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In Your Hands: NLP in ELT by Jane Revell and Susan Norman is an attractive book which presents the core concepts and principles of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). For those who may not already know, NLP is an approach that is dedicated to modeling exceptional performance in various fields. In other words, it is the art and science of human excellence. The authors begin with an overview of NLP and suggestions for getting the most out of NLP, the book and learning/teaching success. Handing Over: NLP-based activities for language learning by Jane Revell and Susan Norman is the practically oriented follow-up to their first book In Your Hands: NLP in ELT. Their latest book will help anyone to become more aware of their own and others’ greater potential for learning and specifically answers the question: “yes, but ... what do I actually do with NLP in the classroom.” (p. 3)
In this paper we outline the nature of Neuro-linguistic Programming and explore its potential for learning and teaching. The paper draws on current research by to illustrate the role of language and internal imagery in teacherlearner interactions, and the way language influences beliefs about learning.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has been around in language teaching for a very long time. Teachers who incorporate elements of suggestopedia, community language learning, music, drama, and body language into their lessons are already using NLP. Neuro-linguistic programming is a way of changing someone's thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes for them. It may reduce anxiety and improve overall wellbeing.
Neuro-linguistic programming and learning: teacher case studies on the impact of NLP in education Full report
Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 2010
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), an emergent, contested approach to communication and personal development created in the 1970's, has become increasingly familiar in education and teaching. There is little academic work on NLP to date. This article offers an informed introduction to, and appraisal of, the field for educators. We review the origins of NLP, and summarise its nature as a method of, and conceptual framework for, education and teaching, with brief examples of applications.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2023
Possessing a strong command of the English language is one of the fundamental requirements. There is English-language access to all of the content, both technical and non-technical. Learners of the English language and teachers of the language encounter a great deal of difficulty in both the learning and teaching of the language. The field of Neuro Linguistic Programming investigates the workings of the brain and how it processes various linguistic capabilities. It is concerned with the way the brain operates, and consequently, how the brain must be taught in order to get the desired results. The learner can develop their abilities like as listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the help of this. This is an effort to concentrate on bettering the process of teaching and learning languages through the utilisation of a novel method known as neuro-linguistic programming.
Language Teaching Research Quarterly
The present study is an attempt to examine the applicability of NLP techniques in English Language Teaching (ELT), an under-investigated topic in the literature on EFL contexts. The researcher also attempts to examine the extent to which Iranian EFL instructors in language schools implement NLP techniques in their classrooms. In an effort to achieve the research aims, a sixteen-hour NLP training workshop for 20 conveniently chosen inservice EFL instructors was designed and held by the author. The workshop aimed at helping the participants to achieve a working knowledge of the concept of NLP. Prior to conducting the workshop, in order to gain a better understanding of the participants’ needs and the benefits of the implementation of the training program in teachers’ instructional practices, 60 class sessions of the 20 teachers were observed using a researcher-made observation checklist. To identify any changes in the teachers’ pedagogical skills and to assess any perceived learning o...
Diglossia, 2012
Tugas seorang pendidik (pengajar) tidaklah hanya mentransfer isi materi, tetapi juga menginspirasi para muridnya agar termotivasi untuk belajar serta mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dibutuhkan suatu cara yang lebih mudah, cepat dan tepat untuk menginspirasi dan memotivasi para murid untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) adalah model komunikasi interpersonal dan merupakan pendekatan alternatif yang didasarkan kepada pembelajaran subyektif mengenai bahasa, komunikasi, dan perubahan personal. Seperangkat presuposisi yang praktis, efektif, elegan dalam artikel ini dapat diaplikasikan secara riil dalam pengajaran dengan tujuan untuk memperkuat pemahaman siswa. kata kunci: NLP, presuposisi (presupposition),interpersonal
Biochemical Journal, 2014
Cytochrome b 558 , the redox core of the NADPH-oxidase complex in phagocytes, is composed of NOX2 and p22 phox whose synthesis are intimately connected but not fully understood. We reproduced ten rare Xminus chronic granulomatous disease mutations of highly conserved residues in NOX1-4, in the X 0 CGD PLB-985 cells in order to analyse their impacts on the synthesis process of cytochrome b 558 . According to the impact of these mutations on the level of NOX2 expression and activity, mutants were categorized in group A (W18C, E309K, K315del, I325F) characterized by a linear relationship between NOX2 expression and the NADPH oxidase activity and group B (H338Y, P339H, G389A and F656-F570del) showing an absence of NADPH oxidase activity associated with variable levels of NOX2 expression. These last residues belong to the FAD-binding pocket of NOX2, suggesting this functional domain plays a role also in the structural integrity of NOX2. Finally, we observed an abnormal accumulation of p65-kDa, the NOX2 precursor and a p65-kDa/p22 phox dissociation in the W18C, E309K, I325F and G389A mutants, pointing out a possible role of the first transmembrane domain (W18) and the region between the membrane and the dehydrogenase domain of NOX2 (E309, I325, G389), in the binding with p22 phox . Summary statement: X -CGD mutant analysis provides the first indications on NOX2 regions essential for the normal cytochrome b 558 synthesis in phagocytes; the FAD-binding pocket, the first transmembrane passage and a cytosolic region located between the membrane and the dehydrogenase domain of NOX2.
In this paper we investigate H-minimal graphs of lower regularity. We show that noncharactersitic C 1 H-minimal graphs whose components of the unit horizontal Gauss map are in W 1,1 are ruled surfaces with C 2 seed curves. In a different direction, we investigate ways in which patches of C 1 H-minimal graphs can be glued together to form continuous piecewise C 1 Hminimal surfaces.
In this chapter the design and fabrication of a new mechatronic platform (called "Mechatronic Board") for behavioral analysis of children, non-human primates, and robots are presented and discussed. The platform is the result of a multidisciplinary design approach which merges indications coming from neuroscientists, psychologists, primatologists, roboticists, and bioengineers, with the main goal of studying learning mechanisms driven by intrinsic motivations and curiosity. This chapter firstly introduces the main requirements of the platform, coming from the different needs of the experiments involving the different types of participants. Then, it provides a detailed analysis of the main features of the Mechatronic Board, focusing on its key aspects which allow the study of intrinsically motivated learning in children and nonhuman primates. Finally, it shows some preliminary results on curiositydriven learning coming from pilot experiments involving children, capuchin monkeys, and a computational model of the behavior of these organisms tested with a humanoid robot (the iCub robot). These experiments investigate the capacity of children, capuchin monkeys, and a computational model implemented on the iCub robot to learn actionoutcome contingencies on the basis of intrinsic motivations.
Boletim do Museu Nacional (Nova Série) Zoologia, 2010
Foreign Language Teaching, Volume 42, Number 2, 2015
Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption by Katie Davis Majors (Paperback
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Journal of Public Economics, 2011
Algebra For College Students 8th Edition by Margaret L. Lial John Hornsby Terry McGinnis
Journal of applied clinical medical physics / American College of Medical Physics, 2012
Religion and Education, 2012
European Journal of Cancer, 2006
arXiv (Cornell University), 2000
Synthesiology English edition, 2008
Antropologicheskij forum, 2020
Comportamiento bibliometrico de la practica investigativa en el campo de la musica en Iberoamerica, 2022
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2009
Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, 2017