Action Research
in Action
Edited by
Gregory Hadley
Niigata University of International and Information Studies
RELC Portfolio Series 8
Published by
SEAMEO Regional Language Centre
RELC P495-03
Series Editors: Willy A Renandya & Jack C Richards
Booklets in this series deal with a wide range of practical classroom topics and are
written in a style that is accessible to classroom teachers. Other titles in the series
Giving Feedback in Language Classes by Marilyn Lewis
Managing Vocabulary Learning by Paul Nation
The Reflective Teacher: A Guide to Classroom Research by Sandra Lee McKay
Teaching Listening in the Language Classroom by Christine C M Goh
Planning Aims and Objectives in Language Programs by Jack C Richards
Planning Lessons for a Reading Class by Thomas S C Farrell
Intervening to Help in the Writing Process by Antonia Chandrasegaran
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SEAMEO Regional Language Centre
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Copyright © 2003
SEAMEO Regional Language Centre
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ISBN 9971-74-081-8
ISSN 0219-6069
Design, Colour Separation & Printing by Oxford Graphic Printers Pte Ltd
Table of Contents
Series Editors’ Preface
The Reflective Cycle
Sabrina Almeida Ribeiro
Bridging the Gap between Words and
Thomas S. C. Farrell and Lee Fong Ting
Discovering the Classroom Community
David Mayo
Enhancing Pragmatic Awareness
Nicola Helen Green
The Missing Link: Homework
Matthew Warwick and David Jeffrey
Teacher-led or Teacher-fed: Students’
Perceptions of the First Draft
Isabel Pefianco Martin
Studying the Beliefs of Novice Teachers
and Teacher Trainers
Richard Watson Todd
Asian Learners Abroad: A
Reconsideration of “the Good Student”
Gregory Hadley
References and Further Reading
List of Contributors
Series Editors’ Preface
The RELC Portfolio Series consists of short practical resource booklets
for ESL/EFL teachers. Booklets in the series have the following
They are practical and techniques-oriented
They are written in an accessible, non-academic style
They focus on both principles and procedures
Titles in the series provide teachers with practical ways of applying
new ideas in their own teaching. In addition, they could be used as the
basis for workshops and in-service courses and can also be combined in
different ways according to needs.
Action Research in Action is about classroom-oriented research
conducted by classroom teachers. This booklet complements an earlier
title in the Series by Sandra Lee McKay The Reflective Teacher: A Guide to
Classroom Research. The eight action research reports in this booklet reflect
the principles, methodology and philosophy for doing action research
discussed in McKay’s book. The booklet is a valuable resource for
teachers, teacher trainers and other language professionals who wish to
develop a better understanding of how classroom-based research can be
successfully implemented in the classroom.
We are grateful to the contributors to the RELC Portfolios Series for
sharing their expertise with other teachers and teachers in training. Their
willingness to do so without compensation has made it possible to publish
these booklets at a price that is affordable to language teachers in the
SEAMEO countries.
Willy A Renandya
Jack C Richards
Ten years ago, I was employed at a declining English language
school in an obscure city on Japan’s northwestern coast.
Isolated both professionally and technologically, most of my
colleagues were more concerned with surviving the murderous
class loads imposed by management than with the niceties of
any form of teacher development. Access to resource materials
was either limited or expensive to the point of becoming
prohibitive, and the Internet was still largely unavailable.
Students and teachers alike were demotivated. I wanted to gain
greater insight into ways to successfully reach my learners and
deal proactively with the problems I regularly faced at school,
but I was unsure about how and where to start my search.
Soon afterwards, I heard about something known as action
The term action research first appeared almost 60 years
ago when social psychologist Kurt Levin (Levin, 1946)
proposed that it could be used to solve the problems that can
surface in groups that rely on successful communication and
positive social interaction in order to reach their goals. Teachers
of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) began to
take interest in action research in the late 1970s and since then,
a number of books have been published to help language
teachers understand its nature and purpose (Kemmis &
McTaggart, 1988; Nunan, 1991; Griffee and Nunan, 1997,
Wallace, 1998).
As it relates to TESOL, Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)
describe action research as a systematic and collaborative effort
aimed at solving classroom problems. This has been a
surprisingly durable definition that has stood the test of time,
even though some recently (Edge, 2000) prefer to downplay
the element of problem solving in action research in order to
emphasize the importance of teacher reflection for
understanding their students’ culture of learning. In my
opinion, reflective teaching need not be seen as an alternative
to problem-solving, and can only aid those teachers who are
already deeply invested in finding answers to the issues affecting
the quality of their learners’ language education. Action
research is the reflective language teacher’s organized and ongoing search
for classroom solutions and professional insight. It is, as the title of this
book implies, research-in-action.
Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) also understand action research
as a collaborative practice. While not every institution and working
environment will allow for language teachers to work together, by
publishing their work they can still enter a larger community of shared
professional concerns. In this book, Action Research in Action, you will
discover the work of language teachers from around the world, who have
joined together to share the experiences and new realizations gained from
the action research projects conducted with their learners. In chapter one,
Sabrina Almeida Ribeiro shows how her cycle of reflective practice helped
to raise her learners’ awareness of the weaknesses in their oral
communication skills. Thomas Farrell and Lee Fong Ting (chapter two)
make it possible for their colleagues to realize how the contradiction
between their stated beliefs and their actual teaching practices was affecting
the quality of their learners’ language education. The findings of David
Mayo’s action research project (chapter three) lead him to completely
reconsider groupwork in his classes, and discover alternative ways for
classroom communication that better complemented the educational
practices of his learners. Nicola Helen Green (chapter four) explores ways
to improve the pragmatic competence of her learners. In chapter five,
Matthew Warwick and David Jeffrey find out about their learners’
perceptions of homework and draw upon their findings to develop future
teaching strategies. Isabel Pefianco Martin (chapter six) learns to respect
the needs of her learners and begins to see the effect of her instructional
feedback in a new light. In a similar manner, Richard Watson Todd’s
action research project (chapter seven) caused a paradigm shift in the
perception of his learners. In chapter eight, my work with a group of
Asian students at a British university helped them to discover how the
academic strategies they used to secure the opportunity for overseas study
would ironically likely lead to failure in their graduate programs.
Action research is a systematic process of teacher inquiry. All of
the contributors to this collection follow the same action research cycle.
In the introduction of each chapter, there is a description of the teaching
environment in which the action research takes place. The specific focus
of the project, where the observation of a problem or the realization of a
need for greater insight, is expanded upon. A description of how the
investigation takes place, and is followed by the teachers’ response to
their findings. As the teachers consider the importance of their research
to themselves and others, reflective tasks have been provided at the end
of each chapter to suggest possible applications to interested readers.
Because resources and time dedicated to action research will vary, none
of the contributors have used computers, complicated techniques or
specialized materials. The goal is to make this volume accessible to
language educators in a wide variety of teaching environments, and with
the hope that their stories will inspire you to consider using action research
the next time you encounter a challenge in your classroom.
In reading this book, I believe that you will have joined the
community of collaboration that helped to create this volume, and even
now is continuing its search for solutions and greater insight. On behalf
of the contributing authors, it is my sincere hope that you will find Action
Research in Action to be both informative and motivational as you consider
the potential of Action Research for your classes.
~ Gregory Hadley
The Reflective Cycle 1
The Reflective Cycle
Sabrina Almeida Ribeiro
Most language teachers would agree that the communicative
approach emphasizes fluency, and minor inaccuracies
should be overlooked. This, however, is only the first step
of an approach that is truly communicative: once students
have reached a satisfactory level of fluency, what was once
overlooked should be reconsidered so that communication
can become even more effective. For this reason, not even
the most ‘communicative’ teacher should neglect accuracy,
or forget to raise their students’ awareness about their
“growth edges” as language learners.
Having been a teacher for ten years in Brazil, I frequently
encounter the problem of the “intermediate plateau” in many
of my learners. It seems that even though students visibly
improve their rate of delivery, mistakes keep recurring in
the same basic structures. Furthermore, most of the new
vocabulary presented at their level becomes passive, and
learners continue using words of Latin origin that resemble
Portuguese. I decided to investigate this problem, and reflect
upon how my teaching could motivate my learners to
improve their language skills.
A lot has been written on the topic of striking a balance
between fluency and accuracy in second language learning.
It is not difficult to find books or articles full of enlightened
ideas and practical procedures to be carried out in the
classroom. I decided to follow the hints given in a number
of books at my disposal, and to monitor the performance of
the students in an intermediate group at CEL-LEP, a
2 Sabrina Almeida Ribeiro
language school in São Paulo.
When I started teaching this group, my expectations about their
English were quite high, as they were in the last stage of the intermediate
course. What I found out, however, was that despite their openness and
enthusiasm for learning, they were careless when speaking and unwilling
to try new discussion topics that contained unlearned lexis. Once on
task, most were blithely inaccurate in their communicative strategies,
once they were able to figure out the aim and focus of the tasks in class.
I did not want to tell them to feel ashamed about their level of English
proficiency, but I wanted to find a way to encourage accuracy as well as
The tools aiding my research were audio recordings of my classes and
feedback questionnaires from students. The first issue to be investigated
was my teaching. For that, the plan was to make an audio recording of
one of my lessons. The aim was to look at my attitude towards error
correction, teacher and students talking time, pace, rapport and to
analyze the quality of the learners’ language production, as well as their
most frequent mistakes. After all the data was collected, the next step
would be to establish action plans for any area that I felt needed
Listening to the recording, I found out that my error correction was
not as effective as I hoped it to be. The reason for that was that many
times students were so engaged in what they wanted to say that they
either did not pay attention, or were unaware of my corrections. It
became clear that I needed to prepare my class to be more open and
receptive to correction, because no matter how much I could improve
my methods for offering instruction to learners, if they were not open to
it, intake would be minimal.
During the following class, I took the recorder again. This time, I
told them the focus would be on their English. A new recording was
made for each communicative activity in class. I listened to the recordings
at home, and made a list of some of the mistakes they had made. In the
beginning of the following class, I showed them the list, and asked them
to correct it in pairs. After we had gone over all the utterances, I asked
them to spot the mistakes on the list they thought they had made. Then I
asked them to choose one error they did not want to make again in that
week, circle it and return the list to me (see Figure 1).
The Reflective Cycle 3
Figure 1. Learning Diary A
Name: _______________________________________________
In pairs, correct these mistakes. Then spot the ones you have made, and choose ONE mistake
you don’t want to make again.
Correct Form
There is a lot of bizarre
I’ve got to take my grandmother to bingo
When I don’t want do something I gave the
person a lot of excuses, but not strange excuses.
You don’t need to be on a diet.
I stopped to eat a lot.
I changed my mind to loose weight.
I have a strong hurt in my back.
I arrived to the doctor crying.
I never know say this word.
We bring to class with another ideas.
If I had started more serious in the past, study
English, I would be in a better position.
A head Ferrari.
I know her since seven grade. Six years.
She has eyes of Japanese.
That week, I paid a lot of attention to what the learners said. The
following week, I gave each of them the sheets back, with a little feedback
note that either offered praise or my observations of how many times the
wrong form had come up.
This new procedure served its purpose, not only of the correction
itself, but also of showing to the students some strategies that they could
use independent of the teacher.
4 Sabrina Almeida Ribeiro
Geared to reach my goal of learner training, I prepared a form (Figure
2) where learners could keep weekly records of their mistakes and the
correct forms. I encouraged them to choose only one form for each
lesson. In that way, learning would be focused, personal and meaningful.
Figure 2. Learning Diary B
Some time later, I made the recordings again. This time, I asked the
students to listen to the recordings and prepare a list of mistakes the
class had made. They would then select the errors on which they wanted
to focus. We recorded a fluency activity that was part of the planned
lesson and listened to it during the last fifteen minutes of class. Students
had to raise their hands every time they thought they had heard a mistake,
and then discuss the most suitable correction. At the start, they were
embarrassed to point out other students’ errors, but by the end of the
activity, students were pleased, as there was no atmosphere of criticism
or judgment.
I used the audio recording once more, but later on during the course
so that it did not become repetitive, and with a slightly different purpose.
Students were recorded giving simple directions to each other, and then
they participated in a vocabulary expansion activity. At the end of the
activity, they were recorded giving directions again. Without focusing
on correction, their final task was to listen for changes and for richer
At the end of this cycle of action research, I developed a feedback
questionnaire to discover the students’ impressions of the process (See
Appendix 1). I was very happy to find out that they could notice progress
in their learning.
The Reflective Cycle 5
Hubbard et al (1985, p. 37) state that “every language teacher should
begin by considering what the aims of his pupils are, both in the short
and the long run, and judge the success by whether these are achieved.”
The main advantage of what was accomplished in this reflective cycle
was to equip students with the tools necessary for observing their
performance. As I reflect personally upon this action research project, I
believe that a teacher’s focused awareness of what is taking place in the
classroom is the greatest contributing factor to raising students’ awareness.
The more the teacher is driven to reflect upon and deal with what is
happening in the classroom, the greater the chance of students noticing
issues about their own learning.
Some might claim that teachers should not expose students to the
wrong forms they have produced, that this could reinforce the storage
and retrieval of that form. However, I strongly believe that learners should
be able to recognize, notice and compare both correct and marked forms
of the target language. Often as learners, understanding why something
is wrong can aid us in making the right language decisions. This reflection
helped me understand that, as language teacher, we should make more
room in our instruction to the teaching of learning strategies. Doing so
will empower students to learn independently from the teacher, and to
make the most of their classroom experience.
TASK 1.1
Look at your teaching and reflect upon the following questions:
1. Which correction techniques do you use in your lessons? On the spot,
delayed, showing a mistake was made, others. Are they varied?
Effective? How do your students react when corrected?
2. What do you do about recurring mistakes?
3. Is there a balance between your focus on fluency and accuracy during
language tasks?
4. Can you feel that your students are making progress? Can they sense
they are improving? How do you know that?
6 Sabrina Almeida Ribeiro
TASK 1.2
Make an audio or video recording of one of your classes and look back
at the questions above. Were you right or wrong? What evidence could
you get? Do you think you need to make any changes in terms of
correction in your lessons? Interview some of your students as to whether
they feel they are learning and about their feelings towards being
corrected, and plan some awareness raising activities according to their
1) An earlier version of this paper first appeared in New Routes (January
2002, Vol. 16, pp. 26-29). We are grateful to New Routes for permission
to reproduce this article.
1. Think of something you can do now that you couldn’t do in the
beginning of the course. Then write or draw it.
2. How much has your English improved in each of these areas?
The Reflective Cycle 7
3. Which area do you think you need to focus more on?
4. What can you do to improve your English in these areas:
8 Sabrina Almeida Ribeiro
5. Have you been:
6. What class activities did you like best?
7. What suggestions would you like to make?
The Reflective Cycle 9
Bridging the Gap
between Words
and Action
Thomas S. C. Farrell and Lee Fong Ting
Although English is the main medium of instruction in our
schools, it is not necessarily the native language of all
Singaporean students. Singapore has a multi-ethnic
population of more than three million people made up of
77% Chinese, 14% Malays, 7.6% Indians and 1.4% persons
of other ethnic groups (Singapore Department of Statistics,
1999). Secondary schools are divided into neighborhood
schools (government funded) and privately funded schools.
The students’ proficiency in English at these schools varies
from native speaker level to English as a foreign language
It has been our observation that many English language
teachers in Singapore will both correct every grammar mistake
they find on their students’ written assignments and profess
firm adherence to a communicative method of teaching
English composition. We wondered if Singaporean teachers’
actual beliefs about teaching and correcting English grammar
mistakes complemented their actual classroom practices. To
those ends, we conducted the following action research (AR)
project in a Singaporean secondary school.
Many studies have been carried out either on the effectiveness
of grammar correction as a whole or on the usefulness of
various grammar feedback techniques (e.g., Kepner, 1991;
10 Thomas S.C. Farrell and Lee Fong Ting
Sheppard, 1992). However, very few studies in the area of grammar
correction pedagogy have investigated the beliefs that underlie teachers’
classroom practices. We believe it is important to examine teachers’
beliefs and perceptions, as they provide psychological explanations for
pedagogic decisions (Clark and Yinger, 1980). Teachers’ behavior is
influenced by the beliefs teachers hold, and their perceptions in turn
have an impact on students’ own behavior and ultimately, their
achievement (Clark and Peterson, 1984).
However, because analyzing teachers’ perceptions about grammar
correction in isolation may not be helpful to generate constructive
suggestions for improvements in their pedagogical practice, we feel that
a comparison of teachers’ beliefs to their actual practices about their
methods of giving grammatical feedback would be of potential interest
to other language teachers.
Consequently, this AR study is an attempt to fill some of the gaps in
the literature of grammar correction, and adopts a qualitative, descriptive
research approach that utilized classroom observations, and teacher
interviews. By contrasting teachers’ beliefs about grammar correction
with their actual practices, we wanted to see whether there was a
discrepancy between these teachers’ beliefs and their actual classroom
Our investigation focused on two secondary English language teachers,
both of whom were Chinese females. Teacher A was 31 years old with
7 years of teaching experience. Teacher B was 25 years old with 1 year
of teaching experience. They were the only Secondary first year English
teachers in that school. The class taught by Teacher A is labeled as
Class A. The class taught by Teacher B is identified as Class B, which
incidentally contained the most proficient group of learners in the school.
We sought answers to the following three issues:
What are the beliefs of these two Secondary One Express
teachers (Teacher A and Teacher B) about grammar feedback
techniques on students’ compositions?
What are their actual classroom practices? How do these
teachers identify and correct students’ grammatical errors that
occur in their compositions, inclusive of any other treatment
given after the essays are returned to students? Do they use
symbols when marking or do they write the correct answers on
the composition?
Bridging the Gap between Words and Action 11
Do their beliefs and classroom practices about correcting their
students’ English composition grammar mistakes complement
or conflict with each other?
From our interviews and class observations, we discovered that both
teachers corrected every grammatical error in their students’ compositions.
They showed an agreement between their perceptions and actual marking
practices, in terms of types of grammatical focus. Both expressed during
interviews their dislike of selective-marking (only focusing on specific
mistakes), and mentioned their discomfort with correcting only certain
types of grammatical errors. Teacher A explained that selective-marking
was difficult to implement because different students would have different
areas of weaknesses, and this implied that teachers would need to vary
their marking focus for every essay they received. Remembering and
correcting each student’s most frequent errors demands enormous
amounts of teachers’ time and energy, especially for teachers with large
numbers of students.
No definite conclusion about the alignment or discrepancy between
Teacher A’s perception and practice could be reached with regard to the
use of symbols (see Appendix 2.1 & 2.2) instead of writing the correct
grammatical forms on the learners’ papers. However, we discovered that
Teacher B adhered to her strong preference for self-correction in her actual
marking of students’ essays. The teachers’ explanation of their actual
practices can be found in Appendix 2.3 & 2.4. Teacher A displayed a
consistency to her stated belief of using written grammatical explanations
to guide specific groups of weak students to do grammar correction. In
contrast, there appeared to be a wide gap between the functions of Teacher
B’s intended and actual instances of written grammatical explanations.
In terms of highlighting common grammatical errors in class
grammatical feedback sessions, both teachers followed the same
procedures as they had described during the interviews. Hence, there
was a close match between perceptions and actual practices in giving
grammatical feedback for both teachers. In addition, we noted that
Teacher B gave specific comments to students during feedback sessions.
Except for minor discrepancies, Teacher B’s quality and quantity of
grammatical explanations generally matched her stated goal of counseling
individual students about specific grammatical problems.
When considering how forgetful people tend to be in trying to remember
things they may be reluctant to recognize, the fact that both teachers in
12 Thomas S.C. Farrell and Lee Fong Ting
this study corrected every grammatical error is a bit worrying. Some
have suggested attempting to identify all the mistakes in students’
compositions may, in actuality, be a total waste of time and effort. Ur
(1996) commented that it is not possible for students to learn from their
errors thoroughly in oral or written work when they cannot cope with
the sheer quantity of information they are required to deal with. Hence,
she suggested selective-correction. We feel that Ur’s arguments may
also be applied to grammar correction in compositions.
In response to this research, we suggested that both teachers take
time to reflect upon their current practices, and to consider selective
grammar correction as possibly more in tune with their stated desire to
teach composition communicatively. However, both teachers stated
their discomfort with leaving grammatical errors uncorrected, and
admitted that it would take time to be truly convinced of the difficulties
endemic with correcting every grammatical error, even when faced with
the potential of selective grammar correction in reducing students’
grammatical errors.
The usual way to prepare for selective grammar correction is to
compile a list of students’ frequently-made errors from their written
work, which will serve as the teacher’s focus in marking the students’
essays. Ur (1996) suggested that teachers can better utilize this
information by prioritizing levels of importance to grammatical errors,
and make this known to the students in a form of a standardized handout.
Another method would be to set aside class time to show students of
the effectiveness of selective error correction, and the futility of correcting
every grammatical error. By communicating to learners the significance
of various grammatical mistakes, teachers may experience a higher level
of success with selective grammar correction, as it would be targeted to
their students’ specific learning needs.
The beliefs and pedagogic practices of many language teachers are not
only contradictory, but also are often axiomatic, meaning that it will
take more than one study to stimulate a reconsideration of their
classroom practices. As with other deeply held beliefs, many language
teachers will have invested a considerable part of their professional
identity, not to mention months, if not years, to crafting beliefs into
practical pedagogic procedures. Even if teachers do successfully alter
their beliefs and teaching practices, they will still need to persuade their
students (and their parents) about the new stance they have taken, by
showing their learners what they are doing and why they are doing
Bridging the Gap between Words and Action 13
this. Changes such as these may need a long time to take effect.
Nevertheless, we conclude from this action research that attempting
to correct every grammatical error in students’ compositions is neither
communicative nor practical: It succeeds only in deceiving students into
thinking they are learning, and burning out the teacher. Selective and
informed decisions are needed in order to better facilitate our learner’s
acquisition of English.
TASK 2.1
Look at the list of symbols that you use for correcting compositions. If
you do not use a list, consider creating one that is easy for you and your
learners to understand. For what sorts of errors have you created your
symbols – for errors of form, or of meaning?
TASK 2.2
Form two groups of learners. Give both groups selected readings, from
which they should write short compositions in response to what they
have read. For one group, correct every error on their compositions, and
for the other, use a selective method of correction, as described in this
paper. After a period of time, evaluate both groups of learners with a test
based upon the earlier readings. Is there a significant difference in the
scores of the two groups?
Appendix 2.1: List of symbols used in Teacher A’s grammar correction of
Subject-verb agreement
Wrong form, i.e. all types of morphological errors,
except for errors in number
Quantity, i.e. errors in number
14 Thomas S.C. Farrell and Lee Fong Ting
Appendix 2.2: List of symbols used in Teacher B’s grammar correction of
Tense and wrong verb form
Subject-verb agreement
Sentence connector/ conjunction
Words of the wrong lexical category
Missing verb
Wrong adjective form
Appendix 2.3: Grammatical explanations written by Teacher A
1. “Furniture” is never plural/ is an uncountable noun.
Write 3x: a piece of furniture two pieces of furniture
2. When you use “although”, you do not have “but”.
Although I was ill, but I went to school.
Although I was ill, I went to school.
I was ill but I went to school.
3. “Food” should be without the “s”. A lot of food. Some food. Many
kinds of food.
4. Write 3x: one fish, two fish, three fish.
5. Words like “food”, “sheep”, “furniture” and “clothing” should not
have “s” at the back.
6. When you talk about something imaginary and is not likely to happen,
use “would” instead of “will”.
If I were you, I would go.
If I were you, I will go.
7. “Paper” is an uncountable noun.
Write 3x: a piece of paper, two pieces of paper
Bridging the Gap between Words and Action 15
Appendix 2.4: Grammatical explanations and remarks written by Teacher B
1. Note the use of ‘had’. It is quite redundant.
2. Do take more care with tenses.
3. Also, when you use ‘although’, you should not use ‘but’ in the same
E.g. Although Jane was mischievous, she hand in all her assignments
on time.
Note that there is no ‘but’ after the comma. Do not make this mistake
4. … but you have to be careful with the tenses.
5. Also, be careful when you are making connections between two
clauses. The links are missing.
6. You need punctuation and connectors to help arrange long sentences.
7. Please be careful of spelling and tenses.
16 David Mayo
Discovering the
Classroom Community
David Mayo
I teach at a private college in Japan; my students are young
women studying English for its general value in
international communication. I have long admired the hardwon accomplishments of people striving to learn the
language without, in most cases, experiencing life in the
environment where it is widely used. My students’ needs
are in many ways similar to learners in other Asian EFL
settings, where an enduring cultural dynamic influences
the quality of interaction in language classrooms.
In Japan, as in other rice-based Asian societies, close
cooperation among neighbors was indispensable. Heavy
dependence on others, while mutually beneficial, tended
to inhibit people from pursing their personal goals for fear
of the disapproval or ridicule of their community. With
industrialization, it soon became necessary for many
Japanese to adapt to an educational system in which, from
secondary school onward, they must function as individuals
competing for coveted careers. They lost the benefits of
neighborly cooperation, yet remained haunted by the
vulnerability to “people’s eyes”: now, the eyes of rivals
rather than protectors.
The implicit view of students as solitary runners in a race
pervades even women’s colleges, where competitive
pressure is relatively light and social relations thrive. Like
other teachers, I have tried to relieve the academic isolation
Discovering the Classroom Community 17
of students in my own classes by reviving the principle of cooperation.
I had often adopted two forms of student cooperation that are common
in EFL classes: small groups (typically, four students) and pairs. I had
found each form good in its way, at least for tasks that were productoriented. I felt the need to re-think cooperation while planning a new
course that valued more student initiative in the process of learning.
Learners in the new course were organized into groups of four for
discussion, writing, and oral reporting.
To evaluate the small-group arrangement as a basis for student-centered
learning, I decided to keep a classroom diary: a research instrument that
necessitates simultaneously supervising class activities and recording
detailed observations of them for later analysis (Nunan, 1989, p. 55-60).
Though difficult, I could do this while observing students as they worked
in groups.
Keeping the diary began before the first class, with a long entry on
the preparation of the course. Here, I attempted to establish certain
objectives for the research project that roughly corresponded to those of
the course. This “early reflection” served to maximize the usefulness of
the classroom observations, while giving me a chance to avoid errors in
the course design. Since the course rewarded highly motivated students
with satisfying and productive opportunities to use English, I wanted to
be alert to the factors affecting the active participation of individual
students. I devised the following framework for my classroom diary
1. Aims
Each day’s record begins with a statement of aims for that day.
2. Attendance
As the success of groupwork may depend on regular participation,
each record will note the absence of group members.
3. Events
The main section of each record will report the events of the day’s
class, consistently noting the attainment of specific aims and apparent
student satisfaction.
It was important to report classroom events as they unfolded, thereby
capturing my own immediate impressions and responses. As a secondary
18 David Mayo
measure to ensure accuracy and to compensate for unavoidable lapses
in real-time reporting, all classes were recorded on audiotape cassettes.
Repeated listening to portions of these recordings also enriched my
analysis of the diary.
The value of data obtained from this kind of research is something
akin to the psychoanalytic process of bringing buried knowledge to light.
The observations set down in the Events section of my diary soon began
to show a progressively incisive narrative pattern. Some excerpts:
Day 2: … students finish reading but do not start talking. I realize that I
have made a mistake in failing to give them a discussion mechanism. I
suggest that they should first choose their representative. Then she will
solicit the impressions of the others and jot them down as a basis for the
Day 3: They tend to write their remarks for the representative to
consolidate, instead of having a discussion. The representative of Group
2 is a very capable student, but when I prompt her to get something
started, she just gives me a knowing look.
Day 12: Group 2 still has trouble getting underway, although the
members seem well enough acquainted now. They tend to sit and stare
at the papers till I sit down and work with them. … I think I know the
cause of the awkwardness here. Unlike the other groups, each of which
includes one student who can serve as “big sister” to the rest, this one
includes three such students. They recognize each other’s ability, respect
it, and endlessly defer to it.
This conscious accumulation and refinement of observations revealed
students’ needs that might have escaped my notice if I had been present
only as a teacher and not as a teacher-researcher. In some groups, the
students apparently needed freedom from the necessity of performing
before the “eyes” of certain peers, because they either lacked selfconfidence or felt that displaying their superior ability would be
alienating. In Group 2, three proficient students simply needed to seek
cooperation unselfconsciously. They ultimately became good friends
who enjoyed combining their strengths. It seemed that I had obstructed
that development by throwing them together with the implicit command
to “cooperate.”
Discovering the Classroom Community 19
This new insight led me to look for an alternative to small groups as a
way of promoting cooperation in the learning process. With the ultimate
aim of realizing differentiated classes in which “both what is learned and
the learning environment are shaped to the learner” (Tomlinson, 1999,
p. 2), I designed a flexible collaborative learning arrangement that balances
mutual support with individual initiative more dynamically than the
small-group model. There are no established groups. Instead, students
working on individual learning tasks are free to move about the room
and consult one another as neighbors or co-workers do, to form ad hoc
groups or work alone. Though encouraged to seek each other’s help in
the learning process, they are responsible for demonstrating effective
engagement in their own tasks. I have subsequently adopted a modified
form of this arrangement in other classes. By allowing mutual assistance
to take place spontaneously, free collaboration opens the way for
wholehearted support between classmates who might not be grouped
together otherwise.
Many writers have advocated the organization of students in small groups
as an alternative to teacher-fronted classes. Since the mid-1990s, the status
of groupwork in communicative language-teaching methodology has been
so secure that a list of its advantages might be juxtaposed with “excuses
for avoiding groupwork,” every one of which was disallowed (Brown,
1994, p. 173–8). Nevertheless, the insight gained from this action research
project has prompted me to move beyond classroom procedures based
on workgroups. As I reflect on my findings, I believe there are two
weaknesses in the groupwork principle.
First, it has an authoritarian aspect that may go unnoticed by teachers
intent on promoting learner autonomy. If one accepts that the teacher
decides the form and composition of groups, then one should also accept
that some students would be obliged to cooperate unwillingly. The
problem is unsolved by letting the students form their own groups, because
it remains understood that all must do so.
Second, adding a grouping ritual to more traditional classroom rituals
achieves only a minor relaxation of form. The prearranged group of four,
with its facing desks and its imposed relationships, is hardly less rigid a
concept than the teacher-fronted class. These reasons lead me to believe
that the small-group model was a fundamentally flawed expression of
the teacher’s will in promoting learner autonomy.
20 David Mayo
This action research helped me to become more attentive to the
principle of collaboration, which stresses mutuality among responsible
individuals rather than mere labor-sharing (Roschelle and Teasley, 1995).
I was able to bring this principle to bear on the larger task of meeting the
different needs of individual students in my classes.
Like throwing new light on an old scene, this action research project
illuminated the possibility of enabling students to collaborate in a more
natural way. As classroom neighbors sharing insights, and new ideas,
my learners were able to enjoy the fruits of language learning in a way
that complemented their cultural values.
TASK 3.1
Prepare a questionnaire for your learners, and investigate their learning
preferences. How many would prefer to work in groups? Do they want
to choose their own groups, or do they prefer that the teacher decide?
TASK 3.2
What “cultural values” do you bring to the classroom, which might
differ from that of your learners? Are there any educational beliefs that
you and your learners have in common? Devise three activities that can
build upon the commonality that you share with your learners.
Discovering the Classroom Community 21
Enhancing Pragmatic
Nicola Helen Green
The Japanese Secondary School in Singapore is essentially
a small part of Japan transplanted in Singapore. All the
students are Japanese, and most of the teachers are Japanese
with the exception of a small group of native speakers of
English. The Japanese Ministry of Education dictates the
curriculum, but in order to take advantage of the fact that
English is widely spoken in Singapore, the curriculum also
includes two periods of English Conversation per week, as
well as non-academic subjects such as Art and Music, which
are taught partly in English by native speaker teachers. I
teach in the English Conversation Department.
Students in English Conversation classes are taught in
small groups of about 14 learners that have been streamed
by proficiency level. A different textbook is used for each
year level, but the same textbook is used regardless of
proficiency level within one grade. A Secondary 2 student
recently arriving from Japan with a low proficiency level
in English will use the same book as a high proficiency
level learner who may have spent several years in an
international school. Approximately 40% of my higher
proficiency learners have been in mainstream English
medium schools in countries such as England or the USA.
Another 30% have lived in Singapore their entire lives, and
have attended local English medium kindergartens and/
or international schools. The remaining 30% have only
studied in Japanese schools and have never lived outside
Japan before recently coming to Singapore. Teachers must
adapt the textbook according to the mixed proficiency levels
within the class. English Conversation is a non-examined
22 Nicola Helen Green
subject, however, and the teacher has a degree of freedom regarding
lesson content, thus providing an environment conducive for action
I became aware while teaching a class of higher proficiency learners
that they made frequent pragmatic errors. In my readings on the
pragmatic area of communicative competence, I was particularly struck
by the idea that while a grammatical error merely reflects badly upon a
learner’s ability to learn a language, a pragmatic error reflects badly
upon a learner as a person (Thomas, 1983; Kachru, 1994). I saw
pragmatic competence as an area where my students could improve.
However, the lack of available resources was frustrating.
The area of speech acts is well documented in Pragmatics, so I
decided to focus on this. I decided that requests were probably the most
useful speech acts to look at. Fukushima (1996) noted that because
requests involve politeness strategies, they are potentially face
threatening, and involve relational, situational and power roles. Most
importantly, with living in Singapore’s ESL environment, requests were
perhaps my learners’ most frequently used English speech act. All this
made the domain of requests ideal for my research.
I needed to know in which situations and in what way my learners
lacked pragmatic awareness when making requests. I chose to focus on
pragmatic awareness, that is, the awareness of what is socially acceptable
in the target language, rather than production. I felt that this was a fairer
measure of pragmatic competence, because although learners are often
aware of pragmatic implications in a dialogue, their actual production
does not reflect this awareness due to many factors, including lexical
avoidance, oversimplification and the overuse of familiar formulas
(Olshtain & Cohen, 1983).
To collect data on requests, I adapted a questionnaire designed by
Olshtain and Cohen (1990) to collect data on apologies (see Figure 1).
It consisted of two parts, a discourse completion task (DCT) and an
acceptability judgment test. I changed the focus to requests, and altered
some of the situations to suit my junior high school students. Although
some of the items, such as number five in Figure 1 still seem to focus on
apologies, I interpreted situations such as this as a pragmatic request for
Enhancing Pragmatic Awareness 23
Figure 1. Sample Questionnaire
Discourse Completion Task
I also added two more situations from Fukushima (1996) to include
the role-based, relational and situational factors important for Japanese
students learning English.
The results revealed that my students used complete request formulas
both infrequently and inappropriately. The most common type of request
used was a single component request, for example, “May I borrow your
notes?” or “Can I get a ride with your family, please?” This meant that
the students did not complete one of the recognized multi-component
request patterns, as described by Fukushima and Iwata (1987), and
therefore failed pragmatically. The questionnaire also showed that my
24 Nicola Helen Green
students’ request language vocabulary was limited. While possessing
the vocabulary to make simple “May I”, “Could you” type requests,
they rarely used more complex request language such as “I’d appreciate
it if…” and “Could you do me a favor and…” However, my students
were aware and able to use speaker-dominated request forms for low
imposition requests and hearer-dominated request forms for higher
imposition requests with relative accuracy (Fukushima, 1995). Although,
again, the request language they used showed little variation.
It seemed that the pragmatic failings of my students resulted from a lack
of awareness of the pragmatic conventions surrounding requests. By
raising their awareness, I would give my students the necessary tools
for improving their pragmatic competence and their overall proficiency
in the target language. To those ends, I devised a series of lessons aimed
at raising my students’ pragmatic awareness.
The original study by Olshtain and Cohen (1990), on which my
questionnaire had been modeled, also included a brief outline of three
lessons designed to raise pragmatic awareness of apologies. Using these
as a starting point, and looking closely at the responses of my students
to the questionnaire, I came up with a series of six 30-minute lessons,
which I hoped would raise my student’s pragmatic awareness of requests
(Figure 2).
The lessons included a variety of tasks such as listening, pair work
and role-play. The lessons began by looking at the three standard
semantic formulas for requests, and when and where these could be
used appropriately. This introduction to semantic formulas and their
appropriacy also considered the perceived distance between speaker and
hearer, the potential for loss of face for the hearer by the use of
inappropriate requests, and the relationship between directness and face.
The lessons then moved on to raising the students’ awareness of the
reasons influencing the selection of a particular strategy or formula and
how one could convey his or her intention more effectively. The final
two lessons were intended to illustrate the importance of using
appropriate requests in English by contrasting two forms that were
misused by the students in the original DCT and appropriacy judgment
test, and culminating in several role play situations in the form of mini
scenarios (Di Pietro, 1987). For example, one mini scenario involved
making a request at a bus station. The requestee was a bus driver on a
break and who was tired of being asked the same question. The requester
was unaware of this and would not therefore be expecting the response
Enhancing Pragmatic Awareness 25
received because of his or her original request. The request would then
have to be modified to suit the requester’s evolving perception of the
The students enjoyed the lessons which, as well as providing
information designed to raise their pragmatic awareness, provided
opportunities to use their existing and newly acquired knowledge in the
form of communicative activities. All too often, students who have
achieved a high level of proficiency in English are assumed to need practice
rather than instruction. I think my students appreciated the chance to
learn something new and apply this insight during class.
Figure 2. Sample of Lessons Used in Class
Part A
Listen to the 3 conversations and answer the questions in the table
Where does
take place?
What is the
Discuss these questions with your partner.
How well does Saori know Mr Ono?
How well does Hiro know the man who is smoking?
How well does Mai know Yuri?
Listen again. Which conversation uses which request formula?
address term
address term
26 Nicola Helen Green
I readministered the DCT and appropriacy judgment test when the
series of lessons were complete. I anticipated some objections from the
students, but they completed the questionnaire without a fuss. The results
showed that their awareness of request formulas had greatly increased.
They used multi-component requests and they used these in appropriate
situations. They had also acquired a wider variety of request language
and were able to use this new vocabulary appropriately.
The lessons designed were intended to be teachable; the rules and
vocabulary items were learnable, and this made teaching the lessons
relatively simple. The challenge lay in providing communicative
activities that would allow the students to apply their newly acquired
knowledge effectively. I think that the lessons succeeded in their aim to
enhance their pragmatic awareness. In the future, I could perhaps use
the same ideas to develop other aspects of communicative competence
that are seldom addressed in the language classroom.
TASK 4.1
Keep a record of instances when individual students fail pragmatically,
rather than grammatically of lexically, during communicative activities.
After some time review this record in order to see if you can identify an
area in which your particular class needs help in the form of awareness
TASK 4.2
Once you have identified an area in which your students fail
pragmatically, devise your own discourse completion tasks as a basis
for your own questionnaire. Change the focus and situations to suit
your own needs.
Enhancing Pragmatic Awareness 27
The Missing Link:
Matthew Warwick and David Jeffrey
The Communicative English Program (CEP) at the Niigata
University of International and Information Studies (NUIS)
in Japan was established in 2000 to give students
opportunities to learn and practice the communicative use
of International English. Our objective is to motivate learners
to share their interests, concerns and viewpoints confidently
and meaningfully in English with non-Japanese speakers of
English, mainly those coming from Asia’s Pacific Rim.
However, the average CEP student has studied English for
about 6 years in a grammar-translation context. Many have
some knowledge of English grammar rules and vocabulary,
but most have had few opportunities to practice English
extensively in communicative contexts.
Students are streamed into three levels in six classes of
23 students which correspond to the three textbook levels in
the New Interchange series (Richards, 1998b; 1998c; 1998d).
Each sixteen-week semester is divided into four cycles. In
each cycle, students study two units from the textbook and
take evaluative reading, listening and speaking exams. CEP
students attend speaking and listening lessons four days a
week and one 90-minute reading lesson once a week.
Homework is assigned daily and checked the following day.
Homework was one aspect of the program we needed to
consider. It is the foundation upon which all other activities
in CEP hinge, as it draws the students’ attention to the new
language items that will be used in class. We also feel regular
28 Matthew Warwick and David Jeffrey
homework assignments are important for reaping the full benefits of the
conversation activities.
We had decided with the program coordinator that homework would
amount to 30% of the students’ final grade in the speaking and listening
classes, but we struggled to find a “home” for homework. We attempted
several plans during the first year of CEP, but each strategy took up
considerable amounts of time. It also seemed that the students were
only cramming to pass this requirement. Additionally, while the
workbook we used to assign homework provided extra practice, we did
not utilize the existing practice opportunities from the textbook. Thus,
we felt the workbook was a waste of money for the students.
During the first year of CEP, we devised a survey to determine the
strengths and weaknesses of the program from the perspective of the
learners. Homework ranked as one of the least enjoyable aspects of the
program. While we did not anticipate homework to receive high marks,
we did not expect it to be held with such contempt. The following year,
we decided to assign a little homework everyday. We wanted to ensure
homework had a direct relationship with the planned activities of the
class, so we scrapped the workbook, and asked students to complete
textbook exercises, hoping that students would stop viewing homework
simply as busywork. However, we knew that we still had a problem
when, during the first semester, we noticed that about five percent of
the students were not doing any homework, and another five to ten
percent were seen regularly copying homework in the moments
preceding class.
Based on this situation, we wanted to investigate our students’
perceptions about homework, and discover how closely their views were
related to ours as teachers. We started with a brainstorming session
where we listed our perceived benefits of doing regular homework. After
completing the list, we devised a survey in English (See Figure 1)
containing questions designed to elicit students’ views on homework.
The Missing Link: Homework 29
Figure 1. Homework Attitude Survey
The survey questions employed a 5-point Likert scale for the responses,
except for one open-ended question with prompt “I don’t do my
homework because…” Towards the end of the first semester, we delivered
the survey to all classes at the end of a lesson, and received 119
responses.We totaled all the responses, and then compared the students’
expectations with ours. Table 1 displays these responses. We considered
responses differing from our expectations by more than one point to be
areas where we need to address those issues.
The responses bear some interesting ideas about our students’ attitudes
30 Matthew Warwick and David Jeffrey
about homework and our own expectations about homework. First,
despite the similarity of questions 1 and 5, the Difference Between
Expectation and Reality numbers varied by 0.57 points for the two
questions. We interpret this disparity in the following way. The students,
in a general sense, know that doing homework is expected of them, but
to their way of thinking, it is not a good use of time. For example, several
students mentioned in the open-ended response section that because
they held part-time jobs, they were tired after working or lacked the
time to finish their homework.
Table 1. Survey Results
Question 3 contains another interesting response. Differing from our
expectation by 0.95 points, we concluded that the students agree that
copying was not right, however it could be expedient. We had hoped to
receive a more solid score indicating they thought copying to be an
improper learning activity.
The Missing Link: Homework 31
The responses that leaped up from the page at us were the ones from
questions 6 through 11. The students did not indicate an association
between homework and in-class or test performance. We, of course,
thought that such a relationship would be readily apparent, and thus took
it for granted that the students would see and appreciate the link. The
students were unsure of the relationship between doing homework and
using any of the language skills practiced in class.
Surprisingly, questions 7 and 8 regarding grammar and vocabulary
received some of the most puzzling responses, despite the fact that all
homework assignments are grammar and/or vocabulary exercises. We
felt that students would be aware of the connection that exists and respond
accordingly. Open-ended responses indicate that some exercises are “too
difficult.” One interesting finding is the students’ responses for passive
skills and active skills tests as seen in questions 9 through 11. Students
seemed to have a greater sense of connectivity between doing homework
and performing well on the passive skills tests, such as reading and
listening, but considering the homework is more active than passive, and
that none of the homework assignments contain listening tasks, this
attitude is puzzling. Perhaps they are more used to passive skills tests,
they may think homework will aid in their performance on these tests.
Conversely, students were somewhat unsure about homework helping
them to perform well on oral proficiency. As one student succinctly wrote
on the open-ended response, “Homework isn’t help(ing) me in the CEP
speaking test.”
The key result of this study is that our learners seemed unsure about
several issues related to homework, which in turn raises the concern of
student-teacher communication.
Once the cycles have started in CEP, it is difficult to make drastic changes
without disrupting the flow of instruction and testing. However, by the
beginning of the next academic year, we will start implementing strategies
to raise our learners’ awareness to CEP’s objectives, and highlight how
these ideals relate to both homework and tests. A specific way to address
this issue will be the use of visual aids both in the class and on CEP’s
website that emphasize the link between homework and success on all
exams. However, we foresee this to be a continuous task. It will take
time for a significant number of learners to begin sharing our attitudes
about homework and the benefits it can bring to them in the program.
32 Matthew Warwick and David Jeffrey
Because of this action research project, we now understand the
importance of explaining to students how homework will benefit them
as language learners. We have spent the last year and a half creating
what we feel is a solid academic English language program, and we now
need to spend some time effectively communicating that to our students.
At the same time, we also now recognize the need to explore our own
beliefs about homework. Is the homework that we assign actually aiding
our learners’ language acquisition and contributing to their success in
CEP? Are there alternatives to homework that we have not yet
considered? Questions such as these suggest rich opportunities for action
research. As teachers and participants in CEP’s development, we have
our own homework to do.
TASK 5.1
Make a list of the reasons why you assign homework. If you do not
assign homework, make a list of reasons why you justify your decision.
Create a questionnaire similar to the one in this study. How close do
your learners agree with your reasoning?
TASK 5.2
How does the homework you assign contribute to your learners’
acquisition of the language? How closely does the homework complement
what is done in the classroom? Outside the classroom? Are there any
practical alternatives to your present practice which would better
complement your learners’ needs?
The Missing Link: Homework 33
Teacher-led or
Students’ Perceptions of
the First Draft
Isabel Pefianco Martin
For four years now, I have been teaching at Ateneo de
Manila University, a Jesuit university in Manila. The student
population of the college is not more than 6,000
undergraduate and graduate students. In the Philippines,
students of Ateneo de Manila are recognized as having a
higher level of English language proficiency than students
from most Philippine universities. However, the course
which I have been teaching, Communication Across the
Curriculum, also known as CAC, is a radical departure from
the typical approach to college freshman English in the
As a freshman in the same school, I wrote essays
focussing on the rhetorical modes of narration, description,
and exposition. I remember writing short stories for my
college composition class, as well as definition essays,
process analysis essays, and research reports. It was only
when I began to teach college composition did the English
Department realize that these writing tasks were not relevant
to the freshman student’s writing experience. Thus, the 6unit course Communication Across the Curriculum was
developed to respond to the so-called “real” reading and
writing needs of freshmen.
34 Isabel Pefianco Martin
This investigation covers the first semester classes of CAC, which
require students to produce three major tasks: (1) memoir/
autobiographical essay, (2) eyewitness report, and (3) research paper.
The English Department came up with these tasks after asking other
academic departments what writing assignments they usually gave to
their students. CAC is an attempt to develop the students’ reading and
writing skills so that they can better cope with the demands of academic
When designing CAC, we argued at length about the meaning of the
“task-based approach.” Is “task” synonymous to “product”? If so, is a
task-based writing course concerned more with output than input? In
effect, would a task-based approach suppress the writing process?
The composition teachers were passionate about helping students
value the process in producing a written task. Thus, CAC required
students to write at least one draft (considered a as “pre-task”) before
working on the final tasks. Of course, this meant that teachers had to
provide feedback about the drafts.
My experience of reviewing drafts for CAC had not always been
pleasant. I often felt frustrated because of what I thought were careless
and often blatant written errors, which sometimes translated into nasty
and sarcastic comments about the drafts.
I wondered about the real value of requiring written drafts. Were
students turning in horrible drafts because they knew I would review
these? Was the draft only encouraging laziness? Was I, in effect, forcing
my students to depend on me whenever they work on a task?
These questions led me to “experiment” on one task: The memoir.
Instead of requiring a draft for the memoir, I told the students to write
the memoir without my help. In addition, I asked my students to
complete the following survey (see Table 1). Because of the contextspecific nature of the survey, I administered this form in place of the
university’s Course Evaluation Form.
Teacher-led or Teacher-fed: Students’ Perceptions of the First Draft 35
Table 1 The survey
In the survey, the respondents rated the pre-tasks and completed an
open-ended section in which respondents listed concrete ways the pretasks were helpful (or not). The following tables present the results of the
survey. Table 2, which represents Part One of the survey, summarizes
the students’ evaluation of the pre-tasks. I found that most of the students
(n = 38) perceived the pre-tasks to be very helpful, and no one found the
Table 2 Pretask
Not helpful
Sllghtly helpful
Very helpful
Eyewitness report draft
Eyewitness report S-T conference
Research paper draft
Research paper S-T conference
pre-tasks to be unhelpful. In Part Two of the survey, I noted the comments
with the highest frequencies. The results in this section were consistent
with the results of the first part of the survey. The students identified
36 Isabel Pefianco Martin
specific ways in which the pre-tasks were helpful to them. Table 3
revealed that students found the first draft of the eyewitness report helpful
because they became aware of their writing weaknesses. Some believed
that the draft gave them a chance to improve their work. One student,
however, thought that the draft affected her self-esteem; another
confessed that she did not take the draft seriously, knowing that it was
only a draft.
Table 3 First Draft (eye witness report)
Table 4 shows that students generally believed that the first draft of the
research paper was helpful because it “showed mistakes overlooked.”
Table 4 First Draft (research paper)
Teacher-led or Teacher-fed: Students’ Perceptions of the First Draft 37
Several students reported that the research paper draft helped them
“improve the final work.” However, three students presented negative
perceptions of the research paper draft because the draft was taken for
granted; the student became less confident about her writing skills, and
one became overly dependent on the teacher’s comments. Table 5 reveals
positive perception students had of student-teacher conferences. The
students noted that conferences were helpful because the teacher was
able to provide further feedback on the comments made earlier about the
Table 5 Teacher-Student Conference
Among all the questions in the second part of the survey, I was most
interested in the question concerning the absence of a draft. What I found
was that most students did not believe the absence of a draft would be
helpful for several reasons. The main reasons were that they felt they
would be unable to remember how to improve their writing without the
draft writing process, and would feel lost as to how to identify any future
errors or weaknesses in writing. Several students, however, did note that
the absence of a draft for the memoir would force them to become less
dependent on the teacher.
This study has motivated a reconsideration of my current teaching
practices. I have decided not to eliminate the pre-task from the writing
process. I also realized that I must pay more attention to the quality of
the comments I make about the drafts. My feedback needs to be more
descriptive, rather than judgmental, of the writing weaknesses of my
students. I had to acknowledge the fact that I need to be more sensitive to
the feelings of my students – especially those who take my feedback
38 Isabel Pefianco Martin
There is also a need for me to vary the pre-tasks I give. For example,
next year I might consider peer reviews of drafts. This practice would
hopefully make the students less dependent on my comments and
encourage collaborative learning. Students who give feedback to fellow
students would not only help their peers, they also could learn how to
improve their own writing skills, and make the learning experience a
shared activity.
Traditional data analysis tends to stress behaviors or phenomena which
occur most frequently. Such analysis only highlights the perspective of
the majority. As a result of this action research project, I learned that
the voice of the minority is equally important. In a classroom setting,
each person’s feelings are valuable. When a student’s self-confidence is
threatened by the comments I make about her writing, there must surely
be something wrong with the feedback I am giving.
TASK 6.1
What type of feedback do you normally give when evaluating your
learner’s writing? Design a survey to find out how effective your learners
find your feedback. In what areas are they satisfied with the feedback?
Are there any areas of discovery where you could improve the quality
of care and guidance?
TASK 6.2
What time of the day do you normally evaluate your learners’ writing
tasks? Experiment with evaluation at different times. Are there any times
when you have the energy to be positive and supportive in your feedback?
Are there times of emotional “low tides” which you should avoid? Share
your findings with a trusted colleague.
Teacher-led or Teacher-fed: Students’ Perceptions of the First Draft 39
Studying the Beliefs
of Novice Teachers
and Teacher Trainers
Richard Watson Todd
My students are teacher trainees taking a Masters degree in
Applied Linguistics at King Mongkut’s University of
Technology Thonburi in Bangkok. They comprise both
experienced and novice teachers, with nine of the group of
thirteen trainees having no teaching experience. This
research was conducted during their first-semester course
called Principles of Teaching. Although I have been teaching
on the programme for several years, this course had been
designed as part of a new curriculum. In designing the
objectives and outline of the course, I decided to place an
emphasis on teachers’ beliefs and philosophies of teaching,
following recent trends in the teacher education literature
(e.g. Guillaume, 2000; Richards, 1998e).
Raising trainees’ awareness of one’s beliefs about
teaching has become one of the main goals of teacher
training. Irrespective of the content of the training, many
novice teachers are deeply influenced by their existing
pedagogic beliefs. These beliefs act as a filter when
considering the value of various classroom-teaching
Discovering one’s pedagogic beliefs as a goal in teacher
training creates a potential problem. Most of the literature
on teachers’ beliefs has looked only at the beliefs of
experienced teachers (see Borg, 1999 for a review) suggesting
perhaps that novice teachers’ beliefs are either less worthy
40 Richard Watson Todd
of attention or more difficult to elicit. Standard texts for use in initial
teacher training (e.g. Doff, 1988; Harmer, 1998) conspicuously ignore
the issue of teacher beliefs. Of the few studies into novice teachers’ beliefs
that are available (e.g. Almarza, 1996; Bailey et al., 1996), the indications
are that inexperienced teacher trainees can hold strong beliefs about
teaching, mostly deriving from their “apprenticeship of observation”
(Lortie, 1975), in other words, from their own experiences as learners.
Without teaching experience, would the beliefs of my teacher trainees
be clear enough to make awareness raising a worthwhile pursuit? At
the start of the course, I was uncertain whether my emphasis on teaching
beliefs would ‘work’. I was unaware of other initial training courses
that so heavily stressed beliefs, and unsure whether the inexperienced
trainees would be able to articulate their beliefs. To evaluate the
effectiveness of the course, and discover if focusing on inexperienced
trainees’ teaching beliefs was appropriate, I investigated the conceptions
of teaching of the nine inexperienced trainees in my class.
The trainees, one male and eight female, were all Thai with good levels
of English. As part of the course, the trainees were required to complete
some assignments, some of which were used for evaluation, and others
as input into classroom activities. Four of these assignments led the
trainees to express their beliefs about teaching. Rather than create more
work for the trainees by asking them to write about their beliefs for the
sole purpose of satisfying my curiosity, I decided to use these four
assignments, which were integral to their training and evaluation, as
the data for my investigation.
The four assignments are as follows:
Assignment 1: Near the start of the course, the trainees were asked to
write down three reasons why they wanted to become an English teacher.
Assignment 2: As lesson input, the trainees were asked to write a
paragraph explaining their personal teaching philosophy.
Assignment 3: The paragraphs concerning their personal philosophy
(Assignment 2) were passed around in class so that all of the other
Studying the Beliefs of Novice Teachers and Teacher Trainers 41
trainees could write comments or questions on them. These comments
make up Assignment 3.
Assignment 4: As part of their evaluation for the course, the trainees
were asked to write around 1000 words on one of two topics: discussing
a potential metaphor for teaching and its implications, or discussing one
key characteristic of effective teachers.
Each assignment was open-ended and provided qualitative data for
my investigation. Usually qualitative data is studied by identifying
frequent and salient word patterns or themes. In this paper, however, I
would like to focus on my own reactions to the data.
The first of the assignments on the course was the trainees’ reasons for
wanting to become a teacher (Assignment 1). A fairly typical sample of
these is given below.
“Almost all of my cousins are teachers.”
“I want to improve my English language.”
“It is a stable job because it is governmental work.”
“I naturally love to teach, I am always very happy to
see what I taught is what my student learnt.”
Although I was happy to see the trainees being so truthful in their
reasons, I was somewhat disappointed by the lack of understanding about
the responsibilities of teachers and their roles in society. I felt my data
collection had started poorly.
The next assignment was the trainees’ personal philosophies of
teaching (Assignment 2). These showed completely different levels of
understanding as compared to Assignment 1, as is clear from the following
“The teacher should not be conservative, but he or
she should have [an] open mind. To guide the students
to get through their difficulties by themselves is better
than to dominate them or to do everything for them.
Learning by doing or learning from mistakes still works!”
42 Richard Watson Todd
“I think that people should learn what they are really
interested in. I believe that good teaching is the teaching
where students and teacher are happy together. Students
gain what they want and [the] teacher gives what they
want to teach. Both side[s] should be happy in their
teaching and learning.”
“The most important thing is to make students
happy with learning because I believe that everybody
can learn or absorb anything quickly when he or she is
pleased to do it.”
The third assignment required peers to comment on each other’s
personal philosophies. I also participated in writing my remarks. The
last of the extracts above received the following comments from other
“Do you mean that teachers should emphasize
making students have positive attitude[s] toward their
“Don’t forget that to encourage them to be able to
think and cope with difficulties is also important.”
“If you teach in a big class, how do you know that
all of your students are happy with your teaching style?”
Although I had not expected much depth when giving these
assignments, both the philosophies and the comments impressed me
greatly. Many would fit well in textbooks on teaching, and it was difficult
to see much qualitative difference between the trainees’ comments and
my own. These two assignments prompted me to change my view of
the trainees simply as receptacles of my knowledge. I began to regard
them more as colleagues, with whom it was possible to have fruitful
Reading the trainees’ assignments concerning metaphors for teaching
and effective teaching reinforced these positive perceptions. Seven of
the nine inexperienced trainees decided to do assignments on metaphors.
Ignoring some language and organisational problems, which are to be
expected early in the Masters programme, the assignments were
impressive. A short example from an assignment discussing teaching as
cooking will give a flavor of this.
Studying the Beliefs of Novice Teachers and Teacher Trainers 43
“I don’t believe that a good food is only the one that
only has good taste or good looking. But it must contain
enough nutrients too. Similarly, what the teachers have
to be careful [of] is [that] a good lesson doesn’t mean
only an enjoyable class but also teachers must provide
enough knowledge and information for students to
understand and be able to apply them ... In addition, let
[us] think about a delicious food. Every ingredient must
be in correct proportions that is not too much sugar,
salt, or others. So for teaching, the teacher has to
organise the class and lesson to be balanced. That means
only a lecture given without any activities or chances
for students to think. Or do activities all the time for
students to be fun without any reasons to support.”
I had attained my initial goal of both evaluating the usefulness of the
course and answering my concerns about whether raising the awareness
of inexperienced trainees’ to their teaching beliefs would be feasible. From
the depth of insight shown in assignments 2, 3 and 4, the novice trainees
clearly held valuable beliefs and were eminently capable of articulating
them. My views about the importance of emphasizing teacher beliefs in
initial training courses were also validated.
More importantly, the insights shown in the assignments changed
my perceptions of the trainees. Rather than treating them as students
who needed to be given lots of knowledge, I now viewed them as coworkers in constructing new understandings of teaching. This change in
attitude has led to a paradigm shift in the way I teach. Instead of
transmitting information, I now aim at transforming understanding, both
my own and the trainees’. This action research project has resulted not
only in changes in how the course is taught, but it has also benefited my
trainees and aided my own development as a teacher.
44 Richard Watson Todd
TASK 7.1
Have you ever thought about your own beliefs as a teacher? Which of
the four assignments in the article do you think would be most useful to
you in raising awareness of your own beliefs? Try to complete the
assignment (with a couple of colleagues for assignment 3). How do the
beliefs you expressed compare to those of the teacher trainees in this
article? What did you learn about your beliefs from completing the
TASK 7.2
This article focuses on the beliefs of teacher trainees. The beliefs of
language learners about how to learn may also be important. How can
you raise learners’ awareness of their own beliefs about language
learning? Can the four assignments used to raise awareness of teaching
beliefs in this article be applied to language learners? If so, how would
you adapt the assignments to make them useful for language learners?
Studying the Beliefs of Novice Teachers and Teacher Trainers 45
Asian Learners
Abroad: A
Reconsideration of
“the Good Student”
Gregory Hadley
Every year, hundreds of EFL learners from countries along
Asia’s Pacific Rim attend summer presessional courses at
British colleges and universities as a prerequisite for their
graduate level studies. Language teachers from around the
world also participate as temporary teachers in these
programs to prepare learners for life and study in England.
I took a break from my regular teaching post in Japan
to teach in the English for International Students Unit
(EISU) Summer Presessional Course at the University of
Birmingham (UK). It is a five to ten week program designed
to help students shore up their linguistic and academic skills
before entering graduate school. I taught two courses. One
focused on general academic preparation during the
morning, and the other was an afternoon course in
Computer Science. EISU’s morning program was well
prepared, with an excellent curriculum and plentiful
supporting materials. The afternoon courses, however, were
mixed in terms of materials and support. This was partially
due to the fact that while EISU had a rapport with some
departments, their links with other schools on campus were
not as strong, as I quickly discovered when I dropped by
the Computer Science Department a week before the
46 Gregory Hadley
afternoon course in search of professional support and teaching ideas.
Although I had taught for two years at a Japanese college specializing
in Engineering and Computer Science, I had been relegated to the
teaching of “general English”. Now, faced with the prospect of teaching
a Computer Science class in less than a week with no teaching materials,
little practical experience and no support from the Computer Science
Department, I was in big trouble.
My experience of teaching in Japan suggested that I should not reveal
my lack of knowledge to the learners. However, all four students in the
class (two from Taiwan, one from Korea, and one from China) stated
that they had considerable undergraduate experience in Computer
Science. With little left to lose, I asked what they anticipated would be
important as they prepared to enter the Computer Science Department.
They felt that the best course was to study specialist vocabulary that
would help them to understand future readings, lessons and lectures.
In response to this, I set up a regimen of academic reading tasks and
research trips to the library. Nevertheless, I could not shake the feeling
that something was missing in this approach. In the short time that we
had together, I felt it was important not only to find out what to teach,
but also discover important academic skills that could give them a head
start in their studies. I decided to explore the assumptions that were
guiding my learners, and, if possible, some of the educational values of
the teachers with whom they would soon be working.
I gave the learners an open-ended survey (Figure 1), asking them to
think about both good and bad students they had known in their past,
and to write at least four distinct practices for each.
Asian Learners Abroad: A Reconsideration of “the Good Student” 47
Figure 1. Survey
Understanding Expectations
Think for a few minutes about good students that you have known. What
sort of things did they do that made them good students? Write four
good student practices below:
Now think for a moment about students who were not so good. What
sorts of things did they do that caused them to become poor students?
Write four different bad student practices below:
The students threw themselves into the task, and wrote more than
four qualities. After collecting the surveys, I spoke with the class to make
sure I understood their responses. They revealed that, for them, a good
student is engaged in preparation before the lecture, and faithfully
completes assigned tasks in a timely manner. When in class, the good
student is attentive, inquiring and analytical. Out of class, the student is
reading, reviewing and applying what has been received from the teacher.
The learners construed the good student in terms of the domain of the
lecture, with the main elements being the Teacher, Student, Diligence,
Task Completion and the Readings/Lecture notes (Table 1).
Next, I pressed hard for an interview with one of the teachers in the
Computer Science Department. Thanks to a fortuitous connection within
EISU’s temporary summer support staff, I was finally able to administer
a survey to one of the department’s ranking senior lecturers, whose views,
I believe, were representative of others in his department. After giving
the survey, I discussed the results with him for further clarification. Table
2 contains the top academic skills that the teacher believed would
contribute to a computer science student’s success or failure in the graduate
program. During my interview, I discovered how important it was for
48 Gregory Hadley
the computer science students to become team players. According to the
teacher, what was learned outside class in projects with other students was
considered more important than the material provided during lectures
(which were infrequent). This emulated today’s Information Technology
work environment, where teams cooperate in creating complex software
packages. Also important was that students showed initiative by studying
additional materials and then apply this knowledge to the group project. A
good student is not dependent upon the teacher, but, while maintaining a
good professional rapport with teachers, asks questions only after trying to
find a solution on one’s own, or after consulting with the course tutor.
Table 1. Student Responses
If possible, she should contribute to the field even before graduating.
The teacher construed the good computer science student in terms of the
group project, with the main elements being Student Proactivity,
Interpersonal Skills and Ingenuity.
Table 2. Teacher Responses
Asian Learners Abroad: A Reconsideration of “the Good Student” 49
I showed the teacher the qualities of good and bad students as
expressed by the learners. While agreeing with the learners on qualities
of bad students, he was unimpressed with their profile of a good student,
saying that such a student appeared to be too much of a loner. One who
studied only the assignments, and who was dependent upon the teacher
for information and direction would probably fail the course. He suggested
that greater training in interpersonal skills and cooperative academic
development would be helpful.
With this data in hand, I discussed my findings with the class. They were
shocked when faced with the expectations of the teacher, but because
they all wanted to succeed in their program, were willing to adjust to
these culturally foreign academic requirements. However, instead of
starting from scratch, I added group projects to their existing program of
reading and vocabulary enrichment. This was in order to maintain the
momentum started, and also because I felt they would still benefit from
the study of specialist vocabulary.
I also assigned projects, such as presentations that required a group
effort, or simple computer programming tasks that necessitated the
different skills within the class. While one student with extensive
knowledge of computer programming languages worked on one part of
the project, another would do research in the library, one organized the
different presentation parts, while another served as a project coordinator.
The students gave three such presentations before the end of the course,
and all felt they had benefited from the experience.
I have since lost contact with the group of learners who participated in
this action research, but I am confident that this experience helped them
in their graduate studies. The opportunity to examine these learners’ beliefs
about good students was beneficial for everyone involved. The students
learned that the strategies they used to succeed academically in Korea,
China or Taiwan would not work in the British context. The teacher at
the Computer Science Department gained a greater understanding of the
constructs of his upcoming overseas students, and I received insight that
has since helped me in my present teaching post.
I feel that native speakers of English who are language teachers in
Asia should certainly devote time to understanding the academic cultures
of our respective countries. However, when their learners prepare for
50 Gregory Hadley
overseas study, they are responsible to help them become aware of the
different expectations that await them at their new schools. By
encouraging their learners to reexamine their cultural beliefs about good
students, they can enable them to both survive and thrive in two academic
TASK 8.1
If you are teaching abroad, apply the questionnaire in this study to yourself
by changing the words for “student” into “teacher”. Share your results
with a trusted colleague who is a native of the country in which you
presently reside. In what ways do your beliefs about good and bad teachers
complement or conflict with the culture in which you teach?
TASK 8.2
If you teach international students within your own country, consider
the following issues:
1. To what extent should you encourage international students to express
their academic values at your institution?
2. How far should you go in teaching international students to follow
the cultural beliefs inherent in your school’s pedagogic approach?
3. What are the consequences of international students who choose to
deviate from the norms set at your school? What are the consequences
for those learners who conform to your school’s standards? If
appropriate, discuss these issues with your learners to discover their
Reading 51
Asian Learners Abroad: A Reconsideration
of and
“the Further
Good Student”
Almarza, G.G. 1996. Student foreign language teachers’ knowledge
growth. In D. Freeman and J. C. Richards (Eds.), Teacher Learning in
Language Teaching (pp. 50-78). Cambridge: Cambridge University
Bailey, K. M., Bergthold, B., Braunstein, B., Fleischman, N. J., Holbrook,
M. P., Tuman, J.,Waisbluth, X. and Zambo, L. J. 1996. The language
learner’s autobiography: examining the “apprenticeship of observation”.
In D. Freeman and J.C. Richards (Eds.), Teacher learning in language
teaching (pp. 11-29). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Borg, S. 1999. Studying teacher cognition in second language grammar
teaching. System, 27, 19-31.
Brown, H.D. 1994. Principles of language learning and teaching.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.
Brown, H. 1994. Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to
language pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Byrne, D. 1986. Teaching oral English. London: Longman.
Clark, C. M. & Peterson, P.L. 1984. Teachers’ thought processes.
Occasional Paper No. 72. Michigan: The Institute for Research on
Teaching, Michigan State University.
Clark, C. M. & Yinger, R. J. 1980. The hidden world of teaching:
implications of research on teacher planning. Research Series No. 77.
Michigan: The Institute for Research on Teaching, Michigan State
University. Modern Language Journal, 59, 8, p. 409-413.
Di Pietro, R. J. 1987. Strategic interaction: Learning languages through
scenarios. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Doff, A. 1988. Teach English: A training course for teachers. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Edge, J. (Ed.). 2001. Action research. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Fukushima, S. & Iwata, Y. 1987. Politeness strategies in requesting and
offering. JACET Bulletin, 18, 31-48.
Fukushima, S. 1995. Pragmatic competence of Japanese university
students. The Tsuru University Review, 43, 1-11.
Fukushima, S. 1996. Request strategies in British English and Japanese.
Language Sciences, 18, 671-678.
Griffee, D. & Nunan, D. (Eds.). 1997. Classroom teachers and classroom
research. Tokyo: JALT.
Guillaume, A. M. 2000. Classroom teaching: A primer for new
professionals. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.
Harmer, J. 1998. How to teach English. London: Longman.
52 References and Further Reading
Hubbard, P., Jones, H., Thornton, B. & Wheeler, R. 1983. A training course for
TEFL. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kachru, Y. 1994. Cross cultural speech act research and the classroom. Pragmatics
and Language Learning 5, 40-48.
Kemmis, S. & McTaggart, R. 1988. The action research planner. Geelong, Australia:
Deakin University Press.
Kepner, C. G. 1991. An experiment in the relationship of types of written feedbackto
the development of second language writing skills. Modern Language Journal,
75, p. 305-313.
Krashen, S. 1982. Principles and practice in second language acquisition. New York:
Larsen-Freeman, D. 1986. Techniques and principles in language teaching. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Lewin, K. 1946. Action research and minority problems. Journal of Social Issues,
2, 34-46.
Lortie, D. 1975. Schoolteacher: A sociological study. Chicago: University of Chicago
Nunan, D. 1989. Understanding language classrooms. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice
Nunan, D. 1991. Language teaching methodology: A textbook for teachers. London:
Prentice Hall International.
Olshtain, E. & Cohen, A. D. 1983. Apology: A speech act set. In N. Wolfson & E.
Judd. (Eds.) Sociolinguistics and language acquisition (pp. 18-35). Newbury House.
Olshtain, E. & Cohen, A. D. 1990. The Learning of Complex Speech Act Behaviour.
TESL Canada Journal 7, 45-65.
Richards, J., and Rodgers, T. 1986. Approaches and methods in language teaching.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C., & Lockhart, C. 1996. Reflective teaching in second language
classrooms. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C. 1998a. Teaching in action: Case studies from second language
classrooms. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Richards, J. C. 1998b. New interchange 1: English for international communication.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C. 1998c. New interchange 2: English for international communication.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C. 1998d. New interchange 3: English for international communication.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C. 1998e. Beyond training. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Roschelle, J. & Teasley, S. 1995. The construction of shared knowledge in
collaborative problem solving. In C. O’Malley (Ed.), Computer supported
collaborative learning (pp. 69-97). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Sheppard, K. 1992. Two feedback types: Do they make a difference? RELCJournal,
23, p. 103-110.
References and Further Reading 53
Singapore Department of Statistics. 1999. Statistics Singapore <http:// /FACT/SIFsif3.html>
Stevick, E. 1980. Teaching languages: A way and ways. Cambridge, MA: Newbury
Stevick, E. 1998. Working with teaching methods: What’s at stake? Pacific Grove,
CA: Heinle & Heinle.
Thomas, J. 1983. Cross-cultural pragmatic failure. Applied Linguistics 4, 91-112.
Tomlinson, C. 1999. The differentiated classroom: responding to the needs of all
learners. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Ur, P. 1996. A course in language teaching: Practice and theory. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Wallace, M. 1998. Action research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Willis, J. 1996. A flexible framework for task-based learning. In D. Willis & J.
Willis (Eds.), Challenge and change in language teaching (pp. 52-62). Oxford:
List of Contributors
54 Gregory
Thomas S C Farrell is an Assistant Professor in English Language and
Literature at the National Institute of Education, Singapore, and author
of another volume in this series, entitled “Planning Lessons for a Reading
Nicola Helen Green is currently teaching on an Academic Oral
Communication Programme at Nanyang Technological University in
Gregory Hadley is an Assistant Professor of English and the coordinator
of the Communicative English Program at Niigata University of
International and Information Studies, Japan.
David Jeffrey was an Instructor in the Communicative English Program
(CEP) at Niigata University of International and Information Studies,
Japan, for three years. He is presently an English instructor at Asia
University in Tokyo.
Lee Fong Ting is an English language teacher at the Pasir Ris Secondary
School in Singapore.
Isabel Pefianco Martin is Chair of the Department of English at Ateneo
de Manila University in the Philippines.
David Mayo teaches at Fukuoka Jo-Gakuin University Junior College
in Fukuoka, Japan.
Sabrina Almeida Ribeiro has been an English teacher for over eleven
years and is currently teaching at CEL-LEP in São Bernardo, Brazil.
Richard Watson Todd is an Associate Professor at King Mongkut’s
University of Technology Thonburi, in Bangkok, Thailand, and is the
author of “Classroom Teaching Strategies” (Prentice Hall).
Matthew Warwick was an Instructor in the Communicative English
Program (CEP) at Niigata University of International and Information
Studies, Japan, for two years. He is currently on assignment in the United