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Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de la Escritura (RLEE), 2024
This paper analyzes the production of the critical review genre, one of the literacy practices experienced by students in Unicamp's Higher Interdisciplinary Training Program (ProFIS), and its relationship with the development of writing at university. Our aim is to investigate aspects of the critical review produced by these students, especially the mobilization of knowledge related to the genre and the inscription of enunciative marks of appreciation in this text, through modalizers. Our corpus is made up of examples of critical reviews produced by these students, and was analyzed in the light of textual-discursive principles. The analysis made it possible to raise hypotheses about the transition between the literacy practices experienced by the students in the Program before entering university and those expected in academic life, which led us to reflect on possible didactic propositions for qualifying the academic literacy of our students and their university performance (present and future) in higher education.
Coping with Excess: How Organizations, Communities and Individuals Manage Overflows, 2014
When do we cross the border between enough and too much? When does a comfortable abundance become an oppressive surfeit? When does choice move from being a privilege to a burden? This book finishes up a series of three by the same editors which address these questions and more, exploring many aspects of excess, overabundance , and overflow. These extremes might be the best way to characterize our world, populated by an almost unimaginable 8 billion people, hundreds of millions migrating and seeking refuge, where the obese far outnumber the undernourished and middle-class homes are filled to bursting with goods and possessions. Our consumer marketplace is driven into perpetual motion, as we watch today's valuables turn into tomorrow's trash. Overflow, or perhaps surfeit, is also the best way to describe the wealth of new ideas circulating in these essays. Trained as an archeologist, I always think about overflow in terms of material stuff; but this book takes us in other directions, into overflows of time, emotions, attention, and activities-describing a proliferation of new categories, whole new branches in cultural taxonomies, and a continuing flow of new things that cannot yet be categorized. But overflowing also means forgetting, cut not in a conscious decision process, but instead in a haphazard undisciplined way that leaves gaps in our memories, people and places that seem familiar but which we cannot name. Overflow itself is a liquid metaphor that easily accords with the many word choices that social scientists have used to discuss culture, place, and time.
The Politics of Time in China and Japan, 2022
Drawing on a wide range of texts and using an interdisciplinary approach, this volume shows how Chinese and Japanese intellectuals mobilized the past to create a better future. It is especially signi cant today given a world where, amidst tensions within Asia and the rise of China, East Asian intellectuals and governments constantly nd new political meanings in their traditions. The essays illuminate how throughout Chinese and Japanese history, thinkers constantly weaved together nationalism, internationalism, and a politics of time. This volume explores a broad range of subjects such as premodern and early modern attempts to conjure a politics of Confucianism, twentieth-century Japanese Marxist interpretations of Buddhism, and Japanese and Chinese endeavors to imagine a new world order. In sum, this book shows us why understanding East Asian pasts are essential to making sense of ideological trends in contemporary China and Japan. For example, without understanding Confucianism and how modern intellectuals in China grappled with this body of thought, we would be unable to make sense of the Chinese government's current promotion of the Chinese classics. This book will interest students and scholars of political science, history, Asian studies, sociology, and philosophy. Viren Murthy teaches transnational Asian History and researches Chinese and Japanese intellectual history in the Department of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Milyen is volt a magyar vallalatok versenykepessege az elmult tiz evben? Lehet-e egyertelmű, jo vagy rossz bizonyitvanyt kiallitani? Erre keres valaszt a szerző, ugy, hogy a vallalati versenykepesseget a szervezeti tanulassal osszefuggesben vizsgalja.
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2016
RESUMEN El presente texto advierte la articulación que existe entre la apertura del análisis y la apertura del inconsciente, donde la apertura aparece como una suerte de operatoria en la que se constituye el análisis y el inconsciente, originada a partir del encuentro que tiene lugar gracias a la constitución de la posición de analizante y de analista. Es así que el analizante se constituye a partir de la rectificación subjetiva dando lugar al análisis y al sujeto del inconsciente, pero no sin la destitución subjetiva del analista en su propio análisis, generando con esto el punto de encuentro entre el inicio y el final de análisis dentro de la operatoria de la apertura. Palabras claves: apertura, análisis, inconsciente, analista y analizante. OPENING OF ANALYSIS, OPENING OF THE UNCONSCIOUS Abstract This paper points out the articulation between opening of analysis and opening of the unconscious, where the opening appears as a kind of operation in which both the analysis and the unconscious are established. Such operation comes from the meeting that the establishment of the position of analysand and analyst brings about. The analysand is established from the subjective rectification, leading to the analysis and the subject of the unconscious, but the subjective destitution of the analyst in his/her own analysis also takes place, creating the meeting point between the beginning and the end of analysis within the opening operation. Keywords: opening, analysis, unconscious, analyst and analysand. OUVERTURE DE L'ANALYSE, OUVERTURE DE L'INCONSCIENT Résumé Ce texte signale le lien existant entre l'ouverture d'analyse et l'ouverture de l'inconscient, où l'ouverture apparaît comme une sorte d'opération dans laquelle l'analyse et l'inconscient se constituent. La rencontre qui se produit grâce au positionnement de l'analysant et de l'analyste est à l'origine de cette opération. Ainsi, l'analysant se constitue à partir de la rectification subjective, donnant lieu à l'analyse et au sujet de l'inconscient, mais aussi à la destitution subjective de l'analyste dans sa propre analyse. Le point de rencontre entre le début et la fin de l'analyse dans l'opération d'ouverture est ainsi généré. Mots-clés : ouverture, analyse, inconscient, analysant et analyste.
Investigações em Ensino de …, 2007
Open Journal of Business and Management, 2024
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2004
Journal of Human Growth and Development
Journal of Morphological Sciences, 2019
International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 2024
Breast cancer research : BCR, 2015
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2014
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2019