Disclosure limitation of sensitive rules

1999, … , 1999.(KDEX'99) …

Data products (macrodata or tabular data and microdat ¥ a or raw data records), are designed to inform public or bus ¦ iness policy, and research or public information. Securi § ng these products against unauthorized acces ses has been a © long-term goal of the database security research comm unity and the government statistical agencies. Solutions t o this problem require combining several techniques and m echanisms. Recen t advances in data mining and machine l earning algorithms have, however, increased the security r isks one may incur when releasing data for mining from out side parties. Issues related to data mining and security hav e been recognized and investigated only recen tly. T his paper, deals with the problem of limiting disclosure o f sensitive rules. In particular, it is attempted to select ively hide some frequent itemsets from large databases with as © little as possible impact on other, non-sensitive frequent i § temsets. Frequent itemsets are sets of items that appear in § the database "frequently enough" and identifying them is § usually the first step toward association/correlation rule or sequential pattern mining. Experimental results are pres ented along with some theoretical issues related to this pr oblem.

CERIAS Tech Report 2000-02 Disclosure Limitation of Sensitive Rules M. Atallah1, E. Bertino2, A. Elmagarmid3, M. Ibrahim3, V. Verykios4 Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security & 1 Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 2 Dipartimento di Scienze dell’ Informazione, Universita’ di Milano, Italy 3 Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University 4 College of Unformation Science and Technology, Drexel University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1398 Disclosure Limitation of Sensitive Rules ✁ M. Atallah1 ✂ E. Bertino2 ✄ A. Elmagarmid3 ✁ M. Ibrahim3 ☎ V. Verykios4 1 2 CERIAS and Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University Dipartimento di Scienze dell’ Informazione, Universita’ di Milano, Italy 3 Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University 4 College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University Abstract ✢ ✣ ✆ Data products (macrodata or tabular data and microdata or raw data records), are designed to inform public or business policy, and research or public information. Securing these products against unauthorized accesses has been a long-term goal of the database security research community and the government statistical agencies. Solutions to this problem require combining several techniques and mechanisms. Recent advances in data mining and machine learning algorithms have, however, increased the security risks one may incur when releasing data for mining from outside parties. Issues related to data mining and security have been recognized and investigated only recently. This paper, deals with the problem of limiting disclosure of sensitive rules. In particular, it is attempted to selectively hide some frequent itemsets from large databases with as little as possible impact on other, non-sensitive frequent itemsets. Frequent itemsets are sets of items that appear in the database “frequently enough” and identifying them is usually the first step toward association/correlation rule or sequential pattern mining. Experimental results are presented along with some theoretical issues related to this problem. ✝ ✞ ✥ ✤ ✟ ✠ ✡ ☛ ✡ ✌ ☞ ✧ ✦ ✍ ✎ ✏ ✤ ✚ ★ ☞ ✑ ✎ ☛ ✠ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✎ ✒ ✓ ✙ ✬ ✫ ✪ ✗ ✩ ✥ ✢ ✤ ✪ 1 Introduction ✢ ✪ ✤ ✔ ✘ ✗ ✖ ✕ Securing data against unauthorized accesses has been a long-term goal of the database security research community and the government statistical agencies. Solutions to such a problem require combining several techniques and mechanisms. In particular, it is well known that simply restricting access to sensitive data does not ensure full data protection. It may, for example, be the case that sensitive, ✚ ✗ ✢ ✚ ✤ ✙ ✚ ✗ ✭ ✔ ✗ ✛ Portions of this work were supported by sponsors of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security. or “high” data items can be inferred from non-sensitive, or “low” data, through some inference process based on some knowledge the user has. Such a problem, known as the “inference problem”, has been widely investigated [9, 5], and possible solutions have been identified. In general, all those approaches address the problem of how to prevent disclosure of sensitive data through the combination of known inference rules with non-sensitive data [3]. Examples of inference rules are deductive rules and functional dependencies. Those approaches, however, do not deal with the problem of how to prevent the discovery of the inference rules themselves. In other words, rules are not considered as sensitive “knowledge”. Recent advances in data mining techniques and related applications [6] have, however, increased the security risks one may incur when releasing data. The main goal of such techniques is to enable the rapid and efficient discovery of hidden intensional knowledge from a, possibly very large, set of data items. The use of such techniques would therefore enable users to easily acquire, not only knowledge that could be used to infer sensitive data, but also sensitive knowledge. Note that knowledge usually acquired through data mining techniques cannot be considered as absolute. It can be rather characterized as probabilistic knowledge. However, even such probabilistic knowledge may provide sensitive information to users [3]. Issues related to data mining and security have been recognized and investigated only recently. So, only a few approaches have been devised till now. These approaches are discussed in Section 2. However, there is still no comprehensive view of those issues and of the possible spectrum of solutions. There is, for example, the need of analyzing specific data mining techniques in the light of the security problem which was mentioned previously. In this paper, a contribution is made towards addressing such a need in the context of a specific type of knowledge. Such type of knowledge, known as association rules, consists of a set of statements of the form “90% of air-force ✜ ✗ ✫basis having super-secret plane A, also have helicopters of ✫by reducing the sample sizes. It is worth noting, however, ✥type B”. An association rule is usually characterized by two ✥that the two approaches can be used together as part of a ✘measures, the support and the confidence. ✦comprehensive environment supporting the security admin✙istration. ✭In addition to work dealing specifically with the issue In general, al✮gorithms for the discovery of association rules detect only ✯rules whose support is higher than a minimum threshold ✢of data mining and security, it is also important to mention ✰value. to such rules as “significant rules”. The ✚problemWethatrefer we deal with in this paper is how to modify a ✲✔work in the area of security for statistical databases [10]. ✮given database so that the support of a given set of sensitive ✯✙rules, mined from the database, decreases below the min- work deals with the problem of limiting disclosure ✢Sofuchindividual data items and at the same time ensures that ✦correct statistics can be derived from the released database. ✱The main difference between the work on security for sta- support value. We would like, however, to remark ✥ithmum at our approach is a simple building block that by itself ✧does not provide a comprehensive solution to the problem ✥tistical databases and the work presented in this paper, or ✢of data mining and security. However, it can be considered ✤as a basic ingredient of such a comprehensive solution. ✱The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. First generally in the area of data mining, is that in the latter ✥more two cases, even if individual data items are allowed to be di- accessed, the intensional knowledge which is derived ✦rectly can be controlled. However, techniques used in statisti- ✲we review current approaches addressing data mining and ✗security. We then present a formulation of our problem and ✦cal databases, such as data fuzzyfication or data swapping, ✦could also be used in the other context. ✗show that the optimal solution to it is NP-hard. then ✚present some heuristics. Finally, we outline furtherWe work. ✸3 Association Rules and Sanitization ✔Security and privacy threats arising from the use of data ✭In this section, the notion of association rules is precisely ✧defined and a formulation of the problem is given. It is then ✳Clifton and Marks [4]. The authors in [4] outline possible ✢of (progressively more realistic) notions of what it means 2 Related Work ✚proven that the problem of finding an optimal sanitization of ✥the source database is NP-Hard. This is done for a number techniques have been first pointed out in an early ✚mining paper by O’ Leary [8] and recently in the seminal paper by ✥to “sanitize”. ✗solutions to prevent data mining of significant knowledge, The proofs are based on reductions of the ✚problem addressed in this paper to the Hitting-Set problem. ✥that include releasing only subsets of the source database, ✴fuzzyfying the source database, and augmenting the source ✹3.1 ✘ The problem of association rule mining was initially pre✗sented in [1]. The authors in [2] extended and formalized ✫ ✥the problem as follows: Let ✺✼✻✾✽❀✿ ❁❃❂ ❄❆❅❈❇❈❇❉❇❋❊❋●■❍❑❏ be a set of ✫ called items. Let ▲ be a database of transactions, ✲wliterals, here each transaction ▼ is an itemset such that ◆P❖❘◗ . As✗✙sociated with each transaction ✙ is a unique identifier, called ✞ its TID. A set of items ❙❯❚❘❱ is called an itemset. A trans✤action✙ ❲ ✟contains ✤an itemset ❳ ❨, if ❩❭❬❫❪ . An ✠association ✍ru✐❭le❥❧is❦ an implication of the form ❴❛❵❝❜ ✲wh✩ere ❞❢❡❤❣ ❨, ❨, and ♠♦♥q♣s✲ r✉t .✟ The rule ✈ ❢✙P✇ ② ⑤ ⑥⑧⑦⑩① ⑨❷hol ❶ ds in the ✗set of transactions with confidence ④ if ❸ ❹❻❺s❼❤❽ ✲where ③ ❾ ❿➁➀ is the number of occurrences of the set of items ➂ in ✥the set of transactions ➃ . The rule ➄❛➅❢➆ has ✒support ➇ if ➈ ➉⑧➍ ➊⑩➋❷➌ ➎➐➏ ✲where ➑ is the plurality of the transaction set ➒ . ✤ ✯ ✤ ✵ ✙ ✙ ✧database. They also point out a “research agenda” that includes several issues to be investigated. Among those issues, a relevant one to our approach, is the analysis of mining algorithms, which gives the criteria that must be used by the algorithm in order to decide whether or not rules are relevant, so that one can prevent the mining of sensitive rules. The paper of Clifton and Marks, however, does not analyze any specific data mining technique or algorithm, whereas this paper deals with a specific technique. A recent paper by Clifton [3] presents an interesting approach to the problem of data mining and security. The approach is based on releasing a sample of the source database so that the rules mined from the released sample are not significant. A main result of the paper is to show how to determine the right sample size by using lower bounds from pattern recognition. The proposed approach is independent from any specific data mining technique. The main difference between such approach and ours is that we aim at a finer tuning of the intensional knowledge to be released. In other words, our aim is on how to reduce the significance of a given rule, or sets of rules, by possibly leaving unaltered the significance of the other rules, or by minimally changing it. By contrast, the approach by Clifton aims at estimating the error which is introduced on the significance of the rules 1 ✲ ✶ ✥ ✙ ✥ ✤ ✢ ✪✷ ✚ ✧ ✗ ✗ ✚ ✚ The Problem 2 In this paper we focus on the discovery of large/frequent ✙itemsets, in order to keep the discussion simple. These ✙itemsets have greater support than the minimum support ✗specified. This restriction implies that the only way to hide ✤✙a rule is by decreasing the support of its corresponding large itemset. Exhaustive search of frequent sets is obviously infeasible for all but small itemsets: the search space of 2 ✚potential frequent itemsets increases exponentially with the in ✃ ✲we make all of ❐ ’s itemsets small, while affecting ✤items as few of ❒ ’s itemsets as possible. ✱ considered next (for PROBLEM 2 be✕low)Theis framework more realistic, in that we now weaken the support ✴for itemsets in ❮ ✫by deleting some transactions from the ✧database. Of course there are many ways of doing this, ✗some of which have more impact on ❰ ✥than others. The ✮goal is to do it in a way that minimizes this impact on Ï . ➱Note: ✭In our formulation of PROBLEM 2 the notion of ✖number of items in the transactions. A more efficient method ✴for the discovery of frequent itemsets can be based on the ✴following iterative procedure: in each pass the algorithm ✗starts with a ✒seed ✗set of large itemsets, called ✟candidate ✙ The support of these itemsets is computed during ✥ittemsets. he pass over the data. At the end of the pass, it is determined ✲✫which of the candidate itemsets are actually large, and they the seed for the next phase. This process continues ✵beuntcome il no new large itemsets are found. In the first pass, ✥the support of individual itemsets is counted in order to be is stated in terms of the actual number of transactions ✦“large” containing the itemset (rather than as a percentage). There ✪ se the number is no loss of generality in doing so, becau ✧determined which of them are large. The specific problem we address can be stated as follows. ✫ ✥ Let ➓ the source database, let ➔ be a set of significant ✤association rules that are mined from → ❨, and let ➣↕↔ ✫beas et ✢of rules in ➙ . How can we transform ➛ into a database ➞➜ ➝ ✗so that all (or the maximum number of ) rules in ➟ ✦can still ✫be mined from ➠➞➡ ✫but for the rules in ➢↕➤ . ➥➞➦ ✥then becomes ✥the ✍released database. Therefore, our problem is to reduce ✥the support of the rules in ➧↕➨ ✫below the given threshold. ➩We refer to such a transformation as ✒sanitization ✢♦ of ➫ . In ✢of transactions in the database can easily be kept constant; ✲whenever we delete a transaction we can keep the total size ✢of the database constant by replacing the deleted transaction ✲➵with another transaction that has no effect on either Ð ✢Ò or Ñ for example the new transaction could contain only items ✥t(hat have very small support in the database, possibly zero ✥ ✗support, i.e., “new” items). We henceforth call Ó the thresh✢old for “largeness”, i.e., an itemset is considered large iff ✥there are at least Ô ✥transactions containing it. PROBLEM 2: We are given a set Õ ✢of items, an integer Ö ❨, a database × ✢of transactions (each of which is a subset ✢Ù Ø Ú), sets Û ➵ ✤and Ü ✪each of which contains a collection of ✗✩ofsubsets of Ý (the✙ã“itemsets”). Each itemset in Þ ✢or in ß â has support à❤á in . The problem is to compute a subset ä➞å ✢Ò ✴ é of æ ✗such that deleting ç➞è from ✯results in a database ✩ ✲where every itemset in ê has support ëíì ❨, and the number ✙ ✥ ✢of itemsets in î that have support ï✼ð is minimized. ➺PROBLEM ✢ We are given a set ñ of items, an integer ò ❨, Ú ✤a database ó ✢of3:transactions of which is a subset of ô ), ✗sets õ ➵ ✤and ö ✪each of which (each contains a collection of subsets ✢Ò of ÷ (the “itemsets”). Each itemset in ø ✢or in ù has support ú✼û ✥ in ü . What we are allowed to do is at a finer granularity ✤addition to preserve as much knowledge as possible, the ✥transformation we seek, should also be achieved at as much ✕low cost as possible. ✹3.2 Optimal Sanitization Is NP-Hard ➭ ✫be the set of large itemsets that are “good” in the✫ ✗senseLetthat we do not wish to make them small. Let ➯ be ✥the set of large itemsets that are “bad”, i.e., we want to them small. These two goals can be incompatible, ✗make so the problems we formulate below are based on the no✥tion that we want to make all of ➲ ’s itemsets small, while ✘making as few as possible of ➳ ’s itemsets small. We prove ✥ in PROBLEM 2: We can now individually modify a ✥ttrhan ansaction instead of deleting it, by deleting some items ✴from it. The problem is then to modify some transactions ✙➹ ý ✗such that in the resulting database every itemset in þ ✩inhas support ❨, and the number of itemsets in ✂ ✥that have ✗support ✄✆☎ ✙iÿ✁s minimized. ✱ of three optimization problems based on ✥tthheis NP-hardness notion. The first (called PROBLEM 1) is really just a for PROBLEM 2 because its framework is some✲“warmup” what unrealistic: It assumes that we can remove support for ✥the various individual items independently of one another. ✭Its proof is simple and serves as an easy introduction to the ➵(more elaborate) reduction needed for proving PROBLEM proofs of the NP-hardness of PROBLEM 1, 2 and ✝3 areThebased on reductions from the NP-hard problem of ✗ ✥ ➸2 (whose framework is realistic – more on this below). Fi➺ ✪ ✷ ✞HITTING SET, which we review next. nally, we prove the NP-hardness of PROBLEM 3 which is the problem that we focus on this paper. More specifically, in PROBLEM 3 we can modify a transaction by deleting some items from it. PROBLEM 1: Given two sets and of subsets of a finite set , such that no element of is a subset of any element of and no element of is a subset of any element of , find a set of elements in such that every subset in contains at least one of those elements while minimizing the number of subsets of that contain elements from . Note: The idea is that by removing support from the ✢➹ ➷ ✦➶ ❨ ✥ ➱ ➽❨ ✤ ➚ ➻ ✤ ➼ ✢ ➾ ➪ ✗ ➘ ➴ ➬ ✥ HITTING SET (page 222 of the book by Garey and ✟Johnson [7]): Given a set ✠ ✢of subsets ✢of a finiteonsetNP-completeness a smallest subset ☛✌☞ ✢✎ of ✍ ✗such that ✪every subset in✡ ✏ ❨, find ✦contains at least one element in ✑✌✒ . The ✚problem remains NP-hard even ✦ ✢of no more than 2 elements of ✔ if. every subset in ✓ consists ✕Proposition ✖ 1. PROBLEM 1 is NP-hard. Proof. Given an instance of HITTING SET, here is how ✥to create an instance of PROBLEM 1 such that a polynomial ➮ ✥time solution to the latter implies a polynomial time solution ✝3 ✗✙✘✛✚ ✜✣✢✣✢✤✢✦✥★✧✌✩ ✪ ✌✫ ✭✬ ✮ ✯ ✰✲✱✴✳✶✵✸✷✺✹✼✻ ✽ ✾✲✿❁❀ ❂✣❃✤❃✣❃❅❄★❆✭❇❅❈❊❉ ❋ ●✴❍❁■❏■ 1 ❑★▲❊▼ 1 ◆P❖❘◗ 2 ❙❅❚❱❯ 1 ❲❨❳✣❩❬❩❭❩❭❪❴❫✤❵✭❛★❜❞❝ 1 ❡❏❡ ❢❁❣✴❤ , (hence ✐❦❥ 1 does not appear anywhere in ❧ ) The ♠ that solves the instance of PROBLEM 1 is equal ♣ to the ♥✌♦ that solves the instance of HITTING SET. qTheorem 1. rPROBLEM 2 is NP-hard. ✕ A reduction from HITTING SET. Let s be t 1 ✉✣P✈✣roof. ✤ ✈ ✦ ✈ ★ ✇ ✌ ① ② , and ③ be the collection of subsets of ④ , for ✞HITTING SET. To solve HITTING SET one must find a minimum subset ⑤✌⑥ ⑧ of ⑦ such that every ⑨ in ⑩ contains at least one element of ❶✌❷ . Without loss of generality, we can assume that ❸ does not contain a redundant element, i.e., no pair ❹ ❻,❺ of elements from ❼ is such that “ ❽✁❾✴❿ contains ➀ ” implies “➁ contains ➂ ” (otherwise ➃ is redundant and we can completely ignore it when solving the problem). Also, because HITTING SET remains NP-hard if every ➄ in ➅ consists of no more than two elements, we assume that this is the case. We can also assume that no ➆ in ➇ consists of a single element, because such an element surely has to be part of ➈✌➉ (i.e., the problem remains NP-hard if we assume that ➊ is a set of unordered pairs of elements of ➋ ). We next A solution to PROBLEM 2 does not delete an t✁✉✄✈✐✇ transaction because that would decrease support for itemset ①✁②✄③✐④ in ⑤ without decreasing support for any itemset in ⑥ (because the latter contain item ⑦✣⑧ 1 whereas ✁ ⑨ ✄⑩ ✐❶ ❷ does not). If the solution deletes transaction ❸✴❹❊❺❴❻ then: to the former. Let 1 for HITTING SET. Then for PROBLEM 1 here is what , , look like (in terms of the and of the HITTING SET problem instance): 1 , (i.e., 1 1 ) ✴ ✥ ❨ ✢ ✤ ✥ ✤ ❨ ✵ ➵ ✢ ✲ ✧ Ú ✦ ❨ ✭ ✥ 1. it decreases the support of every itemset of B that contains i from 2 to 1, i.e., it makes that itemset small; this corresponds to a solution in HITTING SET that selects ❼ to be in ❽❿❾ . ✥ Ú ✦ ❨ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ➸ ✫ ❨ ✢ ❨ ✘ ✢ ✗ 2. it decreases the support of itemset ➀✁➁✄➂✐➃ in ➄ from 2 to 1, i.e., it makes the itemset small; minimizing the number of times this happens in the solution to PROBLEM 2 corresponds to minimizing the size of ➅➇➆ in HITTING SET. ✙ ✫ ✶ ✙ ✦ ✔ ✦ ✕ The above observations imply that, from the set of transactions deleted by the solution to PROBLEM 2, we can obtain the ➈❿➉ that solves HITTING SET. ➊ Theorem 2. PROBLEM 3 is NP-hard. ➌ Proof. A reduction from HITTING SET. Let ➋ be 1 ➍❃➎❄➎❃➎✾➏❇➐❿➑ , and ➒ be the collection of subsets of ➓ , for HITTING SET. To solve HITTING SET one must find a ➛➙ minimum subset ➔❿→ ↔ of ➣ such that every ↕ in contains at ➞ least one element of ➜❿➝ . As in the proof of Theorem 1, does not contain a redundant element, and every ➟ in ➠ consists of two elements. We next explain how the instance of PROBLEM 3 is created. The symbols ➡✻➢❚➤❃➥✲➦➨➧✝➩➭➫✝➯ in what follows are as in the definition of PROBLEM 3 that we gave earlier. ✱ ✧ ✤ ✙ ✚ ✢ ✤ ✦ ❨ ✥ ✙ ✢ ✦ ✕ ✦ ✫ ✞ ❨ ✦ ✢ ➵ ✤ ✚ ✙ explain how the instance of PROBLEM 2 is created. First we introduce some notation. We use to denote the set of items that appear with in one or more in (including itself), that is, : or . (Note that no properly contains another because otherwise or is redundant.) We use to denote 1 . The symbols , , , , in what follows are as in the definition of PROBLEM 2 that was given earlier in this section. The instance of PROBLEM 2, which can easily be created in polynomial time, has the following parameters: 1 , (i.e., the items are 1 2 1) 2, i.e., two occurrences are needed to be considered “large”. ✁✄✂✁☎✝✆ , (note that item n+1 appears 1 2 nowhere in ✞ ) ➎➌ ➍➐➏➒➑ ➣ ➠➢➡❁➤ ➦➥➨➧➫➩➯➭P➲❊➔ ➳➸➵✼→ ➺ ➻➎➼➾➽➪➚ ➶➘➹➷➴➮➬ ➱ ✛✃ ❐❮❒➐❰➒Ï ➎Ð Ñ➐Ò➒Ó✭Ô✶Õ➨Ö❦× Ø Ù ❻Ú ÜÛ ❭Ý ❭Þ ↔➎↕➐➙➒➛➝➜✛➞❘➟ ➩ ✥ ➵ ✢ ✦ ➓ ✢ ✲ ✲ ✦ ✝✻➴❿➷➮➬ ➲➵➳➺➸➼➻➾➽✍➚✖➪ ✚ ✫ ✤ ✗ ✧ Ú ✥ ✲ ❨ ✙ ✘ ✤ ✪ ✫ ✶ ✫ ✦ ✢ 1 ➶❄➹❄➹❃➹✝➘ 3 ➩ ✥ That is, the items are ➱ 1 ✃ 2 ❐❃❒❄❒❄❒✄❮ 4 ❰❿Ï . To improve the readability of our proof, we use the notation #Ð for item ÑÓÒ✒Ô Ö , &Õ for item 2 ×ÙØ✒Ú , and $Û for item 3 ÜÙÝ✒Þ à , 1 ßâáäãæå . As in the proof of PROBLEM 2, we use ç✁è✄é✐ê to denote the set of items that appear with ë in one or more ì in í (including î itself), that is, ✱ ❨ ✗ ✧ ❨ ❨ ❨ ✲ß à✴á✶â✸ã✺ä✼å æ ïñð ò✴ó❁ô➨õ➘ö ÷❴ø★ù➎ú û❘✣ü ý❬ý❭ý❭þ❅ÿ ✦ ❨ ❨ ✥ ç è✤é✣é✣é➫ê❅ë✭ì★í❊î ❨ ➸ ❨ ✥ ➵ ï✭ð❊ñ❴òôó✡õ✰ö : ÷✖øúù ü or û✍ý✾þ✄ÿ✁✄✂✆☎✞✝✠✟ ✢ ❨ Ú ✟✡✠☞☛✍✌✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕ 1✗ : (Note that no ✡☞☛✍✌✏✎ properly contains another ✑☞✒✔✓✖✕ because or ✘ is redundant.) otherwise ✗ ✙ We use ✚✜✛✣✢✥✤ to denote ✦☞✧✔★✖✩ as well as all #✪ ✬ , &✫ ,a nd $✭ for which ✮✞✯✱✰☞✲✔✳✖✴ , i.e., ➵ ✫ ✚ ✘✚✙✜✛✣✢ ✢ ✢ ➩ ✥ ✤ ❨ The database ✤ ✦★✧✪✩✍✫✭✬ consists of 2 ✥ transactions: ✥ ✦ ➸ ➸ 2 ✡❩ ❩❳ ❨ ▲ ▼ ✵✜✶✣✷✥✸✺✹✼✻☞✽✔✾✖✿❁❀❃❂ ❆❄#❅ : ❇✞❈✱❉☞❊✔❋✖●■❍❆❏❃❑ ◆ & : ❖✞P✱◗☞❘✔❙✖❚■❯❆❱❃❲ $ : ❬❪❭✆❫❵❴✣❛✥❜❞❝✠❡ Observe that each itemset P✔◗✲❘❚❙❱❯❇❲✖❳ 1 ❨ in has support of precisely 2 (from transactions ❬✴❭❊❪❴❫ and ❵✴❛❝❜❱❞ . Each itemset ✁❡ ✄❢ ✐❣ ❤ ❦❥ ❧✁♠✄♥✐♦ in also has support of precisely 2 (from transactions and ♣✴q❊r❴s ). ✙ ❨ ❨ ✻✺✷✼✾✽✻✿ ✻❀✰❁❃❂❄❂❃❂✰❅❇❆✭❈❊❉✁❋✰●✲❍✴■❊❏✁❑✝▲◆▼ 1 ✮✰✯✲✱✴✳ 1 ✵✷✶✝✸✁✹ 2 ❖ ✢ ✴ ✩ ❢ r every ❣✐❤❦❥❆❧❁♠♦♥✁♣rq✆s we use t☞✉✔✈①✇ to denote the pair ② ③⑤④❁Fo ⑥ ③❩⑦⑨⑧ # # ❶❸❷✙❹❻❺☞❼✔an ❽①❾ d we use ⑩ to denote the set of all such pairs, i.e., : ❿➁➀✱➂➄➃ . ✥ ✤ ✲ ✙ ✥ ✤ ✤ Ú ✤ 4 ➅➤ ➉ ➆ ➋➈ ➍➊ ✣➌ ✁➎ ➑ ➏ ➓ ➐ ➒ we use ➔⑨→✔➣①↔ to denote ↕ For every ▲➟➞❁➠ ▲➢➡⑤➇ #➙➍➛ #➜✠➝ & & and we use ➥ to denote the set of all such ➦⑨➧✔➨①➩ ’s, i.e., ✼ ➫ ❦ ➭ ❆➯ ⑨➲ ✔➳ ① ➵ ➸ : ➺➼➻✆➽✞➾ . ❢ Fo r every ➶ ➚ ➘ ➪ ➹❆➴❁➷♦➬✁➮✃➱❒❐ we use ❮Ï❰✣ÐÒÑ to denote Ó ▲➟Ø❁Ù ▲➢ÚÜÛ ❳⑤Ý❁Þ ❳❩ß❆à #Ô➍Õ #Ö✠× & & $ $ and we use á to denote the set of all such âÏã✔ä①å ’s, i.e., è æ ✼ ç ëé Ïê ✔ì ① í î : ï➁ð✆ñ✞ò . replacing, in the solution, all of the type 1 modifications by the corresponding type 2 modifications would not make a difference for ❵ but would decrease the number of itemsets ❜ of ❛ that are affected, implying that the solution could not have been optimal. We henceforth assume that the solution contains only type 2 modifications to transactions. A type 2 modification that an item from transaction ❝✰❞✄❡✆❢ corresponds to a solution in HITTING SET that selects ❣ to be in ❤❱✐ . It also decreases ♦♥ the support of itemset ❥✁❦✄❧✆♠ in from 2 to 1, i.e., it makes the itemset small; minimizing the number of times this happens in the solution to PROBLEM 3 corresponds to minimizing the size of ♣❱q in HITTING SET. The above observations imply that, from the set of transactions modified by the solution to PROBLEM 3, we can t obtain the r❱s that solves HITTING SET. ✥ ✲ ✥ ✥ ✤ ✧ ✥ ✫ ✥ ✢ ✲ ✩ ✥ ✤ ✤ ➩ The other parameters of the instance of PROBLEM 3, which can easily be created in polynomial time, are described next. óõô 2, i.e., two occurrences are needed to be considered “large”. û ✔ü ① ý þ ’s, The set ö now consists of the ÷☞ø✔ù✖ú ’s as well as the ☞ ✁ÿ ✄✂✆☎ ’s, and ✟✝ ✄✞ ✆ ✠ ✡ ’s: ✗ ✲ ✱ ✥ ✥ ✦ ✙ ✥ ➸ ✙ ✴ ✥ ✥ ✱ ✌ ☛ ✎ ☞ ✑✍ ✓ ✏ ✒ ✛✚✢✜✤✣✥✣✥✣✟✦★✧✙✩✄✪✓✫✭✬✯✮✱✰✳✲✱✴✶✵✸✷✺✹ 1 ✔✟✕✗✖✙✘ 2 ➸ ✻✎✼✌✽✾✽✑✿❁❀❃❂✾❄ The database ❚ ✱ ✤ ✥ ✢ #❅❁❆ #❇✁❈ : ❉❋❊❍●❏■▲❑◆▼P❖❘◗▲❙ 4 Heuristic Approach consists of 2 ❯ transactions: ✥ ✦ In this section, we describe the heuristic approach that we propose to solve the Optimal Sanitization problem. Before the algorithm is presented some preliminary definitions are given and the data structures needed for the algorithm are described with some examples where necessary. Some complexity analysis results follow the formal presentation of the algorithm as well as experimental results from the performance evaluation of the proposed heuristic are given. ✭ ❱❳❲❩❨❋❬✙❭ ✲ 1 ❪✢❫❁❴❛❵ 1 ❜✟❝✗❞✓❡ 2 ❢✟❣❍❤✛✐ 2 ❥✢❦✤❧✥❧✤❧✢♠★♥✙♦✄♣✓q✢r❁s❛t✄✉✓✈✗✇▲① ③▲⑦❁⑧ ③✑⑨✁⑩ ❷❶ Observe that each itemset ②❋③❍④❏⑤✾⑥ # # in has support of precisely 2 (from transactions ❸❛❹✄❺❼❻ and ❽✛❾➀❿✾➁ ). Each ➈➇ itemset ➂✓➃❏➄➆➅ in also has support of precisely 2 (from trans▲➞➝✗➟ ▲➡➠✁➢ ➑ #➒❁➓ #➔✁→ ↔ actions ➉✓➊❏➋➆➌ and ➍❛➎✄➏❼❳▲➐ ). , ➣ #↕★➙ #➛✁➜ & & , ➵✁➸ ▲➞➩✗➫ ▲➡➭▲➯ ➲❁➳ ❳✑Itemsets and ➤ #➥★➦ #➧✁➨ & & $ $ in ➺ each have support 2 (from transactions ➻✛➼❏➽➆➾ and ➚❛➪➀➶✾➹ ). A solution to PROBLEM 3 does not modify an ➘✓➴❏➷➆➬ t➮✓ransaction because that would decrease support for itemset ➱❏✃➆❐ in ❒ without decreasing support for any itemset in ❮ . Now suppose the solution modifies a transaction ❰✛Ï✄Ð❼Ñ . The solution surely does not remove a &Ò or $Ó from transaction Ô✛Õ✄Ö❼× because that would decrease support for itemsets of Ø without decreasing support for any itemset in Ù . We also claim that the solution does not decrease support for Ú by removing a #Û from transaction Ü✛Ý✄Þ❼ß , i.e., that à✛á✄â❼ã is always modified by removing from it item(s) in ä 1 å✤æ✥æ✤æ❍ç★è↔é . To see that this is so, assume to the contrary that ê✛ë❏ì➆í was modified by removing a #î from it (we call this a “type 1” modification). We now show that this leads to a contradiction. ñ ó ) from Comment. Observe that deleting ï (where ð❳òô õ✛ö✄÷❼ø can always be replaced by deleting ù from ú❛û✄ü❼ý . This is because, although both have the same effect on þ (i.e., ÿ ✄✂✆☎ ), deleting ✝ weakens every ✞✠✟☛✡ where ☞✍✌ weakening ✁ ✎ whereas deleting ✏✒✓✕ ✑ ✔ weakens only ✖✘✗✚✙✜✛✣✢ #✤✚✥ #✦★✧✪✩✬✫ . The deletion of #✭ from transaction ✮✰✯✄✱✆✲ weakens in ✳ the (at least three) itemsets ✴✁✵✷✶✹✸ ✍ , ✺✼✻✄✽✿✾ ✹ , ❀❂❁✄❃✿❄ where ❅☛❆❈❇ . On the other hand, modifying ❉✰❊✄❋✆● by removing from it an item ❍❏■▲❑ 1 ▼❖◆P◆❖◆❘◗❚❙❱❯ (a “type 2” modification) rather than removing a #❲ , would have the same effect on ❳ but would weaken only ❨❬❩✷❭❫❪ in ❴ . This implies that globally ✙ ✴ ✤ ✩ ❖ ✤ Ú ✤ ✙ ✚ ✦ ✙ ✤ ✢ Ú ✤ ✤ ✤ ❨ ✪ ❨ ✚ ✵ Ú ✥ ✥ ✤ 4.1 Preliminary Definitions ✵ In order to better illustrate how the algorithm works, we represent all large itemsets in the database in terms of a graph, referred to as the itemset graph. In the remainder of the discussion, we use the term “ ✉ -itemset”, where ✈ is an integer, with the meaning of an itemset whose cardinality is ✇ . ✭ ✗ ✬ ✲ ✯ ✞ ✮ ✢ ✥ ✫ ✵ ✲ ✫ ✦ ✴ ✯ ✙ ❨ ✥ ✘ Definition 4.1 (Itemset Graph.) Let ①✍②④③ be a set of large itemsets. An Itemset Graph over ⑤✍⑥④⑦ is defined as follows: (i) there is a node for each itemset in ⑧✍⑨④⑩ ; and (ii) there is an edge from the node representing itemset ❶❫❷ to the node representing itemset ❸❺❹ , if ❻❫❼❾❽➀❿➂➁ . ➵ ➵ ✴ ✥ ✫ ✲ ➵ ❖ Ú ✫ ✪ ✥ ✤ Ú ❨ ✦ ➵ Ú ✲ ✲ ✲ ✥ ✲ ☞ ✲ ✴ ✙ ✱ ✲ ✥ ✕ ✲ ❨ ❨ ✫ ❖ ✮ ➵ ✤ ✙ ✫ ✥ ✮ ❨ ✲ ➃ ✢ 5 An itemset graph is the result of a breadth-first search in the space of potentially large itemsets. Each node, except from the itemset, contains other information that we will introduce later on. Assuming the existence of a database like the one shown in Table 1a, then the Figure 1 shows the graph for the example database for the large itemsets shown in Table 1b. There is an ordering imposed by the itemset graph in each large itemset. This ordering implies the level of a large itemset in the itemset graph. ➄ ➄ ➅ TID T1 T2 T3 ➆ Items ABCD ABC ACD ➆ ➆➆ Large Itemsets AB AC AD BC CD ABC ACD ➠ ➡➡ Support 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 T1: {AB, AC’, AD} A T2: {AB, AC’} T3: {AC’, AD} ➠ ➡➡ ➇Table 1. (a) The example itemset database; (a) (b) AB ➈(b) the large itemsets (1-itemsets are not in- B ➡ BC T1: {ABC} T1: {ABC} T2: {ABC} ➢➡ T1: {AB, BC} T2: {AB, BC} T2: {ABC} ➡➡ T1: {BC, AC’, CD} C T2: {BC, AC’} D T3: {AC’, CD} T1: {ABC, ACD} AC T2: {ABC} ➢ ➡➡ CD T3: {ACD} ➠ T1: {ACD} T3: {ACD} ➡ T1: {CD, AD} T3: {CD, AD} AD T1: {ACD} T3: {ACD} ➉cluded) from the example database along with their support. ➊ ➵ ➠ ✤ ➋ Figure 1. The graph of large itemsets. ➌ Ú ➍Definition 4.3 (➎Level of an itemset graph.) The level of an itemset graph ➏ is the length of the maximum path from ➵ search is the “prime” and “non-prime” itemset that we define below. ✗ Ú ✫ ✙ ✤ any large 1-itemset to any other large itemset reachable from this large 1-itemset. ✥ ✤ ➥ ✤ Of particular importance for the algorithm is the so-called “pivotal” itemsets. ✗ ✮ ✗ ➐ ➑ ➵ Ú Definition 4.4 (Pivotal itemset.) A pivotal itemset is a large -itemset in the -th level of the itemset graph. ✕ ✫ ✥ ✗ ✥ ✥ ➒ ➓ ➵ ✙ ✙ ✴ ✮ ➔➣→❈↔ ✙ ✙ 4.2 ➭ ➳ ➵ ➯ Ú ❨ ➩ ✫ ✫ The Sanitization Heuristic The heuristic that we propose relies heavily upon the structure of the itemset graph. The input to the algorithm is a set of large itemsets that we need to hide. The algorithm first sorts these itemsets based on their support, and then tries to hide all of them, in an one-by-one fashion. After each pass, the algorithm keeps track of the newly hidden large itemsets, and performs a search into the list of remaining large itemsets that have not yet been hidden. If there is an itemset in the list that it becomes hidden after the current step, the algorithm removes this itemset from the list of remaining itemsets. Basically, the algorithm goes through the list of itemsets, and applies a bottom-up followed by a ✱ ✗ ✤ Ú ✥ ✙ ✚ ✙ The shortest path connecting the two itemset has length 1. When the relationships above apply to pivotal itemsets connected by a single line, we use the term “parent” and “child” to represent them. The algorithm (as we will see below) performs a greedy search in the itemset graph. Of major importance in this ✕ ✙ ✗ ✱ ✗ ➨ ✫ Ú ✱ ✦ ➤ ✪ ➍Definition 4.6 (“Is supported by” relationship.) A large itemset ↕ is supported by a large itemset ➙ iff ➛➝➜➟➞ . ➵ ➵ Ú For each pivotal itemset, the itemset graph maintains the transactions supporting this itemset. For each pair of pivotal itemset and transaction, the itemset graph also maintains a list with the “prime” and “non-prime” itemsets. ✥ Definition 4.5 (“Provides support to” relationship.) A large itemset provides support to a large itemset iff . ✚ ➫ ➲ This implies that the level of a pivotal itemset and the number of items in this itemset must be the same. The pivotal itemset is the itemset that a graph node represents. The itemsets inside the curly braces in the itemset graph are the additional information maintained in each node. The straight lines in Figure 1 denote dependencies among the large itemsets in the sense that two connected itemsets (through one line or a path) are related either by the “provides support to” or “is supported from” binary relationships. These binary relationships are formally defined below. ✱ ✫ Definition 4.8 (Non-prime itemset.) Let be a pivotal itemset, and be a child of . is a non-prime itemset if it is not a prime itemset. Non-prime itemsets are not defined for pivotal itemsets of size equal to the level of the itemset graph. ✱ ✚ ➦ ➧ ➵ Definition 4.7 (Prime itemset.) Let be a pivotal itemset, and be a child of . is a prime itemset for , if ’s support does not fall under the minimum support threshold given that ’s support is decremented by one. Prime itemsets are not defined for pivotal itemsets of size equal to the level of the itemset graph. ❖ ✖ T1 ACD T3 T2 Ú Definition 4.2 (Level of an itemset.) The level of an itemset is the length of the path from a large 1-itemset (reachable from ) to . ✗ ➡ ABC T1 ✯ ✥ ➸6 Modifications T1-A ➄ T1-B T1-C T2-A (algorithm selection) ➄ T2-B ➄ T2-C (algorithm selection) ➄ 1. HI = itemset to be hidden 2. k = size of HI 3. T = set of transactions supporting HI 4. while HI is not hidden 4a. HI’ = HI 4b. for level k downto 2 do 4ba. HI’ = parent of HI’ with maximum support 4bb. end-for 4c. Ts = transaction in T supporting HI’ that affects the min. number of 2-itemsets 4d. set HI’ to 0 in Ts 4e. propagate results forward 4f. end-while Table 2. Number of remaining large itemsets for each one of the minimally modification ac➴ tions. pose also that an itemset is hidden if its support is below 2. Therefore, the goal is to remove the support of this itemset from at least one of the transactions that provide support to this itemset (T1 or T2). As the Table 1b , there is a maximum of 6 itemsets in this case that may be maintained. Also, we should notice that for this algorithm, it does not matter whether a certain itemset loses support as long as it is kept above the minimum specified support. ✚ ✱ ✴ ✥ ✫ ✥ ✥ top-down traversal of the itemset graph. In each traversal, the support of the currently scanned large itemset decreases by one. Figure 2 illustrates the building block for the proposed heuristic approach. The algorithm takes as input the large itemset to be hidden. It then performs a greedy search through the ancestors of this itemset, selecting at each level the parent with the maximum support and setting the selected parent as the new itemset that needs to be hidden (step 4ba). At the end of this process, a large 1-itemset has been selected. The algorithm searches through the common list of transactions that support both the selected 1-itemset and the initial large itemset to be hidden in order to identify the transaction that affects the minimum number of 2-itemsets. After this transaction is identified, then it deletes the selected 1-itemset from the identified transaction (step 4d). In the sequel, it propagates the results of this modification to the graph of large itemsets. In order to make the presentation simple, we illustrate our approach through an example. Suppose that we are given a database like the one shown in Table 1a. Suppose also that the minimum support of large itemsets (requested by ➸ the user) is 66 ➻ 6% or in absolute numbers, 2 transactions per itemset. The number of large itemsets (excluding the ones with one item) are shown in Table 1b. Our goal is to hide a specific itemset, also provided as input. Hiding a large itemset means to decrease its support to a degree that cannot be considered as a favorable discovery by the competitors. Deciding upon the specific support threshold to use for rule hiding, in such a way that the outside parties will not be able to discover the sensitive rules, is an important issue that must carefully be considered, but we do not deal with it at this point. For this reason we assume that we are asked to lower the support of a given itemset by a certain amount that is also provided as an input. Suppose that the itemset ➼➾➽➪➚ has to be hidden. Sup✘ ✶ ✘ ❢ ✥ ✙ ✩ ✙ ➷➾➬➪➮ is a large 3-itemset. The algorithm first looks at all the subsets of size 2 of ➱✪✃➪❐ . For each 2-itemset, it checks tÐ➾heÑ support. For this case ❒➾❮ and ❰➪Ï have support 2 and has support 3. At this stage, it selects to concentrate on that large 2-itemset that will not be affected by modifying its support by one. For this reason, it will select itemset Ò➾Ó . In order to decrease the support of Ô➾Õ➪Ö through ×✪Ø , the algorithm can only modify the support of Ù➾Ú in transactions T1 and T2, but not in T3. This is because, PÛ Ü 1 Ý✚Þ 2 ß is the intersection of the transactions supporting both à➾á➪â and ã➾ä . From these two transactions, it will select the one that affects the minimum number of large-itemsets. In our case, T2 will be selected, since its list contains only one non-prime itemset, as opposed to the transaction T1, whose lå➾istæ contain two non-prime itemsets. In order for itemset to lose support from the transaction T2, either ç ▲ or è must be turned into a 0 in T2. Since the lists of supported itemsets by the transaction T2 for both é and ê contain the same number of prime and non-prime itemsets, the item to be modified can be selected at random. ✥ ✪ ✮ ✗ ✶ ✥ ✥ ✢ ✗ ✚ ✥ ✥ ✤ ✩ ✥ ✙ ✭ ✥ ❨ ✙ ✤ ✤ ✥ ✦ ✭ ✥ ✥ ✙ ✥ ✤ ✩ ✫ ✤ ✲ ✙ ✥ ✥ ✤ ✤ Number of Remaining Large Itemsets 3 ➹ 4 3 5 ➹ 4 5 ➘ Figure 2. Sketch of the Building Block of the Algorithm ➺ ➶ ✖ ✕ ✥ ✢ ✙ ✤ ✗ ✫ ✦ Table 2 shows the number of remaining large itemsets after modifying a minimal number of items in the original database. The semantics of the symbols listed in the table is as follows: TI-J means turn to 0 in transaction TI the item ë J. The table lists all possible modifications. For each modification, the table reports the large itemsets remaining after the modification. Modifications identified by our algorithm are explicitly marked in the table. From the table, it is easy to see that our algorithmic approach has the best results for the example at hand. ✤ ✧ ✤ ✷ ✥ ✤ ✥ ✔ ì ✥ 7 LI 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 LI (hidden) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 LI (Sanit.) 31 32 31 28 31 31 31 28 28 LI (Cyclic) 30 30 28 24 28 30 30 24 22 Along the same lines, we are working on using not only the support but the confidence of the association rules in order to selectively hide a subset of those. Also, it is important to devise metrics to quantify the difference between the released database and the original one. The quantification of such difference may allow the security administrator to be able to better trade between security and accuracy. ✗ ✥ ✶ ✧ ✢ ✗ ✗ ➇ Table 3. Comparison between the number of large itemsets (LI) remaining after the appli➉ cation of the proposed Sanitization heuristic í and the Cyclic algorithm. Acknowledgments ✰ ✲ ✵ ✔ î 4.3 The work of Elisa Bertino was carried out when she was visiting Purdue University in summer 1999. The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions made by Yücel Saygin. Comparison Results References ✙ ✥ ✥ ✥ In order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed heuristic, we have developed another algorithm, which we call it, the Cyclic algorithm. Just like the Sanitization heuristic, this algorithm starts off with a reference to a particular node in the itemset graph that needs to be hidden. To see how this approach works, let a large itemset ï be made up of the items ð✷ñ❺ò 1 óõô❺ö 2 ÷❖øPø❖ø❚ùõú❺ûPü❖ý and let the transactions that support ✄✆☎ ☛✆☞✠✌✎✍ it be þ ÿ ✁ 1 ✂ 2 ✝✟✞✠✞✠✞✆✡ . In order to hide ✏ , the algorithm first tries to hide the large 1-itemset ✑✓✒ 1 from ✔✆✕ 1 . Then the support of ✖ is checked. If it is still above the threshold, then in the next iteration the large 1-itemset ✗✙✘ 2 will be hidden from ✚✆✛ 2 ands oo n. After ✜ iterations, the algorithm goes back to trying to hide ✢✤✣✙✥ 1 ✦ again. After ✧ iterations, the Cyclic algorithm selects to hide a large 1-itemset from transaction ★✆✩ 1 once again. The iterations stop as soon as ✪ becomes hidden. Table 3 contains the results of comparing the difference in the number of remaining large itemsets after applying both of these algorithms to various input sets consisting of 10 transactions and 7 items per transaction, for a support level of 40%. [1] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami. 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