Health Psychology
2008, Vol. 27, No. 1(Suppl.), S20 –S31
Copyright 2008 by the American Psychological Association
0278-6133/08/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.27.1(Suppl.).S20
Effects of Daily Hassles and Eating Style on Eating Behavior
Daryl B. O’Connor, Fiona Jones,
Mark Conner, and Brian McMillan
Eamonn Ferguson
University of Nottingham
University of Leeds
Objective: This study investigated the daily hassles-eating behavior relationship and its moderators in a
naturalistic setting. Design: A multilevel diary design was used to examine day-to-day within-person
effects of daily hassles on eating behavior (N ⫽ 422), together with the individual and simultaneous
influence of potential moderating variables. Main Outcome Measures: Daily diary reports of betweenmeal snacking, fruit and vegetable consumption and perceived variations in daily food intake. Results:
The results showed daily hassles were associated with increased consumption of high fat/sugar snacks
and with a reduction in main meals and vegetable consumption. Ego-threatening, interpersonal and
work-related hassles were associated with increased snacking, whereas, physical stressors were associated with decreased snacking. The overall hassles-snacking relationship was significantly stronger and
more positive at high compared to low levels of restraint, emotional eating, disinhibition, external eating
and in females and obese participants. Simultaneous consideration of these moderators indicated that
emotional eating was the pre-eminent moderator of the hassles-snacking relationship. Conclusion: Daily
hassles were associated with an increase in unhealthy eating behavior. These changes may indicate an
important indirect pathway through which stress influences health risk.
Keywords: stress, binge eating, obesity, health behaviors, emotional eating
There is increasing evidence to indicate that stress affects health
directly, through autonomic and neuroendocrine responses, but also
indirectly, through changes to health behaviors (e.g., Jones & Bright,
2001; O’Connor, O’Connor, White, & Bundred, 2000). Stress may
indirectly contribute to both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer
risk to the extent that it produces deleterious changes in diet and/or
helps maintain unhealthy eating behaviors such as high fat intake, or
low fiber or fruit/vegetable intake. Recent findings have suggested
that high levels of stress can be associated with both increased (e.g.
saturated fat consumption) and decreased (e.g. overall calories) food
intake (Wardle, Steptoe, Oliver, & Lipsey, 2000). Other research has
found stress to be associated with an increase in food consumed as
snacks in adults (Conner, Fitter, & Fletcher, 1999; O’Connor &
O’Connor, 2004) and adolescents (Cartwright et al., 2003). The
present study set out to further elucidate the complex relationship
between stress (assessed as hassles), eating and health risk in a sample
of employed men and women in a naturalistic setting using a multilevel prospective diary design.
Previous research into the effects of stress on eating behavior
has been overly reliant on laboratory-based, cross-sectional methodologies that have used single indices (i.e., assessed stressful life
events over the previous year or 5 years) or “snapshot” measurements of stress (i.e., assessed perceptions of stress over the past
two weeks). Such approaches have ignored the growing body of
evidence showing that fluctuations in within-person stressful daily
hassles are important in understanding stress-outcome processes
(e.g., Affleck, Tennen, Urrows, & Higgins, 1994; Dancey,
Taghavi, & Fox, 1998; Delongis, Coyne, Dakof, Folkman, &
Lazarus, 1982; DeLongis, Folkman, & Lazarus, 1988; Filfield et
al., 2004; Kanner, Coyne, Schaefer, & Lazarus, 1981; Sher, 2004).
For example, early work by Kanner et al (1981) suggested that
indices of (life) stress provide no understanding of what actually
happens in day-to-day life and it is “day-to-day events that ultimately have proximal significance for health outcomes and
whose accumulative impact. . .should be assessed” (p. 3). The
use of open-ended diaries allows respondents to record day-to-day
minor life events or hassles that are part of everyday life and have
the advantage of not constraining respondents to a limited number
of events. Hassles are events, thoughts or situations which, when
they occur produce negative feelings such as annoyance, irritation,
worry or frustration, and/or make you aware that your goals and
plans will be more difficult or impossible to achieve (see Conner et
al., 1999; Delongis et al., 1982; Jones, O’Connor, Conner, McMillan, & Ferguson, 2007). Thus in the current study, measuring
hassles allowed a large number of stress occurrences in each
respondent to be identified, making it possible to look at whether
snacking coincided with hassles on a number of occasions, enabling a realistic view of eating in response to stress. Within this
context, the specific aims of the study are now described in turn.
Daryl B. O’Connor, Fiona Jones, Mark Conner, and Brian McMillan,
Institute of Psychological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, England;
Eamonn Ferguson, Department of Psychology, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, England.
This research was funded by a grant from the UK Economic and Social
Research Council to Daryl B. O’Connor, Mark Conner, and Fiona Jones
(Award No. RES-000-23-0087).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Daryl B.
O’Connor, Institute of Psychological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds,
England LS2 9JT. E-mail: d.b.o’
Nature of Changes in Eating Behavior
Our first aim was an exploration of the nature of changes in
eating behavior associated with stress. The impact of stress may be
on the types of food selected as well as on the amount of food
consumed. For example, Grunberg and Straub (1992) demonstrated that when stressed, women were more likely to select foods
high in calories (and fat) and Oliver, Wardle, and Gibson (2000)
found changes in consumption of sweet high-fat foods and more
energy dense foods. In addition, Steptoe, Lipsey, and Wardle
(1998) demonstrated that ‘fast food’ was eaten more frequently
when respondents reported experiencing greater number of hassles. Comparable results have been shown by Oliver and Wardle
(1997) in a study of the perceived effects of stress on food choice.
Taken together, these results suggest that individuals, when
stressed, may shift their preference to more palatable and energy
dense snack foods, which are less healthy and higher in fat, thus
potentially increasing their risk of CVD and cancer. Therefore, in
order to examine whether daily stressors can modify the intake of
specific types of foods, we elected to utilize changes in betweenmeal snacks and fruit and vegetable consumption as our primary
outcome measures. In addition, we also assessed perceptions of
changes in daily food intake (e.g., main meals) through ratings
designed to tap perceived increases and decreases in food intake.
Types of Stress Affecting Changes in Eating
The second aim of this study was to investigate the types of
stress affecting changes in eating. Previous research has examined
either the ‘general effects hypothesis’ that stress changes consumption of food generally or the ‘individual differences hypothesis’ that stress leads to changes in eating in particular groups (e.g.
the obese, restrained eaters, women; Greeno & Wing, 1994).
However, less is known about the importance of the type of stress
experienced and whether some stressors produce differential effects on eating behavior (Conner & Armitage, 2002; Wallis &
Hetherington, 2004). Several researchers have found stressors of
an ego-threatening nature (e.g. where there is a fear of failure) to
have distinct effects from those that elicit physical threat (e.g. fear
of an electric shock). Heatherton and colleagues (1991; 1992)
suggest that situations involving potential negative evaluation or
task failure (ego-threats) will lead to disinhibition (over-eating) in
restrained eaters (i.e., those attempting to control their food intake)
or current dieters whereas physically threatening situations will
not. In fact, Heatherton et al. (1991) found fear of an electric shock
had the capacity to elicit a hypophagic response (reduced intake) in
unrestrained participants.
In addition, the impact of ‘interpersonal stress’ has received
scientific attention (e.g. Oliver et al., 2001; Tanofsky-Kraff et al.,
2000). Tanofsky-Kraff and colleagues (2000) compared the effects
of interpersonal stress (i.e. stress associated with feeling a sense of
social alienation and being interpersonally ill-equipped) with egoand physically threatening stress on eating and found that in the
interpersonal stress group, individuals with high levels of restraint
consumed the most food. More recently, laboratory work by
Wallis and Hetherington (2004) and Lattimore and Caswell
(2004), has further underlined the importance of considering different types of stressors (e.g., cognitively demanding stressors,
active and passive coping tasks) in conjunction with eating style
variables (e.g., restraint, emotional eating). Other types of stressors, such as work-related stress, have received less attention and
therefore require further investigation. For example, Wardle et al.
(2000) found increased energy, fat and sugar intake in workers
during periods of high compared to low work stress (as indexed by
hours worked), however, little or no research has examined
whether work-related stress has a similar impact to work hours on
eating behavior. Thus here, for the first time, we investigated
simultaneously the impact of ego-threatening, interpersonal, physical and work-related stressors on eating behavior.
Moderators of the Hassles–Snacking Relationship
The third main aim of the study was to investigate the influence
of individual differences variables on the hassles-eating relationship. Individual differences models of stress predict that groups
reflecting different levels of vulnerability will vary in their eating
behavior when stressed (e.g., the obese and non-obese; restrained
and unrestrained; women and men). Although early research focused on obesity as the key variable moderating the stress-eating
relationships, Greeno and Wing’s (1994) review found little evidence to support the predicted effects. Indeed studies such as
Baucom and Aiken (1981) demonstrated that it was dieting rather
than obesity that was the key moderator of stress-related eating in
their study. For both obese and non-obese groups, stress only
produced increases in eating in the dieting group. In contrast, the
evidence supporting the moderating effect of restraint is stronger:
stress generally produces greater increases in eating in restrained
compared to unrestrained eaters (e.g., Greeno & Wing, 1994;
Wallis & Hetherington, 2004; Wardle et al., 2000). Nevertheless it
must be conceded that the vast majority of studies to date have
only demonstrated this effect in college-aged women and often
using laboratory-based or cross-sectional designs. The effect of
restraint in men is an issue that is particularly worthy of further
study and given the inconsistent evidence, it still remains an
important issue whether being obese acts as a moderator of the
stress-eating relationship.
Similarly, ‘emotional’ and ‘external’ eating styles have also
been identified as potentially important moderating variables
within the stress-eating literature. The former refers to a tendency
to eat more when anxious or emotionally aroused compared to
non-emotional eaters who do not show such reactivity to emotion
in their eating habits. In the laboratory, Oliver et al. (2000) found
that emotional eaters (and not restrained eaters) consumed significantly more sweet high-fat foods and more energy dense foods in
response to stress. Other studies have reported a limited (Schlundt
et al. 1991) or lack of impact (e.g. Conner et al., 1999; O’Connor
& O’Connor, 2004) of emotional eating on stress-eating relationships.
External eating encapsulates the idea of eating being
prompted by external (e.g. smelling appealing food) as opposed
to internal (e.g. feeling hungry) stimuli. It has been suggested
that stress might draw attention to external cues (e.g. Heatherton &
Baumeister, 1991) and act as a stimulus to eating among those high
in external eating. Conner et al. (1999) in a study examining
multiple moderators of stress-eating relationships reported externality to be the key variable in moderating the relationship between daily hassles and number of snacks consumed (reducing
other moderators to non-significance). Given the limited number
of published studies with emotional and external eating, their
impact on stress-eating relationships remain an important issue for
further study.
Two important additional potential moderators of the stresseating relationship are also examined in this research: disinhibition
and gender. Disinhibition is one of the three-subscales measured
by the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (Stunkard & Messick,
1985) that assesses the tendency to overeat. Recent debate in the
literature has highlighted the importance of considering disinhibition, as this may be a better predictor of food consumption than
dietary restraint (see Ouwens, van Strien, & van der Staak, 2003).
Moreover, comparatively little research has investigated the moderating role of disinhibition on the stress-eating relationship. Finally, gender remains an important potential moderator, with the
majority of studies only examining or reporting effects for women
(although see Stone & Brownell, 1994).
A notable shortcoming of the literature on the individual differences approach to understanding stress-eating relationships is the
general failure to examine potential moderating variables simultaneously. Most studies are restricted to exploring the influence of
one or two individual differences variables, therefore, not allowing
conclusions to be drawn relating to the relative importance of
different variables. Moreover, multilevel modeling approaches,
using diary methods, allow the modeling of day-to-day withinperson effects together with the impact of between-person factors.
Therefore, in this study, we used a multilevel diary design to
examine day-to-day within-person effects of daily hassles on eating behavior over 28 days, together with the influence of potential
moderating variables considered individually and simultaneously
(i.e., restraint, emotional eating, external eating, disinhibition, gender and obese status).
In summary, this study had three main aims: 1) to explore the
nature of changes in eating behavior associated with daily hassles,
particularly relating to between-meal snacking; 2) to investigate
the types of hassles associated with between-meal snacking, and 3)
to examine the individual and simultaneous impact of moderating
variables on relations between daily hassles and between-meal
Participants were recruited from a large local government organization. Adverts were placed across the organization, requesting
participation and providing basic details and contact information.
Six hundred and forty employees replied to this advert requesting
additional information. A total of 466 individuals (215 male; 251
female) aged 18-65 years took part (73% uptake rate) in the first
round of the study, which consisted of a one-week daily diary and
completion of an initial demographics questionnaire (e.g., age,
height, weight). A total of 449 of these individuals (207 male; 242
female) completed the second one-week daily diary, 443 (202
male; 241 female) completed the third one-week daily diary, 437
(200 male; 237 female) completed the fourth one-week daily diary
and 428 (197 male; 231 female) completed a final questionnaire.
Complete data across all the diaries and final questionnaire were
available from 422 participants (193 male; 229 female; 65.9% of
those recruited). There were no differences on the main study
variables between the completers and non-completers. Therefore,
all subsequent analyses focus on the sample of 422. The mean age
of the final sample was 40.32 years (range ⫽ 18-65 years).
Fifty-five participants (26 men; 29 women) had a BMI ⱖ 30 and
were classified as obese. Participants were reimbursed approximately $75 for taking part in the study. Financial reimbursement of
this nature may foster participant motivation in the study and it has
been argued that increased motivation leads to increased compliance with the study protocol (Green, Rafaeli, Bolger, Shourt, &
Reis, 2006).
Participants completed an initial questionnaire, followed by
four 7-day daily diaries and a final questionnaire at the end of
the study. After initial recruitment and agreement to participate,
participants were individually contacted by a researcher who
explained the questionnaires and diary protocol and answered
any questions or issues. The researcher made regular contacts
with participants who were free to speak to the researcher (via
phone or email) throughout the project. Diaries were returned at
the end of each week and checked against postmarks in order to
ensure the participants complied with the study protocol and
completed their diary during the appropriate week. As a result
no diaries were excluded.
An interval-contingent method was employed, where the participants completed their diary at the end of each day for a period of four
weeks, with the diary returned by post to the researchers at the end of
each week. The use of weekly diaries to collect end of day data –
especially over an extended period of time – is a well established
protocol in the health, clinical and social psychology literature (e.g.,
Bolger DeLongis, Kessler, & Schilling, 1989; Feldman, Downey, &
Schaffer-Neitz, 1999; Ferguson, Cassaday, & Bibby, 2003; Green et
al., 2006) that has been shown to produce reliable data (Green et al.,
2006). End-of-day diaries, rather than event contingent diaries were
utilized to increase motivation and compliance with the diary protocol. This procedure reduces participant burden when the time span of
the study is long (lasting weeks or months) (see Tennen et al., 2006)
and it has been argued that reduced burden increases participant
compliance (Green et al., 2006).
Participants completed a daily diary form at the end of each day
and a series of questionnaires at the beginning and the end of the
Daily diary. In each 7-day daily diary, participants were requested – using free responses – to list each food eaten betweenmeals and to report each stressor or hassle experienced and then to
rate its intensity on a scale extending from ‘not stressful’ (0) to
‘very stressful’ (4).1 Daily hassles were defined and examples
provided in each diary booklet. These procedures were used by
Conner et al. (1999) and are similar to procedures used by Ferguson
et al. (2003). Perceived daily variations in diet were assessed by
asking participants to indicate if they ate more / less or the same
amount of main meals than they usually do on a scale extending
⫺2 (ate much less than usual), ⫺1 (ate less than usual), 0 (ate
usual amount), 1 (ate more than usual), 2 (ate much more than
The results for ‘actual number’ and the ‘total intensity’ of hassles were
substantively similar, therefore, only the results for the actual number of
hassles are reported.
usual). The number of fruit and vegetables eaten each day were
also recorded (using guidance from UK Department of Health’s
Five-A-Day campaign).
Each between-meal snack reported in the diaries was categorized as
being high in fat and/or high in sugar based upon validated food
composition tables (McCance & Widdowson, 1991). The coding was
not mutually exclusive and each snack could potentially have been
classified into more than one category. All coding was conducted by
a panel of four health psychologists, trained to PhD level with a mean
of 13 years research experience, resulting in good inter-rater reliability
with all Kappas above 0.70 (Altman, 1991). Every snack reported was
coded as whether it was high in fat, high in sugar or whether it was a
fruit or vegetable. Similarly, every hassle reported was coded as
whether or not it was ego-threatening (e.g., job interview, public talk,
criticism), interpersonal (e.g., argument with partner, family problems, visiting relatives), work-related (e.g., difficult work task, late for
meeting, deadline), or physical in nature (e.g., anxious/frightened,
feeling ill, threat of attack by dog) based upon the existing research
literature (e.g., Heatherton et al., 1991; 1992; Steptoe et al., 1998;
Tanofsky et al., 2000). Again, the coding was not mutually exclusive
and each hassle could potentially have been classified into more than
one category. Disagreements were resolved through discussion.
Initial questionnaire. Participants were asked to complete an
initial demographics questionnaire (age, gender, height, weight
and socioeconomic status). Socioeconomic status was measured
using the National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification questionnaire (NS-SEC; National Statistics, 2002). This is an occupationally based classification used for all official statistics and
surveys in the UK. This categorizes respondents into one of the
following five classes (1 ⫽ managerial and professional classes,
2 ⫽ intermediate occupations, 3 ⫽ small employers and own
account workers, 4 ⫽ lower supervisory and technical occupations, 5 ⫽ semi-routine and routine occupations).
Final questionnaire. Eating styles (Restrained, Emotional and
External eating) were measured using the Dutch Eating Behavior
Questionnaire (DEBQ; Van Strien, Frijters, Bergers, & Defares,
1986) and Disinhibition was assessed using the scale from the
Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ; Stunkard & Messick,
1984). The DEBQ and TFEQ have been found to have good
construct (and factorial) validity and internal reliability (van Strien
et al., 1986; Stunkard & Messick, 1984; Wardle, 1987). All subscales exhibited excellent internal consistency in this sample (alphas in range 0.81 – 0.88).
Data Analysis
The daily data were analyzed using Hierarchical Multivariate
Linear Modeling (HMLM) using HLM6 (Raudenbush, Bryk, &
Congdon, 2004). HMLM allows alternative models of temporal
variance-covariance structure to be assessed and is therefore a
suitable modeling strategy for a fixed occasion design (Snijders &
Boker, 1999; Raudenbush et al., 2004). For all the models tested
here, the assumption of an unrestricted Level 1 variancecovariance structure fitted the data best.2
The data contained a two level hierarchical structure, Level 1
being the within-person variation (e.g., daily patterns in the number and type of snacks consumed, the number and type of hassles
experienced), and Level 2 being the between-person variability
(e.g., eating style, gender). The Level 1 predictor variables were
not centered as they were dichotomized due to skewness (range
1.78 – 7.21) and kurtosis (range 4.57–15.08) that were not correctable using transformations. Therefore, a score of zero represented not experiencing hassles on a given day, and ‘1’ represented
experiencing hassles. The Level 2 variables were centered around
the grand mean (cf. Nezleck, 2001; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002).
We provide estimates of standardized coefficients (calculated using the procedure outlined by Hox, 2002) along with unstandardized coefficients, as an index of effect sizes. Measures of R2 are
not included as Kreft and De Leeuw (2006) strongly caution
against calculating R2 values for models other than random intercept models, as (1) the Level-1 and Level-2 estimates are confounded and separate estimates of variance are difficult to define,
(2) there is more than one way to estimate between variance, and
(3) R2 can have negative values. In conclusion they argue ‘. . . not
setting too much store by the calculation on an RB2 and RW2. Both
concepts are ill defined and ambiguous, while their usefulness is
limited to a random intercept model.’ (p. 119).
Participants who had missed an entire week or more or did not
return the final questionnaire were excluded from the analyses. Days
within diaries that had missing data were also removed from the
dataset. The 422 participants who provided usable data sets provided
11,444 days of data (372 days with missing data removed).3
Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 shows descriptive statistics for main Level 1 and Level
2 study variables including daily measures of hassles and eating
The most appropriate multilevel model for data with a repeated measure (time series) nested within an individual is to use Hierarchical Multivariate Linear Models (HMLM) (Bryk & Raudenbush, 2005; Snidjers &
Bosker, 1999). This allows for various variance-covariance structures to be
examined. Following arguments presented by Raudenbush and Bryk
(2002), the best fitting variance-covariance structure was based on the
structure with the lowest Deviance and by comparing the pattern with the
variance-covariance structures for a 1st order autoregressive and homogeneous Level-1 structure with those observed in the unrestricted model. A
more parsimonious variance-covariance structure was chosen only if its
Deviance was significantly smaller than that for the unrestricted model and
the variance-covariance structure was similar to that observed in the
unrestricted model. Based on the difference between the Deviance statistic,
a model based on an unrestricted Level 1 variance/co-variance was the best
fit to these data. A consequence of this is that the model does not explicitly
specify random variation (error terms) at level-2 (in terms of individual
error terms) as these are absorbed into the ⌬ matrix. The ⌬ matrix captures
the variation and co-variation among the T measurement periods. As such
error is modeled but not expressed in the individual equations.
While calculating statistical power for HMLM is complex, a number of
heuristics – based on simulation studies – have been suggested (see Hoffman,
1997). These rules of thumb generally focus on the trade off between the
number of Level 1 and Level 2 responses. To detect cross-level interactions the
general rule is that as the number of Level 2 units increases the number of
Level 1 assessments required reduces. It has been suggested that with 150
Level 2 units then 5 Level 1 assessments are required to achieve a power of.
90 to detect a cross-level interaction (Hoffman, 1997). Based on this heuristic
the data analyzed in this study should be considered to have adequate power
(Level 2 ⫽ 422 units, Level 1 ⫽ 11,444 assessments, with each participant
providing on average 27 days of data each).
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for the Daily (Level 1) and BetweenPerson (Level 2) Measures Across 28 Days
Level and variable
Level 1
Snacks per day
Hassles per day
High-fat snacks per day
High-sugar snacks per day
Ego-threatening hassles per day
Interpersonal hassles per day
Work-related hassles per day
Physical hassles per day
Ate less/usual/more main meals per day
Ate less/usual/more snacks per day
Average daily fruit & vegetable consumption
Level 2
Body mass index
Socioeconomic classification
Restrained eating
Emotional eating
External eating
Initial Level 1 Models
Effects of daily hassles on eating behavior. Initial Level 1
models were examined to investigate the effect of experiencing
one or more hassles on each of the eating behavior outcome
measures (i.e., perceptions of amount eaten during main meals,
actual reported number of between-meal snacks, high fat snacks,
high sugar snacks, fruit and vegetables consumed) over the 28 days
study period (Table 2).
The general form of each daily hassles-eating behavior model is
expressed by the following equations:
Level 1: yij ⫽ 0j ⫹ 1 (daily hassles) ⫹ rij
Level 2: 0 ⫽ ␥00
 1 ⫽ ␥10
where yij ⫽ the within-person variation in daily measure of eating
behavior across I days for person j, 0j ⫽ the intercept term, 1 ⫽
the slope estimates for daily hassles, and rij represents the error
associated with each daily measure; ␥ ⫽ the structural coefficients
expressing the Level 1 variation.
The results for each model are presented in Table 2. The
findings for the initial models showed that each of the measures of
eating behavior were significantly different from zero (␥00). The
results also showed significant positive associations between daily
hassles experienced and many of the eating behaviors measures
(␥10). That is, those who experienced one or more hassles reported
consuming significantly more between-meal snacks, high fat
snacks and high sugar snacks. Conversely, there was a significant
negative association between experiencing one or more daily hassles and perceived level of main meals consumed and number of
vegetables eaten indicating that those who experienced one or
more hassles reported consuming less main meals and portions of
vegetables (see Table 2). These results were generally unchanged
when repeated for men and women separately. However, we found
that the relationship between daily hassles and high fat (coefficient
⫽.136, p ⬍ .001) and high sugar (coefficient ⫽.159, p ⬍ .001)
snack consumption was only significant in the female sample (with
total snacks being significant for both men and women).
Effects of types of hassles on between-meal snacking behavior
and perceptions of main meal consumption. Based upon the
existing research literature (cf., Heatherton et al., 1991; 1992
Steptoe et al., 1998; Tanofsky et al., 2000), daily hassles were
categorized into ego-threatening, interpersonal, work-related and
physical stressors (as outlined in the Method section) in order to
allow us to investigate whether particular types of stressors were
associated with the consumption of between-meal snacks and main
meals. The types of daily stressor were modeled separately because every observation potentially was not independent (e.g. a
work-related stressor may also have been classified as egothreatening etc.). The results shown in Table 3 indicated that each
of the types of stressors were significantly positively associated
with between-meal snacks, except physical stressors, which were
negatively associated with snacking (Table 3). These results are
important as they indicate that ego-threatening, interpersonal and
work-related hassles were significantly associated with increased
snacking (a hyperphagic response), whereas, physical stressors
were significantly associated with decreased consumption of
snacks (a hypophagic response) in naturalistic settings. In addition,
these results identified work-related hassles as the type of daily
hassles that exerted the strongest effects on the between-meal
snacking response.
For perceptions of main meals consumed, experiencing one or
more daily interpersonal, work-related or physical hassle was
significantly associated with eating less than usual at main meals.
Ego-threatening hassles were not significantly associated with
perception of main meal consumption.
Moderators of the hassles-between meals snacking relationship.
In order to examine moderators of the stress-snacking relationship,
we modeled the day-to-day within-person effects of daily hassles
on between-meal snacking (Level 1 variables), together with the
impact of between person variations in restraint, emotional eating,
external eating, disinhibition, gender and obesity status (BMI ⬎
30) (Level 2 variables). The first step of the analysis modeled the
impact of each moderating variable independently. The second
step of the analysis modeled the simultaneous impact of the
moderating variables on the hassles-snacking relationship – a
central aim of this research. Only the statistically significant moderators from step one were entered into the second step of the
analysis. The general form for the equations for the (conditional)
step 1 models are as follows:
Level 1: yij ⫽ 0j ⫹ 1 (daily hassles) ⫹ rij
Level 2: 0 ⫽ ␥00 ⫹␥01 (restraint)
 1 ⫽ ␥10 ⫹␥11 (restraint)
This model includes cross-level terms. In this case for restraint, ␥00
indicates (as in the initial model) the mean level of between-meal
snacks, and ␥01 (restraint) indicates, the extent to which this
average is influenced by level of dietary restraint. Similarly, ␥10
indicates the average size of the relationship between daily hassles
Table 2
Within-Person Associations of Daily Hassles Experienced, Daily Perceptions of Main Meals Consumed, and Actual Reported Daily
Between-Meals Snacks, Fruit, and Vegetable Intake
MRCM effect
Intercept: perception of main meals
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—main meals
Intercept: actual reported between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—snacks
Intercept: high-fat snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—high-fat snacks
Intercept: high-sugar snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—high-sugar snacks
Intercept: portions of fruit
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—fruit
Intercept: portions of vegetables
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—vegetables

Note. Level 1 n ⫽ 11,444. MRCM ⫽ multilevel random coefficient model; ␥ ⫽ hierarchical multivariate linear modeling symbol; B ⫽ unstandardized
coefficients; SE ⫽ standard error;  ⫽ standardized coefficients.
and between-meal snacking, and ␥11 (restraint), the extent to
which that relationship is moderated by (or conditional on) level of
dietary restraint. The models for emotional eating, external eating,
disinhibition, gender and obesity status (BMI ⬎ 30) were identical
to that for restraint.
The results shown in Table 4 indicate that the significant positive associations between daily hassles and between-meal snacking
remained in each case (␥10). They also showed that none of the
individual differences variables directly influenced the average
level of between-meal snacks consumed across the 28 days (␥01).
Moreover, consistent with our predictions, each of the individual
differences variables showed significant cross level interactions
with the slope coefficients for the daily hassles – snacking relationships (␥11). The findings indicate that individuals who were
high on restraint, emotional eating, external eating, disinhibition or
who were obese or female showed significantly stronger positive
associations between daily hassles and snacking. That is, individuals who have higher levels of vulnerability were significantly
more likely to consume more snacks in response to daily stressors
(and not because they were in a vulnerable group per se). For
example, in the case of restrained eaters, the experience of daily
hassles led to disinhibition (ie., breaking of their restraint).
Next we modeled the impact of multiple moderators on the
hassles-snacking relationship, simultaneously (step two). The
equation for this (conditional) model is as follows:
Level 1: yij ⫽ 0j ⫹ 1 (daily hassles) ⫹ rij
Level 2: 0 ⫽ ␥00 ⫹␥01 (gender) ⫹ ␥02 (obesity)
⫹ ␥ 03 共restraint兲 ⫹ ␥ 04 共emotional 兲
⫹ ␥ 05 共external 兲 ⫹ ␥ 06 共disinhibition兲
Table 3
Within-Person Associations of Different Types of Hassles Experienced, Actual Reported Daily Between-Meal Snack Intake, and
Perceptions of Main Meals Consumed
MRCM effect
Intercept: total between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: ego-threatening hassles—snacks
Intercept: Total between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: interpersonal hassles—snacks
Intercept: total between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: work-related hassles—snacks
Intercept: total between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: physical threat hassles—snacks
Intercept: perception of main meals
Level 1 slope: ego-threatening hassles—meals
Intercept: perception of main meals
Level 1 slope: interpersonal hassles—meals
Intercept: perception of main meals
Level 1 slope: work-related hassles—meals
Intercept: perception of main meals
Level 1 slope: physical threat hassles—meals
MRCM ⫽ multilevel random coefficient model; ␥ ⫽ hierarchical multivariate linear modeling symbol.

Table 4
Individual Moderators of the Within-Person Effects of Daily Hassles on Actual Reported Between-Meal Snacking
MRCM effect
Intercept: between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—snacks
Cross-level interaction with restraint
Restraint ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Intercept: Between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: Daily hassles—snacks
Cross-level interaction with emotional eating
Emotional eating—snacks
Emotional Eating Daily Hassles—snacks
Intercept: Between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—snacks
Cross-level interaction with external eating
External eating—snacks
External Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Intercept: between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—snacks
Cross-level interaction with disinhibition
Disinhibition ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Intercept: between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—snacks
Cross-level interaction with gender
Gender ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Intercept: between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—snacks
Cross-level interaction with obesity status
Obesity status—snacks
Obesity Status ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks

Note. MRCM ⫽ multilevel random coefficient model; ␥ ⫽ hierarchical multivariate linear modeling symbol; B ⫽ unstandardized coefficients; SE ⫽
standard error;  ⫽ standardized coefficients.
 1 ⫽ ␥ 10 ⫹ ␥ 11 共 gender兲
⫹ ␥ 12 共obesity兲
⫹ ␥ 13 共restraint兲 ⫹ ␥ 14 共emotional 兲
⫹ ␥ 15 共external 兲 ⫹ ␥ 16 共disinhibition兲
In this model, ␥00 indicates (as in the initial model) the mean level
of between-meal snacks, and ␥01 - ␥ 06 (individual differences
variables) indicate, the extent to which this average is impacted by
each individual differences variable. Similarly, ␥10 indicates the
average size of the relationship between daily hassles and
between-meal snacking, and ␥11 - ␥16 (individual differences variables), the extent to which the relationships are moderated by (or
conditional) each individual differences variable.
The resultant model (Table 5) again showed that none of the
individual differences variables, when entered simultaneously, directly influenced the average level of between-meal snacks consumed (␥01- ␥06). However, when modeled together, the cross
level interactive effect of emotional eating (␥14) on the daily
hassles – snacking relationship (␥11- ␥16) was the only effect to
remain statistically significant (Table 5). This is an important and
noteworthy finding because it indicates, for the first time, that
emotional eating is the main moderator of the relationship between
hassles and eating.
In order to explore this finding further, we conducted the
same analyses for high fat snacks, high sugar snacks and fruit
and vegetable portions. For snacks high in fat and sugar, the
result was replicated; such that emotional eating was the only
individual differences variable to emerge to significantly moderate the daily hassles-high fat/sugar snacking relationship
when all variables were considered simultaneously (Table 6).
No moderating effects were found for fruit and vegetable intake
in response to stress.
Moderators of the hassles-perceptions of main meals consumed
relationship. The moderation analysis was repeated for the
hassles-perceptions of main meals consumed relationship. The
resultant models showed that restraint, emotional eating, external
eating, disinhibition, gender and obesity status each failed to
moderate the hassles-perception of main meals consumed relationship (data not shown). Given the absence of effects for individual
moderator variables, no further analysis for perceptions of main
meals consumed was conducted.
Effects of individual and multiple moderators on the impact of
different types of hassles. Finally, we examined the effects of
individual and multiple moderators on the impact of different types
of daily hassles on between-meal snacking. Firstly, we modeled
the cross-level effects of the separate individual moderators (e.g.,
restraint, emotional eating etc.) on each type of hassle–snacking
Table 5
Effects of Moderators Entered Simultaneously on the Within-Person Effects of Daily Hassles on Actual Reported Between-Meal
MRCM effect

Intercept: between-meal snacks
Level 1 slope: daily hassles—snacks
Level 2 effects
Emotional eating—snacks
External eating—snacks
Cross-level interactions
Gender ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Obesity ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Restraint ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Emotional Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
External Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Disinhibition ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Note. MRCM ⫽ multilevel random coefficient model; ␥ ⫽ hierarchical multivariate linear modeling symbol; B ⫽ unstandardized coefficients; SE ⫽
standard error;  ⫽ standardized coefficients.
relationship (physical-snacking, ego-threatening-snacking relationship etc.). Secondly, we modeled the simultaneous impact of
the moderating variables on the hassles-snacking relationship, in
order to identify the key moderator(s). Only the statistically significant moderators were entered into the second step of the
analysis. The findings are presented in Table 7 and for the sake of
brevity only significance levels ( p values) are reported for each
cross level model indicating whether the Level 1 hassles-snacking
relationship is significantly influenced by each moderating variable. The results showed that emotional eating significantly moderated all types of hassle-snacking relations and was the only
variable to influence the physical hassles – snacking relationship.
When the moderating variables were considered simultaneously
(final column), emotional eating (again) emerged as the most
important vulnerability variable in three out of four models (i.e.,
not for the interpersonal hassles-snacking relationship). Taken
together, these findings suggest that emotional eating style is the
pre-eminent individual differences variable in understanding the
impact of stress on eating behavior.
The current research aimed to explore the nature of changes in
eating behavior associated with daily hassles, particularly relating
to between-meal snacking and to investigate the impact of different types of hassles on eating behavior outcomes. In addition, the
study aimed to examine the individual and simultaneous impact of
moderating variables on daily hassles-between-meal snacking relations. These are discussed in turn.
We found strong evidence that daily hassles were associated
with increased consumption of high fat and high sugar betweenmeal snack foods and also with a perceived reduction in main
meals and vegetable consumption. These results are concerning
as an overwhelming body of evidence has shown the importance of maintaining a balanced diet, including eating a low fat
diet and five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, in terms of
reducing risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer risk (e.g.,
Heimendinger, Van Ryn, Chapelsky, Forester, & Stables, 1996;
Kumanyika et al., 2000; Van Horn & Kavey, 1997; Wong &
Lam, 1999). Therefore, the changes observed in the current
study may indicate a serious indirect pathway through which
stress influences health risk.
Moreover, these findings represent an important step towards
improving our understanding of stress-induced changes in eating
behavior in a number of ways. They demonstrate, for the first time
using a naturalistic daily diary design, that hassles have the capacity to disrupt the normal patterning of food intake by causing
hyperphagic and hypophagic eating responses in men and women.
Previous work in real-world studies of stress and eating have
tended to concentrate on one aspect of eating behavior (e.g.,
snacking; Conner et al., 1999; O’Connor & O’Connor, 2004) or
has been restricted to laboratory investigations of food consumption in artificial environments (e.g., ice-cream; Heatherton et al.,
1991). More generally, many of the studies have also reported
inconsistent and conflicting findings (e.g., Bellisle et al., 1992;
Grunberg & Straub, 1992; Wallis & Hetherington, 2004; Wardle et
al., 2000). Our results highlight the importance of considering
different aspects of eating behavior and suggest that the disparate
findings in the existing literature may be accounted for by the
variations in the outcome measures employed.
The current research has also advanced our understanding of the
moderating effects of different types of daily hassles on the stresssnacking relationship. Ego-threatening, interpersonal and workrelated hassles were found to elicit a hyperphagic response,
whereas, physical hassles were found to elicit a hypophagic response. The latter findings confirm the work by Heatherton et al.
(1991) and demonstrate that the differential effects of stressors
observed in the laboratory are generalizable to naturalistic settings.
In addition, contrary to previous investigations, this research identified work-related hassles, and not ego-threatening or interpersonal, as the type of hassles that exerted the strongest effects on
Table 6
Effects of Moderators Entered Simultaneously on the Within-Person Effects of Daily Hassles on Actual Reported Between-Meal
Snacking and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

High-fat snacks
Cross-level interaction
Gender ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Restraint ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Emotional Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
External Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Disinhibition ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Obesity Status ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
High-sugar snacks
Cross-level interaction
Gender ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Restraint ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Emotional Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
External Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Disinhibition ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Obesity Status ⫻ Daily Hassles—snacks
Portions of fruit
Cross-level interaction
Gender ⫻ Daily Hassles—fruit
Restraint ⫻ Daily Hassles—fruit
Emotional Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—fruit
External eating ⫻ daily Hassles—fruit
Disinhibition ⫻ Daily Hassles—fruit
Obesity Status ⫻ Daily Hassles—fruit
Portions of vegetables
Cross-level interaction
Gender ⫻ Daily Hassles—vegetables
Restraint ⫻ Daily Hassles—vegetables
Emotional Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—vegetables
External Eating ⫻ Daily Hassles—vegetables
Disinhibition ⫻ Daily Hassles—vegetables
Obesity Status ⫻ Daily Hassles—vegetables
Note. ␥ ⫽ hierarchical multivariate linear modeling symbol; B ⫽ unstandardized coefficients; SE ⫽ standard error;  ⫽ standardized coefficients.
between-meal snacking (cf., Heatherton et al., 1991; 1992; Oliver
et al., 2001; Tanofsky-Kraff et al., 2000). It is also particularly
noteworthy in this current study, that these effects were not restricted to vulnerable individuals who were inhibiting their food
intake per se (e.g., restrained eaters) as they have been in other
studies (Heatherton et al., 1991; Wardle et al., 2000). Instead, these
findings clearly demonstrate that daily hassles can directly influence snack food intake.
Table 7
Individual and Combined Effects of Moderators on Different Types of Hassles
Types of
Ego threatening
Work related
Note. Significance levels are shown for each Level 2 model indicating whether the Level 1 hassles-snacking relationship is significantly influenced by
each moderating variable.
As predicted, each of the individual differences variables when
considered separately influenced the overall hassles-snacking relationship. In other words, individuals who were high on restraint,
emotional eating, external eating, disinhibition, or who were obese or
female showed a significantly stronger positive association between
daily hassles and between-meal snacking. These results provide
strong support for the individual differences approach to stress-eating
research and indicate that individuals do differ in their level of
vulnerability to stress-induced eating (cf., Conner et al., 1999; Greeno
& Wing, 1994; O’Connor & O’Connor, 2004). However future research ought to examine the impact of other important diathesis-stress
mechanisms that might be relevant to eating behavior such as the
influence of coping style and trait perfectionism (cf., O’Connor &
O’Connor, 2003; O’Connor, O’Connor, & Marshall, 2007). These
findings also represent the first study to replicate the moderating role
of external eating and disinhibition identified in prior investigations
(Conner et al., 1999).
More importantly, the current research has also made a novel
contribution by improving our understanding of the relative weight
of different moderating variables. For the first time, when the
impact of multiple moderators was considered simultaneously using multilevel random coefficient modeling, emotional eating reliably emerged as the pre-eminent moderating variable of the
stress-between meal snacking relationship. Previous research has
consistently identified dietary restraint or gender as the key variables in understanding stress-induced eating (e.g., Cools et al.,
1992; Grunberg & Straub, 1992; Heatherton et al., 1991; Lattimore
& Caswell, 2004; Tanofsky et al., 2000; Wallis & Hetherington,
2004; Wardle et al., 2000). However, in the main, these studies
have not measured emotional eating (e.g., Heatherton et al., 1991),
have studied females only (e.g., Wallis & Hetherington, 2004),
and/or have not examined the relative importance of different
individual differences variables (e.g., Stone & Brownell, 1994).
Two recent laboratory studies that have considered the role of
emotional eating alongside dietary restraint have found support for
its central position in understanding stress-induced eating. Oliver
et al. (2000) showed that stressed emotional eaters (and not restrained eaters) ate more sweet high fat foods and energy dense
meals than unstressed and non-emotional eaters. Wallis and Hetherington (2004) found both variables were important in understanding hyperphagic responses to stress, although, these authors
did not directly compare their relative importance.
Several plausible psychological and biological mechanisms
have been proposed that may explain why stress promotes increased between-meal snacking in those susceptible to emotional
eating. Psychosomatic theory contends that the normal response to
stress/arousal is loss of appetite (Bruch, 1973; Kaplan & Kaplan,
1957). However, some individuals have an inability to differentiate
between hunger and other unpleasant sensations/feelings and as a
result respond to stress by overeating. The theory also suggests that
this response probably originates through early learning experiences. Neurohormonal routes have also been investigated. Markus
et al. (1998) found that carbohydrate-rich, protein-poor food intake
can prevent stress related deterioration of mood and cortisol elevations in stress-prone individuals via serotonergic mechanisms.
These authors argued that carbohydrate-rich, protein-poor diets
allow greater uptake in the brain of the precursor amino-acid
tryptophan, thus facilitating reduced negative mood and better
coping. Moreover, as suggested by Oliver et al. (2000), emotional
eaters may learn to “self-medicate” by shifting their preferences to
low protein foods such as sweet and high fat snacks in order to
experience reduced general dysphoria.
Another relevant psychological theory suggests that overeating
may be part of a motivated attempt to escape from self-awareness
or negative self-referent appraisals (cf., Heatherton & Baumeister,
1991). Central to this strategy is the notion that particular individuals narrow their level of attention to the current and immediate
stimulus environment (i.e., accessible food such as snacks) in order
to shift attention away from negative self-appraisals and/or from
feeling distressed. It is argued that such low levels of attention
reduce self-awareness to a level where meaningful thought, evaluations of self and the implications of one’s activities are avoided.
Therefore, in the context of the current study, emotional eaters
may experience greater distress and negative self-appraisals when
they encounter daily hassles and shift their attention towards high
fat/sugar, energy dense snack foods in order to escape from this
negative emotional state. Moreover, as outlined earlier, this shift
towards snack-type foods may also be driven by the learned
outcomes from dietary-induced changes in neurohormonal mechanisms. Future research ought to investigate further the effects of
high fat and high sugar snack foods on the stress response within
the context of the psychosomatic and escape from self theories.
Cortisol reactivity to stress has recently been identified as a potential mechanism underpinning the stress-eating relationship and individual differences in emotional eating (Epel et al., 2001; Newman,
O’Connor, & Conner, 2007). In the laboratory, Epel et al. (2001)
found that participants who exhibited a high cortisol response to stress
consumed more calories afterwards compared to those who exhibited
a low cortisol response. In addition, using a naturalistic diary design,
Newman et al. (2007) found a significant positive relationship between daily hassles and between-meal snacking within a sample of
high cortisol reactors but not within a sample of low cortisol reactors.
They also found that the relationships between the eating style variables (including emotional eating) and snack intake were significantly
stronger in the high stress-induced cortisol reactivity group compared
to the low reactivity group. These findings indicate that it is the
stress-induced release of cortisol that may underpin the effects of
stress on eating behavior.
Finally, the present study is noteworthy because it is the first to
examine the effects of daily stressors on eating behavior using
multilevel modeling techniques and a daily diary design. Although
the effects observed are relatively small, when interpreted within
the context of well-established effect sizes reported in behavioral
medicine, public health and general medicine, these results are
comparable to those previously reported. Moreover, Rutledge and
Loh (2004) argue that we should abandon ‘. . . simplistic effect
size rules in favor of more thorough data interpretation efforts and
closer consideration of real-world implications of . . . outcome
variables.’ (pp. 143-144). In addition, these results suggest that the
magnitude of the true effects of stress on eating behavior in
naturalistic settings, when viewed using traditional statistical metrics (e.g., standardized coefficients), is lower than that observed in
the laboratory. Therefore, future research ought to examine additional aspects of the stress process using multilevel approaches and
naturalistic designs in order to establish whether the magnitude of
these effects is generalizable to other health outcomes.
A number of limitations of the current research require comment. We acknowledge that the current design did not allow us to
precisely determine whether the experience of daily hassles occurred before or after the consumption of snacks. However, we
believe that sufficient evidence exists to indicate for the correlations reported here, that the causal direction is likely to have been
from experience of hassles to the consumption of snacks and not
vice versa. First, there is a vast literature that has shown the causal
ordering between stress and eating in animal and human studies,
clearly demonstrating the effects of stress on eating behavior (e.g.,
see Greeno & Wing, 1994 for a review), Second, as outlined
earlier, empirical data in the laboratory have clearly demonstrated
that increases in snack consumption have been observed following
exposure to psychosocial stress and not following exposure to
neutral, non-stressful stimuli (Epel et al., 2001), Third, using a
similar diary methodology, we have found previously that daily
hassles-snacking relationships are only observed in individuals
who exhibit significant increases in cortisol in response to stress
indicating a clear causal pathway such that the experience of stress
precedes the eating behavior (Newman et al., 2007). Finally, we
are not aware of any research that suggests a plausible psychological or biological mechanism that indicates that snack consumption
causes changes in the experience of daily hassles. Therefore, taken
together, we feel that the only credible temporal sequence relates
to hassles preceding changes in snack consumption.
We also acknowledge that our measures of eating behavior are
self-reported and that we did not utilize a detailed daily dietary
assessment method such as ‘24 hour recall’ to examine changes in
food intake. Given it was important to measure changes in daily
hassles and eating behavior over a meaningful period of time (e.g.,
28 days), it was decided that using such methods would be too
burdensome for the participants and also that detailed daily assessment may influence participants’ normal eating behavior. Moreover, similar daily diary methods assessing discrete aspects of
eating behavior (e.g., between-meal snacking) have been found to
be reliable and valid measures of food intake (see Conner et al.,
1999). Nonetheless, it would be fruitful if future research attempted to incorporate more objective measures of eating behavior
and/or included careful assessment of portion size in order to allow
reported food intake to be converted into caloric count. This would
provide a better understanding of exactly how many more calories
are consumed in response to each hassle.
To conclude, the results of this research showed daily hassles
were associated with a shift in preference towards high fat and
high sugar between-meal snack foods and with a reduction in main
meals and vegetable consumption. Ego-threatening, interpersonal
and work-related hassles were significantly associated with increased snacking, whereas, physical stressors were significantly
associated with decreased snacking. Finally, simultaneous consideration of the eating style variables showed emotional eating to be
the pre-eminent moderating variable of the hassles-snacking relationship such that individuals who had higher levels of emotional
eating were more likely to consume more between-meal snacks in
response to daily hassles.
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