Mineralocorticoids, Hypertension, and Cardiac Fibrosis
Morag Young, Meryl Fullerton, Rodney Dilley, and John Funder
Baker Medical Research Institute, Melbourne 3004, Australia
Uninephrectomized rats drinking 1% sodium chloride were
given aldosterone (Aldo, 0.75 gg/h, subcutaneous Is.c.I infusion), deoxycorticosterone (DOC, 20 mg/wk, s.c.), corticosterone (B, 2 mg/d, s.c.), or the antiglucocorticoid-antiprogestin
RU486 (2 mg/d, s.c.) for 8 wk, and hemodynamic and tissue
responses were compared with a non-steroid-treated control
group. Aldo and DOC markedly increased systolic BP and
caused considerable (40-50%) cardiac hypertrophy; B and
RU486 caused neither hypertension nor cardiac hypertrophy.
Measurements of ventricular cross-sectional areas showed hypertrophy due to an increase in mass of the left ventricle only.
Cardiac hydroxyproline concentration was increased considerably by Aldo and DOC, to a lesser degree by RU486, and not by
B. Aldo markedly elevated left ventricular interstitial collagen
(2.5-fold vs control, P < 0.01 vs all groups); other steroid treatments also increased interstitial collagen over control (DOC
X 1.8-, RU486 X 1.6-, B X 13-fold), with identical responses
for right and left ventricles (r = 0.94). A different pattern of
perivascular fibrosis was noted; DOC elevated perivascular
collagen (2.1-fold vs control, P < 0.01 vs all other groups);
RU486 raised levels 1.4-fold vs control, but neither Aldo nor B
significantly affected perivascular collagen. These data are consistent with interstitial cardiac fibrosis reflecting type I (mineralocorticoid) receptor occupancy by administered Aldo or
DOC, or by elevated endogenous B after type II (glucocorticoid) receptor blockade after RU486 administration; perivascular fibrosis may reflect a composite response after type I receptor agonist/type II glucocorticoid receptor antagonist occupancy. (J. Clin. Invest. 1994.93:2578-2583.) Key words: interstitial fibrosis * perivascular fibrosis * aldosterone * deoxycorticosterone * RU486
Aldosterone is secreted from the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex in response to increased plasma levels of angiotensin
II or potassium and acts on epithelial tissues to promote unidirectional sodium flux. Classically, its role in the maintenance
of circulatory homeostasis is considered primarily to reflect its
effect on plasma and extracellular volume, via renal salt and
water retention. Recently, however, various extraepithelial
roles for aldosterone have also been documented, a number of
Address correspondence to John W. Funder, M.D., Ph.D., Baker Medical Research Institute, P.O. Box 348, Prahran, Victoria, Australia
Receivedfor publication 2 November 1993 and in revisedform 14
January 1994.
J. Clin. Invest.
© The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc.
0021-9738/94/06/2578/06 $2.00
Volume 93, June 1994, 2578-2583
Young, Fullerton, Dilley, and Funder
which may also have cardiovascular effects. Salt appetite, for
example, is increased by intracerebroventricular administration of aldosterone to rats (1); this effect is neither mimicked
nor blocked by physiological doses of glucocorticoids, providing evidence for a specific extraepithelial effect ofmineralocorticoids.
The specificity of mineralocorticoid action in aldosterone
target tissues is enzyme rather than receptor based. Mineralocorticoid receptors in preparations of kidney or hippocampus,
for example, bind aldosterone and the physiologic glucocorticoid cortisol (in rats, corticosterone) with equal affinity (2, 3).
The circulating levels of glucocorticoids are very much higher
than those of aldosterone; what enables aldosterone to occupy
mineralocorticoid receptors in physiologic target tissues is the
enzyme hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase ( 1 lI3HSD), which metabolizes cortisol and corticosterone to their receptor-inactive
11 -keto congeners cortisone and 11 -dehydrocorticosterone. Aldosterone is not similarly metabolized, as its hydroxyl at Cl 1 is
protected by cyclization with the unique, highly reactive aldehyde group at C18 to form a stable 11, 18 hemiketal (4, 5).
Whereas the mineralocorticoid receptors which mediate aldosterone action in epithelia (and, by extension, its effect on
salt appetite) are protected by 1 I HSD, those in other nonepithelial tissues, e.g., hippocampus and heart, clearly are not protected similarly. When adrenalectomized rats are injected with
tritiated aldosterone or tritiated corticosterone, mineralocorticoid receptors in hippocampus and heart bind either tracer
indistinguishably, in contrast with the marked aldosterone selectivity of kidney, colon, and parotid (4). Such "mineralocorticoid receptors" in nonprotected tissues are thus functionally
high affinity receptors for corticosterone/cortisol, given the
equivalent affinity and the much higher circulating levels of
glucocorticoids. What this means, in turn, is that studies documenting extravascular effects of mineralocorticoids on tissues
such as the heart may reflect pathophysiologic rather than physiologic actions of aldosterone.
Such effects on the heart were described recently by Brilla
and Weber (6) in studies in which uninephrectomized rats
drinking 1.0% NaCl responded to 8 wk of infusion of aldosterone by developing hypertension and interstitial cardiac fibrosis and to deoxycorticosterone (DOC) by developing hypertension and increased perivascular fibrosis. The effects of aldosterone on interstitial development of fibrosis were blocked by
low- and high-dose spironolactone treatment, even though the
lower dose did not reverse the hypertension (7). In addition, in
vitro studies from the same laboratory have reported that aldosterone doubled the incorporation of tritiated hydroxyproline
into collagen by isolated cardiac fibroblasts (8), consistent with
a local rather than a systemic effect via mineralocorticoid receptors.
1. Abbreviations used in this paper: DOC, deoxycorticosterone; 11,
HSD, 1 l-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; OHP, hydroxyproline;
In light ofthese challenging data, we resolved to repeat and
extend the studies from Weber's laboratory. In this report we
addressed two issues in particular. First was the possibility that
the cardiac fibrotic response may be nonspecific (i.e., equally
produced by glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid occupancy of
mineralocorticoid receptors), given that such binding sites in
the heart are clearly nonspecific. Second, we explored the dichotomy of aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone effects on
perivascular fibrosis, in light of the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist activity of deoxycorticosterone, as well as its potent
mineralocorticoid activity. The findings confirm those reported previously and in addition offer a conceptual framework of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid activity for further analysis of adrenal steroid effects on the heart.
Animal model. Five groups of male Sprague-Dawley rats (Monash Animal House, Clayton, Victoria, Australia), initial weight 180-200 g
(mean±SEM), were uninephrectomized under Brietal sodium (Eli
Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, IN; 55 mg/200 g, intraperitoneally) anesthesia. Rats were maintained on standard rat chow (Norco, Burnley, Victoria, Australia), sodium content 0.4-0.6%, and received 1% sodium
chloride to drink. The control group was otherwise untreated while the
other groups received (a) aldosterone (Sigma Immunochemicals, St.
Louis, MO), 0.75 gg/h delivered subcutaneously (s.c.) via osmotic
mini pumps (Alzet, Palo Alto, CA) for 8 wk (pumps changed at 4 wk);
(b) deoxycorticosterone (Sigma Immunochemicals), 20 mg/wk s.c.
injection; (c) corticosterone (Sigma Immunochemicals), 2 mg/d s.c.
injection; and (d) RU486 (Roussel-UCLAF, Romainville, France), 2
mg/d s.c. injection. Each experimental group began the 8-wk study
4-5 d apart in the following order: control, RU486, deoxycorticosterone, corticosterone, and aldosterone.
Systolic BP (tail cuff method) and body weight were recorded
weekly. After 8 wk of treatment, the rats were killed by decapitation,
and the hearts were excised, blotted, and weighed. The heart was divided in the mid-coronal plane, and the apex was snap frozen and
stored for biochemical analysis. The remaining heart tissue was immersion fixed in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde (pH 7.4) for histological
processing and analysis.
During the experimental period, two rats receiving aldosterone died
under anesthesia at the time of pump replacement, and one aldosterone rat and one DOC rat were killed at weeks 6 and 7 after their
condition deteriorated.
Biochemical analysis. To estimate the collagen content of the
heart, hydroxyproline (OHP) concentration was measured by a colorimetric assay as described by Chiariello et al. (9). Briefly, lyophylized
heart tissue was digested overnight in 6 M HCl, and hydrolysates were
diluted to a constant volume with further acid. Aliquots of 200 ,u were
vacuum dried at 1 10°C and were subsequently made back up to volume with distilled water. Oxidation of the samples with chloramine-T
results in the formation of a pyrrole that in turn forms a colored compound when reacted with Erlich's reagent. OHP content of the samples
was expressed as milligrams of OHP per gram of dry tissue, with samples assayed in triplicate.
Morphological analysis. Fixed blocks of tissue were embedded in
paraffin, and 3-,um-thick sections were cut from each block. The sections were deparaffinized, rehydrated, and then placed in 0.2% phosphomolybdic acid (Univar, Sydney, Australia) for 2 min to reduce
nonspecific staining ( 10 ). Sections were then stained with 0.1% Sirius
red (Polysciences Inc., Washington, DC) in saturated aqueous picric
acid for I h, differentiated in 0.01% HCl for 30 s, and rapidly dehydrated and mounted in Depex (BDH Chemicals, Port Fairy, Australia).
Collagen volume fraction was determined by measuring the area of
stained tissue within a given field and expressing that area as a proportion of the total area under observation. One section from each heart
was analyzed at an objective magnification of 16 under green filtered
light. Images gathered with a CCD video camera were digitized, and
reference dark- and light-fields, respectively, were subtracted and divided from the image to correct for uneven background illumination.
A grey level threshold was set for stained collagen, and the area stained
was calculated as a percentage of the total area (BioScan, Inc., Edmonds, WA).
The sections were sampled in a nonbiased (blinded) systematic
fashion ( 11 ). For analysis ofleft and right ventricle interstitial collagen,
each ventricle was scanned in entirety on the microscope, and every
fifth field was used for analysis. Fields containing vessels or artifacts
were not included. In the left ventricle, 15-16 fields were analyzed for
interstitial collagen, and in the right ventricle 9-10 fields were analyzed. A similar method was used to sample perivascular collagen, although in this case only those fields containing vessels were considered,
so that a further 2-6 fields were analyzed for each heart. The change in
perivascular collagen content between groups was estimated by measuring the total collagen present in sampled fields (i.e., fields containing at least one vessel) and correcting for interstitial collagen, as follows:
for each field: % area PVC
Total % area of collagen
- % area IC (% area IC = nonvascular area X mean % area IC);
where PVC is perivascular collagen, IC is interstitial collagen, nonvascular area is all regions of the field in question that do not contain any
part of a vessel or its surrounding collagen network, and mean % area
IC is the mean interstitial collagen volume fraction calculated for that
heart. To examine the repeatability of measurement, after initial measurements in random order, the control samples were reanalyzed.
Readings of mean % area IC (mean±SD) in the right ventricle were
1.38 (±0.17) and 1.20 (±0.19) on repeat analysis; in the left ventricle
the equivalent values were 1.40 (±0.16) and 1.18 (±0.16).
To determine the degree of hypertrophy present in each ventricle,
cross-sectional areas were measured from micrographs taken from the
mid-coronal plane at a magnification of 15. Sections were traced directly on a calibrated digitizing tablet and calculated directly (Measure
Software, Capricorn Scientific, Woori Yallock, Victoria, Australia).
Sections analyzed were stained with picrosirius red as described above,
but at double the normal concentration to increase staining of noncollagen elements.
Statistical analysis. One-way ANOVA was performed on all data
sets. Pearson's r value was determined for possible correlation between
interstitial collagen levels in the left and right ventricles, for perivascular collagen levels, for OHP values, and for histologically determined
collagen content.
The Duncan test for multiple comparisons was applied to all data
sets in which multiple comparisons were made to test for statistical
significance ( 12).
Blood pressure, body weight, and cardiac hypertrophy. Administration of aldosterone or deoxycorticosterone for 8 wk increased systolic BP above control (Fig. 1, top) and was accompanied by a reduction in the rate of growth (Table I). RU486treated rats showed a lower weight gain than control but no
increase in blood pressure; corticosterone did not change either
parameter. Similarly, the rats receiving aldosterone or deoxycorticosterone were the only groups to show an increase in both
heart wet weight (Table I) and in the ratio of heart weight to
body weight (Fig. 1, bottom). For both mineralocorticoids, the
increase was highly significant (P < 0.01 ) and in the order of
Left ventricular hypertrophy, determined by measurement
of cross-sectional area, was evident only in animals receiving
aldosterone or deoxycorticosterone (P < 0.01 vs all groups)
Mineralocorticoids and Cardiac Fibrosis
W 200
Determination of interstitial collagen. As shown in Fig. 4,
aldosterone produced the most marked increase in interstitial
collagen volume fraction, with levels clearly higher than all
other groups (P < 0.01). For aldosterone, collagen volume
fraction was 2.5 times greater than control in both ventricles; values for all other groups were significantly raised above
control (P < 0.01). Pearson's r value determined for comparison ofinterstitial collagen ofthe left and right ventricles is 0.94,
indicating that they show an identical response (P < 0.01).
Determination of perivascular collagen. Fig. 5 shows that
deoxycorticosterone administration is followed by a marked
increase in perivascular collagen volume fraction (2. 1-fold vs
control, P < 0.01 vs all groups). Perivascular collagen was also
found to be elevated in the RU486 group ( 1.4-fold vs control, P
< 0.05 vs control), but not in groups receiving aldosterone or
corticosterone. When control and aldosterone groups were
compared post-hoc by t test, the aldosterone group was shown
to be significantly higher (P < 0.01 ); in contrast, the corticosterone group was not significantly lower (0.05 < P < 0.06) than
C) 100
Figure 1. (Top) Systolic BP at the conclusion of the 8-wk period.
(Bottom) Heart weight (mg)/body weight (g) as an index of cardiac
hypertrophy. CON, control; ALDO, aldosterone; B, corticosterone.
Values shown are mean±SEM; n = 10 except for ALDO (n = 7) and
DOC (n = 9). **P < 0.01 vs control.
(Fig. 2, top). In contrast, right ventricular wall cross-sectional
area was unchanged in all experimental groups (Fig. 2, bottom).
Determination of OHP levels. As shown in Fig. 3, animals
receiving aldosterone had cardiac OHP concentrations raised
above all other groups, control and corticosterone (P < 0.01 ),
deoxycorticosterone and RU486 (P < 0.05). Both the two latter groups also show a significant increase in levels above control (P < 0.01 ). Values for animals receiving corticosterone
were not different from control.
> 1
Figure 2. Left (top) and right (bottom) ventricular cross-sectional area
(mm2). The left ventricle was taken to include the septum. CON,
control; ALDO, aldosterone; B, corticosterone. For measurements of
the right ventricular wall area n = 7 for control, 6 for ALDO, 9 for
DOC, 7 for B, and 5 for RU486. **P < 0.01 vs control.
Young, Fullerton, Dilley, and Funder
The findings of this study confirm those of Brilla and Weber
(6), who showed the effects of mineralocorticoid administration on BP elevation and cardiac fibrosis. In addition, by documenting the effects of glucocorticoid agonist/antagonist administration on the same indices, this study has extended Brilla
and Weber's work and suggests a plausible explanation for the
clear difference between aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone
effects noted in both series of studies. For reasons of practicality and economy, single dose regimens were used for all steroids; the amount of steroid and the frequency and route of
administration were chosen on the basis of past experience as
representing near-maximally effective dosage regimens.
In this study three different patterns of steroid response are
seen. In terms of BP/cardiac hypertrophy, the classical mineralocorticoids are potent effectors, with neither the glucocorticoid or antiglucocorticoid producing a change over control. In
contrast with the left ventricle, right ventricular cross-sectional
area did not differ between groups. The variance in some
groups is relatively high, reflecting a lower number of sections
able to be scored than for left ventricle, in turn reflecting the
incidence of tears, folds, etc. in some sections; nonetheless,
there is no evidence for any increase in right ventricular wall
thickness in mineralocorticoid-treated rats. This suggests that
pressure in the pulmonary circulation is not elevated and, thus,
that increased pressure is not required for the increased fibrosis
seen with mineralocorticoid administration in the right, and by
extrapolation the left, ventricle. Weber and his colleagues have
presented data previously on the protective effect of subdepressor doses of spironolactone on aldosterone-induced cardiac interstitial fibrosis (7) and have similarly interpreted their findings as evidence for a humoral, rather than mechanical, etiology of the fibrotic response.
In terms of interstitial cardiac collagen fraction, although
all steroids appear to elevate collagen to some extent, aldosterone is markedly and highly significantly more potent than any
other treatment, including deoxycorticosterone. For perivascular collagen the converse is true, with deoxycorticosterone
clearly the most potent effector; moreover, the antiglucocorticoid RU486 also produces significant perivascular fibrosis,
Table I. Body Weight and Heart Weight: Effects of Steroids
Start weight
End weight
A Weight
Heart weight
End weight is rat body weight at time of killing. Heart weight is the wet (blotted) weight of the heart, trimmed of major vessels. Values shown are
mean±SEM. * P < 0.01 vs control. t p < 0.05 vs control.
whereas aldosterone does not. In addition, there is clearly a
tendency for perivascular collagen to be lower in the group
receiving corticosterone than in controls, with levels significantly lower than in the other three steroid-treated groups. The
challenge, then, is to accommodate these findings (and those of
Brilla and Weber [6 ], which were very similar for aldosterone
and deoxycorticosterone) into our current understanding of
mineralocorticoid action and then to discuss the extent to
which the collagen responses found mirror physiologic or
pathophysiologic events.
In terms of BP, the distinction between aldosterone and
deoxycorticosterone on the one hand and corticosterone/
RU486 on the other was not unexpected. From the work of
Gomez-Sanchez and colleagues (13-15), the hypertensinogenic effect of aldosterone is crucially dependent on agonist
occupancy of circumventricular type I (mineralocorticoid) receptors. Intracerebroventricular infusion of aldosterone, at
doses without discernible effect when given systemically, progressively raised BP in uninephrectomized rats given 1% NaCl
solution to drink. This effect was not mimicked by infusion of
the specific type II (glucocorticoid) receptor agonist RU26988
nor by corticosterone ( 14); on the other hand, intracerebroventricular infusion of corticosterone, at doses similar to those
of aldosterone, blocked the effect of intracerebroventricular aldosterone (14). More recently, Gomez-Sanchez et al. (15)
have shown that intracerebroventricular infusion of RU283 18,
a highly specific mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, will
block the hypertensinogenic effect of peripherally infused aldosterone, at doses of RU283 18 that do not affect the peripheral
effects of the administered aldosterone, and which when given
peripherally do not block the hypertensinogenic effect of aldosterone.
Taken together, these data very strongly support the hypothesis that in the circumventricular organs aldosterone (and
presumably deoxycorticosterone) acts via type I receptors that
are unprotected by the enzyme 1 l3OH steroid dehydrogenase,
in contrast with those in kidney and other epithelia. Secondly,
the receptors involved also clearly differ in another way from
those in epithelial tissue, for which there is excellent evidence
that physiologic glucocorticoids are agonists when they occupy
mineralocorticoid receptors ( 16).
For interstitial collagen volume deposition, the hierarchy of
effects is different in several ways. The finding that all steroids
used elevate interstitial collagen to some degree may reflect the
more or less increased peripheral type I receptor occupancy
that will occur in all four treatment groups. What remains unexplained is why aldosterone appears much more potent than
deoxycorticosterone if the effect is mediated via type I mineralocorticoid receptors. One possible explanation would be that
the dose of deoxycorticosterone is submaximal. This is possible, in the absence ofdose-response curves, but highly unlikely
c4 -*
Figure 3. Biochemical determination of hydroxyproline concentration in the heart (mg OHP/g tissue dry weight). CON, control;
ALDO, aldosterone; B, corticosterone. Values are mean±SEM; n
= 10 except for ALDO (n = 7) and DOC (n = 9). **P < 0.01 vs
Figure 4. Interstitial collagen volume fraction for left (top) and right
(bottom) ventricles (percentage of total area). CON, control; ALDO,
aldosterone; B, corticosterone. Values are mean±SEM; n = 10 except
for ALDO (n = 7) and DOC(n = 9). **P < 0.01 vs control.
Mineralocorticoids and Cardiac Fibrosis
Figure 5. Index of perivascular collagen (arbitrary units). CON, control; ALDO, aldosterone; B, corticosterone. Values are mean±SEM;
n = 10 except for ALDO (n = 7) and DOC (n = 9). **P < 0.01 vs
given the similar effects on BP and the much greater effect of
deoxycorticosterone on perivascular fibrosis. A second possibility is the operation of a gatekeeper enzyme, in the heart and/or
in epithelial tissues, other than 1 I 3OH steroid dehydrogenase.
It has been suggested recently ( 17) that 3a,20i3OH steroid dehydrogenase may be such an enzyme, to exclude deoxycorticosterone and progesterone from type I receptors, but not aldosterone, which does not appear to be a substrate ( 18). Indirect
evidence supporting such an action in excluding deoxycorticosterone has come from immunocytochemical studies in the
kidney ( 19); its importance in epithelial tissues, or in the context of the interstitial cardiac fibroblast, has yet to be addressed
In terms of perivascular collagen deposition, the most plausible explanation is that such deposition reflects the net effect
of agonist occupancy of type I receptors and antagonist occupancy of type II receptors. By this criterion, deoxycorticosterone would be predicted to have the greatest effect, in that it is
both a potent mineralocorticoid receptor agonist and a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist (20). RU486, which also significantly raises perivascular collagen, is a glucocorticoid receptor
antagonist that will produce net elevation of corticosterone
given in vivo and thus fractionally higher type I receptor occupancy by corticosterone, particularly if the perivascular type I
receptors are unprotected. Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid
agonist but at higher doses is also a glucocorticoid agonist. Although the infused doses probably have little if any glucocorticoid agonist activity, there is clearly no type II receptor antagonism when aldosterone is infused.
The clear difference in response patterns between interstitial and perivascular collagen deposition makes it highly likely
that at least one, and very possibly both, ofthese events reflects
direct actions ofmineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids on cardiac fibroblasts. The heart has been shown to contain type I
receptors by in vitro ligand-binding studies (21 ) and relatively
high levels of mRNA for such receptors (2). In vivo, tritiated
corticosterone injected into adrenalectomized rats is excluded
from type I receptors in kidney, colon, and parotid, but not in
hippocampus and heart (4). Though 1 I BOH steroid dehydrogenase activity has been shown in both hippocampus (22) and
heart (23), it reflects the NADP-preferring, lower affinity species (termed 1 I ,HSD 1 ), clearly distinct from the high affinity,
NAD-preferring species shown to be responsible for excluding
glucocorticoids from type I receptors in physiological aldosterone target tissues (24). Given the presumed physiological role
of 1 I ,HSD I in modulating glucocorticoid receptor occupancy
Young, Fullerton, Dilley, and Funder
by physiological glucocorticoids, it may well be that its presence in the heart may have more relevance to perivascular fibrosis, in which glucocorticoid receptor-mediated effects are
likely, than to interstitial fibrosis.
The measured levels of perivascular collagen after 8 wk of
steroid exposure presumably reflect the result ofincreased collagen synthesis and/or decreased collagen breakdown. Increased collagen synthesis, in vivo and that reported for fibroblasts in vitro (8), may reflect agonist effects of aldosterone or
deoxycorticosterone via mineralocorticoid receptors. If this is
the case, one possible explanation for the marked perivascular
effect of glucocorticoid antagonists (RU486, deoxycorticosterone) may be that they decrease collagenase activity; implicit in
such an explanation is that in the longer term glucocorticoids
have a tonic effect on collagenase gene expression. Such a possibility is consistent with the studies of Jonat et al. (25), who
showed that in addition to its effect on downregulating collagenase gene expression via an interaction of the activated glucocorticoid receptor with AP- 1, dexamethasone may increase collagenase expression in the absence of AP- 1 activation. One
interpretation of these molecular events is that at high levels of
inflammatory mediators, such as are present in acute inflammatory responses, glucocorticoids may decrease collagenase
gene expression and thus may be antiinflammatory; when mediator levels fall, glucocorticoids may increase collagenase levels, against chronic or reactive fibrotic responses.
In conclusion, the physiologic, pathophysiologic, and therapeutic implications of these findings deserve brief discussion.
Brilla and Weber (6) have shown that equivalent aldosterone
infusion on a low salt intake results in control levels of cardiac
fibrosis (and BP) and interpret these findings as evidence for
the importance of an aldosterone-salt imbalance, though how
the salt effect is mediated remains unclear. From our data, it
would appear that interstitial collagen deposition is relatively
easily elevated, even by modest changes in type I receptor occupancy, and is independent of BP elevation. In terms of therapeutic implications, deoxycorticosterone is very rarely used,
and if the mineralocorticoid agonist/glucocorticoid antagonist
activity ofDOC explains its very marked effect on perivascular
collagen deposition, 9a-fluorocortisone would clearly be a
much less active steroid in this regard, as it is both a potent
mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid agonist. Finally, though
currently RU486 is being largely used on a once-off basis as a
contragestive, it is also being used as a progesterone antagonist
in patients with meningioma, and it or its derivatives may become widely used on a chronic basis for fertility regulation.
Where administration is on a chronic basis, cardiac perivascular fibrosis and its consequences may thus need to be borne in
mind as possible side effects.
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Mineralocorticoids and Cardiac Fibrosis