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AI-generated Abstract
This study investigates the impact of periodontal ligament (PDL) modeling on the vertical displacement of teeth using finite element (FE) analysis. The research focused on a series of sensitivity analyses involving various properties of PDL, including Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of both the solid PDL and fiber components. Results indicate that specific PDL properties significantly affect tooth displacement, emphasizing the need to carefully select material properties in dental FE models.
Several finite element models of a primate cranium were used to investigate the biomechanical effects of the tooth sockets and the material behavior of the periodontal ligament (PDL) on stress and strain patterns associated with feeding. For examining the effect of tooth sockets, the unloaded sockets were modeled as devoid of teeth and PDL, filled with teeth and PDLs, or simply filled with cortical bone. The third premolar on the left side of the cranium was loaded and the PDL was treated as an isotropic, linear elastic material using published values for Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. The remaining models, along with one of the socket models, were used to determine the effect of the PDL's material behavior on stress and strain distributions under static premolar biting and dynamic tooth loading conditions. Two models (one static and the other dynamic) treated the PDL as cortical bone. The other two models treated it as a ligament with isotropic, linear elastic material properties. Two models treated the PDL as a ligament with hyperelastic properties, and the other two as a ligament with viscoelastic properties. Both behaviors were defined using published stress-strain data obtained from in vitro experiments on porcine ligament specimens. Von Mises stress and strain contour plots indicate that the effects of the sockets and PDL material behavior are local. Results from this study suggest that modeling the sockets and the PDL in finite element analyses of skulls is project dependent and can be ignored if values of stress and strain within the alveolar region are not required.
Dental Materials, 2009
In healthy conditions, modeling and remodeling collaborate to obtain a correct shape and function of bones. Loads on bones cause bone strains which generate signals that some cells can detect and respond to. Threshold ranges of such signals are genetically determined and are involved in the control of modeling and remodeling. The present study aimed at assessing the deformations transferred to surrounding bone by endodontically treated maxillary central incisors restored with endocrowns made up of high or low elastic modulus materials.The solid model consisted of a maxillary central incisor, the periodontal ligament (PDL) and the surrounding cortical and cancellous bone. Both composite and alumina endocrowns were simulated under load and compared to a sound tooth. Dynamic non-linear analyses were performed to validate discretization processes. Non-linear analyses were performed on teeth and surrounding bone to estimate strain variations according to restorative techniques.Strain values in cortical bone, spongy bone, alveolar cortex and tooth were evaluated. PDL allowed models to homogeneously transfer loads to bone. Strains developing in highly rigid restorations were estimated to activate bone modeling and remodeling.The higher deformability of composites could enable restorative systems to transfer limited strains to compact and spongy bone of tooth socket. Although composites could not prevent the physiological resorption of the alveolar bone, they could successfully reduce strain arising in tooth socket when compared to alumina. The PDL prevented bone to undergo high deformations, resulting in natural flexural movements of teeth.
PURPOSE. Function of periodontal ligament-cementum enthesis (PCE) in transferring mechanical stimuli within tooth-periodontium (PDT)-bone complex was not made clear yet. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of PCE on the mechanical stimuli distribution within the PDL and alveolar bone in the tooth-PDT-bone complex under occlusal forces using finite element method (FEM). METHODS. A computed tomography (CT) based model of alveolar bone and 2nd premolar of mandible was constructed, in which the PDT was considered at the interface of alveolar bone and tooth. Under a 3MPa distributed occluso-apical masticatory load, applied over the uppermost surface of crown, the von Mises strain (vMST) and strain energy density (SED) within PDL, and von Mises stress (vMSR) and SED within alveolar bone were calculated in two situations: 1. When the PCE was absent; and 2. When the PCE was present between the PDL and cementum. RESULTS. PCE levels-off the SED and vMST within PDL by maximum values of 92...
Modelización por elementos finitos en dientes premolares, 2013
A three-dimensional finite element model was developed using the ABAQUS code to characterize dental systems in their different functional conditions, geometry and loading modes.The outputs of the model were used to evaluate quantitatively the magnitude and distribution of the stress-strain-displacement relations in sound (drilled and enamel crown) and restored with prefabricated intrarradicular posts (conical and cylindrical) premolar teeth specimens.Under the same loading and boundary conditions, differences in stresses, displacements and elastic strains were observed for drilled, enamel crown, conical and cylindrical post teeth specimens. It was found that the cylindrical glass fiber post geometry minimizes much better the stress, displacement and elastic strain magnitude in premolar teeth.The results indicate that the finite element methodology is adequate and convenient for stress, displacement and strain assessment in orthodontics. Keywords. Finite element, premolar teeth, stress-strain-displacement, prefabricated intrarradicular post, periodontal ligament Resumen Un modelo tridimensional para caracterizar sistemas dentales en sus diferentes condiciones funcionales, geometría y modos de carga fue desarrollado mediante el código de elementos finitos ABAQUS. Los resultados del modelo fueron utilizados para evaluar cuantitativamente la magnitud y distribución de las relaciones esfuerzo-deformación-desplazamiento en especímenes sanos y restaurados con postes intrarradiculares prefabricados (cónicos y cilíndricos). Bajo las mismas condiciones de carga y contorno, se observaron diferencias en esfuerzos, desplazamientos y deformaciones elásticas en especímenes agujereados, de corona esmaltada, y reforzados con postes cónicos y cilíndricos. Se encontró que el poste de fibra de vidrio con geometría cilíndrica minimiza de mejor manera la magnitud de los esfuerzos, desplazamientos y deformación elástica en dientes premolares. Los resultados indican que la metodología de los elementos finitos es adecuada y conveniente para evaluar esfuerzos, desplazamientos y deformaciones elásticas en ortodoncia. Palabras Clave. Elemento finito, dientes premolares, esfuerzo-deformacióndesplazamiento, poste intrarradicular prefabricado, ligamento periodontal
Bone properties are one of the key components when constructing models that can simulate the mechanical behavior of a mandible. Due to the complexity of the structure, the tooth, ligaments, different bones etc., some simplifications are often considered and bone properties are one of them. The objective of this study is to understand if a simplification of the problem is possible and assess its influence on mandible behavior. A cadaveric toothless mandible was used to build three computational models from CT scan information: a full cortical bone model; a cortical and cancellous bone model, and a model where the Young's modulus was obtained as function of the pixel value in a CT scan. Twelve muscle forces were applied on the mandible. Results showed that although all the models presented the same type of global behavior and proximity in some locations, the influence of cancellous bone can be seen in strain distribution. The different Young's modulus defined by the CT scan gray scale influenced the maximum and minimum strains. For modeling general behavior, a full cortical bone model can be effective. However, when cancellous bone is included, maximum values in thin regions increase the strain distribution. Results revealed that when properties are assigned to the gray scale some peaks could occur which did not represent the real situation.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022
Introduction: Orthodontic tooth movement is a basic theme in an orthodontic treatment. According to Nägerl, A nearer force application to the center of resistance will bring a farther center of rotation to the center of resistance. The main goal of this study was to evaluate this theory of proportionality by Finite element method (FEM) and find out its applicability in a bone loss situation. Materials and methods: Three 3D FEM of an upper central incisor were designed in Solidworks 2016, the first one with a healthy bone height (model 1), with 3 mm of bone loss (model 2) and with 4.5 mm of bone loss (model 3). An 0.5 N force was applied in different predefined locations on the labial surface of the crown in model 2. This was 0.2 N for the model 3. The exact location of the center of resistance (Cres), center of rotation (Crot) for each force application point was calculated using a C++ code specially design for this study in all models. Results: An apical shift of the Cres positions were shown in gradual steps of bone loss from 7.9708 mm incisal from the apex to 6.6292 mm in model 2 and 5.6105 mm in model 3. Modification of the location of the Crot in different force magnitudes and points of force applications were shown whit a constant a*b. Conclusion: In healthy teeth and teeth with alveolar bone loss, Cres located in the apical third of the root. The product of the distance between the point of force application and Cres ("a") and the Cres and Crot ("b") is constant, thus; Nägerl theory is applicable in both healthy and reduced bone height. In this way, applying a single force nearer to the cervical point will result in a more apical location of the Crot, reducing the angle change in the long axis of the tooth.
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada, 2019
Objective: To evaluate the differences in the stress distribution on the upper first molar with and without transpalatal arch and a second molar when a 150 g force is applied during canine distalization using finite element analysis. Material and Methods: We constructed several models with data obtained by scanning human skulls using cone beam computed tomography. A robust three-dimensional maxillary model was then constructed by assembling the previously completed robust models of the maxilla and second molar with and without transpalatal arch, and canine distalization was simulated using a 150 g force. The data consisted of color spectrum figures representing the stress distribution. Results: For the upper first molar and its alveolar bone, there was a statistically significant difference in the stress distribution between the upper first molar with transpalatal arch, the upper first molar without transpalatal arch, and the upper first molar with transpalatal arch and a second molar as reinforcement. Conclusion: Stress distribution on the first molar and alveolar bone, indicated by the maximum and minimum principal stress, as well as the pressure von Mises, exhibited a similar pattern. The highest amount of stress was observed in the model of the first molar without transpalatal arch, followed by the model of the first molar with transpalatal arch and, finally, the model of the first molar with transpalatal arch and a second molar.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-applied Biomaterials, 2010
Aim: To identify mechanical and geometrical variables affecting the biofidelity of numerical models of human mandible. Computed results sensibility to cortical bone orthotropy and thicknesses is investigated. Methods: Two mandible numerical models of different bone complexities are setup. In the low-complexity model, cortical bone is coupled with isotropic materials properties; constant thickness for cortical bone is adopted along the mandible structure. In the higher complexity model, the cortical bone is considered as an orthotropic material according to an independent mechanical characterization performed on fresh human dentate mandibles. Cortical thickness distribution, the values of the principal elastic moduli and principal directions of orthotropy are considered as piecewise heterogeneous. Forces for masseter (10 N), medial pterigoid (6 N), anterior (4 N) and posterior (4 N) temporalis muscles are applied to the models. Computed strains fields are compared with those experimentally measured in an independent test performed on a real human mandible in the same loading conditions. Results: Under closure muscles forces both models shows similar strain distribution. On the contrary, strain fields values are significantly different between the presented models. Conclusions: The mandible structure is sensible to compact bone orthotropy and thickness at the facial side of condylar neck, retro molar area and at the lingual side of middle portion of the corpus in molars area, anterior margin of the ramus. In these areas, it is advisable to use orthotropic properties for cortical bone to accurately describe the strain state. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2010
The Saudi Dental Journal, 2019
The stresses and deformations in the periodontal ligament (PDL) under the realistic kinetic loading of the jaw system, i.e., chewing, are difficult to be determined numerically as the mechanical properties of the PDL is variably present in different finite element (FE) models. This study was aimed to conduct a dynamic finite element (FE) simulation to investigate the role of the PDL (PDL) material models in the induced stresses and deformations using a simplified patientspecific FE model of a human jaw system. Methods: To do that, a realistic kinetic loading of chewing was applied to the incisor point, contralateral, and ipsilateral condyles, through the experimentally proven trajectory approach. Three different material models, including the elasto-plastic, hyperelastic, and viscoelastic, were assigned to the PDL, and the resulted stresses of the tooth FE model were computed and compared. Results: The results revealed the highest von Mises stress of 620.14 kPa and the lowest deformation of 0.16 mm in the PDL when using the hyperelastic model. The concentration of the stress in the elastoplastic and viscoelastic models was in the mid-root and apex of the PDL, while for the hyperelastic model, it was concentrated in the cervical margin. The highest deformation in the PDL regardless of the employed material model was located in the caudal direction of the tooth.
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