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Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 2021
Heritage admits diverse readings depending on different territorial spaces, contexts, and knowledge fields. The relation between Heritage and the social contexts is one of these knowledge areas. But Heritage accepts a dual perception as a cultural reflection. It may be considered either as the origins of the conflicts or the engine for recomposing disrupted territories. The paper proposes a reflection on the topics related to conflict territories and the roles currently played by Cultural Heritage. The recomposition of conflict territories is based on a continuous intercultural approach with important contributions from human rights, genders equality, intercultural dialogue perspectives and the fact of taking heritage as a territorial stabilization factor. The paper presents specific practical cases in the Eastern Mediterranean region where actions on Heritage religious elements collide with the national sovereign of the respective current countries. A comparative study among these different actions proves that the initial clashes can be progressively transformed into strategies able to become the future guideline for the resolution of heritage regional conflicts. These conflicts reflect two discourses: political (with strong links between national identity and religion) and scientific (with a clash between static concept and dynamic vision) where objects interact with the visitors.
IJCSMC, 2020
Nowadays, Web services are well involved in business computing for the development of distributed applications through diverse networks. In fact, finding the appropriate Web service meeting users' requirements (Web service discovery) becomes a crucial issue. In the literature review, many Web service discovery approaches have been proposed to in order to make easy the Web service discovery process. Existing approaches are different in terms of objective, issue to handle with, used techniques/methods, etc. In this paper, we propose, first, a literature review on approaches addressing semantic Web service discovery. Second, we provide a comparative study between these approaches on the basic of multiple criteria such as scalability, heterogeneity, context-awareness, accuracy, etc.
Introdução e justificativa: * O CER conta com um projeto intitulado "Comer Melhor". * Participação em várias atividades pertinentes ao projeto, de onde surgiu o tema para o projeto realizado. * "Nossa tia, eu não gosto de comer maçã com casca, minha mãe sempre tira a casca pra mim". *Quem comia maçã com casca? * Será que a casca da maçã não era importante para a alimentação? * O que a casca da maçã traz de bom para o nosso corpo? * Existem outras frutas que são comidas com a casca?
dearq , 2024
Este artículo describe cómo lo afectivo atraviesa y compone los procesos urbanos más allá de la organización jerárquica de sus agentes (bottom-up y top down). Pero ninguna de ellas, ni sus mezclas, son suficientes para favorecer una tendencia que, debido a los wicked problems, inevitablemente sea afectiva con las personas, otros seres y el planeta. A partir del texto de Rittel y Webber (1973) sobre la dificultad del urbanismo para resolver los problemas sociales y su lectura por parte de Law (2015), de convertir los wicked problems en bening problems, podemos observar cómo la naturaleza de los problemas sociales urbanos es afectiva. El artículo propone una vía en donde el urbanismo es capaz de romper las dualidades bottom-up y top-down a partir de los atributos que lo moldean. Porque son los afectos los que atraviesan todos los cuerpos humanos y más que humanos. Si las ciudades son máquinas de urbanizar, y prolongan sus redes heterogéneas más allá de sus territorios, necesitamos confrontar el movimiento de los afectos para que el urbanismo sea una herramienta de coexistencia en un planeta ya herido.
COMPARISON/COMPARAISON: A Journal of the Greek General and Comparative Literature Association, 2019
A review in Greek by Olympia G. Antoniadou published in COMPARISON/COMPARAISON Vol 28 - "Characterized by authentic academic arguments based on an impeccable methodology, The Persian Whitman certainly has to be translated into other languages."
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2022
The theory of Schwarzschild geodesics is revisited. Basing on a result by Weierstrass and Biermann, we derive a formula describing all non radial, timelike and null trajectories in terms of Weierstrass elliptic functions. Quite remarkably, a single formula works for an entire geodesic trajectory, even if it passes through turning points. Using this formula, we derive expressions for the proper and coordinate time along the geodesic.
This course consists of lectures, demonstrations, laboratory exercises, and question and answer sessions designed to familiarize the student with the features and operation of the CS3000 system.
Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti u Dalmaciji, 42, 2011
Canadian Respiratory Journal, 2019
International journal of multidisciplinary and current research, 2014
Philosophy and Psychiatry: Problems, Intersections and New Perspectives, 2016
MATEC Web of Conferences
Catalysis Today, 2007
Humanities Research, 2009
Toxicological Sciences, 2017
Función política de los militares en Centroamérica, 2020
Química Nova, 2010
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011
Future Healthcare Journal, 2018
Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 1996
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, 2010
American journal of human genetics, 2014