riddle game

LAYLAY, Mary Grace O., LIRIO, Fritzie Alexis M., MALANAY, Roma F. April 2015.City College of Calamba(CCC). ANSWER THE GIVEN RIDDLES USING THE FLOYD-CYCLE ALGORITHM The objective of this thesis is the development of a simple game.

ANSWER THE GIVEN RIDDLES USING THE FLOYD-CYCLE ALGORITHM A System Presented to the Computer Studies Department City College of Calamba By Laylay, Mary Grace O. Lirio, Fritzie Alexies M. Malanay, Roma F. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in CS125 Software Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Science City of Calamba April 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research wouldn’t have come to success without the uninterrupted and unbroken support of unselfish people. It is very timely to signify the proponents’ hearty acknowledgement and appreciation to certain people who had taken their parts in the accomplishment of this research. To our parents who always there to support us financially. To our friends and classmates who were there to help and give us inspiration, and give hope in every one of us. And to all the professors who were always there whenever there is something wrong doing this particular system. Thank you to all those persons who never gave on us even though they are tired, they still answers our question. And most of all, we want to thank the Lord God above in giving us the strength and knowledge to finish this study. Aim High ComSci! ABSTRACT LAYLAY, Mary Grace O., LIRIO, Fritzie Alexis M., MALANAY, Roma F. April 2015.City College of Calamba(CCC). ANSWER THE GIVEN RIDDLES USING THE FLOYD-CYCLE ALGORITHM The objective of this thesis is the development of a simple game. The results reveal the advantages of the system having simple appearance for users to understand its contents, and for it to have appropriate instructions as well as explanations with pictures. Just like other game, this game can challenge the thinking ability of the users. Meanwhile, game development is expanding fast, whether it is single player games or online games. Therefore, how to combine the learning content with games will be a great help for learning anytime and anywhere. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 – Introduction ………………………………………………………p.5 Statement of the Problem Objectives of the Study Theoretical Framework Significance of the Study Definition of Terms CHAPTER 2 – Review of Related Literature ………………………………………p.10 Foreign Related Literature Local Related Literature CHAPTER 3 – Research Methodology ……………………………………………p.13 Research Design Rapid Application Development (RAD) Data Gathering Tools CHAPTER 4 – Algorithm …………………………………………………………p.18 Floyd – Cycle Algorithm CHAPTER 5 – Results and Discussions …………………………………………...p.19 CHAPTER 6 – Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations …………………… References ………………………………………………………………………….. Appendices ………………………………………………………………………… Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem Knowing the influence of computer technology on this generation, this will give the proponents the motivation to find another means to include learning and training on what the students enjoy in this day and age, which is playing computer games. Students have been introduced to technologies which provide education type of entertainment like the combination of learning and playing. By making learning fun, it motivates students and helps them to pay attention and focused on the subject. A traditional educational methods are now not appealing enough for the students and a computer-based learning is considerable, but the effectiveness depends on learners who enjoy learning with games. Moreover, computers have been used in both learning and gaming. The strengths of the computer make it ideal for learning games in grade school students. Specifically, it answers the following: How does the computer game will help the students to enhance their ability to think? What are the problems encountered during the development of the study? What enhancement can be done based on the conducted study? Objectives of the Study Specifically, the objective of the study is to achieve the following: To create a computer-based game that will enhance the ability to think of the students from grade 3 to grade 6. To provide an alternative learning tool and a sensible past time among students through a computer-based game. To identify if the students will enhanced their thinking ability through the use of a computer-based application. Theoretical Framework The potential of games for improving education rests mainly in their motivational power (Gee, 2013). In particular, Malone and Lepper (Lepper & Malone, 1987) proposed a motivational model in which games can promote intrinsic motivation, which is reflected in people choosing to play a game and persisting with it. Games may be particularly effective in improving the self-efficacy of students who are not highly successful in conventional learning environments. Rittenfeld and Weber (2006) noted that the games use entertainment features to promote motivation. The pitfalls of games is that the entertainment features of games may distract the player from the academic content of the game, and reduce the players’ efforts to process the material deeply. In particular, Sweller (1999) and Mayer (2009) have proposed that learners have limited cognitive capacity during learning, so if they use too much capacity in processing the entertainment features of a game, they will not have sufficient capacity remaining to engage in appropriate cognitive processing of the core academic material during learning. Mayer (2004) has shown how learning-by-doing can be harmful to learning when the behavioral activity replaces the learner’s efforts to make sense of the material. The entertainment features of games are intended to motivate learners to exert effort, but they can cause learners to engage in what Sweller (1999) calls extraneous cognitive load and Mayer (2005) calls extraneous processing cognitive processing that does not support the instructional objective. What is needed is “the optimal balance between entertainment and educational content” (Rittenfeld & Weber, 2006, p. 410)—that is, enough entertainment features to maintain motivation and enough educational features to foster appropriate cognitive processing during learning. Prensky (2001, p. 1) expresses the problem as a need to balance between the player’s focus on engagement and the player’s focus on content: “When you think of computer games, there’s lots of engagement, but little content.” In the Circuit Game, the goal is to create a balance by including some basic game features along with some basic educational features that are intended to prime deep cognitive processing during learning. Significance of the Study The study would result to a very useful educational tool. Specifically, it will benefit the following: Grade School Students, Mainly Grade 3 to Grade 6. With the creation of the system, the students would have an easier way of learning. By playing this computer-based game, the student will improved their thinking ability. And to used their ability to think faster than before. Parents. Computers are now becoming household items. However, access to these wonderful tools just like television sets and other technologically complicated tools accompanies problems. Games installed in computers could be very harmful to the young mind especially if not properly supervised. The creation of this software would give parents an alternative game that would not only teach their children but would also protect them from the violence in most computer-based games. Psychologists. Doctors can also use this tool to test their patient’s ability to think. This computer-based game can help them to know the knowledge or how far is the patient’s ability to think. Computer Game Enthusiasts. They are one of the future users of the proposed system. This study will give them the additional entertainment in the field of computer gaming. Philippine Game Enthusiasts. These are people who are still interested on Philippine on playing Philippine games. It will help them improve their programming skills and gain more knowledge with the same field of study. Future Researchers. This study will provide new techniques that will be easily adopted. This will also guide and provide information to the future student researchers with the same field of study. Scope and Limitations The study deals with the development of an alternative computer game as an enrichment activity. Thus, the respondents in the study would be grade 3 to grade 6 students. The proponents decided to develop a computer-based game to enhance the thinking ability of the students in answering the questions fast. This game can help the young mind of the students to think wiser and faster. Player should not think twice, because there is a time limit in the game per category. Unfinished games will not be resumed once you had closed the game. To make the game more interesting, the programmer uses a much better Graphical User Interface or GUI to make the program more appealing to the player. And to make the player to play more, every category has a different kind of techniques in finding the object. Definition of terms Algorithm. A step by step procedure designed to perform an operation that will lead to solve a problem if followed correctly. Appropriate. To take or use something especially in a way that is illegal, unfair, etc. Enrichment. To improve the usefulness or quality of something by adding something to it. Graphical User Interface or GUI. A program that allows a person to work easily with a computer by using a mouse to point to small pictures and other elements on the screen. Optimal. Best or most effective. Proponents. A person who argues for or supports something. Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter provides a discussion of literature and past studies that would provide a background for the study. Foreign Related Literature Isabell (2002), riddle is a type of question that describes something in a difficult and confusing way and has a clever or funny answer, often asked as a game and something that is confusing, or a problem that is difficult to solve. According to Richard Wagner (2001), the Riddle Game is a formalized guessing game, a contest of wit and skill in which players take turns asking riddles. The player that cannot answer loses. Riddle games occur frequently in mythology and folklore as well as in popular literature. One prominent literary account of a riddle-game, drawing on a wider literary tradition of mythological wisdom-contests. According to Prensky (2007), an educational game is a game designed to teach humans about a specific subject and to teach them a skill. Games are interactive play that teaches us goals, rules, adaptation, problem solving, interaction, all represented structure, motivation, ego gratification, adrenaline, creativity, social interaction and emotion as a story. They give us the fundamental needs of learning by providing – enjoyment, passionate involvement. Based on Prakash (2008) study, there is algorithm used if there is a target and it is called the moving target search algorithm (MTS). He is also stated that searching algorithm like A* search can take up as much as 70% of CPU time. If every ability of searching algorithm, it will take more CPU time thus, requiring a high memory and computational requirements from the CPU itself. Hayes (2005) concluded: “The empirical research base on the instructional effectiveness of games is fragmented, filled with ill-defined terms, and plagued with methodological flaws.” Perez (2008) concluded: “there is a lack of empirical studies on the impact of games on learning and performance” and “the current research has little empirical guidance for developers of educational games.” Local Related Literature Frederick Starr (1999), Filipino riddles are indigenous and original is an interesting but difficult question. As far as they are of European origin or influenced by European thought, they have come from or been influenced by Spain. Riddles deal largely with animals, plants and objects of local character; such must have been made in the Islands even if influenced by Spanish models and ideas. Pekrun, etal. (2011) boredom has also been shown to be correlated with less use ofself-regulation and cognitive strategies of learning. Kafai (2001) argues that effective educational games must integrate subject matter into the game fantasy context in an intrinsic fashion. According to Gunter and her co-researchers (2007), gaming experience has three levels: (1) interacting, (2) engaged and (3) immersed. According to Fowler (2008), the quality of experience depends on the degree the person is involved and the relevance of the subject matter, whereas the quality of reflection depends on what tool to aid the person’s reflection and the person’s behavior. Johnson (2007) integrated intelligent tutoring support into the dynamic behavior of adaptive agents within an educational game that reaches foreign language and cultural skills. According to Johannes Fromme (2003), computer games belong to the new multimedia culture that is based on the digital computer technology. These games have become increasingly popular in the past 20 to 25 years, especially among young people. Computer games also became a matter-of-course in the everyday life of young people, including children. Farlex (2011), one player is one that plays and one who participates in a game or sport. Bugtongan also brings out the master-bugtongero … one who knows the answer for every bugtong and has a well of ammunition full of bugtong charges — from the simple and popular, to the most clever and at times, of his own.  This challenge on the wits between bugtongeros is even brought to test on top of the stage, especially during fiestas and celebrations in full adornment of barongs, sombreros and props.  It is a challenge taken and faced with pride and honor. Chapter 3 Research design The proponents were used descriptive method to acquire information for the research. All information was acquired by conducting surveys and visiting library to have a detailed research. Rapid Application Development (RAD) According to Rouse (2007), RAD is the development life cycle designed to give much faster development and higher quality results than those achieved with the traditional life cycle. It enables quick development of software products by using Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools, in combination with methods of iterative development and rapid prototyping. Figure 1. Rapid Application Development The developers use RA model shows in the Figure 1, because it has short development cycle which is adaptable and very flexible to any changes and have a high speed adaptation of linear sequential model wherein rapid development is achieved with the used of component-based construction. It can handle even huge projects. RAD also realizes an overall reduction in project risk by the use of prototyping cycle. Generally RAD incorporates the shortest way to develop projects. In phase one of the analysis and quick design phase it focuses on the requirements of what the system do in an effort that views all stakeholders, including sponsors and potential users, as important sources of information are taken note. And also in this phase is your design of the blueprint of your document requirements for the system. This is based on the given requirements and identify all outputs, inputs and processes. The game development is the most trending now. The developers talk about the games that can develop and enhance the ability of the player in logical thinking. Answering the riddles will help the children to improve their logical thinking and accuracy in solving problems. The users of the system are the grade school students from grades 4 to 6. This set the range of grade 4 to 6 to make the scope and limitation. After those plan was set the developers came up to design the blueprint of the system. The blueprint is the requirement of the system. This include the right algorithms used in the system, the application and programming language is used to develop the system, the input that is processed in the system to produce an output for the user/player, the graphical user interface that fits for the students from grade 4 to 6. Collecting all the data from the outline of the system, the developers create the conceptual design for the system. To better understand and analyze the system, the developers use the system architecture. The architecture shows the interaction between the user and system. This also shows what process that take after the data is input. Another diagram is the block diagram which shows the relationships of each process and the model of the system graphically. This diagram also sows the interface of the system that the user is interacting with. The algorithms are the most important requirement when creating system. In prototyping phase it performs the analysis, design, an implementation phases concurrently, and all three phases are performed repeatedly in a cycle until the system is completed. In this case, the users of the system are an active participant of the system development process. The prototype is handed to the users for testing and to provide comments, which are the reanalyzed and redesigned, and a second prototype is developed. The process continues in a cycle until the users and developers agree to a final system. In develop phase under the prototyping cycle, you construct the system or code it. In this phase also, the developers chose programming languages to develop the system. The developers came up first in designing the interface of the game. The design must fit with the students in grade 4 to 6. The user interface of the game must be friendly user to add a motivation to the students. After the design is completed and the code is already coded, the developers test the verification of the finished system. The developers will show the system to either the adviser or the group to evaluate if there are some errors. This can make feedbacks that can be used to improve the system. In phase 2 the refine phase under the prototyping cycle, incorporates various approaches to simplify existing programs to achieve correct computer programs and to enable their formal verification. After the system is demonstrated to the adviser, the developers collect hose feedbacks and suggestions to apply in the system. Refining the system guided by the gathered data will help to avoid some unnecessary problems and to develop a better system. This continues until both developers and adviser are satisfied with the valid system. Therefore by the use of the feedbacks, findings, the developers can improve the game. In phase 3 the unit testing phase, it is done to ensure a bug free delivery. Adherence to various programming and testing standard is strictly followed to ensure the quality and performance. The developers try to debug the system to test if there are some errors. If there are some errors found, the errors are decoded until the problems are refined. In phase 4 the implementation phase, processes by which technical, personnel, and administration issues are addressed and involves the review of hardware and software, the physical installation, the documenting of procedures and the training of all personnel is taken place. After the system is validated and verified, the developers came up to the system testing are implemented for the system before the release. Data gathering tools Library Research The proponents conducted research on the related studies about the proposed study. The importance of this is to bring out into focus the essential features of the study. Internet The proponents used the World Wide Web in gathering the information. It was a big help in getting and reviewing past published and unpublished thesis. The proponents communicate by the used of internet. Questionnaire The main tool used in this study was a researcher made questionnaire- checklist. The questionnaire-checklist is used in gathering important information’s from one or more persons. This will be given to the individual who have a direct bearing of the study and in order to satisfy the proponent’s goals that is to get and measures the opinions of the respondents of the study. Survey On conducting research, the questionnaires were conducted in a very clear and concise manner to prevent conflicts among respondents. Chapter 4 Algorithms Floyd-cycle Algorithm Consider a slow and a fast pointer. Fast pointer moves with twice the speed of slow pointer. So when slow pointer has moved distance "d" then fast has moved distance "2d". Now consider the length of loop is y+z; distance before loop is x; now when slow and fast meet slow has covered distance d= x+y; fast has covered distance 2*d= x+y+z+y 2*d= x+2y+z 2(x+y)= x+2y+z 2x+2y=x+2y+z x=z  So this shows after getting meeting point if one pointer is placed to the beginning. Then moving both with equal distance, they will meet at the start of loop. Chapter 5 Result and Analysis This chapter presents the data gathered from the survey conducted by the researchers to evaluate the acceptability of the program. The questionnaires were based on the characteristics provided by the researchers as stated below. Table 1. Population of the Respondent Students Respondents M F Male (%) Female (%) Grade 4 6 12 33.3 66.7 Grade 5 9 11 45 55 Grade 6 9 5 64.3 35.7 Table 1 above shows the population of the student respondents that are divided into three categories, grade 4, grade 5 and grade 6. The respondents in grade 4 are consists of 6 males and 12 females. For the grade 5, total numbers of respondents consists of 9 males and 11 females. The respondents in grade 6 consists of 9 male and 5 females. Take note, this was conducted in a private school. The overall number of respondents from grade 4 to grade 6 is 52 students. The table shows that there are more female respondents than male respondents. Table 2 shows the graph representation of the male and female students. By the means of these chart, you can easily compare what gender is greater. Blue is for the male and the orange bar represents the female. Table 2. CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter contains the summary of the results, conclusion and the recommendations of the study of the proponents. The main objectives of this study is to develop a computer game that can help increase the thinking ability under time pressure of the user. Summary The proposed program used RAD to do the game. By using this type of processing model, the developers find different ways to finish the proposed program. The developers also used different tools to finish the said program. The developers used surveys to get feedback from the user. They also use school libraries to gather special data to have a basis for the said program. REFERENCES Aaron, J. (2010). Automatically Generating Solutions for Sokoban Maps. Retireved from http:/ Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD (rapid Application Development). (n.d.) Retrieved from Februry 2, 2011 from Benthem, J.V. (2003). Logic Games are Complete for Game Logics (pp.183-203). Netherlands:Kluwer academic publisher. Gazzard, A. (2011). Unlocking the Gameworld: The Rewards of Space and Time in Videogames (Vol. 11). Retrieved from Kearns M. (2007). Algorithmic game Theory (pp.159 – 161). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Magar, P. (2013). Advantages of Rapid Application Development. Retrieved from Marchadesh, B. (2011). Game on: The present and Future of Game Development in the Philippines. Philippines: Gaming. Rouse, m. (2007). CASE. Retrieved from APPENDICES 26