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IISD Bali to Copenhagen Project
77 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
Clean energy investment in developing countries faces numerous domestic barriers, particularly in South Africa. This research analyzes the challenges presented by the current energy policies, legislative frameworks, and market strategies that hinder clean energy adoption. Additionally, opportunities for overcoming these barriers and fostering a sustainable clean energy market in South Africa will be discussed, emphasizing the need for strategic partnerships and improved regulatory frameworks.
The world is facing major challenges in providing energy services to the future needs of the developed world and in particular the growing needs of the developing countries. The challenge is enhanced by the need to provide these energy services with due respect to climate change effects and specifically the emission reduction targets of the Kyoto Protocol and subsequently to the even stricter targets expected to be agreed for the years ahead (post Kyoto targets). Recent research shows that a sustainable development focus can facilitate a path that both ensures economic development and meets concerns about the environment, but this will require major shifts compared with present policies and finance decisions. The aim of the Risø International Energy Conference was to present and discuss new developments and trends in energy technologies which may become main contributors to the energy scene in 15 to 20 years. The conference addressed R&D related to the individual technologies as well as system integration. The conference took place at Risø National Laboratory 19-21 May 2003 and attracted wide interest. The 113 participants represented 19 different countries covering international organisations, ministries, universities, research centres and industry. The conference was organised in 17 sessions dealing with: Global or Regional Scenarios and Technology prospects. Energy and Developing Countries. Perspectives for Industrial Countries.
Moving forward, developed countries should, among other things, improve transparency and consistency of reporting on fossil fuel subsidies to facilitate the removal of production and consumption subsidies over the short and medium term, use a process for successful subsidy reform, and develop their own implementation strategies for one-and five-year goals on phasing out fossil fuel subsidies. In addition to development initiatives, developing countries should focus on financing mechanisms for solar energy technologies, improving tax collection systems, and strengthening efforts to crackdown on corruption. Price-based targeting for sustainable energy technologies, especially for off-grid solar energy technologies in Africa, should be implemented. Access to validated information on renewable energy resources and performance of technologies can stimulate deployment of these technologies.
Human Rights Documents online, 2016
Overall, at least 1.6 billion people-one-fourth of the world's population-currently live without electricity and this number has hardly changed in absolute terms since 1970. And yet, the electricity required for people to read at night, pump a minimal amount of drinking water and listen to radio broadcasts would amount to less than 1 percent of overall global energy demand. Developing and emerging economies face thus a twofold energy challenge in the 21 st century: Meeting the needs of billions of people who still lack access to basic, modern energy services while simultaneously participating in a global transition to clean, low-carbon energy systems. And historic rates of progress toward increased efficiency, de-carbonization, greater fuel diversity and lower pollutant emissions need to be greatly accelerated in order to do so. To a significant extent, fortunately, the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions may be aligned with the pursuit of other energy-related objectives, such as developing indigenous renewable resources and reducing local forms of pollution. In the near term, however, there will be tensions. Sustainable energy policies are more likely to succeed if they also contribute toward other societal and economic development objectives. Governments should look across policies to maximize positive synergies where they exist and avoid creating cost-cutting incentives.
Energy Conversion and Management, 2009
This paper presents the impact of technological and regulatory interventions, specifically the impact of the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS) on the least-cost electricity generation expansion plan in a country. The case study used in the paper is the power generation system in Sri Lanka where the current policy is to have a renewable energy based generation penetration level of 10% by 2015. This study considers available renewable technologies as supply-side options together with their technical potential and economic feasibility. It also examines the impact of these interventions on overall power sector emissions including Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. It has been found that the 10% RPS target by 2015 can be achieved with an additional cost burden of only 1.3% of the total cost of the plan. The results also show that small hydropower is the best non-conventional renewable energy technology needing minimum financial incentives in achieving the target. Fuelwood-fired thermal power and wind power require significant level of government incentives if they are to play a role in the declared RPS of Sri Lanka. It is concluded that small power systems like the one in Sri Lanka can still contribute to emission mitigation with regulatory interventions such as RPS without significant additional costs. It is important to select the appropriate technologies, decide on their individual allocations and the optimal timing and level of penetration of these technologies to minimize the economic impact. Further, internalizing the use of these technologies in the planning process strengthens the hands of the planners in justifying their contributions to supplying demand while mitigating emissions.
Colombia is a country that is characterized by having potential in many renewable and sustainable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, etc., in this country the growth value of renewable energy (ER) has not yet reached a benchmark, this due to the existence of several barriers or limitations that have hindered the path of research and implementation. It is difficult to identify and prioritize the impact of these barriers that mostly hinder growth or improvement in the quality of life of a specific population. For this research, a systematic structure has been developed to identify and prioritize the barriers and manage to find a solution path to the aforementioned. This study aims to recognize and classify the barriers according to their impact on the development of renewable energy technologies, as well as demonstrate the non-relationship that may exist between a territory rich in energy potential and the good quality of life of its inhabitants, the study consists of four phases; (1) A study area was taken for its characterization in renewable energy potential and compared with the current quality of its inhabitants, (2) The barriers were recognized from the available literature studies, project reports and interactions with 6 experts from academia and industries, (3) for the final selection, the FAHP decision method was used, then, 24 were selected and classified into five groups: social and economic barriers, political and, administrative and market barriers and geographical and environmental barriers and (4) the FAHP method was used to obtain the priority weight and the hierarchy between these barriers. The results showed first that there is no relationship indicating that a potential area in renewable energy source has a positive impact on people's quality of life, also that politics and political barriers occupies the first place among the main barriers, besides that corruption and nepotism is the most relevant sub-criterion according to the experts' results. Sensitivity analysis is used to confirm the stability of all prioritized barriers.
CDM Clean Development Mechanism CER Certified emission reduction CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon dioxide 1 The 17 SDGs were developed in the aftermath of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 (also known as Rio+20) and should ensure the promotion of an economically, socially but also environmentally sustainable future (United Nations 2012). 2 Initiatives are defined as "scheduled for implementation" in the databank if they are formally adopted through legislation and if their launch is planned with an official start date. See for more information. 3 Sometimes they are even subsidized and taxed at the same time, as was the case for petrol or diesel in India for many years.
The National Energy Commission's (NEC) mandate is to review the national energy requirements, advise Government and other authorities concerned in the planning and execution of major projects in the energy sector to fully meet medium and long term needs, and to oversee the operation of the 'Maurice Ile Durable' (MID) Fund. This report has been prepared in good faith on the basis of information available at the date of publication. Every effort has been made by the NEC to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data and information contained in this report. However the NEC makes no representation, warranty or guarantee in connection with this report and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying on information in this report.
“Strategies to Balance Energy Security, Business, Trade and Sustainable Development”, JOURNAL OF WORLD ENERGY LAW AND BUSINESS, Oxford University Press, Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2020, pp. 95 – 99., 2020
Paper Fully Available at the following link: Special Issue Table of Contents and Paper: Energy is pivotal for socio-economic and cultural development. Last century witnessed a drastic increase, on one hand on the consumption of energy and, on the other on greenhouse gases emissions. Traditionally, energy security has been linked with the need to guarantee supply and, in turn, enables economic growth. Against this background, countries focused on diversifying both energy sources and trade partners while at the same time increasing investment in energy infrastructure and technology. Investment in low-carbon energy sources for enhancing national energy policies prompts for a new understanding of energy security. The aim is, in fact, not anymore limited to securing provision but also to strengthen diversification and counteract the negative effects of energy consumption on the environment. The need to include a sustainability component to energy in trade, business and in the society at large, is adding a further layer of complexity in shaping national and international energy policy. Strategies to balance energy security, business, trade, and sustainable development are urgently needed in the Anthropocene. Creative and innovative approaches to energy policy could be found in countries where energy consumption is on a steady rise and environmental degradation is crystal clear. Keywords: Energy Security, Business, Trade, Sustainable Development, Environment, Culture, GHGs, Anthropocene, Investment, Energy Consumption, Technology, Infrastructure, Economic Growth, International Energy Policy
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