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This paper discusses the concept of educational leadership as a moral endeavor that requires authenticity, ethical clarity, and a transformative role in shaping educational environments. It highlights the complexities and challenges educational leaders face and proposes a post-modern leadership manifesto that emphasizes co-creation, creativity, and continuous dialogue. Furthermore, it cautions against the pitfalls of a purely post-modern approach, stressing the importance of communal responsibility and addressing fundamental questions about the role of education in society.
Wiley eBooks, 2017
If it is granted that educational leaders should lead, then the obvious question is what they should lead for-which can also be phrased as the question what they should lead towards. Although the question seems obvious, it is easily forgotten in the maelstrom educational leaders find themselves in, being caught up with administration and management rather than leadership, and often just trying to keep up with bureaucratic demands and desires. This means that the question of direction, the question what educational leadership ought to be for, is often only answered in the concrete and shortterm language of targets, outcomes, and Key Performance Indicators, with little attention and often simply just not enough time for considering the longer-term aims of education and the underlying purposes that direct, give meaning, and justify such aims. Also, in the world of targets and Key Performance Indicators it is quite likely that the answer to what educational leaders should lead for is already decided for them, with little scope for interpretation and negotiation, let alone for critique. Yet the relative absence of sustained attention to questions of purpose is not just a practical matter; it is not just a matter of lack of time, but also has to do with the presence within educational policy, practice, and its wider discourse, of powerful but nonetheless rather unhelpful ideas, theories, framings, and assumptions of what education is about, what the task of education supposedly is, of how education works, and what this means for the administration, leadership, and improvement of education. The purpose of this chapter is not to provide a detailed overview of all these discussions, but-one step removed from this-raise a number of more fundamental questions about education, including questions of its discourse, its purposes, its theories, and its improvement. The intent partly is to have a perspective from which problems can be identified and can appear as problems, and partly to provide building blocks for a more informed, nuanced, and politically astute discussion about education and its leadership. The chapter is structured in the following way. I begin where many would argue education should begin, that is with the question of learning, but I will argue that learning-and specifically the language of learning-has become a problem for education rather than just its obvious starting point and frame of reference. From here, I address the question of purpose in education, suggesting that, unlike what is the case in
Leadership in Diverse Learning Contexts, 2016
Mutualistic goal setting enables members of the school community to reinvigorate and build on the past in order to establish clear goals for the future. That past in the case study schools of this chapter is steeped in the various foundations of the schools and manifests in explicit values for action, bringing life to the moral purpose of the school. Teacher leaders emerge from the process with zest for open and active work in parallel with their meta-strategic leaders. They lead with members of the professional community, bringing to life in classrooms the underpinning values of the school's vision for learning. This chapter draws on examples of teacher leaders working in schools that have engaged with the school improvement process of IDEAS (Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievement in Schools) and are leading significant new pedagogical action. Guided by the school improvement process based on building capacity for the alignment of school components through parallel leadership, mutualistic goal setting and collective responsibility, these teachers exemplify leadership that is underpinned by allegiance to an explicit set of values guided by a vision for learning. Each school is different and each teacher leader demonstrates recognised qualities of critical self-reflection, networking, and advocacy for improved student achievement from a contextually relevant vantage point of moral purpose. The result is an identified style of leadership, underpinned by moral purpose, whereby teacher leaders in concert with their metastrategic principal actively engage in the articulation of their school's values and vision for learning through pedagogical leadership and strategic planning.
Journal of School Leadership, 2011
Amazon, 2023
In the dynamic field of education, effective leadership is paramount to fostering a culture of growth, innovation, and success. Educational leaders serve as beacons of inspiration, guiding students, educators, and institutions toward their highest potential. They possess the remarkable ability to empower minds, ignite passion, and shape the future of education. With great pleasure, I introduce this book, "Educational Leadership: Empowering Minds, Inspiring Success." This comprehensive and insightful guide delves into the multifaceted world of educational leadership, offering a wealth of knowledge, strategies, and practical advice for aspiring and seasoned leaders alike. The authors of this book have harnessed their deep understanding of educational leadership and their vast experience in the field to create a resource that is both actionable and transformative. They navigate the intricacies of leadership styles, examining the strengths and limitations of each approach and showcasing their applications in educational settings. From transformational leadership to instructional leadership, from ethical leadership to servant leadership, this book comprehensively explores leadership styles that can help educational leaders excel in their roles. Beyond leadership styles, the book dives into critical topics such as promoting equity and inclusion, embracing technological advancements, navigating policy changes, managing limited resources, and fostering parent and community engagement. It also emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence, self-reflection, and continuous professional growth for effective leadership. With each chapter, the authors provide actionable insights and practical strategies that leaders can implement to create meaningful change and empower students and educators. What sets this book apart is its unwavering focus on student success. The authors recognize leadership's significant impact on student outcomes and highlight the need for leaders to create a student-centered environment. Leaders can inspire minds and propel students toward excellence by fostering a culture of continuous improvement, promoting best practices in teaching and learning, and providing opportunities for student leadership and agency. As I reflect on the importance of educational leadership, I am reminded of leaders' profound influence on shaping the lives of individuals and the broader society. Educational leaders have the power to ignite a spark within students, instilling in them a love for learning, a thirst for knowledge, and the confidence to pursue their dreams. They create inclusive and supportive environments where students can thrive, excel, and contribute meaningfully to the world. I commend the authors for their dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence in educational leadership. Their collective wisdom and insights will undoubtedly inspire and empower leaders to make a lasting impact in the lives of students and the educational community. To all the educational leaders, administrators, educators, and individuals passionate about creating positive change in education, I urge you to delve into the pages of this book. May it serve as a guiding light, empowering your journey and inspiring you to become the transformative leader our educational system needs. Together, let us embrace the noble mission of educational leadership and empower minds to achieve the extraordinary. Through our collective efforts, we can create a future where every student has the opportunity to flourish, succeed, and become the leader of tomorrow.
International Christian Community of Teacher Educators Journal
Journal of Education Leadership in Action, 2013
Ethics is an important part of administrative behavior for a head schoolteacher. A school often proceeds in the path of success if it is led by an ethically sound leader. However, professional ethics are largely thought to emerge from the conscience of the administrator. This article is based on a study undertaken with the purpose of identifying how the ethics of educational administrators are practiced in public secondary schools in Nepal. The study was carried out using a humanistic paradigm with a series of in-depth interviews and focus group discussion through a phenomenological approach. The study found that professional codes of conduct for school administrators need to be well defined, well internalized, and focused on the culture and context in question. One way to do this is to require representatives of all of the school's stakeholders to discuss and develop the professional codes of school administrators. This sensitive and participatory approach in the development and adoption of the ethical rules generates a "feeling of ownership," responsibility, and commitment among all school stakeholders. However, at present, there are no such provisions to understand social interaction in particular social settings to ensure participation of all the stakeholders in the formation of ethical codes of educational administrators.
The success of organizations, including those of an educational nature, is inextricably intertwined with their leadership. The economic and financial woes which plagued the world in recent years have triggered the need for a new generation of leaders. There are various leadership models and styles which may be adopted, including authentic leadership. This may be considered as an emerging leadership model which, however, is quickly gathering momentum. It is a style of leadership which can contribute significantly to the success of an organization, leading to improved work-engagement and performance. One of the reasons for this is that it offers a connection between the leader and the followers, that is, those who are being led. It is not easy to define authentic leadership; very often it is defined as promoting a positive ethical climate, fostering self-awareness, an internalised moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency (Walumbwa et al., 2008). This paper e...
Зборник радова "Усклађивање правног система Србије са стандардима ЕУ", Крагујевац, 2024. , 2024
У српској историјској и правноисторијској науци влада једно скоро неподељено уверење, да је Русија током мировних преговора са Турском 1811/12. године, који су довели до закључења Букурешког уговора, била недоследна у погледу будућег статуса Србије и да је увек када је морала безобзирно жртвовала српске интересе за рачун руских. Обавештавање српских устаничких вођа о садржају Букурешког уговора неких месец и по дана после његовог потписивања, у српској историографији не ретко се објашњава бескрупулозношћу руске дипломатије. У раду се такви доминантни ставови преиспитују из угла пре свега оне руске архивске грађе која је до сада у српским радовима о Првом српском устанку и Букурешком уговору мало или нимало коришћена.
Quattro libri, 2024
Revista Brasileira de História, 2024
Journal of Lithic Studies, 2024
Music and Law. Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance, vol. 18 edited by Mathieu Deflem. Bingley UK: Emerald Group Publishing., 2013
Brooklyn Rail, 2015
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A educação enquanto fenômeno social: Perspectivas de evolução e tendências 7 (ATENA EDITORA), 2023
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Karachi Islamicus, 2022
Orchid Academia Siraha, 2022
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