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Geomechanical effects during large-scale
underground injection
Antonio Pio Rinaldi
Pierre Jeanne
ETH Zurich
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jonny Rutqvist
Frederic Cappa
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Available from: Pierre Jeanne
Retrieved on: 05 February 2016
ARMA 13-255
Geomechanical effects on CO2 leakage through fault zones
during large-scale underground injection
Rinaldi A. P., Rutqvist J., and Jeanne P.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division, Berkeley, CA, USA
Cappa F.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division, Berkeley, CA, USA
GeoAzur, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Côte d'Azur Observatory, Nice, France
Copyright 2013 ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 47 US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in San Francisco, CA, USA, 23-26 June
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ABSTRACT: The importance of geomechanics including the potential for reactivating faults associated with large-scale geologic
carbon sequestration operations has recently become more widely recognized. However, not withstanding the potential for
triggering notable (felt) seismic events, the potential for buoyancy-driven CO2 to reach potable groundwater and the ground surface
is more important from safety and storage-efficiency perspectives. In this context, this work extends previous studies on the
geomechanical modeling of fault responses during underground carbon dioxide injection, focusing on short-term integrity of the
sealing caprock, and hence of potential leakage of either brine or CO2 to shallow groundwater aquifers during active injection. We
account for a stress/strain-dependent permeability and study the leakage through a fault zone as its permeability changes during a
reactivation, also causing seismicity. We analyze several scenarios related to the injected amount of CO2 (and hence as a function
of the overpressure) both involving minor and major faults, and analyze the profile risks of leakage for different stress/strainpermeability coupling functions. We conclude that whereas it is very difficult to predict how much fault permeability could change
upon reactivation, this process can have a significant impact on the leakage rate.
Public concerns always arise when dealing with
exploitation of underground natural sources. Ground
reactivation, as well as sealing capacity of the rocks
surrounding a reservoir are general issues for public
acceptance of projects involving the injection of fluids
(e.g. disposal water or carbon dioxide) into the
underground. The potential for injection-induced fault
reactivation associated with industrial injection activities
is an important issue, not just from a safety point of
view, but also from a public acceptance perspective [1].
The correlation between fluids and seismicity is an issue
that has been largely studied [2]. Although in natural
seismicity is hard to discriminate between fluid
contribution and regional regime of stress, there are few
examples in literature relating overpressurized fluids to
local seismic events, such as the case of Basel, where an
earthquake of magnitude 3.4 occurred [3], or during
disposal of water into the Ozark aquifer of Arkansas,
where few earthquakes of magnitude greater than 4
where felt by the local population [1].
Although the carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been
recognized as a promising option for reducing the CO2
emission into the atmosphere [4], there are concerns
related to the potential for triggering notable (felt)
seismic events and how such events could impact the
long-term integrity of a CO2 repository (as well as how it
could impact the public perception of geological carbon
sequestration) [5]. A state-of-art review can be found in
Rutqvist [6], which describes the effects of CO2 injection
in a deep sedimentary basin as reservoir stress-strain and
microseismicity, caprock sealing performance, and the
potential for fault reactivation. Moreover, several studies
have recently shown how CO2 injection may produce
seismic events both on major faults (i.e. 2 km-long fault
with initial offset [7-9]) and on minor faults (undetected,
i.e. less than 1 km-long and without detected initial
offset [10]). However, not withstanding the potential for
triggering notable (felt) seismic events, the potential for
buoyancy-driven CO2 to reach potable groundwater and
the ground surface is more important from safety and
storage-efficiency perspectives.
In this context, this work extends previous studies on the
geomechanical modeling of the effects of CO2 injection
with the TOUGH-FLAC simulator [11]. Here, we study
Fig. 1. Simulated scenarios with initial and boundary conditions. (a) Configuration for an undetected fault, 1 km long with no
offset [10]. Figure also shows the orientation of the considered stresses in this 2D models; (b) Configuration for a 2 km-long fault,
with 100 m offset [7 - 9].
the fault response during active underground CO2
injection, focusing on short-term (5 years) integrity of
the CO2 repository, and hence of potential leakage of
CO2 to shallow groundwater aquifers. Increased pore
pressure of course alters the stress distribution on a
fault/fracture zone, and at the same time may produce
changes in the permeability, related to the elastic
and/or plastic strain, stress, and it may increase when
single (or multiple) shear rupture occurs. We account
for a stress/strain-dependent permeability and study the
leakage through the fault zone as its permeability
changes along with strain and stress variations.
Simultaneously, we study the reactivation of the fault
itself. We analyze several scenarios related to the
injected amount of CO2 (and hence as a function of the
overpressure) and to the initial fault zone permeability
both involving minor and major faults, and analyze the
risk of leakage and fault reactivation for different
stress/strain-permeability coupling functions. We
conclude that whereas it is very difficult to predict how
much fault permeability could change upon
reactivation, this process can have a significant impact
on the leakage rate and induced seismicity.
In this section we discuss the modeling approach we
used to estimate the effects of different CO2 injection
rates on the upper aquifer leakage and the potential for
fault reactivation for two different scenarios.
Scenario #1 is basically the one presented by Mazzoldi
et al. [10], with a minor 1 km-long fault zone
intersecting a 100 m-thick injection aquifer bounded by
a 150 m-thick low permeability caprock (Fig. 1a). This
scenario aims to represent a fault that is difficult to be
detected by a seismic survey, since it would have a
shear offset less than 10 m.
Scenario #2 was first presented by Cappa and Rutqvist
[7, 8], and it represents a very large fault zone (greater
than 2 km-long). Also in this case the fault zone
intersects a 100 m-thick reservoir confined on the
upper and bottom parts by a 150 m-thick caprock.
However, with this scenario we want to simulate a
major, "easy" to detect fault zone, which has an offset
of 100 m (Fig. 1b). This scenario was also recently
used for the simulation of the dynamic behavior of
fault reactivation during underground CO2 injection
We analyzed the short-term fault response during
active CO2 injection in terms of displacement and as a
pathway for fluid leakage, and then we applied
seismological theories to estimate the corresponding
seismic magnitude [19, 20]. We simulate different rates
of CO2 injection for both the scenarios. Moreover,
since changes in permeability and porosity may occur,
we simulate three different cases of coupling between
mechanical and hydraulic properties.
Following their approach, changes in porosity are
caused by plastic deformation:
2.1. Mechanical effects on porosity and
Hydraulic properties of a porous medium may change
as the pressure and stresses evolve. Depending on the
fault (and fracture reactivation), changes in
hydromechanical properties may be isotropic or
anisotropic. Isotropic changes can be assumed in a
non-fractured fault core or in the damage zone when
highly fractured without any preferential direction. In
such cases, permeability and porosity changes may be
simply related to changes in volumetric strain or mean
stress. We will evaluate the effects changes in
permeability and porosity on fault reactivation and CO2
leakage after few years of injection accounting for two
different isotropic models. The first case relates the
porosity (φhm) to the mean stress (σ'M), and then the
permeability (κhm) depends on the porosity changes.
The formulation was first derived by Davies and
Davies [12] and then modified for carbon sequestration
application by Rutqvist and Tsang [13]:
where subindex 0 refers to the initial unstressed value
(for both porosity and permeability, φ0 and κ0), and φr
is the residual porosity at high stress. We applied the
changes to the fault zone only.
The second case relates the porosity to the isotropic
volumetric strain variation, and again the permeability
is then related to the porosity changes. This model was
develop and applied by Chin et al. [14] for modeling of
permeability changes in petroleum reservoir and then
modified by Cappa and Rutqvist [8] for the
permeability changes in a fault zone after reactivation
because of CO2 underground injection:
where φhm and κhm are the porosity and the permeability
at a given stress, φ0 and κ0 are the initial porosity and
permeability, respectively, and εV is the volumetric
strain. The relation between the porosity and the total
volumetric strain accounts for both elastic and plastic
behavior that may occur during fault reactivation.
In a fractured fault core, changes in permeability and
porosity may be extremely anisotropic, depending on
fracture direction. Then, the hydraulic parameters
depend on anisotropic elasto-plastic properties: the
permeability may depend on both the fault normal
stress and on the plastic shear and tensile strain.
Hsiung et al. [15] derived the relation between these
parameters and porosity and permeability of a fracture.
Here we apply the same formulation for a fault zone.
where Δφfp are the changes in porosity. eftp and efsp are
the plastic strains caused by tensile and shear
deformation, respectively. ψ represents the fault
dilation. The permeability changes are then based on a
non-linear function of the normal effective stress (σ'n),
as well as depending on the plastic strain:
a and c are two empirical constants for normal-closure
hyperbola [16] that can be approximated from the
initial stiffness (K) and from the initial normal
effective stress (σ'n0).
In addition to two coupling equation for porosity and
permeability, the capillarity pressure (pc) varies
according to a function by Leverett [17]:
where pc0(Sl) is the unchanged capillarity pressure,
which depends on the liquid saturation (Sl). This
equation for the capillarity pressure is applied for each
of the three cases analyzed.
2.2. Seismic event modeling and magnitude
Following previous studies, the fault zone is simulated
using a ubiquitous-joint fractured media [8]. This
approach allows representing strongly anisotropic
behavior, accounting for the presence of an orientation
of weakness (fault plane) in a Mohr-Coulomb solid. In
a fault with a given orientation, the Mohr-Coulomb
criterion for failure can be written as [18]:
where τ is the critical shear stress (i.e. shear strength)
necessary for slip occurrence, c is the cohesion, and µs
is the static friction (µs=tanϕ, where ϕ is the friction
angle). For most rocks the static friction ranges
between 0.6 and 0.85 [8, and references therein].
In order to allow us to model a sudden slip (i.e. seismic
event), we used a Mohr-Coulomb model with strain
Table. 1. Mechanical and hydraulic properties used in the numerical modeling for both scenario #1 and #2 for each domain. Listed
porosity and permeability for the fault zone represent the initial non-stressed/strained value.
Young’s modulus, E (GPa)
Poisson’s ratio, ν (-)
Rock density, ρs (kg/m3)
Joint peak friction angle, φ (°)
Joint residual friction angle φ (°)
Dilation angle, ψ (°)
Porosity, φ0 (-)
Permeability, κ0 (m2)
softening frictional strength properties, consistent with
a seismological slip-weakening fault model. In our
model the frictional coefficient varies from a static
value of 0.6 to a value of 0.2 when the strain on the
fault zone is greater than a certain critical value (10-3),
and a rupture occurs.
Following the approach used by Cappa and Rutqvist
[7-9] and Mazzoldi et al. [10], the magnitude of a
seismic event is estimated using seismological theories.
The seismic moment (M0) is first estimated for a
ruptured patch on a fault following the well-known
equation [19]
where G is the rigidity of the medium (Pa), A is the
rupture area (m2) and d (m) is the average slip along
the fault zone occurring when the shear-stress drops
and the frictional coefficient changes [7-10]. In our
2D-model, the rupture area (A) is consider to be
circular with diameter equal to the rupture length
simulated along the fault line in the 2D-plane. The
rupture extends along the fault line, and then the
rupture area is considered normal to the 2D-plane. The
seismic magnitude is estimated by the equation
proposed by Kanamori and Anderson [20] as:
where the seismic moment M0 is in Nm. In our
modeling we are able to distinguish between the coseismic fault slip (d), which is used to give an estimate
of the seismic event, and the aseismic slip, which may
produce a larger displacement on the fault plane, but is
not causing an earthquake.
2.3. Numerical model and conditions
Numerical simulations were carried out using the
coupled fluid flow and geomechanical simulator
TOUGH-FLAC [11] based on the multiphase, multicomponent fluid flow and heat transport simulator
TOUGH2 [21] and on the geomechanical simulator
FLAC3D [22]. In both the scenarios considered in this
work (Fig. 1), the fault zone is simulated as constituted
by a fault core bounded by a damage zone, which
Fault zone
10-16 - 10-14
corresponds to a more permeable zone with
macroscopic fracture network [7, and references
therein]. For the aim of this work we simulated the
fault core using a ubiquitous joint model, with finite
thickness elements having anisotropic elasto-plastic
properties (Table 1) and intensely jointed along a
direction parallel to the fault plane, thus permitting the
shear failure to occur along the fault itself. The damage
zone is simulated as a poroelastic medium (no slip
occurs within the damage zone) with finite thickness
elements having the same high permeability as the
fault core and that can be subject to permeability
changes due to the variation of stress and/or strain.
Such a fault zone (damage zone plus fault core)
intersects a 2D plane-strain multilayer system (2 km x
2 km) with a dip angle of 80˚ and a length of 1 or 2 km
(according the selected scenario). The storage
formation is 100 m-thick and bounded at top and
bottom by a low-permeability 150 m-thick formation,
which, in turn, is surrounded by two other aquifers.
Hydraulic and mechanical properties for the different
layer (aquifers and caprock) are equal for both
scenarios and are listed in Table 1. These properties
were kept constant during all the simulations
performed, with the exception of the fault zone ones.
We set the initial conditions as a linear pore pressure
and temperature gradient (9.81 MPa/km and 25 ˚C/km,
respectively) with atmospheric pressure of 0.1 MPa
and temperature of 10 ˚C at the ground surface,
resulting then in a pore pressure of 5 MPa and
temperature of 22.5 ˚C at the top of our model (at 500
m depth). One of the most important parameter related
to the reactivation of a fault zone is the initial in situ
stress [7,10]. Mazzoldi et al. [10], showed, for
example, as the maximum earthquake magnitude for an
undetected fault (1000 m-long) may change from 2.7 to
3.5 when the stress ratio between horizontal
(minimum) and vertical (maximum) stress varies in the
range of few percent (from 0.7 to 0.65). For all the
simulations in this study, we kept a stress ratio (σh/σV)
of 0.7, which is already a critical value for a fault
striking along the minimum horizontal stress, but may
prevent in some cases the rupture to extent for the
Fig. 2. Percentage of CO2 leaking into the upper aquifer as a function of permeability and injection rate for a 1 km-long fault with
no offset. Contour lines represent the 1% and 5% leakage rate. (a) Case1: fault permeability changes as function of mean stress. (b)
Case2: fault permeability changes as a function of the volumetric strain. The white contour indicates the region where the injection
pressure exceeded 35 MPa. (c) Case3: fault permeability changes as a function of both fault normal stress and plastic shear and
tensile strain.
entire length of the fault zone [7]. Hence we set the
vertical stress gradient to 22,148 Pa/m and then the
corresponding horizontal stress gradient as 15,504
Pa/m. Boundaries were open for fluid flow (i.e. at
constant pressure and temperature), except for the left
boundary, where no flow occurred. The simulations
were conducted in an isothermal mode, implying that
the temperature gradient is maintained during the
simulation. Null displacement conditions were set
normal to the left and bottom boundaries, whereas
constant stress was imposed normal to the right and top
boundaries (Fig. 1).
Two other critical parameters in evaluating the shortterm leakage and fault reactivation are the fault
permeability and the CO2 injection rate.
For both scenarios, the initial permeability of the fault
zone (fault core and damage zone) was varied in the
range from 10-16 to 10-14 m2. Although sometimes the
permeability of the fault core may result much smaller
ranging from 10-17 to 10-21 m2, the values we accounted
for are a good estimate of the damage zone
permeability [23-24], which mostly affect a leakage
along a fault zone. The Young's modulus of the fault
zone was set to 5 GPa [23-24].
The second critical parameter is the injection rate. The
amount of CO2 injected may vary from site to site. For
example, at the In Salah (Algeria) CO2 storage project,
the injection occurred over three horizontal wells at a
rate of about 0.5-1.0 millions tons/yr, which
correspond to an average injection rate per well of
about 10-15 kg/s [25]. In our simulations for scenario
#1 (Fig. 1a), CO2 is injected as a point source at 1500
m depth, with a constant rate ranging from 0.002 to 0.1
kg/s/m, which for a horizontal well 1000 m-long would
correspond to an injection rate ranging from a
reasonable low value of 2 kg/s up to a very big value of
100 kg/s (comparable with injection rates used during
shale gas hydraulic fracturing [26]). For scenario #2
(Fig. 1b), however, we needed to decrease the range
from 2 to 12 kg/s, because the fault offset of 100 m
results in a confined CO2 reservoir bonded on the right
by the offset part of caprock. A higher injection rate
would result in a pore pressure increase up to
unrealistic values, and since pressure should be one of
the parameter monitored during injection, a project
would stop at a very early stage.
In this section results for the two scenarios (Fig. 1) are
analyzed. For each scenario we first analyzed the
amount of CO2 that may leak into the upper aquifer as
a function of the initial fault permeability and the
injection rate. Basically a CO2 storage project will be
considered a good one when the amount of CO2
leaking into the upper aquifer after hundred years is
less than 0.1%/yr [27]. In our study we focus only on
the CO2 that may leak through the fault zone in a shortterm of active injection of 5 years, then considering a
maximum leakage rate of 0.1% per year at the end of
the 5 years injection our threshold will 0.5% of the
total injected CO2 during the entire period.
At the same time we analyzed the magnitude of the
main seismic event (if any) as resulting from a sudden
slip. Also in this case the magnitude was analyzed as a
function of the initial fault permeability and the
injection rate.
3.1. Scenario 1
Resulting leakage percentage for the scenario with a
small, undetected fault (1 km-long) for three different
cases are shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. Magnitude of a single event due to a sudden slip along the 1 km-long fault zone with no offset as a function of initial fault
permeability and injection rate. Contour lines represent the 1% and 5% leakage rate. (a) Case1: fault permeability changes as
function of mean stress. (b) Case2: fault permeability changes as a function of the volumetric strain. (c) Case3: fault permeability
changes as a function of both fault normal stress and plastic shear and tensile strain.
Fig. 2a shows the results for Case1, in which the
permeability changes as a function of the mean stress
(Eq. 1). The leakage rate is much below the 1% for
most of the simulated case. Leakage would start
occurring when the initial fault permeability increase
and with very high, unrealistic injection rate. For
example the fault will be vertically impermeable after
5 years of injection when the initial permeability is low
even using a rate of 100 kg/s. However, when the
initial permeability of the fault is as high as 10-14 m2
then about 30% of the injected CO2 would reach the
upper aquifer within 5 years, and such a project would
be a total failure. It is worth noting that even for a very
high permeability, the leakage rate would be less than
5% if the injection rate were kept below 10 kg/s, which
is still a good injection rate for a CO2 storage project.
Fig. 2b shows the resulting leakage percentage for a
case in which the permeability changes as a function of
the total volumetric strain (Eq. 2). Results for Case2
show a trend similar to Case1 for high initial fault
permeability, with a maximum percentage of about
25% when the injection rate is 100 kg/s and basically
no leakage when the injection rate is lower than 10
kg/s. However, the trend is totally different for
permeability lower than 10-15 m2. In fact, while Eq. 2
may produce up to 4-order magnitude permeability
changes within the fault core (where the strain may
reach very high values in the worst case), the
permeability changes are small in the damage zone,
which features small strain. Then, the damage zone
permeability has a value very close to the initial one. In
this environment the pressure would highly increase
for high injection rate, as well as the leakage rate. Fig.
2b shows the region where the injection pressure
reaches a value greater than 35 MPa: a value much
greater than the minimum principal stress at the same
depth, then much more suitable for a shale-gas
hydraulic fracturing project, but totally unrealistic for a
CO2 storage project. For these values of pressure, the
leakage percentage may reach values up to 40%.
Finally in Case3 we simulated the permeability and
porosity as a function of the normal stress and of the
plastic strain (Eq. 3 and 4). Results are shown in Fig.
2c: the percentage of leakage in this case is very
similar to Case1, but with slightly higher values for
very high injection rates (greater than 70 kg/s).
In all simulated cases then, leakage is very likely to
happen with a percentage greater than 1% only for very
high injection rates greater than 30 kg/s, more suitable
for other projects rather than for carbon sequestration.
In terms of seismic events, it is very likely to have a
sudden slip within this scenario only for high injection
rates (Fig. 3). In detail, Case1 features events of at least
magnitude 2 only for injection rates greater than 30
kg/s and initial permeability lower than 10-15 m2. As
the permeability increases, the fault reactivation
requires a higher injection rate. For low injection rates
the overpressure never reaches a limit value to induce
an earthquake, and when the initial permeability is high
then the overpressure distributes much faster avoiding
the accumulation on the fault zone (Fig. 3a). For
Case2, some events occur for lower injection rates,
since as explained earlier, the permeability changes
mostly within the fault core and not in the damage
zone, allowing a greater pressure for lower injection
rates, and increasing the probability for an event to
occur (Fig. 3b). Case3 is similar to Case1 also in terms
of events magnitude except that more seismic events
may occur for permeability up to 10-15 m2 (Fig. 3c).
It is of note that magnitude of the seismic events and
percentage of leakage are not always correlated, and
that when an event occur not always a high short-term
leakage is associated with that kind of scenario. For
example, in Case1 a seismic event of magnitude 3
Fig. 4. Percentage of CO2 leaking into the upper aquifer as a function of permeability and injection rate for a 2 km-long fault with
100 m offset. Contour lines represent the 1% and 5% leakage rate. (a) Case1: fault permeability changes as function of mean
stress. (b) Case2: fault permeability changes as a function of the volumetric strain. (c) Case3: fault permeability changes as a
function of both fault normal stress and plastic shear and tensile strain.
Fig. 5. Magnitude of a single event due to a sudden slip along a 2 km-long fault zone with 100 m initial offset as a function of
initial fault permeability and injection rate. Contour lines represent the 1% and 5% leakage rate. (a) Case1: fault permeability
changes as function of mean stress. (b) Case2: fault permeability changes as a function of the volumetric strain. (c) Case3: fault
permeability changes as a function of both fault normal stress and plastic shear and tensile strain.
occurs for a permeability of 3·10-16 m2, although not
leakage is observed after five years of injection at more
than 50 kg/s.
The poor correlation means that a single event is not
enough to change the permeability substantially along
the entire fault length, and then, even if some changes
in permeability occur, this not means that the fluid will
move along the entire fault breaking through the
caprock and then degrading the upper aquifer.
However, after the first slip the stresses on the fault
dissipate, and our slip-weakening model does not
permit the stress to accumulate after the first drop.
Basically, we are not considering at this time the
effects of multiple felt seismic events.
3.2. Scenario 2
This scenario has a 2 km-long fault zone with an initial
offset of 100 m, and then the multilayer system results
spatially shifted when crossing the fault zone. For this
reason, the central aquifer where the CO2 is injected
results somehow bounded on the right side by the
shifted caprock, and then with a low injection rate it is
already possible to increase the pressure much more
over the minimum principle stress. Hence we
considered a smaller range of injection rates from 2 to
12 kg/s (which is still in the same order of magnitude
of the In Salah CO2 storage project [25]). In this range
of injection rates it is very unlikely that a notable
leakage occur, and only for a very high fault initial
permeability some few percent (less than 8%) of the
CO2 leaks into the upper aquifer (Fig. 4). The
explanation is that for low permeability the CO2
actually starts moving upward along the injection zone,
but when it reaches the shifted part of the aquifer it will
rather move into the central aquifer rather than keep
moving upward for buoyancy, because the
permeability gradient between fault zone and reservoir.
Then some CO2 will keep moving upward only when
the fault zone permeability is comparable to the central
aquifer permeability. A little exception occurred for
Case2 (Fig. 4b). As explained earlier for the scenario
#1, when the permeability changes as a function of the
volumetric strain, it will change mostly within the fault
zone rather than within the damage zone. Then when
considering Case2 for the scenario #2, and when the
initial permeability of the fault zone is low (10-16 m2),
the fault core will have a very high permeability
changes compared to the surrounding damage zone,
and the CO2 will keep moving upward along the fault
core, like in a channel, and then will leak into the upper
Much more interesting in this scenario #2 is the
relation between magnitude of induced seismic events
and leakage percentage (Fig. 5). Since the fault zone is
larger compare to the previous scenario, events will
have a bigger magnitude. It is of note to say that
notable earthquake might be produced even though the
leakage rate is very low or null. For example, for all
the three simulated cases if the initial fault
permeability is relatively low (less than 10-15 m2), then
events of magnitude in the range 2-3.5 are really likely
to happen even without leakage (or with low in Case2)
into the upper aquifer.
The results show basically no correlation between
earthquake magnitude and leakage percentage. Rather,
for most of the simulated cases in this scenario a fault
reactivation does not imply changes in permeability
that compromise the sealing potential of the caprock
through the fault zone. This means that also in the case
of a bigger fault zone, the presence of seismic activity
does not mean an alteration in sealing properties of the
Again the no correlation means that the permeability
changes do not affect the entire length of the fault,
hence the fault itself does not behave as a preferential
pathway for the fluid to leak into the upper aquifer.
In terms of magnitude itself, the three cases show
slightly the same values for all the different
combination, with reactivation for most of the cases,
with the exception of very high initial fault
permeability and very low injection rate. In some
cases, results also show an event of greater magnitude
for a lower injection rate. For example, in Case1 the
magnitude estimation for the simulation with injection
rate of 6 kg/s and permeability of 10-16 m2 is around 2,
while for the same permeability the simulation with 4
kg/s will produce an event of magnitude 2.7. This
effect may be explained in terms of timing: for lower
injection rates (4 kg/s) the system will require a longer
time to increase the pressure up to the critical value for
reactivation, and then the pressure itself will distribute
much more along the fault, producing at the time of
reactivation a larger rupture with respect to the case
with higher injection rate (6 kg/s).
In this paper, we studied the fault reactivation and the
CO2 leakage through a fault zone during geological
carbon sequestration activities. We addressed the shortterm capability (i.e. during 5 year of active injection)
of a fault zone to act as a pathway for CO2 moving
upward by overpressure and buoyancy.
We carried out a high number of simulations relating
different injection rates, fault permeability, and how
the permeability changes as function of geomechanical
parameters in two different scenarios. The first
scenario represented a small, undetected fault zone (i.e.
1 km-long) with no offset [10], while the second
scenario represented a larger fault zone (i.e. 2 km-long)
with an initial offset of 100 m.
For scenario #1, results showed that a substantial
amount of CO2 may leak through the fault zone only
for very high, unrealistic injection rate (more than 50
kg/s), or when the initial fault permeability was set to
very high values (10-14 m2). Fault reactivation also
occurred for high injection rate (more than 30 kg/s),
but fault with initial low permeability (10-16 m2) were
For scenario #2, results never showed substantial
leakage, even though the injection rate range was
reduced to prevent an unrealistic pressurization of the
aquifer. Most of the simulation performed never
showed CO2 leakage into the upper aquifer during the
5 year of injection, although some few percentage of
CO2 (around 8%) may leak when high injection rate
(12 kg/s) and high initial fault permeability (10-14 m2)
were chosen. Although no notable leakage occurred,
most of the simulations in scenario #2 were
characterized by fault reactivation, producing seismic
event of magnitude in the range 2-4.
Therefore, our results show that a seismic reactivation
may occur without affecting the potential for leakage
through a fault zone. This is true for a small fault, even
though a high injection rate is needed for reactivation,
since the permeability changes does not allow the
pressure to accumulate. The seismic reactivation
without leakage is more evident in the scenario #2, in
which is possible to simulate an induced earthquake
even using a relatively small injection rate.
Moreover, inclusion of rock heterogeneities in the
model will decrease the risk of leakage, and will help
the CO2 to be confined within the injection reservoir.
Indeed, Jeanne et al. [28] demonstrated that for the
same injection rate, fault length and dip, and boundary
and initial conditions, although the pressure increase
will be the same for homogeneous and heterogeneous
model, hence producing the same fault slip, the amount
dioxide. Proceedings of the National Academy of
of CO2 leaking is definitely lower for a heterogeneous
fault zone.
However, although our model is the most up-to-date
one, it still presents few approximations. The first (and
probably the most important) is that we are only using
a 2D model, what will change when considering a full
3D formulation? A second major approximation is that
we can basically simulate only an induced event
followed by mostly aseismic deformation: will a series
of notable (felt) earthquakes compromise the integrity
of the system allowing the fluids to move faster (and
better) along the fault zone?
The use of a slip-weakening friction law is also an
approximation. In fact, after initial slip the deformation
deriving from the current formulation may lead to an
over-estimation of the permeability changes along the
fault. Anyway, the results from the current analysis
still hold, because it means that even considering a
larger estimation of the permeability changes, a system
can still have seismic events without substantially
altering the sealing properties of the caprock. While the
current analyses are very useful and expansive in
scope, for future analyses a more stable rate-and-state
formulation should be used.
Other aspects to be fully addressed are (1) the size of
the reservoir, and (2) the effects of a system with
multiple caprocks and reservoirs.
The work presented in this paper was financed by the
Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, Office of
Natural Gas and Petroleum Technology, through the
National Energy Technology Laboratory, under the
U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC0205CH11231.
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