An integrated approach to supply chain risk analysis
Anna Corinna Cagliano*
Alberto De Marco
Sabrina Grimaldi
Carlo Rafele
Department of Production Systems and Business Economics
Politecnico di Torino
corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129 Torino, Italy
* Corresponding author
Telephone: +39 0110907206
Fax: +39 0110907299
An integrated approach to supply chain risk analysis
Despite the increasing attention that supply chain risk management is receiving
by both researchers and practitioners, companies still lack a risk culture.
Moreover, risk management approaches either are too general or require pieces
of information not regularly recorded by organisations.
This work develops a risk identification and analysis methodology that
integrates widely adopted supply chain and risk management tools. In
particular, process analysis is performed by means of the standard framework
provided by the SCOR-Model, the risk identification and analysis tasks are
accomplished by applying the Risk Breakdown Structure and the Risk
Breakdown Matrix, and the effects of risk occurrence on activities are assessed
by indicators that are already measured by companies in order to monitor their
performances. In such a way, the framework contributes to increase
companies’ awareness and communication about risk, which are essential
components of the management of modern supply chains.
A base case has been developed by applying the proposed approach to a
hypothetical manufacturing supply chain.
An in-depth validation will be carried out to improve the methodology and
further demonstrate its benefits and limitations. Future research will extend the
framework to include the understanding of the multiple effects of risky events
on different processes.
Keywords: risk management; supply chain; performance measurement
1. Introduction
Risk management has been gaining considerable attention in the last ten years as an
autonomous subject in the field of supply chain management. The Supply Chain
Council defines supply chains as encompassing every effort involved in producing
and delivering a final product. Such efforts include managing supply and demand,
sourcing raw materials and parts, manufacturing and assembling, warehousing and
inventory tracking, order entry and order management, and distribution across all
channels and delivery to the customer (Lummus et al. 2001).
The relevance given to the risk topic is notably triggered by the frequency and
intensity of catastrophes, disasters, and crises that seem to have increased on a global
scale (Coleman 2006). Supply chains operate in an unpredictable environment and
several factors and trends contribute to the exposure to uncertainty. In recent years,
almost all industries have faced fiercer competition and accelerated market
globalisation resulting in the need for making intra-firm and inter-firm business
processes more efficient and responsive. This is the context that has spawned current
supply chain strategies such as outsourcing and offshoring large portions of
manufacturing and R&D activities, sourcing in low-cost countries, reducing
inventories, streamlining the supply base, and collaborating more intensively with
other supply chain partners (Hult et al. 2004). Similar policies produce stronger interfirm dependence together with longer and more complex supply chain setups and
globe-spanning operations, thus exacerbating the vulnerability of supply chains to
unexpected events (Tang 2006). The failure to effectively manage supply chain risk
may result in economic and financial losses, reductions in product quality, delivery
delays, and loss of reputation in the eyes of customers and suppliers (Hendricks and
Singhal 2003; Cousins et al. 2004). Therefore, risk management should be a core
issue in planning and control of any organisation (Finch 2004).
However, companies that understand the importance of supply chain risk often
do not know where to start in order to tackle it (Kiser and Cantrell 2006). With this
regard, literature takes a quite general perspective on supply chain uncertainties and
provides a limited support about how to deal with them from a practical point of view
(Blackhurst et al. 2005). General literature on risk presents a wide range of techniques
but they have been scarcely adapted to the needs of supply chain management (Khan
and Burnes 2007). Thus, tools to assess the exposure to supply chain risks as well as
to support the creation of awareness about this issue are needed (Zsidisin et al. 2005).
Contributing to this field, an approach for identifying and analysing supply
chain risk is developed. It integrates process mapping prepared through the Supply
Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR-Model), key performance indicators
(KPIs) measuring the effects of the occurrence of risky events, and conventional risk
management tools such as the Risk Breakdown Structure and the Risk Breakdown
Matrix. Based on a standard process reference model and on KPIs commonly
measured by companies, our framework aims to provide a guideline to risk
management and, in this way, to promote companies’ interest in this crucial aspect of
supply chains.
The paper is organised as follows. Literature background for this work is
presented in Section 2. The developed method for supply chain risk identification and
analysis is detailed in Section 3 and its application to a base case is described in
Section 4. Finally, Section 5 discusses findings, limitations, and future research
2. Literature background
Risk is an issue that has been extensively discussed in the last decades and several
definitions have been put forward in literature, including both undesirable and
desirable unexpected outcomes. Basically, risk takes into account two aspects: the
uncertainty about and the severity of the consequences of an activity having a value
for human beings (Aven and Renn 2009).
In the context of supply chain, risk has been usually defined by taking a
negative perspective. Juttner (2005) addresses supply chain risk as anything that
presents an impediment or a hazard to information, material, and product flows from
original suppliers to the delivery of the final product to the ultimate end-users.
Supply chain risk management is the identification and management of risks
affecting a supply network through a coordinated effort among supply chain members
to reduce vulnerability as a whole (Christopher et al. 2002). Supply chain risk
management should be considered as a strategic activity because it impacts on
operational, market, and financial performances of a firm (Narasimhan and Talluri
Risk management is usually divided into a number of stages: risk
identification, risk analysis, and risk response and monitoring (Project Management
Institute 2008). Available literature in identification and analysis is reviewed below
for the purpose of this research.
There are basically two kinds of approaches to supply chain risk identification.
The first one relies on brainstorming. Hallikas and others (2002) apply the
brainstorming technique through in-depth interviews with a group of final assemblers
and some of their suppliers operating in the electronics and metal sectors. As a result
of this procedure, risks are divided into four groups: demand related factors and value
chain positioning, delivery performance ability, financial factors, and pricing.
Moreover, the relationships between their causes and effects are investigated. Sinha
and others (2004) conduct a brainstorming session for risk identification in a company
in the aerospace industry in order to generate a list of the possible risks that could be
encountered when dealing with vendors.
The second approach to supply chain risk identification is based on
taxonomies. Chopra and Sodhi (2004) classify supply chain risks into disruptions,
delays, systems, forecast, intellectual property, procurement, receivables, inventory,
and capacity. For each of these categories, risk sources are identified and they may
include natural disasters, labour disputes, supplier bankruptcies, and wars and
terrorism. Spekman and Davis (2004) relate supply chain risks to six areas: material
flows, information flows, cash flows, security, opportunistic behaviours, and social
responsibility. According to each area, risky events that may occur are analysed.
Lockamy III and McCormack (2010) look at the nature of risks and classify them into
operational, network, and external ones. Operational risks are related to inadequate or
failed internal processes, people, and systems as well as to external ones. Network
risks are due to the structure of the supplier network, and external risks are driven by
forces such as weather, earthquakes, political, regulatory, and market strategies.
As far as supply chain risk analysis is concerned, it is usually performed by
means of a number of qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative methods.
Several models assess risky events by evaluating the probability of occurrence
and the severity of impact. Sheffi (2005) uses qualitative estimates for these two
dimensions. To be more precise, the probability of occurrence may assume two levels,
“high” and “low”, and, in a similar way, the severity of impact may be “severe” or
“light”. Norrman and Jansson (2004) present four level scales for evaluating the
probability of occurrence (“rare”, “unlikely”, “likely”, and “almost certain”) and the
severity of impact (“negligible”, “minor”, “major”, and “severe”). Such evaluations
contribute to estimate the degree of risk, which may be low, medium, high, and very
high. Sinha and others (2004) assess the severity of risk impacts by using three levels:
high, medium, and low. Hallikas and others (2002) define semi-quantitative scales:
values ranging from 1 to 4 for the probability of occurrence represent very unlikely,
improbable, probable, and very probable events respectively and values from 1 to 4
for the severity of impact represent insignificant, minor, serious, and catastrophic
influences of risky events respectively. Wu and others (2006) apply the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) to calculate the relative weight of each risk factor, which is
an indicator of how important a risk factor is. Finally, quantitative risk analysis
usually relies on simulation approaches such as Montecarlo technique, Petri Nets, and
fault and event trees (Kleindorfer and Saad 2005; Wu and Olson 2008; Tuncel and
Alpan 2010).
The literature review reveals that most of the approaches for supply chain risk
management either are limited to the identification of risk areas or face risk analysis
by requiring a careful recording of past events and data in order to evaluate the
probability of occurrence of risky events as well as the related impact. In addition, the
proliferation of risk management software packages, which use sophisticated
probabilistic methods to quantify uncertainty, does not encourage the development of
a deep understanding of the underlying structure constituting the inter-dependencies
between risk sources, risk occurrences, and effects (Tah and Carr 2001).
Therefore, there is a need for comprehensive methodologies that do not
require companies to invest in information systems and human resources to gather a
huge amount of additional historical data that are usually not available from
organisations but they are essential to perform supply chain risk management.
To this end, our work proposes a framework to integrate both risk
identification and analysis in well established supply chain management practices,
like process mapping and performance measurement. This is based on data currently
recorded by companies for purposes other than risk investigation. The data are set into
the SCOR-Model and then applied to risk analysis.
The implementation of a methodology that not only provides accurate
guidelines about how to deal with risk, but also builds on widely used tools stimulates
companies to acquire an adequate knowledge about causes and effects of supply chain
3. A new framework for supply chain risk identification and analysis
3.1 Aim and steps of the framework
Our approach to supply chain risk management is intended to deal with the entire risk
escalation process (Hillson 2004; Hillson et al. 2006). Any risky event is triggered by
an internal or external source (step 1) and evolves through an occurrence affecting an
activity (step 2). A probability and an impact may be associated to such occurrence,
which in turn brings consequences (step 3) usually in terms of time, cost, and quality
variance against expected performance (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Risk escalation process (Adapted from Hillson 2004)
Based on the guidelines suggested by literature to manage the risk escalation process
(Hauser 2003; Norrman and Jansson 2004; Kiser and Cantrell 2006), the present
framework can be subsumed as composed of three steps:
Process mapping: processes are analysed in order to understand in what parts
of a supply chain risky events may occur. Such task is accomplished by
applying a breakdown of activities based on the SCOR-Model (Supply Chain
Council 2008). This model describes all the business activities associated with
satisfying customer demand, in order to address, improve, and communicate
supply chain management practices within and between partners, from the
supplier's supplier to the customer's customer. Process mapping according to
the SCOR-Model allows to understand those supply chain structures
responsible for risk occurrence and to relate sources of uncertainty, identified
through common tools for risk investigation, to the associated process
Risk identification: identification and classification of main sources of risk
(step 1 in Figure 1) for each SCOR process are performed using a standard
breakdown structure decomposed into main kinds of risk in a supply chain.
Risk sources are then linked to the activities where associated risky events
may occur and the nature of such events is identified.
Risk analysis: taking a broad perspective, risk may be seen as an uncertainty
that may be in turn either a threat or an opportunity, depending if it affects a
business either negatively or positively (Ward and Chapman 2003; Hillson
2004). In the risk analysis phase of our approach, performance indicators,
assessing the effects (step 3 in Figure 1) of risk occurrence (step 2 in Figure 1)
on activities, are selected according to the nature of the risky events identified
in the previous step. These performance indicators are measured and compared
against their associated target values. The analysis of discrepancies reveals
whether risky events that happened benefitted or harmed the investigated
processes, in order to set proper actions to either exploit or mitigate their
consequences. Such actions will become proactive measures in the next time
bucket, being supply chain activities repetitive in nature.
The following sections detail the steps along with the present framework unfolds as
well as the foundations on which it is based.
3.2 SCOR-Model as the foundation of the framework
Our approach uses the SCOR-Model version 9.0 as the fundamental supply chain
structure for the analysis of risk. The SCOR-Model is organised around the five main
supply chain processes, namely Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, and Return. Each of
these five processes (SCOR Level 1) is in turn decomposed into sub-processes (SCOR
Level 2) according to three process categories: Planning, Execution and Enable. Each
sub-process is divided into elementary activities (SCOR Level 3) for which inputs,
outputs, best practices, and performance indicators are defined. In particular, the
SCOR-Model provides a rich catalogue of key indicators to measure the performance
of supply chain operations.
The SCOR-Model version 9.0 also incorporates supply chain risk assessment,
tracking, and mitigation through the suggestion of risk management activities as well
as best practices and performance metrics.
The SCOR-Model has been chosen as the foundation for the proposed risk
management framework because it is a widely applied supply chain management tool
(Stephens 2001; Huang et al. 2005). Moreover, the SCOR-Model has been recognised
as being a valuable means to provide incentive alignment and collaboration for risk
avoidance and reduction by promoting cooperation among supply chain partners
(Kleindorfer and Saad 2005; Srividhya and Jayaraman 2007). For example, the
SCOR-Model has been adopted in the aerospace industry to integrate planning
activities with the purpose of overcoming uncertainty and conflicting objectives and
stimulating coordination among supply chain members (Raj and Whitman 2004).
The three pillars of the SCOR-Model, namely process modelling, performance
measurement, and best practices, allow to take a systemic and effective perspective on
risk. First, the SCOR-Model provides a process modelling ensuring that all the
significant activities within a supply chain are identified, thus building a reliable basis
for a comprehensive definition of risks. The standard structure provided by the
SCOR-Model also makes all decision makers agree on processes and goals, which is
of paramount importance to the establishment of a risk measurement system
(Gaudenzi and Borghesi 2006). Second, the key performance indicators suggested by
the SCOR-Model enable to evaluate the behaviour of different supply chain activities
when exposed to risk. Third, the best practices presented by this model may support
the identification of successful actions to either exploit or mitigate the risks detected
by our approach.
3.3 Supply chain process mapping
To identify activities that might be affected by risk is the first step in every risk
management methodology. In fact, a coherent representation of the supply chain
structure is essential to express how different risks are related to the components of
this structure (Narasimhan and Talluri 2009). Moreover, it makes companies more
conscious of their business processes and assures proper actions to reduce the
exposure to vulnerability (Braunscheidel and Suresh 2009).
Our framework suggests using the Activity Breakdown Structure (ABS) to
map supply chain processes. The ABS comes from the Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) (Project Management Institute 2001) and is a hierarchical grouping of
activities that organises and defines the scope of a process. Each descending level
constitutes a more detailed decomposition of process tasks.
The ABS has been selected because it does not only decompose activities in a
clear way but it is also able to properly represent the SCOR-Model structure. As a
matter of fact, the SCOR-Model provides a three-level hierarchical structure defining
the business activities associated with the fundamental supply chain processes, and
each descending level depicts an increasingly detailed description of such activities.
Taking advantage of such similarity between the ABS and the SCOR-Model,
our methodology performs risk identification by using ABSs based on the process
breakdown provided by the SCOR-Model. The bottom level ABS elements are
represented by SCOR third level elementary activities (Table A.1 in the Appendix).
3.4 Supply chain risk identification
To identify and classify risks according to their nature is an essential task before
performing risk analysis and developing control strategies (Narasimhan and Talluri
2009). An accurate understanding of types of supply chain risks enables tailoring risk
reduction approaches to the specific characteristics of each single organisation
(Chopra and Sodhi 2004).
In our framework, once the activities of a supply chain process have been
classified into an ABS, sources of risk for each lowest level activity should be
identified and arranged to provide a standard representation of risk exposure
facilitating understanding, communication, and management. This can be
accomplished by adopting the Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS). The RBS is a
hierarchical, source-oriented grouping of risks that organises and defines the total risk
exposure. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of
sources of risk (Hillson 2002). The RBS tool is chosen because it provides an
effective foundation for a stratified classification of risks and the associated
nomenclature (Tah and Carr 2001).
In our methodology, the RBS does not only serve as a framework for
organising selected risk sources, but also supports their identification. Main literature
about supply chain risk management is reviewed in order to build a general taxonomy
that can be customised according to the process at issue. The RBS levels are intended
to provide a prompt list of areas of risk affecting supply chain processes that guides
the identification of risk sources impacting on specific activities. Table 1 illustrates
the standard RBS structure; more levels may be added as needed.
Table 1. RBS frame for supply chain risk
Sources of supply chain risks are first categorised as external and internal ones
(Smallman 1996; Kiser and Cantrell 2006). External risk sources cannot be controlled
by a company, being exposed to its external environment. On the contrary, internal
risk sources can be better handled because they are associated with decisions made
and actions undertaken within the company. RBS Level 2 and Level 3 represent the
most common determinants of supply chain risk reported by literature. Internal risk
sources are structured according to the supply chain activity levels where risky events
may occur. To this end, the three levels defined by the Global Supply Chain Forum
(Lambert 2008), namely Strategic, Tactical, and Operational, are adopted. Detailed
internal risk sources (Level 3) cannot be defined in this general RBS because they
strongly depend on the specific kind of process under study.
The risk identification phase is completed by connecting detailed risk sources
for each supply chain process with the corresponding elementary activities (SCORModel Level 3). The joint analysis of supply chain activities and risk sources
increases risk visibility, which in turn may contribute to improve performance
(Narasimhan and Talluri 2009).
For this purpose, activities at the lowest ABS level are the rows of a matrix,
whose columns represent risk sources at the lowest RBS level. A Risk Breakdown
Matrix (RBM) (Hillson 2004; Hillson et al. 2006) is thus generated; its cells identify
the impacts of risk sources on activities. Figure 2 shows a RBM where the impacts of
risk sources on activities are represented by colouring the corresponding cells. For
example, in this RBM the risky events caused by the source R2.1 affect the activity
A1.1, therefore the cell at the intersection between the risk source R2.1 and the
activity A1.1 appears grey coloured.
Figure 2. Impacts of risk sources on activities in a RBM (Adapted from Hillson 2004)
After identification, it is necessary to investigate the nature of risk occurrence for each
RBM cell that was marked: what kind of risky events caused by a source may affect
the associated activity and what are the related effects, i.e. time delays, quality issues,
raw material shortages, etc. This knowledge will guide the selection of performance
indicators in the analysis phase of the framework. Such task is of paramount
importance for choosing KPIs able to reflect risk effects properly and requires the
understanding of supply chain processes provided by the first step of the approach.
3.5 Supply chain risk analysis
The risk analysis phase of the developed methodology focuses on the effects on
activities of the occurrence of risky events due to the identified sources and estimates
these effects through performance measurement.
In many companies, the availability of data about risk probabilities, impacts,
and effects is scarce and they do not appear to be collected systematically. In some
cases, managers estimate such quantities by means of subjective judgements, and this
task may be difficult especially when events have not occurred before (Harland et al.
2003). Therefore, the value of risk, obtained as a multiplication of probability and
impact, is not always easy to use and is not always understandable to business people
(Norrman and Jansson 2004).
To this end, performance indicators provide a reliable basis to estimate the
probability and the impact of risky events as well as their effects through quantities
that are specific to each organisation and can be easily controlled. Coupled with an
accurate monitoring process, they may control any deviation (bias) from foreseen
plans (Badr and Stephan 2007). Risk metrics may be either causal variables or proxies
for the risk drivers as well as the associated consequences. They may either be
monitored independently, in order to analyse single risks, or be considered as a
system, in order to have a picture of the overall risk exposure of the business
(Scandizzo 2005). The assessment of risk does not require a new set of KPIs, but
rather a risk-adjusted view of the performance metrics already in place (Hauser 2003).
In our methodology, the indicators that are most capable to reflect the effects
of risks (step 3 in Figure 1) are selected from companies’ dashboards, to form a
measurement system that aims to analyse the consequences of the occurrence of risky
events (step 2 in Figure 1) on supply chain activities, given their importance to
properly control disruptions and other kinds of uncertainty (Scandizzo 2005). These
consequences become manifest in supply chain outcome measures, such as those
related to cost or quality, and, in general, in all those variables expressing a variance
from expected performance. Literature provides comprehensive lists of such
measures, ranging from financial through reputational, to safety-related ones
(Goldberg et al. 1999; Harland and Brenchley 2001).
For each RBM cell where an impact of a risk source on an activity is defined,
the occurrence of a risky event due to the source changes the performance of the
activity in some way. Therefore, a KPI capturing such change is able to assess the
degree of the effect of the risk occurrence on the activity, and it indirectly gives a
knowledge about such occurrence that may be useful for future evaluations of the
existing risks for each activity. To this end, KPIs are selected according to the nature
of risky events and of their effects and placed into RBM cells.
The primary effects of risk on the processes where it occurs are assessed, thus
providing a good trade-off between accuracy and speed in the risk management
process (Zsidisin et al. 2004). As a matter of fact, performance indicators allow a
quick but clear understanding of what supply chain areas need more attention and
enable to prioritise those risks requiring a deeper investigation by acquiring additional
pieces of information.
The analysis of any discrepancy of the actual performance against the target
KPIs allows to investigate on either the negative or the positive nature of risky events
to activate subsequent actions directed to either mitigate the effects of a threat or
exploit the benefits of an opportunity.
4. Applying the framework to a manufacturing supply chain
The present section describes the application of the proposed framework for risk
identification and analysis to a hypothetical internal supply chain of a manufacturing
In order to focus on a manageable case, we analysed the supply chain
activities included in the SCOR-Model part dealing with Make-to-Order products.
Moreover, risk sources are drawn from literature and performance metrics are selected
from the SCOR-Model catalogue giving particular attention to the two most important
aspects of customer requirements: timely delivery and product quality (Svensson
Source, Make, and Deliver processes of the SCOR-Model are studied. For
each of them, most relevant sub-processes belonging to all the three Level 2 process
categories are considered. In turn, most significant elementary activities for each of
these sub-processes are selected.
As an example, the ABS for the Source process is detailed in the Appendix
(Table A.1). P2 Plan Source, S2 Source Make-to-Order Product, and ES Enable
Source are the SCOR Level 2 sub-processes that are taken into account.
The RBS that identifies the risk sources impacting on the Source process is presented
in Table A.2 of the Appendix. It has been worked out by adapting the general RBS
frame presented in Table 1 to take into account Level 3 risk sources specific for the
process at issue. The last column of the RBS in Table A.2 reports literature sources
not included in the review presented in Table 1.
The RBSs classifying the risk sources affecting the Make and Deliver
processes have been defined in the same way as for the Source process, and are
presented in Table A.3 and Table A.4 of the Appendix respectively.
For the purpose of preparing the RBMs, ABSs for the Source, Make, and Deliver
processes are linked to associated RBSs. As an example, Table 2 presents the
complete RBM for the Source process with the identification of the impacts of risk
sources on activities (grey cells). All the RBMs for this case study, together with the
ABSs and the RBSs, are available from the authors (please visit link to the authors’
website, not reported in this version of the paper for blind review reasons).
The possible risk occurrences are investigated for each impact defined in the
RBM, together with the related effects on activities. According to the nature of both
the risky events that may happen and their effects, KPIs enabling to measure the
degree of such effects are selected. Performance indicators are coded according to the
activity they refer to and how many different metrics have been associated with this
activity. For example, the indicator SI2.4.1 defines the first KPI selected for the
Source activity S2.4.
The analysis of some of the RBM cells of the three supply chain processes
studied in this base case is presented below.
As far as the RBM for the Source process is concerned (Table 3), the risk
source IS.5 Machine performance during transiting of the sourced products impacts
on both the activity S2.2 Receive Product and the activity S2.4 Transfer Product. The
identified risk occurrence is an incorrect functioning of the material handling
equipment while either downloading the sourced products from trucks and moving
them to the incoming raw material area or transporting them from that area to the
manufacturing department. The main effects are delays in making such materials
available for undergoing the production process and physical damages to the
incoming products. On this basis, the effect on the activity S.2.2 is measured by the
KPI SI2.2 % Orders/lines received damage free, which assesses the number of orders
or lines that are received damage free divided by the total orders or lines received in
the measurement period. In this case, only damages due to the material handling
equipment used by the focus company are considered. The effect of risk occurrence
on the activity S2.4 is measured by the indicators SI2.4.1 %Product transferred ontime to demand requirement and SI2.4.2 % Product transferred damage free. The first
one evaluates the number of product orders or lines that are transferred to the
manufacturing department on time divided by the total orders or lines transferred in
the measurement period. The second one assesses the number of product orders or
lines that are transferred to the manufacturing department damage free divided by the
total orders or lines processed in the measurement period.
As far as the RBM for the Make process is concerned (Table 4), the risk
source IM.7 Machine performance impacts on both the activity M2.3 Produce and
Test and the activity M2.4 Package. In the first case, the identified risk occurrence is a
poor performance of the production lines that could give as effects either a total
manufacturing lead time longer than its standard value, because for example
workstations take longer to perform their operations, or an increase in the number of
defective products out of the line that have to be discarded. The following three
metrics have been chosen to evaluate these effects: MI.2.3.1 Scrap expense, MI2.3.2
Total build cycle time, and MI2.3.3 Yield. Scrap expense assesses the costs incurred in
the measurement period from finished products falling outside of specifications and
possessing characteristics that make rework impractical. Total build cycle time is
defined as the time necessary to transform raw materials into finished products. Yield
is the ratio of usable output from a production process to the amount of input in the
measurement period, as a result of the finished product quality test. In the second case
the risk occurrence is represented by a poor performance of the machines packaging
the finished products to be delivered. The effect is packages not compliant with set
quality standards and is measured by the KPI MI2.4 Scrap packaging expense, which
is defined as the costs incurred in the measurement period from dealing with packages
falling outside of specifications.
Finally, the RBM for the Deliver process (Table 5) defines an impact of the
risk source EXD.1 Nature disasters on the activity D2.12 Ship Product and an impact
of the same source on the activity D2.13 Receive and Verify Product by Customer. In
both the cases the risk occurrence is represented by natural events such as floods and
hurricanes. On the one hand, the main effect of these risky events on the activity
D2.12 is a delay in delivering the finished products to the customer. Thus, the KPI
DI2.12 Delivery performance to customer commit date is chosen to measure such
effect. This metric assesses the percentage of orders in the measurement period that
are fulfilled on or before the original scheduled date. On the other hand, the effect of
natural events on the activity D2.13 is receiving a relevant quantity of products that
have been damaged during the transportation, and the KPI DI2.13 Perfect order
fulfilment is selected to measure this effect. Here the Perfect order fulfilment
evaluates the consignment compliance to the committed quality.
Table 2. Complete RBM for the Source process
Table 3. Portion of RBM for the Source process
Table 4. Portion of RBM for the Make process
Table 5. Portion of RBM for the Deliver process
The defined performance indicators should be then evaluated and compared
with the associated target values in order to assess the degree of the effects of the
occurrence of risky events on supply chain activities. Threats and benefits originated
by these events should be identified with the aim of supporting appropriate decision
5. Discussion
The developed framework for risk identification and analysis is grounded on the
standard categorisation of supply chain processes offered by the SCOR-Model, thus
making clear “what” risk management is applied to.
Risk identification is not completely left to the experience and knowledge of
process experts, but it is guided by a standard RBS frame that presents a
comprehensive, literature driven list of possible risk sources affecting supply chain
operations. Such list ensures that any possible gaps or blind spots in risk identification
are avoided, and all potential sources of risk are considered.
In addition, the Risk Breakdown Structure and the Risk Breakdown Matrix are
simple but powerful risk management tools because they allow a systemic
representation of both risk sources and their impacts on activities. The systemic
perspective is also guaranteed by the fact that our framework analyses both positive
and negative outcomes of risk occurrence and covers all the phases of the risk
escalation process. In fact, sources of risk are identified by means of the RBS, risk
occurrence is investigated by the RBM for each supply chain activity, and effect
analysis is performed by evaluating KPIs (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Mapping the framework on the risk escalation process
The developed framework is also extremely flexible because it may be applied to
various levels of organisational complexity, in order to analyse just one supply chain
process or to understand risks affecting all the main processes of a company,
according to the amount of information that is available. Moreover, different
breakdowns of supply chain processes may be used as an alternative to the one
suggested by the SCOR-Model.
A key point of our approach is that risk effect estimate by means of
performance measurement, a well-established management practice among both
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and large companies, enables to quantify risk
without recording a great amount of additional historical data. Furthermore, the
developed methodology enhances the value of performance measurement because it
associates KPIs not only with activities but also with related risk sources.
Therefore, the integration among process and risk management tools already
existing in literature and implemented in practice facilitates a constant and purposeful
application of the methodology by a large variety of industries.
Also, the use of the SCOR-Model, the RBS, the RBM and KPIs enhances the
value of the Supply Chain Council model by supporting the implementation of the
actions the SCOR-Model recommends for dealing with supply chain risk.
The value of this framework is that it increases communication about supply
chain risk, a field where responsibilities are interdependent and there must be a
regular, cross-functional and multidirectional information sharing among people, who
are the most important enabler of an effective risk management system (Elkins et al.
2005). In such a way, the proposed methodology contributes to promote a culture of
risk awareness by providing management and employees with a detailed procedure to
handle uncertainty. When the level of maturity towards risk is high enough to enable a
systematic tracking of risk data, the framework developed in this work may also
replace performance indicators with accurate numerical values of risk exposure.
5.1 Limitations and future research
The proposed methodology is mainly focused on observing the consequences of risks
and does not quantify the probabilities of occurrence and the impacts.
Furthermore, it does not analyse whether the risk occurrence has secondary
effects on multiple processes.
Finally, an extensive validation of the approach by applying it to multiple
supply chain settings is required in order to uncover its potential weaknesses and
foster refinements.
These limitations bring two future research lines. First, the methodology could
be extended to analyse risk not only after its occurrence but also before it, by
calculating probabilities of occurrence and impacts of risky events.
Second, the investigation of the cause and effect relationships among the
monitored KPIs could be integrated in our framework as a way to trace how the
effects of risk occurrence spread through multiple activities and processes, for
instance from the Source process through the Deliver one.
6. Conclusions
This work presents a risk identification and analysis methodology that integrates well
established supply chain and risk management tools, such as the SCOR-Model, the
Risk Breakdown Structure, the Risk Breakdown Matrix, and performance indicators.
The main purpose of the framework is increasing companies’ awareness about supply
chain risk by providing a structured approach to identify, assess, and communicate
sources and consequences of risky events. A base case has been developed by
applying the proposed approach to a hypothetical manufacturing supply chain.
The authors are grateful to Lisha Chen, M.Sc. in Management Engineering at Politecnico di
Torino, for her active involvement in the research.
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Table A.1. ABS for the Source Process
Table A.2. RBS for the Source Process
Table A.3. RBS for the Make process
Table A.4. RBS for the Deliver process
Effect analysis
Risk Factor
Risk effects
Process Risk
Probability X%
step 1
step 2
step 3
Figure 2
Effect analysis
Table 1. RBS frame for supply chain risk
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Literature Source
Nature disasters
Kleindorfer and Saad 2005; Faisal et
al. 2006; Kiser and Cantrell 2006;
Goh et al. 2007; Khan and Burnes
Changes in
Kleindorfer and Saad 2005; Sheffi
and Rice 2005; Khan and Burnes
Fuel price
Exchange rate
Wagner and Bode 2006; Ritchie and
Brindley 2007; Ji and Zhu 2008
Changes in the
RBS for
Labour strikes
Changes in the
network of
Juttner 2005; Tang 2006;
Braunscheidel and Suresh 2009
IT system
Changes in
Zsidisin et al. 2000; Kiser and
Cantrell 2006
Tariff changes
Different culture
Wu et al. 2006; Manuj and Mentzer
Market price of
resources changes
Oke and Gopalakrishnan 2009
Product design
Events related to
Zsidisin et al. 2000; Chopra and
Sodhi 2004; Spekman and Davis
customers or
Depending on the
Lambert 2008
process at issue
Table 2. Complete RBM for the Source process
Risk sources (RBS)
Table 3. Portion of RBM for the Source process
Source RBM
IS.5 Machine performance
IS.6 Operator’s operations
during transiting of the
during transiting of the sourced
sourced products
SI2.2 % Orders / lines
SI2.2 % Orders / lines received
received damage free
damage free
SI2.4.1 % Product transferred
SI2.4.1 % Product transferred
on-time to demand
on-time to demand requirement
SI2.4.2 % Product transferred
SI2.4.2 % Product
damage free
S2: Source Make-toOrder Product
S2.2 Receive Product
S2.3 Verify Product
S2.4 Transfer Product
transferred damage free
Table 4. Portion of RBM for the Make process
Make RBM
IM.6 Production
IM.7 Machine
IM.8 Operator’s
IM.9 Production
MI2.3.1 Scrap expense
MI2.3.1 Scrap expense
MI2.3.1 Scrap expense
MI2.3.2 Total build
MI2.3.2 Total build
MI2.3.2 Total build
cycle time
cycle time
cycle time
MI2.3.3 Yield
MI2.3.3 Yield
MI2.3.3 Yield
MI2.4 Scrap packaging
MI2.4 Scrap packaging
MI2.4 Scrap packaging
M2: Make-to-Order
M2.2 Issue Product
MI2.2 Inventory
M2.3 Produce and Test
M2.4 Package
M2.5 Stage Product
M2.6 Release Finished
Product to Deliver
Table 5. Portion of RBM for the Deliver process
Deliver RBM
EXD.1 Nature disasters
EXD.2 Man-made
D2:Deliver Make-toOrder Product
D2.5 Build Loads
D2.6 Route Shipments
D2.7 Select Carriers
and Rate Shipments
D2.11 Load Product
and Generate Shipping
D2.12 Ship Product
DI2.12 Delivery
DI2.12 Delivery
performance to customer
performance to customer
commit date
commit date
D2.13 Receive and
DI2.13 Perfect order
DI2.13 Perfect order
Verify Product by
D2.15 Invoice
Table A.1. ABS for the Source Process
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
P2 Plan Source
P2.1 Identify, Prioritize, and Aggregate
Product Requirements
P2.2 Identify, Asses, and Aggregate Product
P2.3 Balance Product Resources with
Product Requirements
P2.4 Establish Sourcing Plans
S2 Source Make-to-
S2.2 Receive Product
Order Product
S2.3 Verify Product
Source Process
S2.4 Transfer Product
ES Enable Source
ES.2 Assess Supplier Performance
ES.3 Maintain Source Data
ES.4 Manage Product Inventory
ES.5 Manage Capital Assets
ES.6 Manage Incoming Product
ES.7 Manage Supplier Network
ES.8 Manage Import/Export Requirements
ES.10 Manage Supplier Agreements
Table A.2. RBS for the Source Process
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
EXS.1 Nature disasters
EXS.2 Man-made accidents
EXS.3 Fuel price fluctuation
EXS.4 Exchange rate
EXS.5 Changes in the
economic situation
EXS.6 Labour strikes
EXS.7 Changes in the network
of transportation hubs
EXS.8 IT system functioning
See Table 1
EXS.9 Changes in
import/export regulations
EXS.10 Tariff changes
Market price of resources
EXS.12 Production
technological changes
EXS.13 Product design
EXS.14 Supplier business
Chopra and
Sodhi 2004
EXS.15 Supplier product
Zsidisin et al.
EXS.16 Supplier capacity
Lee et al. 1997
EXS.17 Supplier behaviour
John 1984
EXS.18 Supplier production
Wagner and
Bode 2006
IS.1 Attitude about
information sharing
IS.2 Investment on
information system
IS.3 Supplier assessment
Chopra and
Meindl 2004
IS.4 Inventory policy
IS.5 Machine performance
transiting of the sourced
IS.6 Operator’s operations
during transiting of the
sourced products
Table A.3. RBS for the Make process
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
EXM.1 Nature disasters
See Table 1
EXM.2 Man-made accidents
EXM.3 Labour strikes
EXM.4 IT system functioning
EXM.5 Tariff changes
IM.1 Capacity management
Spekman and
IM.2 Information system
Davis 2004
IM.3 Attitude about information
IM.4 Inventory replenishment model
Martha 2002
IM.5 Internal transportation path
IM.6 Production scheduling
IM.7 Machine performance
et al. 2009
IM.8 Operator’s operations
IM.9 Production process
Table A.4. RBS for the Deliver process
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
EXD.1 Nature disasters
EXD.2 Man-made accidents
EXD.3 Fuel price fluctuation
EXD.4 Exchange rate fluctuation
EXD.5 Changes in the economic
EXD.6 Labour strikes
EXD.7 Changes in the network of
See Table 1
transportation hubs
EXD.8 IT system functioning
EXD.9 Changes in import/export
EXD.10 Tariff changes
EXD.11 Financial health of the
EXD.12 Behaviour of the
ID.1 Warehouse network design
ID.2 Information technology
Chopra and
Meindl 2004;
ID.3 Attitude about information
Chopra and
Sodhi 2004
ID.4 Inventory decisions
ID.5 Transportation strategy
ID.6 Planning of shipment
transfers between different modes
ID.7 Operator’s operations while
handling finished goods
ID.8 Machine performance during
transiting of the finished goods