The Influence of Music on Driver Stress1
LaMar.I'h Cel1lrefiJr Research on r'7o/enceand CO'!(licl Resolulion
t()rk Universily
Norlh }ork. Ol1lario. Canada
Bl!{faloSlaleCollege(!f'lheSlale UniversilyofNel\' }C)rk
LaMarsh Cel1lreforResearch on Violence and Co'!(licl Resolulion
York Universily
Norlh York. Onlario. Canada
In order to examine the etlicacy of music in dealing with daily stressors, automobile drivers were randomly assigned to either a music or nonmusic group. The music group listened to their favorite music, while the nonmusic group abstained from aQYmusic or talk
radio during their entire commute to or from school or work. Using a cellular telephone,
state measuresof driver stress were obtained during a single commute in low- and highcongestion conditions. A Condition x Music Group interaction was found. Driver stress
was greater in high congestion than in low congestion, but the nonmusic group demonstrated extreme levels of stress within high congestion. Listening to self-selected music
appeared to limit driver stress only within highly frustrating and irritating tramc congestion.
as a Source of Stress
Automobile driving is an event that is often interpreted as stressful (Gulian;
Matthews, Glendon, & Davies, 1989;Hennessy & Wiesenthal, 1997).Within any
IThis manuscript is basedon researchconducted by Dwight Hennessy in partial fulfillment ofth~
master's degree requirements of York University and supervised by David Wiesenthal. The author$
thank Clary Lay and Mike Ziegler who served on the thesis committee, as well as Bob Lambie and
Torry Hoff for their assistance. Pilot research was assisted by the donation of cellular telephones b~
Motorola Canada and cellular airtime by Bell Mobility Canada.This researchwas partially supporteq
by a grant from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. Opinions expressed in this report are thos~
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Ministry.
2Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to David L. Wiesenthal, LaMarsh
Centre for Research on Violence and Conflict Resolution, 217E York Lanes, York University, 4700
Keele Street, North York, Ontario M3J I P3, Canada.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2000, 30, 8, pp. 1709-1719.
Copyright @ 2000 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved.
driving encounter, there is a multitude of stimuli that may be perceived as undesirable or demanding, such as bad weather, time pressures, or slow-moving
vehicles. According to Broome (1985), stress typically occurs when goals (e.g.,
getting to work on time or traveling at a desired pace) are blocked. Most regular
commuters report facing numerous frustrations or irritations that lead to driver
stress (Gulian, Matthews, et aI., 1989; Novaco, Stokols, & Milanesi, 1990). One
of the most salient sources of driver stress that has been identified is traffic congestion (Gulian, Matthews, et aI., 1989; Novaco, Stokols, Campbell, & Stokols.
1979). Drivers interviewed in actual traffic conditions report greater driver stress
in high than in low congestion, with drivers predisposed to stress reacting most
negatively in congested conditions (Hennessy & Wiesenthal, 1997). Within high
congestion, increased traffic volume forces a slower travel pace and creates the
potential for negative interpretations of the situation. If the number of automobiles using the road system, in the absence of additional highway construction,
continues to increase, driver stress levels are destined to escalate (Taylor, 1997).
Indications of psychological and physiologicalstress, such as increased blood
pressure and heart rate (Novaco et aI., 1979; Stokols, Novaco, Stokols, &
Campbell, 1978),negative mood (Gulian, Debney,Glendon, Davies,& Matthews,
1989),emotional arousal (Hennessy& Wiesenthal, 1997),and poor general health
(Hartley & EI Hassani, 1994),have been observedwithin undesirabledriving conditions. Traffic accidents have also been found to increase under conditions of
driver stress (Selzer & Vinokur, 1974). Other consequences include increased
aggression (Hennessy & Wiesenthal, 1999) and poor concentration (Matthews,
Dom, & Glendon, 1991),which have been linked independentlywith further accident and violation probability (Hansen, 1988;Hartley & EI Hassani, 1994; Mihal
& Barrett, 1976; Roy & Choudhary, 1985; Shinar, 1978). The danger of driver
stress is amplified by the fact that it interacts within other life settings (Novaco
et aI., 1990) to produce a syndrome of negative outcomes. Stress experienced
while driving has been found to influence subsequent affect, health, and behavior
at work and home (Gulian, Debney,et aI., 1989).
Music and Stress
Music therapy has been found to be an effective tool in controlling psychological stress through a variety of psychological and physiological processes,
such as reductions in tension (Holland, 1995); arousal (Takeshi & Nakamura,
1991); anxiety (Hammer, 1996; Parente, 1989); negative affect (Hanser &
Thompson, 1994); and blood pressure, heart rate, and skin conductance
(Aldridge, 1993;Allen & Blascovich, 1994);and an increase in immune response
(Bartlett, Kaufman, & Smeltekop, 1993). Music may also increase performance
and perceptions of situational control (Anderson, Baron, & Logan, 1991;
Stevens, 1990). According to Allen and Blascovich (\ 994), surgeons who
listened to self-selected music while operating experienced a reduction in both
blood pressure and pulse rate and, as a result, performed more effectively under
the stressful conditions of surgery. Similarly, dental patients who listened to
music while undergoing treatment rated control over their treatment as higher
and displayed less pain and stress, which, in turn, facilitated furtl1er stress
reduction in the specialist, who performed a more technically correct procedure
(Anderson et aI., 1991). The utility of music as a stress-reduction tool is
heightened by the fact that it is very simple to implement, inexpensive, and typically requires little to no training (Avants,Margolin, & Salovey, 1991).
One mechanism through which music facilitates coping is as a distraction
from stressful stimuli. Music has been found to briefly distract patients from the
experience of pain and stress (McCaffery, 1990; Wostratzky, Braun~ & Roth,
1988). According to Hoyos (1988), attention capacity is a limited cognitive
resource, divisible among multiple tasks. As the number of demands for attention
increases, the amount of resources available to any single source is decreased.
Music acts as a distracter in that it assumes a portion of cognitive or attentional
resources that might otherwise be directed toward a stressful situation (Baron,
1986). As a result, the salience of the experienced stressor is reduced. However,
under conditions of extreme demand or multiple stressors, cognitive overload
(Milgram, 1970) can occur, where demands exceed cognitive resources, resulting
in elevated stress (Wildevanck, MaIder, & Michon, 1978). Under conditions of
overload, participants have been found to focus attention on the most salient
demands and to ignore more peripheral requirements, such as music (Baron,
Music also acts to facilitate relaxation, which relieves psychological and
physiological arousal (Kroener, Diergarten, Diergarten, & Seeger, 1988). Those
individuals listening to music have been found to report greater levels of relaxation during exposure to the stressors of both social density and excessive noise
(Kroener et aI., 1988; Stratton, 1992). Anderson et al. (1991) have also found
increased relaxation and decreased stress among dental patients exposed to music
during their procedures. Corah, Gale, Pace, and Seyrek (198 I) provide contrary
evidence that relaxed patients failed to display decreased stress when Iistening to
music because of the possible operation of a floor effect for relaxation level.
McCaffery (1990) found that both fast-tempo music (believed to increase physiological activity) and soft, relaxation music were equally effective in reducing
stress. Allen and Blascovich (1994) found that fast-tempo music may only
relieve stress when it is the individual's preferred musical taste. According to
Stratton and Zalanowski (1984), ratings of relaxation are positively related to ratings of liking for musical selections. The option of permitting participants to
choose the music they listen to may provide a heightened sense of perceived control in the presence of an uncontrollable stress agent, thereby strengthening the
positive influence of music on stress (Anderson et aI., 1991).
Despite a lack of agreement as to the exact mechanisms responsible for the
influence of music on stress, it has been establishedthat music can alleviate stress.
However, most research has been concentrated within a medical environment,
where patients experience stressful medical conditions or stressful treatments.
Comparatively less emphasis has been placed on the stress-reducingproperties of
music within common everyday situations,such as automobile driving. Similarly,
there has been little comparison of the influence of music between situations of
varying degrees of stressfulness, such as low- and high-congestion conditions.
According to Hennessy (1995), listening to music is one behavior that is often
used by drivers to deal with demanding traffic conditions. It is predicted that
greater stress will be reported in high than in low traffic congestion, and that participants who listen to music while driving will report decreased stress, particularly in high congestion, compared to those who do not listen to music.
The voluntary participants were 40 York University students and members of
the North York business community. All of the participants traveled to or from
school or work along Highway 401 in metropolitan Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Half of the participants were males and half were females; their ages ranged from
21 to 50 years of age, with an average age of 26.2 years.
Nokia cellular telephones (model number LX 12/C IS) were equipped with a
cigarette-lighter power adapter for continuous in-automobile power access and a
stationary antenna. A visor-mounted microphone provided hands-free capability.
Dialing was automatically performed at the push of one button.
Measures of Driver Stress
The State Driver Stress Inventory (Hennessy & Wiesenthal, 1997) wasdeveloped to assess the situation-specific experience of driver stress, using a variation
of the Driving Behavior Inventory-General Driver Stress questionnaire (Gulian,
Matthews, et aI., 1989) and the Stress Arousal Checklist (Mackay, Cox, Burro\:Vs,
& Lazzerini, 1978). The Driving Behavior Inventory-General (DBI-Gen) scale
has been developed as a valid assessment of a general disposition, or trait susceptibility, to driver stress (Matthews et aI., 1991). The DBI-Gen consists of 16
items such as, "When I get irritated I drive aggressively," "Trying but failing to
overtake frustrates me," or "I get annoyed by driving behind other vehicles." The
DBI-Gen has been found to be a robust and reliable self-report measure of driver
stress (Glendon et aI., 1993). For the purpose of the present study,three items that
did not pertain to highway driving were eliminated ("Annoyed when traffic lights
change to red when 1 approach them," "I am more tense on new than familiar
roads," and "I feel bothered when overtaking at a junction"). Two additional
items were eliminated because pilot-study participants had difficulty understanding the key concepts ("Driving gives me a sense of power," and "I do not feel
indifferent when overtaking other vehicles"). All items were also reworded to
represent state rather than trait measures of stress; for example, "TryiIlg but failing to overtake is frustrating me," rather than "Trying but failing to overtake
frustrates me." The scoring system was also changed from a 7- point scale to a
IOO-pointscale to facilitate its administration to the driver in the automobile
while in traffic. Previous research has found the DBI-Gen to maintain its stresspredictive properties under such revisions (Hennessy & Wiesenthal, 1997).
In addition 10 items from the Stress Arousal Checklist (Mackay et aI., 1978)
were included with the II DBI-Gen items. Half of the Stress Arousal Checklist
items were positive mood items (relaxed, contented, peaceful, comfortable, and
calm) and the other half were negative mood items (tense, bothered, nervous,
uneasy, and distressed). Stress arousal items were also reworded to represent a
state measure of stress; for example, "I am feeling tense," rather than simply
"Tense." Responses were placed on a Likert-type scale ranging from a (strongly
disagree) to 100 (strongly agree), indicating the extent to which participants
agreed that each item pertained to their experience in the present driving situation. A manipulation check was added to determine if low- and high-traffic congestion conditions were, in fact, perceived as distinct ("Traffic conditions are
congested"). Finally, three items were used to tap time urgency ("I am in a
hurry," "I am concerned about getting to my destination on time," and the
reverse-keyed item "I have a flexible time schedule") since it has been found to
covary with driver stress (Hennessy, 1995).Previous research has found the State
Driver Stress Inventory to demonstrate high reliability in both low-congestion
(a = .92 to .97) and high-congestion (a = .90 to .95) conditions (Hennessy, 1998;
Hennessy & Wiesenthal, 1997, 1999).
The present study was designed to measure driver stress in actual low- and
high-congested conditions, through the use of cellular telephones. Research participants were enlisted through course recruitment and personal contact. During
an initial appointment, informed consent was obtained, and instructions regarding the experimental procedure and cellular-telephone operation were given.
Participants then provided information regarding their regular travel route along
Highway 40], since all measures were administered during their usual daily commute. Highway 40] was chosen because it is the major traffic artery for metropolitan Toronto, with as many as 14 lanes divided into a series of express (core)
and collector lanes. The average annual daily traffic on this highway for the
metropolitan Toronto area is over 255,000 vehicles (Ontario Ministry of
Transportation, 1992). For each participant, two areas along their regular commuting route were chosen: one that is typically lowest and one that is typically
highest in traffic congestion. Two landmarks were then chosen; one that is unique
to the selected low-congestion area, and one that is unique to the selected highcongestion area. The landmarks were to be subsequently used during their actual
journey as a cue to initiate a cellular-telephone call to the experimenter. Both the
low- and high-congestion telephone interviews were scheduled during a single
Two groups of drivers were formed: those who typically encounter high traffic volumes prior to low traffic volumes, and those who typically encounter low
traffic volumes prior to high traffic volumes. This process allowed for the assessment of cumulative state driver stress through the comparison of the highcongestion-first group and the low-congestion-first group, and helped rule out
state driver stress simply as a function of fatigue. Subsequently, each group was
randomly divided into either a music or a nonmusic group, with a stipulation of
equal gender representation in each group. The music group was instructed to
select a cassette tape or compact disc of their favorite music to play during the
entire trip. The nonmusic group was instructed specifically not to listen to music
(or talk radio) during the entire journey. All participants were alone in their automobiles during the entire duration of the journey.
Prior to initiating the commute, participants were allowed to make a practice
cellular-telephone call to the experimenter in order to ensure that the telephone
was functioning properly and to avoid any confusion regarding its use while actually driving. No measurement took place during the pretest telephone call. Participants were reminded of the response scale and were instructed to commence
their journey as usual. Upon approaching their first designated landmark, participants telephoned the researcher, utilizing a single-button speed-dialing feature.
Once a successful telephone contact was made, the State Driver Stress Inventory
was administered verbally while the driver was engaged in the actual driving process. Upon completion of the first telephone interview,the cellular-telephone call
was terminated and the participants continued driving until their second landmark was reached, which prompted the second telephone call. The State Driver
Stress Inventory was again administered verbally.
All measures were obtained between October and February in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada. Participants were tested only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays, since most participants were not available on weekends, and Mon-
!a 44
E 42
~ 38
Congestion Level
Figure I. Mean state stress levels in low-congestion and high-congestion conditions
between music and nonmusic groups.
days and Fridays have been found to provide elevated driver stress levels
(Gulian, Debney, et aI., 1989). In order to eliminate the possibility of poor
weather increasing stress, participants were tested only on partly cloudy to sunny
The automobile trips studied indicated that the two telephone calls were
placed, on average, about] 6 min apart. Drivers were in their vehicles for at least
one half hour per trip.
Scoring on the State Driver Stress Inventory consisted of calculating the
mean of the responses given on the 2] stress items (the five positive-mood items
were reverse-keyed)in both highcongestionand lowcongestion.Higher scores
are indicative of greater state driver stress. Cronbach's alphas for the state stress
scores in low and high congestion were .90 and .93, respectively. A multivariate
split-plot factorial analysis was performed with state stress levels and time
urgency scores as dependent factors. The low-congestion and high-congestion
conditions represented the within-participantscondition, and the music and nonmusic, as well as the female and male groups, represented the levels of the
between-groups conditions.
For state driver stress, no difference was found between females and males
(M= 38.80, SD = ]7.56, and M= 39.08, SD = ]3.66, respectively), F(l, 36) =
0.87, P > .05. A significant interaction was obtained between congestion level
and music groups, F(l, 36) = 4.37,p < .05. Because of the importance of the twoway interaction, main effects for congestion and music groups will not be presented. As predicted, greater state stress was reported in high congestion,
although participants in the nonmusic group displayed elevated stress levels in
the high-congestion condition (Figure] ).
Time urgency scoresdid not differentiate between low- and high-congestion
conditions (M= 48.78, SD = 23.96, and M= 49.54, SD = 23.75, respectively),
F( 1,36) = 2.20, p > .05. Similarly, the music group reported equivalent levels of
time urgency as did the nonmusic group (M = 53.20, SD = 24.16, and M = 52.85,
SD = 23.28, respectively), F(I, 36) = 0.32, p > .05. Finally, female and male
ratings of time urgency were similar (M = 52.33, SD = 25.19, and M = 46.38,
SD = 22.21, respectively), F(I, 36) = 0.82,p > .05.
One possible confound exists in the present study involving
the choice of lis-
tening to music that had previously been chosen by the driver. It may be that
choice in and of itself is more important in producing the stress reduction than
the actual playing of recorded music. It may also be that the distraction
by the music engenders the stress reduction. These reasonable hypotheses need to
be tested in future research contrasting some drivers listening to talking books
(recorded literature), while other drivers listen to popular music. These are easily
collectible data that could make the highways a safer environment.
Consistent with previous research (Hennessy & Wiesenthal, 1997, 1999),
driver stress was greater in high congestion than in low congestion, demonstrating the importance of the driving situation as one important element in determining driver stress levels. Because of increased traffic volume and slower
travel pace, high-congestion conditions represent greater potential for undesirable or demanding encounters, capable of taxing a driver's coping resources.
The present findings further strengthen the power of the DBI-Gen as a valid and
reliable predictor of driver stress, which has been shown to be capable of predicting both a trait susceptibility and state levels of driver stress (Gulian, Debney, et aI., 1989; Gulian, Matthews, et aI., 1989; Hennessy & Wiesenthal, 1997,
The present findings also highlight the importance of music as a mechanism
for coping with driver stress. Within high congestion, participants who did not
listen to music displayed significantly greater stress than did those who listened
to music. Previous research has shown music to alleviate stress experienced in
highly arousing medical situations, such as dental surgery and cancer treatment
(Aldridge, 1993; Anderson et aI., 1991), and in mildly stressful common situations where strangers awaiting an experiment felt more relaxed when they could
listen to music as opposed to waiting in silence (Stratton, 1992). Music has been
found to distract (Wostratzky et aI., 1988) and to relax (Kroener et aI., 1988) people during stressful encounters.
During periods of high congestion, under conditions of increased attentional
demand, listening to music may act to relax and distract drivers from highly
undesirable circumstances. However, the positive influence of music may be limited. Within low congestion, the music and the nonmusic groups reported similar
levels of driver stress, possibly as a result of the fact that situational demands are
less severe during periods of low volume. With fewer demands, the potential for
negative interpretations of the situation and perceptions of stress are less likely.
Little attention has been paid, in previous research, to the influence of music on
varying degrees of stress. Perhaps the stress-reducing effects of music operate
only under mild to high stress. Further research is needed to determine the influence of music under low-stress conditions.
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