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The article explores the historical and conceptual development of the term 'ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama'ah' within Islamic culture and civilization. It discusses the significance of this term in distinguishing true believers from those who deviate from the religious path, tracing its earliest academic usage to Imam Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi. The socio-political context surrounding the emergence of this concept is highlighted, including notable events such as the Abbasid caliphate's official endorsement of the Mu'tazili ideology and the sectarian conflicts in the Saljuqi era. The work offers insights into the complex interplay of theology and politics in shaping the Muslim community's identity.
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Who Are The Ahl Al-Sunnah? The Ahl al-Sunnah are those Muslims who believe and live according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Only possessing the faith of the Ahl al-Sunnah enables one to gain the knowledge of faith that will lead one to eternal salvation and knowledge of Allah (swt). In order to abide by the Sunnah, it is necessary to recognize and follow our Prophet’s (saas) application of the Qur’an and that of his Companions, who act as a bridge between us and the Sunnah. Our Prophet (saas) has stated the status of and need for his Companions: “My ummah will divide into seventy-three sects. And all of them will belong to Hell except for one (which will belong to Paradise).” The Companions asked him to identify the sect and he said, “The one that will follow the path on which I walk and my Companions walk.” (al-Tirmidhi) This sect that attains salvation is known as “al-Firqah al-Najiyyah” (the Saved Sect). Another name for it is “Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama‘ah” (those on the path of the Prophet [saas] and his companions). All schools agree, in terms of theology and jurisprudence, on the line drawn by the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. These schools strive to understand, explain, and live by the will of Allah (swt) and His Prophet (saas). When describing the Ahl al-Sunnah, it is also necessary to describe Salafism, a term derived from the word “salaf.” “Salaf” is the general name given to the Prophet’s (saas) Companions, who followed him in the finest possible manner, and to those who followed them. Al-`aqidah al-Salaf was the belief of all Muslims before the different schools of theology (i`tiqad) emerged. In other words, it is the aqidah of the generations of the Ashab al-Kiram and Tabi'un. Its fundamental doctrine is that the Qur’an’s verses and the hadiths are to be accepted literally. Over time, two schools of theology appeared: the Maturidiyyah and Ash`ariyyah.
The focal point of this essay will be to examine and evaluate the use of the term "sunnah" in the early era of Islam, and determine whether it went through any development in its usage amongst the earlier Muslims. The term "sunnah" when mentioned in our present time, for example, in a Friday sermon or generally between Muslims, it is commonly understood by the general masses to mean something, "that was done by the Prophet Muhammad, which is good to do." This is a very confined meaning of the term "sunnah" -but, is this how the early generation of Muslims understood this term? Did the meaning of the term "sunnah" develop and undergo changes over the passage of time amongst the earlier Muslims? To answer such questions, this essay will seek to analyse and investigate the different contextual use of the term "sunnah". In order to reach a decisive conclusion, the definition of the term "sunnah" will be examined linguistically, and see whether the lexical meaning of the word fits in line with the Quranic language, and the traditions of the Prophet. The use of the word "sunnah" in the Quran will be very significant in reaching a decisive conclusion. This is because the Quran was revealed in the clear Arabic language 1 , it was the language that was understood at its face value, and it was used by the people during the period of revelation. The utilization of the word in the various Islamic sciences, which were developed at a later stage, will also will be compared and contrasted in order to reach a conclusion.
Abstract This paper investigates what seems to be the primary root cause of Muslim‟s modern day internal sectarian divide. It starts with the exposition of the 73 sects hadith where only one sect out of the 73 is said to be saved. It also highlights the different versions of the hadith with various interpretations and how it has been greatly abused. In light of the religion pluralistic idea of Islam, and the accommodation of various ideologies and beliefs into the boat of salvation under specific terms and conditions, this paper exposes the real Ahl as-Sunnah. In the main body of the paper, simple question and answer style was adopted influenced by various questioners to the author. Scholars differing interpretations of certain verses and hadith used in this work are avoided except where necessary to establish an undeniable fact.
The doctrine of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama>ah has been exploited by two major Muslim organizations in Indonesia, NU and Muhammadiyah, as the theological basis in determining their religious identity and rituals. Although these organizations claim that all Muslims should adhere to the doctrines of Ahl al-Sunnah, they have never clearly defined that term. This paper discusses in detail the meaning of the term followed by an examination of the ways in which those two Muslim organizations attach themselves to this doctrine. This paper argues that, although the NU links itself to this doctrine, it is still necessary to critically examine to what extent its members apply the doctrines of Ahl al-Sunnah in their daily life. Muhammadiyah, on the other hand, is not obsessed with the claim of being faithful to the doctrines of Ahl al-Sunnah, although its constitution mentions that they advocate theological creeds which are evidently in line with the precepts of Ahl al-Sunnah.
Islamic Studies (Islamabad), 1971
The focal point of this essay will be to examine and evaluate the use of the term “sunnah” in the early era of Islam, and determine whether it went through any development in its usage amongst the earlier Muslims. The term “sunnah” when mentioned in our present time, for example, in a Friday sermon or generally between Muslims, it is commonly understood by the general masses to mean something, “that was done by the Prophet Muhammad, which is good to do.” This is a very confined meaning of the term “sunnah” – but, is this how the early generation of Muslims understood this term? Did the meaning of the term “sunnah” develop and undergo changes over the passage of time amongst the earlier Muslims? To answer such questions, this essay will seek to analyse and investigate the different contextual use of the term “sunnah”.
in Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 2 (900-1050), ed. David Thomas and Alex Mallett, with Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, Johannes Pahlitzsch, Mark Swanson, Herman Teule, and John Tolan (Leiden: E.J. Brill) [The History of Christian-Muslim Relations, 14], pp. 306-311., 2010
The pen-name Ikhwān al-Ṣ afāʾ ('Brethren of Purity') was used by the otherwise anonymous authors of the compendium of 52 treatises on various disciplines entitled Rasāʾil ikhwān al-ṣ afāʾ wa-khillān al-wafāʾ ('Epistles of the brethren of purity and friends of loyalty'). The date of the Epistles is not known, but they must have been finished by the middle of the 10 th century. Abū Ḥ ayyān al-Tawḥ īdī, writing in the 980s, attributes them to a group of intellectuals based in Basra in the mid-10 th century, and he names them in his Kitāb al-imtāʿ. An alternative theory, held by Marquet and Hamdani, claims that the Epistles, or at least an embryonic form of them, were originated by the 9 th-century leaders of the Ismāʿīlī movement, who were hiding from Abbasid persecution in Syria.
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