Delamination of Z-pinned carbon fibre reinforced laminates

2006, Composites Science and Technology

The presentation concerns the effects of Z-direction reinforcement by blocks of Z-Fibre® pins (Z-pinning) on the delamination characteristics of unidirectional IM7/977-2 and IMS/924 carbon fibre/epoxy specimens. .Zpinning is an alternative approach to stitching, intended to introduce through the thickness reinforcement. The CF/BMI rods are inserted in a laminate prior to curing, effectively "nailing" the composite layers together [1].

Delamination in Z-pinned carbon fibre reinforced laminates Denis D. R. Cartié and Ivana K. Partridge School of Industrial and Manufacturing Science Cranfield University, Cranfield, MK43 0AL, UK e-mail: ABSTRACT The presentation concerns the effects of Z-direction reinforcement by blocks of Z-Fibre® pins (Z-pinning) on the delamination characteristics of unidirectional IM7/977-2 and IMS/924 carbon fibre/epoxy specimens. .Zpinning is an alternative approach to stitching, intended to introduce through the thickness reinforcement. The CF/BMI rods (Fig. 1a) are inserted in a laminate prior to curing, effectively “nailing” the composite layers together (Fig. 1b) [1]. Ultrasonic Horn Structure Z-Fiber® Preform Fig. 1a: SEM of a Mode I fracture surface of a Z-pinned laminate Cutting Tool Fig. 1b: Schematic of Z-Fiber® insertion The case of delamination in Z-pinned laminates made from unidirectional tape or fabric prepreg under Mode I loading conditions is now well understood. The micro-mechanisms of failure are well characterised by single pin pullout experiments and modelling the behaviour of simple structures such as double cantilever beam has proved to be successful [1-5]. The analysis of structures subjected to mode II loading conditions, however, is proving to be much more of a challenge. Z-pinning appears effective in tests of standard delamination beams such as 3pt-End Notched Flexure (ENF) beams and 4pt –ENF beams. In particular, the catastrophic failure normally associated with the 3pt-ENF shear loading configuration is suppressed in the pinned samples (see Fig.2) 1000 3pt-ENF Z-pinned Load [N] 800 4pt-ENF Z-pinned 600 4pt-ENF Control 400 3pt-ENF Control 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Cross-Head Displacement [mm] Fig. 2: Load vs. Displacement curves of 3pt-ENF and 4pt ENF tests The micro-mechanisms of Z-pin deformation and failure involved in Mode II delamination are complex and the delamination resitance is thus observed to be structure geometry dependent. In a low compliance test specimen geometry such as a double lap-joint, Z-pinning does not improve the ultimate performance of the structure in static loading, but can extend the cyclic life of a fully delaminated joint under moderate loading (Fig.3) . The latest results raise questions about the mode mixity in the usual delamination tests and its consequences on the failure behaviour of Z-pinned laminates. Fig. 3: Fully delaminated Z-pinned double lap joint under fatigue loading REFERENCES 1- I.K. Partridge, D.D.R. Cartié and T. Bonnington, “Manufacture and performance of Z-pinned composites”, Ch 3 in Advanced Polymeric Materials: Structure-property relationships; eds. Advani S., Shonaike G., CRC Press, April 2003. 2- D.D.R Cartié, A.J. Brunner and I.K. Partridge, “Effects of mesostructure of Z-pinned laminates on their crack control characteristic”, 3rd ESIS TC4 Conference on Fracture of Plastics, Adhesives and Composites, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 15th – 18th September 2002. 3- W. Yan, H-Y. Liu and Y-W. Mai, “Numerical study on the mode I delamination toughness of z-pinned laminates”, Composites Science and Technology, 63, 1481-93, 2003. 4- R. Massabò and B. N. Cox, “Unusual characteristics of mixed mode delamination cracks”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 47, 1265-1300, 1999. 5- D.D.R. Cartié and I.K. Partridge, “Prediction of the delamination behaviour of Z-Fiber® reinforced laminates”, Presented at the 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ACS Structures, Norfolk Virginia, 7th-10th April 2003.