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____________Desy Kusumawardani_PembaNgunan Wilayah UGM__________
Etimológicamente sinónimo es "conformidad de nombres"; lo que se interpreta como equivalencia o afinidad de significados. Son aquellos vocablos que tienen diferente pronunciación, diferente escritura y similar significado.
To examine whether certain mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups and/or alterations affect susceptibility to aggressive periodontitis (AgP), we analyzed the mtDNA D-Loop region in a Han Chinese population. The mtDNA haplogroups were analyzed in 58 patients with AgP and 50 periodontally healthy controls. The frequency of haplogroups A in AgP group was significantly higher than that in the control group (p ¼ 0.007). Furthermore, the frequency of haplogroup D was higher in the control group than that in AgP group (p ¼ 0.007). The frequencies of D-Loop polymorphisms m.16126T4C, m.16290C4T and m.152 T4C were significantly higher in patients with AgP compared with controls (p ¼ 0.029, 0.014 and 0.022, respectively). Additionally, the frequencies of three other D-Loop polymorphisms, m.16223C4T m.489 T4C and m.515CA deletion (del) were significantly lower in patients with AgP compared with controls (p ¼ 0.042, 0.003 and 0.026, respectively). Our study showed for the first time, an association between AgP and mtDNA haplogroups. Haplogroups A was implicated as a risk factor for AgP, while haplogroups D exhibited a protective effect in this disease. These observations may provide a new perspective on the study of the pathogenesis of periodontitis.
Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH '93, 1993
We describe an adaptive display algorithm for interactive frame rates during visualization of very complex virtual environments. The algorithm relies upon a hierarchical model representation in which objects are described at multiple levels of detail and can be drawn with various rendering algorithms. The idea behind the algorithm is to adjust image quality adaptively to maintain a uniform, user-specified target frame rate. We perform a constrained optimization to choose a level of detail and rendering algorithm for each potentially visible object in order to generate the "best" image possible within the target frame time. Tests show that the algorithm generates more uniform frame rates than other previously described detail elision algorithms with little noticeable difference in image quality during visualization of complex models.
A realistic numerical simulation model for all physical processes underlying the earthquake phenomenon on HPC's would provide a powerful tool to study fault behavior and earthquake nucleation. The microphysical particle-based Lattice Solid Model (LSM) currently being developed at QUAKES provides a basis on which to construct such a model. Presently, the model simulates stress transfer, seismic waves, fracture, friction, heat and gouge dynamics. Simulations show numerous features compatible with laboratory and field studies including shear localization, low-strength faults compatible with the Heat-Flow Constraint, slip pulses on faults, Gutenburg-Richter power law statistics and cycles of seismic activity exhibiting accelerating energy release prior to large events. Ultimately, when fully developed, it is envisaged that the LSM will be capable of simulating all physical processes underlying earthquakes including lubrication and dynamics of fluids, phase transformations, and chemical effects as well as all observable signals including strain, seismic, electric and magnetic. Increased computational capacity, a model refinement process involving feedback with laboratory and field observations, and integration with macroscopic simulation models would provide the means to study the earthquake cycle, and hence, to develop earthquake hazard quantification and forecasting methodology that best uses the incomplete recorded and incoming data. Recent LSM simulation results of patterns of accelerating energy release prior to large events suggest that earthquake statistics can evolve in a predictable way. These results demonstrate the potential utility of realistic numerical simulation models as a means to probe the earthquake cycle, and provide encouragement that earthquake forecasting is feasible, at least under certain conditions.
Factibilidad proyecto minero, 2017
Análisis de factibilidad de un proyecto de inversión en mina subterránea
The World Heritage church of Asinou, in Cyprus, is filled with frescoes dating from the 12th century AD. During April 1997-January 1998, an air quality monitoring program measured indoor and outdoor particulate matter samples each season. Particle deposition samples also were collected. Average coarse particle concentrations outside the church were 28.1 µg m 3 while outdoor fine particle concentrations averaged 16.4 µg m 3. Indoor average concentrations were 17.3 µg m 3 and 16.9 µg m 3 for coarse and fine particles, respectively. Particle deposition onto interior vertical surfaces over a nine-month period caused color changes that would be perceptible by a human observer (maximum color change ∆E=1.87). At these rates, the optical qualities of the frescoes will be clearly degraded over a period of five years. The installation of a mechanical air filtration system could reduce particle concentrations inside the church to less than 3% of uncontrolled levels.
WSEAS Transactions on Business and …
Molecular Simulation, 2003
A new algorithm is developed which implements the Monte Carlo annealing method and is used to model and minimize linear, single and double stranded B-DNA sequences. The preliminary B-DNA structures are modelled using initial structures obtained from the Brookhaven database. The model contains structural details at the atomic level and is therefore more elaborate and accurate than the pseudo-atomic and elastomechanical models.
El apoyo a los cuidadores de familiares mayores dependientes en el hogar: desarrollo del programa "Cómo mantener su bienestar"
Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, 2014
Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, 2024
nternational journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering, 2023
Oculum Ensaios, 2021
My Boarding Diaries: Lived Experiences of Female College Students Living in a Boarding House , 2024
Evolutionary Biology, 2008
Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2021
Physical Education Theory and Methodology, 2025
World Allergy Organization Journal, 2012