, but they do not
allow simultaneous capture and editing of video. Some
computer systems allow live input from webcams into their
software, but the webcams themselves must remain in close
physical proximity to the computer.
Our goal is to design a simple yet powerful and realistic
video capture and editing system for children. Such a
system should allow them to switch rapidly between
capturing situated content and creating complex narratives.
At this writing, the only truly mobile hardware of this type
is Sony's Vaio GT3 camera-computer [49].
This paper describes the design and development of the
Tangicam, a tangible camera that lets children capture and
edit realistic pictures and videos. We begin with a review
of the relevant literature, followed by a description of the
Tangicam design space and its three working prototypes.
We then describe the results of a three-day test of two
Tangicam prototypes at the "Fête de la Science", a French
national science fair designed to interest children in science
and research. We conclude with a discussion of our
findings and directions for future research.
In the early sixties, Papert and his colleagues at BBN
developed one of the first interactive physical interfaces for
children. Using Logo commands, children wrote programs
to control the movements of a robot turtle [41]. The design
embodied the constructionist perspective, described by
Ackermann [1] which argues that children need concrete
engagement and that they learn by doing, manipulating and
exploring physical objects. Unlike other interaction devices
of the time, such as chord keyboards, lightguns, and
wooden mice, the Logo Turtle fundamentally changed how
we think about interfaces for children. The design of
Tangicam is influenced by this early work, pursuing a
tangible, rather than WIMP approach to children's video
projet In|Situ, Pôle Commun de Recherche en Informatique,
CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, INRIA, Université Paris Sud
Digicams for children
A few commercial digital cameras have been targeted at
children. Some are bundled as a marketing bonus along
with existing toys or products, but they usually suffer from
very low resolution and are more appropriate for
illustration than taking realistic pictures. Others are instant
cameras that print fuzzy images on tiny stickers. Such
cameras seem based on the design assumption that children
only want "pretend" cameras to play with, rather than
devices capable of taking real images. Some children find
this very frustrating.
The Human Computer-Interaction literature describes
various mobile devices that allow children to record data,
including the Dynabook [26], the Communicator [39] and,
more recently, appliance environments for creating
physical stories, such as [45, 11] and [37]. The Periscope
[55], a screen on a pole, placed in the woods, captures
information about the local environment which is relayed
to a children's classroom. Although not mobile, this use of
situated sensor data as a source of input has influenced the
design of Tangicam.
We have not found any digicams for children that support
editing, although there are a number of such systems for
adults, including [34, 18, 20], and [29]. These explore ways
of augmenting digital images by adding structured
metadata or real-time effects but are not intended to
support picture or video sequencing or narrative creation.
Physical video editing
Some systems address physical representation of temporal
or event-based structures, including those dedicated to
music composition [43, 24], simulation [42], and design
[22]. However few have focused on video editing, which is
usually viewed as a virtual operation [32]. An exception is
VideoMosaic [33] which was designed to "lay out time in a
physical space". Using an augmented reality paradigm [54],
paper storyboards are the interface for controlling an online video editor, based on EVA (the Experimental Video
Annotator) [30], initially created on the IVIS (Interactive
Videodisc Information System). Paper strips are reified [4]
instances of video tracks with paper buttons to control
editing operations. VideoMosaic used handheld scanners,
barcode readers and a small printer to annotate scenario
and video content, offering an open environment in which
the user can easily arrange and customize the different
paper-based elements.
The LogJam interface [8] uses small wooden blocks to
enable ethnographers to edit their log footage and uses foot
pedals to control navigation. The system is intended to
introduce fun and creativity into the often tedious and
solitary task of video logging.
The Tangible Video Browser [23] uses tokens that act as
both containers for a set of videos and controllers for
selecting a video and navigating within the video. Placing a
token on the interface enables access to the set of videos
and depressing, releasing, and rotating the token controls
the navigation.
The Tangible viewpoints system [35] combines an
augmented reality table and graspable surrogates, providing
a direct mode of navigation within a story world. Using
wireless and tag sensing technologies, interactive narratives
can make use of rich haptic interactions with physical
Each of these systems separate data acquisition and the
editing process, introducing a barrier between perception
and action. This digital dualism inhibits emergent and
exploratory activities and slows feedback. We developed
the StoryTable [5], as part of a participatory design process
with children that combines data acquistion and editing in
the same system. Designed to look like a puppet theater,
with a small, attached but mobile camera on top, children
can film short video sequences using plastic control strips
containing RFID tags. By superimposing the strips,
children can merge video streams and overwrite them with
new video clips, creating a variety of different effects.
Cubes, Blocks and Tiles
For over twenty years, designers have been developing
cubical input/output devices for architecture [2]. Kitamura's
ActiveCubes [27] were inspired by the architects Robert
Aish and John Frazer and allow children to construct
shapes in the real world that appear simultaneously in the
computer. They use sensors and actuators for a high level
of feedback and can act as logical input devices to perform
complex operations. More recently, many cubes and blocks
have been designed specifically for children, including
AlgoBlocks [52], PhysicalBlocks [3], E-CUBes [10],
LogoBlocks [6], Electronic Blocks [56] or System Blocks
However few of these devices have been used for video
editing. Yet each have interesting affordances: they are
usually three dimensional and often allow direct
manipulation of virtual content. Early evaluation of those
devices [56] shows that they can serve as proxies between
spatial and logical operations. This is an active area of
research due to recent advances in materials, particularly
sensors and actuators. These devices are the modern
versions of Locke, Fröbel, and Montessori sets.
The next section introduces the Tangicam design space for
exploring the issues of tangible video capture and editing.
We also describe the design of three working prototypes.
We began our design investigations by creating two
systems for editing visual data: a progressive controller
called MagicWand (“La Baguette Magique”) and a cubical
video controller called VideoCube.
The MagicWand (figure 1), is a neon stick equipped with
an orientation sensor, developed in collaboration with
Emmanuel Nars from an idea by Frederic Vernier. The
software was written in C++, using Phidgets [17] and a
simple non-wireless sensor interface. A webcam displays
an image of the user, who can control the image line by
line and in all directions the shutter of the camera. The
MagicWand creates images where each pixel is created at a
different moment. A child can thus create multiple
instances of himself within the same photograph.
become the primary interface. They serve not only as a
stable method of manipulating the camera, but also act to
frame the image. The transformation shown in figure 3,
hides the standard camera altogether and leaves only a
round frame, which the child can use instead of a digicam's
tiny view finder to decide where and what to shoot.
Figure 3: A VideoCube with handles was transformed
into the Tangicam picture-taking frame, removing the
controller and leaving only the handles.
The Tangicam – or tangible camera - is the result of the
evolution from the VideoCube with handles into a single,
picture-taking frame. Made of rugged, transluscent plastic,
the Tangicam is essentially a big circular handle with two
embedded cameras (figure 4) that allows simultanteous
filming of both the child and the images the child is
filming. Inside, an electroluminescent wire glows to
provide feedback and to allow filming at night. The
Tangicam is designed to handle both mobile video
recording and physical video editing.
Figure 1: Children experimenting with the
MagicWand (Fête de la Science, October 2004)
The VideoCube (figure 2) is a simple tangible and wireless
controller that remotely controls a video player. Each side
of a soft, colored cube corresponds to a simple video
command (play, pause, record, stop). When the child turns
the cube, the corresponding RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification) tag is activated and the child sees the results
of the command displayed on a computer screen.
We chose RFID tags because they are inexpensive and
safer than other wireless technologies, such as bluetooth or
wifi, enabling us to produce a working prototype that we
could test with real children. The software was
programmed in C#, using phidgets.
Figure 4: The Tangicam is a transluscent ring with
two embedded video cameras (made visible here for
illustration purposes).
Figure 2: (left) Video cube components: RFID tags
and wireless controller (center) Videocube input
device (right) Screen display controlled by Videocube
We were intrigued by the comments of children who used a
similar device, the E-CUBe [10]. They requested handles
because the cube was simply too small for two children to
carry. We experimented with adding handles to the
VideoCube and realized that, for children, the handles can
The interaction is simple enough even for very young
children. They hold onto the edges, look through the frame
to choose what to shoot, and then press the handles to
record. Tangicam is large enough that an adult can grasp
the sides together with the child and share in the recording
process (figure 9).
When placed on the DiamondTouch table, the Tangicam
becomes a physical window or a dynamic picture frame,
changing its role from recording to displaying images. The
Tangicam can also act as a circular slider (figure 6):
Children can rotate it to browse their photographs, zoom in
a timeline or control video speed.
We decided to make Tangicam photographs and videos
circular to reflect its round frame. We crop standard
rectangular images obtained from the embedded cameras
and display them in a circular format. This creates both an
interesting contrast from the usual rectangular images and
also provides new opportunities for visualising temporal
data, e.g. spiral structures. We used DiamondSpin [47], a
full window manager written in JAVA 2D, that allows
operations such as table rotation and circular desktop
management, and makes it easy to manipulate and orient
circular images.
Figure 5: Using the Tangicam to frame and take a
picture or video clip.
Tangicam is designed to be a normal toy, rather like a
waterproof Frisbee™ that glows in the dark. This toy
orientation authorizes and allows children to record videos
in unusual situations, such as shooting under the water or
in the air, or by attaching it to an animal or a vehicle. A toy
should not be fragile, but should survive dust and shocks
and encourage children to feel in control. Note that, due to
time constraints and chip inavailability, the version we
were able to test with many groups of children is not
wireless, has a USB interface and only one camera.
The current version of Tangicam works with
DiamondTouch [47] to display the photographs and videos
captured by the children. DiamondTouch is a multi-user,
touch sensitive input device developed at MERL
(Mitsubishi Electronic Research Lab). Not only can it
detect multiple, simultaneous touch events, but it can also
identify which user is touching where and the orientation of
the Tangicam itself.
We took advantage of the French national science fair, Fête
de la science, to evaluate the MagicWand and the
Tangicam with children. In collaboration with Frederic
Vernier, we installed the DiamondTouch table and a large
high-resolution plasma at our booth. Over a three-day
period, we hosted over 600 children. We took over 500
photographs and two hours of video of them using both
two systems. The first day was devoted to groups of school
children, grouped by age: five-eight, 10-12, and 13+. The
final two days, over the weekend, were reserved for
We prepared several questions, which we asked of each of
ten different school groups across all three age groups. We
then asked the same questions of ten families with young
children, with ages ranging from two to 10. We always
began by asking a completely open-ended question: "What
is this?" and recorded their responses on video. We then
selected a motivated child and explained how to use one of
the devices, e.g. showing how to press the handles of the
Tangicam to start recording. We then asked the child to
repeat what we had just done and show another child how
to use the device. We recorded the childrens' explanations
of these devices to other children or sometimes their
Childrens' answers to the initial "What is this?" question
were not technological, despite the context of a science fair
and the presence of wires and a large display screen.
Instead, they referred to the Tangicam in terms of its
perceived affordances [14]: e.g., a hat or a ring. They were
fascinated by the glowing wire inside the MagicWand and
most called it a magic stick or magic wand.
Figure 6: Rotating the Tangicam on the
DiamondTouch table acts as a circular slider
The names they chose help illuminate how they perceive
each object and its possibilities, without being influenced
by an adult's prior explanation. For example, they saw the
Tangicam as something one can wear and were delighted to
discover that wearing it as a hat resulted in filming the
ceiling (which happened to be filled with helium balloons
from the next booth).
explanations and either reproduced our gestures or tried to
show original examples, showing what they had created
themselves, such as funny perspectives obtained by placing
the Tangicam in an unusual orientation or creating a
kaledeidoscopic pattern with the MagicWand (figure 10).
Figure 8: Children trying out the Tangicam
at the Fête de la Science, October, 2004.
Children also appreciated the Tangicam's handle
affordance, especially when they all wanted to hold it at the
same time. We found that the child who controls shooting
has to really press hard so as to prevent another child from
taking it. We deliberately allowe competition and conflicts,
to see what would happen.
We were amazed to find that that Tangicam can be grasped
and effectively used by as many as eight five-to-eight yearolds at a time. The one who controls the filming becomes
the skipper, using the Tangicam like a steering wheel and
fighting off the seven other children trying to take over.
Figure 10: "Explaining" how to use the MagicWand
by "passing the baton". Clockwise from upper left: (a)
She says "I'll show you" (b) "Look, it's me, twice!" (c)
She takes it (d) She reproduces her facial expression.
Again, imitation plays a key role in the transmission of
group knowledge. Concrete examples and visuo-motor
hints are very efficient: Otherwise, we might have been
overwhelmed by the children’s questions. Instead, children
were very competant at showing their parents, siblings and
friends how to use both devices. (figures 5, 8, 9)
Mobile augmented reality
Figure 9: Children controlling the Tangicam.
The version we tested had only one camera and many
children turned it towards their faces, filming themselves.
We plan to make future versions with two mobile cameras
able to film on different axes. For example, the child might
simultaneously film his mother, in front of him, while
capturing his own face as he takes the picture or video clip.
This would allow children to auto-index their video content
with metadata streams constructed of their own facial
expressions. An expression-based search engine, such as
[9] might then help them find visual sequences associated
with those facial expressions.
The Tangicam does not include its own screen, but requires
the DiamondTouch table to see pictures and videos. We
found that some children were happy with the images as
framed by the Tangicam, but others also wanted to see the
video streams on an attached screen, as they film, like a
camcorder. Unfortunately, such screens are often very
fragile and require a great deal of battery power. A better
alternative would be a see-through Tangicam, with a
transflective display that removes the need for a separate
display table.
This could also be an interaction mechanism, allowing
children to change their facial expressions to control their
data collections in real-time. We expect that children would
find this both fun and efficient, since rapidly changing their
facial expressions is one their most developed motor skills
When we explained the use of the Tangicam, we used a
combination of words and gestures to illustrate how it
works. In contrast, most children omited verbal
Figure 11: Children touched the DiamondTouch
display to write their names on their images
Free play
The plastic aspect of the Tangicam helped children
discover and invent interesting filming angles. For
example, one group hung the Tangicam to several Helium
balloons for a bird's eye view of the room. Others explored
the bending properties of objects and suggested that we
create a zoom/flex feature. They created a variety of
interesting images with the MagicWand, such as a single
body with ten arms. Many children realized that the
MagicWand is an effective form of crowd control: often
the child holding the MagicWand would get other children
to do things, simply by controlling their image.
This paper describes the design and early evaluation of the
Tangicam, or tangible camera, a mobile device for children
to capture and edit realistic pictures and videos. Even if the
Tangicam design space is still a work-in-progress, our first
experimental results show that the affordances of the
Tangicam allow imitation learning and free playing in a
context of tangible and augmented reality. Our evaluations
with children have shown that Tangicam's circular frame
structure is very easy, even for young children, and
provides them a way to observe and describe the world
with temporal structures such as video or sensor data
streams. By detecting patterns, invariances or similarities in
their observations, they can interpret the local environment
as a continuous dynamic system.
Children observe themselves
After observing the children using the Tangicam, we
believe it would make a very effective probe, either cultural
[15][46], technological [5] or field-trip [55]. Such
participant observation could be facilitated by some
instinctive and low-intrusive properties of the Tangicam,
which would allow people to carry it with them over long
periods of time, forming a kind of external memory [48].
To illustrate this idea, imagine that a child films important
moments of his life during his ‘pre-operational’ stage.
Some years later, while in an ‘operational’ stage, he could
edit these very situated and intimate images, like a nonverbal digital diary. Without going as far as introspection,
Tangicam could initiate reflexive mecanisms, and act as a
temporal mirror. Temporal awareness is needeed for
effective mastering of the reality principle and is crucial in
reflexive action semiotics [53][12].
Observations recorded by the Tangicam are modeled as
time series, since video, audio and other sensors provide
continuous data streams. This provides the possibility of
creating a complex mathematical model of their situation.
Just as Papert’s Microworlds simulate logical reasoning,
we believe that the Tangicam could simulate sensory
mappings based on sensor data and create synaesthetic
translations [28]. This opens intriguing opportunities for
disabled children to communicate with normal children
through sensory modality translations, allowing them to
share synaesthetic narrative and games. In this context, an
intersubjective and mobile appliance for children would
need to be both intermodal [50] but also transmodal.
Innovation and creativity by children
Another application of the Tangicam could be to foster
creativity and innovation in children's communities. Formal
methods like brainstorming, free association, or creative
problem solving can be facilitated with video [31]. With
appropriate video capture and editing devices, like the
Tangicam, an eight-year-old could lead a videobrainstorming session with a group of five-year-olds. In the
seventies, Smalltalk-literate children taught younger users
how to program games and animations, so why not
brainstorming sessions led by children?
In the future, we want to study how these temporal
structures may allow children to observe themselves, other
children or natural phenomena and how such situated time
series may help develop new forms of synaesthetic and
intersubjective constructions. To achieve these goals, we
hope to improve our prototype by adding wireless
capacities and mobile augmented reality elements such as
mobile paper interfaces, a see-through translective screen
or VRDs (virtual retina displays) and develop appropriate
temporal visualizations. We plan to use the Tangicam as a
therapeutic medium [7], as a communication appliance for
intimate social networks [38] and as a situated and longterm technology probe.
The authors want to thanks Emmanuel Nars for his
collaboration to the MagicWand project and Frederic
Vernier for his help and ideas.
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