Resilient livelihoods and food security in coastal aquatic agricultural systems

Aquatic agricultural systems (AAS) are diverse production and livelihood systems where families cultivate a range of crops, raise livestock, farm or catch fish, gather fruits and other tree crops, and harness natural resources such as timber, reeds, and wildlife. Aquatic agricultural systems occur along freshwater floodplains, coastal deltas, and inshore marine waters, and are characterized by dependence on seasonal changes in productivity, driven by seasonal variation in rainfall, river flow, and/or coastal and marine processes. Despite this natural productivity, the farming, fishing, and herding communities who live in these systems are among the poorest and most vulnerable in their countries and regions. This report provides an overview of the scale and scope of development challenges in coastal aquatic agricultural systems, their significance for poor and vulnerable communities, and the opportunities for partnership and investment that support efforts of these communities to sec...

Project Report: AAS-2012-28 Resilient livelihoods and food security in coastal aquatic agricultural systems: Investing in transformational change Supported by Project Report: AAS-2012-28 Resilient livelihoods and food security in coastal aquatic agricultural systems: Investing in transformational change Please cite this report as: Acknowledgments: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (2012). Resilient livelihoods and food security in coastal aquatic agricultural systems: Investing in transformational change. CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems, Penang, Malaysia. Project Report: AAS-2012-28. This report was prepared by a team led by Blake D. Ratner, with contributions from David J. Mills, Patrick Dugan, Michael Phillips, Stephen J. Hall, Ranjitha Puskur, Len Garces, Anne-Marie Schwarz, Malcolm Beveridge, and Wayne Rogers, with research assistance from Mubashir Qasim. John Thomas and Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio provided comments on a draft. Florine Lim, Samuel Stacey, and Jeevan Marimothoo assisted with graphics and production. Selected excerpts and overall approach are drawn from the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems Program Proposal (2011), prepared by WorldFish and three other CGIAR Centers (Bioversity, IWMI, and CIAT), along with a suite of global, regional, and national partners who participated in the overall program design process and consultations in each of the ive initial program countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, and Zambia). Preparation of this report was inanced by the Rockefeller Foundation and the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. 2 or more live on less than US$1.25 a day. In these communities, women constitute a disproportionate share of the poor due to unequal gender relations and diferential access to and control of resources. Key Messages • • • • • • Coastal aquatic agricultural systems are generally highly productive, but multiple constraints limit the ability of poor families to harness this productivity to improve food security, nutrition, and income. Securing improvements in isheries and aquaculture for poverty reduction requires addressing these constraints in a multi-sectoral context, recognizing that families dependent upon aquatic agricultural systems pursue a diversity of livelihood options. Transformational change depends on locally driven solutions, rooted in multi-stakeholder dialogue and participatory analysis of the constraints and opportunities in each location, linking solutions across scales. Many of the drivers of change—including international trade and investment, climate change, and ecosystem degradation—are shared among coastal regions in Asia, the Paciic, and Africa, providing important opportunities for exchange of lessons and experience. Technological and market innovation to improve productivity and income of poor coastal ishers and farmers must be complemented by investments that enhance their resilience to natural disasters and economic or institutional shocks and that strengthen their social, political, and economic rights. The CGIAR is pursuing these goals through an integrated program of action research aimed at improving food security for 50 million households by 2022, in collaboration with national and local institutions and international development partners. This report provides an overview of the scale and scope of development challenges in coastal aquatic agricultural systems, their signiicance for poor and vulnerable communities, and the opportunities for partnership and investment that support eforts of these communities to secure resilient livelihoods in the face of multiple risks. 1. Coastal systems in crisis Coastal regions provide an exceptionally high concentration of beneicial ecosystem services, making them among the most productive ecosystem types globally. For this reason, coasts have universally and disproportionately attracted human settlement, with 40% of the world’s population inhabiting the coastal zone.2 The productivity of these systems comes from isheries, aquaculture, agriculture, and livestock production, coupled with critical supporting services, such as transport and trade. Within coastal systems, ‘hotspots’ of concentrated productivity, including embayments, river deltas, mangrove forests, and coral reef areas, have attracted the highest concentrations of settlement. An estimated 275 million people, for example, live within 30 km of coral reefs and draw extensively on them for livelihood and food security.3 Beyond the immediate coast, continental shelves provide a wealth of services, including an estimated 25% of global primary productivity—the ecosystem processes that underlie food production.4 Given the high productivity of aquatic systems (both marine and inland), it is paradoxical that so many who rely on them remain in poverty. A growing body of evidence highlights a consistent failure of classical approaches to resource science, governance, and development intervention to recognize and integrate the complexity of rural/coastal production systems and the diversity of scales at which system drivers operate. Classical marine resource science and management approaches, for example, have developed largely in the context of single-species, large-scale, commercially valuable isheries in industrialized countries. Yet less than 0.5% of ishers globally operate in this context.5 Conventional approaches in the ‘ishery manager’s toolbox’ focused narrowly on managing ish stocks are not transferable to the context in which the vast majority of ishers operate—that of small-scale isheries in the developing world.6 Introduction Rising food prices, climate stress, and increased competition over the natural resource systems that underpin global food production have sharpened focus on the challenge of feeding an estimated 9 billion people by mid-century. The majority of the world’s poor today depend on the health of productive agroecosystems for their livelihoods and nutritional security. Strengthening the resilience, productivity, and livelihood beneits of aquatic agricultural systems presents a major opportunity to address the twin challenges of food security and poverty reduction. Aquatic agricultural systems (AAS) are diverse production and livelihood systems where families cultivate a range of crops, raise livestock, farm or catch ish, gather fruits and other tree crops, and harness natural resources such as timber, reeds, and wildlife. Aquatic agricultural systems occur along freshwater loodplains, coastal deltas, and inshore marine waters, and are characterized by dependence on seasonal changes in productivity, driven by seasonal variation in rainfall, river low, and/or coastal and marine processes.1 Policies governing the operation of isheries and aquaculture are often based on the joint premises of maximizing yield and protecting resources, and rely on centralized management and enforcement. In most cases, developing countries do not have the human, infrastructure, or inancial capacity to enforce isheries regulations or generate the data necessary to centrally manage resource extraction. In most poor regions, this has led to ‘de facto open-access’ isheries, where increasing market pressure, population growth, ecosystem degradation, and ishing eiciency have overrun management systems. Despite this natural productivity, the farming, ishing, and herding communities who live in these systems are among the poorest and most vulnerable in their countries and regions. More than 500 million people depend on aquatic agricultural systems for their livelihoods, but the constraints they face mean that a third 1 2 3 4 5 6 We define aquatic agricultural systems as systems in which the annual production dynamics of freshwater and/or saline or brackish coastal systems contribute significantly to total household income. Agardy, T., G.N. Sciara, and P. Christie (2011). Mind the gap: Addressing the shortcomings of marine protected areas through large scale marine spatial planning. Marine Policy 35: 226–232. WRI (2011). Reefs at Risk Revisited. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute. UNEP (1992). The World Environment 1972–1992: Two Decades of Challenge. New York: Chapman and Hall. Mills, D.J., L. Westlund, G. de Graaf, R. Willmann, Y. Kura, and K. Kelleher (2011). Underreported and undervalued: Small-scale fisheries in the developing world. In R.S. Pomeroy and N.L. Andrew, eds., Small-Scale Fisheries Management: Frameworks and Approaches for the Developing World. Oxfordshire, UK: CABI. Andrew, N.L., and L. Evans (2011). Approaches and frameworks for management and research in small-scale fisheries. In R.S. Pomeroy and N.L. Andrew, eds., Small-Scale Fisheries Management: Frameworks and Approaches for the Developing World. Oxfordshire, UK: CABI. 3 aquatic agricultural systems share characteristics with communities in other agroecosystems, including drylands, semi-arid tropics, and forest margins, ‘left behind’ by the Green Revolution in agriculture and requiring a diferent kind of response.9 Coastal habitats have degraded at an alarming rate in recent decades, with systems attracting the highest population densities sufering the most. Some 20% of all mangroves have been lost since 1980, and some 40% of coral reef systems are considered severely or highly degraded.7 Concurrently, coastal systems have increasingly failed to reach their potential to support coastal populations (see Box 1). While there are signs of recovery in some well-studied, large-scale isheries responding to conservation and management eforts in recent decades, most small-scale isheries, particularly those in developing countries, are data-poor or have ‘unassessed’ ish stocks that are declining quickly.8 Coastal systems comprise multiple production systems, people and livelihoods, governance institutions, and external drivers. Attempts to address the crisis in global isheries must necessarily confront the challenge of securing livelihoods for poor AAS communities, recognizing the inseparable links between the large-scale and small-scale subsectors, inland and marine production, and wild capture isheries and aquaculture (see Box 2). Also vital is an appreciation for the roles that farming, livestock production, and agricultural processing and trade play in the livelihood opportunities and decision making of coastal communities. A narrow preoccupation with either economic productivity or ecosystem status must give way to interventions and management conceived around drivers of change and a ‘whole-system’ approach to managing coastal resources and building resilient livelihoods. Management institutions focused primarilyon natural       resource  exploitation or conservation are not primed to cope with the rapidly changing face of the coasts. Population growth, urban expansion, increased demand for resources from diverse users, globalized markets, and climate change are among common challenges that combine with profound issues of economic, social, and institutional marginalization to drive poverty and vulnerability. In this respect, poor rural communities in coastal Box 1. Ghana’s coastal fisheries on the edge. is s National ish consumption in Ghana is among the highest in Africa (approaching 30 kg/capita/year) and represents on average about 60% of animal protein supply.1 For coastal communities, ish is even more important as a source of nutrition, as well as a base of the coastal economy. st The isheries for small pelagic ish are the most critical for food security, and represent around 80% of the total ish catch by the artisanal leet. As much as 20% of the national workforce may rely directly or indirectly on the isheries sector.2 t. As rely Small-scale ishing vessels in Ghana opportunities facing rural households. Data from past peak catches supported by bioeconomic modeling suggest that yields of at least three times the current catch of small pelagic species could be achieved through improved management.3 A groundswell of support for reform among stakeholders and donors has created a window for transformation that may represent a ‘last shot’ at avoiding catastrophic collapse of these systems. Alarmingly, both national statistics and isher opinions point to a dramatic decline in the resource over the last decade, resulting in increased imports of ish and severely straining livelihood systems and food security in coastal villages throughout the country. Unconstrained growth in all major leets alone could account for heavy overexploitation. However, this is massively compounded by heavily subsidized fuel and increasing ishing power of individual vessels. WorldFish, in partnership with the University of Rhode Island, local NGO Friends of the Nation, and others, is working to address this need for governance reform. Rather thanto: a simple D. macro-level analysis of resource rents and opportunities for gains in economic eiciency through a reallocation of use rights, sound decision making for policy and institutional reform requires locally driven analysis to determine the types of innovations that will jointly support resource conservation, livelihood improvement, and social equity.4 The only conceivable pathway to improved ishery yield, well-being, and resilience among coastal communities in Ghana is radical reform in the way isheries systems are governed. Top-down, command-control systems must be replaced by inclusive decision making that engages communities directly in formulating management plans and rules, complemented by sustainable livelihood initiatives rooted in understanding the constraints and 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 WorldFish Center, CRC, and USAID (2010). Livelihood diversification and fishing communities in Ghana’s Western Region; Finegold, C., A. Gordon, D. Mills, L. Curtis, and A. Pulis (2010). Western Region Fisheries Sector Review, WorldFish Center. Atta-Mills, J., J. Alder, and U.R. Sumaila (2004). The decline of a regional fishing nation: The case of Ghana and West Africa. Natural Resources Forum 28: 13–21. Finegold, C., A. Gordon, D. Mills, L. Curtis, and A. Pulis (2010). Western Region Fisheries Sector Review, WorldFish Center; Bailey, M., U.R. Sumaila, and M. Lindroos (2010). Application of game theory to fisheries over three decades. Fisheries Research 102(1–2): 1–8. Ratner, B.D., and E.H. Allison (2012). Wealth, rights, and resilience: An agenda for governance reform in small-scale fisheries. Development Policy Review (30)4: 371–398. Spalding, M., M. Kainuma, and L. Collins (2010). World Atlas of Mangroves. Washington, D.C.: Earthscan. Costello, C., D. Ovando, R. Hilborn, S.D. Gaines, O. Deschenes, and S.E. Lester (2012). Status and solutions for the world’s unassessed fisheries. Science 27 September 2012 [Online] DOI:10.1126/science.1223389. DFID (2012). Promoting innovation and evidence-based approaches to building resilience and responding to humanitarian crises: A DFID strategy paper. London: Department for International Development. [Online] 4 Box 2. Fisheries, aquaculture, and food security. From the perspective of poverty reduction, a focus on the small-scale sector in developing countries is essential, as the small-scale sector accounts for the vast majority of employment in isheries and aquaculture, and over half of production. Marine isheries alone produce up to 90 million metric tons of high-quality protein, annually contributing to food security for 1 billion people globally. They provide full- and part-time livelihoods for an estimated 60 million people, 97% of whom are in developing countries. Of these, 84% are in the small-scale sector.1 Millions more operate in the subsistence sector, often on a seasonal basis, or have livelihoods indirectly supported by isheries. While isheries may only be important to some for a few months of the year, it is often during a critical period when crop production is low and there are few alternatives for food production or when other alternatives fail (such as in times of drought). There are important diferences between marine systems, where ishing itself is the primary cause of declining stocks globally, and freshwater systems, where external environmental pressures are the greatest threat to sustainability. Yet it is equally important to understand the ways that freshwater and marine systems are interlinked in terms of economics and trade, ecological functions, and livelihoods. Flows of both nutrients and pollutants from river systems, for example, afect the productivity of coastal habitats, and harvesting wild ish to supply feed for the aquaculture industry is often proitable yet typically a net loss for nutritional security. In addition to capture ishery production, the rapidly developing marine and brackish-water aquaculture sectors produce 23 million tons annually, including shrimp, ish, and mollusks, contributing a combined 38% of total global aquaculture production.2 About half of the demand for food ish is now met by aquaculture. It is the fastest-growing food production sector in the world, growing at an average annual rate of nearly 10% since 1970. World demand for aquatic products will continue to rise,3 driven by stagnating production from wild isheries and an increasingly wealthy, urbanized, and populous world. Aquaculture production may need to double by 2030 to meet future demand. Ninety-two percent of production is expected to come from developing countries.4 Current research and policy discourse on sustainability of isheries, aquaculture, and food security often fail to probe the speciic impacts on livelihoods and nutritional well-being for poor households. Examining livelihood and nutritional impacts requires identifying and openly deliberating on trade-ofs among goals for food security, conservation, and macro-economic growth, as well as synergies.5 Figure 1. Production and employment in fisheries and aquaculture. 1 2 3 4 5 World Bank, FAO, and WorldFish Center (2010). The Hidden Harvests: The Global Contribution of Capture Fisheries. Washington, D.C.: World Bank; UNEP (2011). Towards a Green Economy. FAO (2012). State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012. Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Hall, S., A. Delaporte, M.J. Phillips, M. Beveridge, and M. O’Keefe (2011). Blue Frontiers: Managing the Environmental Costs of Aquaculture. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish and Conservation International. [Online] report.pdf. FAO (2011). The State of Food Insecurity in the World. Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Hall, S.J., R. Hilborn, N. Andrew, and E.H. Allison. Innovations in capture fisheries: An imperative for nutrition security in the developing world. Under review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 5 2. What’s at stake? The nutritional importance of food derived from aquatic agricultural systems extends well beyond the populations engaged in production, processing, and trade. Aquatic foods, including ish, crustaceans, and mollusks, are the primary source of animal protein for 2.6 billion people.11 A growing body of research is showing that ish are important not only for supply of protein but especially for essential fatty acids and micronutrients.12 Low-cost, small species that are typically eaten whole or ground into pastes tend to be especially rich in micronutrients. Sustaining and improving the availability of afordable ish products is a highly eicient route to ighting childhood malnutrition and reducing child mortality. The complexity of aquatic agricultural systems and the multiple drivers of change afecting them have made these profoundly challenging development arenas.10 Yet the role these systems play in the lives of so many of the world’s poor rural households also makes them profoundly important. The character of this livelihood dependence varies greatly by region. Asia’s mega deltas, for example, are densely populated and support a mix of predominantly family-based farming and ishing. The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Megna system alone supports the livelihoods of 160 million people. In Bangladesh, 20 million rural farm households, 40% of whom live below the poverty line of US$1.25 per day, depend on the aquatic agricultural systems within the river system’s loodplains. The islands of the Paciic and East Asia support much smaller populations, but a large portion of them are poor and depend on coastal resources for their primary sources of income. In the Solomon Islands, for example, 75% of the population relies on subsistence farming and ishing, while at the macro level ishery products account for 19% of the total export revenues of the country. The Philippines has a more diverse economy and lower rates of poverty than the above-mentioned regions, but agriculture and isheries are central to the economies of many poorer coastal provinces. Where aquatic agricultural systems predominate, their development is also central to political and social stability. In many places, access to land, seasonal loodplains, ishing zones, and other productive resources along the coasts is the focus of intense competition, often with the poor and vulnerable at signiicant disadvantage.13 Likewise, gender inequities in these systems are at once a source of conlict, an obstacle to development progress, and an essential key to transformation (see Box 3). Eating ish and rice, Bangladesh Welcomme, R.L., I.G. Cowx, D. Coates, C. Béné, S. Funge-Smith, A. Halls, and K. Lorenzen (2010). Inland capture fisheries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365, 2881–2896; Small, C., and R.J. Nicholls (2003). A global analysis of human settlement in coastal zones. Journal of Coastal Research 19(3): 584–599. 11 Allison, E.H. (2011). Aquaculture, Fisheries, Poverty and Food Security. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish Center. [Online] resource_centre/WF_2971.pdf. 12 Beveridge, M.C.M., S.H. Thilsted, M.J. Phillips, M. Metian, M. Troell, and S.J. Hall (2012). Meeting the food and nutrition needs of the poor: The role of fish and the opportunities and challenges emerging from the rise of aquaculture. Journal of Fish Biology (in review); Thilsted, S.H. (2012). The potential of nutrient-rich small fish species in aquaculture to improve human nutrition and health. In R.P. Subasinghe, J.R. Arthur, D.M. Bartley, S.S. De Silva, M. Halwart, N. Hishamunda, C.V. Mohan, and P. Sorgeloos, eds., Farming the Waters for People and Food, 57– 73. Proceedings of the Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010, Phuket, Thailand. 22–25 September 2010. Rome: FAO and Bangkok: NACA. 13 Allison, E.H., B.D. Ratner, B. Åsgård, R. Willmann, R. Pomeroy, and J. Kurien (2012). Rights-based fisheries governance: From fishing rights to human rights. Fish and Fisheries 13(1): 14–29. 10 6 Box 3. Gender equity and transformative change. Gender inequities also block progress in ighting malnutrition. In Bangladesh, where productivity and income increases from ish ponds occurred at the household level, this did not necessarily translate into nutrition gains for women and girls.5 The globalized market processes, population growth, migration, and urbanization that rapidly change aquatic agricultural systems are all gendered. In Bangladesh and Cambodia, rural-urban migration, a predominantly male phenomenon, has feminized agriculture. In the Philippines, women predominate among rural-urban migrants, while men remain in agricultural livelihoods, and women equal men in pursuing overseas migration.1 In all of these countries, women’s engagement in the agriculture sector is generally higher than men’s but often invisible or under-estimated in oicial statistics. These diferences in the gender division of labor have implications for the nature of poverty, marginalization, and vulnerability. Women’s disproportionate sufering of asset poverty arises from socio-cultural norms that restrict access to, ownership of, and control over natural, physical, and inancial resources. This is pronounced in Bangladesh, where rural women own only 8% of all productive assets.2 Equally signiicant, women’s involvement in community-based aquatic resource management is often minimal because of customary power relations and time and mobility constraints related to domestic tasks and maintaining a reputation for decency. However, where poor women are granted conditions enabling them to claim long-term rights over public water bodies, as the formation of ish-farming groups in Bangladesh has shown, the engagement of and beneits to women can be sustained.3 Small-scale isheries, Tonle Sap, Cambodia Pro-poor improvements in the productivity, proitability, and adaptive capacities of coastal communities can only be achieved to their full potential and sustained if they occur jointly with changes in the social norms and attitudes that underlie inequalities. AAS users and their development partners need to design and test the efectiveness of innovative integrated strategies to address both technical AAS challenges and the social constraints impeding marginalized AAS users, and particularly poor women, from exerting their capacities to act individually and with others to make full use of available resources to improve their own and their families’ well-being. Gender-based marginalization and vulnerability translate into highly gendered well-being outcomes as well. Women are more vulnerable to gender-based violence than men, both in private and in public. In Bangladesh and the Solomon Islands, over 50% of women experience physical or sexual violence at the hands of an intimate partner.4 1 2 3 4 5 PCW (2010). Fact Sheet: Filipino Women and Men. Manila: Philippine Commission on Women. Quisumbing, A.R., and J.A. Maluccio (2000). Intrahousehold allocation and gender relations. FCND Discussion Paper 84. Washington, D.C.: IFPRI. Nathan, D., and N.A. Apu (1998). Women’s independent access to productive resources: Fish ponds in the Oxbow Lakes Project, Bangladesh. Gender Technology and Development 2(3): 397–413. NIPORT (2009). Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 2007. Dhaka, Bangladesh: National Institute of Population Research and Training; MWYCA & NSO [Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs & National Statistics Office] (2009). Solomon Islands Family Health and Safety Study. Noumea: Secretariat of the Pacific Community; World Bank (2004). Zambia: Strategic Country Gender Assessment. Lusaka: World Bank. Kumar, N., and A.R. Quisumbing (2010). Access, Adoption and Diffusion: Understanding the Long-Term Impacts of Improved Vegetable and Fish Technologies in Bangladesh. Washington, D.C.: IFPRI. Excerpted from: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (2012). Gender Strategy Brief: A gender transformative approach to research in development in aquatic agricultural systems. [Online] 7 simultaneously weak in places characterized by poverty traps. In such circumstances, small adjustments at any one level—such as building some aspect of household assets (e.g., by improving access to education or health care), introducing new technologies, or investing in incremental improvements in democratic decentralization—are unlikely to move the system away from its dominant, stable dynamic equilibrium. 3. An integrated approach Enhancing the contribution of aquatic agricultural systems to rural development and food security requires carefully designed investments that address the multidimensional and strongly gendered nature of poverty and vulnerability. In the case of many aquatic agricultural systems, poor and disenfranchised people living in highly productive environments produce (and often trade) goods of high value in global markets but are unable to climb out of poverty. They ind themselves trapped in an unfavorable dynamic equilibrium by processes that exist simultaneously at multiple scales and are self-reinforcing.14 A schematic diagram of the multiple dimensions of poverty (see Box 4) provides a simpliied view of such traps, seen from a household perspective. Governments, markets, and community institutions are That is why it is critical to address the broad context at multiple scales, following a diagnosis of which parts of the trap are most diicult to escape, and which can best respond to intervention. Achieving these transformations at scale requires partnership with agencies and change agents that are able to implement innovations that inluence governance at all levels and that improve collaboration across jurisdictions (see Box 5). Box 4. Measuring and addressing poverty. To identify the poor in aquatic agricultural systems and support them with the right types of development interventions, we must understand and take into account the complex multiple dimensions of poverty and their interrelationships. The igure below highlights three key dimensions of poverty. Income and asset poverty is when individuals and households do not have suicient means to sustain a decent standard of living. Standardized measures are used in economic planning and targeting in social protection schemes, but local development activities may use more qualitative techniques, such as wealth ranking, to identify the poor. To sy typ m co th hig Vulnerability is the result of people’s exposure to ecological, economic, and institutional shocks and stresses, the sensitivity of their livelihood systems to these risks, and their capacity to cope and adapt. Two common applications are mapping of vulnerability to famine by the World Food Program1 and mapping of vulnerability to climate change risks by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Marginalization sees certain groups systematically disadvantaged because they are discriminated against on the basis of their ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, caste, age, education, class, disability, HIV status, migrant omegender, status, or where they live.2 ind su sta are u ta Figure 1. Three key overlapping and reinforcing dimensions loca of poverty. qu 1 2 3 World Food Program (2007). Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping. [Online] Atkinson, A.B. (1998). Social exclusion, poverty and unemployment in exclusion, employment and opportunity. A.B. Atkinson and J. Hills, eds. CASE paper. Center for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics, London; DFID (2005). Reducing Poverty by Tackling Social Exclusion.    Development.      London: Department for International [Online] Allison, E.H., C. Béné, and N.L. Andrew (2011). Poverty reduction as a means to enhance resilience in small-scale fisheries. In R. Pomeroy and N.L. Andrew, eds., Managing Small Scale Fisheries: Frameworks and Approaches, 216–237. CABI. The mandate of the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems is to confront the paradox of high ecological productivity mingled with high prevalence of poverty, vulnerability, and inequity among social groups. Its goal is to transform aquatic agricultural systems to realize their full development potential while remaining resilient as societies and environments change. The program, launched in 2011, is harnessing the strengths of the CGIAR in agricultural research and combining them with the skills and capacities of community groups, national agricultural research systems, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, advanced research institutes, and other partners, to pursue an innovative, integrated program of action research. 14 These conditions and processes, which are often strongly gendered, overlap and may reinforce one another, so that people who are socially excluded or marginalized may become income and asset poor, and asset poverty reduces capacity to adapt, making its victims more vulnerable to external shocks and adverse trends.3 As in other integrated agricultural systems, efective engagement with poverty and vulnerability in aquatic agricultural systems means putting the poor and vulnerable at the core of our work. This requires research to be rooted irmly in the development agenda and responsive to context-speciic diferences in threats and opportunities. The AAS approach recognizes the importance of aquatic resources, and isheries in particular, but asserts that sustainable management of these resources to confront rural poverty and malnutrition requires a much more integrated approach to research and development than has generally been the case. While calls to emphasize poverty reduction are not new to the international conservation community, implementation has been dogged by lack of resources and capacity to accomplish Barrett, C.B., and B.M. Swallow (2006). Fractal poverty traps. World Development 34(1): 1–15. 8 Box 5. Governing the coastal seascape in the Philippines. and ecological settings.3 Indeed, the study identiied examples of four distinct isheries governance arrangements along the Philippine coasts,4 ranging from integrated isheries and aquatic resource management councils, as found in San Miguel Bay, to more loosely structured clusters and alliances of municipalities, as found in the Visayan Sea; each approach has its particular advantages and challenges. This kind of experimentation represents a ‘second generation’ in small-scale isheries co-management eforts, recognizing the centrality of navigating power dynamics and cross-sectoral and cross-scale relationships in the broader governance context.5 In the Philippines, small-scale isheries annually supply the ish-food needs of over 100 million Filipinos and provide direct employment to 1.4 million ishers.1 Yet, the productivity of these systems and food security in rural coastal areas of the country are put at risk by degraded ishery habitats, intensiied resource-use competition and conlict, and post-harvest losses. Limited capacity of state institutions, inconsistent ishery policies, and weak institutional partnerships have stymied eforts to restore the health of coastal isheries. In an efort to better understand the opportunities for improving cross-scale coastal governance, WorldFish recently partnered with the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Agricultural Research to conduct assessments in eight coastal regions. At each site, the research team conducted participatory systems analyses to help local stakeholders identify driving factors as the focus for future interventions. Assessing the need for reforms through such ‘bottom-up’ analysis helps develop a constituency for efective implementation.2 For such reforms to achieve their intended outcomes for food security and livelihoods, however, institutional strengthening is needed to improve collaboration in rule setting, monitoring, and enforcement across jurisdictions. No one model of cross-scale governance is appropriate for all socio-cultural 1 2 3 4 5 Harvesting cage culture ish Pido, M.D., M.L. Perez, L.R. Garces, and N.D. Salayo. (in prep). Re-thinking Sustainable Development of Small-Scale Fisheries in the Philippines: Past Initiatives, Lessons Learned and Strategic Directions. Perez, M.L., M.D. Pido, L.R. Garces, and N.D. Salayo (2012). Towards Sustainable Development of Small-Scale Fisheries in the Philippines: Experiences and Lessons Learned from Eight Regional Sites. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish Center. Ratner, B.D., B. Barman, P. Cohen, K. Mam, J. Nagoli, and E.H. Allison (2012). Strengthening governance across scales in aquatic agricultural systems. Working Paper. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. [Online] centre/WF_3121.pdf. Pomeroy, R., L. Garces, M. Pido, and G. Silvestre (2010). Ecosystem-based fisheries management in small-scale tropical marine fisheries: Emerging models of governance arrangements in the Philippines. Marine Policy 34: 298–308. Ratner, B.D., E.J.V. Oh, and R.S. Pomeroy (2012). Navigating change: Second generation challenges of small-scale fisheries management in the Philippines and Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Management 107: 131–139. this emphasis in much more than a token manner.15 At the same time, the rural/agricultural development community has not been very successful either in shifting from technology-focused to poverty-focused approaches. The complexity and diversity of these systems mean there can be no single technical ix or blueprint solution to the challenges they face.16 Our research must operate across sectors and be informed by diagnoses of constraints and opportunities at multiple scales. This includes the household level, where socio-cultural norms, beliefs, and attitudes underlie the persistence of gender inequity. Only by this multi-scale, multi-sectoral approach will we efectively contribute to the transformational change the poor deserve. Working with rural communities, we aim to harness their existing strengths as we work together with partners to address challenges identiied through an extensive participatory process involving stakeholders at multiple levels. This process builds on earlier participatory approaches to rural development and extends them by a focus on community empowerment, a transformative approach to gender, a recognition of the importance of nutrition as a key lever for change, and a commitment to long-term engagement, all supported by an innovative approach to monitoring and evaluation as the basis for learning and scaling. 15 16 Pursuing this path challenges the CGIAR to move beyond traditional circles and change the way we do much of our research. By emphasizing approaches that call for research in development—rather than research and development or research for development—we are pursuing a conscious change in emphasis and mindset. Sayer, J.A., and B.M. Campbell (2004). The Science of Sustainable Development: Local Livelihoods and the Global Environment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Chambers, R. (2010). Paradigms, poverty, and adaptive pluralism. IDS Working Paper 344. Sussex, UK: Institute of Development Studies. 9 To focus our approach on pathways of action that are likely to have impact, the program builds on our analysis of key constraints driving poverty and vulnerability in aquatic agricultural systems, and identiies a set of six corresponding hypotheses of change to frame our research agenda (Figure 1). These hypotheses comprise our preliminary theory of change. This theory argues that releasing the productive potential of aquatic agricultural systems to beneit the poor will require resource users and their partners in development to generate innovations in farming, natural resource management, marketing, livelihood strategies, and social institutions. The capacity and conidence to innovate will be greater if people are less poor and vulnerable, better fed, and better integrated into economic, social, and political processes. 4. A theory of change The central hypothesis driving the program is that the CGIAR can have greater impact on aquatic agricultural systems by moving beyond the linear production model that has dominated much of agricultural research to embracing a more integrated, innovative view of how to achieve development in agricultural systems. We are pursuing this through an action research and partnership-driven approach that moves far beyond the persistent views of development as either a purely technical process or as charity. We embrace development as a human right, whose goal is to achieve improved well-being for those currently living in poverty and with hunger. By focusing on the needs of farmers, ishers, local government oicials, NGO workers, marginalized ethnic groups, and women, we work to provide them with greater opportunities to innovate, thereby improving their means and incentives to increase agricultural productivity, sustain natural resources, access markets for goods and labor, and realize their rights and freedoms. Building the relationships, structure, capital, capabilities, and freedoms to allow this innovation system to lourish are the key development activities of the program. Our hypotheses suggest that productivity gains, improved natural resource management, improved access to markets, transformed gender relations, improved policies, impact at scale, and lourishing knowledge exchange and innovation systems will collectively efect signiicant poverty reductions in aquatic agricultural systems. By pursuing actions that address these hypotheses and achieve the corresponding program objectives, we will realize outcomes and impacts on the three dimensions of poverty through income and asset building; social, political, and economic rights; and resilience and adaptive capacity. Constraints Objectives and Hypotheses of Change Unrealized potential for improved productivity of AAS. Increased beneits from sustainable increases in productivity: Productivity gains through improved technology & natural resource management in AAS farming systems can beneit the poor. Missing or poorly functioning markets limit potential for acquiring inputs or selling farm surplus. AAS systems are frequently in risky environments and degraded. Gender disparities limit the productivity and sustainability of AAS and harm the well-being of poor and vulnerable households. Increased beneits from improved and equitable access to markets: Productivity gains will yield sustained beneits only if producers and others are able to access markets equitably. Income and Asset Poverty Vulnerability Marginalization Strengthened resilience & adaptive capacity: Building the adaptive capacity of people in AAS will reduce asset losses from shocks and adverse trends. Reduced gender disparities in access to and control of resources and decision making: Greater access to and control of resources and decision making empower women, improving their productivity and well-being. Households in AAS are frequently poor, culturally and economically marginalized, and ill served by policy. Local successes rarely translate to impact at wider scales. Improved policies and institutions to empower AAS users: Strengthening rights of marginalized people will reduce inequality and poverty in AAS. Expanded beneits to the poor in AAS through scaling up: A scaling-up strategy combining expansion, replication, and collaboration can engage partners to invest in difusing AAS technologies and principles. Figure 1. Theory of change for the program. 10 However, the relative importance of these processes in any given context can be determined only through careful diagnosis, and some contexts may not require addressing all of them. Diagnosis and sequenced interventions are therefore critical underlying principles of this program, as they are in much contemporary development practice at both micro and macro scales.17 We will focus in each location on the appropriate combination of research activities that best addresses the key constraints and opportunities faced by local households. In some, the primary focus will be on developing new technologies and attracting private investment to better harness the productive potential of the aquatic agricultural systems (see Box 6), while in others the focus may be on strengthened community participation in decision making as a means to assert rights and reduce exposure to risk (see Box 7). Box 6. Leveraging private investment in small aquaculture enterprises. support to transition or ‘incubate’ promising SME aquaculture investments, combined with connections to inance, technology, and market partners provide a basis for scalable commercial investment. Large-scale commercial aquaculture already attracts substantial investment, but there is a need to catalyze investments in strategies that address environmental impacts and enable equitable access to markets by small producers in order to enhance local livelihoods and build food security. WorldFish, with various partners, has been exploring new investment models and partnerships for small and medium enterprises (SMEs),1 which make up the majority of aquaculture producers in developing countries but are often marginalized in accessing the technology, inancing, and markets needed to improve and grow. For poverty reduction and food security, the sector has massive investment potential with excellent rates of return. In certain cases, internal rates of return of 20–30% over ten years are achievable in well-managed projects and companies.3 A recent study of aquaculture SMEs carried out in Ogun State, Nigeria, for example, shows a positive impact of microinance loans on small- and medium-scale aquaculture, as it increased overall production, improved the revenue of the farmers, mitigated rural-urban migration, and generated new employment opportunities.4 Many aquaculture activities are performed by women, particularly in small-scale operations. Pro-poor aquaculture development may therefore also contribute to women’s empowerment by enabling supplementary income and opening other opportunities for asset-building.5 WorldFish research has shown that investments in small aquaculture enterprises can be commercially rewarding for investors and at the same time generate positive environmental outcomes and social beneits. SMEs create income, employment, and signiicant social and economic multiplier efects in developing countries; investments in aquaculture SMEs therefore ofer scope for delivering sustainable sources of ish, while positively impacting communities.2 Lack of access to inance and funding mechanisms remains a key inhibitor for many aquaculture SMEs to grow and improve practices, so partnerships with private investors remain key to achieving impact at scale. While a sound business case should be at the core of any investment, WorldFish research identiies a potential role for patient, socially responsible (impact) investors during startup and growth phases. Often, for example, credit needs to be paired with eforts to assess and support management capacity, loan repayment terms need to be adjusted to match the period during which small operators are able to achieve a return on investment, and targeted support is required to enable SMEs to meet certiication and quality requirements for high-value export markets. Engaging with SMEs and communities in developing countries presents challenges for investors, but capacity building, business development skills, and organizational 1 2 3 4 5 17 Small-scale aquaculture in Cameroon .M . Phillips, M., M. Beveridge, F. Weirowski, W. Rogers, and A. Padiyar (2011). Financing Smallholder Aquaculture Enterprises. [Online] www.worldfish Phillips, M., W. Rogers, W. Downing, M.C.M. Beveridge, P.A. Padiyar, M. Karim, and R. Subasinghe (2012). Inclusive aquaculture: Business at the bottom of the aquatic pyramid. FAO Aquaculture Newsletter 48: 44–46. Aquasol (2012). Aquaculture Investment Advisory Services. [Online] -services.html. Odebiyi, O., and O. Olaoye (2012). Small and medium scale aquaculture enterprises development in Ogun State, Nigeria: The role of microfinance banks. Libyan Agriculture Research Center Journal International 3(1): 1–6. Thompson, B., and R. Subasinghe (2011). Aquaculture’s Role in Improving Food and Nutrition Security. In B. Thompson and L. Amoroso, eds., Combating Micronutrient Deficiences: Food-Based Approaches, 150-162. CABI. Rodrik, D. (2006). Goodbye Washington consensus, hello Washington confusion? A review of the World Bank’s economic growth strategy in the 1990s: Learning from a decade of reform. Journal of Economic Literature 54: 973–987; Ostrom, E. (2007). A diagnostic approach for going beyond panaceas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 15181–15187; Collier, P. (2008). The Bottom Billion. New York: Oxford University Press. 11  Box 7. Multi-stakeholder planning in Khulna, Bangladesh. Workshop participants agreed that transformational change in local livelihoods could not be achieved without addressing gender inequalities and concentration of decision-making power in the hands of local elite, who restrict access to markets. Participants asserted that prior development investments have rarely encouraged local leadership and action, instead fostering a culture of dependency. This means that building local capacity for collective action is a critical element in the development agenda. This has been shown, for example, to enable technology adoption and asset accumulation by women farmers.1 They also identiied a need for research to speed innovation in farming systems to increase productivity, reduce vulnerability to climate change, and help remove obstacles to market access. The south and southwest coasts of Bangladesh are among the most disaster-prone areas of the country, having experienced two major cyclones in the past 3 years. For the more than 8 million people living in these coastal loodplains, capture isheries and aquaculture are the second highest source of income. The Khulna area in southern Bangladesh, one of the irst focal hubs of the AAS program, is challenged not only by exposure Figureweather 1. Khulna Hub development to extreme variation but also by declines in challenge. biodiversity and other ecosystem services, poor access to markets and information, and high incidence of poverty, malnutrition, and childhood stunting. In July 2012, a participatory stakeholder consultation workshop convened stakeholders from various sectors to help articulate an overall picture of the development challenge for the hub (Figure 1). This consultation is part of the diagnosis stage in participatory planning, which precedes detailed program design in each of the hubs. Transformational Change ties ng We seek positive transformational change o in the lives and livelihoods of poor AAS-dependent farmers and their nts communities, particularly women and youth. d A Culture of We strive for empowered communities Local Innovation that lead in the innovation and adoption and Learning of more productive, diversiied, and resilient practices and technologies and demand a more equitable role in the management of natural resources. Productivity and Adaptation his or With this enhanced capacity and leadership t in Khulna hub stakeholder consultation h b they will make more productive use of water, land, and biodiversity resources, gain better access to information and markets, and continually adapt to a dynamic Khulna loodplain system. Figure 1. Khulna Hub development challenge. 1 Kumar, N., and A.R. Quisumbing (2011). Does social capital build women’s assets? The long-term impacts of group-based and individual dissemination of agricultural technology in Bangladesh. CAPRi Working Paper 97. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute. [Online] coastal-marine, and freshwater systems respectively, we also aim to maximize opportunities for exchange across countries and regions. 5. Commitment to place, solutions at scale By embedding our research in communities, enlisting beneiciary households as co-researchers, and working closely with development partners, the CGIAR is seeking not only to develop solutions to speciic constraints currently felt by stakeholders, but also to initiate and support processes that can help transform these communities and the institutions that afect them, beyond the lifespan of individual projects. In each focal country, we work in a limited number of development hubs where aquatic agricultural systems are central to prospects for poverty reduction. Case study data show that the vast majority of households in these areas are dependent for their livelihoods on natural resources, including ish, crops, and livestock, and the ecosystem services that support these production systems. In most cases, ish represent the irst or second most important source of household income. The program is doing this by concentrating eforts on focal countries within three major aquatic agricultural systems: large Asian deltas (Bangladesh and Cambodia, extending subsequently to India and Vietnam), the Asia-Paciic islands of the Coral Triangle (the Philippines and the Solomon Islands, extending subsequently to Indonesia and the South Paciic), and African freshwater systems (Zambia, extending subsequently to Mali and Uganda). These are illustrated in Figure 2. The selection criteria for country focus include national dependence on aquatic agricultural systems (extent of aquatic agricultural systems, as well as their importance to the national economy and to the livelihoods of poor families), level of government commitment, quality of partnerships, and opportunities for scaling out. By selecting focal countries that exemplify the challenges in mega-delta, These hubs provide a focus for innovation, learning, and impact through action research. In each hub we work with partners to identify communities and sites as the focus of our direct research investment. At each of these sites, we are conducting participatory diagnoses with selected communities and households, and our work will build upon this research to provide a basis for long-term learning with the communities in the area. We will develop learning alliances with all key stakeholders in the hubs and use participatory impact mapping to guide our investments in partnerships, capacity building, and knowledge management and learning. 12 The program is designed to focus operations in focal countries and hubs within them, and to build on this research to harness global learning in the form of international public goods. In each country and hub, we will identify commonalities and diferences in the constraints faced and in the solutions to these constraints, and distill a body of comparative learning and general principles. We will then work with partners to see these lessons applied in guiding development interventions elsewhere in focal countries, and indeed in other agricultural systems with similar challenges (see Box 8). The program’s work in each hub builds on past and ongoing research and development activities. This involves bringing together learning from current CGIAR research projects and those of partners, as well as using the participatory diagnoses to identify how we can build upon them to improve integration and increase impact in the future. By working closely with development actors, notably local organizations, development NGOs, and governments, the program will build close links with ongoing and planned development investment. It will also invest in rigorous impact assessment, building on state-of-the-art practice to establish causal relationships between interventions and impacts in complex and dynamic systems.18 In these ways, the program seeks to scale out the results of our work to reach beyond the communities we work with directly. Figure 2. Current focal regions for the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems.19 18 19 Stern, E., N. Stame, J. Mayne, K. Forss, R. Davies, and B. Befani (2012). Broadening the range of designs and methods for impact evaluations. DFID Working Paper 38. London: Department for International Development. [Online] Population estimates employed case study data on levels of dependence on aquatic agricultural systems to interpret population distribution data within countries. Additional information on population estimates and characterization of the distinct challenges in each system may be found in the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. [Online] 13 Box 8. Participatory resilience assessments in the Solomon Islands. status is unknown (?). It speciies monitoring at a resolution that is appropriate for community-based systems and can feed directly into the learning processes. The Solomon Islands consists largely of coastal and aquatic ecosystems, with aquatic agricultural systems dominating the rural economy. Rural communities have identiied increasing population, widespread poverty, sea level rise, climate change, diminishing marine resources, disease, and outsiders as key threats to their future livelihoods. These tools were used to develop a management plan for the bêche-de-mer (sea cucumber) ishery in the village of Kia, Santa Isabel Island. The diagnosis recognized that cash from the bêche-de-mer ishery had caused villagers to abandon their vegetable gardens in favor of purchasing food. When the government enforced the closure of the ishery in response to resource depletion, the lack of functional gardens compounded the impact of reduced income on households. A management intervention promoting garden cultivation and an indicator based on the number of productive gardens in the village were included in the management plan. At the instigation of villagers, this management plan was later expanded to cover all marine resources, showing the community’s strong buy-in and ownership of the plan. In another application in the Jorio region of Vella Lavella Island, ive communities used the tools in developing a marine resource management plan that addresses illegal ishing, as well as conservation of mangrove and reefs, monitoring of indicator species, and in some instances, forest and land management.3 What does resilience mean in this context? A resilient ishery socioeconomic system in the developing world is one that absorbs shocks and reorganizes itself following stresses and disturbances while still delivering beneits for poverty reduction, responding to priorities that are locally deined.1 In the data-poor context of aquatic agricultural systems in developing countries, it is critical that methods for assessing and pursuing resilience abandon the heavy data requirements that characterize classical natural resource management and look instead for ways to feed existing, often local, knowledge into management systems that are primed to learn.2 WorldFish has developed a set of diagnostic tools to facilitate locally grounded resilience assessment and resource management. The indicator dashboard (Figure 1) provides a simple visual aid for moving from community-based diagnosis to development of management indicators based on the ability of the system to meet community needs. In this simplest form, management performance is judged by whether each indicator improved (↑), worsened (↓), or remained about the same as last time it was assessed (≈). If no further information has been collected, then the current A key feature of the AAS program approach is to enable the rapid spread of such innovations. In the case of the Solomons, individual communities, language groups, and provincial governments provide natural nodes in a multi-scale network. Innovation spreads quickly among communities and ‘wontoks’ (people who share language), but new ways of spreading impact will be required to jump the barriers of language and remoteness, and do so at minimal cost. Indicator Variable States / Thresholds Abundance of sea cucumbers # of animals seen on 100m transect 1. > 100 animals / 100 m transect 2. 40 - 100 animals / transect 3. < 40 animals / transect Reliance on sea cucumber for income % of isher households deriving primary income from the ishery 1. < 40% of households 2. 40 - 70% of households 3. 70 - 100% of households Cultivation of gardens for subsistence # of gardens cultivated 1. One new garden per family per year 2. Maintenance of old garden 3. No garden cultivated High school attendance # of students sent back to 1. No students sent back community due to lack of 2. 1-3 students sent back school fees 3. > 3 students sent back Figure 1. Indicator dashboard for community-level resilience monitoring, example from Kia Village, Solomon Islands. 1 2 3 Andrew, N.L., and L. Evans (2011). Approaches and frameworks for management and research in small-scale fisheries. In R.S. Pomeroy and N.L. Andrew, eds., Small-Scale Fisheries Management: Frameworks and Approaches for the Developing World. Oxfordshire, UK: CABI. Walker, B., J. Sayer, N.L. Andrew, and B. Campbell (2010). Should enhanced resilience be an objective of natural resource management for developing countries? Crop Science 50: S-10–S-19. Govan, H. (2011). Good Coastal Management Practices in the Pacific: Experiences from the Field. Apia, Samoa: Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program. 14 and postharvest practices. Existing and newly developed enhancements may be superior crops, livestock, trees, or ish; integrated management to improve quality, yield, or production eiciency; the timely provision of production inputs; or reduced postharvest losses. Work in this theme aims to increase beneits to AAS-dependent households from environmentally sustainable increases in productivity. 6. Objectives and impact pathways The AAS program aims to improve the lives of 15 million poor and vulnerable users of aquatic agricultural systems by 2016. With the dissemination of new technology and knowledge to other aquatic agricultural systems, the goal is to beneit 50 million people by 2022.20 Poverty in aquatic agricultural systems is not simply about inadequate income or assets, but results from the interaction between income poverty and other factors, such as marginalization and vulnerability. Figure 3 illustrates these— often highly gendered—interactions and shows how the program’s approach to understanding them helps identify research priorities. In contrast to much previous CGIAR research that focused mainly on ways to improve income and assets directly, the program’s multi-dimensional approach to poverty is yielding stakeholder analyses of the wider constraints faced by the poor and of the pathways to overcoming these constraints. The six broad constraints and corresponding research priorities as initially identiied are as follows: 2. Equitable access to markets. Many AAS households do not pursue opportunities to increase crop, livestock, and ish production because of barriers to accessing markets. The program is working to understand these barriers in the focal hubs and identify investments that can overcome them. In pursuing this work the program will, wherever possible, focus on the nutritional quality of the products and how value chains can best deliver positive nutritional outcomes, particularly for women, children, and other vulnerable groups. Outcomes of this research will include adoption of value-adding technologies and practices, private and public investment in value chains, creation or strengthening of producer and marketing organizations, and improved credit and business development services available to poor and vulnerable AAS households. 1. Sustainable increases in system productivity. Many AAS-dependent households sufer productivity gaps. These could be narrowed with better inputs and innovative production Objectives and Action Research Activities Theme 1: Increased beneits from sustainable increases in productivity • Agricultural technology transfer • Livelihood diversiication and enterprise development • Natural resource management Theme 2: Increased beneits from improved and equitable access to markets • Value chain upgrading • Education & skills for women and men • Loans and savings; improved market information • Infrastructure development; income & asset building Theme 3: Strengthened resilience & adaptive capacity • Climate change adaptation • Improved health services; insurance and savings • Social protection schemes • Disaster preparedness and response planning Theme 4: Reduced gender disparities in access to and control of resources and decision making • Gender mainstreaming in policy • Gender equity awareness and training for men and women • Gender equitable decision making at household and public levels • Mobilizing women’s groups for social change Theme 5: Improved policies and institutions to empower AAS users • Land tenure & aquatic property rights reform • Local government accountability • Judicial system strengthening • Human rights: Gender, Decent Work, Migrants, Children, Indigenous people Income and Asset Building Resilience and Adaptive Capacity Social, Political and Economic Rights Outcomes and Impact Theme 6: Expanded beneits to the poor in AAS through scaling up • Holistic and participatory problem diagnosis • Identiication and involvement of leaders and stakeholders • Consensual and joint implementation, mutual learning, M&E Figure 3. Program objectives, action research activities, and their impacts on drivers of poverty. Note: The activities indicated do not map directly onto individual dimensions of poverty reduction, because these overlap. For example, to reduce the vulnerability of landless AAS users, it may be necessary to adopt new livelihood activities, such as small-cage aquaculture and floating gardens, to supplement and reduce pressure on wild common pool resources (Theme 1). This may entail developing new markets (Theme 2), investing in reducing disaster risk and early warning systems that reach mobile and itinerant populations (Theme 3), addressing gender inequity through gender-awareness activities and gender mainstreaming (Theme 4), and ensuring that the landless poor are not exploited in labor markets by promoting the application of the human right to decent work (Theme 5). Thus, vulnerability reduction activities are not confined to Theme 3. 20 These five-year and ten-year targets are built up from country-level estimates of numbers of poor and vulnerable AAS users reached through current and anticipated program activities, comprising both direct implementation by program partners and impacts from adoption of lessons and strategies by other actors. Targets will be refined as detailed implementations are developed in each country during 2012–13, along with intermediate development outcomes. A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation strategy will track progress. 15 without supporting institutions and favorable policies. The program examines how institutions and policies afect aquatic agricultural systems and their users, encourages the emergence and implementation of policies and institutional innovations that facilitate resilience in aquatic agricultural systems and their communities, and supports AAS communities’ adaptation to unfavorable policies that cannot be changed. 3. Socio-ecological resilience and adaptive capacity. AAS users are vulnerable to natural disasters exacerbated by climate change, and many sufer oppression and discrimination. Insecurity born of vulnerability and marginalization dampens innovation and the responsible stewardship of resources for the long term. By helping strengthen rights that foster more equitable access to resources and services and enhancing capacity to adapt to irreducible risks, the program works to build resilience. 6. Knowledge sharing, learning, and innovation. This theme supports other themes’ delivery of outcomes by catalyzing knowledge sharing and learning among partners and stakeholders. It advances the program strategy for scaling up by strengthening networks among partners for knowledge sharing, capacity building, and advocacy. Program monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment strengthen the performance of program participants toward achieving greater outcomes and expanding the beneits to the poor in aquatic agricultural systems. 4. Gender equity. Recognizing that gender disparities hamper communities’ ability to harness the beneits of aquatic agricultural systems, the program pursues a dual strategy of mainstreaming gender in all research themes and focusing on research toward fundamentally transforming underlying gender norms and roles. In this way, the program supports eforts to strengthen women’s roles and status in the home and beyond and improve women’s equity of access to productive resources, such as land, water, technology, inancing, and services. Figure 4, below, provides an illustrative example of an impact pathway for action research on the gender equity theme. Speciic action priorities in particular hubs will trace selected routes among the interventions, outcomes, and intended impacts summarized here. 5. Policies and institutions to empower AAS users. Improved technologies in the ield rarely ofer long-term beneits Research Outputs Outcomes Impacts Improved range & quality of life choices Changes in gender roles/norms Improved decisionmaking power Reduced gender gaps in access to assets Gender and development analysis, methods, and tools focused on AAS development challenges Analysis, tools, and methods used to design and implement gender transformative RinD strategies and interventions in AAS Enhanced engagement in markets Improved capacity & skills Enhanced benefits from effective use of assets Improved adaptive capacity & risk mgmt Improved resilience Reduced gender gap in incomes Improved education & health Improved diet quality, quantity, diversity Reduced poverty Increased food security Improved nutrition Improved participation and leadership Sustainable NRM Enabling policies Gender equitable systems & structures Figure 4. Impact pathway for gender transformative action research. 16 7. Opportunities for partnership The AAS program represents a long-term commitment to transformative change aimed at reducing poverty, strengthening livelihood resilience, and increasing food security in very challenging development environments. Still in its formative phase, the program welcomes new partnerships to deliver results in the focal countries and hubs, as well as to scale out impacts more broadly. With a strong focus on learning, distilling, and communicating lessons, we are actively fostering opportunities to exchange experience at country, regional, and global levels. These are challenges that no single organization can address alone. Fishermen in Bangladesh pool their strength to lift a boat 17 This publication should be cited as: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (2012). Resilient livelihoods and food security in coastal aquatic agricultural systems: Investing in transformational change. CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems, Penang, Malaysia. Project Report: AAS-2012-28. The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems is a multi-year research initiative launched in July 2011. It is designed to pursue community-based approaches to agricultural research and development that target the poorest and most vulnerable rural households in aquatic agricultural systems. Led by WorldFish, a member of the CGIAR Consortium, the program is partnering with diverse organizations working at local, national, and global levels to help achieve impacts at scale. For more information, visit Design and layout: Eight Seconds Sdn Bhd. Printed on 100% recycled paper. Photo credits: Front cover, Finn Thilsted; page 4, David Mills; page 6 ,WorldFish; page 7, Dominyk Lever; page 9, Westly R. Rosario; page 11, J.M. Abo’o Medjo; page 12, WorldFish; page 17, Finn Thilsted; back cover, Mike Lusmore. © 2012. WorldFish. All rights reserved. This publication may be reproduced without the permission of, but with acknowledgment to, WorldFish. Contact Details: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems Jalan Batu Maung, Batu Maung, 11960 Bayan Lepas, Penang, MALAYSIA Tel: +604 626 1606, fax: +604 626 5530, email: