[Prion 1:2, 83-93; April/May/June 2007]; ©2007 Landes Bioscience
The Prion Protein Knockout Mouse
A Phenotype Under Challenge
Andrew D. Steele1
Susan Lindquist1
Adriano Aguzzi2
1Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research; Department of Biology;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
2Institute of Neuropathology; University Hospital of Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland
Correspondence to: Andrew D. Steele; Whitehead Institute for Biomedical
Research; Department of Biology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Nine
Cambridge Center; Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 USA; Tel.: 617.258.6223;
Fax: 617.258.7226; Email: steele@wi.mit.edu / Susan Lindquist; Whitehead
Institute for Biomedical Research; Department of Biology; Massachusetts Institute
of Technology; Nine Cambridge Center; Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 USA;
Tel.: 617.258.5184; Fax: 617.258.7226; Email: Lindquist_admin@wi.mit.edu
/ Adriano Aguzzi; Institute of Neuropathology; University Hospital of Zürich;
Schmelzbergstrasse 12; Zürich CH 8091 Switzerland; Tel.:; Fax:; Email: adriano.aguzzi@usz.ch
Original manuscript submitted: 02/25/07
Revised manuscript submitted: 04/23/07
Manuscript accepted: 04/25/07
Previously published online as a Prion E-publication:
Key worDS
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy,
amyloid, PrP
prion protein
charge cluster
hydrophobic core
superoxide dismutase
See page 90.
The key pathogenic event in prion disease involves misfolding and aggregation of
the cellular prion protein (PrP). Beyond this fundamental observation, the mechanism
by which PrP misfolding in neurons leads to injury and death remains enigmatic. Prion
toxicity may come about by perverting the normal function of PrP. If so, understanding the
normal function of PrP may help to elucidate the molecular mechansim of prion disease.
Ablation of the Prnp gene, which encodes PrP, was instrumental for determining that
the continuous production of PrP is essential for replicating prion infectivity. Since the
structure of PrP has not provided any hints to its possible function, and there is no obvious
phenotype in PrP KO mice, studies of PrP function have often relied on intuition and
serendipity. Here, we enumerate the multitude of phenotypes described in PrP deficient
mice, many of which manifest themselves only upon physiological challenge. We discuss
the pleiotropic phenotypes of PrP deficient mice in relation to the possible normal function
of PrP. The critical question remains open: which of these phenotypes are primary effects
of PrP deletion and what do they tell us about the function of PrP?
The prion protein (PrPC) is a conserved glycoprotein tethered to cell membranes by
a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor.1 PrPC denotes “cellular” or “normal” PrP
to differentiate it from PrPSc for “scrapie” or disease associated isoform of PrPC. PrPC
is expressed in many tissues, most abundantly in brain, heart, muscle, and also in select
lymphoid and myeloid cells.2 The role of PrPSc in the pathogenesis of the transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), the prion diseases, has been intensively studied.1-5
Conversely, much less attention has been focused on the role of PrPC in normal physiology.6
Of note, normal function studies of proteins associated with other neurodegenerative
diseases, such as amyloid precursor protein and the secretases for Alzheimer’s disease,7
a-synuclein for Parkinson’s disease,8 and huntingtin for Huntington’s disease,9 are helping
to provide deeper insights into the pathophysiology of these diseases. Analogously, a clearer
understanding of the function of PrPC in homeostasis may provide valuable insights into
the molecular pathways of prion pathogenesis. However, the extent of overlap between
understanding the pathogenic dysfunction of PrPSc in prion diseases and the normal
function of PrPC in cell physiology remains to be determined (depicted in Fig. 1).
Many approaches have been utilized to understand the physiological function of PrPC,
including but not limited to the identification of multiple interaction partners, human
genetic studies of the Prnp (prion protein gene) locus, ectopic and overexpression of PrPC
in a variety of cell types and organisms, and finally deletion or ‘knockout’ (KO) studies in
the mouse,10 cow,11 and even goat,12 providing additional exciting tools for understanding
aspects of PrPC physiology that may not be addressable in mice (Fig. 2). The search
for protein interaction partners of PrPC, by a variety of methods, has led to interesting
candidates but functional demonstration of the importance of these interactions is still
missing.2,13 Furthermore, overexpression and ectopic expression studies of PrPC, or
expression of mammalian PrPC in lower organisms is yet to reveal an irrefutable function
for PrPC. Another approach includes large scale genetic association studies to look for
PRNP mutations or polymorphisms associated with human genetic disorders. Some
interesting genetic associations with Alzheimer’s disease susceptibility have been found but
lack consensus in the field.14-16 Polymorphisms in PrPC have been associated with rare
forms of cortical malformation,17 differences in surgical outcome for a form of epilepsy,18
and even learning and memory.19
Prion Protein Knockout Mouse Phenotypes
Figure 1. The overlap between the normal function of PrPC and the
pathogenic dysfunction of PrPSc in disease depicted as a Venn diagram. The
extent of overlap between the normal function of PrPC and its role in prion
disease is open to speculation, the circles could have a much greater or
perhaps even less overlap.
A large pool of PRNP mutations have been identified in humans,
but all of these are associated with familial prion diseases, or
appear to represent harmless polymorphisms.20 Perhaps there are
heretofore undiscovered humans with small chromosomal deletions
that encompass the PRNP locus, or even mutations that render
humans haploinsufficient or even null for PrP. Such human patients
may tell us volumes about the function of PrPC and perhaps that it is
dispensable for normal life as is the case for mice10 and cows.11
Because PrPC is so conserved among mammals, there was great
expectation that ablation of Prnp in the mouse would reveal a normal
function for this enigmatic gene.21 Since the PrP KO mice have no
overt phenotype,10,22 it was clear that PrPC is not essential for the
survival of the laboratory mouse. However, genetic compensation
and developmental plasticity may mask the phenotype of PrPC
deficient mice and thus, it may take an appropriate challenge to
reveal any phenotype. Although the original reports on the Zurich
and Edinburgh PrP KO mice (two different targeting strategies to
delete PrP, named after the city where the experiments took place)
reported “no phenotype”, many subsequent studies have revealed that
this KO mouse has an abundance of phenotypes, some of which have
been contested and many of which are subtle (Table 1). This review
summarizes the recent research in determining the normal function
of PrPC by utilizing the PrP KO mouse. Although many claims
to PrPC function have been generated from the study of cultured
cells,3,23 we will mostly confine our discussion to studies utilizing
mice: the PrP KO, the deletion of the PrPC homolog doppel (Dpl),
and overexpression transgenics of PrPC and Dpl. Prnp is one of the
most frequently knocked out mammalian genes, and a plethora of
PrP-deficient mice have been generated with a wealth of strategies.
Detailed reviews of the construction of the various available PrP
KO mice exists.24,25 The neurodegeneration caused by the ectopic
expression of Dpl in the Nagasaki and Rcm PrP KO (generated with
a different gene targeting strategy than the Zurich and Edinburgh PrP
KOs) has been reviewed in detail,24,25 and will be discussed only in
so far as PrPC and Dpl function(s) are concerned.
the cAveAtS of A PhenotyPe
Given the abundance of phenotypes attributed to the deletion
of PrP, we will first discuss several technical concerns relating to
Figure 2. Different approaches to study PrPC’s normal function. There are
many ways to approach the study of the normal function of PrPC, none of
which have conclusively demonstrated PrPC’s function. Interacting partners of
PrPC have yielded many interesting candidates, human genetic studies have
found associations of PrPC with diseases beyond prion disease and even to
learning and memory, over- and ectopic-expression studies constitute another
approach to determine the function of PrPC, and finally, the focus of this
review, the PrP KO has given some clues to the function of PrPC.
KO studies and potential caveats of phenotypes in PrP KO mice.
The advent of “gene-targeting”, or the specific deletion/replacement
of chromosomal segments, in mice has revolutionized functional
studies of mammalian genes in vivo. However, technical aspects of
generating gene-targeted mice from embryonic stem cells can create
a potential caveat to interpreting phenotypic data. This caveat arises
because often the resultant mice utilized for functional studies are
maintained on “mixed” genetic backgrounds, a random mixture of
alleles from embryonic stem cells (often a 129 sub-strain) and the
parental line (C57Bl/6, Balb/c, or others). Three concerns arise when
working on mice of a mixed genetic background, which encompass most studies of PrP KO mice: 1) increases in the phenotypic
variability and thus a higher chance of spurious results 2) the heterozygosity at many loci increases the noise of most measurements,
potentially obscuring subtle phenotypes, and 3) the possibility that
alleles linked to the deleted gene (which is continually selected for by
investigators during breeding) are actually responsible for the phenotype in question.26 Another point to consider is that depending on
how the investigator maintains the KO line (either by inbreeding
separate populations of PrP-/- and PrP+/+, or by intercrossing
PrP+/- mice) we also have to contend with genetic drift, that is the
tendency for certain alleles to become “fixed” (100% frequency) in
populations simply by chance.
The availability of the fully-sequenced mouse genome, in concert
with physical maps of polymorphic short-tandem repeats, would
allow for eliminating the confounding genetic factors enumerated
above. For example, the “speed congenic” technologies which
are being offered commercially—but can be enacted in-house by
2007; Vol. 1 Issue 2
Prion Protein Knockout Mouse Phenotypes
real-time PCR and sequencing—enable selective breeding of mice
that are genetically homogeneous at any given chromosomal region.
However, almost none of the phenotypes described in the following
pages have been ascertained using such genetic controls—and this
represents a major caveat in the interpretation of phenotypic data. Of
the various PrP KOs that have been generated,25 only the Edinburgh
KO has been maintained on a pure 129/Ola background22 and this
strain background is notoriously difficult to work with because of
poor breeding and several other abnormalities.26 Backcrossing PrP
KOs onto a pure genetic background helps to eliminate this concern.
However, despite intensive backcrossing, regions on the chromosome
adjacent to the Prnp locus are carried along through all the
generations of backcrossing, such that even after 12 generations of
backcross the KO allele would be flanked by about 1% of the ES cell
genome.26 As a consequence, it is difficult to conclude with certainty
that a phenotype is due to the genetic background of the mouse or
the deleted gene in question. Another point worth considering is that
on pure backgrounds it is possible to obtain a phenotype that is a
combination of the deletion in question (i.e., PrP KO) and a specific
allele(s) of the background (i.e., a C57Bl/6 allele of a gene). Such a
KO and strain background synergistic phenotype would be difficult
to replicate unless other investigators are using the same mice.
Rescue experiments, whereby a transgene is reintroduced into
the KO to rescue a phenotype, are time-consuming and are not
“fool-proof ”, but represent one approach toward eliminating an
effect of a linked allele or a chance observation in a mixed genetic
background. On the other hand, such reliance on rescue experiments
led to the erroneous assignment of pathological phenotypes to the
deficiency of PrP (in Nagasaki PrP KOs),27 whereas the phenotype
was in reality brought about by the overexpression of Dpl in a PrP
KO background.25
A separate concern from genetic background arises from intensive
and multi-faceted hunting for phenotypes. Since all biological
measurements, but particularly those made on animals, are associated
with intrinsic variability, we expect to find some spurious phenotypes
just by chance. For example, if the null hypothesis is that PrP KOs are
not different from wild-type with a conventional threshold of significance of p < 0.05, we expect that if 100 labs study the PrP KO that as
many as five may find spurious phenotypes. This is an example of the
“multiple hypothesis testing problem” and is an inescapable reality of
biological research. Independent confirmation of findings in more
than one type of the PrP KO mouse, for example the Edinburgh or
Zurich PrP KOs, or by more than one laboratory will be important
for building confidence in PrP KO phenotypes.
the cLeAreSt of PrP PhenotyPeS: PrP KnocKout mice
Are reSiStAnt to Prion infection AnD cAnnot rePLicAte
To date, the clearest phenotype of the PrP KO is resistance to
infection with prions.28,29 This experiment—originally designed
to disprove the prion hypothesis21—solidified its central tenet:
the requirement of a host protein for prion replication. Further
variations of this experiment have taught us that PrPC expression
is required for prion-induced toxicity.30 Neurografting brain tissue
from wild-type mice into PrP KO brains revealed that Prnp+/+ tissue
grafts replicated prions with accompanying damage to neurons
while nearby PrP-deficient tissue was unharmed.31 Thus, PrPC on
neuronal cells is required for prion propagation associated toxicity.
This evidence supports our conjecture that deciphering the normal
function or signaling pathway through which PrPC operates will help
illuminate the devastating sequence of events in prion disease.
The PrP KO mouse enabled another important series of studies
that defined some of the sequence elements required for PrPSc to
retain infectivity by expressing truncated PrP transgenes on the KO
background and infecting these mice with prions. This approach
revealed that the octapeptide repeats (Fig. 3) were not necessary for
prion replication or toxicity, but indicated that they may be required
for the rampant spongiosis and production of high titers of prion
infectivity normally associated with prion diseases.32,33
PrP in SLeeP reguLAtion
Sleep disturbances and altered circadian rhythms were the first
documented phenotypes in PrP KOs,34 other than the resistance
to prion infection which is technically a lack of a phenotype.28
PrPC might be involved in regulating sleep, as certain mutations in
PRNP cause a prion disease known as fatal familial insomnia.35 This
disease eventually results in broadly disseminated neurodegeneration
but one key symptom is a nearly complete inability to sleep. Sleep
deficits are also a documented feature in human Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease of sporadic origin.36 Tobler and colleagues found that during
a normal light/dark cycle PrP KOs had similar patterns of running
wheel activity as controls. However, in constant darkness, wild-type
mice display a shorter circadian period (as is customary for wild-type
mice without circadian cues) whereas PrP KOs remarkably maintain
a normal period as if still “entrained” by light.34 This finding was
shown in both the Edinburgh and Zurich PrP KOs. Further studies by
Tobler and colleagues revealed that PrP KOs have more fragmented
sleep episodes than do controls, leading the authors to conclude
that PrPC plays a role in promoting sleep continuity.37 The fact
that PrPC alters sleep and that PrPSc production also leads to sleep
abnormalities supports our hypothesis that understanding PrPC
function will help to understand prion disease. But in nearly a decade
since this phenotype was documented there is still no clarity as to
how PrPC regulates sleep at a molecular level.
A roLe for PrP in oxiDAtive StreSS:
coPPer binDing, SoD‑Activity AnD mitochonDriA
A considerable amount of work has focused on the copper (Cu)
binding and potential anti-oxidant function of PrPC. The genesis
of this work is the observation that recombinant PrPC binds to Cu
and that copper levels were diminished in brains of PrP KOs.38 The
ability of PrPC to bind Cu has been well supported but alteration in
Cu content in PrP KO brains is controversial.39 A study by Wong
et al. suggests that PrPC is involved in defense against oxidative
damage.40 They observed higher levels of oxidized proteins and
lipids in the brains of Edinburgh PrP KOs.40 A similar situation was
observed in Zurich PrP KOs by Klamt and colleagues, who further
found that superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was significantly
decreased in the brain and muscle of PrP KOs.41 On the other hand,
Waggoner et al. could not detect differences in enzymatic activity
of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase.39 This may be due to differences
in experimental conditions.42 However, mouse genetic experiments
argue against a SOD-like activity for PrPC in vivo.43 We reasoned
Prion Protein Knockout Mouse Phenotypes
that if PrPC has a SOD activity, then deficiency in both PrPC and
SOD1 will result in diminished SOD activity compared to deficiency
in SOD1 only, and conversely PrPC overexpression in a SOD1 KO
or WT background will result in increased SOD activity. However,
these genetically defined crosses did not reveal any alterations in
SOD activity with respect to PrPC deletion.43
One intriguing phenotype at the cellular level is the reduction
in number of mitochondria per cell in the CA1 region of the
hippocampus and in the myocardium of Edinburgh PrP KOs.44 The
mice used in this study were inbred 129/Ola strain, which reduces
the likelihood of genetic background artifacts but could also result in
strain specific effect of a gene deletion (discussed above). This study
was stimulated by the identification of differentially expressed genes
in the PrP KO, revealing only three genes that were differentially
expressed-all of which were involved in mitochondrial biogenesis
and physiology.44 Also, mitochondria having morphological
abnormalities were more abundant in the PrP KO (Edinburgh).44 It is
noteworthy that we identified swollen mitochondria in a transgenic
model of prion disease, where PrP is mislocalized to the cytosol,
another possible connection between PrPC in normal physiology
and disease.45 Lobao-Soares and colleagues sought to extend the
observation of abnormal mitochondria in PrP KOs to a functional
level by measuring mitochondrial respiration in several regions of PrP
KO brains, but found similar levels between PrP KOs and controls
in all regions examined.46 However, it should be noted that isolated
mitochondria were utilized in this study and it is possible that small
numbers of abnormal mitochondria may not be detected by their
assays. Further studies will be required to clarify the role of PrPC—if
any—in oxidative stress and mitochondrial physiology.
the roLe of PrP in the immune SyStem, PhAgocytoSiS
AnD AS A microbiAL recePtor
Recent reports have suggested a role for PrPC in cellular
internalization pathways, perhaps a function that has been co-opted
by microbes. Work from Rafael Linden and colleagues add to the
growing list of phenotypes for the PrP KO. Prnp null macrophages
displayed increased rates of phagocytosis in vitro and in vivo, leading
to the conclusion that under physiological conditions PrPC negatively
regulates phagocytosis.47 This is extremely surprising since the expression levels of PrPC in macrophages are typically below the limits of
detection (Christina Sigurdson and A. Aguzzi, unpublished data).
Studies of microbial pathogenesis in PrP KOs may be connected
with a role for PrPC in phagocytosis or cytokine production. Watarai
and colleagues have discovered that the PrP KO is more resistant
to infection with the bacterial pathogen Brucella abortus.48,49
Localization and biochemical experiments pinpointed bacterial heat
shock protein 60 as an interaction partner with PrPC on the cell
surface.48 It would be interesting to examine the consequences of
PrPC overexpression and B. abortus infection. These results were not
confirmed in a different laboratory in studies using B. suis.50
Virologists have made use of the PrP KO as well, revealing yet
another phenotype likely relating to cellular internalization pathways.
In this study, Thackray and Bujdoso demonstrate that PrP KOs are
refractory to infection with a neurotropic herpes simplex virus whereas
PrP overexpression transgenics (Tga20) were highly susceptible to
infection.51 Studies of viral titers and maturation markers suggest that
viral replication is retarded in PrP KOs in favor of establishing latency.
Intriguingly, the viral infection induced neuronal cell death much
more dramatically in PrP overexpression transgenics, connecting PrPC
to cell survival pathways (discussed below). Several of these findings
were confirmed in a follow-up study by the same group.52
Recent work suggests that PrPC may play a role in the
immunological synapse. Ballerini et al., demonstrated that PrPC is
important in an interaction between T cells and dendritic cell.53 PrPC
was dispensable on T cells for this interaction but PrPC on dendritic
cells was important in stimulating T cells in vitro and in vivo assay.53
Another study reports that aβ T cells are greatly diminished in tga20
PrP overexpression transgenic mice, and these mice also display an
atrophy of the thymus.54 However, this phenotype may represent
an insertional mutagenesis artifact since tga19 transgenic mice
derived from the same construct do not show these anomalies (AA,
unpublished data). One study has attempted to link copper uptake
and interleukin expression in T cells, finding a slight delay in interleukin-2 expression in PrP KO T cells.55 To summarize, PrPC may
be important for host-pathogen interactions, immune synapses and
T cell homeostasis, but further studies will be needed to decipher the
role of PrPC in the immune system.
neuronAL excitAbiLity
The high level of PrPC expression in neuronal cells led to an
interest in detecting electrophysiological defects in the PrP KO. This
topic is no less controversial than any other we have discussed in
this review, but the weight of the evidence clearly lies on the side of
altered neuronal excitability in PrP KO neurons. Electrophysiological
studies of PrP KOs were first under-taken by John Collinge and
John Jefferys, who found that CA1 neurons in Zurich PrP KOs had
faster after-hyperpolarization currents and were impaired in long
term potentiation (LTP).56 Jean Manson and colleagues had similar
findings in purebred Edinburgh PrP KOs.57 In addition it was shown
that both wild-type and a familial mutant human PrPC were capable
of rescuing this electrophysiological phenotype when expressed as
transgenes in the PrP KO background.58,59 Soon after these findings
were reported opposing reports surfaced. Herms et al. examined
synaptic transmission in Purkinje cells of Zurich PrP KOs but did
not detect any differences from controls.60 Another group found no
differences between Zurich PrP KOs and controls in the CA1 region
of the hippocampus.61 Over the ensuing years there have been several
other attempts to clarify the electrophysiological phenotype (or
lack thereof ) in PrP KOs.62-64 However, only one thing is clear—
detection of the electrophysiological phenotype depends on which
line of mice is being used, who is investigating, and the age of the
PrP KOs being used.65 It is worth noting that authors on two of the
papers reporting “no phenotype”60,61 have reversed their position in
later studies.66,67 Finally, the post natal neuronal-specific KO of PrPC
showed a reduction of after-hyperpolarization potentials in neurons
in CA1,68 an identical phenotype to what had been originally
reported by Collinge and colleagues.56
The neuronal excitability phenotypes may relate to one of the
strongest phenotypes of PrP KOs, which presents under the challenge
of seizure inducing drugs. Zurich PrP KOs are much more susceptible
to repeated doses of pentylene tetrazol and kainic acid, both of
which induce seizures.69 Approximately 50% of PrP KOs died
from a single administration of kainic acid while 100% of control
animals survived.69 This result has been confirmed independently
2007; Vol. 1 Issue 2
Prion Protein Knockout Mouse Phenotypes
Figure 3. A model for the effects of PrPC deletion and deletion mutants of PrPC. (A) Schematic diagram of wild-type PrPC and deletion mutants. SP, signal
peptide; octapeptide repeats are indicated in blue; CC, charge cluster; HC, hydrophobic core; H1, H2, H3 Helix 1,2 and 3, respectively; GFP, GPI-anchor
addition sequence (B). PrP (black) consists of a globular C-terminal domain (hexagon) and a N-terminal flexible tail (arch) encompassing the octapeptide
repeats (ORs) (circle). The model rests on the following assumptions: (1) PrP activates a hitherto unidentified receptor (PrPR) which transmits myelin maintenance
signals (flashes); (2) in the absence of PrP, PrPR exerts some residual activity, either constitutively or by recruiting a surrogate ligand; (3) the activity of PrP and
its mutants requires homo- or heterodimerization, and induces dimerization of PrPR; and (4) PrP dimers containing PrPDCD or PrPDCD trap PrPR in an inactive
dominant-negative state. Finally, (5) the OR region stabilizes the interaction between PrP and PrPR, but does not contribute directly to signaling.
by Rangel, et al., who also note increased neuronal cell death in PrP
KOs injected with kainic acid.70 The increased seizure sensitivity may
be due to higher levels of ectonucleotidase activity which destroys
adenosine, an endogenous anticonvulsant agent, in PrP KOs.71,72
Finally, it is also worth noting that a defect in neuronal architecture
of the hippocampus in Zurich PrP deficient mice has been reported
and may be relevant to several of the findings discussed above.73
Timm stained sections of the hippocampus from PrP KO had more
sprouting of axons than did controls in the granule cell layer of the
dentate gyrus and the infrapyramidal region of CA3 region.73 This
is said to resemble the mossy fiber collateral and terminal sprouting
seen in certain human epilepsies.
behAviorAL PhenotyPeS: iS PrP invoLveD
in LeArning AnD memory?
If they bear any relevance to real life, the electrophysiological
defects described above for the PrPC null neurons might manifest
in the behavior of the PrP KO mouse. The abundant expression
of PrPC in regions important in learning and memory, such as
the hippocampus, has lead to a series of behavioral studies aimed
at detecting abnormalities in PrP KOs. Initial studies by Charles
Weissmann, Hans Peter Lipp, and colleagues did not detect any
phenotype of Zurich PrP KOs in a long-term study using maze
tests.10,74 Further, a study by Roesler et al. failed to detect any
abnormalities in anxiety nor inhibitory avoidance learning in PrP
KOs.75 Cognitive defects have been detected in PrP KOs by Criado
and colleagues who found that spatial learning was defective in PrP
KOs.62 This phenotype was PrP-dependent as it was rescued by
crossing PrP KO mice with a transgene driving expression of hamster
PrPC under a neuron-specific promoter.62 Another study describes
PrP KOs as having normal short- and long-term memory at three
months of age but impairments by 9 months of age.76 Aged PrP KOs
also showed less exploratory activity in an open field.76 A follow-up
study suggested that the interaction of PrPC and laminin may be key
to memory consolidation in rats,77although there is no clarity about
which molecular events might be triggered by the binding of PrPC
to laminin. Finally, a study in humans suggests that the M129V
polymorphism in PrPC, which influences susceptibility to prion
infection in humans-may be involved in learning and memory.19
In an attempt to reveal a behavioral phenotype, investigators
have challenged PrP KOs in various ways during phenotypic testing.
Coitinho et al. dosed PrP KO mice with various psychotropic
drugs and interestingly, PrP KOs show a decreased response to the
psychotropic drug MK-801, which normally causes increased motor
activity.78 Amphetamine and caffeine induced hyper-locomotion
to an equal extent in PrP KOs and controls.78 Nico et al. subjected
Zurich PrP KOs to acute stress by foot shock or swimming trial and
found that PrP KOs showed less anxiety than controls after these
treatments.79 In non-stress conditions, PrP KOs appeared identical
to controls.79 Another study notes a very subtle increase in locomotor
activity in PrP KOs in an open field test.75 This increased locomotor
activity has not been observed using extensively backcrossed C57Bl/6
PrP KOs (both Edinburgh and Zurich) in the home cage using high
Prion Protein Knockout Mouse Phenotypes
resolution techniques recently used to study prion disease in detail,80
however, our testing conditions are not equivalent to an open field
test (ADS and SL, unpublished results).
DiverSe neuroProtective ProPertieS of PrP
Many studies have claimed that protection against neuronal
damage is one of PrPC’s raison d’être. Neuroprotection (defined
generically as protecting neurons from dysfunction or death)
may represent one of the best-supported functions of PrPC. This
protection applies to both physiological challenges and to a peculiar
yet fascinating paradigm whereby the closest homolog of PrPC,
Dpl, when ectopically expressed in the brain causes loss of Purkinje
neurons in the cerebellum but only in a PrP KO background.27
We will begin our discussion of PrP’s protective properties with
one of the most agreed upon observations-PrP KOs are much more
susceptible to ischemic damage. McLennan and colleagues were the
first to document that PrP KOs are more susceptible to stroke.81 They
were led to the PrP KO through studying a dramatic upregulation
of PrP expression at sites of stroke in human brains.81 Subsequent
studies have replicated and extended these results in acute82 and
long term models of ischemia83 and even in transgenic rats.84
Interestingly, transgenic overexpression of PrP in the mouse does not
protect above wild-type PrP levels85 while in the rat increasing PrP
levels did confer protection. Weise and colleagues note that PrP KOs
have lower levels of phosphorylated-Akt both in basal conditions
and during ischemic injury, pointing towards a general role of PrP
in activation of cell survival pathways.83 Other researchers have
noted significant increases in the phosphorylation of ERK-1 and -2,
STAT-1, and JNK-1 in ischemic PrP KO brains.85 Recently, Gains
and colleagues have extended PrP’s neuroprotective spectrum. They
dosed neonatal PrP KOs and controls with a high dose of ethanol,
a paradigm for inducing Bax mediated apoptosis, and noted a
dramatic increase in cell death in brains of PrP KOs.86 Another brief
report documents an enhanced brain injury in PrP KOs after head
trauma,87 however, it is likely that these mice overexpress Dpl and
therefore display a confounding effect. To test PrP’s neuroprotective
function in another setting, we crossed PrP KOs to several transgenic
models of neurodegenerative disease—Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and
Alzheimer’s disease. Much to our surprise, the phenotypes of these
diseases were largely unaltered by PrP deletion (ADS, Z. Zhou,
W. Jackson, M. Moskowitz, S. Lindquist, unpublished). Thus, the
wide-ranging neuroprotective functions of PrP have limitations
and these observations of protection in unique models need to be
understood in mechanistic detail.
The second well-studied paradigm in which PrP exerts a protective
function deals with the neurotoxicity induced by its nearest homolog.
The exciting and circuitous discovery of Dpl began with conflicting
reports on the phenotype of the PrP KO, with two groups reporting
no phenotype10,22 and one group reporting a late onset ataxia
and Purkinje cell loss in Nagasaki PrP KO mice.27,88 Later it was
determined by several groups that a previously undescribed tightly
linked homolog of PrPC (called “doppel” for “Downstream of the
Prnp locus”) was upregulated by the deletion strategy used in the
Nagasaki PrP KO line. The Nagasaki deletion strategy fused PrP’s
promoter to Dpl, driving expression of Dpl in the brain, where it
is not normally expressed.89,90 Subsequent experiments determined
that the toxicity induced by ectopic Dpl expression in the PrP KO is
abrogated by reintroduction of a single copy of PrPC.91,92 However,
both Weissmann and Katamine have shown that PrPC cannot
suppress higher amounts of transgene driven Dpl expression,93,94
suggesting that Dpl and PrPC are competitive antagonists and
can be stoichiometrically titrated against each other. Interestingly,
PrPC devoid of the octapeptide repeats (amino acids 23–88) is
incapable of rescuing Dpl toxicity, suggesting an important role for
the N-proximal region of PrPC in its neuroprotective functions.95
However, a trafficking defect in this deletion mutant of PrP was
not ruled out, so PrP may not be reaching the cell surface in these
transgenic mice.
A similar phenomenon is observed when an artificial deletion
mutant of PrPC, missing amino acids 32-134 and termed “DF”,
is expressed as a transgene in the PrP KO. This trangenic mouse
develops a dramatic loss of granular neurons in the cerebellum,
referred to as “Shmerling syndrome” (Fig. 3a).96 The deletions of
amino acids 32-121 or 32-134, but not shorter deletions of the
N-terminus, caused this phenotype. The “DF” truncated PrPC
targeted specifically to Purkinje cells causes these cells to die in a PrP
KO background showing that this is a cell-autonomous phenomenon
akin to Dpl toxicity.97 It has also become clear that truncated PrPC
and Dpl are toxic to myelinated cells in a PrP KO background.98 The
white matter pathology was detected in the cerebellum, brainstem,
and spinal cord in “DF” mice and extended more broadly in Dpl
overexpression where it was also found in the forebrain, pyramidal
projections, and the corpus callosum.98 Further deletion mapping
of PrPC has narrowed the critical region to forty amino acids in
the middle of PrP, 94-134. When PrP lacking these amino acids is
expressed in PrP KOs it results in a severe motor phenotype brought
about by extensive central and peripheral myelin degeneration
(Fig. 3A).99 PrPC lacking the octapeptide repeats was able to rescue
this deletion mutant induced phenotype unlike the case of Dpl
toxicity discussed above.
Most interestingly, careful histopathological analysis clearly
identified a myelin degeneration phenotype in PrP KO mice.91,99
Since this phenotype is seen both in Zurich I and in Nagasaki
mice, it cannot result from spurious overexpression of Dpl and may
indeed represent a consequence of PrP deficiency. The similarity
of this phenotype to Shmerling’s syndrome is striking—although
Shmerling’s syndrome is much more severe and is visible in much
younger mice. This finding suggests that myelin maintenance may
represent an important physiological function of PrPC, and that the
defects seen in Shmerling’s disease may represent an exaggerated form
of a PrPC deficiency syndrome.
In the studies discussed above, all toxic mutants displayed
disruption of the charge cluster (CC, residues 95–110) and a part
of the hydrophobic core (HC, residues 111–121) of PrP (Fig. 3).
Toxicity was ameliorated by co-expressing PrP variants with intact
CC and HC, even if these variants lacked the octarepeat region. We
therefore posit that PrP exerts its neuroprotective activity by signalling
through the central domain to an unknown receptor (tentatively
termed PrPR). In all paradigms investigated, the phenotype was
determined by the stoichiometry of mutant to full-length PrP,
suggesting that PrP, any of the various PrP mutants, and PrPR
form hetero-oligomeric complexes (Fig. 3B). The mild pathological
phenotype of PrP KO mice suggests that myelin integrity is supported
by residual PrPR activity, whereas disruption of the central domain
(CD) domain sequesters PrPR in a dominant-negative state. Complex
2007; Vol. 1 Issue 2
Prion Protein Knockout Mouse Phenotypes
Table 1
Proposed functions for PrP from analysis of PrP knockout mice
Phenotype in PrP Ko
circadian/Sleep regulation
Abnormal circadian rhythm
Interrupted sleep patterns
oxidative stress: copper binding,
SoD‑activity and mitochondria
Decreased copper content in brain
Decreased SOD activity; increased oxidative damage
40, 42
Reduction/abnormal mitochondria
39, 43, 46
immune system, phagocytosis
and as a microbial receptor
Increased phagocytosis
Resistance to infection with B. abortus
Resistance to infection with HSV-1
Immune synapse, T cell response
Interleukin expression
neuronal excitability
Impaired long term potentiation
62, 59, 67, 64, 66,
57, 58
Increased susceptibility to seizures
Mossy fiber disorganization in hippocampus
60, 61, 63, 65
behavioral phenotypes
Cognitive defects/memory impairment
76, 62
Increased locomotor / exploratory activity
Increased hyperlocomotion induced by MK-801
Decreased anxiety
Susceptible to Dpl toxicity
Susceptible to “DF” PrP induced toxicity
97, 98
Enhanced susceptibility to ischemia
Enhanced susceptibility to ethanol induced apoptosis
Enhanced susceptibility to traumatic brain injury
Stem/precursor cells
Impaired self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells
Decreased proliferation of neural precursors
Abnormality in dentin in teeth
stability could be influenced by domains distinct from those involved
in executing signal transduction: the context-dependent toxicity
of PrP missing part of the hydrophobic core (PrPDpHC) implicates
the octapeptide repreat as one such domain.99 Although deletion
of 40 amino acids produced a powerfully toxic molecule, ablation
of eight amino acids within this domain (PrPDpHC) was innocuous
to both wild-type and PrP KO mice. Crossing experiments show
that PrPDpHC is not functionally equivalent to PrP. The toxicity
of PrPDF was diminished, yet that of PrPDCD was augmented by
coexpression of PrPDpHC. In the frame of the signaling model,
the deletion in PrPDpHC may affect the interaction between PrP
and PrPR. Verification of the model presented above requires the
physical identification of PrPR. Towards that goal, it will be crucial
to identify the cellular constituents, which may not necessarily all
consist of protein, binding differentially to PrPC.
A roLe for PrP in Stem/Progenitor ceLL bioLogy
Recently, it was demonstrated that PrPC is expressed on the
surface of hematopoietic stem cells.100 Zhang and colleagues then
challenged PrP KO bone marrow with serial transplantations into
lethally irradiated recipient mice. After several transplantations, the
repopulating potential of PrP KO bone marrow was exhausted whereas
control bone marrow was still competent to repopulate lethally
irradiated recipient mice, demonstrating that PrP KO hematopoietic
stem cells were deficient in “self-renewal”.100 Reintroduction of PrP
into PrP null bone marrow cells rescued this defect in self-renewal,
arguing against an artifact of genetic background. The molecular
pathway by which PrP promotes the self-renewal of hematopoietic
stem cells remains unclear but is consistent with many of the suggested
protective functions of PrPC. The studies of PrPC in hematopoietic
Prion Protein Knockout Mouse Phenotypes
stem cells prompted an examination of PrPC was expression/function
in neural stem/precursor cells in the adult brain. Adult neurogenesis
is normally neuroanatomically restricted to the dentate gyrus of the
hippocampus and the subventricular zone.101 We pulse labeled BrdU
into PrP KO and overexpression transgenics and noted that in the
dentate gyrus PrP KOs had a lower level of proliferating cells whereas
in the PrPC overexpression transgenic cell proliferation was enhanced
in the subventricular zone.102 Culturing of neural progenitor cells
from embryonic PrP KOs and overexpression transgenics revealed
that PrPC may promote the exit from a precursor state and maturation
into a neuronal lineage.102 The signaling pathway through which
PrPC presumably operates in this process is still undetermined.
Collectively, these results demonstrate that careful scrutiny reveals a
subtle function for PrPC in stem and precursor cell biology and it will
be interesting to examine whether PrPC functions in other adult stem
cell populations that can be more readily isolated. In concert with the
possible protection against seizure, ischemia, pathogen infection, and
evolutionary conservation of PrPC, these results add to the evidence
for its relevance to mammalian physiology.
future ProSPectS for Determining PrP function
from in vivo StuDieS: beyonD the Prion Protein
KnocKout mouSe
Several investigators have expressed PrPC in yeast in order to
better understand the disease-associated properties of this protein.103
Furthermore PrPC has been expressed in yeast (which do not express
a PrP homolog) to investigate normal function, but perhaps this is
aiming too “low” in terms of model organisms as initial studies have
not revealed any role for PrPC in copper transport, a well characterized
process in yeast.104 Interestingly PrPC expression rescues Bax induced
cell death in yeast;105 however the significance and relevance of
this paradigm is unclear even in mammalian cells.106 Given the
remarkable conservation of PrP structure among vertebrates,107,108
the use of non-mammalian models could open up new avenues for
prion research. For instance, the first dramatic phenotypes of PrP
loss- and gain-of-function have been produced in zebrafish (Edward
Málaga-Trillo, Gonzalo Solis, Yvonne Schrock, Lydia Luncz, Venus
Thomanetz, and Claudia Stuermer, personal communication).
Notably, early knockdown of PrP in fish embryos is lethal but can be
partially rescued by expression of mouse PrP, ruling out potential off
target effects of the knockdown construct. Analysis of the molecular
pathways involved in fish PrP function should guide future studies
in the mammalian system. Studies in the rat offer the advantage
of larger brains that make surgical and other interventions more
feasible.77 However, it is unlikely that deletion of PrPC will be much
more informative in the rat than it has been for the mouse. Very
recently it has become possible to study PrPC function in ruminants
lacking PrPC which appear normal up to 20 months of age.11 Also,
hemizygous PrPC deletion goats now exist and homozygous null
animals should be forthcoming.12 Perhaps the longer lifespans of
the cow and goat will reveal age dependent phenotypes associated
with PrPC deletion. Likewise it may be worthwhile to delete Prnp in
a non-human primate, where much more detailed cognitive testing
could be conducted. That being said, it remains possible that the PrP
KO mouse holds the key to understanding PrPC function, perhaps
even through the study of unexpected phenotypes, such as the
recently reported tooth abnormality in PrP KOs.109
Looking to PrPC’s closest homologue in the mouse, Dpl, may be
fruitful for determining the function of PrPC. Interestingly, the Dpl
KO results in male sterility,110,111 a phenotype that can be rescued
by testis specific expression of a PrP with an N-terminal deletion
in the testes suggesting a functional equivalence of Dpl and the C
terminus of PrP (A. Aguzzi, unpublished results). Deletion of both
PrPC and Dpl (dKO) had no discernable phenotypes aside from the
male infertility present in Dpl KOs.112,113 Deciphering the pathway
through which Dpl affects male fertility could inform future studies
of PrPC function. A more distant cousin of PrP, called “Shadoo”114
may also hold promise for revealing PrPC’s function.
Will the transgenic mice expressing PrPC without a GPI anchor
(GPI-) prove useful for elucidating the normal or the disease function
of PrP? These mice are very intriguing because replication of prion
infectivity is more or less unaffected whereas toxicity is significantly
suppressed in the PrP KO background.115,116 It may be that the
hypothesized signal transduction properties of PrPC are defective
without a GPI anchor attachment, leaving the GPI—mice fully
competent for PrPC’s only ironclad function—prion replication. This
mouse provides an excellent tool in distinguishing PrPSc replication
from toxicity.
There are many unresolved questions with respect to PrPC
function: What is the connection between PrP function and
pathogenesis? What is the functional relevance of differential
expression of PrPC in subpopulations of neurons in the brain? How
do we assign the many described phenotypes in PrP KOs to discrete
molecular pathways? Perhaps physiological stress will only bring out
the effects of non-relevant linked genes, leading down a garden path
of genetic artifacts? Is the conformational diversity attained by PrPSc
reflecting a possible conformational diversity of PrPC as recently
speculated by Stanley Prusiner?117 It is fascinating to speculate that
this labile structure of PrPC may encipher its function. Hopefully one
day the question of PrPC function will be settled, but for now there
remains plenty of work to do!
We are grateful to numerous enthusiastic and collegial PrP
function collaborators: Artur Topolszki, Cheng Cheng Zhang,
Harvey Lodish, Oliver King, Walker Jackson and Rob Wheeler
(WIBR), Jason Emsley, Hande Ozdinler, Jeffrey Macklis, Zhipeng
Zhou, Katharina Haerter, Michael Moskowitz and Carla Bender Kim
(Harvard Medical School), to Tom DiCesare of WIBR bioinformatics
for graphical assistance, to Caroline Yi (Harvard Medical School),
Walker Jackson (WIBR) and Edward Málaga-Trillo (University
of Konstanz) for valuable comments on the manuscript. Susan
Lindquist is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
and is supported by funding from the Ellison Medical Research
Foundation, U.S. Department of Defense and the NIH. Adriano
Aguzzi is supported by a philanthropic donation by Dr. Arthur
Meier-Schenk, and by grants from the European Union (TSEUR),
the Swiss National Foundation, the Ernst-Jung Foundation and the
National Competence Center for Research on Neural Plasticity and
Repair. We apologize to authors whose work could not be discussed
due to limitations in space and scope.
2007; Vol. 1 Issue 2
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