Letters to the Editor
Mycetoma of the Chest Wall due to Nocardia brasiliensis
Carolina Gouveia1, Ana Fraga1, Paulo Filipe1, Horténsia Sequeira2, Patrick Boiron3, Andrée Couble3, Verónica RodriguezNava3 and Manuel Marques Gomes1,2
University Clinic of Dermatology, Santa Maria Hospital, 2Laboratory of Mycology, Faculty of Medicine of Lisboa, PT-1649-028 Lisbon, Portugal,
University of Lyon, Lyon, France, University of Lyon 1 and CNRS, UMR5557, Microbial Ecology, Villeurbanne, Veterinary National School of Lyon,
Marcy L’étoile, France, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Lyon, France, and French Nocardiosis Observatory, Lyon, France.
E-mail: carolinafgouveia@gmail.com
Accepted January 30, 2008.
Nocardiosis is an uncommon but world-wide infection
caused by several species of soil-borne aerobic bacteria
belonging to the genus Nocardia (1).
Nocardiosis can be divided into two broad categories:
disseminated and cutaneous. Disseminated nocardiosis,
which accounts for most occurrences of nocardiosis, is
most commonly caused by N. asteroides, and typically
affects immunocompromised hosts, although individuals with presumed immunocompetency also can develop
the disease (1, 2).
Among the several species of Nocardia causing cutaneous infections, N. brasiliensis is the commonest
species isolated (3, 4). Recently, new species including
N. mexicana and N. veterana were reported as causative
agents of human mycetoma (5, 6). Cutaneous involvement with N. asteroides is usually secondary to haematogenous dissemination from a pulmonary focus. The
commonest predisposing event in all the reported cases
of primary cutaneous nocardiosis is a local trauma caused by thorns or splinters or, less commonly, insect bites
and cat scratches (7, 8). It is most commonly caused
by N. brasiliensis, typically affects immunocompetent
individuals, and can be subdivided into 3 clinical entities, including: lymphocutaneous infection, mycetoma,
and supericial skin infection, including ulceration,
abscess, and cellulites (8–10). An intermediate form
of the disease between mycetoma and supericial skin
infection has been reported recently (4).
We report here a case of an immunocompetent female
adolescent patient with extensive and destructive primary
cutaneous nocardiosis over the thoracic wall and neck.
A 14-year-old black female was admitted to the dermatology
ward of Hospital de Santa Maria in Lisbon with multiple inflammatory nodules, keloidal scars and discharging sinuses over
the thoracic wall and neck. She gave no history of injury, and
reported that the first lesion had appeared 4 years previously,
over the left shoulder. She had subsequently developed a swelling, followed by multiple discharging sinuses with purulent
and serosanguinous material. The lesions slowly expanded to
the contiguous thoracic wall, eventually leading to deformity
of both breasts. over the previous year, she had complained
of fever, intense anorexia with heavy weight loss (that she
could not quantify) and dry cough. There was no history of
chronic illness such as diabetes, tuberculosis or malignancy.
She had first been observed in her homeland (Guinea-Bissau)
and had had unspecified treatment without improvement. As a
consequence, she was evacuated to portugal, for aetiological
investigation and treatment.
physical examination revealed a discharging area that occupied
the entire thoracic wall, extending up to the left shoulder and
scapular region. There were numerous large sinuses discharging
viscous yellow pus and serosanguinous material, often plugged
with protuberant masses of granulation tissue. Several keloidal
scars could be seen over the entire area and severe deformity of
Fig. 1. (A) The patient before treatment. Nodules, keloidal scars, sinuses and protuberant masses of granulation tissue over the neck and thoracic wall with
severe destruction of the breasts. (B) Large sinuses discharging viscous yellow purulent and serosanguinous exudate. (C) After an 8-week course of treatment
with imipenem-cilastatin.
Acta Derm Venereol 88
© 2008 Acta Dermato-Venereologica. ISSN 0001-5555
doi: 10.2340/00015555-0463
Letters to the Editor
both breasts was evident (Fig. 1). Systemic examination of the
patient showed that she was in bad general health, with emaciation, weighing 35 kg (body mass index 13.3). There was no
palpable regional lymphadenopathy and no fever.
Among routine investigations, eSR was increased (113 mm)
as was reactive C-protein (11 mg/dl). Her white blood count was
normal, but she had a severe normocytic anaemia (Hb of 6.8
g/l), which warranted a blood transfusion. Serologies for HIV 1
and 2 were negative. Roentgenograms of the chest were normal.
Computed tomography scan of the lungs and chest wall showed
densification of the soft and breast tissues, with involvement
of the part of the anterior mediastinum related to the internal
mammary chains. Several blood cultures were performed, which
were all negative. Histological study of the biopsy taken from
the left breast revealed granulation tissue with neutrophilic
abscesses containing basophilic grains with an eosinophilic
rim, which was suggestive of mycetoma (Fig. 2).
Sequential mycological and bacteriological studies were carried out on the exudate from discharging sinuses and from the
dressings. The irst bacteriological cultures revealed S. aureus.
Direct examination of samples stained with lactophenol blue
for microscopic observation revealed white grains (mean diameter 0.5 mm); isolates consisting of orange-white colonies and a
white mycelium were obtained from cultures at 24°C and 37°C
(mycobiotic agar, Sabouraud dextrose agar and Brain Heart agar
alone or supplied with 0.5/1000 w/w cloramphenicol), which
were suggestive of Nocardia.
The same isolate was thereafter sent to the French Nocardiosis
observatory, where cultures were repeated on Bennett’s agar
medium at 37°C for 10 days. Morphological and microscopic
examinations revealed orange-white, Gram-positive colonies that
form ilamentous with tendency to fragmentation. Biochemical
reactions were also repeated according to Boiron et al. (11) showed the production of catalase and hydrolysis of urea.
A pCR assay was conducted to confirm phenotypic identification of the isolate 639.07 by genomic DNA extraction from
pure culture using an achromopeptidase method and sequence
analysis of the 16S rRNA gene. primers Noc-1 (5’-GCTTAACACATGCAAGTCG-3’) and Noc-2 (5’-GAATTCCAGTCTCCCCTG-3’) (position 46 to 64 and 663 to 680 from E. coli
numbering), which amplified a 606 bp segment were employed
(12). After 40 cycles consisting of denaturation at 94°C for 60
sec, primer annealing at 58°C for 60 sec, and primer extension
at 72°C for 60 sec, followed by a post-amplification extension at
72°C for 5 min. The pCR products were sequenced by using an
Fig. 2. Histological examination of a biopsy of a skin lesion, showing an
abscess containing a basophilic grain with an eosinophilic rim (haematoxylineosin ×400).
ABI prism 377 automated sequencer (pe Applied Biosystems).
The nucleotide sequence was analysed with use of BLAST
search of the National Institutes of Health Genbank Database.
The strain was definitively identified as N. brasiliensis (ATCC
19296, accession number AY756544).
The patient was medicated with imipenem-cilastatin (60 mg/
kg/day i.v. q6h) for 8 weeks, with a good response (healing of
most of the cutaneous lesions, improvement of general health,
weight gain of 13 kg and Hb increased to 11.4 g/l) (Fig. 1B) and
subsequently with trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole (160
mg TMp/800 mg SMZ p.o. q12h) until complete eradication
of the organism was documented.
primary cutaneous nocardiosis remains a diagnostic
challenge. None of the three types has any characteristic
feature that would make a deinitive clinical diagnosis possible (4). In the case described here the initial
clinical differential diagnosis was made with diseases
having a similar clinical presentation and included deep
mycosis with high prevalence in African countries,
actinomycetoma, cutaneous tuberculosis and atypical
mycobacteriosis (13).
It was not possible to elicit a history of trauma; this
might be explained by a long incubation period because
that of Nocardia spp. can vary from one week to several
months (14)
Mycetoma is described as a chronic, indurated, progressively destructive, granulomatous infection of skin,
subcutaneous and eventually deeper tissues following
localized trauma, with multiple draining sinus tracts and
elimination of grains (sulphur granules). It occurs most
commonly on the extremities, especially the foot, but
other locations have been reported (2, 9, 13, 15).
Identiication of the Nocardia species by culture is
a tedious process and it is advisable to submit multiple clinical specimens for culture because smears and
cultures are simultaneously positive in only one-third
of infections. The organism is slow growing and it
may take up to 2–3 weeks for isolation from a clinical
specimen. The small nocardial colonies are occasionally overgrown by other rapidly growing organisms,
resulting in an initial negative culture report. Species
identiication is based on classical biochemical methods. These can be completed by Western blot assay,
using monoclonal antibodies against 54-kDa circulating
antigens of Nocardia, and species speciic DNA probing
help in the rapid and deinitive diagnosis of nocardiosis.
eLISA for serodiagnosis of nocardial infection is also
useful (9).
An antibiogram is suggested for all species isolated
because of the varied antibiotic sensitivity pattern (9,
13). Sulphonamides have been the mainstay of antimicrobial therapy for human nocardiosis (2). Trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole (TMp-SMZ) is used most
commonly. other effective drugs include minocycline,
dapsone, tetracycline, amikacin, amoxicillin-clavulanic
Acta Derm Venereol 88
Letters to the Editor
acid, cefotaxime, imipenem, and rifampicin. Although
the optimal duration of therapy is uncertain, suggestions
range from 6 weeks to one year (1, 8, 13, 15).
In our case, we chose to start intravenous antimicrobial therapy with imipenem-cilastatin because: (i) the
patient was also infected with S. aureus; (ii) she had
been submitted to previous antimicrobial therapy in Guinea-Bissau; (iii) the cutaneous disease was extensive.
The clinical response to imipenem-cilastatin was
impressive, with a rapid improvement not only from
the cutaneous lesions but also from the anaemia and the
emaciation. She stopped coughing 3 days after beginning antibiotic therapy.
After 8 weeks she was discharged and oral TMT-SMZ
was started. She is being followed-up regularly in our
outpatient clinic and will maintain this antimicrobial
therapy scheme until control microbiological exams
are consistently negative.
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