This is a preprint of the paper later published and to be cited as:
Andersen, M.M., X. Landes, W. Xiang, A. Anyshchenko, J. Falhof, J.T. Østerberg, L.I. Olsen, A.K.
Edenbrandt, S.E. Vedel, B.J. Thorsen, P. Sandøe, C. Gamborg, K. Kappel, M.G. Palmgren, 2015:
Feasibility of new breeding techniques for organic farming. Trends in Plant Science, 20, xxx-xxx.
Online at:
Feasibility of new breeding techniques for organic farming
Martin Marchman Andersen1, Xavier Landes1, Wen Xiang2, Artem Anyshchenko2, Janus Falhof3,
Jeppe Thulin Østerberg3, Lene Irene Olsen3, Anna Kristina Edenbrandt4, Suzanne Elizabeth Vedel4,
Bo Jellesmark Thorsen4, Peter Sandøe5, Christian Gamborg4, Klemens Kappel1, Michael G.
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Karen Blixens
Vej 4, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Centre for Public Regulation and Administration, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen,
Studiestræde 6, DK-1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Center for Membrane Pumps in Cells and Disease - PUMPKIN, Danish National Research
Foundation, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen,
Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
Department of Food and Resource Economics and Center for Macroecology, Evolution and
Climate, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 23, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C
Department of Large Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C,
Address for correspondence:
Michael Broberg Palmgren, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of
Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark.
Tel.: +45 2398 8444
Rewilding; reverse breeding; organic agriculture; TALEN; CRISPR-Cas9; cisgenesis;
Organic farming is based on the concept of working ‘with nature’ instead of against it, but
compared to conventional farming organic farming reportedly suffers from lower productivity.
Ideally, the goal should be to narrow this yield gap. In this review, we specifically discuss the
feasibility of new breeding techniques (NBTs) for rewilding, a process involving the reintroduction
of properties from the crops’ wild relatives, as a method to close the productivity gap. The most
efficient methods of rewilding are based on modern biotechnology techniques, which have not so
far been embraced by the organic farming movement. Thus, the question arises of whether the
adoption of such methods is feasible, not only from a technological perspective, but also from a
conceptual, socio-economic, ethical, and regulatory perspective.
Organic farming and biotechnology
Although conventional agriculture is highly productive, it is often considered incompatible with the
principles of alternative approaches to food production, such as organic farming. Traditional
breeding methods have been exceptionally successful in creating crop plants with high yields and
other desirable properties, but modern crops often require intensive management to avoid being
outcompeted by weeds, infected by diseases, or eaten by insects. Organic farming is an agricultural
system that aims to mimic processes in natural ecosystems for the provision of nutrients and pest
control, instead of relying on chemical inputs. For this reason, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and
other agents used in conventional agriculture are restricted or prohibited in organic production. As a
consequence, productivity is often lower in organic than conventional agriculture [1-4], and several
strategies have been suggested to close this yield gap between high- and low-performing
conventional systems [5-7]. A plea for merging organic agriculture and genetic engineering
approaches has previously been published [8]. Here we discuss the feasibility – in a broad sense –
of introducing new methods of plant biotechnology to allow for sustainable intensification of
organic farming (i.e., increased production from existing cultivated land with minimal pressure on
the environment).
Organic farming excludes a number of practices due to sustainability, health, and safety concerns.
These concerns are reflected in the four principles of health, ecology, fairness, and care, as defined
by The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) [9]. According to
these principles, certain forms of biotechnology have been considered to be irreconcilable with
organic agriculture, as stated by IFOAM:
‘Organic agriculture should prevent significant risks by adopting appropriate technologies and
rejecting unpredictable ones, such as genetic engineering’ [9].
However, as technologies evolve, it is not obvious that all forms of technology, and especially those
involving some kind of genetic modification sensu lato, should be deemed incompatible with
organic farming. IFOAM’s statement suggests that genetic modification of plants has unpredictable
consequences. But whether, and to what extent, this is so, is a contingent empirical question that
must be examined in detail for any crop developed. Moreover, the issue is complicated further by
the fact that the term “genetic engineering” spans several strategies in modern plant biotechnology
that cannot adequately be evaluated as one. For instance, reverse breeding (rewilding) aims to bring
crops “back to nature” by furnishing them with lost properties that their ancestors once possessed.
The most direct and predictable tools for (re)developing crops with such improved properties
involve genetic engineering. Thus, the question is, how feasible is the use of new breeding
techniques (NBTs) for organic farming? To address this, we conducted an evidence-based
feasibility study based on available literature within the fields of natural and social science, law and
ethics, and allowed for informed conjectures when evidence was incomplete. We stress the
importance of a thorough cross-disciplinary approach, as the challenges faced are not resolved by
referring to technological possibilities only. The three main questions addressed in this paper are: 1)
could reverse breeding (rewilding) be considered useful to organic farming from a natural science
point of view?, 2) what is the nature of the perceived incompatibility, and what might be possible
grounds for rewilding to be considered congruent with basic principles of organic farming?, and 3)
how feasible are such techniques from socio-economic, ethical, and legal perspectives?
Technological feasibility and usefulness: Why rewilding?
Traditional breeding – a tale of mutated plants
In nature, mutations happen spontaneously all the time and are the basis of evolution [10]. They can
result from internal mistakes in the functioning of the cellular machinery or from external factors
such as UV radiation from the sun or background radiation from the universe. Breeders have always
made use of such mutations by exploiting the resulting diversity of traits and have also accelerated
the process by creating random mutations using radiation or mutagenic chemical treatment [11].
Consequently, important traits have been selected for, including ease of harvesting, increased yield,
and reduced toxicity. This holds true for all modern crop plants, including those used in organic
agriculture [12,13].
Rewilding crops to reverse the loss of genetic diversity
Wild relatives of crop plants have many beneficial traits that are not present in modern crops [14].
There may be two main reasons for this. First, evolutionary pressure, such as exposure to a
previously unencountered pathogen, forces wild plants to adapt to changes in the environment.
Thus, in the wild, evolutionary pressure ensures that plants with advantageous mutations survive
[15,16] whereas in crops, progeny selection is breeder controlled, and has mainly been focused on
traits that improve output in a high-input environment [13]. Second, it has been proposed that
during the domestication process, mutations have occurred in genes responsible for traits other than
those being selected for and such mutations may have caused loss of gene function and, as a result,
the traits associated with these genes were weakened or completely lost during domestication [17].
Thus, unintended mutations in crop plants may have compromised the hereditary basis for plant
survival during times of environmental stress, both biotic (such as herbivory and disease) and
abiotic (such as drought, flooding, nutrient deficiencies, and salinity).
Around 95% of the crop plants used in organic farming were bred for conventional agriculture
approaches and are therefore not suited to organic farming techniques, which limit pesticide,
herbicide, and fertilizer usage [12,13]. Many modern crop plants suffer from low genetic variation
and we cannot rely on their present diversity to select for desired traits [18,19]. To close the yield
gap between organic and conventional farming, organic farming is in need of more robust plants.
By bringing back select lost properties of their ancestors, rewilding has the potential to increase
genetic diversity and reintroduce wild traits that would benefit organic farming. How can we ensure
that unintended mutations in our crop plants are repaired, and how can we help crop plants benefit
from advantageous mutations that arise in wild plants? These are the challenges of rewilding.
Available methods for rewilding
The traditional method of transferring genes from wild plants to crop plants is to cross the crop
plant with a wild relative and repeat the crossing process several times by a method known as
introgression breeding (Figure 1). Introgression breeding strategies have already been demonstrated
to expand the available gene pool in crops and increase overall genetic diversity (Table 1; [20,21]).
This method has the advantage that the gene(s) responsible for a desired trait need not be known.
However, it also has some important drawbacks. First, it takes a considerable amount of time
(typically more than ten years). Second, as introgression breeding initially involves mixing all genes
present in two related organisms, it may lead to plants with major alterations in their genetic
material, including genes associated with favorable traits. For example, unwanted genes close to the
sought-after gene may be hard to eradicate [22]. Third, this method is not a viable option if more
than one gene or allelic variant is required to establish a trait, as is the case for cold, salt, and
drought resistance [23].
Modern biotechnological approaches, including NBTs such as cisgenesis and precision breeding
(Figure 1; Table 1), offer precise alternatives to introgression breeding that are much faster, because
they are not based on crosses. However, these approaches require that the gene or genes responsible
for the desired wild trait be known. Only recently have we been able to map in detail the genetic
variation in plant genomes and link genetic differences to specific traits [24-26]. However, with the
advancement of next generation sequencing programmes, we can expect a massive increase in this
type of information in the near future [27,28]. The first crop plants modified by precision breeding
were loss-of-function mutants [29,30]; however, this method holds excellent promise for rewilding.
From a biological perspective, rewilded plants generated through introgression breeding and
precision breeding are in principle identical. In both cases, the end product is a crop plant carrying a
wild-type allelic variant. Advisory bodies have concluded that crops resulting from precision
breeding cannot be distinguished from conventionally bred crops [31,32]. Due to the techniques
used to produce them, crop plants resulting from cisgenesis and precision breeding are nonetheless
classified as genetically modified (GM) plants according to current legislation, at least in the EU
[33]. This legislation was originally implemented to control the use of so-called transgenic plants
where foreign gene material is transferred across species barriers.
Given that organic farming would benefit from crops that are hardened by rewilding, and that the
biotech approach to rewilding is feasible from a technological perspective, the question arises of
whether rewilded plants bred using NBTs are compatible with organic farming principles.
Conceptual feasibility: Are new breeding techniques compatible with the principles of organic
The first question to consider is whether rewilding is compatible with the core principles of organic
farming. If it is, the second question is whether NBTs would be considered acceptable tools to
realise these principles. Perhaps there are multiple answers to these questions, as there are several
ways to define the essential features of organic farming. However, it makes sense to try to assess
the issue of compatibility through the organic farming principles of IFOAM [9], which serve as
international standards and represent a widely accepted understanding of organic agriculture.
Principle of health
The formulation of this principle is open to many interpretations. However, IFOAM specifies that:
“In particular, organic agriculture is intended to produce high quality, nutritious food that
contributes to preventive health care and well-being. In view of this it should avoid the use of
fertilizers, pesticides, animal drugs and food additives that may have adverse health effects.” This
requirement is exactly what rewilding aims to meet. One of the aims of rewilding is to furnish crops
with lost properties of their ancestors and thereby increase their resistance to pests and diseases. By
enabling crops to utilize available natural resources more effectively, the use of fertilizers and
pesticides can be minimized without harvest failure. Thus, rewilding is not only compatible with the
principle of health, it is perhaps the most feasible way to promote it.
Principle of ecology
IFOAM specifies this principle as follows: “Inputs should be reduced by reuse, recycling and
efficient management of materials and energy in order to maintain and improve environmental
quality and conserve resources.” The essence of rewilding is to restore natural properties of plants
that have been lost during traditional breeding. As a tool, rewilding therefore has a strong ecological
potential, since it can effectively be used not only to sustain, but also to reinforce, ecological
systems. IFOAM also specifies that: “Organic agriculture should attain ecological balance through
the design of farming systems, establishment of habitats and maintenance of genetic and
agricultural diversity.” As for diversity, NBTs can, of course, be used for different aims.
Nonetheless, rewilding is potentially beneficial for diversity, because it may reduce the need for
pesticides and fertilizers, which have an adverse effect on diversity.
Principle of fairness
IFOAM describes this principle as follows: “Fairness is characterized by equity, respect, justice and
stewardship of the shared world, both among people and in their relations to other living beings.”
This principle is open to multiple interpretations. None of the obvious ones appear to be inherently
incompatible with NBT-based rewilding; however, the question of technology ownership requires
Principle of care
This principle aims to balance efficiency with health and well-being, and reveals that organic
agriculture in principle is open to new technologies: “Practitioners of organic agriculture can
enhance efficiency and increase productivity, but this should not be at the risk of jeopardizing
health and well-being. Consequently, new technologies need to be assessed and existing methods
reviewed.” However, significant risks should be avoided: “Organic agriculture should prevent
significant risks by adopting appropriate technologies and rejecting unpredictable ones, such as
genetic engineering.” Whether, and to what extent, this is so, must be examined for each method
used and for each product, and hence remain largely an empirical question. We can conclude from
the principle of care that the spirit of organic agriculture has a conservative risk profile. However, it
is not obvious that rejecting new technologies like NBTs is the least risky strategy.
Socio-economic feasibility: Likely reactions to NBTs by consumers and farmers
Although consumers view the organic production process favorably [34], the total organic market
share remains small [35]. Conversely, consumers disfavor GM breeding technology [36,37]. The
following questions arise: Why do some consumers prefer (and buy) organic products? Why do
many consumers prefer non-GM breeding technologies and how are rewilded products likely to be
perceived? What are the potential market effects of classifying products based on crops rewilded by
NBTs as organic foods?
The consumers’ beliefs and attitudes toward organic food help explain their purchases. Personal
gains, such as perceived health benefits and higher safety, are the strongest motivators for
purchasing organic food [35,38,39]. To a lesser extent, organic food is perceived as being more
nutritious and tastier. Interestingly, positive environmental impacts are often cited by consumers as
a reason to purchase organic foods, whereas statistical analyses show that stated motivations rarely
explain the actual purchases of consumers [35,40,41]. However, committed organic consumers find
environmental aspects more important than occasional consumers [42]. The socio-demographic
characteristics of the organic consumers revealed few clear patterns that could explain purchases
[38,43]. However, women seem to purchase relatively more organic products than do men, and
households with children or higher education levels are more likely to purchase organic food
[34,41,44]. Further, country-specific food cultures, general values, and food policies can be linked
to the significant differences in the organic market share among countries with similar income
levels [43]. Similar to organic food, the consumers’ willingness to pay for non-GM over GM food
is largely explained by health and environmental concerns, while socio-demographics are less
important [45,46]. Furthermore, the willingness-to-pay gap is higher in the EU than in the US, but
significant in both regions [37,47,48].
Consumers are less averse to GMs when the transferred genes originate from a plant rather than an
animal [42]; however, non-GM foods are still preferred. Given that consumers are more likely to
accept cisgenesis than transgenesis [47,49], we also expect that precision mutagenesis will be
preferred over transgenesis. We note that this extrapolation may not be valid for consumers of
organic products.
The premium for non-GM foods is lower when the corresponding GM product is associated with
fewer pesticides [50]. However, consumers most in favor of organic food production are also
generally against GM foods [42,51], and least willing to purchase GM products [52]. Thus, being
non-GM is a non-trivial attribute of the organic brand itself, in both the EU and the US [53].
Committed organic consumers may find rewilded crops unacceptable, and if organic labels allow
for rewilding, these consumers may demand stricter labeling practices, or seek other traditional or
local products.
Many consumers express a preference for organic over conventional, although the relatively small
organic market share proves that most consumers are unwilling to pay the current premiums for
organic products [39,54]. If rewilding enables lower production costs, and organic labels tolerate it,
a broader consumer segment that is more price sensitive than the current organic purchasers may
emerge as an important market.
Most European studies on farmers’ attitudes are based on hypothetical scenarios, yet studies often
do not report specifically on organic farmers’ preferences [55-57]. Organic farmers typically use
conventionally bred seeds, and it remains an open question if they would view rewilded seeds as
compatible with organic production if these seeds gave rise to plants with improved resistance to
biotic or abiotic stress. Studies have found that organic farmers reject the use of GM crops [58], and
organic and conventional farmers’ resistance to GM crops is well aligned with consumers’ views
[59]. For instance, Canadian farmers (from organic to GM producers) all ranked the risks associated
with herbicide-tolerant wheat (Triticum aestivum) as higher than the benefits [60], a pattern
confirmed elsewhere [61,62]. In Austria, where 11% of all farmers practice organic farming, a
restrictive co-existence policy for GM crops has been implemented, driven by both the public and
organic farmers [63].
Thus, organic farmers are unlikely to view rewilded crops as being compatible with their production
practices and philosophy, even if these crops have enhanced performance. However, as more
farmers convert to organic practices to take advantage of the associated price premiums, the average
motivation of organic producers may change [64]. This could imply a higher potential for
acceptance of rewilded crops among some organic producers in the long run.
Ethical feasibility: Sustainability, naturalness, and integrity
The ideal of sustainability has evolved over hundreds of years and has come to encompass a
growing number of concerns, as a response to changing societal agendas [65]. In relation to
breeding, sustainability refers to the tenet that environmental concerns, genetic diversity, ethical
considerations, and social issues should be addressed and also that short-term and long-term
economic value should be preserved [66]. Similar to proponents of organic farming, proponents of
modern biotechnology claim to have means to achieve a higher degree of sustainability [67,68].
Especially when viewed in the context of developing countries, it has been argued that genetic
modification techniques may be used to limit the environmental impact of farming and may
therefore be viewed as compatible with the principles of organic farming [69].
However, such claims have long since been challenged by the organic agriculture movement and by
advocates of other movements that see themselves as alternatives to industrial agriculture [70].
Biotechnology – and especially the production of GMOs – is generally considered to be in conflict
with alternative approaches to food production, and thus perhaps some kind of coexistence of
approaches is the best one could hope for [71]. The scientific and broader public debate have
remained quite polarized [72], framing novel breeding techniques as friend or foe, and not allowing
for discussions focusing on applications and outcomes rather than on the technology per se.
The main objections to the use of biotechnology, and especially forms of genetic modification, in
organic agriculture fall into four categories: (i) risks to human health and the environment (e.g.,
release of organisms that have never before existed in nature and that cannot be recalled; pollution
of the gene pool of cultivated crops, micro-organisms and animals; and pollution of off-farm
organisms); (ii) so-called socio-ethical objections (e.g., perceived loss of farmer autonomy;
violation of farmers' fundamental property rights; and endangerment of their economic
independence), (iii) incompatibility with the ideas of sustainable agriculture
(e.g., different
interpretations of sustainability concurrent with different views on humans’ relationship with
nature), and (iv) the dynamic complexity of the ecosystem as a whole that may lead to
unpredictability and unintended effects (i.e., biotechnology is perceived as a technological fix for
problems that are essentially systemic) [73, 74].
Furthermore, attempts have been made to rationalize doubts or justify rejection by focusing on the
notion of naturalness [75] and on the purported intrinsic value and integrity of plants produced by
organic farming [76-78].
Recently, the term ‘natural’ has been attached to food products whenever possible, as it is taken to
have a pronounced positive connotation, essentially referring to an “original” state of things [79].
However, a recent study [80] identified five different arguments in favour of the conclusion that
genetically modified organisms are unnatural, corresponding in substance to ones found in the
literature on the concept naturalness [81]. Thus, the question of naturalness becomes much broader
than to be just about biological similarity. These arguments are ‘history-based’ (stressing that GM
entities are unnatural because they are a product of human interference); ‘substance-based’ (saying
that different species are crossed − clearly not the case in rewilding); ‘feature-based’ (saying that
GM entities have features that differ from those of their unmodified relatives); ‘harmony-based’
(saying that they may create imbalances in nature); and ‘acquaintance-based’ (saying that GM
entities are unnatural because they are not well known).
Combinations of these arguments may play out in ways favoring crops obtained by rewilding over
transgenics, or equate them. Arguments that assume that crops obtained by NBTs are more natural,
should be regarded with caution if the meaning of ‘natural’ is not defined. In a similar vein, factors
that might trigger concern among the public include: crossing species boundaries – and for public
perception, the distance between the gene recipient and gene donor is relevant; familiarity and
habituation – e.g., rejecting hybrids that cannot easily be named and classified; and human
intervention and the method used [82].
A lack of a shared understanding of the terms ‘integrity’ and ‘naturalness’, and the role these
concepts should play, seems to have contributed to the stalemate in the debate about using
technologies that could potentially narrow the yield gap between organic and conventional farming
practices [83]. It is important to note that while organic agriculture can be defined by certain
principles [9], which are formulated in a way that gives room for interpretation and hence for
differences in resulting practices, market forces and hence expectations among potential consumers
(and farmers’ perceptions of these consumers and markets) also exert a notable influence [84].
Moreover, IFOAM’s principle of care does not rule out the use of science and scientific knowledge
produced in scientific institutions, which may serve to caution against steadfastly rejecting gene
technology [cf. ref. 85]. Thus, abandoning an outright rejection of technologies, especially those
involving some kind of genetic modification, renders three questions that provide a useful basis for
dialogue: (i) Is there anything to be gained by embracing certain forms of gene technology such as
NBT-derived rewilding? (ii) Would consumers be able to understand and accept such forms of
back-to-nature breeding? (iii) Could rewilding be considered compatible with the basic ideas of
organic farming?
Regulatory feasibility: Legal uncertainties of new breeding techniques
Legally, organic farming excludes GMOs
It makes little sense to use NBTs in organic agriculture if the food derived from the resulting plants
could not be labelled as organic. Thus, the question arises of whether the use of NBTs would be in
conflict with the rules and standards for labelling of organic food. Although legal definitions of
organic production vary from region to region, we can address this question based on the elements
that these definitions have in common.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission, which was jointly established by the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to
achieve international harmonization of the requirements for organic products. Its ‘Guideline of the
Organically Produced Foods’ provides a collection of internationally adopted organic food
standards and lists substances that are permitted in organic production [33]. However, several
regions have their own definitions and principles for organic production. The Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) of the United States of America provides a definition of organic production and
practice standards for controlling crop pests and weeds, and lists allowed and prohibited substances
[86]. The EU’s Regulation No 834/2007 [87] and its implementing Regulation No 889/2008 mainly
pertain to organic production and labelling of organic products. Organic products are commonly
partly defined in these legislative acts by excluding the use of GMOs. For instance, Article 9(1) of
the EU Regulation No 834/2007 reads as follows: “GMOs and products produced from or by
GMOs shall not be used as food, feed, processing aids, plant protection products, fertilisers, soil
conditioners, seeds, vegetative propagating material, micro-organisms and animals in organic
production.” [87].
To be or not to be GMOs
There are two general legal approaches to regulating and defining GMOs, a process-based approach
and a product-based approach [17,88]. According to the process-based approach, which has been
adopted de facto by the EU, GMOs are defined as arising from the use of certain specific methods.
According to the product-based approach, which is used in the US and Canada, a GMO is defined
as possessing a new combination of genetic material that could not have occurred naturally. We will
evaluate both approaches to determine whether NBTs necessarily lead to GMOs and thus to legal
incompatibility with organic farming practices.
Precision breeding results in point mutations, but does not create any new combinations of genetic
material, and similar mutations occur naturally in conventional breeding. Such mutations are
targeted in precision breeding, whereas they occur at random in conventional breeding and are often
accompanied by other unknown mutations. Thus, precision breeding should arguably be legally
distinguished from transgenic techniques and not be included among the techniques that lead to
GMOs in both product-based and process-based jurisdictions [89]. Indeed, in the EU, precision
breeding may already be specifically excluded from the techniques that result in GMOs according
to Annex I B of the Directive 2001/18/EC. Article 3(1) of this Directive states that mutagenesis may
be excluded under certain conditions: “Techniques/methods of genetic modification yielding
organisms to be excluded from the Directive, on the condition that they do not involve the use of
recombinant nucleic acid molecules or genetically modified organisms other than those produced
by one or more of the techniques/methods listed below, are: (i) mutagenesis; (ii) cell fusion
(including protoplast fusion) of plant cells of organisms which can exchange genetic material
through traditional breeding methods” [90].
Precision breeding techniques do not insert recombinant nucleic acids into the genome and so
would seem to be excluded from the class of processes that result in GMOs referred to in Article
3(1). However, the case is not clear-cut. First, this article was written before precision breeding
techniques emerged. Second, in precision breeding, the enzyme (nuclease) that induces the
formation of mutations is guided to its target site by recombinant nucleic acids (directly or
indirectly) and, therefore, the process arguably involves the use of recombinant nucleic acid
molecules. By contrast, according to a product-based approach, precision breeding should clearly be
included among the techniques exempted in Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/18/EC. Cisgenesis
makes use of recombinant nucleic acids and employs a GMO (i.e., Agrobacterium tumaefaciens) to
introduce the material into the plant genome. Therefore, according to the process-based approach,
the resulting plants would be defined as GMOs. The most likely conclusion is that precision
breeding would be considered to produce GMOs according to the process-based approach adopted
in the EU, while it may not necessarily be considered to produce GMOs in the US.
Need for rethinking the regulation of NBTs in the EU
The legal uncertainties of how to classify NTBs and the increasing pressure from other trade
partners within the WTO regime may prompt the EU to rethink its de facto process-based
regulatory framework.
Firstly, the definition of GMOs adopted by the EU might need to be modified in the light of other
international regimes. Directive 2001/18/EC of EU describes GMOs as organisms “in which the
genetic material has been altered”, whereas the Cartagena Protocol specifies that a GMO needs to
have “a novel combination of genetic material” [91]. In either case, if plants obtained from NBTs
cannot be distinguished from crops bred by conventional means, they should be exempted from the
current GMO legal framework.
Secondly, a derogation (i.e., a partial annulment) with respect to cisgenesis might also be
considered in the EU Directive 2001/18/EC. Furthermore, cisgenesis should arguably be included in
Annex I B, and thereby excluded from the Directive even if GM techniques have been used
throughout the process, provided that, in the end product, no novel combinations of genetic material
are obtained that could not have occurred naturally.
Concluding remarks
There seems to be growing recognition among breeders and farmers that valuable natural traits have
been lost in both conventional and organic crops. A common understanding of the difference
between organic farming and mainstream farming is that the former prohibits the use of soluble
mineral inputs as well as synthetic herbicides and pesticides. Some NBTs seem to represent a
feasible means of reducing the need for such chemicals. Contrary to transgenesis, where new genes
are introduced to an organism, reverse breeding is a technique that brings crops “back to nature” by
furnishing them with lost properties that their ancestors once possessed. Existing examples of
organic principles as advocated by IFOAM reject genetic engineering on the premise that it is
unpredictable. This, however, is not a defining property of genetic engineering, but a changeable
empirical matter. Specifically, it would seem that successfully rewilded organisms are no more
unpredictable or risky than their ancestors. Moreover, in debates concerning agriculture, it is often
asserted that 'sustainability’, ‘naturalness’, and ‘integrity' express concerns that are inherently
incompatible with NBTs or rewilding. However, it is far from clear why this should be so, though it
should be acknowledged that it might be so for some groups, depending on their interpretations.
Finally, it should be noted that the potential use of NBTs in organic farming is limited in the EU,
where the current regulatory framework is process-based and hence would classify products
produced using NBTs as GMOs.
This work was supported by the University of Copenhagen’s Excellency Program KU2016. B.J.
Thorsen furthermore acknowledges support from the Danish National Research Foundation.
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Figure legends
Figure 1. Breeding techniques available for rewilding of crop plants and their legal feasibilities in
the EU. (A) Introgression breeding is the standard method used to introduce genes and traits from
wild plants into domesticated crops. This method employs an initial cross between the crop and the
wild relative of interest followed by repeated backcrossing to the domesticated crop to erase as
much genetic material from the wild relative as possible while keeping the trait of interest.
Molecular markers can be used to track the trait of interest through the crosses, a process called
‘marker-assisted breeding’. However, introgression breeding is time consuming and technically
challenging when more than one gene is being selected for, and it is often difficult to get rid of
closely linked undesired genes. As introgression breeding does not involve GM techniques, the
product is not classified as a GMO in the EU; (B) Transgenesis allows for the transfer of a desired
gene from an unrelated organism into the domesticated crop. The process is based on the random
genomic insertion into the crop plant of genetic material by the soil bacterium Agrobacterium
tumefaciens. Typically, all of the inserted elements are transgenic. The gene in question is cloned
into a binary vector system along with a selection marker and between short transfer DNA (TDNA) border sequences of bacterial origin. Subsequently, Agrobacterium inserts gene material
between T-DNA border sequences into the crop genome. T-DNA insertion by Agrobacterium
occurs widely in nature and the major crop potato was recently identified as naturally transgenic
since it harbors T-DNA [92]. (C) Cisgenesis allows for the direct transfer of complete genes from
wild relatives into domesticated crops. As the transfer process can be restricted to a single gene
only, the method avoids co-transfer of genetically linked genes that could have undesired effects.
The genes introduced by cisgenesis can be in their natural configuration and contain their own
promoter, regulatory elements, and introns. As DNA is typically introduced by Agrobacteriummediated transformation, transgenic material is introduced concomitant with the gene of interest.
However, selection markers that originate from rice and other plants are now available, and it is
possible to remove the marker genes after they have served their purpose. Further, T-DNA
sequences can be modified so that they are identical to sequences found in the plant (in which case
they are known as P-DNAs). As cisgenesis involves the use of several GM techniques, the product
will have to be classified as a GMO in the EU; (D) Precision breeding – also called ‘genome
editing’ – is a new technique in plant breeding that offers even greater precision than cisgenesis
[93-96]. This technique can be used to create specific mutations and has the potential to generate
plants that differ from the original plant at a single nucleotide position and otherwise carry no signs
of the modification. Precision breeding can be used when the wild-type gene differs from the gene
in the domesticated crop at a single nucleotide. Several variants of the technique exist, such as those
involving zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs),
and RNA-guided engineered nucleases (RGENs) derived from the bacterial clustered regularly
interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)–Cas (CRISPR-associated) system [96]. Generally, a
system, which has been engineered to cleave a specific DNA sequence, is introduced into the nuclei
of plant cells where it creates a DNA double-strand break at the exact position of the recognized
DNA sequence. The break is subsequently repaired by the DNA repair machinery of the plant cell.
This process can be imprecise (by the non-homologous end-joining pathway) or precise (by the
homologous recombination pathway) [96,97]. In the second case, targeted specific mutations or
insertions can be introduced. As precision breeding techniques are so new, there are still no
examples of crops rewilded by this technique. Precision breeding involves the use of a GM
technique, which implies that the plant product could be classified as a GMO. However, this is is
still uncertain in the EU.
Table 1. Examples of genes that have been introduced into domesticated crop varieties rendering them less
dependent on herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers
Wild relative donor
Improved traits
Rice (Oryza sativa)
O. longistaminata
Bacterial blight
O. minuta
Blast resistance
Fr13a (Landrace)
Grain protein
Salt tolerance
Nax 1, Nax 2
S. pennellii
Late blight
High yield
Potato (Solanum
S. stoloniferum
S. venturii
Late blight
Rpi-sto1, Rpivnt1.1
Apple (Malus
M. floribunda 821
Scab resistance
Wheat (Triticum
T. turgidum spp. dicoccoides
T. monococcum
Tomato (Solanum
S. pimpinellifolium
Abbreviations: CG, cisgenesis; IB introgression breeding.