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This paper presents a formal proof of stability for a piecewise affine system (PWA) affected by friction, showcasing its asymptotic stability through the identification of an appropriate Lyapunov function. The approach allows for convergence not only to a point but to a broader equilibrium set, extending previous methodologies and demonstrating less conservatism in the resultant stability analysis.

A piecewise affine approach to the analysis of the stability of the electro-pneumatic systems Omar AMEUR Paolo MASSIONI, Gérard SCORLETTI, Xavier BRUN and Mohamed SMAOUI Laboratoire Ampère, UMR 5005 Lyon, France CDC, December 2014 1 / 19 Contents 1 Introduction Motivation Stick slip problem 2 Stability analysis Piecewise affine systems Contribution Sketch of proof Lyapunov function level curves Lyapunov function evolution 3 Conclusions 2 / 19 Motivation: Fluid Power Electro-pneumatic systems in industry studied at our laboratory qmP Chamber P guiding rails qmN Chamber N load Non-linear dynamics A major problem: the stick slip phenomenon Pragmatic solution based on switched controllers [Turki et al. 2011] Open problem: formal stability proof 3 / 19 Stick-Slip qmP Chamber P guiding rails qmN Chamber N load =⇒ jerky movements of the load (due to friction) 4 / 19 Stick-Slip qmP load Chamber N ey (m) Chamber P guiding rails qmN Time (s) Pressures (Pa) Why? uncontrolled pressure dynamics after stop Stick-slip Stick-slip Stick-slip Time (s) 5 / 19 Stick-Slip Proposed solution [Turki et al. 2011] Switching between two control laws: (#1) dynamic regime law (trajectory tracking control,feedback linearisation ) (#2) static regime law (pressure control, feedback linearisation) #1 #2 #1 #2 #1 #2 0.25 position [m] 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 rod position reference −0.05 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 t [s] 6 / 19 Stick-Slip Proposed solution [Turki et al. 2011] Switching between two control laws: (#1) dynamic regime law (trajectory tracking control, feedback linearisation ) (#2) static regime law (pressure control, feedback linearisation) #1 #2 State space Friction model Control law + friction =⇒ Piecewise affine system (PWA) 7 / 19 Piecewise affine systems for x ∈ Xi ⊂ Rn ẋ (t ) = Ai x (t ) + ai X1 ey ε1 0 X6 X4 X0 X5 X3 -ε1 X2 -ε -ε2 ε2 ε v The aim Formal proof of stability Convergence to a neighborhood of reference position (convergence to an equilibrium set) 8 / 19 Stability Method (Classical case) find a quadratic Lyapunov function V(x) (energy function) Asymptotic stability V (x ) > 0 V̇ (x ) < 0 Assess decay rate α V̇ (x ) < −2αV (x ) =⇒ V (x ) < V (0) exp(−2αt ) 9 / 19 Convergence to an equilibrium set Finding a piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function Continuous especially on the boundary Valid Lyapunov function Allowing an equilibrium set Eeq (instead of a point) projection to the stable subspace X1 ε1 ey  Vi (x ) > 0, x ∈ Xi \ Eeq      V̇i (x ) < 0, x ∈ Xi \ Eeq      V̇i (x ) = 0, x ∈ Eeq ⊂ X0 . 0 X6 X4 X0 X5 X3 -ε1 X2 -ε -ε2 ε2 ε v 10 / 19 Theorem [Ameur et al. CDC 2014] Find: U, W ∈ Rli ×li and T i , T ′i ∈ Rli with non-negative entries; P i ∈ R(n+1)×(n+1) for 1 ≤ i ≤ N − 1, P 0 ∈ Rn×n and Lij ∈ R(n+1)×p such that: T P j = P i + E ij LTij + Lij E ij , for (i , j ) ∈ Γij (1) ΠT AT0 P 0 Z1 = 0 (2) and the following LMIs hold: ( P0 ≻ 0 ΠT (AT0 P 0 + P 0 A0 )Π + 2αΠT P 0 Π ≺ 0   P i − Qi (T ′ ) − E T W i E i ≻ 0 i i  AT P + P A + Q (T ) + E T U E + 2αP ≺ 0 i i i i i i i i i i =⇒ exponentially convergence to Eeq . (3) (4) 11 / 19 Contribution Extending the former methods [Johanson & Rantzer 1998], [Hassibi & Boyd 1998],... convergence to the set (not only origin) The theorem in [Johanson & Rantzer 1998], is a special case of our Theorem for   Eeq = {0} Ti = 0  α=0 The theorem in [Hassibi & Boyd 1998], is a special case of our Theorem for   Eeq = {0} Ui = 0  α=0 Less conservatism than both former methods 12 / 19 Sketch of proof Vi (x ) =  T   x x for x ∈ Xi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N − 1 Pi 1 1 Continuity   x =0 On the boundary: E ij 1 then: T P j = P i + E ij LTij + Lij E ij =⇒ Valid Lyapunov function  T    T   x x x x Pj Pi = 1 1 1 1 for x ∈ X0 (cell including equilibrium set)   V0 (x ) > 0, x ∈ X0 \ Eeq  P0 ≻ 0         T T Π (A0 P 0 + P 0 A0 )Π + 2αΠT P 0 Π ≺ 0 ⇒ V̇0 (x ) < −2αV0 (ΠΠT x ), x ∈ X0 \ Eeq        T T   Π A0 P 0 Z 1 = 0 V̇0 (x ) = 0, x ∈ Eeq 13 / 19 Sketch of proof Valid Lyapunov function for x ∈ Xi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N − 1 (cell not including equilibrium set)    Vi (x ) > 0, x ∈ Xi  P i − Qi (T ′i ) − E Ti W i E i ≻ 0 ⇒   AT P + P A + Q (T ) + E T U E + 2αP ≺ 0 i i i V̇i (x ) < −2αVi (x ), x ∈ Xi i i i i i i i when   T   x x T   W E E ≥0  i i i  1  1  T        x Qi (T ′i ) x ≥ 0 1 1 14 / 19 Lyapunov function level curves Results of optimization under LMIs constraints (using Matlab/Yalmip/Sedumi) 0.4 0.3 0.2 ey [m] 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ev [ms−1 ] 15 / 19 Lyapunov function evolution γ : decay rate −→ γ ≥ α (Matlab: α = 0.49) 16 / 19 Conclusions and work in progress Conclusion General stability analysis method for piecewise affine systems with equilibrium on a set Solution to an open problem in fluid power (stability analysis of control laws to avoid stick-slip problem) Success story of theory and practice working together!! Similar problems in power system control Work in progress Robustness analysis, tracking performance 17 / 19 Thank you for your attention 18 / 19 Tracking performance (vd 6= 0) 19 / 19