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Rangsit University, 2016
________________________________________________________________________________________________ Green Chemical Engineering will lead us to a bright, sustainable future. Designers must strive to ensure that all materials and energy inputs and outputs are as inherently nonhazardous as possible. Use your chemical knowledge of properties like boiling point, melting point, freezing point, vapor pressure, and water solubility. In addition chemical engineers must note flammability, explosivity, compressibility, viscosity, and properties that affect heat and mass transfer. These are the starting points when we are designing a new chemical process. We have to do more. Most of us are less familiar with properties related to toxicity to environmental organisms and humans. The engineer must have a systems perspective: i.e., the ability to do mass and energy balances. Don't just look at your laboratory bench or pilot plant process. Look at your systems-factory scale-whole industrial park scale. Designers need to select chemicals or materials whose properties will not cause harm to the environment or to people. With the right choice of chemicals and materials, a designer can control how much energy is required and the form of that energy; e.g., heating, cooling, light, microwave, pressure, etc. In terms of putting toxics into the environment energy matters as much as the choice of chemicals. It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed. A central tenets of green technologies is to make only the amount that is needed for a process. From a business perspective, this makes absolute sense. Think out the new process or procedure that you want to try. How much of everything goes into making your product? Do you need all of these things? If you have to heat the reaction, a large pot of solvent is going to need a lot of heat. Less solvent would need less heat. The engineer might design a process in which the reaction is run to low conversion, a separation is achieved to recover the product, and the unused reactant is recycled back to the reactor, allowing higher overall conversion. Separation and purification operations should be designed to minimize energy consumption and materials use. Industrial separation processes are very energy intensive. Historically, for liquid and condensable gases, multistage distillation has been the workhorse process. Many bulk organic chemicals involve distillation, which adds significantly to their production CO 2 footprints. Thus, avoiding distillation, making distillation more efficient, and searching for alternatives to distillation are very important. One technology that has broken the hold of distillation in a large scale application is reverse osmosis membrane separation for water desalination. Reverse osmosis uses mechanical pressure to overcome the osmotic pressure exerted by the salt solution and thereby push the water through a selective skin. As calculated by the change of free energy of mixing, the theoretical energy to de-mix water and salt is approximately 1 kWh/m 3 of water, the current best membrane technologies have a real energy cost of 4.0 kWh/m 3 and thermal "distillation" type technologies use on the order of 50 kWh/m 3. When you see caparisons like this, you know the old, familiar technologies may need updating. Products, processes and systems should be designed to maximize mass, energy, space, and time efficiency. It is simplicity that will allow us, as a society, to become more sustainable. In the past, there was no consideration regarding the complexity of the reaction, and material, energy and production requirements that will be needed to take this chemical reaction from the bench to the pilot plant to production. As
CRC Press eBooks, 2015
It presents an ensemble of methods and new chemical engineering routes that can be integrated in industrial processing for safer, more flexible, economical, and ecological production processes in the context of green and sustainable engineering. Different methods for improving process performance are dealt with, including: • Eco-design and process optimization by systemic approaches • New technologies for intensification • Radical change of industrial processes via the use of new media and new routes for chemical synthesis These various methods are fully illustrated with examples and industrial cases, making this book application oriented.
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2022
Size reduction is one of the most widely used unit operations in the chemical and allied industries. Comminution is the process of exposing materials to stress through collisions and reducing the size of bigger solid units into smaller unit masses. Stress and other impacts are transmitted to the larger unit via the mechanochemical process. Mills and crushers are two of the most used production technologies. The concept of mechanochemical reactions is not new; scientists have been using it for a long time. Even though many various size-reduction techniques are available, the knowledge of the qualities of the material to be prepared is the most important factor. As a smart material, size reduction provides benefits like as enhanced surface area and the creation of unique slow/control nutrients (drugs, fertilizers...etc).
Procedia Engineering, 2016
Confronted with the globalization of the markets, acceleration of partnerships and innovation, and to offer a contribution to the fight against environmental destruction and non sustainable behaviour of the today world production, the chemical and related industries militate for the evolution of chemical engineering in favour of a modern process engineering voluntarily concerned by sustainability (the green process engineering) that will face new challenges and stakes bearing on complex systems at the molecular scale, at the product scale and at the process scale. Indeed the existing and the future processes will be progressively adapted to the principles of the « green chemistry » which involves a modern approach of chemical engineering that satisfies both the market requirements for specific nano and microscale end-use properties of competitive targeted green (sustainable) products, and the social and environmental constraints of sustainable industrial meso and macroscale production processes at the scales of the units and sites of production. These last constraints require an integrated system approach of complex multidisciplinary, non-linear, non equilibrium processes and transport phenomena occurring on the different time and length scales of the chemical supply chain, which means a good understanding of how phenomena at a smaller length-scale relates to properties and behaviour at a longer length-scale, from the molecular and active aggregates-scales up to the production-scales (i.e. the design of a refinery or of a cement or phosphate production complex from the Schrödinger's equations...). The success of this integrated multiscale approach for process innovation (the 3 rd paradigm of chemical engineering) is mainly due to the considerable developments in the analytical scientific techniques coupled with image processing, in the powerful computational tools and capabilities (clusters, supercomputers, cloud computers, graphic processing units, numerical codes parallelization etc.) and in the development and application of descriptive models of steady state and dynamic behaviour of the objects at the scale of interest. This modern scientific multiscale approach of chemical engineering « the green approach of process engineering » that combines both market pull and technology push is strongly oriented on process intensification and on the couple green products/green processes "to produce much more and better in using much less", and to sustainabily produce molecules and products responding
Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2020
The GC i.e Green chemistry revolution is the revolution that delivers a huge number of complications and challenges to those that are practicing chemistry in industries also in education and research. The start of green chemistry is taken into account as a response to the necessity to scale back the damage of environment by manmade materials and therefore the process wont to produce them. Green chemistry could include anything from reducing waste to even removing waste in correct manner. All chemical waste should be disposed of within the absolute best manner without causing any damage to the environment and to the living beings. Green chemistry which is that the latest and one among the foremost researched topics now days has been in demand since 1990's. Majority of research in green chemistry aims to scale back the energy consumption required for the assembly of desired product whether it's going to be any drug, dyes and other chemical compounds. It aims to scale back or maybe eliminates the assembly of any harmful bi-products and maximizing the specified product without compromising with the environment.
The green chemistry revolution is providing an enormous number of challenges to those who practice chemistry in industry, education and research. With these challenges however, there are an equal number of opportunities to discover and apply new chemistry, to improve the economics of chemical manufacturing and to enhance the much-tarnished image of chemistry. In this article which is based on his Inaugural Lecture at the University of York in 1998, Professor Clark reviews some of the challenges, considers some of the new and successful "greener" chemistry in practice and uses two areas of chemistry to examine the scale and diversity of current problems and the exciting opportunities for innovative chemistry research and application.
Green Processing and Synthesis, 2012
In the past few decades there has been an extensive increase in the research for green synthesis processes due to environmental concerns, industrial safety and sustainable development, which makes it an attractive alternative to the conventional synthesis processes. The interest of researchers in the green synthesis processes highlights the importance of understanding the mechanism and the fundamental differences between the different processes. The number of publications in the fi eld of " Green Synthesis " in journals, proceedings, patents, etc. has increased by almost 20 times from 2001 to 2010. The published reports are mainly concerned with green synthesis with catalytic processes, less harmful solvents and process intensifi ed techniques. In the present article, the technological development efforts in the area of green synthesis are summarized. Various techniques for green synthesis process intensifi cation are discussed, e.g., mixers, microreactors, spin disc reactor, oscillated fl ow reactors, microwave irradiation, ultrasonication, multifunctional membranes and coiled fl ow inverter. The applications of green synthesis processes for biofuel, nanoparticle, ionic liquids and pharmaceutical production are also discussed.
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2022
The ten principles of GSP are presented with the aim of establishing a road map toward the development of overall greener analytical methodologies. Paramount aspects for greening sample preparation and their interconnections are identified and discussed. These include the use of safe solvents/reagents and materials that are renewable, recycled and reusable, minimizing waste generation and energy demand, and enabling high sample throughput, miniaturization, procedure simplification/automation, and operator's safety. Further, the importance of applying green metrics for assessing the greenness of sample preparation methods is highlighted, next to the contribution of GSP in achieving the broader goal of sustainability. Green sample preparation is sample preparation. It is not a new subdiscipline of sample preparation but a guiding principle that promotes sustainable development through the adoption of environmentally benign sample preparation procedures.
International Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013
Public Eye Magazine, 2017
program pasca sarjana fakultas ekonomi, program studi ilmu ekonomi, universitas indonesia, 2000
Journal of Archaeological Science, 1999
Göç Sosyolojisi-Türkiye'den Örneklerle Cilt I-II
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences, 2017
Colloquia Comparativa Litterarum, 2022
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2013
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2018