Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing

Today, human activities constitute the primary environmental impact on the planet. In this context, commitments to sustainability, or minimization of damage, prove insufficient. To develop regenerative, futuring (Fry, 2008) capabilities, architectural design needs to extend beyond the form and function of things in contained projects and engage with the management of complex systems. Such systems involve multiple types of dynamic phenomena – biotic and abiotic, technical and cultural – and can be understood as living. Engagement with such living systems implies manipulation of pervasive and unceasing change, irrespective of whether it is accepted by design stakeholders or actively managed towards homeostatic or homeorhetic conditions. Manipulation of continuity requires holistic and persistent design involvements. Responding to this challenge, CAADRIA 2016 seeks to interrogate the notion of continuity and the applicable architectural toolsets in order to map and discover opportunities for innovation.

Call for Papers architectural toolsets in order to map and discover opportuniies for innovaion. Can architecture uilize compuing to dynamically specify services and allocate LIVING SYSTEMS AND MICRO-UTOPIAS: TOWARDS CONTINUOUS DESIGNING resources to control lows of mater, energy, money or people (Thackara, 2005)? Can architecture overcome the impossibility of perfect design by focusing on the co-emergence of technical systems and their user communiies? Can it extend and radicalize the idea of lifecycle management, for 21st Internaional Conference of the Associaion for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADIRA) example towards the inclusion of non-human stakeholders? Engagement with complex dynamic systems poses diicult conceptual, technical and ethical challenges. To menion 30 March–2 April 2016 but a few: How can the longevity of living systems be afected through technologies for the capturing and sharing Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne, of knowledge, including BIM, APIs or technical standards? in collaboraion with the RMIT University How do living systems equip and curtail design acion, for example through interacions in creaive programming, open Today, human aciviies consitute the primary environmental impact on the planet. In this context, commitments to sustainability, or minimizaion of damage, prove insuicient. To develop regeneraive, futuring (Fry, 2008) capabiliies, architectural design needs to extend beyond the form and funcion of things in contained projects and engage with the management of complex systems. Such systems involve muliple types of dynamic phenomena – bioic and abioic, technical and cultural – and can be understood as living. Engagement with such living systems implies manipulaion of pervasive and unceasing change, irrespecive of whether it is accepted by design stakeholders or acively managed towards hardware and parametric modelling communiies? How does stabilizaion of technical knowledge in data types, algorithms, computaional objects, languages or user interfaces afect the capability of designers to imagine alternaive futures? Can modelling and simulaion tools of architectural design cope with the inherent unpredictability of complex systems by integraing such approaches as big data analysis or pervasive compuing? Can advances in fabricaion and mechatronics support design that funcions analogously with the mechanism that evoluionary biologists call adapive niche construcion? What educaional approaches are appropriate and future-ready in a world of global and acceleraing homeostaic or homeorheic condiions. Manipulaion change? This list of quesions could be readily extended. of coninuity requires holisic and persistent design Crucially, research into more holisic, ecological approaches involvements. In other words, “designers should become the to architectural design must overcome a methodological facilitators of low, rather than the originators of maintainable mismatch of spaial, temporal and organizaional scales. The ‘things’ such as discrete products or images” (Wood, 2007) ecologies of real-world living systems are incalculably more Responding to this challenge, CAADRIA 2016 seeks to interrogate the noion of coninuity and the applicable 1 CAADRIA 2016 PAPER SELECTION COMMITTEE Nik Sheng-Fen Chien, Chair (Taiwan) extensive than the bounded experimental prototypes that are possible in research and educaion. What strategies and technologies can be employed to overcome this dilemma? This call proposes to interrogate whether and how designers’ capacity to create micro-utopias (Wood, 2007) can illuminate or redirect complex, longer-term processes and probe into alternaive futures. Examples of relevant methods include, but are not limited to, criical making (Rato, 2011) and criical technical pracice (Agre, 1997) , interrogaive (Wodiczko, 1999 [1994]) , criical and speculaive design (Dunne and Raby, 2013) and wild or feral compuing (Fuller and Matos, 2011). Seungyeon Choo (Korea) Mark Aurel Schnabel (New Zealand) Walaiporn Nakapan (Thailand) Mi Jeong Kim (Korea) Stanislav Roudavski (Australia) Email Submission inquiries to: CAADRIA 2016 LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Conference Chair: Dominik Holzer, The University of Melbourne; Conference Co-chairs: Jane Burry (RMIT University), Paul Loh and Stanislav Roudavski (The University of Melbourne) Contact: CAADRIA 2016’s theme of Coninuous Designing ofers a viewpoint for interrogaion of all research in design and REFERENCES computaion, including, for example: theory, philosophy and Agre, Philip E. (1997). ‘Toward a Criical Technical Pracice: methodology of design research; educaion; collaboraive and Lessons Learned in Trying to Reform AI’, in Bridging the Great interdisciplinary design strategies; stakeholder paricipaion; Divide: Social Science, Technical Systems, and Cooperaive design innovaion and creaivity; generaive, parametric and Work, ed. by Geof Bowker, Les Gasser, Leigh Star, and evoluionary design; visualisaion, virtualisaion modelling, Bill Turner (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum), pp. 131–158 simulaion and predicion; city, site and building informaion modelling; human-computer interacion; ubiquitous and pervasive compuing; sensing; ariicial autonomy and intelligence; mechatronics; fabricaion, construcion, opimizaion, mass customisaion … and others. ... Besides the theme above, CAADRIA 2016 invites posters on general topics in computaional design research. In addiion, young researchers currently involved in postgraduate studies are invited to submit their work-in-progress Dunne, Anthony, and Fiona Raby (2013). Speculaive Everything: Design, Ficion, and Social Dreaming (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press) Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Pracice (Oxford: Berg) Fuller, Mathew and Sónia Matos (2011). ‘Feral Compuing: From Ubiquitous Calculaion to Wild Interacions’, Fibreculture Journal, 135, pp. 144–163 Rato, Mat (2011). ‘Criical Making: Conceptual research papers to the Postgraduate Student Consorium. and Material Studies in Technology and Social Life’, SUBMISSION AND DATES Thackara, John (2005). In the Bubble: Designing in Submit to: a Complex World (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press) Abstract Submission (2 pages or at least 500 words): Wodiczko, Krzysztof (1999 [1994]). ‘Interrogaive Design’, in 25 September 2015 Criical Vehicles: Wriings, Projects, Interviews, ed. by Krzysztof Noiicaion of Abstract Acceptance: 23 October 2015 Wodiczko (Cambridge, MA; London: MIT Press), pp. 16–17 Young CAADRIA Award Submission: 13 November 2015 Full Paper Submission: 27 November 2015 Poster Submission: 27 November 2015 Student Consorium Submission: 11 December 2015 Noiicaion of Full Paper Acceptance: 23 December 2015 Noiicaion of Poster acceptance: 8 January 2016 Camera ready Full Paper Submission: 29 January 2016 CAADRIA2016 Workshops: 29–30 March 2016 CAADRIA2016 Conference: 30 March–2 April 2016 2 The Informaion Society, 27, 4, pp. 252–260 Wood, John (2007). Design for Micro-Utopias: Making the Unthinkable Possible (Aldershot: Gower)