The 'Black Cats'
Report into the feasibility of locating, ral",ing and conserving one of the four Catalina
Flying Boat, scuttled off Rottnest Island in the years 1945-1946
........ .
' .
M. McCruthy, Ph.d.
Operations Manager and Curator of Maritime Archaeology
Deparunent of Maritime Archaeology,
Western Australian Maritime Museum
February 1997
With CQOlrjbuljoos from :
Mr Arlhur l ones and members of the Catalin a Club of Western Australia, Lt. Phillip Hi att. RAN , Surveying
Officer. HMAS Moresby, Mr Silvano lun g, Researcher at the Northern Territory Mu seum and Art Gallery,
Mr Alan Kendrick, Conservator, Dcparunent of Materials Conservation, Western Australian Museum an d
Mr John White, Curator of Military Technology, Australian War Memorial.
Report - Dept. of Maritime Archaeology, WA Maritime
Museum, No 125
Cover j1!y stra ljo o : An illustration of a PBY -5 Ca lalin a (KnO Ll. 1981 : 88)
The Department of Maritime Archaeology at the Western Australian Maritime
Museum has been requested by officers of the Catalina Club of Western
Australia, no tably President Mr Ivan Peirce and member, Mr Brian Buzzard
Snr., to comment on the feasibility of locating and raising at least one of the
four Catalinas scuttled off ROlln est Island in WWII . This report follows a
of similar requests,
fr om
Pendal MLA, inquiring on behalf of the Club. The RAN have conducted a
search for the wrecks and recently, the well-known Fremantle identity Dc
Michael G. Kailis AM, offered to assist the Club in its search where possible,
further adding impetus to the initiative.
Having no legislative responsibility for the remains of wrecked aircraft and
other submerged remains, the Department of Maritime Archaeology would
normally pass on such requests and all relevant inform ation to the Aviation
Museum at Bull Creek or to the Australian War Memorial. The work requested
in this instance is allied to the Department's expertise in maritime
archaeology, it s understanding of the complexities of conservation and
ex hibition and its understa nding of (rel ative ly) deep-water remote sensing
search techniques, however. The report which follow s focusses o n these are as
and on the feasibility and desirabilily of locating, rai Sing and conserving olle
of the aircraft.
Acknow ledgments
Mr Peter Bell of Albany Whale World
Mr Brian Buzzard of the Catalina Club of Western Australia
Mrs Susan Cox of the Department of Maritime Archaeology, W A Maritime Museum
Ms Dena Garratt of the Department of Maritime Archaeology, W A Maritime Museum
Mr Norm Greaves of the Catalina Club of Western Australia
Lt. Phillip Hiatt, RAN, Surveying Officer, HMAS Moresby
Mr Arthur Jones of the Catalina Club of Western Australia
Dr Michael G. Kailis, CBE. , AM., CitWA.
Mr Silvano Jung, M. Litt., Researcher at the Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery
Mr Alan Kendrick, D.Se. (Hons), Conservator, Department of Conservation, W A Museum
Dr lan MacLeod Ph.d, Head, Department of Conservation, W A Museum
Mr Ivan Peirce, President of the Catalina Club of Western Australia
The Hon. Phillip Pendall, MLA
Mr Ted Withell of the Catalina Club of Western Australia
Mr John White, B.A. (Hons), Grad Dip Mu,. Stud., Curator of Military Technology, Australian War
The Royal Australian Navy has conducted searches for the Rottnest Island Catalinas utilising
HMAS Moresby in recent years. Their advice and that of the Australian War Memorial,
which has considerable expertise and understanding of processes involved in the salvage and
the refurbishment of military aircraft, has been sought for the purposes of this study. The
Department of Maritime Archaeology at the Northern Territory Museum recently reported on
the inspection of a number of Catalina wrecks in Darwin waters and reference will be made
to their draft report (Jung, in press). Opinion has also been sought from the Western
Australian Museum's Department of Materials Conservation, which has been responsible for
the conservation of a wide range of submerged material including the noat from Hans
Bertram's Junkers Seaplane Atlantis. This was found part-buried in beach sands just above
the high water mark in the Kimberley (Department of Maritime Archaeology, WA Maritime
Museum, File 1179, Bertram Seaplane Float) . Having an interest in submerged aircraft, Mr
Alan Kendrick of that Department has assisted greaLly in literature searches and editOlial. Mr
Arthur Jones ' oral history of his reminiscences of the sinking of the Catalinas, which was
prepared for his colleagues at the Catalina Club was transcribed for the purposes of this
report. It appears in the appendices following. Interviews were also conducted with two other
crew-members involved in the scuttlings, Mr Norm Greaves and Mr Ted Withell. Mr Peter
Bell of Whale World in Albany has reported brieny on the status of a Catalina aircraft
currently undergoing restoration in a hangar there.
In bringing together the knowledge, understandings and expertise of these various individuals
and groups, the Maritime Museum's intention in what follows is to report to the Catalina
Club of Western Australia and to other stakeholders on the feasibility of locating, recovering
and satisfactorily conserving the submerged remains of the Catalinas scuttled off Rottnest
Island after WWII.
Soon after WWII aircraft, machinery, munitions, vessels and other war materiel emanating
from the USA were either sold or disposed off in such a manner as to have no foreseeable
impact on the economy or operations of the nation to whom the materiel was loaned. Often
this entailed the destruction of fully-serviceable munitions and equipment, including vessels
and warplanes. Scuttling at sea was common.
It was forbidden to remove even the smallest of items in the process (See, for example lones '
memoirs below). Thus four intact and fully serviceable Catalina aircraft, G-AGIE Antaris
Star, G-AGID Rigel Star, G- AGFL Vega Star and G-AGFM Altier Star, were flown from
their base near Crawley on the Swan River to a location to the south of Rottnest Island and
there they were scutLled at the Rottnest Island Ship'S Graveyard in waters considered too
deep to access. The fifth aircraft in the group, G-AGKS Spica Star, was scuttled off the coast
of Sydney a few months later (Pers. com., S. Jung, 6/1/1997).
The 'Rottnest Graveyard', which was the site of many scuttlings and abandonments from
1910, also contains WWII arms and armaments, vessels (including a redundant Dutch
submarine) experimental RAN submarines and semi-submersibles (See Figure 6).
With respect to the desire of the Catalina Club of Western Australia to locate, raise and
conserve one of these aircraft, a number of fundamental issues are raised. In the context of
their stated aims, these will be analysed with under the sub-headings which follow.
The issues examined
i) Verification: Were there four Catalina aircraft scuttled?
There are numerous reliable accounts of the scuttling of the four Catalinas Antaris Star, Rigel
Star, Vega Star and Altier Star, off Rottnest Island. These appear in the form of personal
communications and published articles (See Appendices).
ii) Significance: What is the significance of these particular aircraft?
There are a number of statements of significance for these aircraft (e.g., Storey, 1995).
In precis, Storey has indicated that:
# These four aircraft (called the 'Black Cats' due to their camouflage) were used in joint
Qantas/RAAF flights from Perth to Sri Lanka, then the longest air route in the world. It was
also one of the most dangerous and difficult.
# They successfully completed 271 arduous missions over two years until July 1945, carrying
vital mails and high security passengers.
# The four scuttled aircraft are representative of over 100 Western Australian-based
American, Dutch, Canadian, RAF and RAAF catalinas (Peirce, pers. corn.). These operated
from Australia on a wide variety of missions ranging from reconnaissance, bombing, minelaying, evacuation and sea-rescue. In the course of these duties over 300 airmen were lost and
only one quarter of the original aircraft survived the war in a serviceable condition. Some of
these were to be involved in the Post-war repatriation of sick POW's from Singapore and
other camps.
Illustrations of Catalina aircraft appear below.
Figure la: Catalina Flying boat. (From Vincent, 1990: 118)
Figure 1 b-c: Catalina Flying boats ashore and airborne_ (From Lewis, 1992: 41 &
Vincent, 1990:112)
iii) Location: Is there an agreed location for the scuttlings ?
Unfortunately the positions given vary quite considerably. These are:
1) Source unknown. (Possibly the late Mr Digby Bull, formerly of the Catalina Club)
# ' 293° from West End lighthouse on the 100 fathom line' (Pers. Corn.).
2) Arthur Iones (Catalina crew-member) :
comments contained in 'On sinking the Catalinas'. Tape-recorded interview 24/311991,
transcribed by the Department of Maritime Archaeology, W A Maritime Museum.
# Antaris:Star: ' l3 miles the other side of Rottnes!'. 17/1/1946
# Rigel Star: '18 miles off Rottnest' . 30/1/1946
# Vega Star: 'l3 miles off Rottnest'. 14/2/1946
# Altier Star: 'l3 miles off Rottnest'. 27/211946
'This was all west of Rottnes!'.
3) Ted Withell (Crew-member): Interview 28/10/1996
'5-6 miles out to sea south of the West End ... Possibly 5-10 miles '.
'To seaward of the Stragglers and 5-6 miles out to sea from the West End'.
4) Norm Greaves (Crew-member: Interview 30/1/1996.
'Sunk off the south-east corner of Rottnest Island ..... went out three times to the south-east of
Rottnest' .
(iv) The scuttling process: what effect has this had on the aircraft?
The mode of disposal or scuttling of these aircraft will have an effect on the nature of the
remains and the method used in the abandonment process will have ramifica tions for the
recovery, conservation and exhibition of the remains.
Arthur Iones gives details of the scuttling procedure and method as follows.
# ' .. .There was an RAF bloke, Flight Lieutenant and he was to come out as an observer and
we were told under no circumstances were we to take anything off the aircraft, because if it
was proved we took one thing off, the Government would have to pay £80000, so he was
there to see this was carried out, and he was strict to the letter being a RAF bloke and brought
up in a different way to what we were. He wouldn't let us take a pin off the thing, so we
didn't get anything off the first couple .. .'
# Antaris: ' ... he rowed over to the blister which we had left open and the theory was that he
put 75lbs of TNT in the blister and then the other charge up in the pilot's cabin and then
connected the two up, light it and then rowed like hell... ..... then boom , up went the back one
and blew the thing in half and a little while later, boom, up went the front one and it all sank
and that was a perfect job. so that was the theory and that was what happened'.
# Rige l:
' ... so we did the same thing .... the first one went off, blew it in half, anyway the
secon d one for some reason didn't go off ..... bought out three .303 ritles .... after about 200
odd rounds, someone got a lucky shot. Boomph, up she went and she blazed and blazed and
gradually burned and settled down and the whole lot sank. ..'
# Vega: ' ... we went through the same procedure and everything went alright, so that was the
end of the third one ... '
# Aitier: •...right, so the same procedure went through and the charge was duly set, and
anyway the back charge went off and blew it in half, and then the front charge went off, but it
blew a lump of wing and wing tip float off and everything else settled down and this piece
was left in the water floating around anyway, the sergeant gave us his tommyhawk .... to
chop some holes in and let the water in .. .'
•... so anyway, that was the end of the four aircraft.... the lend-lease cats ... '
There are two other eyewitness accounts of the scuttling process, those of Norm Greaves and
Mr Ted Withell.
Norm Greayes in an interview on 30/1/1996 stated that ' ... all had explosives in them .. .'
Ted Withell in an interview on 30/1/1996 stated that ' ... charges were put into the bottom of
the aircraft. . .' He had malaria and didn't watch much but saw one sink as a ' ... whole
plane ... '. He felt that, in this instance, the charge appeared to be set midships.
It appears from the above that, due to the presence of an RAF observer, at least two of the
aircraft were scuttled without souveniring on the part of the RAAF nying crew or the
demolition crew. Three aircraft at least broke into two or more pieces due to the force of the
demolition charges. Mr Withell indicates that one aircraft may have descended to the seanoor
(v) The search area: What is the search area?
Bull's (?), Iones', Greaves' and Withell's reminiscences indicate that the possible area of
abandonment for the Catalinas is an area between 5-18 NM west of the West End of Rottnest
Island encompassing the entire region between the south-east and the north-west quadrants.
The seabed in the region lies between 40-200 metres deep. It appears to be sand and shell,
possibly with the occasional rock outcrop. Numerous scuttled shipwrecks of various types,
sizes and vintage also lie in the area.
(vi) Site integrity: What is the predicted state of the aircraft today?
From the evidence above, the Rottnest aircraft were disposed of in operational order, but it is
doubtful if they contained a great deal of loose or personal material. Most of this would have
been removed in the period the Catalinas were lying moored at Crawley base (See Iones'
Transcript in the Appendices).
There is also doubt whether any of the aircraft have descended to the seabed intact. It is
evident that three aircraft, at least, descended in two pieces at least and that a wreckage
spread is to be expected as smaller items and hull fragments fell from the fuselages. The
wreckage 'plume' would be expected to be 'opening up' down-current as a result.
In descending to the seabed, it is possible that the aircraft moved some distance horizontally
from the point of scuttling. The fore and aft hull sections certainly would have separated as
they fell through the water column to the seabed below. Given the relatively shallow depths
in the search area, these distances are not expected to prove excessive, however. Likewise the
tides of the region are expected to have had little effect in increasing the spread of the larger
items as they fell through the water column, though the tides, prevailing seas and swell may
have had some effect on spreading the lighter materials. Given the extent of the search area
indicated by the eyewitnesses, the spread of wreckage due to these factors is of minor
concern, however.
Finally, given the nature of the seabed and the material lying upon it, an aircraft, or
substantial sections of one, should prove locatable using standard side scan sonar techniques.
With respect to the post-search aims of the Catalina Club, i.e. to locate and raise onc of the
wrecks, it is useful to briefly examine other submerged aircraft, so that some inkling on the
possible state of the Rottnest Catalinas can be had.
Other examples of submerged aircraft
The flying boats in Roebuck Bay, near Broome were examined by the Department in recent
years (McCarthy, 1990). For the purposes of this study, other examples were kindly bought to
the compiler's attention by Mr John White, Curator of Military Technology, Australian War
Memorial, Mr Silvano Jung, Researcher at the Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery
and Mr Alan Kendrick, Conservator at the Western Australian Museum's, Department of
Relevant details are as follows.
The Ebeye Seaplanes
Three large 4-engined, Kawanishi H6K, or 'Mavis' flying boats all 80 feet long, 125 foot
wingspan and 20 feet high, were located in 1965 in waters from 70-80 feet deep. One has
been completely destroyed, two lie upside down (Bailey, 1989: 48-9).
Figure 2. A Kawanishi H6K Flying Boat (Bailey, 1989: 48-9). Note the corrosion.
The Palau lake
A lake or Aichi E13A which lies just submerged in 10 feet of water at Palau, lies upIight on
its floats, though salt water COITosion has weakened the engine mounts to the extent that they
have broken under the weight of the engine which lies canted down to the seabed (Bailey,
1991: 156-8).
The Canadair CL215
A twin engined Canadair CL215, firefighting plane was lost while scooping up water from a
lake in the Gulf of Sagone. It came to rest upright, allowing the crew to escape and then sank
32 metres to the seabed, where it lies upside down (Amsler et .al., 1995)
The Cocos Catalina
A Royal Air Force Catalina, JX 334 carrying passengers and heavy equipment セ イ 。ウィ・、@
landing in June 1945 and caught fire. Only five of the complement of 14 s urvived. The
wreck, lying in 4-6 metres of water, has been widely dispersed over 300-400 metres due to
the effect of heavy storms and swell (Matthews, ND).
The Darwin Catalinas
There are seven known Catalina wrecks in Darwin harbour. An AmeIican trio were sunk at
their mooIings in 15 metres of water soon after the Pacific war commenced. Four Australian
craft were lost, possibly from the East Arm or Doc tor's Gully Flying Boat Bases in 1945.
Only four have been located. The best preserved lies upright in shallow water near th e
Berrimah boat ramp, with one wing crumpled under the fuselage, the tail torn off, and wi th
the nose and one wing still clear of the seabed. The damage sustained by this and the other
wrecks is part due to the disastrous cyclone which devastated Darwin in 1974 (Lewis, 1992:
41-47 & Jung, in Prep).
Figure 3 : A Darwin Catalina just before Cyclone Tracey (See account of its present state and
further discussion in lung. Photo: Darwin Aviation Museum & lung, in prep: 10).
The Broome Flying Boal5
There are the remains of sixteen aircraft lying in Roebuck Bay off Broome following a raid
early in the Pacific War. Eight are visible at low water spring tides (Plime, 1985). Strafed,
while at anchor, sunk and/or severely damaged, the eight visible wrecks all come to res t
upright on the seabed. Being exposed at low water, they constituted a navigation hazard and
were apparently demolished using explosives (Pers Corn., dem olition expert C. Choules to R.
Cross. Cross in prep). The remains, even after demolition, were substantial however and
being accessible at spring tides, they were also subject to uncontrolled salvage until recently
when their importance as heritage and tourism assets became more generally recognised.
The Department of Maritime Archaeology at the W A Maritime Museum advised on the
protection and management of the less well known group of eight of these wrecks lying
nearby in deeper water (McCarthy to Broome Historical Society et. al. File 13/86, Wreck:
Aircraft, W A Waters. Department of Maritime Archaeology, WA Maritime Museum).
It is understood that 'hard hat' divers descended onto these wrecks during the war, but the
extent of the work conducted on them is not known. Their existence had, until recently, been
a reasonably well kept secret, but in recent years they were re-found by divers and a machine
gun and other material, including a child's doll, were raised from one of the wrecks. This
caused considerable controversy, causing this institution to become involved in developing
protection strategies in association with State and Commonwealth and local heritage interests.
These particular wrecks have yet to be physically assessed, with a preliminary series of
remote sensing searches designed to locate them all prior to inspection being completed only
this month by Western Australian elements of the multinational remote sensing firm of Fugro
Survey, formerly Associated Survey International (Associated Surveys International, 1991,
Fugro Survey, 1996). At the very least, substantial damage is expected, not only due to the
effects of the strafing in WWII and possibly the demolition, but also from the effects of
vessels anchoring in Roebuck Bay itself. Despite this, a great amount of military and civilian
artefactual material relevant to the first years of the Pacific War and the process of hurried
evacuation of civilians from a war-threatened region is expected to remain (Department of
Maritime Archaeology, File 13/86, Aircraft Wrecks, WA Waters).
Figure 4 a-c Early photographs of the of the Broome Hying boats at low water. (Aviation
Museum ofWA)
Figure 4 b-c Broome flying boats at low water, showing the extent of burial in the sediments
(Photos Aviation Museum)
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(vi) The archaeological significance of submerged aircraft wrecks
It appears evident from the very small sample listed above that the wrecks of nying boats
generally can constitute sites of importance to archaeologists, historians, aircraft restorers and
Indications from this sample are that those which come to rest in shallow water will sink
upright, while those in water deep enough to allow it, will sometimes invert due to the weight
of the engines up on the wings. Fifty years of corrosion in a salt water environment in either
case will most likely lead to severe corrosion and possibly the collapse of the engine mounts.
Being a combination of ferrous metals and aluminium, those parts of the aircraft designed to
carry weight will prove most susceptible due to the advanced processes of bimetallic
corrosion (White, pers cam).
It is also evident that within the framework of underwater archaeology, submerged aircraft
wrecks potentially form a class of archaeological site in themselves. Within that class of site,
it is possible to attempt to identify sub groups of sites with decreasing
archaeological/museological/technological insignificance. The compiler has proposed an
embryo 'classification of use' to researchers and potential excavatorslsalvors based on his
experience with maritime archaeology generally (McCarthy, 1996). Clearly it is an area than
can be developed, with lung' s research entitled 'Archaeological investigations of the Catalina
wreck sites in East Arm, Darwin Harbour (in press), a useful beginning.
As a beginning the following archaeological classifications (which renect similar categories
for shipwrecks) are suggested.
Group A aircraft wrecks
One grouping of sites would be remains of aircraft that have sunk in a fully operational and
active circumstance. In itself this group would contain a number of categories.
CategOQl I
The first class of site would be remains of aircraft that have sunk in a fully operational and
active circumstance and which now lie completely intact. These aircraft generally have
landed on water or mud in a reasonably controlled fashion and have sunk to the bottom
sediments without disintegrating. They are potentially a source of significant structures,
materials, artefacts and information. This data is little altered by any but the incident that
caused the aircraft to be forced down, by the impact with the surface itself, or though natural
transformation processes. These transformation processes are water movement, corrosion and
Normally these Category I wrecks will appear as sites lying in (comparatively) deep water or
inaccessible mud away from the effects of wave action and human interference. Within this
group there would be subsets. Those wrecks lying in fresh or nearly fresh water, given that
they have been proved capable of recovery, restoration and exhibition, would contrast with
concreted structures, lying in a saline and/or coralline, warm water environment. The latter
have yet to prove a viable proposition with respect to raising and restoration (White pers
CategoQl 2
A stark contrast with Category I would be former fully operational aircraft susceptible to
heavy corrosion and/ wind and wave action. Even if these are inaccessible to human
interference, those parts of the airframe that are not buried in the seabed rapidly disintegrate.
The remainder will lie buried in the sediments, though the effect of sulphate reducing bacteria
may ensure that the corrosion processes are continuing. Despite these ongoing processes, and
the loss of a great deal of material and data through natural processes, significant artefactual
material remains on site.
Category 3
These aircraft sites would possibly be those once forming Categories 1&2, but which have
been subject to human interference by professional or recreational salvage. This element of
itself, can be categorised according to the extent of the interference and the degree of salvage.
Group B aircraft wrecks
Group B sites could be those abandoned with all their fittings and/or fixtures, but not
containing any of the accoutrements of action as in the group above. They have been
deliberately abandoned in flying condition and the material remains on-board is expected to
reflect that fact.
Within Group B, there would appear categories similar to group A.
Group C aircraft wrecks
These sites would be stripped aircraft, similar to the commonly encountered abandoned
shipwreck hulk. Material and information gleaned from these sites is most often limited to
structural detail of fittings and fixtures deemed unsuitable for salvage and/or reuse before the
hulk itself was abandoned. Occasionally artefactual material could be found in inaccessible
locations, but its context is most often unknown, or the material itself is fragmentary. (In
abandoned ship hulks this material appears in the bilge, which being often full of foul water,
makes the recovery of such material initially undesirable).
Again within Group C there will appear categories similar to Group A.
The Rottnest Island Catalinas would fit into Group B, given their scuttling as operational
aircraft previously cleared of loose items.
Clearly, other factors such as the relative rarity of a particular aircraft, its contents and its
associations with a particular person or event(s) will have a bearing on the categories above.
This is one of the arguments that the Catalina Club of Western Australia have put with
respect to the 'Black Cats'.
(vii) Recovery and conservation of the Rottnest aircraft. Is it possible?
Mr John White, the Curator of Military Technology, Australian War Memorial, made the
following comments with respect to the potential raising, conservation and exhibition of one
of the Rottnest Island Catalinas in an interview conducted for the purposes of this study on 9
December 1996.
# The Australian War Memorial has successfully conserved aircraft engines taken from
submerged sites at Kota Baru in Malaysia. The process has taken from 6 months to a year,
requiring treatment tanks, the provision of facilities and chemicals.
# Though the Catalina type, which was designed for use at sea had corrosion inhibition
systems, (See Jones' transcript) the process continues in a submerged environment. It has
been found that similar large-bodied types such as the Mavis flying boats in Rabaul waters
have collapsed over the years, partly due to their own weight. i.e. the high-wing type do not
necessarily sink into the sediments up to the wing, and being largely unsupported above the
seafloor, they have collapsed over time. A major factor in this collapse has been the enhanced
corrosion of the bi-metallic ferrous and aluminium material at vitally important parts of the
structure. This has ramifications for any attempt to lift or support the wreck(s) at those points.
# Having large internal spaces, the Catalina type is expected to experience invasion by the
seabed sediments, resulting in a substantial increase in weight.
# Experience has shown that a large vessel will be required on which to mount the salvage
equipment andlor crane. A large transport barge will also be needed.
# The hull will need to be supported and secured in a purpose-built lifting frame. Holes will
need to be bored into the aircraft to secure it to the lifting frame, further weakening the
# Though there are instances of successful recoveries from fresh water e.g., the Great Lakes,
'There has yet to be a successful restoration of an aircraft taken from a salt water
environment' .
Mr Kendrick, Mr Jung and Dr Ian MacLeod, Head of the WA Museum's Department of
conservation have expressed similar concerns.
The depths of water in which the Rottnest aircraft lie are their greatest asset with respect to
their protection from the most damaging of all post depositional effects, human interference.
As a result, theses sites will contain in and around the hulls all of the original equipment and
fittings. This will make them an attractive proposition to interest groups such as the Catalina
Club of Western Australia and to aircraft restorers generally.
Given unlimited time, funds and equipment, it will be possible to conduct a search for the
'Black Cats'. The standard side-scan sonar equipment such as that currently being deployed
by the RAN is currently limited to depths not exceeding 130 metres, however.
With current technology, notably the self-propelled, one atmosphere 'Wasp' suit common to
professional diving in the petroleum industry, once an aircraft is located, a thorough
inspection can be effected. This will result in a visual and oral record of the remains. The
latter can be transcribed, the former will be in video and still format. A standard, high
-powered remote operated vehicle (ROV) could also be deployed, though possibly with less
satisfactory results.
It is expected that, with one possible exception, the Catalinas will be found lying in at least
two pieces on the seafloor, possibly with those sections still containing the engines inverted.
Equally the engines themselves may no longer be attached to the aircraft. Their mounts may
have corroded in the intervening 50 years, in similar fashion to the' Jake' or Aichi E13A
noted above.
Previons Searches.
The Royal Australian Navy has been involved in two remote sensing searches for the
catalinas using side scan sonar equipment on board the survey vessel HMAS Moresby. Lt P.
Hiatt, Survey Officer HMAS Moresby has prepared a report which shows the two search
areas chosen by the RAN and their datum points of 31 ° 58'S 114° 17.3'E and 32° 10' S, 115°
23'E., respectively. One area is based on the c. 300° from the Rottnest lighthouse report
mentioned above and the other is based on the evidence gleaned from the remainder of the
reports. Both search areas have an inner 2.5NM and an outer 7.5NM search zone as desclibed
by Lt Hiatt. Figure 6 shows the search area and Figure 7 a&b show the regions within those
two zones that have been searched by the RAN to date.
Figure 6: The Rottnest Island Graveyard
Excerpt from AUS 114. Appro.1ches to ROllncst IsJand. Source : Wreck inspection
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Figure 7a . The RAN search areas (Lt. P. Hian, RAN) . The Chart Excerpt is from AUS 754.
Details from AUS 114 (Figure 6) have been added to the RAN plot of the search area, on AUS 754.
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Figure 7b , The RAN search areas (Lt. p, Hiall, RAN): A condensed version of the Track 1'101 Sheet.
Showing Ule area searched by HMAS Moresby IQ dale,
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Catallna Search Area
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Experience has shown that where a properly conducted excavation and lor recovery regime
cannot be mounted (due to advanced corrosion, unforseen costs, logistical problems or time
constraints) the salvage of an engine, a machine gun or two, instruments and other loose
attractive items often serves to satisfy those who initiated or funded the search and recovery
process (See examples in Jung). Many would find this apparent compromise unacceptable,
especially in instances where it was originally envisaged that an entire aircraft be recovered.
On the other hand, in coming to the realisation that the recovery of a particular aircraft was
not possible, some would see this as a useful compromise. This is a wide spectrum of opinion
to consider.
As noted by Mr White, the removal of sediments from the hulls would be an essential
prerequisite to the raising of the wreck(s), if that step were decided upon. In our opinion this
excavation would need to be conducted according to standard archaeological practice, for fear
of losing material and/or useful information. This is currently not possible, though the
removal of sediments in a gross fashion is feasible with present technology.
In essence, it is believed that a properly conducted archaeologically-based excavation of the
site(s) in the depths envisaged is not possible at the present time.
The most dangerous time for any shipwreck material or structure is in the transition from just
below the surface to the deck of the transport. There the object is put at risk from the effects
of wind and waves, sometimes critically. The comments above re the differential corrosion at
the lifting points, structural integrity overall and the need to attach lifting devices to the
hulls, hold good in this instance and may preclude such a step.
The comments of the conservators J ung, Kendrick, MacLeod and White render the recovery
of one of these aircraft a problematic exercise.
Mr White's comment that 'there has yet to be a successful restoration of an aircraft taken
from a salt water environment' is of fundamental concern, given the depth of water, the size
of the aircraft themselves, the logistical problems and the costs involved with their location,
inspection, raising and refurbishment.
On the basis of the evidence above, the historical importance of the 'Black Cats'
Given their significance, a search for the four wrecks is warranted.
The uncertainties of the positions given for the scuttlings has ensured that a very large area
needs be searched, however. Considerable costs are to be expected in this phase as a result.
Funding for this stage needs be obtained with the understanding at all levels that there is
considerable uncertainty about the position and state of the aircraft themselves and there is
some doubt that any remain intact. A sponsor willing to search the area on an opportunistic
basis, in similar fashion to the HMAS Moresby searches to date is the most viable option.
This may also indirectly result in the location of other 'graveyard' wrecks such as the hulks
of many former sailing ships and barques, steamers, dredges, barges and a Dutch submarine,
the K XI. These appear in Figure 6 in the area south west of Cape Vlaming between the 50
and 100 metre contour lines.
The submarine KXI lies at c. 32 0 04'S., 115 0 22' E., on the border of the two RAN search
areas for the 'Black Cats'. Its relocation could have some significance for the RA N with
respect to submarine search and rescue exercises.
Inspection of the Remains
An inspection of the remains found in the stage above is possible and potentially useful.
Preliminary predictions as to the state of the wreck(s) can be tested and this will add to the
body of knowledge on submerged aircraft wrecks generally.
This phase is an essential pre-requisite to any decision-making that will ensue. Again costs
will be high, though sponsors in the Western Australian diving industry may find the
potential PR benefits attractive once a wreck is located. Recreational mixed-gas diving is now
entering a phase where diving in these depths will become more frequent. Recreational divers
are now beginning to target the 'graveyard ' ships as possible dive sites and professionallytrained divers may follow suit. Being in its nascent stages, it is not recommended that th is
form of diving expertise be utilised in the near future. The possibilities need be noted,
Decisions about the feasibility of conducting a proper archaeologically-based excavation
must await the successful outcome of the search, location and inspection phases.
The hull(s) will most certainly be (part) filled with tonnes of sediment. If a decision is made
to raise an aircraft, there will be considerable excavation required both internally and
externally as a result. A properly-conducted archaeological excavation of the Catalina hulls
cannot be commenced with the current technology.
A dec ision on this phase would need await the results of the stages above. Given the size of
the project, logistics and the difficulties that will ensue, this will prove the next most cos tly
phase behind restoration. Both stages may in fact prove impossible due to the effects of
The removal of an aircraft from the seabed is a decision for the various stakeholders, given
that the wrecks were deliberately sc uttled and abandoned, affording them little legal
protection at the moment. Any decision of this nature would have to predicated upon the
provision of appropriate conservation facilities, equipment and staff and then an appropriate
place in which to house and/or exhibit the remains.
The fact that a similar enterprise has yet to prove successful, poses fundamental questions
whether the Catalina wrecks in deep water off Rottnest Island should become, in effect, the
' tes ting-ground' for the raising, conservation, refurbishment and future management of an
aircraft recovered from a salt-water environment.
Clearly there are many, as yet untested , variables. These clearly need be tested in far less
taxing circumstances and on a much smaller scale before raising and restoration is attempted
in this instance. This raises the question of what alternatives are there in the short to medium
Alternatives. There are many altern atives which need full consideration before funds are
committed to the raising and restoration of a Rottnest Catalina.
(i) A later model (Canso) of Catalina PBY 5A is being restored at the Amberley Airforce
Base. Costs in this instance have been estimated at $100000.
(ii) An operational Catalina could be purchased and flown in from overseas at a cost of
$250000 (Peirce, pers. corn.).
(iii) There is currently interest in the raising and restoration of a crash-damaged Catalina off
Townsville (recent TV news item).
(iv) A partly restored Catalina lies in a hangar adjacent to Albany Whale World. It has an
uncertain future following the recent tragic death of its owner the aircraft enthusiast and
whale-spotting pilot, Mr John Bell. The Catalina Club is aware of the existence and status of
this aircraft, Number A 24-46, which originated from the USA and came here in 1943. The
plane a PBY 5, operated out of Rathmines (NSW) and undertook a mine laying sortie to New
Guinea. Having returned to Darwin, it caught fire was towed back 200 miles from Melville
Island for repair. It remained operational in 1945 to be sold in 1947 to a Mr Camp bell. Mr
Bell purchased it from Victoria and brought in back to Albany in pieces by trailer. The
aircraft is 50-60% complete and collaborative work is being conducted with the Am berley
group (pers corn Peter Bell).
# The notion of excavating, raising, conserving and exhibiting one of the Rottnest Island
'Black Cats' should not be considered at this time. Even if they were found intact on the
seabed, the experimental nature of the enterprise indicates that this phase should await the
successful raising, conservation and evidence of long-term stability of a smaller, more easily
handled aircraft, or a similar craft raised from saline water. This 'proving' stage may not
occur for a considerable time. A similar case in maritime archaeology is the author's raising
of the compact horizontal trunk engine from the SS Xantho (1848-1872) after over a century
in a saline environment. Others are awaiting the success of this venture before giving
consideration to similar or larger ventures (McCarthy, 1996).
# While awaiting proof that an aircraft can be succesfully conserved and properly stabilised
after nearly half a century in a saline environment, alternatives need be considered if the
Catalina Club of Western Australia wish to proceed with the exhibit of an aircraft in the short
term. If the refurbishment and exhibition of any of the Catalinas mentioned amongst the
'alternatives' above would prove a satisfactory option to the Catalina Club of Western
Australia, then this option needs be thoroughly examined. The Whale World Catalina seems a
logical choice, having an apparently uncertain future and having seen service on Australian
# A search for the Rottnest Catalinas is warranted but given the uncertainties noted above,
this phase should be the result of opportunistic deployment of a remote-sensing array by a
vessel conducting trials or traversing the area. The RAN have conducted such a search and
may do so again in the interests of the Club and maritime/aviation history generally. Remote
sensing firms could equally be interested in testing their equipment in the area.
A search could indirectly result in the relocation of one of the many hulks in the Rottnest
Graveyard. The centring of a search area around the known coordinates of the Dutch
submarine K XI, which lies well within the parameters for the Catalina search, could prove
beneficial in that the possibilities are mUltiplied and the potential returns to the RAN at least
are vastly increased.
# If an aircraft is found, then an inspection is also warranted, but again this should be
conducted by an agency or firm wishing to deploy such equipment close to Fremantle as a
trial or public relations exercise.
Books. articles and theses
Amsler, K, Ghisotti, A., Rinaldi, R., and Tranito, E., 1995, Diving guide to the
Mediterranean wrecks, Swan Hill Press: 94-5.
Bailey, D.E., 1989, WWII wrecks of Kwajalein and Truk Lagoons, North Valley Diver
Publications: 49-51, 193.
Bailey, D.E., 1991, WWII wrecks of Palau, North Valley Diver Publications: 156-159
lung, S., in prep, Archaeological investigations of the Catalina wreck sites in East Arm,
Darwin Harbour. NT Museum and Art Gallery: 1-18.
Knott, R., 1981, Black Cat Raiders ofWWII. Zebra Publishing Corp. NY.
Lewis, T., 1992, Wrecks in Darwin waters, Turton and Armstrong (pp. 41-47 (Sunken
McCarthy, M., 1996. SS Xantho, towards a new perspective in maritime archaeology.
Unpublished, Ph. d., thesis, lames Cook University.
Matthews, R., (ND) Finding the IX 334, Sportdiving Magazine: 78-81.
Wison, S., 1991, Catalina, Neptune and Orion in Australian Service, Aerospace Publications
Pty Ltd, Weston Creek, ACT.
Storey, R., 1995, Cats may win another life, The Bulletin (Aviation section), May 30: 26-27.
Vincent, D, 1990, Catalina Chronicle, RAAF History, Nov, 1990, pp 119 on.
Associated Surveys International, 1991. Wreck Search Roebuck Bay, Report prepared for the
WA Maritime Museum, April. W A Maritime Museum Library (UR, 930.1028(4).
McCarthy, M., (1990) Broome Aircraft Wrecks, Report to the Maritime Archaeology
Advisory Committee, WA Maritime museum, Wrecks Aircraft, W A Waters,
Department of Maritime Archaeology, W A Maritime Museum, File 13/86/3.
Fugro Survey, 1996. Roebuck Bay, Aircraft Wreck Search, Survey Report. Report prepared
for the W A Maritime Museum, November. W A Maritime Museum Library.
Wrecks: Aircraft, WA Waters, Department of Maritime Archaeology, WA Maritime Museum,
File 13/8611-2
AUS 114, Australia, West Coast, Western Australia. Approaches to Rottnest Island, Scale
RAN, ( Lt. P Hiatt comp.), Catalina Search Area. (Two sheets)
Personal communications
Choules, C. to R. Cross, 1996. Recounted by R. Cross. Wrecks Aircraft, WA Waters,
Department of Maritime Archaeology, W A Maritime Museum, File 13/86
Hiatt, P.R., to M McCarthy, 1211211996 Wrecks Aircraft, WA Waters, Department of
Maritime Archaeology, W A Maritime Museum, File 13/86
Kendrick, A., to M McCarthy, 18112/1996, Wrecks Aircraft, WA Waters, Department of
Maritime Archaeology, WA Maritime Museum, File 13186
lung, S. to M McCarthy, 6/111997, Wrecks Aircraft, WA Waters Department of Maritime
Archaeology, WA Maritime Museum, File 13/86
McCarthy, M., to Broome Historical Society, et. al. 1990, File 13/86, Wreck: Aircraft, WA
Waters. Department of Maritime Archaeology, W A Maritime Museum.
White, J., interview with M. McCarthy, 9 December 1996.
.... who was serving at the time in 43 squadron and based at Rathmines, NSW and was recorded on the
24/3/1991. On about the 311/46 myself and a fellow by the name of Johnny Evans who was a flight engineer up
in the sergeants' mess at Rathmines having a drink and the orderly officer came in and asked where there any
West Australian's in the mess. Now my first thoughts were the old saying' don't volunteer for anything', but we
thought it was rather unusual for them to come in and ask this, so 1 said 'yes, 1 am a West Australian' and there
were no flight engineers, he said we want a flight engineer and a fitter air-gunner. Anyway, Johnny who I had
been with for quite a time, he said 'I am not doing anything and I am waiting around, so, yes, if you can't get a
West Australian 1 will volunteer'. So anyway he said come down and report 10 the orderly officer tomorrow
morning so we duly sent down and said there are no flight engineers from West Australia here, so you can have
this job. Flight Lieutenant Ted Withall and FL Ted Hodgeson, myself, Arthur Jones and Johnny Evans were
duly got together and told that there was a job to do in Perth, W A. As the three of us hadn't been home for some
considerable, we thought this was good, so we said what is the job, he said' Oh no, I am sorry, we can't tcll you,
its a top secret job, but you will be given orders when you get to Perth'. So anyway, all the alTangements were
made, and he said will we be coming back to Rathmines, 'Oh yes, coming back 10 Rathmines when the job is
finished so, anyway we tried our best to find out what was going on and nobody would tell us, so on the 611/46
we set off from Rathmines and flew in a military aircraft via Melbourne, Para ... , Ceduna, Forest, Kalgoorlie to
Perth, and some of the times were quite humorous, 1 can't remember what plane it was, but the number was
VHCIQ, 1 can't remember what type of plane it was, but looking at the thing, Sydney to Melbourne was 3.5
hours, and Melbourne to Parafield was 2.5 hours and so it goes on, but anyway, 1 will be making a photostat
copy of all these times, so 1 won't go into that at the present time. But anyway, as 1 say, we set off and we got to
Pcrth on, we must have stayed in Melbourne over ョゥァィセ@
and we had another plane then, an A6593 which tlley
got us out of bed and we lOok off at 5 am which we weren't very impressed with, but that was on the 711 /46 and
we eventually got to Perth on that date at 1720 hours.
Next day we had to report to air force headquarters in the Terrace which you all remember was Air force I-louse
and that's where I went to when I first joined up and this is one of my last jobs before I was demobbed.
Anyway, we get to Air force House and we all go in and the big noise there said yes have a special job for you,
you are going to these four catalinas that have been on lend-lease from America and have been used on courier
work between Crawley? and Ceylon, because of the terms of the lend-lease if the Australian Govt want tllem
they have to pay £80,000 and we don't want to, we can't spend that sort of money and this is what is happening
to all the lend-lease, so its got to be destroyed. But, strangely enough it was a big secret mission, but on that
same day, as far as I can remember, that day or the day before was quite a report written up in the West
Australian which 1 cut out at the time, but over the years something happened to it and its lost, so if you want to
read that report, you can probably go back into the archives around about that date and find out. Anyway, that's
beside the point, that's what happened. So, we were given these orders, this is what you do, and anyway, he said
the first thing for you, the fitter-gunner and myself and Johnny Evans to get down to Crawley mld see what state
but they are up on deck and, oh no, I
these are in, nobody has been near them, they have been locked up and エィ。セ@
am not sure whether they were up on deck or in the water. But anyway, 1 have an idea they were up on deck, but
anyway, that is beside the point. Johnny and 1 went down and all the motors had been inhibited apparently, and
they were in quite good condition so we got the motors started without much trouble on the first one, but before
we go any further 1 might mention all these catalinas had names of the stars, there was Antaris, Rigal, Vega and
Altier. So if I mention these instead of saying catalina you will know what they are all about. So we started off
with one, Antaris. Went all over the hull and everything and checked it all over and we didn't know whether it
had been weakened by standing there for such a long time, but anyway, we eventually said right, this was is airworthy and sea-worthy, so we all duly got down to Crawley, it was round the point where the sea-scouts place
eventually was, I think they had a big shed there or something, that's where we were. Now, there was Ted
Johnny Evans the engineer and myself the TA. We
Withall who was the skipper, Ted Hodgeson second ーゥャッセ@
were told there was a crash boat had gone out the night before out to Rottnest and we could get on the radio to
him to see what was going on, whether they thought the weather was too rough because they played to part in
picking us up after we had ditched the aircraft. There was also an RAF bloke, Flight Lieutenant, and he was to
come out as an observer and we were told under no circumstances were we to take anything off the aircraft,
because if it was proved we took one thing off, the government would have to pay £80,000, so he was there to
see this was carried out and he was strict to the letter being an RAF bloke and brought up in a different way to
what we were, he wouldn't let us take a pin off the thing, so we didn't get anything off the first couple, but
anyway, there was also the man that was to do all the blowing up was a fellow by the name of Peter Ploughman,
he was a lieutenant navy demolition expert and he arrived down with some pretty big hefty parcels and he had
two charges of 751b of TNT done up in, 1 am not an expert, but anyway he had these done up so they were
loaded on the aircraft and he said there was no danger, no danger until they are all hooked up and so on, so we
got on to the crash boat and they said if the weather didn't look too bad, so we duly got in and took off, headed
over Canning Bridge, took off over Canning Bridge and away we went and we hadn't been home for a long time,
we were getting 16/- a day capital city allowance and we hadn't been home for quite a long time, so we thought
by-gee, we are going to make this last, because we were all staying at home and Johnny Evans stayed at my
place in South Perth and then he went and stayed at the YMCA in Murray Street later on, because he was a little
bit more free, he was able to roam around and do what he wanted to do, so anyway, we got out there and, as 1
say we hadn't been home for a fair while, and we say, no, its a bit rough to land today, we will go for a bit of a
flight, so we went round and had a fly for a couple of hours and then we got on the crash boat, and said, look are
going back to Crawley, we will have another go tomorrow, and that was on the 1611/46. So on the 1711/46 we
took off old Antaris again and got all to the crash boat, yes the weather doesn't look too bad, so we got out tilere
13 miles the other side of Rotlnest and we decided, yes, we will have a go, so we put her down and thc crash
boat came over and took us all off and he had a dinghy there which he tied up to the blister and Peter Ploughman
got out and loaded the gear and that and we put a rope on it because there was a bit of a swell, and he, being a
navy man, I suppose he was pretty good with a rope, he rode over to the blister which we had left opcn, and the
theory was that he put 751b of TNT in the blister and then the other charge up in the pilots cabin and then
connected the two up, light it, and then rode like hell and we towed the rope and got him back onto the cra,h
boat and then stood off about 1/2 a mile and waited to see what happens, and by the time we got him back on
board the crash boat, he was shaking a bit, he said, by gees that was a bloody hairy sort of a thing to do, so
anyway we stood off and waited a while and nothing had happened, and then boom, up went the back one and
blew the thing in half and a little while later, boom, up went the front one and it all sank and that was a perfect
job. So that was the theory, and that was what happened, that was the 17th, so there was a lapse of 12 days. I
think we must have said 'oh its a bit rough' and so on and so on, so we were 12 days between tile first and the
second one. On the 2911146 Riga/ was the next one, we did the same thing, we went out, a bit rough, so we went
for a 2 hr flight, I think one time we went down there Albany, another time we went up near Geraldton, as far a,
I can remember, I might be stretching it a bit, but I think we did that. Anyway, on the 30th out we went again
and that was 18 miles off Rottnest. So we did the same thing and Peter Ploughman set the charges again. We
stood off and the first one went off, blew it in half, anyway the second one for some reason didn't go off, so we
thought gosh what are we going to do, but none of us blokes could understand why they couldn't have go t
someone from the Navy out there or something, and just blew it out the water instead of all this business like we
did. It was a bairy sort of a job, and we said to Peter Ploughman 'what happens', he said 'it is hairy, things can
go wrong'. But anyway, they didn't fortunately. So, the second charge didn't go up in the pilot's cabin and so the
sergeant in charge on the crash boat, he brought out 3x303 rifles and we had about 500 rounds of ammunition so
there is three of us start of pumping ammunition torch into this the?? well you wouldn't think, you know having
the experience during the war, you wouldn't think he would put so many bullets into thing without it going up.
Anyway, after about 200 odd rounds, someone got a lucky shot. Boomph, up she went and she blazcd aIllI
blazed and gradually burned up and settled down and the whole lot sank and we had to make sure tilere was
nothing floating because of danger to shipping and that, so anyway the second one (2nd side of tapc
commenced here) was destroyed without any problems and then we dul y got back in the crash boat and went
back to Fremantle and up the river to Perth which was quite a long trip so that was the end of the second onc.
Right, that happened on 412146 and then there was a long delay of 9 days to 13/21/46 and the tlling about this
whole business was that we weren't too sure of the conditions of hulls and so on, and after going tilrough the war
we didn't want four of us to be reported missing and killed in action or something out the other side of ROllnes!,
because we thought that would be a bit crummy, but the other thing was, as I say, there was a long delay
between them, but perhaps we just stretched it out because we knew we had notiling else to do and we were just
waiting to be demobbed and hanging around at Rathmines and so on. Anyway, the third one was 13/2/46, that
was Vega. We took off at 7.30 from Crawley and we had already been in touch with the crash boat and once
again the same four members Ted Withell, Ted Hodgeson and lohnny Evans and Arthur Jones went out and we
had the same RAF bloke, where they dug him up from I don't know, but he wasn't a very cooperative sort of
bloke, and he was a stand offish sort of a fellow, but anyway, we couldn't do anything about that, so we just had
to put up with him. Anyway, we got out and it was still a bit rough so we went for another test fly for a couple
of hours and then back to Crawley and then the same thing happened on the 14th, got in touch with the crash
boat and they said the weather looks pretty good so we went out and we decided then that we would put it down,
that was 13 miles off Rottnest and we went through tile same procedure and everything went all right, so that
was the end of the third one.
The fourth one was a little bit !!lore to it. We went on the 14th which we destroyed Vega and that was the third
one, and it was not until 2412146 that we took AlIier out, we went out, we didn't leave before 10 am I think, I
remember it was a little bit rough and the weather calmed down a bit, so we went out and once again, we will
have a test /1ight, so we did a couple of hours test flight around, but this time, we had a fellow by tile name of
Flight Lieutenant Swan, as the pilot, I think Ted Withall, from memory rightiy, was recalled or had to go back to
Ratllmines or something, I can't just remember what it was, Flight Lieutenant Swan, I didn't know him and I
can't remember much about him, he obviously was a skipper on cats, and I thought Ted Hodgeson, they would
have let Tom Hodgeson to fly because he was a good pilot too, but they brought this other fellow , but I don't
know where he came from , someone might be able to, I believe you've had contact with Ted Witllall , so he
might know or Ted Hodgeson, I am not sure. So, anyway that was Aftier, 24/2/46. We went out and did a two
hour test flight and then, was three days, we must have prolonged it a bit more, three days 27/2/46 we left
Craw ley at 1200 hours and we said yes, we will land it, the weather was reasonable, so we landed about 13 miles
off Rottnest, this was all west of Rottnest I might add, so what's his name, Eric said 'have we any deep sea divers
amongst our members', well if you had deep sea divers you could probably get a hell of a lot of good stuff off
there, but it would cost a lot of dough, but anyway maybe someone in the future might get a few pieces from it.
Right, so the same procedure went through and the charge was duly set, and anyway the back charge went off
and blew it in half, and then the front charge went off, but it blew a lump of wing and wing tip float off and
everything else settled down and this piece was left in the water floating around, it was a fairly, you know what
the floats like, a fairly big hefty lump of stuff, so well they said 'well you can't let that float around, we will have
to get rid of it, so it was decided that Johnny Evans and myself would get in the dinghy, of course we, there wa,
a 3 or 4 ft swell, or maybe a little bit more, so anyway, the sergeant gave us his tommyhawk, little tommy hawk
out of the kit of the crash boat, and we tied a big long rope on and so we let it off, and so Johnny and I got this
thing, it was a bit hairy, when the float was going up we were going down and we were up and down like a
tiddler's elbow, but anyway, I said you hang on to me Johnny and I will do the chopping, so the idea was to chop
some holes in and let the water in, so I kept chop, chop, chop, chop, and got about 8 or 10 holes in it, I made a
swipe and it went right through and the thing stuck, and he said 'let the damn thing go', and tlle sergeaIll yelled
out 'hey, don't let that go I will be in strife, that is part of the equipment, I will have to put in a report about that'
and I said 'blast the report'. If I had hung on to it I would have been pulled under with it, because it had started
to go under pretty quickly, he said 'Johnny, let the damn thing go'. So anyway, I let it go and down went the
tommy hawk, so we pulled back, the old sergeant he was real upset, I said 'Oh come on, we have just sunk four
times 80,000', he said 'that doesn't mean a thing you know what the RAFs like, I've got to put in a report about
that, loosing the tommy hawk', and I said 'you've got a gem of an excuse for it haven't you', and he said 'Oh, well
I suppose so'. So anyway, that was the end of the four aircraft. But when the crash boats were out there, the
crash boat was out there each time, the blokes, the tishermen they used to lay cray pots out from Rottnest and
just some of the crays, inadvertently, somehow or other, found their way on board the crash boat and there was
just the point, there was cooking facilities there and how it happened, I don't know, but in a couple of occasions
we had a nice lot of cray tish, but in the tinish, after about the second one, apparently the fishermen must have
known what was going on and after the second one there was, the sergeant got a blistering and was accused of
doing this .. not on your life mate, no, we wouldn't do things like that'. So anyway, after the second one he said
'that's the end of it fellows, I wouldn't dare go near them again' , I am not saying that we took them, but we just
happened to tind a few of these things around. Anyway that was just a little side-track from what had happened.
That wa, on the 27/2/46 the last one went down and it was a bit nostalgic, and then on the, I don't know why il
was on the 27/2, it wasn't until 6/3/46 that we flew from Perth to Sydney on an RAF Transport Command plane,
and I remember it was a Liberator, and the pilots name was Flying Omcer Horn, and we flew direct from Pertll
to Sydney and it was a little bit different to what it is now, it was 9 hours, we flew at night, we took off at 1800
hrs from Perth and it was a 9 hour flight, anyway, that was the end of the whole procedure, so I hope that this
has helped you Eric, and I don't know that there is anything else that I can tell you. That was the whole story as
far as I know of the destruction and destroying of those 4 land-lease. I did hear, and I have an idea you have got
someone in our Association that flew those things, but they tell me that with extra fuel tanks they had a range of
about 32 hours, now that might only be hear say, but I have an idea that's how long, you know, what !lying time
they had.
So anyway, that's the end of the story and this is Arthur Jones signing off and I hope that a few fellows can lislen
to this then they will know the end of it. I would like to know all the beginning of it, but I suppose someone,
somewhere along the line has got some recording of the !lights and what happened etc, I believe they were used
for VIPs and special communications and all that type of thing, but it would be a bit haily now, flying , wouldn't
it for 32 hours, I don't know whether there is any plane that can do this without re-fuelling, it was a pretty
mighty achievement. I was just looking through my log book and I think the, you know 19, I think I had nearly
20 hours on one trip up on the islands, and it was a long time. Anyway, I am not going keep reminiscing, aU you
want to know is about the lend-lease cats and that's about it.
So this is Arthur Jones signing off on the 24th March 1991.
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