Opening Lecture on Philosophy of Science

!"#$%&'(")*+'",%-"%.'/-*$%./-0"/0,% 1234255% + Introduction to Intellectual Foundations of the Social Sciences Timothy M. Devinney + What is Science? !! Search for truth? !! Search for knowledge? !! Application of rationality/reason to what we observe about the world? !! !! !! 6%708-""09%:;353<% The examination of something that is intrinsically interesting? The examination of something that is of practical importance? The examination of something that should be? !! Puzzle solving (Sudoku for PhDs) !! Play: What scientists do? 5% !"#$%&'(")*+'",%-"%.'/-*$%./-0"/0,% + 1234255% Is This What it is All About? Plato/Descartes versus Aristotle/Bacon Plato/Descartes !! Work from the top down !! !! Start with a single idea !! !! Theory oversees observation !! + 6%708-""09%:;353<% Aristotle/Bacon Rational/reasoning (Deductive) Work from the bottom up Conclusions drawn from observation of many things !! Data speaks !! Empirical (Inductive) Is This What it is All About? ;% !"#$%&'(")*+'",%-"%.'/-*$%./-0"/0,% + + 6%708-""09%:;353<% 1234255% Is This What it is All About? Is This What it is All About? 4% !"#$%&'(")*+'",%-"%.'/-*$%./-0"/0,% + Science versus Pseudo Science: The Demarcation Problem !! !! !! !! !! Science offers explanations !! It is guided by natural laws !! Science is objective !! It is measurable/quantifiable !! Science is testable !! It can be compared to the natural world !! Science makes predictions Science makes risky predictions that are falsifiable !! Every good scientific theory is a prohibition: it denies that certain things may happen Science grows/progresses !! It predicts new results Science is replicable !! No one-off results (miracles) Science is tentative !! Scientists give up on theories that are disconfirmed Application: Do You Do Science? Intlz’tion theory + 1234255% 6%708-""09%:;353<% Explains? Yes Is objective? Yes Is testable? Yes Makes predictions? Yes Is falsifiable? Yes Is progressive? Yes Is replicable? Yes Is tentative? No 1% !"#$%&'(")*+'",%-"%.'/-*$%./-0"/0,% + Values in Science !! Value Laden or Value Neutral !! !! !! Cognitive Values !! The search for truth or the search for ‘interesting’ truth Contextual Values !! Norms & tastes of scientists The Scientific Method !! !! + Non-arbitrary non subjective criteria for developing, accepting and rejecting hypotheses Even if the context of ‘discovery’ is non-object the context of ‘justification’ is? Or is it? Longino’s Criteria for Understanding Values in Science !! !! Science as product of inquiry involving critical discussion amongst a plurality of individuals about a commonly accessible phenomenon The rules: !! !! There must be recognised avenues for criticism There must exist shared standards that can be invoked !! The plurality must be responsive to such criticism Intellectual authority must be shared !! 6%708-""09%:;353<% 1234255% =% !"#$%&'(")*+'",%-"%.'/-*$%./-0"/0,% + 1234255% Kuhn I: Normal and Revolutionary Science Normal Science !! Is based on a paradigm !! Exemplars !! Disciplinary matrix !! Is dogmatic !! Is objectively progressive !! Is holistic !! Uses theory laden observation !! Uses commensurate meaning Evolutionary equilibrium + Revolutionary Science !! !! !! !! !! !! Is based on conflict between non-compatible paradigms Are non-dogmatic Are total (no prisoners are taken) Are sudden and unstructured Are emotional (no rational debate) Are not objectively progressive Punctuated equilibrium Application: You Are Kuhn Pick a Theory; Any Theory! Paradigm Dogma Progressive Holistic Theory Laden Observation Commensurate Meaning Name Me a Revolution? 6%708-""09%:;353<% >% !"#$%&'(")*+'",%-"%.'/-*$%./-0"/0,% + 1234255% Kuhn II: Relativism & Resolution !! !! !! !! !! Non-Progressivism Theory laden observation !! You can’t see what I see Incommensurability !! Our choices are different Shifting standards !! We don’t walk the same walk Ambiguity of standard !! !! !! You don’t know what I mean Problem weighting !! !! What is explaining? !! !! !! !! !! 6%708-""09%:;353<% Revolutionary Resolution Shared values => rational debate Intersubjective agreement => social consensus Non-rationality !! Scientists switch for reasons beyond reason Accuracy !! How many important problems are matched and are accounted for Consistency !! Internal & external Scope => surplus content Simplicity is better Fruitfulness => how promising is it? ?%