The Cetaceans of Ghana, a Validated Faunal Checklist
K. Van Waerebeek1*3, P. K. Ofori-Danson2,1 and J. Debrah1,4
Conservation and Research of West African Aquatic Mammals (COREWAM-Ghana),
P. O. Box LG99, EcoLab, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana;
Department of Oceanography and Fisheries, University of Ghana, P. O.Box LG99,
Legon, Ghana;
Centro Peruano de Estudios Cetológicos (CEPEC), Museo de Delfines, Pucusana,
Lima 20, Peru;
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast,
* Corresponding author; E-mail:
The cetaceans of Ghana and the Gulf of Guinea have, until recently, remained unstudied. Periodical monitoring
of artisanal fisheries for bycatches in seven Ghanaian artisanal fishing ports and landing sites over 1996-2004
has provided photographic and specimen evidence to validate occurrence of 18 species (17 odontocetes, 1
mysticete) in a tropical, predominantly pelagic cetacean fauna. At least nine species and subspecies had not
previously been documented for Ghana (with asterisk), and four species are authenticated for the first time in
the Gulf of Guinea (double asterisk), i.e. Tursiops truncatus, Stenella clymene, S. longirostris longirostris*, S.
attenuata, S. frontalis, Delphinus capensis capensis*, Lagenodelphis hosei, Steno bredanensis, Grampus
griseus, Peponocephala electra*, Feresa attenuata**, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Orcinus orca*, Pseudorca
crassidens*, Kogia sima**, Physeter macrocephalus*, Ziphius cavirostris** and Megaptera novaeangliae.
Also, the limited published information on distribution, natural history and conservation status is critically
reviewed for each taxon. Indications are that most species encountered off Ghana may be widely distributed in
the Gulf of Guinea, most notably the long-beaked common dolphin. The vulnerable Atlantic humpback
dolphin, Sousa teuszii, remains unrecorded in Ghana and neighbouring nations despite apparently suitable
coastal habitat. It is suggested that localized extinction may be blamed, possibly the result of accumulative
bycatches and disturbance. A number of other cetacean species not yet encountered could occasionally occur
in Ghana’s waters, e.g. Balaenoptera brydei, Mesoplodon densirostris, Kogia breviceps, Stenella coeruleoalba
and Delphinus delphis.
Despite extensive 20th century whaling in
equatorial Africa, primarily in waters of
northern Namibia, Angola, Gabon and Congo
(e.g. Budker, 1951, 1953; Best, 1994; Best
et al., 1999), the cetacean fauna of the Gulf
of Guinea and the tropical eastern Atlantic
south of it, and, especially the small
odontocetes, have scarcely been studied. A
substantiated faunal checklist of cetacean
species, while an essential zoogeographical
tool, is lacking for most coastal nations
bordering the Gulf of Guinea, including
Ghana. Some cetacean guidebooks offer
entirely hypothetical distribution maps for the
region which can lead to undue conclusions.
For example, the distribution of the Atlantic
humpback dolphin, Sousa teuszii, a taxon
endemic to the region, is often shown as
continuous along West African coasts,
notwithstanding recent field evidence
pointing to wide distribution hiatuses
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
throughout its range (Van Waerebeek, 2003;
Van Waerebeek et al., 2004; Collins et al.,
Scant earlier reports of cetaceans in
Ghanaian waters (Irvine, 1947) were either
unidentified to species, unsupported, or both.
Ofori-Adu (1987) recalls a whale, estimated
to be over 15 m, stranded at Sekondi beach,
Akuburam, near the lighthouse of the
Sekondi-Takoradi beach road, on 19
November 1975. A whale surfaced around
the stationary ship RN Kakadiamaa for 45
min during a dermersal fish trawling survey
cruise, off the Saltpond oil rig in March 1985
(Ofori-Adu, 1987). An unidentified captured
dolphin was seen at Dixcove in May 1988
by F. X. Baird (pers. comm. in Maigret,
1994). ‘Some’ marine mammal mortality
was reported to occur in the pelagic fishery
with pirogues and purse-seiners (Maigret,
In 1999, a preliminary Ghana cetacean
checklist, presented to the International
Whaling Commission, reported six species
(Van Waerebeek & Ofori-Danson, 1999).
Debrah’s (2000) master’s dissertation, while
focusing on fisheries interactions, added a
few more species. In an overview of
bycatches in 1998–2000, Ofori-Danson et
al. (2003) reported 14 cetacean species,
taken off Ghana’s coast, the source used by
Perrin & Van Waerebeek (2007) to table
Ghana as range state for these species.
However, in these papers few, if any, species
validation and other biological findings were
The present work provides for the first
time a comprehensive compilation and fully
validated checklist of the 18 cetacean
species encountered in Ghana’s marine
waters. Most of the new information
resulted from exploratory land-based field
research and port monitoring intended to
evaluate the ongoing exploitation and
demonstrate the need for a systematic
nation-wide data collection scheme.
Material and methods
The core study area, ca. 510 km east-west
extending coast of Ghana (Fig. 1),
oceanographically forms part of the Gulf of
Guinea, defined as the large open arm of
the tropical eastern Atlantic, formed by the
great bend of the coast of West Africa,
including the Bight of Benin and the Bight
of Biafra (Bight of Bonny). The Gulf of
Guinea (abbreviated as ‘the Gulf ’) is
bordered on the southwest by a line running
southeastward from Cape Palmas (Harper)
in eastern Liberia, near the border with La
Côte d’Ivoire (04° 21.4 ’N, 07° 31.6’ W) to
Cape López (0° 38’ S, 08° 42’ E), Gabon
(International Hydrographic Organization,
1953). It encompasses 10 coastal nations:
(eastern) Liberia, La Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana,
Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial
Guinea (including Bioko but not Annobón
Islands); (northern) Gabon, and São Tomé
and Principe. Three major river systems, the
Volta, Niger and Gabon rivers, drain into it.
The local surface flow is dominated by
the eastward Guinea Current, accompanied
by a westward undercurrent (Adamec &
O’Brien, 1978). Koranteng (2001) summarized Ghana’s oceanography regime
briefly as follows: a subsystem of the Guinea
Current Large Marine Ecosystem, the
continental shelf waters off Ghana
experience two seasonal periods of coastal
upwelling (major and minor) each year, with
differing duration and intensities. During the
upwelling, sea surface temperature (SST)
drops, surface salinity increases, and
dissolved oxygen decreases. The major
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Fig. 1. Map of the coast of Ghana with localities (mainly ports and fish landing beaches) as mentioned in the text. The 100 fathom line (183 m) depth
contour indicates the limit of the continental shelf.
upwelling of nutrient-rich water (long cold
season) occurs between July and
September when SST (usually ~ 27–29 °C)
falls below 25 °C. The minor upwelling (short
cold season) normally lasts for only about 3
weeks (occurring anytime between
December and March). In between the cold
seasons are warm seasons during which
SST is relatively high and a strong
thermocline is formed in continental shelf
Adequate documentation of the
occurrence of cetacean species in Ghana is
a primary base-line for marine mammal
studies as well as for their management.
Sources included mainly freshly dead
animals landed as bycatch or direct take,
stranded carcasses, opportunistic sightings,
and some skeletal material archived at
marine biological collections. A comprehensive literature review yielded very little
substantiation. The authors and trained local
observers monitored Ghana’s ports
periodically between 1998–2003, directed
initially from the Water Research Institute
(Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research, Accra) and, subsequently, from
the Department of Oceanography and
Fisheries, University of Ghana, Legon. Most
specimens were examined or photographed
at seven artisanal fishing ports and fish
landing beaches, from west to east (Fig. 1):
Axim (04° 51.3’ N, 02° 13.5’ W), Dixcove
(04° 48’ N, 01° 57’ W), Shama (05° 01’ N,
01° 38’ W), Apam (05° 17’ N, 00° 44’ W),
Winneba (05° 20.78’ N, 00° 36.46’ W),
Jamestown (05° 31’ N, 00° 13’ W) and Tema
(05° 38’ N, 00° 01’ E). Capture locations
and habitat type (neritic, slope, pelagic),
however, are unknown, as artisanal
fishermen may operate both to the north of,
and beyond Ghana’s (ca. 40 km wide)
continental shelf.
The checklist documents the earliest
positive records in Ghana for each species
and reviews its distribution, natural history
and conservation status in the Gulf. Where
data were lacking, occurrence closest to the
study area, chiefly in the tropical eastern
Atlantic south of the Gulf, was examined,
however, without attempting to review all
of western Africa. Voucher material, such
as field notes, photographs depicting
diagnostic characteristics and (unpublished)
project reports, are archived as part of
COREWAM’s ‘Ghana Cetacean Database’. Osteological material and tissue
samples, kept in saturated saline solution of
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for molecular
genetics studies, are kept at the University
of Ghana (UOG), Legon.
Body/carcass condition codes agree with
Geraci & Lounsbury (1993); briefly: (1) alive,
(2) very fresh and suitable for human
consumption, (3) early decomposition, (4)
advanced decomposition, (5) exposed bones
or mummified. Where condition is not
indicated it was ‘2’. Point-to-point distances
between locations were computed with GPS
software MapSource 6.4 (Garmin Corporation, 2004). Abbreviations for tooth/
alveoli counts are lower left (LL), lower right
(LR), upper left (UL) and upper right (UR).
Common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops
Earliest documented records. Two
freshly captured common bottlenose dolphins
were landed by a purse-seiner at Jamestown
on 5 February 1994 (Fig. 2). One, a 300-cm
male, was necropsied at CSIR and its skull,
scapulae, four vertebrae (including atlas and
axis), os hyale, partial sternum, one rib, one
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Fig. 2. Two common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, pulled up the beach by artisanal fishermen at
Jamestown, near Accra, on 5 Feb 1994.
humerus and ulna, several teeth and a tissue
sample (in DMSO) were collected. A
second and a third common bottlenose
dolphin, of 255 cm and 315 cm length, were
brought ashore at Senya Beraku (05° 23’
N, 00° 29’ W) and Tema, respectively. These
dolphins were previously reported but
equivocally assigned to Delphinus delphis
(Ofori-Danson & Odei, 1997). A calvaria
dredged by a fishing boat from an
indeterminate site in Ghana’s shelf waters,
collected by Dr Ofori-Adu sometime before
1998, was identified by KVW at the Tema
Research and Utilization Branch of the
Fisheries Department (Ministry of
Distribution and natural history.
Common bottlenose dolphins have positively
been recognized both east and west of
Ghana. A small group was seen foraging
around artisanal encircling gillnets set in very
nearshore waters, just west of Cotonou,
Benin (Van Waerebeek, pers. observations).
Four bottlenose dolphins taken 10–16 nm
south of Vridi (estimated location ca. 05°
14.5’ N, 04° 02.3’ W), Ivory Coast, in April,
June and December 1957–1958 (Cadenat
& Lassarat, 1959a) belonged to an
indeterminate stock, possibly offshore. In
May 1999, KVW measured four T.
truncatus subadult skulls (USNHM 470551,
470554, 470555, 470556) at the US National
History Museum, which originated from
Abidjan, Ivory Coast; but no other data were
on record. Both inshore and offshore
populations of common bottlenose dolphins
occur off Angola year-round (Weir, 2007),
as well as off western South Africa and
Namibia (Ross, 1977; Findlay et al., 1992).
In Ghana, a body mass of 265 kg was
registered for a 300-cm physically adult male
and 280 kg for a 295-cm female. Five
specimens from La Côte d’Ivoire ranged
233–272 cm in length (Cadenat, 1959). Four
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
stomachs examined contained anchovies,
shrimp, small scombrids, sardines and
cephalopods (Cadenat & Lassarat, 1959a),
suggesting an opportunistic feeding ecology.
Cadenat (1959) argued, based on known
habitat for some of the prey species, that
bottlenose dolphins might dive and forage at
depths over 200 m.
Conservation status. T. truncatus is the
third most frequently (15.5%) landed small
cetacean in Ghana (Ofori-Danson et al.,
2003). The location of the usual driftgillnetting grounds suggests an offshore
stock, although this has not been
morphologically or genetically confirmed. An
adult individual, landed at Dixcove on 2
December 2001, bled profusely from a
piercing wound on the throat, as from a
directed kill. Five common bottlenose
dolphins were taken by harpoongun, at least
partly for research, by La Côte d’Ivoire’s
Service des Pêches Maritimes, off Vridi,
Abidjan, in 1957-58 (Cadenat & Lassarat,
1959). A total of 11 live-capture attempts
were made in Walvis Bay, Namibia, in 1975,
1976 and 1983 (Findlay et al., 1992). Best
& Ross (1984) warned against capture
operations of small coastal populations of T.
truncatus on South Africa’s west coast as
‘potentially of more consequence, as these
populations are probably much smaller and
may be more localised than the other, more
pelagic species.’ For the same reasons Van
Waerebeek et al. (2008) advised against a
proposal of exploitation of inshore bottlenose
dolphins without proper assessment in
Clymene dolphin, sometimes calling it the
‘true dolphin’ or ‘Etsui Papa’ because the
species is so frequently found entangled in
fishing gear. A probable bycatch specimen
from Keta (05° 55' N, 00° 59' E) in May
1956 (Prof. Chris Gordon, pers.
communication) is the earliest specimen
record in the Gulf. The physically mature
skeleton is mounted (without number) in the
Zoology Department museum at UOG
(alveoli counts, 41UL, 42 LL). A second
specimen, a 216-cm female, with sharply
pointed teeth (38UL, 39LL), was captured
off Winneba on 23 September 1998 (Fig.
3). The tripartite body colouration, including
a white belly, black eye patch, grey eye-toflipper stripe, a characteristic dark stripe
along the middle of the upper rostrum ending
in a black rostrum tip, and fine blackish lip
patches were evident (Perrin et al., 1981).
A third, juvenile, specimen (99/03) was
landed at Apam on 20 July 1999 (its head
was shown as Plate B in Ofori-Danson et
al., 2003). No helminth parasites were found
Clymene dolphin, Stenella clymene
Earliest documented records. Ghanaian
fishermen are most familiar with the
Fig. 3. The Clymene dolphin, Stenella clymene, is
the most frequently landed cetacean in Ghana.
Shown here is a freshly dead specimen, captured
off Winneba.
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
in the cranial sinus system. Since then a total
of 13 cranial specimens has been collected
from bycatches, now archived at UOG (98/
01; 98/02; 98/03; 98/04; 98/05; 98/06; 98/
07; 98/09; 98/11; 99/02; 99/03; 20/09B; 20/
Distribution and natural history. A
sighting in deep oceanic water at 02° 10' N,
02° 30' W, some 160 nm south off Axim
port, equivocally assigned to S. longirostris
(Leatherwood et al., 1976), was recognized
as S. clymene (Perrin et al., 1981; Robineau
et al., 1994). From temporal distribution of
captures, Clymene dolphins appear to be
present year-round in Ghanaian waters.
South of the Gulf, credible sightings were
recently reported from Congo and Angola
(Weir, 2006a, 2007). As expected, the species
is absent from the cool Benguela system off
southwestern Africa (Findlay et al., 1992).
Jefferson (2002), in reviewing the species
(mostly western Atlantic records), found
scant information on its natural history. Of
three animals examined from Apam, two had
forestomachs infested with, respectively,
213 and 40 anisakid nematodes (Debrah,
Conservation status. Based on port
monitoring from 1998–2000, 34.5% of
captured cetaceans were Clymene dolphins,
more than of any other species (OforiDanson et al., 2003). Most catches were
by drift-gillnet fishermen operating out of
Apam and Dixcove. The COREWAMGhana database holds photographic evidence
for at least 35 net-entangled specimens. In
March 2007, concern about the observed
take, which likely underestimates the true
scale of removals in the Gulf, led the CMS
Scientific Council to unanimously endorse
an Appendix II listing proposal for the West
African stock (Van Waerebeek, 2007). CMS
Appendix II lists ‘migratory species which
have an unfavourable conservation status
and which require international agreements
for their conservation and management, as
well as those which have a conservation
status which would significantly benefit from
the international cooperation that could be
achieved by an international agreement’
(Article IV, CMS Convention). See http://
Pantropical spinner dolphin, Stenella
longirostris longirostris (Perrin, 1990)
Earliest documented records. OD
collected the heads of two spinner dolphins
landed at Dixcove, a cranially mature 197cm individual (DOF 20/01; 19 June 2000)
and a 190-cm specimen (DOF 20/038; 26
Oct 2000). Third and fourth specimens were
sampled (DOF 20/028 and DOF 20/004, Fig.
4) at Axim on 8 Nov 2000 and on an
Fig. 4. Pantropical spinner dolphin, Stenella
longirostris longirostris, encountered at Axim in
2000. Diagnostic characters include the very elongated rostrum, dark-tipped dorsally, triangular and
pointed dorsal fin, small flippers and the threepartite patterned body (dark cape, grey lateral
field, white ventral field).
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
indeterminate date in 2000, respectively. The
four skulls are archived at UOG.
Distribution and natural history. Three
other specimens are documented from the
region. These include a specimen from La
Côte d’Ivoire (van Bree, 1971), a skull (CBL
414 mm) from a 188-cm female, archived
at the US National History Museum
(USNM470557) and examined by Van
Waerebeek on 14 May 1999, which
originated from Abidjan, La Côte d’Ivoire,
and another skull from Liberia curated at
the Leiden Natural History Museum
(Broekema, 1983). S. longirostris, typically
wide-ranging oceanic dolphins, are likely to
occur throughout deeper waters of the
eastern tropical Atlantic. Weir (2007)
reported sightings in deep pelagic areas off
Conservation status. The slightly falcate
(nearly triangular on some adults) dorsal fin,
standard tripartite colouration (Fig. 4) and
the large adult body lengths (n=2), which
fall within the 180–215 cm range (Perrin,
1990), suggest the subspecies S. longirostris
longirostris, pending confirmation from
further data. Conservation status is
unknown. Spinner dolphins are only
infrequently captured (3.5% of dolphin
takes) by Ghana’s artisanal fishermen
(Ofori-Danson et al., 2003) which is
consistent with a preferred habitat of deep
waters. Industrial tuna fishing, associated
with dolphins in the tropical eastern Atlantic,
is very ‘unequally’ distributed (Fonteneau &
Marcille, 1993). In fact, the oft proffered
claim that tuna-dolphin associations are rare
in this ocean province and, therefore, tuna
purse-seiners rarely set upon dolphins
(Maigret, 1981, 1994; Fonteneau & Marcille,
1993; Donahue & Edwards, 1996), stands
in sharp contrast with the situation in the
eastern tropical Pacific (e.g. Perrin, 2004)
and is only feebly supported.
Fonteneau & Marcille (1993) warn ‘all
these results are to be considered with care,
from the fact of the restrained number of
observations of sets associated with
dolphins’. Bycatch self-reporting schemes,
even if mandatory, such as logbook schemes,
often result in substantial under-reporting
(Northridge, 1996). Even some observer
schemes with trained onboard technicians
may not be fully independent from the fishing
industry and associated stakeholders. If the
captures by small-scale drift-gillnet boats in
Ghana are any indication, several species
of tuna, billfish and sharks are habitually
taken with dolphins in the same nets (Debrah
2000; Ofori-Danson et al., 2004.
Pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella
Earliest documented records. The first
supported record of S. attenuata in Ghana
was a juvenile specimen examined at the
Apam landing beach in September 1998; the
skull (UOG 98/12) was collected. Since then
the skulls of another 15 captured individuals
(Fig. 5) have been collected, now curated
at UOG (98/10; 99/01; 20/005; 20/007; 20/
008; 20/08B; 20/009; 20/013; 20/014; 20/015;
20/020; 20/025; 20/026; 20/035; 20/037).
Distribution and natural history. In the
wider study region, the pantropical spotted
dolphin has been documented from La Côte
d’Ivoire (Cadenat & Lassarat, 1959b; van
Bree, 1971), Gabon (Fraser, 1950a) and
offshore waters of the eastern tropical
Atlantic (Perrin et al., 1987). An earlier
reference for Ghana (C. W. Oliver, pers.
comm. in Jefferson et al., 1997) is not
supported by voucher data, but Chuck Oliver,
a trained dolphin/tuna observer at the
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
the authors, revealed that they
preyed on herring (Sardinella
sp.), anchovy (Engraulis
encrasicolus), mackerels,
cuttlefish (Sepia sp.) and
juvenile octopus. All stomachs
were very full, suggesting that
the dolphins were netted while
feeding or shortly afterwards.
Conservation status. A
significant percent-age (17.2%)
Fig. 5. A fresh pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata, landed
by Apam fishermen in 1998. Note the brilliant white lips and tip of small cetaceans unloaded in
contrasting with an otherwise dark rostrum, the prominent dark Ghana ports were pantropical
cape dipping low onto sides forward of the dorsal fin, grey lateral spotted dolphins, making it the
and ventral fields (with moderate, white spotting), and smallish second most frequently captured
dark pectoral fins. The gape to flipper stripe is muted in this
species in 1998–2000 (Oforiindividual.
Danson et al., 2003). Spinner and
pantropical spotted dolphins are the main
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La
marine mammal indicator species for the
Jolla, California, is considered a trusted
presence of tuna in the eastern tropical
source (William F. Perrin, pers. comm.). No
Pacific (see annotated review by Perrin,
records exist from the Atlantic coast of
2004). For large-scale tuna fisheries in the
South Africa (Findlay et al., 1992).
eastern Atlantic such associations have not
On 3 March 1946, 3–4 pantropical
yet been the subject of rigorous, independent
spotted dolphins were encountered at 0° 15’
scientific study. Information on levels of
N, 08° 44’ E 35 nm off Pointe Pongara, off
incidental dolphin mortality in these fisheries
the southern shore of the Gabon river estuary
is equally scarce and of questionable
(Fraser, 1950a). One animal, a 2-m adult
male, was captured, necropsied and
morphologically described in great detail and,
Atlantic spotted dolphin, Stenella frontalis
although reported by Fraser (1950ab) as
(G. Cuvier, 1829)
Stenella frontalis, the nomenclature of
Earliest documented records. The
spotted dolphins was not fully established
until the work by Perrin et al. (1987).
earliest authenticated report of an Atlantic
Stomach contents included seven decapod
spotted dolphin in Ghana was a juvenile of
cephalopods, six fish, a fragment of a
175 cm landed at Dixcove on 19 June 2000.
crustacean, lenses of squid and fish, otoliths,
Its skull is curated at UOG (20/01A). A
squid beaks and nematodes. The blubber
second freshly captured specimen was
contained ‘bladder worms’, a common name
photographed (Fig. 6) on the Dixcove landing
for cestode plerocercoids (Fraser, 1950a).
beach on 3 January 2003.
Stomach contents of three pantropical
Distribution and natural history.
spotted dolphins from Ghana, examined by
Stenella frontalis is endemic to the eastern
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Fig. 6. Atlantic spotted dolphin, Stenella frontalis, offered for sale on Dixcove’s landing beach on 3 Jan 2003.
Large black spots on a white ventral field and a sturdy, middle-sized rostrum are characteristic.
and western tropical Atlantic (Perrin et al.,
1987). A 188-cm male and a 200-cm female
were taken off Vridi, La Côte d’Ivoire, on
28 Feb and 7 March 1958, respectively
(Cadenat & Lassarat, 1959; see Fig. 34–37
in Cadenat, 1959). In Benin’s coastal waters,
a group of 10 individuals was sighted,
including heavily spotted adults with stocky
bodies and big dorsal fins, and unspotted
juveniles (Van Waerebeek, 2003). Rice
(1998) included Gabon as range state,
however, without mentioning his source.
Farther south, S. frontalis is reported from
sightings off Angola (Weir, 2008), but the
species avoids the cold Benguela Current
off Namibia and western South Africa
(Findlay et al., 1992).
Conservation status. Historically, two
specimens were captured for research in
La Côte d’Ivoire (Cadenat, 1959). The
largest recorded mortality was attributed to
fisheries in Mauritania; it involved 140
stranded dolphins (37 of 38 positively
identified as S. frontalis) of which at least
125 died (Nieri et al., 1999). In Ghana’s
fishing ports in 1998-2000, Atlantic spotted
dolphins accounted for 5.2% of the small
cetacean bycatch (Ofori-Danson et al.,
2003). Off Angola, Weir (2008) detected
negative responses to seismic surveying in
Atlantic spotted dolphins.
Long-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus
capensis capensis (Jefferson & Van
Waerebeek, 2002)
Earliest documented records. Fishermen
landed two long-beaked common dolphins
of adult size at Dixcove on 18 Oct 1999 (Fig.
7), the species’ first confirmed record for
Ghana. A third specimen was landed at Axim
on 19 June 2000, from which the cranially
mature skull was obtained (DOF 20/010).
Voucher skulls for another three individuals
(DOF 20/02, 20/022, 20/023) were collected
by the authors. Cranial features diagnostic
of D. capensis include a lanceolate- or
pseudo-lanceolate-shaped palate (versus
trapezoid shape in D. delphis; see Van
Waerebeek, 1997) and a high ratio (1.70–
1.83) of rostrum length to zygomatic width
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Fig. 7. Two long-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus capensis, landed alongside a smooth hammerhead shark
and an unidentified billfish (Istiophoridae) at Dixcove, on 18 Oct 1999. Note the harpoon/lance entry
wound at the right side under the dorsal fin of the (lower) dolphin.
(Heyning & Perrin, 1994; Jefferson & Van
Waerebeek, 2002).
Distribution and natural history. Gray
(1828) first recognized that the long-beaked
common dolphins occurring off South
Africa’s Cape Province represented a
species morphologically distinct from the
short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus
delphis L., known from European seas.
After being synonymized with D. delphis
for most of the 20th century (Hershkovitz,
1966; van Bree & Purves, 1972; Mitchell,
1975), D. capensis was resurrected and
redescribed (Heyning & Perrin, 1994;
Jefferson & Van Waerebeek, 2002).
For the Gulf, Cadenat (1959ab) published
external body measurements for 24 common
dolphins (Delphinus delphis) from La Côte
d’Ivoire, examined in 1956–58. Tormosov
et al. (1980) mapped Delphinus in the Bight
of Biafra. A photograph of one specimen
(Plate I, Cadenat, 1959) shows head
colouration pattern and high relative rostrum
length which positively identify it as D.
capensis. At the Zoological Museum of
Amsterdam (ZMA), Van Waerebeek (1997)
re-examined nine West African dolphin
skulls considered D. delphis (van Bree &
Purves, 1972) but assigned only two
specimens to D. delphis, one (ZMA 14.594)
from Mayoumba, Gabon and another (ZMA
15.236) from Angola. Four skulls from
Gabon (ZMA 14.593, 15.523, 15.522,
15.521), two from Angola (ZMA 14.592,
15.235) and one from Congo (ZMA 15.524)
were assigned to D. capensis. Most
common dolphins, occurring within the 200
m isobath shelf in South African waters are
D. capensis (Samaai et al., 2005), but there
have been (unidentified) common dolphin
strandings as far north as Walvis Bay and
an incidental capture at 18° S, confirming
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
their occurrence in Namibia (Findlay et al.,
1992). Two colour morphs have been
identified from strandings (Findlay et al.,
1992), suggesting both Delphinus spp. may
occur there.
Photographs in Rosenbaum & Collins
(2004) of two (p. 34) and six (p. 39) common
dolphins, possibly from a single group, show
a colouration pattern consistent with that of
D. capensis, further supporting its presence
off Gabon. The mention of Delphinus
delphis (Walsh et al., 2000; Rosenbaum &
Collins, 2004) seems to refer to generic
common dolphins. The authors suggest that
D. capensis is widely distributed in coastal
waters of the Gulf of Guinea as well as off
central Africa (Van Waerebeek, 1997).
Conservation status. A deep piercing
dorsal wound in (at least) one of two
specimens at Dixcove (Fig. 7) suggests a
catch by harpooning or lancing. D. capensis
is an avid bowrider and can easily be
targeted (Ofori-Danson et al., 2003). Best
& Ross (1977) estimated the combined
bycatch of common dolphins and dusky
dolphins in purse-seine fisheries for pelagic
fish and maasbankers (whiting) off the west
and southwest coasts of South Africa and
Namibia at 100 animals a year. Common
dolphins were also suspected of being handharpooned on the west coast (Best & Ross,
Fraser’s dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei
Earliest documented records. Weir et
al. (2008) comprehensively reviewed the
species in West Africa. A 140-cm Fraser’s
dolphin calf, landed in Axim on 21 June 2000,
is the earliest validated record for Ghana
(Ofori-Danson et al., 2003). Its skull (20/
002A) was retrieved for the UOG. Another
three bycatch specimens were examined at
Dixcove and Axim during 2000 (Debrah,
2000, Fig. 3 and 4 in Weir et al., 2008).
Distribution and natural history. East
and SE from Ghana, one ‘probable’ sighting
is documented from Nigeria and two
confirmed sightings from Angola (Weir et
al., 2008). To the west, the geographically
closest record is a skull retrieved at Ile de
Sangomar (13° 50' N, 16° 46' W), Senegal
by Van Waerebeek et al. (2000). This
suggests that L. hosei may be widely
distributed in the Gulf of Guinea and the
tropical SE Atlantic Ocean. While South
Africa is a range state, all records have been
from its warm Agulhas-Current-influenced
southeast coast (Ross, 1984; Findlay et al.,
1992). The natural history of Fraser’s dolphin
in West Africa has not been studied.
Conservation status. Of unknown
status, Fraser’s dolphin is only occasionally
taken in Ghana’s artisanal fisheries,
explainable by its preference for deep
offshore waters. The potential of bycatches
by large pelagic or foreign fishing vessels
remains to be assessed.
Rough-toothed dolphin, Steno bredanensis
Earliest documented records. Artisanal
fishermen operating from Apam landed two
rough-toothed dolphins in late summer 1998
(date indeterminate either 29 Aug or 24 Sept
1, 1998). Photographic evidence (archived
in Corewam’s Ghana Cetacean Database)
shows the unmistakable conical tapering
head and the large, pointed flippers. A third
specimen, a juvenile, was offered for sale in
Apam on 17 Oct 1999 (photos see Debrah,
2000, p. 33; Van Waerebeek et al., 1999)
and a fourth, larger individual (Fig. 8) on 27
Jan 2002, all at Apam. (C. W. Oliver, pers.
comm. in Jefferson et al., 1997) reported
two undocumented sightings off Ghana in
1972, which, nonetheless, are considered
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Rough-toothed dolphins plausibly range in
deep waters throughout the eastern tropical
Conservation status. Apparently, the
Vridi specimens (Cadenat, 1959) were taken
for research purposes. In Ghana, roughtoothed dolphins are occasional victims of
gillnet entanglement (3.5% of cetacean
catches). Otherwise, nothing is known on
the species’ status in the eastern tropical
Fig. 8. A rough-toothed dolphin, Steno bredanensis,
landed at Apam on 27 Jan 2002. The long-sloping
head without melon crease, irregular ventral spotting and large flippers are indicative for this deepwater species.
reliable (W. F. Perrin, pers. comm. to Van
Distribution and natural history.
Rough-toothed dolphins are confirmed from
La Côte d’Ivoire by three individuals taken
15–18 nm south of Vridi on 9 May (female),
4 July (male) and 24 Oct (male) 1958
(Cadenat, 1959; Fig. 53, 57–58). The
stomachs of at least two specimens from
Vridi contained squid and, at least, one
included fish remains. Two males of 225 cm
and 235 cm were sexually mature, and a
234-cm female was pregnant with a 70-cm
male foetus (Cadenat, 1959). One animal
was associated with an SST of 23.5 °C. In
May 1999, Van Waerebeek examined a
subadult skull (CBL 500-mm) at the US
National Museum of Natural History
(USNM 0470542) with reported origin
‘Abidjan’. Only one specimen record is
reported from Namibia, at Möwe Bay (19°
20 S, 12° 35’ E) in 1986 (Findlay et al., 1992).
Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus
Earliest documented records. Fanti
fishermen have long been familiar with the
Risso’s dolphin and call it Eko tui (parrot
dolphin). One of the authors (Debrah)
sampled a juvenile male Risso’s dolphin (99/
05) at Apam on 4 Nov 1999. On 16 June
2000, Van Waerebeek and Ofori-Danson
examined another juvenile male (20/00A) of
ca. 2 m length landed at Dixcove (Fig. 9),
together with yellowfin tuna (Thunnus
albacares), skipjack (Euthynnus pelamis)
and indeterminate billfish. Reportedly
entangled in a gillnet, it was possibly killed
after the net was hauled (deep piercing
wound was visible below auditory meatus).
The animal carried no phoronts or
ectoparasites but its head (collected) showed
circular squid sucker scars, suggesting it had
at least attempted to prey on squid. A third
specimen, pictured in Ofori-Danson et al.
(2003), was landed at Axim on 2 Nov 2000.
Distribution and natural history. A
crew chased a small group of Risso’s
dolphins ca. 25 nm off La Côte d’Ivoire on
4 July 1958, in a (failed) harpooning attempt.
Cadenat (1959) pointed to spots and
irregular, white scratches. His figures 65–
66 show the characteristic beakless, rounded
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Fig. 9. Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus, calf at the Dixcove landing beach on 16 Jun 2000. Its flukes had been
severed before landing and it was cut in four pieces and sold on the spot.
head and tall, pointed dorsal fin. The species
almost certainly occurs throughout the Gulf,
but Ghana and La Côte d’Ivoire are the only
confirmed range states. The latter record
was associated with a SST of 23.5 °C
(Cadenat, 1959). However, the eurythermal
G. griseus inhabits tropical to cool-temperate
waters, which is in concordance with its
presence also off Angola (Weir, 2007),
Namibia and South Africa, where it is
associated with the shelf edge and pelagic
waters (Findlay et al.,1992). The
forestomach of one specimen (from Axim,
2 Nov 2000) contained at least six anisakid
Conservation status. Risso’s dolphins
are regularly taken (6.9% of cetacean
catches) in Ghana’s artisanal fisheries. No
other information on status is available.
Melon-headed whale, Peponocephala
Earliest documented records. Photos
taken by G. Assefuah of a 250-cm adult
female (94/03) with a 122-cm calf landed in
Shama in Feb 1994 allowed positive
identification. Two further landings were
recorded at Dixcove: three animals on 22
June 2000 (Fig. 10) and a single specimen
on 18 Jan 2002. The melon-headed whales
could positively be distinguished from the
morphologically similar pygmy killer whale,
Feresa attenuate, by a combination of
diagnostic features: a more triangular head
in dorsal view (versus more rounded in F.
attenuata); a horizontal mouth line (vs
markedly inclined from body axis); sharply
pointed flippers (vs somewhat rounded at
tip) and indications of a face mask pattern.
Distribution and natural history. P.
electra is known in the Gulf solely from
bycatches in Ghana. Geographically,
adjacent records are, to the northwest, a skull
from Guinea-Bissau (van Bree & Cadenat,
1968) and to the south, three sightings off
Angola in deep oceanic waters (Weir, 2007)
plus a stranding at Hout Bay (34° 03' S, 18°
21' E), South Africa (Best & Shaughnessy,
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Fig. 10. Three melon-headed whales, Peponocephala electra, landed at Dixcove on 22 Jun 2000. The markedly
triangular head-shape (in dorsal view), very pointed flippers, a slender tailstock, an indication of a very
short beak (visible in the animal at the forefront) and a higher toothrow count (20–25) distinguishes this
species from the pygmy killer whale.
1981). Nonetheless, P. electra may be
widely distributed in the eastern tropical
Atlantic. Length at birth is reported as ca. 1
m (Jefferson & Barros, 1997), but the ‘122
cm’ calf from Shama showed 4–5 vertical
creases on its flanks, suggestive of foetal
folds as from a recent birth. Uncertainty
exists though, whether standard length had
been taken or body length had been
overestimated, by measuring over the body
curvature. The Shama female showed
swollen mammary slits consistent with
lactation, hence it seemed safe to conclude
that a mother/calf pair was involved. Female
sexual maturity is reached, on average, at
235 cm (Jefferson & Barros, 1997), but this
does not account for possible geographic
Conservation status. Melon-headed
whales are accidentally netted with some
regularity in Ghana waters. No other
information is available on its status in the
Pygmy killer whale, Feresa attenuata
Earliest documented records. An adultsized pygmy killer whale (Fig. 11) was landed
at Dixcove on 31 Dec 2007 and was
photographed by fisheries observer, Amiah
Distribution and natural history.
Pygmy killer whales have not been
documented before in the Gulf of Guinea.
Records to the south are from Annobon
Island (01° 24.2' S, 05° 36.8' E), attributed
by Jefferson et al. (1997) to Tormosov et
al. (1980). However, as the reference is
unlisted, it was not possible to verify whether
it is substantiated. Off southwestern Africa,
pygmy killer whales have stranded in Cape
Town and as far north as 23° S, Namibia
(Best, 1970; Findlay et al., 1992). Best
(1970) documented in great detail four
animals stranded at Lüderitz Lagoon, but
little other information is published.
Conservation. Pygmy killer whales are
only rarely taken by Ghana’s artisanal
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Fig. 11. This adult-sized pygmy killer whale, Feresa attenuata, landed at Dixcove beach on 31 Dec 2007 is the
first authenticated record for the Gulf of Guinea. A low count of large, conical teeth and somewhat rounded
flipper tips (visible here) sets this species apart from the morphologically similar melon-headed whale.
Short-finned pilot whale, Globicephala
Earliest documented records. In March
1994, two short-finned pilot whales including
a calf were photographed by fisheries
officer, D. Vanderpuje, on the landing beach
of Shama. Next, a large adult with a
pronounced squarish head, very bulbous
melon and a huge dorsal fin, was pulled
ashore by Axim fishermen on 2 May 1995.
Most captured pilot whales are too big to
haul onboard artisanal fishing boats and are
usually towed to port. At Dixcove, a subadult
specimen was sold on 16 June 2000 and an
adult with a calf on 16 March 2002 (Fig.
Distribution and natural history. To the
west, G. macrorhynchus is reported from
La Côte d’Ivoire waters, authenticated by
photographs (figures. 67–68, in Cadenat,
1959). A 312-cm sexually immature female
(the smallest individual from a large group)
was taken some 8 nm south of Vridi, on 16
May 1958. Its stomach contained remains
of unidentified squid and fish. Other cursory
reports relate to unidentified pilot whales in
the region. ‘Globicéphales’ were sighted off
Abidjan in Dec 1957 and April and May
1958, but details are lacking (Cadenat, 1959).
Pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus? from near Cap Lopez, Gabon
(J. Rouzaud, pers. comm. in Walsh et al.,
2000) also cannot be verified. All six
specimens examined occurred between
March–June. Fraser (1950ab) first
summarized the morphology of G.
macrorhynchus in NW Africa. Distribution
boundaries to the south and southeast are
unclear. On South Africa’s Atlantic coast
the cool-water-adapted long-finned pilot
whale, G. melas edwardii, are found but no
short-finned pilot whales have been recorded
(van Bree et al., 1978; Findlay et al., 1992).
Conservation status. The Vridi specimen
was harpooned for research purposes
(Cadenat, 1959). Short-finned pilot whales
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Fig. 12. A calf and an adult short-finned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus, hauled out at the Dixcove
landing beach on 16 Mar 2002.
are irregular bycatch victims (3.5% of
cetacean catches, Ofori-Danson et al.,
2003) in drift gillnets off Ghana and are sold
for food. A significant conservation problem
exists around the Canary Islands. Off
Tenerife, damaged dorsal fins and backs,
with deep wounds inflicted by small boat
propellers, are very common, apparently the
result of the carelessness of whalewatchers. In 1990 almost 10% of shortfinned pilot whales were injured by boating
(Heimlich-Boran, 1990; Carwardine, 1994;
Van Waerebeek et al., 2007).
Killer whale, Orcinus orca
Earliest documented record. The skull
(without catalogue number) of an adult killer
whale is held at the Zoology Department,
UOG (Fig. 13). According to the curator it
has been in the collection for many years,
and was collected at an unknown location
in Ghana, possibly in 1956. Teeth and
corresponding alveoli are oval in crosssection (diagnostic) versus circular as in
Pseudorca crassidens.
Fig. 13. Skull of a killer whale, Orcinus orca, from an
unspecified location in Ghana, curated (without
catalogue number) at the University of Ghana,
Legon. In dorsal view, the concave lateral borderline of the premaxillaries allows a quick differentiation from the straight and parallel premaxillaries
in Pseudorca crassidens. In ventral view, teeth
and alveoli are diagnostic.
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Distribution and natural history. M.A.
Lassarat harpooned a killer whale of
unreported size some 15–20 nm south of
Abidjan, La Côte d’Ivoire, in late June 1958,
but the animal sank before it could be
retrieved. Cadenat (1959) claimed that killer
whales are regularly present in the region.
Given that the species’ external features are
unmistakable, even unauthenticated records
may be considered credible. Observers on
industrial tuna purse-seiners reported a few
sightings off the coast of Liberia, La Côte
d’Ivoire and Ghana (records 1–5, Fig. 1 in
Hammond & Lockyer, 1988). Several
authors (Reeves & Mitchell, 1988; C. W.
Oliver, pers. comm. to Jefferson et al.,
1997) have reported killer whales from
Gabon. A photograph taken nearshore (p.
38 in Rosenbaum & Collins, 2004) clearly
shows a medium-sized, horizontally oriented
eye-patch and no cape, which agrees with
the A-type (O. orca) killer whale of
worldwide distribution, and a propensity for
a marine mammal diet (Pitman & Ensor,
2003). The presence of humpback whales
with calves in many areas of the Gulf may
attract killer whales which are known to
prey upon them (e.g. Whitehead & Glass,
1985). Recent killer whale sightings in Gabon
(Rosenbaum & Collins, 2004) coincide
temporarily with the population of humpback
whale breeding season. However, killer
whales may be present year-round.
Conservation status. The only killer
whale, reported taken in the Gulf, was off
Abidjan in 1958 (Cadenat, 1959). No
captures are on record in Ghana but the skull
kept at UOG is possibly derived from a
(by)catch. No conservation problems have
been identified.
False killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens
Earliest documented records. Three
false killer whales were landed as bycatch
at Apam, i.e. two adults on an unspecified
date in 2003 (Fig. 14) and a 197-cm juvenile
(photo archived) on 24 Sept 2003. The
species’ presence in Ghana is here
documented for the first time.
Fig. 14. Two false killer whales, Pseudorca crassidens, landed at Apam in 2003. Combined, the rounded head,
almost entirely black colouration, curved flipper shape and the dorsal fin positioned slightly behind midback are diagnostic.
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Distribution and natural history. A
skull, kept at the Zoological Museum,
Amsterdam, was collected from a false killer
whale stranded near Assini (05° 07’25" N,
03° 06’40" W), La Côte d’Ivoire, in March
1970 (van Bree, 1972). An animal livestranded at Cap Esterias (00° 37’ N, 09°
29’ E), northern Gabon, on 29 July 1992, was
supported by photos and a description (Van
Waerebeek & De Smet 1996). Van
Waerebeek examined the mummified head
(tooth counts: UL8, UR8, LL 10, LR10) of
an adult false killer whale from Benin at the
Direction des Pêches in Cotonou (Van
Waerebeek et al., 2001; Tchibozo & Van
Waerebeek, 2007). It had no associated data
other than its Benin origin. Mörzer Bruyns
(1969) described a group of 30 off Liberia
at 04° 48’ N,11° 24’ W, in water of 28.0 °C
SST on 8 Nov 1961. However, no photos
were presented. Nine sightings from Angola
in 8 months of the year were all located over
deep-water areas seaward of 1467 m (Weir,
2007), in accordance with the species’ usual
habitat. Findlay et al. (1992) reported a mass
stranding near Lüderitz, Namibia.
Conservation status. The conservation
status of P. crassidens in the Gulf is
unknown. In Ghana, the species is
infrequently captured in drift gillnets. A false
killer whale at Cap Esterias, Gabon, stranded
again after re-floating and locals then
butchered it for food (Van Waerebeek &
De Smet, 1996).
Cuvier’s beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris
Earliest documented record. A freshly
captured, 3.2-m Cuvier’s beaked whale of
indeterminate sex was photographed by
D.Vanderpuje at Axim landing beach in May
1994. The juvenile animal (based on its size)
had no erupted teeth. Vanderpuje’s
photographs clearly illustrate the
characteristic ‘goosebeak’ shape of the
rostrum (Fig. 15). Tormosov et al. (1980)
Fig. 15. A juvenile Cuvier’s beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris, landed at Axim in May 1994, the first record of
a beaked whale in the Gulf of Guinea. Note the very short beak, the steeply sloped head, robust body and
the dorsal fin located at 2/3 distance posteriorly. (Photo courtesy D. Vanderpuje).
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
mapped a Ziphius symbol slightly west of
the Greenwich Meridian, just north of the
Equator for a sighting in 1976–78 but did
not provide any authentication. Therefore,
the Axim specimen is the first validated
record of Z. cavirostris, and of a beaked
whale, for Ghana and the Gulf of Guinea.
Distribution and natural history.
Cuvier’s beaked whale is a cosmopolitan
pelagic species in tropical to warm
temperate waters. Weir (2006b) described
a group of three Cuvier’s beaked whales
southwest of Luanda, Angola, at 07° 15.84’
S, 11° 07.79’ E, and reported a group of 3-4
‘likely Cuvier’s beaked whales’ NW of
Luanda. Four other beaked whale sightings
off Angola were not identified, but Z.
cavirostris was possible in three cases, the
fourth was a Mesoplodon sp. All encounters
were over deep water seaward of the
continental shelf (Weir, 2006b). Three
stranded Cuvier’s beaked whales are known
from Namibia (21°-23° S) and another two
from the Atlantic coast of South Africa
(Findlay et al., 1992; Ross & Tietz, 1972).
Conservation status. No information is
available for West Africa. Worldwide, Z.
cavirostris is characterized by a high degree
of isolation and low maternal gene flow
among oceanic populations (Dalebout et al.,
2005). The single known capture of a
Cuvier’s beaked whale in Ghana among
hundreds of other small cetaceans (Debrah,
2000; Ofori-Danson et al., 2003) suggests
that impact from bycatch is negligible.
Dwarf sperm whale, Kogia sima
Earliest documented record. Apam
fishermen brought ashore a 120-cm dwarf
sperm whale calf on 23 Aug 1998 (Fig. 16),
the first evidence of this species for Ghana
and the Gulf. One of the authors, Debrah,
collected the skull for the UOG collection.
Despite physical immaturity of the specimen,
cranial characteristics including tooth counts
(LL9, LR9, UL5, UR5) firmly identify it as
K. sima, the only Kogia species that may
bear teeth in the upper jaw (Caldwell &
Caldwell, 1989). In addition, the closely
related pygmy sperm whale, K. breviceps,
has more teeth (10–16 pairs) in the lower
Fig. 16. A dwarf sperm whale, Kogia sima, landed as bycatch at Apam in 1998.
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
Distribution and natural history. Two
unidentified Kogia sp. were photographed
by fisheries observers, one at Shama in
March 1994 and another at Apam on 10 April
2003. Unfortunately, ventral views do not
allow species-level identification. No
sightings exist for the Gulf. K. sima in South
Africa is limited to the South Coast between
Cape Columbine and about 28° E. Stranded
specimens of K. breviceps are recorded
north to at least Cape Cross, Namibia, at
22° S (Ross, 1984; Ross et al., 1985; Findlay
et al., 1992). Maigret & Robineau (1981)
reviewed the genus Kogia in Senegal and
other countries in West Africa in some detail.
Conservation status. Although all three
kogiid specimens validated for Ghana, one
K. sima and two Kogia sp., were captured
in drift gillnets, and potential impact of
fisheries cannot yet be evaluated. The
entanglement rate for kogiids seems low, but
populations could also be small.
Sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus
Earliest documented record. A sperm
whale of some 7–9 m length (estimated from
relative size of humans in photo) stranded
at Osu beach, Accra, in July 1994 (Fig. 17).
The cause of death was unknown and the
only voucher data are three photographs. A
second sperm whale, a decomposed sharkdamaged carcass, stranded at Dixcove at
an indeterminate date in 2002, is also
supported by photographs. Both whales
were of unknown sex.
Distribution and natural history. Little
scientific information is available for the Gulf
of Guinea; however, females and juveniles
are thought to be present year-round beyond
Fig. 17. A sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, stranded at Accra in Jul 1997 is the focus of a customary
burial ceremony performed by local fishermen. Several (but not all) coastal communities in Ghana, Togo and
Benin traditionally venerate whales and other cetaceans.
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
the continental shelf. In Gabon, sperm
whales were hunted from August till October
(Slijper et al., 1964). Off Angola, their
density peaked between January and May.
Weir (2007) sighted sperm whales
exclusively seaward of the shelf break and
found them clustered particularly to the west
of the Congo river mouth. Detailed natural
history information is available only for
sperm whales off the southwest coast of
South Africa (e.g. Best 1967, 1969, 1970).
Conservation status. Sperm whales are
‘vulnerable’ according to the 2008 IUCN
Red List and are listed in Appendix I of CMS.
Long-line fishermen targeting tuna and
sharks in equatorial waters of the Gulf, and
farther south, complain about regular
predation of hooked fish by sperm whales
(Commandant Cosme Dossou, Port
Maritime de Cotonou, Bénin, pers. comm.
to Van Waerebeek, 24 August 2007).
Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Earliest documented records. Irvine
(1947) recorded seeing a whale which
looked like a humpback whale at Prampram
in September 1938; however, the species
was not authenticated until Van Waerebeek
& Ofori-Danson (1999) presented a photo
of a neonate (Fig. 18) stranded at Ada (05°
48.5’ N, 00°38' E) in Sept 1997, photographed by a Ghana Wildlife Department
officer. The emaciated calf showed no
external trauma, and must have been either
ill or unable to suckle. Another neonate
stranded in Lomé, Togo, near the eastern
border of Ghana, on 22 Aug 2005 (Tchibozo
& Van Waerebeek, 2007). The neonates,
both very fresh (condition 2) when
photographed, may have stranded alive. It
is unknown whether the carcasses were
Fig. 18. An emaciated neonate humpback whale stranded at Ada, eastern Ghana, in Sept 1997. Photographed
when freshly dead, it is unclear whether the animal died on the beach. Ghana’s coast forms part of the
distribution range of a ‘Gulf of Guinea’ breeding stock, whose calving seasonality and exclusive presence in
austral winter months firmly points toward a Southern Hemisphere population.
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
utilized by locals. An adult-sized (estimated
12 m) humpback whale stranded at Ada
Foah (05° 46’ 33.15" N, 0° 36’ 58.86" E) on
18 Oct 2006 (Phillip Allman, pers. comm. to
Van Waerebeek, email 28.08.2008).
Allman’s photographs show a condition-3
carcass. A humpback whale was sighted
from Fort Iron Cross, Dixcove, breaching
repeatedly at ca. 1 km from shore on 24
Sept 2008. The curator had seen several
humpback whales ‘much closer inshore’ the
day before (23 September), and added he
very commonly observed humpback whales
from September till December but not in
other months, since 1978.
Distribution and natural history.
Rasmussen et al. (2007) encountered
several humpback whale pods (fluke photoID taken for two individuals) including a
mother and possible newborn calf in
Ghanaian waters between 04°02.676' N,
01° 56.015' W and 04° 54.402' N, 00° 35.895'
W on 1 and 2 Oct 2006. Considering the
exclusive presence of humpback whales
from early August till late November, and
the frequent observations of neonates and
‘competitive groups’ (Clapham, 2002), it is
evident that the continental shelf of Benin,
Togo, Ghana, and western Nigeria hosts a
breeding/calving population with a Southern
Hemisphere seasonality (Van Waerebeek et
al., 2001) for which the authors propose the
name ‘Gulf of Guinea stock’. Its parapatric
distribution suggests it may be related to the
IWC-defined breeding stock ‘B’ from
central-west Africa (IWC, 1998, 2006).
Mother/calf pairs have been sighted
exclusively nearshore in Benin, sometimes
just beyond the surf-zone. The westernmost
authenticated record is a stranding at Assini
Mafia (05° 7’25" N, 03° 16’40" W), eastern
La Côte d’Ivoire, on 26 Aug 2007 (Van
Waerebeek et al., 2007).
For many years, small-scale humpback
whale-watching operations have been
conducted seasonally from the ports of
Sekondi-Takoradi, Lomé and Cotonou,
evidencing commercially viable encounter
rates (Van Waerebeek et al., 2001). Tim
Dodman (pers. comm. in email to Van
Waerebeek, 6 Oct 2005) sighted an adult
with calf off the east coast of São Tomé on
14 Sept 2005, and Bill Axon, master of the
MV Pacific Banner, reported (email to
Nicola Hodgins, 2 Aug 2008) hourly sightings
of pods of 2–3 adult whales, occasionally
adults with ‘juveniles’ (probably calves) near
the Okume & Ceiba oil field, at 01° 24.3’ N,
09° 14.0’ E, Equatorial Guinea. Descriptions
and a sketch confirmed that these were
humpback whales. The breeding stock off
Gabon is the subject of intensive molecular
genetic and ecological studies (e.g. Walsh
et al., 2000; Rosenbaum et al., 2004;
Rosenbaum & Collins, 2004).
Conservation status. No abundance
estimate is available yet for the Bight of
Benin population but encounter rate in
October 2000 was 0.109 humpback whales/
nmile surveyed (Van Waerebeek et al.,
2001). The reported neonates stranded in
unknown circumstances and both natural
and anthropogenic causes are possible. At
least some (adult) humpback whale
strandings in the area are thought to be
animals killed in vessel collisions, which may
be far more common in African waters than
scarce reports suggest (Félix & Van
Waerebeek, 2005; Van Waerebeek et al.,
2007; Best, 2007). For instance, the
humpback whales sighted less than 1 km
off Cotonou’s harbour entrance in the main
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
shipping lanes incurred obvious risk. The
individual that stranded at Assini Mafia was
reported with external trauma consistent with
a propeller hit (Van Waerebeek et al., 2007).
Results and discussion
Specimen evidence derived from fisheries
interactions and strandings, and a few
sightings presented in this paper show that
the cetacean fauna of Ghana is moderately
diverse, essentially tropical and comprises
predominantly pelagic but also some neritic
elements. Ghana’s cetacean faunistic list
includes 17 species and five families, of which
are 13 Delphinidae, and one each of
Ziphiidae, Physeteridae, Kogiidae and
Balaenopteridae. While several had been
named for Ghana in various reports in recent
years, nine species are here authenticated
for the first time, including three
(Peponocephala electra, Kogia sima,
Ziphius cavirostris), which have not
previously been reported from the Gulf of
Guinea. Continued port monitoring and,
hopefully, boat surveys should reveal
additional species in the future.
Some authors (Perrin et al., 1994;
Jefferson et al., 1997) referred to Wilson et
al. (1987) for a striped dolphin, Stenella
coeruleoalba, record from La Côte d’Ivoire
but no voucher material is identifiable.
However, striped dolphin sightings are not
uncommon over deep water off Angola
(Weir, 2007), and this delphinid may be
present in the Gulf beyond the shelf zone.
Gervais’ beaked whale, Mesoplodon
europaeus, has been documented from
Ascension to the south and Guinea-Bissau
to the west (Rice, 1998). Pantropical
cetaceans like the pygmy sperm whale,
Kogia breviceps, and Blainville’s beaked
whale, Mesoplodon densirostris, are
expected to at least occasionally enter
Ghana’s EEZ waters. These species have
a general pelagic distribution which would
effectively shield them from entanglement
in artisanal gillnets set in more coastal
waters. Bryde’s whales, Balaenoptera
brydei, originally described from South
Africa (Olsen, 1913), were taken as far
north as Gabon (Ruud, 1952).
Regular landings in several ports of S.
clymene, S. attenuata, T. truncatus and,
to a lesser degree, G. griseus, S. frontalis,
S. bredanensis, G. macrorhynchus and P.
electra suggest that these delphinids are
fairly common in Ghana’s waters, although
any quantitative indication of population
abundance is lacking. Rarely captured
species may have lower abundance, at least
near the continental shelf and slope, or may
be more wary of nets. Landed cetaceans
as a rule are utilized as ‘marine bushmeat‘
(Clapham & Van Waerebeek, 2007), defined
as meat and other edible parts derived from
wild-caught marine mammals, sea turtles and
seabirds. Debrah (2000) and Ofori-Danson
et al. (2003) discussed aspects of dolphin
exploitation in Ghana for the period 19982000.
Remarkably, Sousa teuszii has so far not
been recorded in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria
or La Côte d’Ivoire (Debrah, 2000, OforiDanson et al., 2003, Van Waerebeek et al.,
2004, Perrin & Van Waerebeek, 2007)
despite apparently suitable coastal habitat.
Also, since the holotype was collected in the
port of Douala (Kükenthal, 1892), not a
single new record has emerged from
Cameroon. Possible explanations may
include local extirpation through intense
pressure from coastal fisheries (bycatch),
West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
disturbance and other habitat encroachment,
or insufficient research effort. Unconfirmed
fishermen’s reports that humpback dolphins
are occasionally seen between the Volta
River delta (eastern Ghana) and Lomé,
Togo, should be verified. In recent years
Atlantic humpback dolphins have been
encountered with some regularity in Gabon
(Schepers & Marteijn, 1993; Collins et al.,
2004; Van Waerebeek et al., 2004).
The occurrence of D. capensis in Ghana
(this paper), La Côte d’Ivoire (Cadenat,
1959) and Gabon (Van Waerebeek, 1997)
points to a wide distribution in the Gulf. In
the eastern Pacific, D. capensis occupies
the coastal upwelling systems of the cool
Humboldt and California Currents as its core
habitat, whereas D. delphis is distributed in
more pelagic waters (e.g. Heyning & Perrin,
1994; Van Waerebeek et al., 1994; Sanino
et al., 2003). This raises the question
whether in the Gulf of Guinea D. capensis
may partly relate to the seasonal upwelling
over the continental shelf (Adamec &
O’Brien, 1978). The listing of D. delphis in
Ofori-Danson et al. (2003, Table 2) was
premature, but the species may be present
offshore. The skull of a confirmed D.
delphis was collected at Gabon’s port
Mayoumba (van Bree & Purves, 1972; Van
Waerebeek, 1997), presumably from a
The present checklist underscores the
fact that knowledge of the distribution,
natural history, population structure and
ecology of dolphins and whales in Ghana
and the Gulf of Guinea, while advancing, is
still rudimentary. Considering the current
availability of fresh carcasses of small
cetaceans in Ghana’s fishing ports, a more
exhaustive research and sampling
programme could vastly improve the state
of knowledge over a relatively short period
but would require the supply of adequate
resources to train local scientists in
appropriate institutions.
P. Allman, B. Axon, T. Dodman, N. Eriksen,
C. Gordon, J. G. Mead, Ofori-Adu, C. Potter,
M.H. Rasmussen and D. Vanderpuje are
warmly thanked for access to unpublished
photographs, records or specimens in their
care. The authors are very grateful to Ghana
fisheries observers, Samuel Botwe, Samuel
Ebo, Samuel Kojo Odoom, Benjamin K.
Otoo, and, in particular, to E. Amiah Johnson,
for their hard work and dedication. They are
much indebted to W.F. Perrin for critically
reading an earlier draft and providing
excellent remarks. Data were generated
through various projects over several years
(1998-2003) and field work was supported
by a number of organisations: CMS/UNEP
(WAFCET-3 Project), International Fund for
Animal Welfare, Leopold III Fonds voor
Natuuronderzoek en Natuurbehoud, Marine
Education and Research, Whale and Dolphin
Conservation Society, WWF-International,
Colombus Zoological Park Association and
Chicago Zoological Society.
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West African Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 15, 2009
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