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The knowledge of coordination
for supply chain integration
Togar M. Simatupang, Alan C. Wright and
Ramaswami Sridharan
Institute of Information Sciences and Technology,
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
The knowledge
of coordination
Keywords Coordination, Supply chain management, Logistics, Information exchange
Abstract Increasing competition due to market globalisation, product diversity and
technological breakthroughs stimulates independent firms to collaborate in a supply chain that
allows them to gain mutual benefits. This requires the collective know-how of the coordination
mode, including the ability to synchronise interdependent processes, to integrate information
systems and to cope with distributed learning. However, research into coordination has paid little
attention to acknowledging different modes of coordination. This study promotes the notion of
mutuality and the focus of coordination in order to establish a comprehensive taxonomy of
coordination modes. Four different modes of coordination have been identified: logistics
synchronisation, information sharing, incentive alignment, and collective learning. The
knowledge of coordination is then proposed as an explicit understanding about key drivers of
coordination modes that have positive impacts on supply chain performance. This paper also
presents a research agenda.
A firm needs to develop effective coordination within and beyond its boundaries
in order to maximise the potential for converting competitive advantage into
profitability (Dyer and Singh, 1998). Coordinating the rate of order fulfilment to
match actual consumption is successful from the customer’s point of view, if it
results in satisfying a customer’s delivery date and lowers logistics costs. WalMart, for instance, shares point-of-sales data – including sales and stocking data
– with its key suppliers (Simchi-Levi et al., 1999). Tracking daily sales enables
the suppliers to differentiate popular from slow-moving items and to respond
quickly either to replenish or to discontinue the items in retail stores. Tight
coordination between Wal-Mart and its key suppliers dramatically increases
product availability and reduces inventory costs.
Coordination among independent firms, such as raw-material suppliers,
manufacturers, distributors, third-party logistics providers and retailers, is the
key to attaining the flexibility necessary to enable them to progressively improve
logistics processes in response to rapidly changing market conditions. Poor
coordination among the chain members can cause dysfunctional operational
performance. Some of the negative consequences of poor coordination include
higher inventory costs, longer delivery times, higher transportation costs, higher
levels of loss and damage, and lowered customer service (Lee et al., 1997). Since
The authors wish to thank Dr Majed Al-Mashari, the Editor, and anonymous reviewers for their
constructive suggestions that have substantially improved the appearance of this article.
Business Process Management
Journal, Vol. 8 No. 3, 2002,
pp. 289-308. # MCB UP Limited,
DOI 10.1108/14637150210428989
changes that occur in any one of the chain members are likely to affect the
performance of the others, coordination is useful for managing interdependent
logistics activities in order to mitigate demand variability and unnecessary
inventory. A process of planning, executing and controlling the
interdependencies of activities carried out by different supply chain members or
business units in order to create value for the end customer is known as supply
chain management (Lambert et al., 1998).
Given the critical importance of coordination, few researchers have appeared
to develop and test the concept of coordination in the supply chain. Senge (1990)
popularised systems thinking that can be used to understand the reality of
logistics and coordinate the chain members in order to create collective
knowledge. Konijnendijk (1994) examined the coordination process at tactical
and operational levels about product specification, volume, mix and lead-times
between sales and manufacturing in engineer-to-order (ETO) companies. Stank
et al. (1999) studied inter-firm coordination processes characterised by effective
communication, information exchange, partnering and performance monitoring
in food industry supply chains. Lee et al. (1997) suggested channel coordination,
operational efficiency and information sharing to improve the overall supply
chain performance. Current research often emphasises a single coordination
mode as the act of managing specific objects such as interdependent processes,
information and knowledge. Little attention has been given to exposing
different coordination modes and their interactions. The exception was Lee
(2000), who provided an interesting concept of supply chain integration that
consists of information sharing, logistics coordination and organisational
relationship linkage. Pyke et al. (2000) shared this concept and tested it in an
empirical study. However, Lee (2000) considered only the coordination mode due
to process realignment and said nothing about combining different modes of
coordination. Unlike Lee’s approach, this study considers information sharing
as a special type of coordination mode.
The objective of this study is to formulate a framework of the knowledge of
coordination that unifies the different modes of coordination required to
integrate the supply chain processes of different partners in order to achieve
chain profitability. It is argued that, if the supply chain members want to
maintain their competitive edge by innovation throughout the supply chain
network, then the creation of shared context for improvement is essential. The
question is how to achieve the best fit among the supply chain partners, so that
the tasks of different players are completed in a manner consistent with the
mutual goal, because supply chain performance depends on how well all
members work together and not on how well each member performs
The notions of mutuality and focus of coordination are adopted to build a
taxonomy of different coordination modes. The idea of mutuality refers to
combining efforts among independent firms (MacNeil, 1980). Mutuality
consists of complementarity and coherency of activities among the chain
members, whereas the focus is on emphasising operational and organisational
linkages. Four coordination modes are identified in the taxonomy: logistics
synchronisation, information sharing, incentive alignment and collective
learning. Each coordination mode has typical problems that require specific
resolutions. Integrating the acts of different players to achieve the common
goal requires knowledge of coordination. Knowledge of coordination consists of
an explicit understanding about key drivers of coordination modes that have
significant impacts on supply chain performance.
The paper begins by presenting a revisited taxonomy of coordination
modes. The following sections briefly discuss each coordination mode. Next, a
special section is devoted to demonstrating the idea of the knowledge of
coordination in supply chain management. A discussion section provides
general comments and implication for further research. The concluding section
summarises the important ideas of the paper.
A taxonomy of coordination modes
A symbiotic relationship becomes important to facilitate networking among
divisions within a firm, or between firms in a supply chain. The main concern
of supply chain management is how to coordinate the independent players to
work together as a whole to pursue the common goal of chain profitability in
changing market conditions. Generally, Malone and Crowston (1994) define
coordination as the act of managing interdependencies between activities
performed to achieve a goal. In the supply chain context, coordination can be
viewed as an act of properly combining (relating, harmonising, adjusting,
aligning) a number of objects (actions, objectives, decisions, information,
knowledge, funds) for the achievement of the chain goal. Since the nature of an
object of coordination varies, a separate coordination mode is required to
manage a specific object. Although the chain members implicitly apply
different coordination modes to assist one another to manage processes,
capabilities and information in response to market uncertainty, little attention
has been paid to distinguishing and unifying them. This section presents a
comprehensive taxonomy of coordination that attempts to differentiate and
classify different coordination modes in order to gain a better clarification.
A taxonomy of coordination refers to the act of classifying different
coordination modes under one roof. Presenting different coordination modes
under one roof makes it possible to understand why scholars and practitioners
work with different objects and concentrate upon different modes of
coordination. The proposed taxonomy looks at two dimensions: the mutuality
of coordination and the focus of coordination (see Figure 1). The following
paragraphs discuss the logics underlying the proposed taxonomy.
The mutuality of coordination can be defined as the underlying values of
responsibility among partners with a strong emphasis on sustaining
relationship in order to build effective goal attainment. The literature of social
contract has recognised that any relationship among business partners must
contribute to a climate of mutuality (see Campbell (1997) for a theoretical
framework of mutuality in business relationships). MacNeil (1980) argues that
The knowledge
of coordination
Figure 1.
A taxonomy of
coordination modes in a
supply chain
some degree of mutuality is important to strengthen the closeness of the
relationship that results in better-coordinated activities among trading
partners. The mutuality norm suggests that each partner contributes to
significant values and is entitled to an equitable distribution of exchange
outcomes. The collective responsibility is meaningful, if the partners share
mutual accountability in attaining a better performance. For example, the
retailer and the manufacturer share joint responsibility to implement the
initiative of quick response as a strategy to cut lead-times and increase the
speed of product introduction to the market. Besides the joint responsibility of
creating value, both partners share the mutual savings, which result from
quick response such as lowered logistics costs and increased profit.
The literature of systems thinking also advocates that the mutuality among
chain members provides the opportunity to focus on operational improvement
that has a dramatic impact on the overall chain performance (Senge, 1990;
Goldratt, 1994). Coordination will fail, where perceptions of mutuality for other
members and commitments to the system (holism) are absent (Lee et al., 1997;
Checkland, 1999). The mutuality of coordination is required to enable chain
members to share explicit understandings about the overall picture of end-toend supply chain processes and the focus of improvement (Goldratt, 1994). For
example, the visibility of demand information helps the chain members to
eliminate unnecessary inventory and deliver products and services according
to the actual demand (Simchi-Levi et al., 1999).
The mutuality of coordination can be divided into two main dimensions,
namely complementarity of processes and coherency of understanding.
Complementarity refers to how the chain members collectively manage
interdependencies between logistics activities to create value. Interdependence
is the degree to which one process depends on the other to achieve the overall
value creation processes. Managing logistics processes along the supply chain
and removing economic barriers such as incentive misalignment are the
concerns of complementarity. Milgrom and Roberts (1990) initiate the concept
of complementarity between interdependent activities and modern
manufacturing. They argue that modern manufacturing does not involve small
adjustments made independently but rather substantial and coordinated
changes in the overall business processes from material procurement to
product delivery. Complementarities among those activities lead to increases in
mutual values such as increased sales and lowered logistics costs that can be
shared by the participating members. Similarly, complementarity of the
logistics processes across the supply chain leads to substantial benefit for all
members. When chain members synchronise decision making about value
creation to ensure a seamless flow of goods and services and coordinate the
benefit sharing associated with logistics improvement, they are likely to shape
Coherency refers to the degree of consistency of reasoning across
organisational borders through diffusing common understanding. To meet the
requirements for coherency, the chain members need to share information and
knowledge that can be used to make sense of the process interdependencies and
to manage uncertainties along the supply chain. Lissack and Roos (2001) verify
the fact that organisations must find ways to make sense about their identity in
a turbulent environment in order to build a coherent viewpoint and actions.
Coherency can be seen as the alignment of context, viewpoint, purpose and
actions to attain the shared goal through information sharing and collective
learning. For example, when knowledge of market and technology is diffused
in meaningful ways, the chain members are able to coordinate the product
development processes to launch innovative products on time.
The second dimension is the focus of coordination on either operational or
organisational linkages. Linkages exist when activities taken by one chain
member affect activities or outputs of another chain member. Therefore,
linkages are the interfaces between firms where chain members need to
coordinate their joint decisions. Operational linkages focus on the integration of
interdependent processes and information flows that provide ways for partners
to carry out logistics planning and day-to-day transactions. Recognising
operational linkages allows the chain members to contribute to, and become
involved in, the operational decision making. Organisational linkages consist of
interconnected actors who perceive and argue about their own interests in
carrying out collective action. Appreciating organisational linkages allows
them to understand partnership activities and bargaining realities. Both of
these linkages provide the groundwork for successful coordination.
As shown in Figure 1, four coordination modes can be identified based on
the two dimensions of coordination:
(1) logistics synchronisation;
(2) information sharing;
(3) incentive alignment; and
(4) collective learning.
Each coordination mode has different contexts and emphasises different
cognitive processes. The coordination of logistics synchronisation is
responsible for ensuring alignment between logistics process activities to
deliver products and services to fulfil customer needs and wants (Fisher, 1997).
The coordination of information sharing attempts to realise the coherency of
information, while actors cooperate with one another and follow rules of
diffusing information across borders (Lee, 2000). Incentive alignment attempts
The knowledge
of coordination
to provide various mechanisms to distribute benefits and risks associated with
logistics functions to motivate independent actors in order to achieve supply
chain profitability (Lee, 2000; Simatupang and Sridharan, 2002). The
coordination of collective learning deals with how to tackle the coherency
problem of initiation and diffusion of knowledge across borders (Senge, 1990;
Sawhney and Prandelli, 2000). The following sections discuss strategies of each
coordination mode and expose insights from real world applications.
Logistics synchronisation
Logistics synchronisation means recognising and concerting improvement
initiatives that significantly contribute to value creation in the acquisition,
consumption and disposition of products and services in today’s rapidly
changing markets. This typical coordination refers to the market mediation
function of a supply chain that aims to match the variety of products reaching
the marketplace with customer needs and wants (Fisher, 1997). Understanding
customer demand and concerting inventory management, facility and
transportation between partners help to realise dramatic improvements in the
forms of rapid response to customer requirements, lowered inventory costs,
improved product availability, minimum obsolescence and minimum variance
of any unexpected events such as forecasting errors and delays that disrupt
chain performance (Lambert et al., 1998).
Logistics synchronisation also assists participating members to resolve role
conflict, so each member can perform specific tasks and assume certain
responsibility to ensure the attainment of chain profitability. The real
challenges include focusing on core activities that provide real value to the
customer, and subordinating other supporting activities to ensure the value
creation process. Analysing the value creation process across the supply chain
can provide a road-map for strategic initiatives that clarify specific roles for
each participating member. Govindarajan and Gupta (2001) suggest three
interrelated areas to ensure logistics synchronisation:
(1) customer definition;
(2) customer value identification; and
(3) value creation process design.
If the chain members can dramatically redefine the customer base, reinvent the
concept of customer value, and redesign the end-to-end value chain
architecture, then they are likely to create competitive advantage from the
customer’s viewpoint.
Several strategies of logistics synchronisation have been developed based on
the principles of logistics management – such as collaborative logistics
processes, operational flexibility, logistics postponement and collaborative
transportation. The collaborative logistics processes refer to joint decision
making such as assortment planning, joint forecasting, joint inventory
management and replenishment (Simchi-Levi et al., 1999). Operational
flexibility aims to provide various demand response strategies by considering
supply capacity such as make-to-forecast, locate-to-order, amend-to-order and
build-to-order (BTO) (Holweg and Pil, 2001). Logistics postponement refers to
delaying product differentiation to the latest possible time until customer
orders are received (van Hoek, 2001). Collaborative transportation attempts to
employ the third-party logistics providers to accomplish in-bound and outbound logistics. Direct shipping, warehousing, and cross-docking are three
distinct out-bound strategies to deliver goods to end customers (Simchi-Levi et
al., 1999).
Employing those strategies often depends on specific industry
characteristics. For example, the fashion industry often faces high demand
uncertainty, short selling period, long procurement lead-time, high variety of
customer preferences and mark-down risk of product obsolescence.
Collaborative forecasting, inventory management and rapid response fit the
requirements of the apparel industry (Fisher, 1997).
Benetton, Nike and Dell are examples from the real world that show how
supply chains are synchronised to create customer value. Benetton applies the
postponement strategy to produce a large variety of coloured garments in a
short selling season by developing a production process in which the garment is
dyed after being knitted (Dapiran, 1992). Traditionally, thread was dyed and
then the garment was knitted. The problem with this sequence is that the
knitting is slow and thereby requires a high stock of finished garments to fulfil
standard customer service. Benetton uses postponement to make better
decisions about colours that reflect the market trend. Since the cost of the
production process with postponement is more expensive, Benetton still
operates the traditional process to produce items with low demand uncertainty.
Nike has reaped profitability by concentrating on its strengths in designing and
marketing high-tech and fashionable footwear for sports and fitness (Tully,
1993). Nike established one small manufacturer that makes some sneaker parts.
Other supporting activities such as footwear production are subcontracted to
suppliers in Taiwan, South Korea and other Asian countries. Synchronising its
speciality and its suppliers’ capabilities allows Nike to build-in flexibility to
keep up with the changing tastes of customers.
Dell prospers by focusing on two aspects of the computer business: direct
sales and build-to-order production (Magretta, 1998). It sells personal
computers directly to customers and thereby eliminates the reseller’s mark-up
and the costs and risks of large inventories of finished products. Build-to-order
production means that a product is customised and manufactured according to
specific customer request. Dell owns no plants but leases two small factories to
assemble computers from outsourced parts. Internet-based technology is used
for just-in-time ordering and to share daily schedules with the suppliers. The
suppliers utilise shared data to plan and adjust procurement and production in
order to deliver parts and components to the factory only when they are needed
for assembly. Dell’s strategies of direct sales and build-to-order production
have proven successful in minimising inventory and bringing new products to
The knowledge
of coordination
market quickly, enabling it to increase market share and achieve high returns
on investment.
Information sharing
The coordination of information sharing attempts to make relevant, accurate
and timely information available to the decision-makers (Lee, 2000). Chain
members often have different private information, which is often not shared
with others – thus asymmetric information is inherent in supply chains
(Simatupang and Sridharan, 2002). For example, the retailer has better
projected customer demand compared with the manufacturer (Lee et al., 1997).
The manufacturer has better information about products, delivery lead-times
and production capacity than the retailer. Traditional communication between
the manufacturer and the retailer is made through periodic ordering in large
batches. This ordering behaviour distorts original demand information,
because demand variance becomes larger, as order data percolate to the
upstream members. The idea is, then, to share demand information with the
upstream members. The visibility of demand data and inventory at the point of
sales allows the upstream members to update forecasts and ensure continuous
replenishment of the products.
Information technology (IT) such as the Internet, intranet, software
application packages and decision support systems can be applied to facilitate
information sharing with customers and partners, and optimisation of supply
chain performance. IT applications for customer orientation include
informational facility (i.e. online information about custom and standard
products, a comprehensive, frequently asked questions section, contact person,
return policy, etc.) and transactional facility (e.g. online order submission, order
modification, order notification, order tracking, security of online payment and
technical assistance). IT applications for partner orientation enable
participating members to gain visibility about customer demand (e.g. customer
profiles, products, prices, locations, quantity and demand patterns), resource
planning (e.g. forecasting, shipping schedules, inventory, capacity, location,
lead-times and products), and contract status such as price, automatic ordering,
order-status tracking, invoicing, auction, incentive score-board and electronic
payment. This level of information sharing acts as the glue that integrates all
chain members. IT, for instance, enables chain members to monitor the order
fulfilment process from manufacturing, shipping and order receiving. IT
applications for optimisation provide analysis of supply chain status and
various intelligent recommendations for operational and tactical decisions
(Simchi-Levi et al., 1999).
The coordination of collection, processing and dissemination of information
among the chain members must be accompanied by the readiness of the chain
members to use shared information in the execution of logistics tasks that
contribute to operational and financial performance. For instance, the
manufacturer needs to reengineer its operation for late-phase differentiation to
take advantage of receiving real-time customer orders (Simchi-Levi et al., 1999).
The reason is that information sharing provides more mutual gains from the
replacement of physical costs with information costs and less from reductions
of exchange costs of information (Lee and Whang, 2001). The physical costs
include the expenses associated with the conversion, transportation and
storage of goods from material sources to end customers. The movement of
physical goods also runs various risks such as inventory costs, obsolescence,
damage, loss and spoilage. Therefore, the use of information sharing to
substitute physical processes creates more benefits. To achieve success, the
chain members need to have logistics synchronisation that consists of formal
processes to improve customer value and profitability in response to shared
Several examples from the real world testify that information sharing
provides necessary visibility of the global scope in order to enable better
decisions to be made in order to maximise the total profit. Wal-Mart considers
the broader scope – including supplier information – when trying to set the
optimal inventory levels. The firm requires information that includes demand
patterns, inventory-carrying costs, ordering costs, costs of stocking-out, and
the upstream suppliers’ lead-times and variability. Check-out scanners are used
to capture detailed data of demand patterns and inventory-on-hand at the
points of sale. Collecting detailed data of demand patterns, margins and
supplier information assists Wal-Mart to determine the optimal stocking
quantity at each of its stores and to decide when to reorder products from the
suppliers. Dell substitutes information for inventory and delivers a finished
product only when it has a real demand from an end customer (Schonfeld,
1998). Dell provides visibility of customer orders, inventory levels and
replenishment needs regularly to its component suppliers. Those suppliers are
able to see what parts Dell needs today and what parts will be needed in the
coming week. All chain members reap the benefits of information sharing. The
suppliers can increase the accuracy of their forecasts, cut shipping lead-times
and reduce inventory on-hand. Dell is able to create excellent order-to-delivery
time for its direct customers.
Benetton electronically receives orders and sales information from hundreds
of company agents located around the world (Dapiran, 1992; Camuffo et al.,
2001). By tying its logistics and manufacturing systems in with its suppliers
and company agents, Benetton can achieve both the best cycle times in the
industry and near-perfect customer service levels. It has also reduced costs
from lost sales and mark-downs. Levi Strauss, another fashion firm, also
capitalises on information sharing and computerised fabric cutting to
customise a variety of jeans for different customers (Schonfeld, 1998). With the
increase in customisation, Levi Strauss can charge premium prices for
personally fitted jeans.
Incentive alignment
Incentives define how decision-makers are to be rewarded or penalised for the
decisions they make. Existing incentives influence individual member
The knowledge
of coordination
behaviour and its interaction with other partners. Conflict of interest is likely to
occur when the existing incentives lead to actions that maximise personal gain
but often reduce the total profitability (Clemons and Row, 1993). Traditional
incentive schemes are often based on local costs and short-term concessions
that attempt to fill the gap in inventory between chain members. The perverse
incentives, such as local inventory cost, transportation cost and lot-size-based
quantity discounts, often do not support the value creation process of
improving customer services, because those incentives are tied to the action of
reducing the internal costs of one stage of the supply chain. This local
optimisation often sacrifices the total profit (Simchi-Levi et al., 1999). For
example, the manufacturer rewards the retailer based on the number of units or
lot-size purchased over a set period. The retailer takes advantage of this
quantity discount by loading up inventory. Then it sells the product later at the
regular price (forward-buying) or sells it to other retailers for profit (diversion)
(Clemons and Row, 1993).
One way to resolve such a conflict of interests is to offer incentive schemes
linked to the global performance that reflects both value creation for the
customers and profitability (Simatupang and Sridharan, 2002). This
coordination mode is called incentive alignment that induces the partner
behaviour, which is consistent with customer focus and total profit (Lee, 2000).
Firms that share complementarity of business process will attempt to resolve
incentive misalignment in mutually satisfying ways based on a relational
contract especially to manage risks associated with demand uncertainty. A
relational contract specifies parameters such as price, quantity, time and
quality that guide how a buyer places orders and a seller fulfils orders.
Examples come in many forms including relationship pricing (i.e. volumebased quantity discounts, functional allowances and promotional allowances);
a subsidy for products returned, consignment and price protection; capacity
reservation such as back-up agreements and quantity flexibility contracts;
tying bonuses to desirable performance, such as minimising forecasting errors,
sales-through, customer service, speed of delivery and product availability;
stabilising the transfer price, such as an every-day-low-price (EDLP) and everyday-low-cost (EDLC), and gain-sharing schemes (Stern et al., 1996; Simchi-Levi
et al., 1999) .
Examples from the practical world suggest that incentive alignment can
motivate chain members to satisfy customer needs and increase their total
profit. Benetton uses quantity flexibility contracts that allow its retailers to
change the order quantity of the coloured kit garments after observing early
demand (Dapiran, 1992). The retailers are required to commit a number of units
several months before the start of the season. They can increase and lower the
order quantity for each colour by a certain percentage, but not the aggregate
quantity of the product, because aggregate forecasts are more accurate
compared with forecasts for individual colours. All parties reap benefits from
the quantity flexibility contract. As the demand for fashion apparel is often
uncertain several months before the selling season, the retailers can take
advantage of updated demand forecasts and adjust buying decisions closer to,
or during, the selling season. Order commitments from the retailers allow
Benetton to apply tailored sourcing that substantially reduces costs. Benetton
subcontracts the committed portions with low demand uncertainty to low cost
sources that have long lead-times of several months. When the updated
demand forecast exceeds expectation, Benetton can ensure product availability
at the retailer stores by subcontracting the reordering portion to flexible
sources that have short lead-times of several days.
Dell encourages its parts suppliers to deliver in small batches to increase
inventory speed in compensating with higher order commitment and cash
receivables (Magretta, 1998). Quantum Chemical Company uses gain-sharing
contracts with its third-party logistics providers (Lambert et al., 1998). Instead
of using a fixed management fee or a cost-plus basis, Quantum offers an
incentive scheme tied to surpassing expectations in order accuracy, on-time
delivery, inventory accuracy, eliminating customer complaints and reporting
timeliness. This scheme motivates the logistics providers to guarantee service
and cost savings. Suppliers of computer hardware offer a subsidy on price
protection, mid-life returns and end-of-life returns to motivate their resellers to
maintain a high level of product availability (Campbell and Pereira, 1998). This
subsidy is given to compensate for the sharp decline in the retail price and
technology over the life cycle of the computer hardware due to rapid innovation
and new product introductions.
Collective learning
The coordination of collective learning deals with how to tackle the coherency
problem of initiation and diffusion of knowledge across organisational borders
(Sawhney and Prandelli, 2000). Special emphasis is placed on practical learning
from one another for understanding and creating tacit capability in
implementing particular logistics improvement initiatives. Mastering tacit
capability involves intensive dialogue, experimentation and discussion of data,
information and knowledge to attain collective sense making (Senge, 1990). The
objective of the coordination of collective learning is to extend each partner’s
capability that is useful for accomplishing ongoing improvement.
The coordination of collective learning not only consists of analysis and
synthesis of ongoing improvement, but also includes how to ensure the buy-in
of key collaborators in the implementation phase. The key collaborators must
embrace the necessary changes to implement the solution. The initiator of a
breakthrough solution should be able to overcome the layers of resistance to
change that consist of disagreement about the nature of the problem,
disagreement about the direction of the solution, disagreement as to whether
the solution will result in the desired effects that are necessary for the
organisation, disagreement as to whether or not the solution has disastrous
side-effects, disagreement that the solution is viable in the environment, and
unverbalised fear (Smith, 2000). This structural approach in achieving buy-in
paves the way for creating, adopting and diffusing useful knowledge for
The knowledge
of coordination
building commitment to change. There are various means of transferring
knowledge to support this change process, including personal communication
(meeting, discussing by telephone, e-mail, etc.), codified communication
(reports, drawings, etc.), joint training and apprenticeship.
Several examples from real world application show that collective learning
can be used to improve the capabilities of managing the supply chain. Close
customer relationships allow Dell to understand and satisfy their needs
(Magretta, 1998). Dell segments its customers into categories such as consumer,
medium business, large corporate, government and education. With direct
contact, it is possible to gather credible data about customer needs and buying
trends. Each segment has its own sales, marketing and technical support
teams. This method allows Dell to tailor marketing, sales and services
strategies to the unique requirements of each of those types of customers.
Through collective learning, Dell is able to extend the skill of demand
forecasting that guides the design of product and ordering flows from the
customers to the suppliers.
Sport Obermeyer, a manufacturer of fashion ski-wear, constantly
experiences the risks of demand uncertainty such as stock-outs of popular
styles during the selling season and left-over stock of the duds at the end of the
season (Fisher, 1997). Accurate response was adopted to coordinate three
strategies consisting of reducing uncertainty (e.g. collecting additional data on
early sales), avoiding uncertainty by cutting lead-time, and hedging against
residual uncertainty such as maintaining buffers of stock. After acquiring the
skill of accurate response, Sport Obermeyer was able to improve demand
forecast, shorten the procurement lead-time, and discover a means of selecting
which styles to make early. This new capability assisted Sport Obermeyer to
increase profit and improve product availability. Benetton and its retailers have
jointly learned to adopt sophisticated marketing techniques, such as in-store
testing and monitoring market trends in styles, sizes and colours to obtain a
better understanding of customer preferences and expectations (Camuffo et al.,
2001). Benetton uses the skill of capturing customers’ last-minute needs to
design and offer an appreciated variety of fashion goods to the right customers.
Towards the knowledge of coordination
The knowledge of coordination is defined as an explicit understanding about
key drivers of coordination modes that affect supply chain performance. Key
drivers refer to a number of solutions or interventions in a specific coordination
mode to improve supply chain performance. For example, key drivers of
logistics synchronisation, such as reducing uncertainty, reducing variability
and lead time reduction, have dramatic impacts in reducing inventory costs
and increasing the level of customer service. The chain members need to
articulate their understanding about the principles of coordination modes and
make it available to others. This explicit understanding allows them to
anticipate subtle interactions and unintended consequences. A web of causeand-effect, for example, can be presented with the use of a rich picture
(Checkland, 1999), cognitive maps (Eden and Ackermann, 1998), systems
thinking (Senge, 1990), and thinking process (Goldratt, 1994). Each method of
eliciting and displaying explicit understandings has its own strengths and
Two related concepts are used to verify the knowledge of coordination in the
supply chain: the individual contribution of coordination mode in attaining
supply chain integration and the use of the drivers of coordination modes to
attain operational excellence. Figure 2 depicts the conceptual framework of the
knowledge of coordination used to scrutinise the contribution of each
coordination mode in order to achieve an integrated supply chain. The
recursive interplay between an integrated supply chain and the four modes of
coordination generates four loops of contributions. The first loop consists of the
value creation process that is designed to improve both individual and overall
supply chain performance through implementing improvement initiatives.
Ongoing initiatives offer the focus of improvement that directly impacts on
supply chain profitability. Participating firms coordinate both the process and
outputs of logistics activity to match supply and demand (Fisher, 1997). An
integrated supply chain is expected to result in improved customer service
levels, lowered costs and increased sales. In turn, improved performance
resulting from coordinated actions augments the level of collaboration to
enhance logistics synchronisation.
The second loop is concerned with facilitation that enables participating
members to have visibility of customer demand, product movement and
performance metrics. Shared information provides visibility enabling
consideration of a global scope to make better decisions that optimise supply
chain performance. Thus, visibility assists chain members to integrate logistics
processes that can be optimised to increase responsiveness to changing market
conditions. As visibility intensifies among chain members, it generates the
The knowledge
of coordination
Figure 2.
The recursive interplay
between an integrated
supply chain and the
four coordination modes
Figure 3.
Key drivers of
coordination modes
leading to supply chain
necessity to reveal more accurate and timely private information such as sales
data, costs-related data and processes-related data.
Third, an incentive scheme is often offered before the mutual benefits are
realised. As shown in the motivation loop of Figure 2, an incentive scheme is
designed to motivate the chain members to align decisions and actions with
supply chain profitability. A certain level of chain performance is expected to
be realised that leads to mutual benefits. Some, or all, of the mutual benefits
which result from better coordination can be distributed in more incentives.
Higher gains from incentives would influence the behaviour of decision makers
to improve chain performance. This process will continue to shape a loop of
Finally, the capability loop intends both to combine fragmented skills and to
enable chain members to acquire new skills from one another. Collective
learning can be effective in enhancing capability to carry out improvement
initiatives. However, collective learning is a give-and-take proposition. Besides
closing its own skill gaps, a partner must contribute unique capabilities to
maintain influence in the supply chain. A coordinated supply chain allows
participating members to develop collective capability. In turn, this collective
capability offers new understanding about market opportunities. As a result of
collective learning, trust between parties begins to grow and this leads to an
increase in confidence for further innovation of performance improvement.
The knowledge of coordination can be used to expose the interaction of key
drivers of coordination modes affecting supply chain performance. A simple
cause-and-effect diagram in Figure 3 shows the fact that the drivers of
coordination modes lead to the realisation of operational and financial
performance. For example, analysis of customer needs may reveal that product
availability is highly valued by customers. Thus, improved product
availability leads to customer loyalty, which, in turn, leads to increased sales.
Once the framework has been applied to understand the interaction of key
drivers among the coordination modes and their impacts on supply chain
performance, the focus and leverage for productive change can be identified. To
illustrate, logistics synchronisation specifies what are the most effective
initiatives, who will carry out optimisation, and the measures of success. This
coordination mode interacts with other types of coordination modes. The
coordination of collective learning uses the contents and context of logistics
synchronisation as learning subjects. Logistics synchronisation also
determines information needs that guide information sharing and the basis of
measures for incentive alignment. Similarly, other coordination modes also
contribute to the act of logistics synchronisation. Incentive alignment
motivates the chain members to optimise the logistics processes by splitting
the savings resulting from the coordinated efforts. Collective learning assists
chain members to catch up with the capabilities required to create logistics
innovations. Information sharing eliminates lack of visibility about product
movement and logistics processes. To sum up, an understanding of the
interaction of the drivers among coordination modes is important for devising a
means of harmonising them in an attempt to attain superior supply chain
The experience of Dell provides an example of how to use the knowledge of
coordination to improve supply chain performance (Govindarajan and Gupta,
2001; Holweg and Pil, 2001). Dell coordinates information sharing, incentive
alignment and collective learning to focus on direct selling and build-to-order.
Direct selling allows Dell to have better understanding about customer needs and
wants. This knowledge can be used to improve the accuracy of demand
forecasts. Dell also shares demand information and daily schedules with its
component suppliers. Its suppliers use this shared information to improve their
internal operations, so as to be capable of providing just-in-time delivery. Just-intime delivery significantly reduces the level of unnecessary inventory and
increases cash conversion time. Just-in-time production also means delivering
more products with the latest technology and customised configuration to end
customers. Satisfied customers provide cash receivables and loyalty to Dell. The
knowledge of coordination about build-to-order, visibility of demand
information, inventory speed, and supplier and customer relationships
demonstrates how Dell and its suppliers can reap mutual benefits, such as
customer satisfaction, profitability and high market share.
Discussion and future research
Dealing with interdependency and handling uncertainty are the two most
frequent objectives of research that aims to integrate independent players in
order to achieve the collective goal. The interesting question is whether
phenomena of cognition at the individual level can contribute to strategies at
the global level (i.e. a total system). This integration effort requires different
modes as means for working together and inviting people from the entire
system to participate in collective enquiry. Four types of coordination modes
have been identified in this study:
(1) logistics synchronisation;
(2) information sharing;
(3) incentive alignment; and
(4) collective learning.
Each coordination mode has its key drivers used to leverage performance. The
knowledge of coordination is proposed as a collective understanding about the
The knowledge
of coordination
drivers of coordination modes that can be used to improve supply chain
The contribution of the conceptual framework to the current research is to
address the basic challenges of mutuality in supply chain management. The
primary challenge is to overcome the risk that supply chain members are not
all focused on improvement initiatives. The secondary challenge is to mitigate
the risk that individual members do not share their private information in an
optimum fashion with their partners. The tertiary challenge deals with
alleviating the lack of motivation for individual members to align local
decisions with the mutual goal. Furthermore, it is often found that participating
members either do not reveal the knowledge they have or they choose to make
use of it for their own advantage. The knowledge of coordination is akin to
what Kogut and Zander (1992) have called ``combinative capacity’’, that is the
ability to generate innovative combinations based on knowledge and
capabilities distributed throughout the supply chain network. Thus, the
knowledge of coordination offers the opportunity to pave the way to
understanding how the relational view is able to create conditions for attaining
a common goal among independent parties.
Several key issues of the knowledge of coordination are open areas for future
research. An empirical study is required to examine the impact of tying
together key drivers of coordination modes on supply chain performance. How
to capture arguments and propositions of key managers about main drivers of
improvement in a supply chain is a critical issue, because an explicit
understanding shows the relationship between collective action, commonly
held beliefs and supply chain performance. Illustrating this understanding by
way of causal maps creates an opportunity to identify obstacles and devise
proper interventions.
An explorative study is necessary to examine the real value of the
knowledge of coordination in the practical world. Since the knowledge of
coordination in real life is embedded in the mental models of the participants
who are involved in the partnership, the case study method seems suitable to
elicit excellent practices in the real world implementation (Yin, 1994).
Covington (2000) and Akkermans et al. (1999) provide two examples of using
the case study method to capture the mental models of decision-makers in the
specific supply chain. Covington (2000) conducted a case study on how to
resolve supply chain discontent in the apparel industry in order to improve the
chain’s performance for the good of all involved. Akkermans et al. (1999)
elicited mental models from various experts about vicious cycles frustrating
the implementation of effective international supply chain management.
Several issues of each coordination mode also call for further exploration.
Table I shows several key questions for future research. Empirical study of the
value of logistics synchronisation would be useful to identify and focus on the
most effective initiatives for value creation. Further research is required to
develop coordination methods of matching different segments of customer
needs and wants and tailored improvement initiatives. Those coordination
Attributes of future research
Practical concerns
Research questions
Coordination mode
Agreeing on joint efforts
Logistics synchronisation
Jointly implementing the
Maintaining focus,
most effective initiatives for subordinating other
value creation
supporting activities, and
ensuring successful
How does one tailor the initiatives to match with
different segments of customer values?
How does one focus on value creation and subordinate
other supporting activities?
What are the common metrics that one can use to
evaluate mutual success?
Information sharing
Effectively creating
information visibility for
logistics planning and
Ensuring relevant, accurate
and timely data
Substituting information for
physical processes.
Mitigating demand
Using technology to
monitor supply chain status
and provide intelligent
How does one define and measure the value of
information sharing in substituting information for
physical processes?
What types of information will be captured and how is
it going to be used to make better decisions?
How does one capitalise on a decision support system
and the Internet to mitigate demand and supply
Incentive alignment
Focus on motivating
individual members
Negotiating successfully for Can logistics synchronisation be used as a basis to offer
mutual gains and risks
incentives for chain members?
How does one design a commercial incentive that
allows independent members to create customer value?
How does one predict and measure the impact of
incentive alignment on the actual behaviour?
Collective learning
Effectively co-discovering
and developing new
Applying new capabilities
to accelerate improvement
and overcoming resistance
to change
How does one use collective learning to accelerate
performance improvement?
How does one define and measure the progress of
collective learning?
How does one resolve resistance to change?
The knowledge
of coordination
Table I.
Key research questions
for further research
methods should be able to take advantage of scale economies and rapid
response at different stages along the supply chain to compensate for risks
associated with demand uncertainty and inventory obsolescence. Common
metrics also need to be defined to guide the implementation process of selected
initiatives on creating customer value. An important area of future research
into information sharing deals with how to define and measure the real value of
substituting information for physical processes (Lee and Whang, 2001). For
example, developing a mechanism to both use and share updated demand
information to direct final shipments to customers provides the possibility of
reducing inventory costs and mark-downs.
Incentive alignment is an active stream of research (Clemons and Row,
1993). Further research is required to properly design incentive schemes,
different from those of traditional centralised planning, which need to be
customised to the newly emerging kind of supply chain partnerships. For
example, the computation of equitable mechanism for sharing the increase in
profit or cost reduction is relatively new and needs further development (Lee et
al., 1997). Moreover, logistics synchronisation requires independent partners
that separately make and carry out different levels of tactical and operational
decisions. Future research is needed to develop different incentive schemes that
can be offered to the partners based on their performance to make and carry out
decisions at specific levels. Capacity reservation, for instance, is a useful means
of aligning tactical decision with the speed of delivery to replenish mid-season
fashion goods. Finally, further research is required on how to use collective
learning to accelerate supply chain improvement, how to define and measure
the progress of collective learning, and how to overcome resistance to change.
Several suggestions for measuring this progress include the learning speed (i.e.
learning curve) to acquire a new capability, the intensity of capability
improvement (e.g. assortment planning, demand forecasting and accurate
response), and the scope of learning application (e.g. improved customer service
level, reduced lead-times and lowered logistics costs).
Different coordination modes are required to synchronise interdependent
activities, ensure visibility to match supply and demand, align actions and
decision with the chain profitability, and acquire new capabilities from joint
efforts. Based on dimensions of the mutuality and the focus of coordination,
four modes of coordination have been identified, namely logistics
synchronisation, information sharing, incentive alignment, and collective
learning. The four coordination modes are simultaneously required to help
participating members to advance supply chain profitability. Armed with this
concept, all players will know where there is a need for matching processes,
information, incentives and capabilities, so that they can carry out their valueadded tasks in support of the larger vision.
The conceptual framework of the knowledge of coordination has been
presented to help practitioners and scholars understand the interplay among
key drivers of coordination modes that have significant impact on supply chain
performance. The knowledge of coordination is useful for bringing people
together to inquire into the key drivers of coordination modes, identify
obstacles and engage in joint problem solving. It is hoped that this article
brings insights of how to fulfil the basic proposition of the supply chain
initiative – namely, that the coordinated efforts provide larger benefits than the
individual firm can attain alone.
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