Solid-State Electronics 47 (2003) 357–360
Measurement of noise characteristics of MEMS accelerometers
Faisal Mohd-Yasin *, Can E. Korman, David J. Nagel
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, USA
Received 7 February 2002; accepted 16 April 2002
The noise characteristics of microelectromechanical systems accelerometers at different accelerations are presented.
The general experimental results show 1=f -type noise at low frequencies and white Gaussian noise at high frequencies.
The magnitude of the noise spectral density is acceleration dependent. The results also show spectral peaks originating
from the oscillators inside the accelerometers.
Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: MEMS accelerometers; 1=f noise; White Gaussian noise
1. Introduction
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are devices
that have static or movable components with dimensions on the scale of a micrometer [1]. One particular
device that is widely used commercially is the MEMS
accelerometer. Such accelerometers typically contain
some movable microbeams that measure acceleration in
one or two orthogonal directions. Major markets for
MEMS accelerometers are automobile airbag triggers,
earthquake detection circuits and health care. MEMS
accelerometers have advantages over conventional
accelerometers because they are smaller, lighter and
cheaper [1]. Since MEMS accelerometers are used in
many systems, the noise characteristics of these devices
are very important. The noise characteristics will influence the performance of the accelerometers especially
when operating at lower g conditions. In this work,
we report on the noise characteristics and special measurement techniques for Analog Devices ADXL202,
ADXL105 and ADXL190 accelerometers.
Fig. 1 shows the functional block diagram of
ADXL202 [2]. The chip contains the mechanical sensor
and signal conditioning circuitry. The sensor is a surface
micromachined polysilicon structure built on top of the
silicon wafer. Polysilicon springs suspend the structure
over the surface of the wafer and provide a resistance
against acceleration. Deflection of the structure is measured using a differential capacitor that consists of two
sets of fixed plates and central plates attached to the
moving mass. The fixed plates are driven by square
waves 180° out of phase that are produced by an oscillator in the chip. Acceleration will deflect the beam and
unbalance the differential capacitor, resulting in an
output square wave whose amplitude is proportional to
acceleration. Phase sensitive demodulation techniques
are used to rectify the signal and determine the direction
of acceleration [2–4].
Based on the above description, one can conclude that
there are three primary noise sources in a typical MEMS
accelerometer measurement. The first source is from the
mechanical vibration of the polysilicon springs, the second source is from the signal conditioning circuitry and
the third source is from the measurement system itself. At
present we are able to measure noise sources from the
accelerometers at various g’s and isolate the noise source
coming from the measurement circuit. We also detect a
noise source originating from the oscillator inside the
accelerometer signal conditioning circuitry.
2. Measurement system
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Mohd-Yasin).
Fig. 2 shows the noise measurement system. The
measurement system is divided into five sections: device
0038-1101/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 8 - 1 1 0 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 2 0 - 4
F. Mohd-Yasin et al. / Solid-State Electronics 47 (2003) 357–360
Fig. 1. ADXL202 functional block diagram.
Fig. 2. Noise measurement system for MEMS accelerometers.
under test (DUT), coupling capacitor, pre-amplifier, low
noise amplifier (LNA) and spectrum analyzer. Three
Analog Devices accelerometers have various measurement ranges and noise characteristics. ADXL202 is an
accelerometer with the measurement range of 2g.
ADXL105 is capable of measuring accelerations up to a
maximum of 5g and ADXL190 is capable of measuring accelerations up to 100g [2–4]. A power supply of
þ4.5 V is applied to all accelerometers. The analog
voltage output from the DUT is fed to the coupling
capacitor. The noise signal is then fed to a pre-amplifier.
In this system, one inverting amplifier is used to give a
voltage gain of 36 V/V. A Linear Technology 1007 low
noise operational amplifier is chosen because of its excellent low noise floor voltage of 3 nV/Hz1=2 and its high
gain bandwidth product of 60 MHz [5]. The pre-amplified noise voltage is fed to the LNA for further amplification. An Agilent 11909A wide band LNA amplifies
the noise voltage with a voltage gain of 42 V/V. After
these two amplification stages, the amplified noise voltage is fed into a spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer computes the power spectrum of the noise signal
and displays the results in dB m. We use two spectrum
analyzers in the measurement. The Hewlett-Packard
3588A is used for the low frequency measurement from
10 Hz to 150 MHz with a noise floor of 87 dB m and
the Hewlett-Packard 8591E is used for the high frequency measurement from 9 kHz to 1.8 GHz with a
noise floor of 74 dB m.
The measurement system utilizes several noise reduction techniques to minimize unwanted noise sources
originating from outside the DUT. To minimize the effect of external electrical noise sources, all equipment
uses one common ground and shielded with metal boxes.
Agilent 11500A Type N cables are used for all external
connections. Batteries instead of power supply from the
outlet are used to supply 4.5 V to the accelerometers and
þ12 V/12 V to the pre-amplifiers inside the metal
shield. Placing the whole measurement system on a
mechanical vibration damper minimizes external mechanical noise source. In order to minimize unwanted
noise inside the measurement system, the whole circuit is
laid out on a perforated board to avoid parasitic coupling. A tantalum capacitor is chosen as the coupling
capacitor and metallic film resistors are used to construct the pre-amplifier circuit [5,6].
3. Measurement results
Figs. 3–5 show the noise characteristics of all three
MEMS accelerometers operating at 0g. In all the figures,
the total noise power spectral density (referred to as
PSD in this paper) of the accelerometer being measured
Fig. 3. ADXL202 noise PSD.
F. Mohd-Yasin et al. / Solid-State Electronics 47 (2003) 357–360
Fig. 4. ADXL105 noise PSD.
is plotted together with the noise PSD of the measurement system (referred to as MS in the figures). One can
extract three important sets of information from these
figures. The first is that at low frequencies the noise
PSDs of all three accelerometers are higher than the
noise PSD of the measurement system. This clearly
allows one to extract the noise characteristics of DUT
from the amplifier noise in the measurement system. The
second type of information comes from the observation
that the noise characteristics of all three MEMS accelerometers have 1=f -type noise at low frequencies at
white Gaussian noise at high frequencies. The third result is the spectral peaks that can be seen in all three
accelerometers noise PSDs. Fig. 6 shows a closer look of
the spectral peaks of ADXL105 noise PSD. From this
figure, it can clearly be seen that the peaks at points 2, 4,
6, 7 and 8 are harmonics of the oscillator operating at
200 kHz. Therefore, we can conclude that these peaks
originate from the oscillator inside the accelerometer
signal conditioning circuitry.
We also measured the noise PSD of all DUT’s at þ1g
and 1g. The noise PSDs at þ1g and 1g have similar
characteristics of noise PSD at 0g but with higher
magnitude. One can conclude that the additional magnitude is caused by the mechanical vibration of the
polysilicon springs when the DUT are at 1g. Table 1
below shows the summary of the data that was collected
from the measurement.
4. Conclusion
Fig. 5. ADXL190 noise PSD.
We have designed and built a measurement system to
measure noise characteristics of MEMS accelerometers.
So far we have measured the noise characteristics of
three analog devices MEMS accelerometers operating at
0g, þ1g and 1g. We conclude from the results that
MEMS accelerometer noise sources have 1=f -type noise
Fig. 6. Spectral peaks in the ADXL105 noise PSD.
F. Mohd-Yasin et al. / Solid-State Electronics 47 (2003) 357–360
Table 1
Summary of noise data
DUT peak noise PSD at 0g (dB m)
DUT peak noise PSDa at þ1g (dB m)
DUT peak noise PSDa at 1g (dB m)
Pre-amplifier peak noise PSD (dB m)
Spectrum analyzer noise floorb (dB m)
Oscillator operating frequency (kHz)
Measurement at f ¼ 22; 510 Hz.
ADXL202 and ADXL105/190 measurements use HP8591E and HP3588A spectrum analyzers, respectively.
characteristics at low frequencies and white Gaussian
noise at high frequencies. The magnitude of the noise
PSD at 1g are slightly higher than the magnitude of
noise PSD at 0g. In addition, the results also show
spectral peaks originating from the oscillators inside the
The authors would like to thank M.E. Zaghloul, J.
Petrella, K. Drummond, M. Aglipay and M.Y. Afridi of
The George Washington University, Harvey Weinberg
of Analog Devices Inc., and M.S. Mohd of New Gen-
eration Motors for helpful discussions and other contributions.
[1] Nagel DJ, Zaghloul ME. IEEE Circuit Dev Mag 1998;
[2] ADXL202 Datasheet, Analog Devices Inc, 1999.
[3] ADXL105 Datasheet, Analog Devices Inc, 1999.
[4] ADXL190 Datasheet, Analog Devices Inc, 1999.
[5] Chang J, Abidi AA, Viswanathan CR. IEEE Trans Electron
Dev 1994;41(11):1965–71.
[6] Hung KK, Ko PK, Hu C, Cheng YC. IEEE Trans Electron
Dev 1990;37(3):654–65.