Jerry Vanclay
The most important part of your inventory is the question "Why
do you want to do this inventory?". No-one can give specific advice
on efficient inventory, until you can answer that question clearly,
concisely and completely.
To resolve what and how to measure, you
first have to decide what information you need.
Don't get sidetracked by data collection procedures, and remember that information
is more than data. Data are the raw numbers collected in a survey or
experiment, and need to be collated in a meaningful way before they
can be regarded as information.
It is not enough to say that you need a stand table or a count
of merchantable trees; to achieve the best outcome, you need to be
quite explicit. Why do you need it, and in what form? Is that the
final format for these data, or will there be further processing? Are
you sure that there is no additional information required?
Do you
have reliable volume equations for all species?
Are there other
conversion factors you need? It is much better to ask these questions
before the inventory, when deficiencies can still be rectified; it is
too late afterwards!
Answers to these questions are much easier if we have a clear
statement of objectives.
Ideally, we should be able to determine
information needs from forest policy and management objectives.
Unfortunately, this is rarely possible, and inventory planners also
have to discuss information needs with management staff. This isn't
easy, especially if these staff are not familiar with computers and
their capabilities. People who for years have relied on gut feelings
and rules of thumb cannot be expected to give a clear statement of
what they need from a computer. So don't expect it to be easy, but
remember that it is important. Allow plenty of time, talk about the
information they need, not about data preparation forms and output
proforma, and stimulate discussion by providing mock-ups of the output
your propose.
Remember that the computer is your slave, not your
master; so make it easy for the users, not for the computer. The cost
of the computer and the software is small compared with the value of
the data it handles, and with the potential implications of poor
forest management decisions!
What information should you aim to provide?
Generally, forest
managers and planners need reports detailing:
• stocking, basal area, log lengths and/or volume,
• by tree species, size (diameter or length) and/or commercial
characteristics, and
• by individual inventory plots, user selected strata, and/or
regional averages.
This article is condensed from the paper "Resource Inventory for Land Use
Planning" given at the ITTO Seminar on Land Use Planning in Yaoundé,
Cameroon, May 1992.
They also require forecasts and may ask:
• What is the maximum sustainable harvest?
• For how long can the present harvest be sustained and what are
the implications for the residual forest?
• What is the nature (average stem size, species composition,
yield per hectare) of future harvests?
This information can be compiled from three sources:
• area estimates for the existing forest,
• stand level inventory of the present forest, and a
• growth model to forecast the future forest.
These are minimum requirements for management and planning of
timber production.
You may require analogous information for nontimber products from your forest. So don't simply adopt these ideas,
but adapt them to suit your needs and your local situation.
One of the most important things you can do is examine existing
information, not only to see what you already have, but also to see
what you did wrong last time, and to learn from your mistakes.
Everybody makes mistakes, but only a fool makes the same mistake
Natural changes in most forests are rather slow, so provided
that the forest has not been logged or otherwise damaged (e.g.
hurricane or wildfire), data may remain valid for many years.
where the forest has been logged or destroyed, existing data may
provide useful information regarding soils, topography, forest type,
etc. The amount and quality of this data may influence your choice of
sampling design, and may save you a lot of time, money and effort. So
be diligent in examining your archives; it pays dividends.
Having decided what data we need, and discovered what we already
have, we can resolve how to collect the remaining data. There are two
issues to be addressed:
1) how many plots and where to place them, and
2) how to measure trees and other attributes on plots.
Sampling Design
Three simple practical matters may dictate the design:
1) Prior (existing) information may limit your options.
meaningful strata. Without prior information, simple systematic
samples such as strip assessments may be the best alternative.
Fortunately, prior information is usually available from
previous surveys, maps, aerial photographs and satellite data,
enabling efficient designs.
2) Area estimates are required for several methods including
stratified random sampling. Simple systematic samples avoid the
need for independent area estimates, but you may prefer to
obtain area estimates from other sources and use more efficient
designs. But be careful with area estimates, and remember the
big difference between gross and nett area!
Table 1.
Some Considerations in Sampling Design.
Criteria &
Alternatives & Optimal Sampling Method
Nature of estimate
Forest Characteristics
Time and resources
Go to
Can be estimated
Familiar or Uniform
Very limited
Subjective Sampling
Not required
Go to 3
Correct estimate
Unlikely or Known
Systematic Sampling
Probably inflated
Clear or Likely
Relatively low
Misjudge pattern
Absent or Unlikely
Unrestricted random
Sample clustering
Visible or Well
Statistical blocking
Possibly complicated
Estimate of Precision
Sampling Error
Periodic Bias
Pattern in population
Sampling intensity
Inherent risks
Pattern in population
3) Availability of resources may dictate designs that are feasible.
It is important that the data are reliable and that the
inventory is completed. If you attempt something too big or too
complex, it may never get finished. If your staff find it too
confusing, they may make too many mistakes.
So stick with
something you can do well, and can carry it through to
completion. Grand designs don't look so good when they can't be
Table 1 highlights some considerations which influence the
selection of a sampling design.
It takes the form of a binary key
which may help select an appropriate method. Start at step 1 in the
first row of the table and consider the questions in the left column;
if you think that the central column best describes your situation,
proceed to the next row (step 2). Alternatively, the right column
suggests one possible design that may fit your circumstances and
highlights some possible consequences. For example, Table 1 indicates
that if we seek a reliable estimate and require interpolation to
prepare a site quality or forest type map, we should employ systematic
Alternatively, if our estimate is critical, is to have
known precision, and is to be obtained using a small sample, it may be
better to use stratified random sampling.
Most forest services started out with no prior information and
no remote sensing (air photos, satellite imagery, etc), so strip
assessment was a good approach to use. It is still good, but it is
expensive, and is better for locating a resource than for quantifying
it. Other methods allow prior information to be used, reduce the cost
and increase the precision of the inventory. So think carefully about
the alternatives summarized in Table 1.
For many applications, some form of stratified random sampling
may be optimal.
Either statistical (i.e. strata drawn from prior
information such as forest type maps) or geometric blocking (i.e.
regular blocks ignoring variation in the forest) may be used,
depending on prior information. With either method, three principles
offer the greatest precision for a fixed outlay:
• The precision of the final estimate is influenced most by the
initial stratification;
• Precision is gained by dividing the population into many
strata, provided strata contain at least two plots;
• Further improvement can be achieved by sampling proportional
to the variance within the stratum.
One important rule remains: Quality. It is better to have a few
reliable plots than a lot of unreliable ones. It costs a lot of time
and effort to inventory forests, so make sure that you do it right:
aim for quality, not quantity.
Type of Plot (or Point Sample)
The sampling design dictates the placement of plots, but we
still have to resolve the type of samples to be taken.
They may
comprise long narrow strip samples, square plots, variable radius
plots, or plotless point samples, and all offer advantages in some
circumstances. Three factors dictate the type of plot you should use:
1) Distribution (of parameter of interest): How does the main
parameter vary with the measured objects?
Is it is uniform
(e.g. number) or does it vary with tree size (e.g. volume)? How
do attributes vary within the stratum: are trees all the same
size (e.g. plantation) or is there a big range of tree sizes
(e.g. natural forest)?
2) Variation: Do you wish to capture the variation within plots (e.g.
to minimize standard error associated with a resource survey) or
between plots (e.g. to get homogeneous plots for growth
3) Edge effects: Are edge effects critical in your application?
Plots providing data on stand dynamics and for growth models
should be homogeneous (i.e. the plot should be relatively uniform),
edge effects should be minimized (e.g. trees outside the plot affect
growth within the plot, so minimize perimeter relative to area), and
plot boundaries should be easy to mark and to relocate (i.e. straight
edges). These factors dictate square, fixed-area, permanent plots.
To check survival in a new plantation, we would use a different
Permanent plots are unnecessary and edge effects are
The variance should be minimized within strata, and
maximized within plots.
Thus strip samples, oriented across the
topography, would be optimal.
In contrast, when estimating standing volume in a natural
(uneven-aged) forest, we shouldn't waste time measuring many small
trees (most of the volume is in the big trees), so variable radius
plots are appropriate.
This could involve smaller subplots for the
smaller trees, or sampling with probability proportional to size with
an angle gauge. Point sampling is fast and efficient, and is widely
used in many forests.
Plot Permanence
Permanent plots cost more than temporary plots, so there is no
point using them without good reason. If you want to measure changes,
you must use permanent plots (otherwise you cannot tell if differences
are due to time or location), but temporary plots suffice for
estimates of present status.
Inventory systems may comprise a
combination of many temporary and few permanent plots.
With such a
system, what proportion of plots should be permanent? Like everything
else in inventory, that depends on what you want to determine.
Theoretical guidelines draw on the relative costs of each and may
indicate about twenty percent permanent plots in a continuous forest
inventory. In contrast, fewer permanent plots may suffice for growth
model development, especially if optimally located.
Number of Plots Required
Statistical formulae often indicate more plots than the forest
manager can afford, and this raises several questions.
Are the
appropriate formulae being used, is the specified precision really
required, and if so, is there a danger that the system will cost more
than the resulting data are worth?
Numbers of temporary plots can be varied over time to suit
changing resources, but permanent plots require an on-going commitment
to standards and to remeasurement.
Permanent plots provide useful
data only when regularly remeasured and when standards and records are
maintained, so the number of such plots may be dictated by resources
available (funds, manpower and skills) rather than by theoretical
But don't overestimate your capability, as a few
reliable plots are better than many incomplete or inaccurate plot
What to Measure
Much has been written on this topic, so a brief summary will
You should measure and record attributes from each of the
following categories:
1) Plot establishment details including descriptive location and
numeric co-ordinates, plot dimensions and orientation.
characterization of the plot, forest type and site quality.
3) Trees species, size, vigour and characteristics.
On permanent
plots, all trees should identified, numbered, tagged and mapped,
and co-ordinates should be recorded.
4) Other species present (shrubs, herbs and other species) and their
abundance should also be documented.
5) Temporal data such as droughts, floods and heavy seed crops should
be recorded, especially for permanent plots.
Resource Forecasts
Growth models are beyond the scope of this paper, but you should
recognize that you will eventually need them to provide information
for management and planning.
You should also realize that growth
models cannot be created overnight, but require several years of data
from permanent plots.
The sooner you establish these plots, the
sooner you can build growth models and prepare yield forecasts. Don't
rush out and put plots anywhere, but give some careful thought to the
type of plots you need, where to put them, and how to manage them.
Permanent plots are a long term commitment, and a little extra care
and effort at the outset will pay dividends.
Growth models coupled with area and inventory data provide the
best way to estimate sustainable harvests and to investigate the
impacts of alternative harvesting strategies. Without a growth model,
you have to make more assumptions, but you can still estimate the
sustainable harvest.
One way is to estimate the volume production
(per unit area) and multiply by the nett area. Avoid the temptation
to overestimate; unless you have very good evidence to the contrary,
you should not assume that production will exceed one cubic metre per
hectare per annum, on average. Although small areas may exhibit much
higher yields, most natural forest estates seem to produce between
half and one m³/year per nett hectare.
Yields estimates for gross
areas will be lower!
Another method is to quantify the potential harvest from some
typical forest areas, and to estimate the time before a second harvest
would be silviculturally and economically viable. For an estimate of
the allowable cut, divide the potential harvest by the cycle length
and multiply by the nett productive area, but remember it is
subjective. Be objective when selecting stands for these estimates.
The harvest volume depends on the nature of the initial stand, the
size and number of trees removed, the skills of the individuals
involved, and damage to harvested stems during felling and handling.
These may be subjectively estimated or determined through field
studies. The time until the next viable harvest depends on the nature
of residual stand (influenced by initial stand, removals and damage),
its growth rate, harvesting damage and other losses during the cycle.
It may be estimated from permanent plot data, or in some cases, ring
In the short term, harvesting practices and the state of the
residual stand are more important then theoretical yield estimates.
If the forest is well managed and harvesting leaves the residual stand
in a productive condition, then a future harvest is assured. However,
the long term continuity of the harvest depends on the reliability of
such yield estimates.
Resource managers have to be pragmatic. We can't wait until we
know everything about the whole resource; we have to make do with the
data at hand.
But we still need inventory.
Information is a prerequisite for good management, and informed management requires
reliable data.
We cannot ignore our information needs; sooner or
later we'll need the data, and the sooner we have it the sooner we can
use it. It is preferable to identify these needs, plan how to satisfy
them, and implement these plans when feasible.
This requires a
careful study of short and long term needs, examining the
alternatives, choosing an appropriate solution, and timetabling its
We need the best data and the best management
possible, for ourselves, for our forests, and for our critics.
have to do the best we can with the resources at hand, and that means
working co-operatively and efficiently, without wasting resources or
data. It means careful gathering of data, and skillful collating and
reporting. In short,
• Clear, concise and explicit objectives.
• Making full use of all existing data.
• Planning for the future; starting small, building on success,
and working towards an integrated system for long-term
• Planning carefully, documenting and reviewing proposals before
commencing inventory.
• Implementing only those inventory proposals which are feasible
within existing resource constraints (time, funds, staff
numbers and skills).
Further Reading
Beetson, T., Nester, M. and Vanclay, J.K., 1991.
Enhancing a
permanent plot system in natural forests. Proceedings of IUFRO
Conference on "Optimal Design of Forest Experiments and Forest
Surveys", 10-13 September 1991, London.
Hamilton, D.A., 1979. Setting precision for resource inventories: The
manager and the mensurationist. Journal of Forestry 77(10):667670.
LaBau, V.J. and Cunia, T. (eds), 1990. State-of-the-art methodology
of forest inventory: a symposium proceedings, 30 July-5 August
1989, Syracuse, NY.
USDA Forest Service General Technical
Report PNW-GTR-263, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland
OR, USA. 592 p.
Vanclay, J.K., 1990. Integrated resource monitoring: current trends
and future needs.
In: Global Natural Resource Monitoring and
Assessments: Preparing for the 21st century. Proceedings of
conference, Sept 24-30, 1989, Venice, Italy.
American Society
for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Md, USA.
Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Data requirements for developing growth models
for tropical moist forests.
Commonwealth Forestry Review
Vanclay, J.K. and Preston, R., 1989. Sustainable timber harvesting in
the rainforests of north Queensland.
In: Forest Planning for
People, Proceedings of 13th biennial conference of the Institute
of Foresters of Australia, Leura, NSW, 18-22 September 1989.
IFA, Sydney, p.181-191.
Whitmore, T.C., 1989. Guidelines to avoid remeasurement problems in
permanent sample plots in tropical rainforests.