Interacting Hopf algebras - the theory of linear systems

Talk at the PhD defense (5 October 2015) Abstract of the PhD thesis: Scientists in diverse fields use diagrammatic formalisms to reason about various kinds of networks, or compound systems. Examples include electrical circuits, signal flow graphs, Penrose and Feynman diagrams, Bayesian networks, Petri nets, Kahn process networks, proof nets, UML specifications, amongst many others. Graphical languages provide a convenient abstraction of some underlying mathematical formalism, which gives meaning to diagrams. For instance, signal flow graphs, foundational structures in control theory, are traditionally translated into systems of linear equations. This is typical: diagrammatic languages are used as an interface for more traditional mathematics, but rarely studied per se. Recent trends in computer science analyse diagrams as first-class objects using formal methods from programming language semantics. In these approaches, diagrams are generated as the arrows of a PROP --- a special kind of monoidal category --- by a two-dimensional syntax and equations. The domain of interpretation of diagrams is also formalised as a PROP, and the (compositional) semantics is expressed as a functor preserving the PROP structure. The first main contribution of this thesis is the characterisation of SV, the PROP of linear subspaces over a field k. This is an important domain of interpretation for diagrams appearing in diverse research areas, like the signal flow graphs mentioned above. We present by generators and equations the PROP IH of string diagrams whose free model is SV. The name IH stands for interacting Hopf algebras: indeed, the equations ofIH arise by distributive laws between Hopf algebras, which we obtain using S. Lack's technique for composing PROPs. The significance of the result is two-fold. On the one hand, it offers a canonical string diagrammatic syntax for linear algebra: linear maps, kernels, subspaces and the standard linear algebraic transformations are all faithfully represented in the graphical language. On the other hand, the equations of IH describe familiar algebraic structures --- Hopf algebras and Frobenius algebras --- which are at the heart of graphical formalisms as seemingly diverse as quantum circuits, signal flow graphs, simple electrical circuits and Petri nets. Our characterisation enlightens the provenance of these axioms and reveals their linear algebraic nature. Our second main contribution is an application of IH to the semantics of signal processing circuits. We develop a formal theory of signal flow graphs, featuring a string diagrammatic syntax for circuits, a structural operational semantics and a denotational semantics. We prove soundness and completeness of the equations ofIH for denotational equivalence. Also, we study the full abstraction question: it turns out that the purely operational picture is too concrete --- two graphs that are denotationally equal may exhibit different operational behaviour. We classify the ways in which this can occur and show that any graph can be realised --- rewritten, using the equations of IH, into an executable form where the operational behavior and the denotation coincide. This realisability theorem --- which is the culmination of our developments --- suggests a reflection about the role of causality in the semantics of signal flow graphs and, more generally, of computing devices.

Interacting Hopf Algebras The Theory of Linear Systems Fabio Zanasi 5 October 2015 1 / 28 Introduction 2 / 28 Graphical formalisms Diagrammatic notations play an important role in various branches of science. x -1 2 x 3 / 28 Formal approaches to network diagrams monolithic approach compositional approach influenced by physics influenced by computer science 4 / 28 In this thesis A compositional theory of linear systems 5 / 28 In this thesis A compositional theory of linear systems • (diagrammatic) syntax • denotational semantics • sound and complete axiomatisation – the theory of interacting Hopf algebras 5 / 28 In this thesis A compositional theory of linear systems • (diagrammatic) syntax • denotational semantics leading example: signal flow diagrams • sound and complete axiomatisation – the theory of interacting Hopf algebras 5 / 28 In this thesis A compositional theory of linear systems • (diagrammatic) syntax leading example: signal flow diagrams • structural operational semantics • denotational semantics • sound and complete axiomatisation – the theory of interacting Hopf algebras • full abstraction • realisability 5 / 28 Syntax and Semantics 6 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k∈k x 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k∈k x 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k k k∈k x 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k k k∈k k l x 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k k k∈k k l k+ l x 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k l k k∈k k l k+ l x 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k l k kl k∈k k l k+ l x 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k l k kl k∈k k l k+ l l 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k l k kl k∈k k l k+ l k l 7 / 28 Signal Flow Graphs • Signal Flow Graphs are stream processing circuits studied in Control Theory since the 1950s. • Constructed combining four kinds of gate k k k l k kl k∈k k l k+ l k k l 7 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: x x 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: x x 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: x x 1 0 0 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 2 3 8 / 28 Signal flow graphs An example: 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 2 3 Input 1000 . . . produces 1234 . . . . 8 / 28 Syntax diagrams are generated by the grammar | | k | | | k | | | x | | | x c, d :: = | | | c | c d | d 9 / 28 Syntax diagrams are generated by the grammar | | k | | | k | | | x | | | x c, d :: = | | | c | c d | d We can represent (orthodox) signal flow graphs as diagrams: x x ! x x 9 / 28 Syntax diagrams are generated by the grammar | | k | | | k | | | x | | | x c, d :: = | | | c | c d | d We can represent (orthodox) signal flow graphs as diagrams: x x ! x x 9 / 28 Structural Operational Semantics x l k  k l  kl  k k k k   k kl l  k  k k l  l k x k l k k l l k  x k k  x k k k k+l k k+l    k l 0  l c c d d → − → − k l → − − m → n → − → − k l  → − → − l m  c0 d0 c0 d0  c d → − → − k m  c0 d0 0  c d − → − → l k − → − n m →  c0 d0 10 / 28 Example 0 x 0 x 1 1  x 1 x 1 x 2 0 2  x 1 0 3  .. . 11 / 28 Denotational Semantics The semantics hh·ii maps a diagram to a linear relation between stream vectors (i.e. a subspace over streams). σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ σ τ τ σ σ k σ x k·σ k·σ k σ x·σ ! − σ c ! − ρ ! − ρ ! − σ c d x σ σ d ! − τ x·σ σ τ σ σ+τ ! − τ − ! σ 1 σ+τ σ τ c − ! σ 1 − ! σ 2 0 0 ! − ! τ1 − σ 2 c d d ! − τ2 ! − τ1 ! − τ 2 12 / 28 Interacting Hopf Algebras 13 / 28 The equational theory IH = = = 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p 2 p p p p = p = = = p2 p = -1 1 = = p p1+ p2 = p = = p = p1 0 = = = = = = = = p = = = p1 p2 p = p p p = = p p p = p1 = = p1 p2 -1 0 = p2 = = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 14 / 28 The equational theory IH interaction of x k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p 1 p2 p p p p = p = p1 0 = = p2 p1+ p2 = p = -1 = = = = = = = = p = = = p = 1 = = p = p = p1 p 2 p = = = p p p p1 p2 -1 = = p p p = p1 0 = p2 = = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 14 / 28 Modular construction of IH interaction of x k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = = p = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p = p = = p p p1 1 = 0 = p2 = p1+ p2 15 / 28 Modular construction of IH interaction of x k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = = p = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p = p = = p p p1 1 = 0 = p2 = p1+ p2 15 / 28 Modular construction of IH interaction of x k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = = p = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p = p = = p p p1 1 = 0 = p2 = p1+ p2 15 / 28 Modular construction of IH interaction of x k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = = p 1 = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p = p = = p p p1 0 = p2 = p1+ p2 15 / 28 Modular construction of IH interaction of x k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = = = = = p 1 = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p = p = = p p p1 0 = the diagram p expresses a polynomial p = k0 + k1 x + · · · + kn xn p2 p := ... = p1+ p2 kn x x ... = k2 x x k1 x p k=0 x ... 15 / 28 Modular construction of IH interaction of x k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = = = = = p 1 = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p = p = = p p p1 0 = the diagram p expresses a polynomial p = k0 + k1 x + · · · + kn xn p2 p := ... = p1+ p2 kn x x ... = k2 x x k1 x p k=0 x ... 15 / 28 The equational theory IH interaction of x k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p 1 p2 p p p p = p = p1 0 = = p2 p1+ p2 = p = -1 = = = = = = = = p = = = p = 1 = = p = p = p1 p 2 p = = = p p p p1 p2 -1 = = p p p = p1 0 = p2 = = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 16 / 28 The equational theory IH x interaction of k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras the theory HA = = = p 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p 1 p2 p p p p = p = = = p2 -1 = = p = 1 = = p p1+ p2 = p = = p = p1 0 of “co”k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = = k = = op k[x] = = = x interaction of p1 p2 p = p p p = = p p p = p1 = = p1 p2 -1 0 = p2 = = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 16 / 28 The equational theory IH interaction of k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras the theory HA = = = p 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p p p p = = p = p = = = p2 p1+ p2 = p p = -1 = p p p = = p p p = p1 p1 0 = = = = = = = = k of “co”k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = op k[x] = 1 = = p p1 p 2 p = = p1 p2 0 = p2 = -1 = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 interaction of x k with x x x interaction of k Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 16 / 28 The equational theory IH interaction of k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras the theory HA = = = p 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p p p p = = = p2 p p = -1 p1+ p2 = = p = p1 0 = = = = = = = = k of “co”k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = op k[x] = 1 = = p p = p1 p 2 p = p p p = = p p p = p1 = = p1 p2 0 = p2 = -1 = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 interaction of x k with x x x interaction of k Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 16 / 28 The equational theory IH interaction of k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras the theory HA = = = p 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p2 p p p p = = p = p = p1 0 = = p2 p1+ p2 = p p = -1 = = = = = = = = k of “co”k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = op k[x] = 1 = = p p1 p 2 = p p p = = p p p = p1 = p = p1 p2 0 = p2 = -1 = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 interaction of x k with x x x interaction of k Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 16 / 28 The equational theory IH interaction of k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras the theory HA = = = p 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p 1 p2 p p p p = = p = p = p1 0 = = p2 p1+ p2 = p p = -1 = = = = = = = = k of “co”k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = op k[x] = 1 = = p p1 p 2 = p p p = = p p p = p1 = p = p1 p2 0 = p2 = -1 = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 interaction of x k with x x x interaction of k Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 16 / 28 The equational theory IH interaction of k the theory HAk[x] of k[x]-Hopf algebras the theory HA = = = p 1 = = = = = = = = p = p p p1 p2 = p1 p 2 p p p p = = p = p = p1 0 = = p2 -1 = = = = = = = = k of “co”k[x]-Hopf algebras = = = op k[x] p p = 1 = = p p1+ p2 = = p1 p2 p = p p p = = p p p = p1 = = p 1 p2 0 = p2 = -1 = = p1+ p2 = p 6= 0 interaction of x k with x x x interaction of k Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d, IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 16 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] HAop k[x] 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] ∼ =  Matk[x] HAop k[x] ∼ =  op Matk[x] 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] ∼ =  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] ∼ = IHk[x]  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ = IHk[x]  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH distributive law = distributive law = HAk[x] + HAop k[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ = IHk[x]  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH distributive law = distributive law = HAk[x] + HAop k[x] ∼ = t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] v  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] = = = -1 = p p = p p 6= 0 p = = -1 = = = 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH distributive law = distributive law = HAk[x] + HAop k[x] ∼ = t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] v  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] = = = -1 = p p = p p 6= 0 p = = -1 = = = 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ = ∼ =  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] v ∼ =  / Matop ; Matk[x] k[x]  t op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ =  t op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] ∼ = / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] v ∼ =  / Matop ; Matk[x] k[x]  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] / SVk(x) v 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ =  t op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] ∼ = / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] v ∼ =  / Matop ; Matk[x] k[x]  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] / SVk(x) v the field of fractions of polynomials 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ =  t op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] ∼ =  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] v ∼ = ∼ =  / Matop ; Matk[x] k[x]  v / SVk(x) the field of fractions of polynomials 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ = ∼ =  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] t  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] u ∼ =  / Matop ; Matk[x] k[x]  u / SVk(x)  op Matk[[x]] + Matk[[x]]  t op Matk[[x]] ; Matk[[x]] ∼ =  / Matop ; Matk[[x]] k[[x]]  u / SVk((x)) 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ = ∼ =  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] t  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] u ∼ =  / Matop ; Matk[x] k[x]  u / SVk(x)  op Matk[[x]] + Matk[[x]]  t op Matk[[x]] ; Matk[[x]] ∼ =  / Matop ; Matk[[x]] k[[x]]  u / SVk((x)) the field of formal Laurent series (streams) 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] ∼ = ∼ = / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x]  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] t  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] u ∼ =  u / SVk(x)   / Matop ; Matk[x] k[x] hh·ii  / Matop ; Matk[[x]] k[[x]] op Matk[[x]] + Matk[[x]]  t op Matk[[x]] ; Matk[[x]] ∼ =   u / SVk((x)) the field of formal Laurent series (streams) 17 / 28 Modular construction of IH HAk[x] + HAop k[x] ∼ = t HAk[x] ; HAop k[x] / HAop ; HAk[x] k[x] / IHk[x] ∼ =  op Matk[x] + Matk[x] ∼ = t  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] u  u / SVk(x)   / Matop ; Matk[x] k[x] hh·ii  / Matop ; Matk[[x]] k[[x]] op Matk[[x]] + Matk[[x]]  t op Matk[[x]] ; Matk[[x]] ∼ =   u / SVk((x)) the field of formal Laurent series (streams) Theorem (soundness and completeness) For any diagrams c, d , IH c=d ⇔ hhcii = hhdii. 17 / 28 One cube to rule them all / HAopk[x] ; HAk[x] op HAk[x] + HAk[x] u ∼ = op / IHk[x] HAk[x] ; HAk[x]  ∼ = ∼ = op ∼ = w / Matk[x] + Matk[x] u  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] /   op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] w SVk(x) 18 / 28 One cube to rule them all / HAopk[x] ; HAk[x] op HAk[x] + HAk[x] u ∼ = op / IHk[x] HAk[x] ; HAk[x]  ∼ = ∼ = op ∼ = w / Matk[x] + Matk[x] u  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] /  SVk(x) w  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] / op u op HAR ; HAR HAR + HAR ∼ = / IHR  op ∼ =  u op MatR ; MatR ∼ = MatR + MatR op HAR ; HAR x / ∼ =  op MatR ; MatR  / SVk x 18 / 28 One cube to rule them all principal ideal domain / HAopk[x] ; HAk[x] op HAk[x] + HAk[x] u ∼ = op / IHk[x] HAk[x] ; HAk[x]  ∼ = ∼ = op ∼ = w / Matk[x] + Matk[x] u  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] /  SVk(x) w  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] / op u op HAR ; HAR HAR + HAR ∼ = / IHR  op ∼ =  u op MatR ; MatR ∼ = MatR + MatR op HAR ; HAR x / ∼ =  op MatR ; MatR  / SVk x the field of fractions of R 18 / 28 One cube to rule them all case k[x]: calculus of signal flow diagrams (control theory) principal ideal domain / HAopk[x] ; HAk[x] op HAk[x] + HAk[x] u ∼ = op / IHk[x] HAk[x] ; HAk[x]  ∼ = ∼ = op ∼ = w / Matk[x] + Matk[x] u  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] /  SVk(x) w  op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] / op u op HAR ; HAR HAR + HAR ∼ = / IHR  op ∼ =  u op MatR ; MatR ∼ = MatR + MatR op HAR ; HAR x / ∼ =  op MatR ; MatR  / SVk x the field of fractions of R 18 / 28 One cube to rule them all case k[x]: calculus of signal flow diagrams (control theory) principal ideal domain / HAopk[x] ; HAk[x] op HAk[x] + HAk[x] u ∼ = op / IHk[x] HAk[x] ; HAk[x]  op ∼ = / Matk[x] + Matk[x] u  / op Matk[x] ; Matk[x]  / op op ∼ = HAZ ; HAZ /  op ∼ = u  op MatZ ; MatZ  w op x ∼ = MatZ + MatZ  / SVQ x /  / HAZ2 ; HAZ  op MatZ ; MatZ / op 2 ∼ = op 2 ∼ = 2 op 2 MatZ ; MatZ 2 x ∼ = op 2 / op 2 HAZ ; HAZ2 ∼ = IHZ2 MatZ + MatZ v  op MatR ; MatR the field of fractions of R HAZ2 + HAZ v   / SVk x op HAZ ; HAZ ∼ = / MatR + MatR u MatR ; MatR IHZ ∼ = ∼ = op  op HAR ; HAR x / IHR  ∼ = op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] SVk(x) HAZ + HAZ u op ∼ = HAR ; HAR ∼ = ∼ = / op HAR + HAR u w /  op 2 MatZ ; MatZ 2  x SVZ 2 18 / 28 One cube to rule them all case k[x]: calculus of signal flow diagrams (control theory) principal ideal domain / HAopk[x] ; HAk[x] op HAk[x] + HAk[x] u ∼ = op / IHk[x] HAk[x] ; HAk[x]  op ∼ = / Matk[x] + Matk[x] u  / op Matk[x] ; Matk[x]  / op op ∼ = HAZ ; HAZ /  op ∼ = u  op MatZ ; MatZ  w op x ∼ = MatZ + MatZ  / SVQ x /  / HAZ2 ; HAZ  op MatZ ; MatZ / op 2 ∼ = op 2 ∼ = 2 op 2 MatZ ; MatZ 2 x ∼ = op 2 / op 2 HAZ ; HAZ2 ∼ = IHZ2 MatZ + MatZ v  op MatR ; MatR the field of fractions of R HAZ2 + HAZ v   / SVk x op HAZ ; HAZ ∼ = / MatR + MatR u MatR ; MatR IHZ ∼ = ∼ = op  op HAR ; HAR x / IHR  ∼ = op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] SVk(x) HAZ + HAZ u op ∼ = HAR ; HAR ∼ = ∼ = / op HAR + HAR u w /  op 2 MatZ ; MatZ 2  x SVZ 2 case Z: a graphical syntax for rational subspaces 18 / 28 One cube to rule them all case k[x]: calculus of signal flow diagrams (control theory) principal ideal domain / HAopk[x] ; HAk[x] op HAk[x] + HAk[x] u ∼ = op / IHk[x] HAk[x] ; HAk[x]  op ∼ = / Matk[x] + Matk[x] u  / op Matk[x] ; Matk[x]  / op op ∼ = HAZ ; HAZ /  op ∼ = u  op MatZ ; MatZ  w op x ∼ = MatZ + MatZ  / SVQ x /   ∼ = 2 x ∼ = op 2 op 2 MatZ ; MatZ / op 2 HAZ ; HAZ2 ∼ = IHZ2 MatZ + MatZ v  2 case Z: a graphical syntax for rational subspaces / HAZ2 ; HAZ op MatZ ; MatZ / op 2 ∼ = op 2 op MatR ; MatR the field of fractions of R HAZ2 + HAZ v   / SVk x op HAZ ; HAZ ∼ = / MatR + MatR u MatR ; MatR IHZ ∼ = ∼ = op  op HAR ; HAR x / IHR  ∼ = op Matk[x] ; Matk[x] SVk(x) HAZ + HAZ u op ∼ = HAR ; HAR ∼ = ∼ = / op HAR + HAR u w /  op 2 MatZ ; MatZ 2  x SVZ 2 case Z2 phase-free ZX-calculus (categorical quantum mechanics) tweak of the calculus of stateless connectors (concurrency theory) 18 / 28 Full Abstraction and Realisability 19 / 28 Structural Operational Semantics x l k  k l  kl  k k k k   k kl l  k  k k l  l k x k l k k l l k  x k k  x k k k k+l k k+l    k l 0  l c c d d → − → − k l → − − m → n → − → − k l  → − → − l m  c0 d0 c0 d0  c d → − → − k m  c0 d0 0  c d − → − → l k − → − n m →  c0 d0 20 / 28 Full Abstraction The observable behaviour hci of a diagram c is the set of all traces starting from an initial state for c (i.e. one where all the registers are labeled with 0). 21 / 28 Full Abstraction The observable behaviour hci of a diagram c is the set of all traces starting from an initial state for c (i.e. one where all the registers are labeled with 0). Theorem (?) For any diagrams c and d hhcii = hhdii ⇐⇒ hci = hdi 21 / 28 Full Abstraction The observable behaviour hci of a diagram c is the set of all traces starting from an initial state for c (i.e. one where all the registers are labeled with 0). Theorem (?) For any diagrams c and d hhcii = hhdii ⇐⇒ hci = hdi Not true in general. The denotational semantics is coarser than the operational semantics. 21 / 28 Full Abstraction A counterexample x x h x ii = hh ii = hh x i(h i(h x x x ii x hh i 22 / 28 Full Abstraction A counterexample ii = hh x i(h i(h x ii i x x x ii = hh x x x h x x x hh 22 / 28 x Full Abstraction A counterexample x ii = hh x i(h i(h x x x ii i x x x h ii = hh x x x hh k k  l l  m m . . . 22 / 28 x Full Abstraction A counterexample x x h x ii = hh ii = hh x i(h i(h x x x x ii x hh i 0 0 k k  l l  m m . . . 22 / 28 x Full Abstraction A counterexample x x h x ii = hh ii = hh x i(h i(h x x x x ii x hh i 0 k k  0 kl k l l l  m m . . . 22 / 28 x Full Abstraction A counterexample x ii = hh ii = hh x i(h i(h x x 0 x x h 0 x ii x hh i 0 k k  0 kl k l l l  m m . . . 22 / 28 Full Abstraction A counterexample x ii = hh ii = hh x i(h i(h x x 0 00 x x h 0 x ii x hh i 0 k k  k k 0 kl k l l l  m m . . . 22 / 28 Full Abstraction A counterexample x ii = hh ii = hh x i(h i(h x x 0 00 l ii i 0 k k  k k kk x x h 0 x x hh 0 kl k l l l  l l l m m . . . . . . 22 / 28 Full Abstraction A counterexample x ii = hh ii = hh x i(h i(h x x x x h 0 x 0 k k 00 0 kl  k kk l l l  l m m . . . . . . x x has deadlocks and x l l We say that i 0 k k l ii x hh x needs initialisation. 22 / 28 Full Abstraction Theorem For any diagrams c, d deadlock and initialisation free hhcii = hhdii ⇐⇒ hci = hdi 23 / 28 Realisability In presence of deadlocks or initialisation, we cannot determine directionality of the flow. x x x x A trace for these diagrams cannot be thought as the execution of a state-machine. 24 / 28 Realisability In presence of deadlocks or initialisation, we cannot determine directionality of the flow. x x x x A trace for these diagrams cannot be thought as the execution of a state-machine. However, all the diagrams can be put into an executable form using the IH equational theory = . Realisability Theorem For any diagram c there exists IH d deadlock and initialisation free such that c = d. 24 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 x x x x -1 x x x x x x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 x x x x -1 x x x x x x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 x x x x -1 x x x x x x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 x x x x -1 x x x x x x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 x x x x x = x x -1 x x x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x x -1 x x x x -1 x x x x x x = = x -1 -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 x x -1 x x x x = x x x -1 x=x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 x x -1 x x = x x x x x -1 -1 x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 = x x x x -1 x -1 x x x x x x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Realisation via IH-rewriting Implementing the Fibonacci circuit x -1 x -1 x x -1 x x x x -1 x x x x x x -1 x x x x x 25 / 28 Conclusions 26 / 28 Conclusions ◦ We gave a compositional account of linear systems, whose main feature is the equational theory IH . 27 / 28 Conclusions ◦ We gave a compositional account of linear systems, whose main feature is the equational theory IH . ◦ IH exhibits the interplay of Hopf algebras, which gives raise to Frobenius algebras. 27 / 28 Conclusions ◦ We gave a compositional account of linear systems, whose main feature is the equational theory IH . ◦ IH exhibits the interplay of Hopf algebras, which gives raise to Frobenius algebras. ◦ The construction of IH is based on modular techniques for composing algebraic theories via distributive laws, which are developed in the thesis extending recent work by S. Lack and E. Cheng. 27 / 28 Conclusions ◦ We gave a compositional account of linear systems, whose main feature is the equational theory IH . ◦ IH exhibits the interplay of Hopf algebras, which gives raise to Frobenius algebras. ◦ The construction of IH is based on modular techniques for composing algebraic theories via distributive laws, which are developed in the thesis extending recent work by S. Lack and E. Cheng. ◦ Interesting instances of IH are • IHZ — graphical linear algebra over rational subspaces • IHZ2 — relevant for categorical quantum mechanics and concurrency theory • IHk[x] — calculus of signal flow diagrams, presented in this talk 27 / 28 Conclusions ◦ In studying the case of signal flow diagrams, we explored the operational ramifications of our approach. 28 / 28 Conclusions ◦ In studying the case of signal flow diagrams, we explored the operational ramifications of our approach. ◦ We argue that a formal theory of signal flow does not need to be endowed with a primitive notion of causality. 28 / 28 Conclusions ◦ In studying the case of signal flow diagrams, we explored the operational ramifications of our approach. ◦ We argue that a formal theory of signal flow does not need to be endowed with a primitive notion of causality. flow graphs differ from electrical network graphs in that their branches are directed. In accounting for branch directions it is necessary to take an entirely different line of approach from that adopted in electrical network topology. (S. J. Mason - 1953) 28 / 28 Conclusions ◦ In studying the case of signal flow diagrams, we explored the operational ramifications of our approach. ◦ We argue that a formal theory of signal flow does not need to be endowed with a primitive notion of causality. flow graphs differ from electrical network graphs in that their branches are directed. In accounting for branch directions it is necessary to take an entirely different line of approach from that adopted in electrical network topology. (S. J. Mason - 1953) Adding a signal flow direction is often a figment of one’s imagination, [which] needlessly complicates matters, mathematically and conceptually. A good theory of systems takes the behavior as the basic notion [...] and switches back and forth between a wide variety of convenient representations. (J. C. Willems - 2009) 28 / 28