June 2010

June 2010 ELSA -

2) The 2 nd library has to be optimised for the coverage of the galaxy types (Tsalmantza, P. , et al. , 2009, A&A ,504,1071) Black dots are SDSS galaxies and green dots the 8 typical synthetic spectra of Pegase 2.

June 2010 ELSA -

3) A semi-empirical Library

To present a large set (about 30 000 galaxies) real spectra (observed by SDSS) extended to the spectral range of Gaia and parametrised by the same code Pegase 2.

AND WHAT is NEXT? There are overlaps and some unrealistic spectra

Research opens new questions!! Gaia preparations for DPAC requirements stimulated further scientific investigation.

So we are proposing an Optimization of the Library!!!!

Ellipticals spirals



Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a technique used to analyse multidimentional datasets.

It is an efficient method to extract information from a large set of data allowing us to identify patterns and correlations in the data that otherwise would hardly be noticed. Mathematically it is defined as a linear orthogonal transformation that expresses the data in a new coordinates system such that the first of these new coordinates, E1 (Eigenvector1) contains the largest variance fraction, the second E2 contains the second largest variance and so on.

Software Requirements Specification( I. Bellas-Velidis

Irregular Magellanic Galaxies (Im)

The early type galaxies

Normal Elliptical or SO (E-SO):

Red Elliptical: E2:

The Quenched Star Forming Galaxies (QSFG)

The scenario of a Quenched Star Forming Galaxy from the 2nd library (Tsalmantza et al. 2009), is also used to simulate the bluest populations of the color-color diagram of galaxies from the SDSS observational photometry and therefore was chosen to represent this galaxy type