Pediatr Cardiol 26:315–322, 2005
DOI: 10.1007/s00246-005-8648-0
Hybrid Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
E.A. Bacha, Z.M. Hijazi, Q-L. Cao, R. Abdulla, J.P. Starr, J. Quinones, P. Koenig, B. Agarwala
Congenital Heart Center, University of Chicago Hospitals, 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, MC 5040, Chicago, IL, 60637, USA
Abstract. Minimally invasive strategies can be expanded by combining standard surgical and interventional techniques. We performed a longitudinal
prospective study of all pediatric patients who have
undergone hybrid cardiac surgery at the University of
Chicago Children’s Hospital. Hybrid cardiac surgery
was defined as combined catheter-based and surgical
interventions in either one setting or in a planned
sequential fashion within 24 hours. Between June
2000 and June 2003, 25 patients were treated with
hybrid approaches. Seventeen patients with muscular
ventricular septal defects (mVSDs) (mean age,
4 months; range, 2 weeks–4 years) underwent either
sequential Amplatzer device closure in the catheterization laboratory followed by surgical completion
(group 1A, n = 9) or one-stage intraoperative offpump device closure (group IB, n = 8) with subsequent repair of any concomitant heart lesions.
Eight patients with branch pulmonary artery (PA)
stenoses (group 2) underwent intraoperative PA
stenting or stent balloon dilatation along with concomitant surgical procedures. All patients survived
hospitalization. Complications from the hybrid approach were mostly confined to groups 1A and 2. At
a mean follow-up of 18 months, 2 group 1A patients
died suddenly several months after discharge. All
other patients are doing well. Hybrid pediatric cardiac surgery performed in tandem by surgeons and
cardiologists is safe and effective in reducing or
eliminating cardiopulmonary bypass. Patients with
mVSDs who are small, have poor vascular access, or
have concomitant cardiac lesions are currently treated in one setting with the perventricular approach.
Key words: Hybrid congenital heart surgery
Although surgery remains the treatment of choice for
most congenital cardiac malformations, interventional cardiology approaches are increasingly being
Correspondence to: E.A. Bacha, email: ebacha@surgery.bsd.
used in simple and even complex lesions [18]. However, the percutaneous approach can be challenging
due to low patient weight or poor vascular access. In
addition, in small infants the passage of large delivery
catheters may result in rhythm disturbances and hemodynamic compromise. Furthermore, unusual septal planes, such as in double-outlet right ventricle
(DORV) or D-transposition of the great arteries (DTGA), or acute turns or kinks in the pulmonary
arteries of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) patients can
make percutaneous procedures challenging if not
On the other hand, surgery also has its limitation. Examples are operative closure of multiple
apical muscular ventricular septal defects (mVSDs),
adequate and lasting relief of peripheral pulmonic
stenosis, or management of a previously implanted
stenotic stent [10, 15, 16]. Furthermore, in some
complex malformations such as DORV, the presence of multiple mVSDs has been found to be an
independent risk factor for early mortality [2, 11].
Thus, combining both venues into a single therapeutic maneuver or in short succession makes sense
in terms of reduction of complexity, bypass time,
and risk, and it eventually improves the outcome.
This report summarizes our experience with hybrid
techniques in the management of congenital heart
Material and Methods
All patients undergoing a hybrid pediatric cardiac procedure—defined as combined catheter-based and surgical interventions in either one setting or in a planned sequential fashion within
24 hours—between June 2000 and June 2003 were prospectively
entered into a database. A total of 25 patients were treated with
hybrid approaches. Other procedures performed via limited partial
lower sternotomies and robotic and thoracoscopic procedures were
not included in this study. Informed consent was obtained from the
patients’ guardians. The study was approved by the hospital
investigation review board. A portion of this study (group 1B) was
part of a Food and Drug Administration Investigation Device
Exemption clinical trial.
Pediatric Cardiology Vol. 26, No. 4, 2005
The patients were divided into three groups:
Group 1A: patients with mVSDs treated sequentially
(n = 9)
Group 1B: patients with mVSDs treated concomitantly via perventricular approach (n = 8)
Group 2: patients with branch pulmonary artery
stenoses (n = 8)
Technical Aspects
Patients with Muscular VSDs.
From June 2000 to October 2002, nine patients with mVSDs (group 1A) were treated in
sequential fashion. The VSDs were closed in the catheterization
laboratory using the Amplatzer congenital MVSD device (AGA
Medical, Golden Valley, MN, USA), a self-expandable double-disk
device made from Nitinol wire mesh. The patients were then taken
to the operating room (OR) for completion of the repair (Table 1).
Since October 2002, any infant with mVSD or any child
with mVSD who also needed an additional surgical procedure
was taken to the OR for perventricular closure of the mVSD and
repair of concomitant lesion (group 1B, n = 8; Table 2). One
patient also had an atrial septal defect (ASD) closed via peratrial
approach (Fig. 1). The heart was approached via a median
sternotomy, or via a subxyphoid minimally invasive incision
without sternotomy if there were no other lesions. Under continuous transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) guidance, the
best location for right ventricular (RV) puncture was chosen,
making sure that it was away from any papillary muscles but far
enough from the septum so as to be able to approach it from
perpendicular angle with the needle and wire (Fig. 2). A 5–0
polypropelene purse string was placed at the chosen location. An
18-guage needle (Cook, Bloomington, IN, USA) was introduced
in the RV cavity and directed toward the defect to be closed. A
0.035-inch angled guidewire (Boston Scientific, Medi-Tech, Natick, MA, USA) was passed through the needle and manipulated
into the left ventricular (LV) cavity through the defect. A 7- to
10-Fr short (8–13 cm) introducer sheath with a dilator was fed
over the wire and carefully advanced into the LV cavity. The
dilator was removed and the sheath tip positioned in the LV
cavity (Fig. 1C and 2C). The appropriate device size was chosen
to be 1 or 2 mm larger than the VSD size as assessed by TEE.
The device was presoaked in nonheparinized blood for 10 minutes to allow for the tiny fenestrations of the nitinol mesh to
thrombose. The device was then screwed to the cable and pulled
inside a 6- to 9-Fr loader under blood seal to prevent air bubbles. The device was advanced inside the short delivery sheath
until it was seen by TEE to be close to the tip of the delivery
sheath. The LV disk was deployed in the LV cavity by gentle
retraction of the sheath over the cable. The entire assembly
(cable/sheath) was withdrawn gently until the LV disk abutted
the septum. Further retraction of the sheath over the cable would
deploy the waist inside the septum. Continuous TEE to confirm
the device position is of paramount importance. After the position was confirmed, further retraction of the sheath to expand
the RV disk was performed. If device position was satisfactory,
the device was released by counterclockwise rotation of the cable
using the pin vise. A complete TEE study in multiple planes was
done to confirm device placement, assess for residual shunting,
and determine if there was any obstruction or regurgitation induced by the device.
Patients with Branch PA Stenoses.
Intraoperative dilatation of an existing stent (n = 5) was done if a stenosed PA stent
could not be successfully instrumented via percutaneous route
(mostly because of acute angles of branch PA vis-à-vis the main
PA). Placement of a stent in a branch PA (n = 3) was performed
for diffuse stenosis of the retroaortic portion of the PA during a
Fontan procedure (n = 2) and for diffuse LPA stenosis in an older
TOF patient (n = 1). (Table 3)
All patients had a preoperative angiogram that demonstrated
the narrowing (Fig. 4). The stent and balloon sizes were chosen by
the cardiologist and were based on measurements made during
catheterization. Stents and balloons were placed under direct vision, taking great care not to dissect the branch PA in order to
maintain the supportive tissue that surrounds the vessel. The
technical difficulty was in knowing how far to advance the stent
into the branch PA without injuring the lobar branches take-off.
Careful preoperative angiogram-based measurements are extremely
important in planning how far to advance the stent inside the
branch PA. Fluoroscopy was not used. Balloons were placed
without a guidewire. The balloons were inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure for approximately 30 seconds.
All patients survived their hospital stay. Two patients
in group 1A died suddenly at home at 8 and
12 months after discharge, respectively. Autopsies
were not obtained. Both had presented with significant biventricular dysfunction in addition to other
complex malformations (Ebstein’s and pulmonary
hypertension in one and atrial flutter in the other).
One of them had been discharged with a significant
residual apical VSD.
Complications from the Hybrid Technique
Group 1A had the largest number of complications.
Complications from percutaneous device closure of
mVSDs included tricuspid regurgitation in two patients (one from leaflet impingement and one from
chordal rupture), RV disk malposition in one, device
embolization into the aorta, and ventricular tachycardia. Surgical complications included incomplete
apical VSD closure in one.
Group IB had few complications, most notably
difficulties in deployment of the RV disk due to a
heavily trabeculated RV apex in one patient. On
discharge echocardiogram, only one patient had significant residual shunting across a mVSD. At 5month follow-up, the residual VSD was insignificant.
Two patients in group 2 had significant complications. One was LPA tear occurring from overdistention of LPA stent. This was noticed
intraoperatively and repaired by suturing a pericardial patch onto the tear. Another patient with
Status at follow-up
VSD closure, PA plasty,
pulmonary valvotomy
Well (34)
Closure of residual VSDs,
PA plasty and debanding
Ligation central shunt,
closure membranous VSD,
division RVOT muscle
Apical VSD closure via
apical right ventriculotomy
Cavopulmonary shunt
Well (35)
Well (32)
Well (36)
7 months/6.9 kg D-TGA, pulmonary atresia,
Device closure apical VSD
inlet VSD, apical VSD,
(in preparation for
sp BT shunt
two-ventricle repair)
4 years/18 kg
Swiss cheese septum, sp PA band, Multiple VSD device
TR (leaflet impingement
PA plasty and debanding,
pulmonary HTN, tracheostomy
placement (complete
from device)
TV repair
TR (chordal rupture),
Device retrieval, VSD
3 years/10 kg
Swiss cheese septum, sp PA band, Multiple VSD device
placement (partial closure)
embolized device in aorta
closure, TV repair, PA
sp debanding, PA aneurysm,
plasty, Maze
atrial flutter
4 years/24 kg
Swiss cheese septum, sp PA band Multiple VSD device placement No
PA plasty and debanding
(complete closure)
Well (18)
Well (36)
3 months/3.4 kg Biliary atresia, inlet and anterior
muscular VSD, Ebstein’s,
pulmonary HTN
Intervention procedure
Surgical procedures
DORV, apical VSDs, sp repair,
residual VSDs, supravalvular
9 months/4.1 kg Anterior muscular midmuscular
and inlet VSDs, sp PA band
2 years/12 kg
Membranous VSD, apical
muscular VSD, PS, sp
central shunt
Attempt at device closure
residual VSDs
Device closure midmuscular
Device closure muscular VSD,
pulmonary balloon
4 months/4.5 kg Single apical VSD
Device closure
RV disk malposition
with residual shunting
2 years/13 kg
Attempted device closure
muscular VSD
VSD closures, TV repair
Bacha et al: Hybrid Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Table 1. Patients with muscular VSDs who underwent successive interventional and surgical procedures
Sudden death
VSD shunting
at home (8)
Moderate shunting
across apical
septum (16)
Sudden death at
home (12)
DORV, double-outlet right ventricle; HTN, hypertension;
PA, pulmonary artery; PS, pulmonary stenosis; RV, right ventricle; RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract; sp, status post; t/d, take-down; TR, tricuspid regurgitation; TV, tricuspid valve;
VSD, ventricular septal defect.
Table 2. Patients with muscular VSDs who underwent perventricular ventricular septal defect device closure
Device size Additional
Exposure (mm)
Cardioplegic Intraoperative
CPBa arrest
QP/QS complications
D/C Echo and status
day at follow-up
4 months/4 kg Anterior muscular
Xyphoid 10 (VSD)
11 (ASD)
17 days/3 kg
Xyphoid 12
Coarctation repair
and arch
Coarctation repair
and arch
Band removal and
PA plasty
of RV diskc
Band removal and
PA plasty
Subaortic VSD patch,
pulmonary valvotomy
RV outflow patch
VSD enlargement and
LV aortic baffle
t/d BDGd
POD 1:
LV failure,
t/d of repair,
of device and
Pleural effsions
20 days/3 kg
14 days/3 kg
2.5 years/
12 kg
large anterior
muscular VSD
Aortic CoA-arch
hypoplasia, large
anterior muscular
VSD, LV hypoplasia
Hypoplastic aortic
arch + coarctation,
midmuscular VSD
s/p PA band for multiple
apical VSDs
on PGE
S/p PA band for post.
muscular VSD
5 months/7 kg DORV, subaortic VSD, No
multiple apical VSDs
3 years/20 kg DORV, TGA, inlet VSD, No
apical muscular VSD,
hypoplasia LV,
s/p PA band and BDG
3 years/15 kg
No shunt,
No shunt
asymptomatic (4)
tiny apical VSD,
asymptomatic (7)
No shunt,
asymptomatic (2)
2-mm residual
VSD (5)
No residual
VSD (1)
No shunt
asymptomatic (8)
Widely patent
ASD and VSD,
asymptomatic (3)
ASD, atrial septal defect; BDG, bidirectional Glenn shunt, CoA, coarctation of the aorta; CHF, congestive heart failure; CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; D/C, discharge; FTT, failure to thrive;
LV, left ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery; PS, pulmonary stenosis; POD, postoperative day; RV, right ventricle; s/p, status post; t/d, take-down; VSD, ventricular septal defect
Cardiopulmonary bypass was needed only for additional procedures, not for placement of the device, which was done first in patients 3, 4, 5, and 6 and after PA band removal in patient 5. In patient 8,
perventricular closure was accomplished on bypass because the decision to do it was made while on bypass.
TEE showed that the atrial septum had multiple separate openings. Using an aortic punch introduced via a right atrial puncture, a central hole was created in the floppy septum primum. Using the
technique described, an 11-mm Amplatzer septal occluder was positioned and deployed centrally in the ASD.
The LV disk obliterated the entire left apical septum, resulting in no residual shunting. However, the RV disk was difficult to deploy due to a severely hypertrophied moderator band and apical RV
muscle bundles and prevented the expansion of the RV disk. The RV disk was eventually positioned within the apical muscle bundles with the device microscrew protruding through the RV free wall
puncture site. The screw was secured to the epicardium with a pledgetted suture. QP/QS at the end of the procedure was 1.5.
On preop studies, the apical muscular VSD had been judged to be insignificant and was left alone initially. Failure to come off CPB after biventricular repair, and evidence of significant left–right
shunting across the muscular VSD by TEE, led to the decision to close the VSD using the perventricular technique. This was successful in that the muscular VSD was found to be completely occluded
by TEE and the patient was weaned off of CPB. LV hypoplasia prevented successful biventricular repair, and after a 24-hour period of rest on ECMO, the repair was taken down to an extracardiac
Bacha et al: Hybrid Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Fig. 1. Peratrial atrial septal defect (ASD) device closure in a 4-month-old infant with a large multifenestrated ASD and anterior muscular
ventricular septal defect. (A) Transesophageal echocardiogram in the longitudinal plane demonstrating the presence of a large atrial septal
aneurysm with a large superior defect (large arrow). RA, right atrium. (B) Peratrial puncture (large arrow) and passage of a wire (small
arrow) through a hole created with an aortic punch. (C) The sheath tip is positioned in the left atrium (arrow). (D) Repeat image in the same
plane after deployment of an 11-mm Amplatzer septal occluder demonstrating good device position and elimination of the aneurysm.
Fig. 2. Perventricular ventricular septal defect (VSD) device closure in the same infant as in Fig . 1. (A) Large anterior muscular VSD
(arrow). RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (B) Perventricular puncture (large arrow) and passage of a wire (small arrow) across the VSD.
(C) The sheath tip is positioned in the left ventricle cavity and the device (arrow) is introduced. (D) Both disks have been deployed by pulling
back the sheath. The device is still attached to the cable and can still be removed at this stage.
unbalanced atrioventricular canal and ventricular
outflow obstruction with ventricular dysfunction
underwent lateral tunnel Fontan, Damus–Kaye–
Stanzel, and stent placement in the retroaortic PA.
He was supported on ECMO for postcardiotomy
syndrome and underwent a successful heart transplant after 3 weeks of ECMO support. We speculated
that the retroaortic stent may have compressed the
left main coronary because a slight improvement in
ventricular function occurred after tacking the PA
superiorly. Subsequent catheterization failed to show
coronary compression.
with DORV/hypoplastic LV, TGA, and inlet VSD
who had undergone a bidirectional Glenn and a PA
band at another hospital had failure of biventricular
repair. In this patient, a small apical VSD became
significant after pressurizing the LV and was device
closed via a perventricular approach prior to weaning
off cardiopulmonary bypass. The repair failed because of LV dysfunction and hypoplasia. After support on ECMO for 24 hours, the repair was
successfully taken to a single ventricle repair (extracardiac Fontan), during which time the mVSD device
was removed.
Complications Not Related to the Hybrid Approach
One patient in group IB had to be reintubated for
reperfusion pulmonary edema that was successfully
treated with inhaled nitric oxide. Another patient
This study summarizes our institutional experience
with hybrid cardiac surgery, in which surgeons and
interventional cardiologists work in concert toward
reducing the operative trauma and improving
BD LPA stent
LPA stent
Bilateral BD PA stents
2 years/15 kg
6 years/30 kg
Truncus arteriosus, sp repair, conduit stenosis,
sp bilateral PA stents
Taussig–Bing heart/IAA, sp repair, sp LPA stent
TOP, sp repair, multiple PA stenoses
2 years/11 kg
BD central PA stent
Central PA stent placement
9 years/22 kg
2 years/11 kg
AVVR, atrioventricular valve regurgitation; BD, balloon dilatation; DORV, double-outlet right ventricle; IAA, interrupted aortic arch; LPA, left pulmonary artery; PA, pulmonary artery;
PS, pulmonary stenosis; PV, pulmonary valve; RV, right ventricle; TOF, tetralogy of Fallot.
Well (12)
Well (32)
Well (19)
Well (24)
Well (27)
LPA tear, repaired with
pericardial patch
Postcardiotomy syndrome, ECMO,
heart transplant
PV replacement
PV replacement
Fontan, left
AVV plasty
Fontan, Maze
Fontan, Damus–
RV–PA conduit
RV outflow plasty
MPA plasty
TOF, sp repair, sp LPA stent, PR
TOF, sp repair, sp LPA stent, PR
Tricuspid atresia, pulmonary atresia,
severe AVVR
DORV, flutter, sp central PA stent
Unb.AVC, sp Glenn and PA band
7 years/25 kg
15 years/60 kg
2 years/18 kg
BD LPA stent
BD LPA stent
LPA stent
Additional procedures
Intraoperative intervention
Table 3. Patients who underwent intraoperative stent insertion or stent balloon dilatation for branch PA stenoses
Well (1)
Well (18)
Well (30)
Pediatric Cardiology Vol. 26, No. 4, 2005
Status at follow-up
outcomes. This is in line with the recent characterization of minimally invasive cardiac surgery [6], and
we believe that children should and will profit from
such advances.
Efforts to combine catheterization and surgical
techniques have been made before. For example, intraoperative balloon occlusion of Blalock–Taussig
shunts and patent ductus arteriosus has been reported
[4, 8]; intraoperative balloon dilatation of critical
aortic stenosis in neonates and infants [9] and intraoperative stenting have also been described [17].
There are also reports of intraoperative implantation
of stent-mounted pulmonary valves via ventricular
puncture [19]. Several series of intraoperative device
closure, of mVSDs using double-umbrella devices
have also been reported [5, 7, 13]. Overall, results
were not satisfactory, with high mortality and failure
rates. The common approach to all was that the devices were placed under direct vision under cardioplegic arrest. Difficulties in delivering the device or
having to suture the device were specifically quoted as
a factor in poor outcomes. Interventional approaches
are the preferred therapeutic approach for most
mVSDs but are limited by several factors, such as
patient weight, vascular access, and the need for
surgical repair of concomitant lesions. In addition,
passing catheters across AV valves introduces the risk
of chordal rupture or impingement. A program of
sequential management (group 1A) was followed
implemented. Later, this was abondoned, and a onetime procedure was adopted. Recently, we reported
our initial experience with this simplified technique of
off-pump intraoperative device closure of mVSD via
a perventricular approach [3]. This technique’s safety
has been validated in animal experiments [1], and in
fact it has markedly reduced the complication rate
(group 1A vs 1B). The one-step approach is simple
and required no more than 20 minutes to accomplish
in all cases.
Many patients with mVSDs present with ventricular dysfunction and do better without prolonged
catheterization and operative times. In fact, we believe that both patients in group 1A who died late
may have fared better with a the perventricular approach. Advantages over open repair include avoidance of transection of the moderator band or other
RV muscle bundles, immediate confirmation of adequate closure, and avoidance of any ventricular
incisions. In the absence of associated defects, a
minimally invasive approach such as a subxyphoid
incision (1–2 cm) can easily be used (two patients in
our series). Compared to percutaneous approaches,
small patients size and limital vascular access do not
pose contraindication to the procedure. By inserting
catheters via ventricular puncture, one stays below
the subvalvar apparatus of the tricuspid valve and the
Bacha et al: Hybrid Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Fig. 3. Intraoperative photograph of a child
with subaortic ventricular septal defect (VSD)
and muscular VSD. The VSD device is seen in
the muscular septum, and some of the sutures
and pledgets used to suture the patch are seen at
the anteroseptal commissure of the tricuspid
Fig. 4. Preoperative angiogram in an older child
status post-repair of tetralogy of Fallot and left
pulmonary artery (PA) stent. The angle between
the main PA (pigtail catheter) and the stented left
PA is acute and could not be crossed during
catheterization. This child underwent intraoperative balloon dilatation of the stent.
risk of chordal damage is markedly reduced. In
addition, percutaneous closure of mVSDs in a child
palliated with a PA band often results in residual
shunting after the PA band is removed. As illustrated
here, the current technique offers the possibility to
deband the PA and close all VSDs using the perventricular approach in one setting. This technique
can also be used for peratrial closure of ASDs.
Patients with PA stenoses can also benefit from a
hybrid approach. Single-ventricle patients with a
large reconstructed ascending aorta, such as occurs
after Norwood-style reconstruction, often have
compression of the retroaortic portion of the branch
PA. It is time-consuming to dissect that area for
patching, and dissection can also result in injury to
the left main coronary. Delivery of a stent under direct vision via the opened right PA is simple and can
be done on the beating heart or even off-pump if a
source of pulmonary blood flow such as a cavopulmonary connection is present [14]. However, compression of the left main coronary by a retroaortic PA
stent is also well described in the interventional
literature and should be carefully avoided by not
overdilating the stent [12]. Fluoroscopy was not used,
but it may be a very useful tool to ensure correct
positioning of the stent prior to dilatation.
In conclusion, although not randomized, this
study supports the notion that hybrid pediatric cardiac surgery performed in tandem by surgeons and
cardiologists is safe and effective in reducing or
eliminating cardiopulmonary bypass. We believe that
perventricular mVSD closure should be the treatment
of choice for any infant with mVSDs, for older children with poor vascular access, and for patients
previously palliated with PA bands. In addition, intraoperative PA stenting is a valuable addition to the
surgeon’s armamentarium. As experience in hybrid
cardiac surgery is gained, thoracoscopic or robotic
device delivery into a PA or a septal defect by perventricular puncture may become a reality.
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