Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
An experimental study of the impact breakage of wet granules
Jinsheng Fua , Gavin K. Reynoldsa , Michael J. Adamsb , Michael J. Hounslowa ,
Agba D. Salmana,∗
a Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK
b Centre for Formulation Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Available online 1 April 2005
The breakage behaviour of wet granules produced in a high-shear mixer was investigated experimentally using single granule impact
tests and the results are described in terms of the critical impact velocity, breakage pattern, and extent of breakage. The failure patterns
of these wet granules have a number of common features that have been observed for dry granules including the formation of debris
with a conical geometry. A more quantitative description is presented of the factors that control the volume of these conical regions. The
granules were produced with negligible air voidage and there were unusual strength characteristics with varying binder content. Most
previous studies have involved a reduction in the air voidage of granules as the binder content is increased, which leads to a maximum
in the strength at some critical binder content. For the granules studied in the current work, the strength either showed a minimum value
or decreased monotonically with increasing binder content depending on the size of the primary particles.
䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Wet granule; Impact; Strength; Granule age; Breakage
1. Introduction
Granule breakage has been identified as one of the main
processes that occurs during granulation (Iveson et al.,
2001). Two principal approaches have been adopted for
measuring the strength of granules under impact conditions: multi-particle and single particle tests. Bemrose and
Bridgwater (1987) concluded in their review of attrition that
the results from multi-particle tests are more closely related
to the type of conditions found in most powder handling
and processing equipment, but these tests are primarily empirical in nature and could not reveal the nature of detailed
breakage mechanisms. Although arguably less representative of practical conditions, single particle impact tests can
provide enhanced detail of the breakage behaviour that is
useful for understanding failure processes and mechanisms.
One of the key aims of performing such tests is to obtain
an insight into the different ways in which impacts can
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 114 222 7560; fax: +44 114 222 7566.
E-mail address: (A.D. Salman).
0009-2509/$ - see front matter 䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
generate damage with respect to the failure patterns and the
extent of the damage. The damage ratio (see Section 2) is
defined as the mass ratio of the impact debris and the mother
granules (Ning et al., 1997) and this parameter provides
a direct and simple measure of the extent of breakage for
multi-particle tests. However, it has limited value when the
failure patterns and breakage processes are of more interest
for understanding the mechanisms involved, which is the
case for granulation, for example.
There are relatively few studies of the breakage behaviour
of granules using single particle impact tests. They include
the work of Subero and Ghadiri (2001) who described experimental data for agglomerates formed from small glass
spheres and an expoxy resin. Definitive work on ‘dry’ agglomerates was undertaken by Arbiter et al. (1969), which
involved free fall and double impact measurements on
sand-cement spheres. Computer simulations have also been
employed for ‘dry’ agglomerates (Thornton et al., 1999,
2004; Potapov and Campbell, 2001). Moreover, there is an
extensive literature concerning experimental work based on
diametric compression rather than impact, e.g., Kapur and
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Fuerstenau (1967), Wynnyckyj (1985), Adams et al. (1994)
and Sheng et al. (2004). For typical brittle materials the failure mechanisms associated with impact and diametric compression are quite similar as there is a weak rate dependence
of the mechanical properties. However, in the cases of polymer and granular materials, especially those having a viscous liquid binder, the failure mechanisms are strain rate
dependent. This aspect will be discussed later in more detail.
In a granulation process, the failure characteristics of the
agglomerates in the ‘wet’ rather than the ‘dry’ state are more
important. Experimental impact studies have been limited to
a velocity range in which only plastic deformation occurs
(Iveson and Litster, 1998; Fu et al., 2004a). Continuum computer simulations (finite element analysis) involving elastoplastic and elasto-viscoplastic deformation have also been
conducted in order to understand the rebound behaviour of
wet agglomerates (Thornton and Ning, 1998; Adams et al.,
2004). More severe impact damage of ‘wet’ agglomerates
involving interparticle bond rupture has been examined by
Lian et al. (1998) who used a discrete simulation procedure
(distinct element analysis).
In contrast to agglomerates, there is a much greater understanding of the failure behaviour, for both impact and
diametric compression, of spherical particles made from a
continuous material. A wide range of such particles have
been investigated experimentally by Salman et al. (2004)
and it was possible to classify the failure patterns in terms of
low, intermediate and high velocity regimes. Shipway and
Hutchings (1993) found that metallic and ceramic spheres
displayed similar fracture behaviour under impact and compression loadings. This was because only elastic deformation
was involved such that the stress distributions were essentially similar under the two loading conditions for equivalent
axial deformations. However, in the case of spheres made
from a glassy organic polymer, it has been found that impact
resulted in more brittle failure compared with compression
for which failure was predominantly plastic under the conditions examined (Gorham et al., 2003). This behaviour was
attributed to the high strain rate sensitivity of the mechanical properties of such polymers that allows plastic flow to
occur when the characteristic time of the experiment is long
compared with the relaxation time, which is more likely to
be the case for diametric compression.
The general failure patterns for brittle spheres were first
established by Arbiter et al. (1969) and they have been confirmed by subsequent experimental studies involving a wider
range of materials, e.g., Shipway and Hutchings (1993),
Majzoub and Chaudhri (2000) and Salman et al. (2004).
‘Brittle failure’ may be considered as corresponding to the
initiation and propagation of cracks under primarily an elastic tensile stress field, i.e., with only limited plastic deformation at the crack tip. Practically this means that the fragments may be fitted together to reconstitute the original geometry of the cracked body. The results of these studies on
the impact and diametric fracture of brittle spheres may be
summarised as follows. At small impact velocities (or small
diametric compressive strains), a flattened circular contact region(s) forms due to elastic Hertzian deformation
(Johnson, 1985). The corresponding hoop (circumferential)
stress is compressive within the volume adjacent to the contact region. There is a maximum radial tensile stress at the
edge of the contact circle that may result in Hertzian ring
cracking, which is observed as the formation of surface fragments with the so-called ‘angels wings’ geometry. The maximum shear stress occurs at a depth of about half the contact
radius. Initial sub-surface yielding occurs when this stress
is approximately equal to the uniaxial yield value. With increasing impact velocity, the plastic zone will grow until it
reaches the contact interface; the mean contact pressure is
then equal to the hardness of the material, which is a factor
of about three times the uniaxial yield stress. At this stage,
there is a specific impact velocity (defined in the current paper as the ‘critical impact velocity’) at which the hoop stress
becomes sufficiently tensile, at and just outside the contact
circle, that a primary meridian crack starts to propagate. It
should be noted that fracture may occur during unloading
but this case is not relevant for the current purpose. Either
just before or just after the formation of this primary meridian crack, photoelastic measurements reveal (Arbiter et al.,
1969) that an intense shear stress field extends from the contact circle, which results in the formation of a cone due to
a ductile fracture process that will be discussed more fully
in Section 4.2. The primary meridian crack grows along the
surface and interior of the body but does not penetrate the
cone, demonstrating that at this stage the hoop stresses are
compressive in this region. The crack may also branch when
it reaches the load axis and the resulting secondary meridian
cracks cause orange-segment shaped fragments or lunes to
be formed rather than the body simply splitting into equalsized fragments. At greater impact velocities, oblique cracks
propagate in fan-like pattern from the conical zone along the
trajectories of maximum compression. The final fragment
size will depend on a number of tertiary processes such as
the formation of cracks normal to the load axis, intersections
of meridian and oblique cracks, which may also cause a
second conical region to be formed above the initial impact
cone, and multiple crack branching. The cone itself may be
highly fragmented possibly because cracks are able to penetrate this region when the compressive hoop stresses unload
or simply due to a more uniform disintegration process.
The sand–cement spheres studied by Arbiter et al. (1969)
are arguably not conventional agglomerates. However, this is
not the case for the sand agglomerates examined by Newitt
and Conway-Jones (1958), for which a similar pattern of failure was observed, and also some subsequent experimental
studies such as that of Kapur and Fuerstenau (1967) and the
discrete computer simulation work described by Thornton
et al. (2004). However, more porous agglomerates may be
sufficiently weak that they fail by disintegration (Subero and
Ghadiri, 2001; Thornton et al., 2004).
As was mentioned earlier the failure characteristics of
‘wet’ agglomerates, in which the binder is in liquid state,
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
has not been studied previously and this was the aim of
the current work. The agglomerates were made by a specially developed process that results in highly reproducible
properties and spherical geometries (Fu et al., 2004b). A
major advantage of the process is that a range of packing densities of the primary granules may be obtained by
varying the granulation time or the amount of liquid binder
while maintaining a relatively low air voidage. This allows
the mechanical properties of the agglomerates to be varied
widely from highly plastic to relatively brittle as the packing density of the primary particles is increased. The failure mechanisms were monitored using high-speed photography and the extent of failure was quantified in terms of
the critical impact velocity, the size of the impact cone and
that of the largest non-conical fragment using the survival
2. Experimental
2.1. Granule impact measurements
The impact breakage behaviour of wet granules was measured using a compressed gas gun that could project a single well-characterised granule onto a rigid transparent target; the details are described elsewhere (Fu et al., 2004a).
Two high-speed video cameras with an image capture rate of
40,500 fps (Kodak HS4540, Japan) were used to determine
the impact velocity and also to record the impact events so
that the detailed breakage process could be identified. One
was positioned horizontally to the target in order to record
the failure process and the other was positioned at the rear
of the target to measure the radius of the contact zone. In
order to minimise the associated errors and uncertainties in
determining the mode of breakage, due to any variability of
the granules, typically 20 granules were tested at each impact velocity. This number of repeat measurements also allowed the mean critical impact velocity to be obtained more
accurately. The critical impact velocity was defined in the
current work as the minimum impact velocity at which one
or more visible cracks in the granule was observed. This
parameter was obtained by optical examination of the impacted granules using a microscope in order to determine
whether or not a meridian crack had started to form. There
was some difficulty in making an accurate determination of
this velocity because of the tendency for cracks to heal after
their initial formation, which arose from the elasto-plastic
nature of the granules during relaxation.
At relatively high impact velocities, the formation of a
cone-like fragment at the contact zone is generally an important feature of the granule breakage as discussed in Section 1. Despite their fragility, with great care it was possible
to collect and weigh the conical fragments from the impact
debris. The ratio of the mass of the cone, mc , and that of
the mother granule, mg , was termed the ‘cone mass ratio’,
c (=mc /mg ).
Table 1
Primary particle size data
Calcium carbonate
Characteristics of volume based
size distribution (m)
The mass of the largest fragment of the impact debris
provides a useful measure of the extent of the breakage
(see Section 1). In this case, the term fragment excludes
from consideration the principal cone-like fragment. The
‘survival ratio’, f , was defined as the mass ratio of the
largest fragment, mf , and the mother granule, thus f =
mf /mg . For both the survival ratio and cone mass ratio,
the results presented in the current work are the average of
20 impacted well-characterised individual granules and are
expressed as a percentage.
2.2. Granule preparation
Four different grades of Durcal powder (Omya, France),
which were produced from white marble by comminution
and classification, were used as the primary particles for
making the wet granules. The grades are termed Durcal
5, Durcal 15, Durcal 40 and Durcal 65 and the particle
size distributions were measured using a laser light scattering instrument (Sympatec). Characteristic values of the
particle sizes of the powders are presented in Table 1. The
span is calculated as the difference between the diameters
at the 10th and 90th percentiles relative to the median diameter, D(v; 0.5). The true density of the solid particles is
approximately 2750 kg/m3 (Johansen and Schaefer, 2001).
Polyethylene glycol (PEG 400 supplied by Surfachem Ltd)
was used as the main liquid binder. It behaves as a Newtonian fluid and has a viscosity of 134 mPa s and a density
of 1127 kgm−3 at 25 ◦ C. The viscosity was measured using
a Contraves Rheomat 115 viscometer. In addition, aqueous
solutions of glycerol were employed to obtain binders with
a range of viscosities having a relatively constant liquid surface tension (63–70 mN/m).
The granules were manufactured in a 2 l bench-scale highshear mixer as described in detail by Fu et al. (2004b).
The binder content of a single granule was determined from
the loss in weight after heating for 2 h at 600 ◦ C. This
thermo-gravimetric analysis assumed that the binder may
be removed completely at the elevated temperature without causing a reduction in the mass of the calcium carbonate (Knight et al., 1998). For a given granule type, a mean
value of the binder content was calculated from 20 individual measurements to ensure that the distribution was uniform
across different granules. The measured binder content was
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Binder ratio
Air fraction
Air fraction
represented using the term ‘binder ratio’, S, which is the ratio of the mass of the binder to that of the primary particles.
The average air voidage (pore volume fraction of air) of a
group of granules was determined from the measured apparent density of a collection of granules and the true density
of the granules. The apparent density of the granules was
measured by using the liquid displacement technique, which
is similar to the method described by Iveson et al. (1996).
The details of the determination of the average air voidage
have been described elsewhere (Fu et al., 2004b).
Binder ratio
3. Results
Granulation time (min)
Fig. 1. The variation of the binder ratio and air voidage with the granulation
time for granules with a mean diameter of 4.5 mm prepared with PEG
400 and Durcal 40.
Critical impact velocity (m/s)
The variation of the binder ratio and air voidage with the
granulation time is shown in Fig. 1 and the corresponding
plot for the critical impact velocity is shown in Fig. 2. These
data are for granules prepared with PEG 400 and Durcal 40;
the mean diameter and mass of the granules at the end of
the granulation process were in the range of 4.0–4.75 mm
and 0.12–0.16 g. During the granulation period of 110 min,
there is a large reduction in the binder ratio from the initial
value of about 0.18 decreasing to 0.135 for this size range.
There is also a concomitant reduction in the air voidage.
This densification of the primary particle packing in granulation processes due to mechanical agitation is a well established phenomenon, e.g., Newitt and Conway-Jones (1958),
and causes the granules to appear wet towards the end of
the process as the binder is squeezed to the surface. The
main point to be made here is that the air voidage for the
granules studied in the current work is negligible (<1%) in
most of the cases. In addition, it may be seen that there is
a large increase in the critical impact velocity from about
7–14 m/s for these granules, corresponding to the increase
in the effective binder ratio. This aspect of the data will be
considered in more detail later.
Images of the impact of granules made from PEG 400
and Durcal 40 with a binder ratio of 0.15, an air voidage of
0.009, a diameter range of 4.00–4.75 mm and a mass range
of 0.12–0.16 g are shown in Fig. 3. For an impact velocity of
16 m/s, it may be observed that plastic deformation has occurred initially. A meridian crack has formed at some time
less than the image captured at 0.17 ms and this crack has
extended in the subsequent image at 0.19 ms (Fig. 3(b)). In
the interval 0.19–0.24 ms, the granule has rebounded and,
subsequently, it is evident that a conical fragment has adhered to the target and became detached from the mother
granule. The behaviour for the impact velocity of 12 m/s
is similar except that there is no evidence of a cone being
formed; this could be because a cone was not formed or because one did but it did not adhere to the target. The images
obtained at 20 and 28 m/s show that the extent of the initial
plastic deformation increases with increasing impact velocity at comparable times, as would be expected. It is difficult
from the images to determine accurately the time, and hence
the deformation, at which a meridian crack starts to form
Granulation time (min)
Fig. 2. The variation of the critical impact velocity with the granulation
time for granules with a mean diameter of 4.5 mm prepared with PEG
400 and Durcal 40.
because of their limited resolution in time and because only
one-half of the granules is observable. However, it is clear
that the gross deformation and break up of the granules, in
terms of the number and the opening of the cracks, increases
with increasing impact velocity.
Photographs showing the final failure patterns of the granules used to obtain the results in Fig. 2 are displayed in
Fig. 4 for a wider range of impact velocities. There are 5
failure patterns that exemplify the general trends described
in Section 1 and which are shown schematically in Fig. 5.
At a low impact velocity (<8.0 m/s), significant plastic deformation has occurred without observable breakage (Pattern 1). With an increase in the impact velocity (8–12 m/s),
meridian cracks, which propagate from the impact zone, are
visible (Pattern 2). Cracking has occurred gradually rather
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Fig. 3. Images of the impact of granules made from PEG 400 and Durcal 40 with a binder ratio of 0.15, a air voidage of 0.009, a diameter range of
4.00–4.75 mm and a mass range of 0.12–0.16 g. They correspond to impact velocities of (a) 12, (b) 16, (c) 20 and (d) 28 m/s; the times (ms) for each
frame are also given in the figure where 0 ms refers to first contact of a granule with the target.
Fig. 4. Photographs showing the failure patterns of the granules referred to in Fig. 3 corresponding to the impact velocities shown in the figure. The
white dashed circles enclose conical fragments.
than as a rapid propagation through the granule body. This is
termed stable crack propagation and is typical of plastically
deforming materials while brittle materials usually exhibit
unstable fracture; the growth of a stable crack will cease
when the load is removed because excess strain energy has
not been stored in the bulk of the body during loading. The
number of the cracks increases with increasing impact velocity but none of them extend throughout the granule so
that it remains coherent after impact. With a further increase
in the impact velocity (16 m/s), a fragment is formed by a
failure plane that extends from the contact circle to form
an approximately conical shape (Pattern 3). Generally, the
residue of a granule either forms a single intact cup-like region or splits into a few large fragments without any fines.
With increasing impact velocity (20 and 28 m/s), the size
of the conical fragment increased and the residue started
to break up into increasingly smaller fragments (Patterns 4
and 5).
It should be noted that the cones formed during impact
were completely different from the initial state of the mother
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Fig. 5. A schematic diagram of the failure patterns shown in Fig. 4.
Table 2
The binder ratios and air voidage of the granules used to investigate the influence of binder content; they were made with PEG 400 and Durcal 15 and
Durcal 40 with diameters in the range 4.00–4.75 mm
Binder ratio, S
Air voidage
Durcal 15
Durcal 40
S = 0.19
S = 0.17
Cone mass ratio (%)
S = 0.15
Cone mass (%)
S = 0.13
S = 0.115
28 m/s
21.5 m/s
15 m/s
Impact velocity (m/s)
Binder ratio
Fig. 6. The cone mass ratio for the granules referred to in Table 2 as a
function of the impact velocity and for the range of binder ratios given
in the figure.
Fig. 7. The cone mass ratio for the granules referred to in Table 2 as a
function of the binder ratio for the range of impact velocities given in
the figure.
granules. Relatively loose and small powdery fragments
were observed to cover their surface, while a denser structure was found particularly near the impact plane. However,
the fragments arising from the residues were visually similar to the initial state of the mother granules even at the
highest impact velocity employed of 28 m/s. Moreover, at
this velocity, the smallest daughter fragments were observed
to be a cluster of primary particles rather than individual
primary particles.
The cone mass ratios for the granules described in
Table 2 were found to increase linearly with increasing impact velocity as shown in Fig. 6. There is clearly a critical
velocity at a given binder ratio below which a cone cannot
be formed provided the data can be linearly extrapolated
to small values of the binder mass ratio. These ratios also
increase asymptotically with increasing binder ratio; the
dependence is shown more clearly in Fig. 7 for which the
data in Fig. 6 have been re-plotted. These results show that
the cone mass ratio increases with increasing deformation
either as a result of increasing the impact velocity or as
a result of decreasing the hardness of the granules by increasing the binder ratio. The cone mass ratio as a function
of the primary particle size for the granules described in
Table 3 is shown in Fig. 8. There seems to be an increasing
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Table 3
The primary particle size and air voidage of the granules used to investigate
the influence of primary particle size; they were made with PEG 400 with
a binder ratio of 0.15±0.01 and with diameters in the range 4.00–4.75 mm
Primary particle size (m)
Air voidage
Table 4
The binder ratios and air voidage of granules to investigate the influence
of granule size; they were made with PEG 400 and Durcal 40
Granule size (mm)
Binder ratio, S
Air voidage
Critical impact velocity (m/s)
Cone mass ratio (%)
Primary particle size (µm)
Fig. 8. The cone mass ratio as a function of the primary particle size at
an impact velocity of 28 m/s for granules made with PEG 400 at a binder
ratio of 0.15 and a range of Durcal powders as described in Table 3.
Binder viscosity (mPa s)
Fig. 10. The critical impact velocity as a function of the binder viscosity
for the granules described in Table 5.
Critical impact velocity (m/s)
Table 5
The binder composition, binder viscosity and granule air voidage of the
sample granules used for examining the effect of binder viscosity; the
granules were made with Durcal 40 with a binder ratio of 0.168±0.01
and they had a size range of 4.00–4.75 mm.
Glycerol (% w/w)
Viscosity (mPa s)
Air voidage
Granule size (mm)
Fig. 9. The critical impact ratio as a function of the granule size for the
granules described in Table 4.
linear dependence, which again suggests that the granules
became more deformable with increasing primary particle
The critical impact velocity decreases approximately linearly as a function of the granule size as shown in Fig. 9
for the granules described in Table 4. Clearly, the linear relationship is a result of the limited range of granule sizes
investigated since physically the rate of decay will have to
gradually decrease at larger granule sizes. The corresponding data for the influence of the binder viscosity are shown
in Fig. 10 for the granules described in Table 5. Given that
the viscosity was increased by more than two orders of magnitude, the increase of about a factor of four in the critical
impact velocity is relatively modest. Fig. 11 shows the effect
of the fractional interstitial volume on the critical impact velocity, which was calculated from the data given in Fig. 1.
Here, the interstitial volume is the total value that is mainly
occupied by the binder since the air voidage of the granules
is negligible as discussed earlier. The rate of increase of the
strength of the granules with decreasing interstitial volume
becomes very much greater at fractional interstitial volumes
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
S = 0.13
S = 0.15
Survival ratio (%)
Critical impact velocity (m/s)
S = 0.115
S = 0.17
S = 0.19
Impact velocity (m/s)
Fractional interstitial voidage
Fig. 11. The critical impact velocity as a function of the fractional
interstitial volume calculated from the data shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 13. The survival velocity as a function of the binder ratio for the
granules described in Table 2.
4. Discussion
Durcal 15
4.1. Introduction
Critical impact velocity (m/s)
Durcal 40
Binder ratio
Fig. 12. The critical impact velocity as a function of the binder ratio for
the granules described in Table 2.
In many respects, the current work shows that the impact behaviour of wet agglomerates has a number of features in common with typical dry agglomerates and nonagglomerated particles, which were described in Section 1.
There are two aspects that are worth discussing in more detail here. Firstly, it seems that there is a relationship between
the mass of the cones formed and the extent of deformation
of the mother granule. A more quantitative description of
this behaviour will be presented together with some consideration of the origin of the cones. Secondly, it was observed
that the agglomerates made with Durcal 15 displayed a minimum strength at some intermediate binder content, unlike
the more conventional behaviour with the coarser Durcal 40
granules. In order to provide an interpretation of this observation, it will be necessary to consider more strictly what is
meant by the term ‘strength’.
4.2. Cone formation
less than about 0.26, which is presumably associated with
the approach to the maximum packing density.
The effect of the binder ratio on the critical impact velocity is shown in Fig. 12 for the granules described in
Table 2. There appears to be a minimum value of the critical impact velocity at intermediate velocities for granules
made from Durcal 15. This arguably unexpected behaviour
for the granules prepared from Durcal 15 compared with
those from Durcal 40 (see Figs. 1 and 2) is also displayed
by the survival ratios of similar granules as shown in
Fig. 13. The ratio decreases with increasing impact velocity
as might be expected. However, for a given impact velocity,
the ratio first decreases and then increases with increasing
binder ratio.
The mass of the cones increased with increasing impact
velocity and binder ratio (Figs. 6 and 7). In previous work
(Fu et al., 2004a,b), the contact ratio, Ã∗ , as a function of
the impact velocity, V , was measured for similar granules;
the contact ratio was defined as A∗ /A0 where A∗ and A0
are the final contact area and the initial cross-sectional area
of the agglomerate. These data were obtained for a range of
impact velocities that corresponded to plastic deformation
rather than fracture and, consequently, it should be possible
to calculate their dynamic yield stresses and thus provide a
more quantitative dependence of the mass of the cone on
the deformability of the agglomerates. Provided that a wet
agglomerate does not fracture, the kinetic energy at impact
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Table 6
The yield stresses, yield velocities and Young’s moduli calculated for
different binder ratios from the slopes of Fig. 14
Binder ratio, S
Yield stress, Y (MPa)
Yield velocity, Vp (m/s)
Young’s modulus, E (MPa)
à *2 (m4)
V 2 (m2/s2)
Fig. 14. The contact ratio as a function of the impact velocity for the
granules described in Table 2.
is dissipated by elastic, elastoplastic and plastic deformation
(see Li et al., 2002), thus
mg V = mg V p +
F d,
where Vp is the velocity at which full plastic deformation
occurs (viz., below which deformation is either elastic or
elastoplastic) and p is the corresponding compression, ∗
is the maximum compression and F is the contact force
under full plastic deformation. The fully plastic condition
corresponds to the mean contact pressure being equal to
about 3Y as discussed in Section 1, where Y is the dynamic
uniaxial yield stress. The integral in (1) may be written in
the following form (see Johnson, 1985):
3a 3 Y
mg V = mg V p +
where R is the undeformed radius of the agglomerate, ap is
the contact radius at the full plastic yield velocity and a ∗ is
the final value. If it is assumed that the dynamic yield stress
is constant for a given agglomerate, it is possible to integrate
(2) as follows:
Ã∗2 − Ã2p =
8 2
(V − Vp2 ),
where Ãp is the contact ratio at the full plastic yield velocity and is the granule density. Thus a plot of Ã∗2 as a
function of V 2 should be linear for V 2 > Vp2 with a slope
that is inversely related to the uniaxial yield stress. This is
approximately the case as shown in Fig. 14. At smaller impact velocities the contact area ratio will tend to zero at a
zero impact velocity with a slower rate corresponding to
elastic and elastoplastic deformation. The yield stresses calculated from the slopes are given in Table 6 and show that
increasing the binder ratio from 0.135 to 0.175 results in a
reduction by a factor of about two. That the behaviour is approximately linear also suggests that the granules behave as
simple elastoplastic, rather than as elasto-viscoplastic, bodies. However, there is evidence of rate dependence for wet
agglomerates (see Adams et al., 2004) and the yield stresses
calculated here probably represent mean values in the velocity range considered. It is also worth pointing out that the
limiting value of a ∗ /R for the application of contact mechanics, and thus the strict validity of Eq. (3), is generally
taken as ∼0.4 whereas the maximum value for the data in
Fig. 14 is ∼0.6. However, a previous numerical study has
found that the errors in the predicted contact areas are relatively small at this higher limit (Adams et al., 2004).
The linearity of the data in Fig. 14 extends to small values
of Ã∗2 , which suggests that Ãp is relatively small. On this
basis it is possible to make an estimate of the yield velocity,
Vp , from the intercepts on the x-axis. The values are given
in Table 6 and decrease with increasing binder content as
would be expected. The yield velocity may be estimated by
inspection of the coefficients of restitution as a function of
impact velocity for similar granules (Fu et al., 2004a) since
the maxima for these adhesive granules correspond approximately to the transition from elastic to plastic deformation.
On this basis, the values estimated here may be up to a factor of two too large for the smallest binder content and approximately correct for the largest binder content. The initial
yield velocity is related to the effective Young’s modulus,
E + =E/(1− 2 ), of the granules as follows (Johnson, 1985):
VY = 1.56
E +4
where pY is the contact pressure at first yield (=1.1Y ) and
also E and are the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio.
It is now clear from the work of Thornton and co-workers
(e.g., Mishra and Thornton, 2001) that this relationship is
valid up to full yield provided that pY is set to 3Y when
VY ≈ Vp . Thus the Young’s modulus may be obtained from
E = 4.93
The calculated values of E are also given in Table 6 and
show the expected trend of decreasing with increasing binder
content to an extent that is comparable with the change in
the calculated yield stresses.
In summary, the increase in the cone mass with increasing binder ratio reflects the decreasing trend of the yield
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Vcone / Vgranule (%)
a*/R (%)
Fig. 15. The ratio of the volumes of the cone and mother granules as a
function of a ∗ /R; the data were obtained at different impact velocities
(see Figs. 6 and 7).
Contact ratio (%)
Primary particle size (µm)
Fig. 16. The contact area ratio as a function of the primary particle size
for two binder ratios that were measured for the granules described in
Table 3.
stresses. Fig. 15 is a plot of the ratio of the volumes of the
cone and mother granules as a function of a ∗ /R obtained
at different impact velocities (see Figs. 5 and 6). Interestingly, the data approximately superimpose to a single line
(for a ∗ /R < 0.6), which shows that the cone volume is linearly related to the contact area; the contact area during plastic deformation is proportional to the reciprocal of the yield
stress. The linearity of the data indicates that the cones are
self-similar. There also appears to be a minimum value of
a ∗ /R for a cone to be formed, so that smaller values will
correspond to homogeneous plastic deformation.
The influence of the primary particle size on the contact area, for agglomerates of the type described in Table 3
has also been studied previously (Fu et al., 2004a). Fig. 16
shows a plot of the maximum contact area ratio as a function of the primary particle size for two binder ratios. It
is evident that the granules become more deformable with
increasing primary particle size, which is consistent with
the trend in the cone mass ratios shown in Fig. 8. This
could arise from improved lubrication between the particles.
It has been shown that the coefficient of friction between
smooth hydrodynamically lubricated spherical particles is
inversely related to the radius of the particles (Adams and
Edmondson, 1987). Such lubrication is possible given the
relatively large viscosity of PEG 400 and the potentially
large interparticle displacement velocities induced during
impact. It is also the case that there will be a reduced number density of contacts with increasing particle size, which
will be important if boundary or mixed lubrication was operating between the particles.
Newitt and Conway-Jones (1958) first described the formation of conical fragments from wet granules under diametric compression. They also correctly recognised that
such fragments are initiated by localised plastic deformation of the internal cylindrical volume between the contact
zones. It is well established that a critical factor in controlling the directions of these shear bands is the lubrication of
the platens. If a cylindrical sample is compressed along its
axis and the platens are well lubricated, then it will undergo
pure compression, which will result in homogeneous plastic flattening or alternatively splitting along the loading axis
for brittle materials. However, in the case of a high platen
friction, a plastic material such as a soil or metal will display shear bands at angles of approximately ±(/4 + /2)
to the loading axis, where is the angle of internal friction.
For example, in the triaxial testing of soils, lubrication of
the platens tends to reduce the probability that shear bands
will form (Rowe and Barden, 1964). The factors controlling the initiation, growth, direction and thickness of shear
bands are extremely complex and not completely understood. For example, a study of the shear band formation in
a model paste (‘Plasticine’) has been carried out in which
the friction of the platens was progressively reduced by
heating them to a maximum temperature of 80 ◦ C (Adams
et al., 1998). Shear bands were only produced at intermediate
In granular media, shear bands usually occur in the overconsolidated state. It has been argued that the resulting dilatancy arising in these band is caused by a combination
of buckling and rolling of chains of load bearing particles
(Oda and Kazama, 1998). In this latter work, X-ray analysis and optical microscopy of thin sections of sand revealed
that large voids were formed along a shear band resulting
in a large local void ratio. This is typical of the conditions
that may be expected for Mode II (in-plane shear) ductile
fracture to occur in plastically deforming materials such as
metals. That is, such fracture is initiated by the formation,
growth and coalescence of voids; in metals, for example,
the voids are formed as a result of inclusions and coalescence occurs by plastic necking (Beeson et al., 2003). In the
case of wet agglomerates, it is reasonable to assume that the
voids in shear bands form by cavitation during impact due
to the dilatancy.
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Fig. 17. Images of the impact of granules made from PEG 400 and Durcal 15 at a velocity of 12 m/s showing the effect of binder ratio. The times in
ms are shown under the figure, where 0 ms refers to first contact of a granule with the target.
The above process of shear banding, strain softening and
ductile fracture is quite different from the Mode I (crack
opening) mechanism for the formation of the meridian
cracks. In this case, fracture occurs in a relatively homogeneous strain field as a result of a stress concentration
induced at a particular flaw. However, ductile fractures are
not associated with high stress concentrations and may occur by a co-operative process involving void coalescence
(net section rupture) rather than by the propagation of a
crack. The differences in the two processes are likely to account for the markedly different appearance of the conical
and residue fragments.
4.3. Critical impact velocity
The experimental data showed that the critical impact
velocity decreased with increasing agglomerate size (see
Fig. 9). As discussed in the previous sub-section, meridian
cracks most likely form by a Mode I mechanism and such
fracture is usually associated with a critical strain. The plastic strain in spherical bodies scales with a/R, which is the
square root of the contact ratio, Ãp , and which is an increasing function of the impact velocity. However, this function
is independent of the size of the spherical body as demonstrated by Eq. (3). That is, for a given impact velocity, the
kinetic energy scales linearly with the size but so does the
volumetric plastic work or strain energy. Thus the data in
Fig. 9 cannot be interpreted on this simple basis. Possibly, a
more plausible explanation is the well-known phenomenon
that the number of critical flaws scales with increasing body
size. It was certainly observed that the damage to the larger
granules at impact velocities just exceeding the critical value
displayed multiple micro-cracks just outside of the contact
zone while the smaller granules generally showed a single
crack leading to the agglomerate splitting in half at greater
The minimum in the critical impact velocity for the Durcal 15 agglomerates is most graphically demonstrated by the
images shown in Fig. 17. The impact velocity was 12 m/s
with t = 0 corresponding approximately to the time at which
they first contacted the target and t = 760 ms being shorter
than that corresponding to restitution. This velocity is equal
or greater than the critical impact velocities for these granules (see Fig. 12) but cracks are not obviously visible in
the photographs for the binder contents of 0.115, 0.130 and
0.190, which is for the reasons discussed in Section 3. However, a relative large meridian crack may be observed for the
agglomerate with a binder content of 0.150 while there is a
smaller crack for the binder content of 0.170.
While the above images are supporting evidence for a
minimum in the strength at an intermediate binder content,
they do not provide any indication of the mechanistic origin. Fig. 18 shows images of the agglomerates with binder
ratios of 0.115, 0.150 and 0.190 at impact velocities in the
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
Fig. 18. Images of the impact of granules made from PEG 400 and Durcal 15 at velocities in the range 18–20 m/s showing the effect of binder ratio.
Fig. 19. Images of the impact at 12 m/s of granules made from PEG 400 and Durcal 40 and different binder contents.
range 18–20 m/s. Severe fragmentation is evident for the intermediate binder content. For the smallest binder ratio, the
formation of a cone together with a meridian crack may be
observed. The meridian crack is indicative of brittle failure
as discussed earlier. It is reasonable to expect the fracture
toughness to decrease with increasing binder content as the
packing density decreases. However, it appears from the
images for the largest binder content that the agglomerate
deforms plastically. That is, it becomes harder to initiate a
crack and hence the critical impact velocity increases with
increasing binder content in this regime as the agglomerate
becomes increasingly deformable. In this case, smaller primary particle and lower binder content leads to more compacted structure, i.e., high contact number, hence resulting
J. Fu et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 4005 – 4018
in stronger granule, while with higher binder content (ratio
>0.15) the pores are full and liquid will easily flow through
pores and act as a lubricant for particle movement, thus
giving high deformability and critical impact velocity. It is
interesting to note that this transition to a highly deformable
paste-like response was not observed for the Durcal 40
(Fig. 11). In this case there was a monotonic decrease in
the critical impact velocity with increasing binder content.
This is also exemplified by the photographs in Fig. 19
showing the increasing break-up of the granules with increasing binder for an impact velocity of 12 m/s. It is
common experience that it becomes more difficult to make
deformable paste-like materials as the primary particle size
becomes greater. In practice, such mixtures are often quite
friable. The criteria for forming a paste are not well understood but clearly the particle size and interparticle forces are
5. Conclusions
It has been found that there are a number of common features between the impact failure mechanisms of wet granules and those that have already been established for granules in the dry state. At small impact velocities (and times),
they display homogeneous elastic, elastoplastic and plastic
deformation. At some critical strain, stable meridian cracks
propagate from the impact zone. At larger strains, a conical
fragment is formed and the residue increasingly fragments
with increasing velocity. The volume of the cone scales with
the maximum contact area during impact and thus depends
on the impact velocity and the deformability of the granules.
The critical impact velocity for the formation of observable
cracks is a measure of granule strength and this parameter
increases with decreasing granule size and increasing binder
viscosity. For very fine primary particles sizes, there is a
minimum value of the critical impact velocity with increasing binder strength. This may be ascribed to the binder content at which there is a transition in the failure mechanism
from crack propagation to gross plastic flow. Granules made
with relatively coarse primary particles are generally more
friable, thus the critical impact velocity decreases monotonically with increasing binder because of the reduction in the
fracture strength.
The velocities of powder particles in a high shear mixer
have been reported previously (Nilpawar et al., 2005). It
was reported that corresponding to impeller tip speeds in the
range 1.5–9.0 m/s (impeller speeds of 100–600 rpm), the bed
velocity was measured to be in the range 0.7–1.35 m/s, indicating that the relative velocity of the particles is in the range
of 0.8–7.75 m/s. The critical impact velocities measured here
exceed this range and are thus consistent with the idea that
there is only limited granule breakage at the long granulation
times used to make the granules in the current work. The
general concepts established using such non-porous granules will undoubtedly apply at greater porosities. However, it
is considerably more difficult to obtain granules with nominally constant properties for more porous granules.
The authors would like to thank EPSRC for funding this
project and providing the high-speed cameras, and Unilever
Port Sunlight, UK, for funding this project and providing
materials. We would also like to acknowledge the excellent
technical support provided by C. Turner and S. Richards.
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