Play With Your Brain - WP2.5 Employing BCI in Game Environments

[Teaser] Games know more and more about us, through a variety of inputs. One of the newcomers is Brain-Computer Interfacing - BCI. The goal of our work package is to investigate multimodal interaction, including BCI, in a game environment, and to make it robust, so it can be used in an ordinary home setting. Whereas most BCI researchers consider the shortcomings of BCI to be problematic, we believe that they can be turned into challenges for the gamer to solve. For example, some brain activity takes a lot of training to learn to control. In a game, the gamer could be a wizard apprentice, learning to cast a difficult spell. The shortcoming of the BCI is now part of the challenge of the game. As we are now halfway the consortium lifetime, it is time to show you the progress our work package has made over the last three years, and our plans for the final three to come.

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