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Academia Biology, 2023
The related disciplines of ecology and evolution pay little heed to the essential driver of development, the single living cell. We cannot comprehend the realities of population dynamics and evolutionary impetus without the cell being at the heart of our considerations. Biologists emphasize the importance of the organism, and imperatives derived from Cartesian reductionism underpin contemporary interpretations of multicellular organisms and the manifestation of life in protists. We search for increased resolution and greater magnification; however, the crucial contribution of the entire single living cell is conventionally overlooked. Our failure to elucidate the mechanisms underpinning the phenomenology of response in the living cell is seen as a failure to interpret the physics of metabolic and sensory processes, but life transcends physics. The responsive behavior of living cells and their ability to solve novel problems have not been resolved, and our standard model physics is itself not up to the task. It is here posited that living organisms survive and proliferate through complex mechanisms inimical to conventional scientific analysis. To watch life at work it is the lower-power lens we need, not the high-resolution microscope.
Ha áthaladunk az Anker közön, a 2. szám kapualja előtt, ma már nyomát sem találjuk annak, hogy 1910 és 1919 között itt működött a híres-hírhedt ateista-materialista diákegyesület, a Galilei Kör. 1990-ben kalapáccsal verték le a Galilei Kör Anker közi emléktábláját (ma már csak az egykori második emeleti klubhelyiséget jelző, belső emléktábla látható), mindez szokatlan indulat egy diákegyesülettel kapcsolatban. Miért? 1919 után a radikális szabadkőműves páholyok támogatását élvező diákegyesületre elsősorban a Tanácsköztársaság funkcionáriusainak „keltetőjeként” emlékeztek, és bár a Galilei Körből valóban kikerültek népbiztosok, népbiztos-helyettesek és népbiztossági funkcionáriusok, de a diákegyesület 1908-as alapításakor mint hangsúlyozottan apolitikus, szabadgondolkodó, az önképzésre és a tudományra esküdő társaság indult útjára, amely az oktatás világiasodásáért és korszerűsítéséért állt ki. Ady Endre a „Láznak ifjú serege” címmel illette a galileistákat, versek sorát dedikálta a Galilei Körnek, Jászi Oszkár pedig abban bízott, hogy ők vezethetik át Magyarországot a „Balkánból Nyugat-Európába”. A kör jelentősége ellenére azonban 1960 óta lényegében nem jelent meg tudományos monográfia a nemzetközi hírű tudósok sorát adó diákegyesület történetéről. Csunderlik Péter levéltári anyagokra, kiadott és kiadatlan visszaemlékezésekre, a Galilei Kör kiadványaira és a korabeli sajtóanyagra építő munkája ezt a hiányt kívánja betölteni, elsősorban a diákegyesület történetének 1908–1914 közti „nagy korszakára” koncentrálva, de ismertetve a galileisták 1914 utáni, a Galilei Kör 1918. januári bezárásához vezető antimilitarista tevékenységét is. A galileisták 1918–1919-es eseményekben játszott szerepéről tudottakat is eddig nem ismert részletekkel gazdagítja a diákegyesület történetének feldolgozása.
Air pollution is the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere. Those pollutants may be gases or particulate matter and can come from a variety of sources. These are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, particulate matter and lead. Most of this air pollution we cause results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline to produce electricity and power our vehicles. í µí±í µí± 2, í µí±0 2 í µí±í µí±í µí± SPM is the good indicators of automobile pollution. In this paper, air quality of many places of Chennai in India was calculated and impact of human health is presented.
Fuzzy Optimization and Modelling, 2021
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most widely used techniques to determine the priority weights of alternatives from pairwise comparison matrices. Several fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy extensions of AHP have been proposed in the literature. However, these extensions are not appropriate to present some real-life situations. For this reason, several researchers extend the AHP to the Pythagorean Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (PFAHP). In the existing methods, an interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix is transformed into a crisp matrix. Then crisp AHP is applied to obtain the normalized priority weights from the transformed crisp matrix. However, it is observed that the transformed crisp matrix, obtained on applying the step of existing methods, violates the reciprocal propriety of pairwise comparison matrices, and the obtained normalized priority weights are the weights of non-pairwise comparison matrices. Therefore, this paper discusses the shortcomings of the existing method, and a modified method is proposed to overcome these shortcomings. Finally, based on a reallife decision-making problem, the superiority of the proposed method over the existing method is shown.
Performance Research, 2020
In this encounter, historian and philosopher of science Hans-Jörg Rheinberger discusses to what extent the performative paradigm can be made useful for understanding the natural sciences and how the different notions of performativity transpire in interdisciplinary and art–science collaborations. In conversation with issue editors Jens Hauser and Lucie Strecker, and against the grain of the ‘two cultures’ thesis assumption that the natural sciences and the humanities have grown apart into fields of knowledge that can no longer understand each other, Rheinberger approaches the notion of microperformativity in the light of scientific experimentation. He is putting the focus less on the action of the human experimenter than on the agency of the non-human dimensions involved: substances and organisms are staged to interact with each other, or environments are created to initiate processes in which these interactions can take place—and from which the experimenter can withdraw. Therefore, in the laboratory, two performance contexts and concepts collide. In the experimental process, endless feedback loops are created through the interaction, for instance, between human performers and viruses, which attack bacteria, get them to burst and thus generate forms of technically controlled visualization – by ‘compression’ and ‘dilatation’: Microperformativity implies a sensitization not only to other levels of spatiality but also of temporality than those accessible to the mesoscopic phenomenology of the human, which correspond to the established concept of performativity in art and theatre studies, linguistics and anthropology. In addition, the conversation takes a look at the agential relationships between the micro-, meso- and macrocosmic dimensions with regard to the much-cited term ‘Anthropocene’: An analysis of the performativity of both non-human actors and human technology results in a reversion of the notion of performance: The globe, the planet is striking back—and it is no longer primarily the people who are acting.
Jun Fan Martial Arts and Jeet Kune Do Concepts in Minneapolis. You’ll get a good workout and experience why this art changed the martial arts world
Rev. de Cultura Teológica, 2017
Resumo: Ainda que a tecnologia tenha proporcionado inúmeras mu-danças positivas à vida, também trouxe à tona questões delica-das que implicam ao homem pensar a própria morte. Ainda que inevitável e inexorável, a morte, passou a ser processo e pode sofrer intervenções que por sua vez podem prolongar inutilmente o sofrimento do paciente e de sua família. A nova realidade exige uma ressigni cação das bases tradicionais e conclama a buscar nos valores espirituais uma luz. O objetivo é re etir sobre a dig-nidade e a autonomia do indivíduo, a possibilidade de manifestar antecipadamente vontade sobre os tratamentos em nal de vida. O método utilizado foi a pesquisa bibliográ ca com breve análise das Escrituras e dos ensinamentos do Magistério da Igreja Católica, e bibliogra a com enfoque bioético. Pôde-se concluir que embora frente à morte não se tenha liberdade, pode-se respeitar a auto-nomia do paciente, a m que a sua terminalidade possa ocorrer de forma mais humana, digna e respeitosa.
Effective thermal management becomes crucial with the rising heat produced by electronic devices. Microchannel convection shows excellent potential as a cooling solution. This study employs numerical computational techniques to examine rectangular microchannels' flow and heat transfer parameters on a semi-octagonal structure, specifically focusing on the Reynolds number (Re) ranging from 100 to 500. An extensive analysis evaluates the heat transfer design and hydraulic performance. Furthermore, the microchannel's diodic performance is assessed by comparing the Nusselt number (Nu) and the pressure drop in both the forward and backward directions. The study demonstrates the excellent performance of the microchannels within the microstructure under low Reynolds number (Re) conditions. Emphasizing the significance of preserving the fundamental geometric characteristics while improving the fluid dynamics within the microchannel. The semi-octagonal structure microchannel design surpasses the conventional design in bidirectional heat transfer by improving spatial fluid mixing. With a Reynolds number of 300, the Nusselt number of this microchannel surpasses that of the traditional rectangular design by a considerable margin. In addition, at this Reynolds number, the thermal diodicity (Dit) and pressure drop diodicity (Dip) showed significant improvements, with values of 1.16 and 1.45, respectively. Therefore, this study comprehensively compares the enhanced heat transfer of microchannel walls under constant heat flux, highlighting the advantages of semi-octagonal structural design in improving heat transfer and hydraulic performance. The results show that this innovative design has great potential to improve the efficiency of microchannel cooling and provides an important reference for the development of efficient thermal management systems.
Es wird die Ansicht vertreten, dass die sozialistischen Ideen von Marx und Engels in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik auf einen vereinfachten, an hierarchisch-zentralistischen Kontrollannahmen orientierten Mythos reduziert wurden. Mit diesem Mythos waren kontraproduktive Systemanspruche verknupft, die sich zum einen in sozialen und individuellen Strukturen niederschlugen und zum anderen durch alternative Mythen und Gegenstrukturen (Subkulturen, Eliten, Oppositionen) unterlaufen wurden. Mit dem Aufkommen alternativer politischer Mythen etablierten sich Prozesse, die den Untergang des nur scheinbar sozialistischen Systems provozierten.
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International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
Annals of Surgical Oncology, 2008
Journal of Proteomics, 2015
Chemosphere, 2012
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) [Volume 2]
Bioengineered, 2016
Eri Nofriza, 2024
Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2021