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148 pages
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Preparing the Church to Evangelize Jewish People The purpose of this project was to assess the effect of training a small group of active evangelical church members in Jewish evangelism to see if such training would increase their ability and willingness to reach out with the Gospel to their Jewish contacts. The questions asked were: after receiving a brief training in Jewish evangelism, is the trainee more able and willing to share the Gospel with a Jewish person than before the training? Has the training affected the trainee's attitudes toward witnessing to Jewish friends and colleagues? Abstract Acknowledgements
Jewish populations within proximity of local churches are perishing in their need to hear the gospel of their Messiah Jesus Christ. This thesis seeks to promote awareness and strengthen Christians to reach their Jewish neighbors with confidence and skill. The biggest take-away readers will have from this work will be preaching the gospel from their Old Testament alone!
Verbum et Ecclesia
Evangelism, for various reasons, is once again back on the agenda of the church and theology. As a result of negative experiences and practices of evangelism in the past, it is now necessary to rediscover evangelism in a post-Christendom context to enable the theological recovery of evangelism. This new understanding of evangelism can then contribute to the recovery of authentic practices in spreading the good news. To achieve this, evangelism must be rediscovered as essential to mission (participation in the missio Dei). Further to this, evangelism is rediscovered as an invitation to missional discipleship in the coming of the kingdom of God (missional discipleship as participation in the coming of the kingdom). This research was based on the starting point that evangelism takes place through an integrated missional congregation as the evangelist. This implies that evangelism is not an additional extra practice by a few members but an integral part of congregational ministry. Evang...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021)
Many factors become the impetus to carry out the great commission of Christ, which is to preach the gospel. Preaching and spirituality are two of them. Jesus Christ used the preaching platform in delivering His first teaching. Preaching becomes a way to spread the gospel and inspires people to do that at once. Spirituality holds the main role for an individual to be a part of a ministry, including evangelism. It becomes a passion for someone to convey the gospel. Using quantitative research methodologies, there is a simultaneous big effect from preaching and spirituality to evangelism. Partially, the effect of spirituality gives more dominant results to evangelism than preaching. Increasing evangelism effectively and significantly can be done by increasing spirituality. Certainly, on a practical level, there are other influenced factors in increasing evangelism apart of the researched variable. Research Contribution: This research can be used as a preaching strategy in encouraging the congregation to preach the gospel. The results also provide pastoral insight to church leaders that evangelism is more effective when carried out at a certain level of spirituality.
Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2008
This in-depth sermon and small group series will look at evangelism in new and expanded ways. Throughout this 4-week sermon series, insight will be provided on how to distinguish more effective evangelism compared to traditional methods of churches within the conservative evangelical South. The sermon series also contains a small group option for discussion and deeper study. Using scripture and the heritage of Methodism, participants will hear four ways to engage evangelism differently. The series will be divided into four weeks, which cover theological foundations behind evangelism as social justice, evangelism as pastoral care, evangelism as hospitality, and evangelism as personal witness.
Mission Studies, 2012
In summary, this volume has the feel of an "in-house" production designed for consumption by a particular constituency and in support of a particular mission programme. That said, it will provide a valuable view of that same programme and constituency for those who wish to explore them further, or engage with them critically. One thing that shines out from this record though is the demand for respect, civility, and politeness in dialogue. This is of value for engagement with any other group, yet has sadly been so often neglected not just in Jewish-Christian relations, but in many conversations with people of other faiths or none, and indeed, among Christians of diffferent stripes.
International Review of Mission, 2014
In this article the burning issue of re-evangelism in historically Christian societies is discussed focused on the contemporary preaching in multicultural societies, the factors of communication, the modern channels of communication, the missionary, catechetic and moral preaching and the liturgy after the Divine Liturgy.
It is every pastor's desire to have a congregation that understands the Great Commission and realizes that each one is responsible to live out this last command of Christ, thus living a life which constantly reaches out to the lost. However, such is not always the case. Even with proper instruction, there is usually a time where members even forget about evangelism! This paper is an attempt to design a learning environment for the women of the Tugbungan Alliance Church (TAC), which hopes to impress upon its learners that evangelism is not just a response to a seminar, nor is it a week-long or a month-long event for the church, but a lifestyle. To accomplish this endeavor, authentic assessment methods will be utilized. As such, desired learning outcomes would be measured through real-life situations where learners' understanding and skills will be applied. 1 However, it is to be understood that these alone do not guarantee success. First and foremost, there is that need to acknowledge the role of the Holy Spirit in this undertaking, knowing that without Him, our efforts are for naught. Second, this being authentic assessment processed, brings with it that underlying implication that this is an ongoing practice which need the intentional engagement of both the facilitator(s) and the learners, where constant feedback is employed, measuring whether goals are met, and appropriating the needed changes along the way. 2 Limitations such as the different educational attainment, the variation of ages, as well as the Christian maturity of the learners have to be taken into consideration. However, we hope to overcome this roadblock through the assessment methods that would be used.
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World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021
Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2016
Cinzia Ferrini, 2023
Forme du savoir, forme de pouvoir : Les atlas géographiques à l'époque moderne et contemporaine,, 2022
Book of Abstract Thechnology and Society: Boon or bane?, 2025
Machine Learning Technologies and Applications, 2021
Translators, Translations and Mobility in the Mediterranean, ed. by Giancarlo Casale and Ann Thomson, Brill (forthcoming)., 2026
Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2014
Health Education & Behavior, 2011
Revista Árvore, 2013
Gaceta UNAM (2000-2009), 2008
Yönetim Ekonomi Edebiyat İslami ve Politik Bilimler Dergisi
Aktualʹnì pitannâ gumanìtarnih nauk, 2022