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He could read through the entire book and glean only some dim idea of the mechanics of Delphi. The book presumes a great deal of prior knowledge about Delphi on the part of the reader.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1987
The development ofthe Delphi technique, as a survey method of research, and examples ofits use are described. The technique's key characteristics, anonymity, use of experts and controlled feedback, are examined. The method's usefulness in structuring group communication for the discussion of specific issues and as an aid to policy making is discussed in the light ofthe technique's perceived drawbacks and limitations.
The Delphi technique has been around for over half a century, so now seems a proper time to consider its past, present and future. This introduction characterises the papers in this special Delphi issue, which include both conceptual and empirical works. It summarises the main lessons that have been learned from these for the conduct of the technique, and provides a call for more and better empirical studies in the future.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1991
The literature concerning quantitative applications of the Delphi method is reviewed. No evidence was found to support the view that Delphi is more accurate than other judgment methods or that consensus in a Delphi is achieved by dissemination of information to all participants. Existing data suggest that consensus is achieved mainly by group pressure to conformity, mediated by the statistical group response that is fed back to all participants.
Research Methods: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
The Delphi research method was specifically designed as a forecasting tool for the Rand Corporation in the 1950s. However, in the last several decades, Delphi research has been more frequently used for facilitating group communication for decision making and planning. Because of the Delphi Method's increased use, more information is needed for researchers to understand how to best utilize the method to precisely complete a Delphi study with rigor. This chapter explores the Delphi Method's origin, provides an explanation of the methodology, acknowledges the types and variations in Delphi studies, discusses the advantages and limitations, and provides clear, step-by-step guidelines for employing a successful research study.
The current state of the art for Delphi and the progression since the 1975 book The Delphi Method by the same authors. (The book is free on my website The paper was in a special issue of Technological Forecasting and Social Change containing 20 articles on the Delphi Method today (2011)
The heterogeneity of the participants must be preserved to assure validity of the results, i.e., avoidance of domination by quantity or by strength of personality ("bandwagon effect") Hence, for the application papers in this book tire emphasis is not on the results of a particular application but, rather, on discussion of why Delphi was used and how it was implemented. From this the reader may be able to transpose the considerations 1 We refer to "intelligence" in this context as including attitudes and feelings which are part of the process of human motivation and action. Introduction 7 exposure of misrepresentation in a Delphi summary than in a typical ,group study report. Finally, misunderstandings may arise from differences in language and logic if participants come from diverse cultural backgrounds. Since we consider these virtual issues to be somewhat irrelevant to Delphi per sc, we have made no attempt to give them special attention within this book. Other problems will be discussed in Chapter VIII.
Technological Forecasting and Social …, 1991
Health SA Gesondheid, 2007
The initial use of the Delphi technique was forecasting in order to be able to plan ahead. More recently the Delphi technique has been used as a constructive method in facilitating controlled, rationale group communication to develop knowledge for decision-making. Although the Delphi technique is widely used, its scientific merit is questioned. This article illuminates the application, limitations, value and scientific merit of the Delphi technique. The subsequent articles illustrate the application of the Delphi technique. OPSOMMING Die aanvanklike toepassing van die Delphi-tegniek was voorspelling met die doel om vooruit te kan beplan. Meer onlangs word die Delphi-tegniek gebruik as 'n konstruktiewe metode om gekontrolleerde, rasionele groepkommunikasie te fasiliteer om kennis vir besluitneming te ontwikkel. Alhoewel die Delphi-tegniek wyd toegepas word, word die wetenskaplikheid daarvan bevraagteken. Die artikel lig die toepassing, beperkinge, waarde en wetenskaplikheid van die Delphi-tegniek uit. Die volgende artikels sal die toepassing van die Delphi-tegniek illustreer.
Notes (Vol. 80, Issue 2), 2023
Communication and the Public
Revista de Engenharia Civil IMED, 2015
The Professional Geographer, 2012
Health and Ecology Issues
VIII Encontro Ibérico EDICIC 2017, Coimbra 2017-11-20/2017-11-22, 2017
Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology, 2016
Archives for Technical Sciences, 2014
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2010
SOSFILKOM : Jurnal Sosial, Filsafat dan Komunikasi, 2020
Psychiatry Research, 2010
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna, 2019