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The major part of power generation in the country is from coal based power plants. The most important factor in deciding the overall performance of energy conversion in a coal fired power plant is the boiler efficiency. Analysis on performance of operating boilers in a certain 210 MW plants was made to check their performance levels. Boilers at these power plants have been found to be operating on the lower performance levels than desired. This is primarily due to improper maintenance of certain important operating parameters at the specified values. Boiler performance could be enhanced resulting in considerable savings in fuel and power, and reduction in emissions by monitoring, controlling and maintaining the operating parameters properly which is discussed in this paper.
The world over, energy resources are getting scarcer and increasingly exorbitant with time. In India bridging the ever-widening gap between energy demand and supply by increasing supply is an expensive option. The share of energy costs in total production costs can, therefore improve profit levels in all the industries. This reduction can be achieved by improving the efficiency of Thermal power plant equipments. Energy analysis plays an important role in identifying energy conservation opportunities in the boilers, while they do not provide the final answer to the problem, they do help to identify potential for energy conservation and induces the companies to concentrate their efforts in this area in a focused manner. India is a developing country and the growth depends on the GDP. If GDP growth is expected to be 7% the power industry should grow at the rate of 9% per annum. The installed power generation capacity of India as on April 2014 is over 2, 45000 MW and 65% power generation takes place by combustion of coal [1]. The demand of power is increasing day by day and as coal is available in the ample quantity with cheaper rate as compared to other fuels, there is no option but to go for thermal power generation in India. The considerable rise in electricity demand throughout the world has resulted in enormous increase in power plant size and size of generating units. The expansion coupled with escalating cost of fuel has imposed an urgency to ensure that the boiler is operated and maintained as per the optimum conditions as possible. At current Indian coal prices, a loss of 1% in boiler efficiency will incur additional fuel cost. As the worst quality of coal is earmark for power generation in India the specific coal consumption and oil consumption also increases. It is of the paramount importance that power plant Engineers are aware of causes of poor efficiency and all the energy management techniques are to be used to improve the boiler efficiency. If the efficiency is improved we can conserve the energy resources of the power plant. Energy efficiency represents a cost-effective approach to raise the profitability, enhancing competitiveness and improving environmental performance. The efficiency of any equipment gives the idea of its performance. Achieving continued high performance and high availability of power plant equipments require the combined efforts of operation and maintenance Engineers [2]. The operation staff should maintain the recommended parameters for high efficiency and which leads to reduction in cost of power generation as the main component of cost per unit is the cost coal /fuel. Energy analysis of boilers helps the designers and operators to find the ways to optimize the performance of boilers for cost benefit of generation cost.
American Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 2017
This paper presents briefly on the boiler efficiency evaluation procedures by direct and indirect methods useful in thermal power plants. In the direct method consideration is given to the amount of heat utilized while evaluating the efficiency of the boiler, whereas, indirect method accounts for various heat losses. The boiler efficiency evaluated by direct method is found to be lower than that evaluated by indirect method as per the ASME PTC-4.1 standards. However, the direct method helps the plant personnel to evaluate quickly the boiler efficiency with few parameters and less instrumentation.
IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, 2019
This paper is concerned with how energy saving in steam boiler system. The simple mathematical model of a steam boiler has been developed for calculating boiler efficiency by using java web application. The Model shows the influence of the most effective parameters on the boiler performance and its applications in two types of boilers (water and fire tube boilers). The findings showed, in the case of a water tube boiler when natural gas fuel used, every 10% in the excess air causing decreasing boiler efficiency by 0.37%. Also every 10% (20•C) increase in temperature of flue gases causing decreasing in boiler efficiency by 1 %, and every 10% (7-8)•C increase in feed water temperature causing increasing in boiler efficiency by 1%,, In case of fire tube boiler when liquid fuel (solar) used, every 10% increase in the excess air causing decreasing in boiler efficiency by 5%, every 10 %(20•C) increase in temperature of flue gases causing decreasing in boiler efficiency by 1-2%, The model gave acceptable agreement with experimental data measured, in addition, the model has economic and environmental effect.
The main objective of this paper is to find out the boiler efficiency calculation and method to improvement. The thermal industry is known as a major source of conventional energy in India. In the thermal power plant where chemical energy of the coal is converted into electricity. It is most demanding industry now days because of high energy demand. Boiler is the most important part for plant. Running the plant with maximum result we need high boiler efficiency. Calculating boiler efficiency as one of the most important types of performance measurement in any power plant. For calculation of Boiler efficiency basically we use Direct and Indirect method. It is a measure of how effectively chemical energy in fuel is converted into heat energy in steam going to the turbine. Finding boiler efficiency from this method from this method use for boiler efficiency, the data is collected from different department in plant like, Boiler Efficiency Department. Many researchers are find out the boiler efficiency of different plant and carried out their research for improvement of boiler efficiency. This review paper helpful to calculate the boiler efficiency and find out the different types of losses occurs in boiler. We also find that boiler efficiency is always somehow increase by implementing this method and useful for further research.
Coden Lutedx Teie, 2011
This master thesis is written at the division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation (IEA) Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, in cooperation with AB Regin in Landskrona. AB Regin wishes to determine whether their existing controller platforms can be used to implement a control system for boilers. The control system should be flexible in terms of boiler size, boiler fuel and boiler type. The main aspects associated with the combustion process are reviewed, and different types of fuel commonly used in boilers are investigated and compared. The most common boiler designs are described, and definitions used in boiler context are explained. To establish what techniques have been developed to improve boiler efficiency an empirical study is performed. The different techniques are discussed in detail, involving both control systems and design changes. Finally the measurement instruments involved in these improvement techniques are described. Case studies are performed to find out which techniques are used in practice to improve efficiency of boiler systems. To get a good idea of common techniques, the cases include establishments that use different fuels, and range from small scale to large scale. An effort is made to implement a boiler controller on the EXOcompact platform from AB Regin. A control algorithm is outlined and implemented for a fictional system. The system is then simulated using a demo kit from Regin. Some tests are performed to verify that the function of the control system is acceptable, and the results are discussed. Finally the overall thesis is discussed, and issues that should be addressed in future development are listed and explained. Preface The work on this thesis was done in AB Regin's product development center in Landskrona, under supervision from the division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation (IEA) at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering. All responsibility for the report has been divided equally by both authors, and all chapters are a result of cooperative writing. The work on the report was started in May 2010, and while working on the report we have received support from a number of people. The following people deserve special thanks: Jonas Möller, our supervisor at AB Regin. During the time we spent on the report Jonas was always ready to help. Without such great help our work would not have gone as smoothly. We would also like to thank the staff at AB Regin in general for their warm welcome, and for supplying us with an office to work in. Johan Billberg and Staffan Salö for their help regarding the Sysav power plant. Due to the thorough explanation of the system provided by Johan, we gained a very good overview of the operational principles of such a plant. Martin Båfält for meeting with us and explaining the operation of Öresundsverket power plant. Staffan Branting and Håkan Nilsson for providing information on the boilers at Nosabyskolan in Kristianstad municipality. Roger Assarsson for explaining the operation of the biofueled boiler system in Staffanstorp. Gunnar Lindstedt, our supervisor at IEA, for his feedback and help. Finally we would like to thank our families and friends for their support.
Abtract : Thermal power plant converts the chemical energy of the coal into electricity. The heat rate of a conventional coal fired power plant is a measure of how efficiently it converts the chemical energy contained in the fuel into electrical energy. Coal fired Boiler is one of the most important components for any Thermal Power Plant. The aim of monitoring boiler performance is to control the heat rate of plant. The world over energy resources are getting scarcer and increasingly exorbitant with time. In India bridging the ever widening gap between energy demand and supply by increasing supply is an expensive option. The share of energy costs in total production costs can, therefore improve profit levels in all the industries. This reduction can be achieved by improving the efficiency of industrial operations and equipments. The power sector is one of the sectors of the India's economy. The development of the country to a large extent is dependent on the growth of this secto...
performance preventive measures for corrosion of heating elements has been studied, and also air heater leakage, corrected gas outlet temperature and finally gas efficiency has been calculated .Air pre-heater is a heat transfer surface in which air temperature is raised by transferring heat from other media such as flue gas .Hot air is necessary for rapid combustion in the furnace and also for drying coal in milling plants. So an essential boiler accessory which serves this purpose is air pre-heater. The air pre-heater are not essential for operation of steam generator, but they are used where a study of cost indicates that money can be saved or efficient combustion can be obtained by their use. The decision for its adoption can be made when the financial advantages is weighed against the capital cost of heater in the present paper we have taken up the operation and performance analysis of LJUNGSTROM AIRPREHEATER27VITM 1900 of 2x210 MW capacity Rayalaseema Thermal Power Plant, Kalamala and compare with Rothemuhle air pre-heater
In order to understand how a boiler is performing/ operating, it is critical to obtain data throughout its operation. Data collection and storage methods have evolved through the years improving the quality and quantity of the data. Data is valuable for tracking current unit performance, troubleshooting and helping to narrow down any potential issues/ concerns with performance. Proper use of data collection and analysis may minimize the need for scheduled performance testing except when specific data points are required. This paper will discuss how sensitivity analysis can be utilized to determine the effect lack of/poor quality data has on the desired analysis. It discusses data collection and evaluation for various cases and the relevant ASME codes. Other key features of the paper are the various methods available for data representation, allowing the engineer to easily track key operating parameters.
The boiler system consumes a large amount of energy as a significant thermal source in most of the industries. Therefore a well-operated boiler system with higher efficiency is essential for ensuring better system performance. However, in practice, due to various reasons such as the outdated system control methods, oversized boilers, improper boiler operations, the existing operation of the boiler system not only increases the system energy consumption but also lead to much higher CO2 emission. The paper discusses the main points an industry should consider in optimizing the boiler performance.
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation
This paper presents a boiler efficiency analysis of a 220MW steam power plant using the direct method. The procedure employed to determine the boiler efficiency was done using the input-output method based on ASME PTC 4.1 standard. The experimental data used for the analysis were obtained from boilers installed in Egbin Thermal Power Plant located at Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria. Instantaneous data on boiler thermal efficiency can determine the condition of boiler operation, heat generation, and heat loss. It was established that boilers#-1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 have 72.51%, 67.66%, 69.50%, 78.16%, and 79.73% efficiencies respectively, which is an indication of good performance achieved through condition monitoring, combined with routine maintenance. Similarly, boiler#-2 and boiler#-6 have a 1.02 factor of evaporation, which tells that both boilers generate steam at the same rate when 1 kg of natural gas is burnt. In the same way, boiler#-1 and boiler#-4 have a 1.05 factor of evaporation when ...
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