Timing the impact of literacy on visual processing
Felipe Pegadoa,b,c,d,1, Enio Comerlatoe, Fabricio Ventura e, Antoinette Jobert a,b,c, Kimihiro Nakamura a,b,c,f,
Marco Buiattia,b,c, Paulo Venturag, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz a,b,c, Régine Kolinsky h,i, José Moraish,
Lucia W. Bragae, Laurent Cohen j, and Stanislas Dehaenea,b,c,f,1
Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, 91191 Gif sur Yvette, France; bNeurospin Center, Commissariat à
l’énergie atomique (CEA), Division Sciences de la Vie (DSV), Institut d’imagerie Biomédicale (I2BM), 91191 Gif sur Yvette, France; cUniversity Paris 11, 91405
Orsay, France; dLaboratory of Biological Psychology, KU Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium; eSARAH Network, International Center for Neurosciences and
Rehabilitation, 71.535-005 Brasilia, Brazil; fCollège de France, 75005 Paris, France; gFaculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon, 1649-013 Lisbon, Portugal;
Center for Research in Cognition and Neurosciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium; iFonds de la Recherche Scientifique, B-1000
Brussels, Belgium; and jINSERM U 1127, CNRS UMR 7225, Sorbonne Universités, and Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, UMR S 1127, Institut du Cerveau et
de la Moelle épinière (ICM), F-75013 Paris, France
related functions and shifts their processing mode. In particular,
learning to read affects a well-established and advantageous
mechanism of the primate visual system for invariant recognition
of mirror images (mirror invariance), which allows the prompt
recognition of images that are identical up to a left–right inversion
(19–21). This mirror invariance mechanism interferes with reading,
because a reader needs to distinguish between mirror letters, such
as “b” and “d,” to access the correct phonology and semantics of the
printed words. Indeed, literacy acquisition is associated with a reduction in mirror invariance (22–24), as well as an enhanced capacity to discriminate mirror images (25).
During literacy acquisition, many children initially find it difficult to discriminate mirror letters, but top-down inputs from
phonologic, speech production, and motor areas coding for
handwriting gestures may carry discriminative information that
ultimately help the visual system to “break its symmetry” (26).
Brain imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
studies have shown that in good readers, automatic mirror discrimination is present for letters and words at the VWFA site but is
not detected for pictures of objects (27–29), although a small mirror
generalization cost can be detected for pictures of faces, houses, or
tools using a sensitive same–different behavioral task (23).
The main goal of the present work was to assess the influence
of the acquisition of reading ability on the successive stages of
visual processing, and to evaluate to what extent early visual
processing (<200 ms) is already affected. In our previous work
(1), we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to
| brain plasticity | education
eading is a cultural activity in which contemporary humans
have considerable training. Fluently accessing the sounds
and meanings of written words requires very fast and efficient
visual recognition of letter strings, at rates exceeding 100 words/
min. Neuroimaging studies have begun to show how learning to read
modulates the functioning of the visual system, from early retinotopic areas (1, 2) to extrastriate occipital and temporal cortex (1,
3, 4). In particular, a restricted region of the left occipitotemporal
cortex, the visual word form area (VWFA), is robustly activated
when orthographic stimuli are presented to literate subjects.
This VWFA activation is reproducible across participants and
writing systems (5, 6), even when orthographic stimuli are flashed
unconsciously (7). Orthographic processing in the VWFA is
thought to be very fast, peaking at ∼170–200 ms (8–10), and is
colateralized to the dominant hemisphere for language (11, 12).
Reading practice enhances activation of the VWFA (1, 13, 14),
even in dyslexic children (15). Reading also modulates nonvisual
circuits, such as the spoken language network (1, 14, 16, 17).
In addition to these positive effects of learning to read, the
theory of neuronal recycling (18) proposes that literacy acquisition also may have a negative “unlearning” effect on the visual
system, because it invades cortical territories dedicated to other
How does learning to read affect visual processing? We
addressed this issue by scanning adults who could not attend
school during childhood and either remained illiterate or acquired partial literacy during adulthood (ex-illiterates). By recording event-related brain responses, we obtained a hightemporal resolution description of how illiterate and literate
adults differ in terms of early visual responses. The results
show that learning to read dramatically enhances the magnitude, precision, and invariance of early visual coding, within
200 ms of stimulus onset, and also enhances later neural activity. Literacy effects were found not only for the expected
category of expertise (letter strings), but also extended to
other visual stimuli, confirming the benefits of literacy on
early visual processing.
Author contributions: F.P., P.V., G.D.-L., R.K., J.M., L.W.B., L.C., and S.D. designed research;
F.P., E.C., F.V., and A.J. performed research; F.P., K.N., M.B., and S.D. analyzed data; and
F.P., R.K., J.M., L.C., and S.D. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: or stanislas.
This article contains supporting information online at
PNAS Early Edition | 1 of 10
Learning to read requires the acquisition of an efficient visual
procedure for quickly recognizing fine print. Thus, reading practice
could induce a perceptual learning effect in early vision. Using
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in literate and
illiterate adults, we previously demonstrated an impact of reading
acquisition on both high- and low-level occipitotemporal visual
areas, but could not resolve the time course of these effects. To
clarify whether literacy affects early vs. late stages of visual
processing, we measured event-related potentials to various
categories of visual stimuli in healthy adults with variable levels
of literacy, including completely illiterate subjects, early-schooled
literate subjects, and subjects who learned to read in adulthood
(ex-illiterates). The stimuli included written letter strings forming
pseudowords, on which literacy is expected to have a major
impact, as well as faces, houses, tools, checkerboards, and false
fonts. To evaluate the precision with which these stimuli were
encoded, we studied repetition effects by presenting the stimuli in
pairs composed of repeated, mirrored, or unrelated pictures from
the same category. The results indicate that reading ability is
correlated with a broad enhancement of early visual processing,
including increased repetition suppression, suggesting better
exemplar discrimination, and increased mirror discrimination, as
early as ∼100–150 ms in the left occipitotemporal region. These
effects were found with letter strings and false fonts, but also
were partially generalized to other visual categories. Thus, learning to read affects the magnitude, precision, and invariance of
early visual processing.
Contributed by Stanislas Dehaene, October 23, 2014 (sent for review June 4, 2014)
demonstrate the profound influence of reading acquisition on
the visual system. By scanning a large group of adult subjects
with different literacy levels, we detected a modulation of visual
activation as a function of reading ability not only in the VWFA,
but also in extrastriate and striate cortex, suggesting an effect on
early vision; however, given the low temporal resolution of
fMRI, the time course of these effects remained unknown. Literacy acquisition may affect early feedforward processing in the
visual cortex, perhaps even including area V1, much like other
forms of perceptual learning (30–32); however, it is also possible
that the fMRI-detected effects of literacy are related to late topdown interactions with language areas (33).
We determined the timing of literacy effects in literate and
illiterate adults by recording event-related potentials (ERPs)
from essentially the same sample of participants as in our previous
fMRI study and with an identical visual paradigm. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the first ERP investigation on the impact of
reading on visual system function that includes fully illiterate adults.
As in our previous study, we also included “ex-illiterate” subjects,
who learned to read in adulthood and achieved variable levels of
reading fluency. We obtained valid ERP data from 24 literate, 16
ex-illiterate, and 9 illiterate adult subjects.
Our visual paradigm consisted of the sequential visual presentation, in separate blocks, of pairs of stimuli from six different
categories: strings (pseudowords), false fonts, faces, houses, tools,
and checkerboards (Fig. 1 and Methods). The stimuli in each
pair were identical, mirror image, or different stimuli from the
same category, which allowed us to measure identity and mirror
repetition priming. The subjects were simply asked to pay attention and to press a button whenever an odd target picture (a
black star) appeared, thereby precluding differences in performance and strategies among subjects of differing literacy levels.
Using regression, we evaluated the precise moment at which
evoked responses were modulated by reading ability.
Fig. 1. Stimuli and procedure. (A) Examples of visual categories used in the
experiment. (B) Schematic representation of the experimental design. (Top)
After a fixation cross, two successive stimuli within the same category were
displayed with a 400-ms stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA). The pairs could be
exactly the same, a mirror version of each other or different exemplars (as
above). (Middle) ERPs averaged across subjects and conditions. The GFP time
course is plotted in green in the lower part of the figure. (Bottom) Scalp
maps showing the topographic distribution of P1s and N1s evoked by the
first and second stimuli, respectively.
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Behavioral performance was highly accurate, with a mean of
96.5% correct detection (95.2% for illiterates, 96.5% for exilliterates, and 97.1% for literates) and no significant differences
among the groups (F2,43 <1). The less-educated subjects exhibited
only slightly slower responses (mean response time: illiterates, 481 ±
34 ms; ex-illiterates, 493 ± 53 ms; literates, 444 ± 58 ms; F2,43= 4.1,
P = 0.02), likely owing to lack of familiarity with the time-constrained test situation. Overall, the high accuracy and prompt
responses indicate that subjects from all groups were highly attentive during the visual presentation of stimuli; thus, further differences in evoked brain responses are not likely related to differences
in attention or task comprehension.
Literacy Enhances Electrophysiological Responses at the Post-P1
Stage of Visual Processing. We performed a systematic analysis
of early ERP components (P1 and N1) in peak and postpeak
time windows by averaging electrode voltages from their classical
scalp presentations in occipital and occipitotemporal regions,
respectively (10 electrodes for each hemisphere and region),
over 40-ms intervals. For P1, the window was centered at the P1
peak latency evoked by the first stimulus (S1) in occipital electrodes, which was 104 ms when all subjects and categories were
collapsed and averaged together (Fig. 1). Regions of interest
(ROIs) are shown in Fig. 2 (occipital) and Fig. 3 (occipitotemporal). To check for possible literacy effects on electrophysiological responses, we regressed the P1 average voltages
against the subject’s reading fluency scores (defined as the
number of words and pseudowords that could be read in 1 min;
see fig. 1 in ref. 1). No significant correlations were found for P1.
To confirm the absence of an influence of reading ability on
visual responses at the P1 stage, we then performed ANOVA,
taking the category of stimuli and hemisphere as within-subject
factors and reading ability (estimated through reading fluency
scores) as a real-valued between-subject factor, using as the dependent measure the voltage averaged over left and right occipital electrode clusters. We found no main effect of reading
ability for the P1 component (F1,47 <1), as well as no significant
interaction with category (F5,35 <1) or hemisphere (F1,47 <1).
We then applied the same analysis to a slightly later time
window, at the post-P1 stage (140–180 ms). We observed significant positive correlations of voltage amplitudes and reading
scores over left and right occipital channels (Fig. 2, Left). Separate regressions for each category confirmed an effect of literacy on posterior visual responses, not only for letter strings as
expected, but also for false fonts and all other categories except
checkerboards (Fig. 2, Left). ANOVA on these post-P1 voltages
revealed a main effect of reading ability (F1,47 = 8.7, P < 0.005),
as well as a reading ability × hemisphere × category interaction
(F5,235 = 2.7, P < 0.03). Restricting the analysis to each category,
we found a main effect of reading ability for all except checkerboards (strings: F1,47 = 11.5, P < 0.002; false fonts: F1,47 = 9.7, P <
0.005; faces: F1,47 = 10.7, P < 0.003; houses: F1,47 = 4.7, P < 0.05;
tools F1,47 = 6.0, P < 0.02), confirming a positive and generalized
enhancement of early visual responses as a function of reading
skill. Moreover, strings was the sole category exhibiting an overall
hemisphere effect (F1,47 = 4.1, P < 0.05), with more positive values
on the right hemisphere of the scalp. Together with the absence of
a significant reading ability × hemisphere interaction for this
category, this result suggests that letter strings are processed
spontaneously more over the right hemisphere than over the left
hemisphere at this early post-P1 stage, as reported previously (7,
34–36), independent of the literacy factor.
To evaluate the impact of early vs. late literacy, we performed
ANOVA on post-P1 scalp voltages with a three-level factor of literacy status (i.e., the group to which subjects belonged: literate, exilliterate, and illiterate) on the same post-P1 time window, first
Pegado et al.
collapsing all categories together. Literates had higher positive
ERPs than illiterates (F1,31 = 7.3, P = 0.01). Ex-illiterates fell in
between and did not differ significantly from either literates (F1,38 =
1.8, P = 0.19) or illiterates (F1,23 = 2.6, P = 0.12) . When the analysis
was restricted to strings, however, literates exhibited more positive
ERPs than illiterates (F1,31 = 6.1, P < 0.02), but not more than exilliterates (F1,38 = 1.5, P = 0.24), whereas the difference between exilliterates and illiterates barely achieved significance (t1,23 = 1.84;
one-tailed P = 0.04). These results suggest that early schooling is not
necessary for the early visual effect to emerge, given that it is also
seen in unschooled ex-illiterates. A similar difference between exilliterates and illiterates was found in the right occipital cortex for all
stimuli in our earlier fMRI study (table S2 in ref. 1).
We examined the reproducibility of these results at the time of
the second stimuli (S2) on the equivalent post-P1 window (i.e.,
140–180 ms post-S2). This complementary analysis confirmed
the main effects of reading ability (F1,47 = 4.5, P < 0.04) and of
category (F1,47 = 23.3, P < 0.001), but the triple interaction
(reading ability × category × hemisphere) became only marginally significant (F1,47 = 2.2, P = 0.056). This reduction in the
literacy effect for S2 likely can be explained by the influence of
repetition suppression effects (see below).
To confirm the literacy effects on the early ERP components
without any predetermined groups of electrodes or temporal
windows of interest, we used Fieldtrip software to perform a datadriven permutation-based cluster analysis (SI Methods). This
analysis searched for any group of electrodes and consecutive time
Pegado et al.
samples in which a significant correlation between single subject
ERPs and reading fluency scores was found. This complementary
search fully confirmed our results (Fig. S1); early occipitotemporal
effects were found for all categories of stimuli, but these effects
never achieved significance before 128 ms after onset.
Although all of the foregoing analyses were performed at the
sensor level, we also attempted to estimate the cortical sources of
the early-stage effect of literacy by correlating reading scores with
the intensity of cortical source activation for each visual category
(Methods and Fig. 2). This analysis pointed to classical cortical
regions of the ventral occipitotemporal stream of both hemispheres,
including bilateral occipital and left ventral occipitotemporal cortex
for strings and false fonts, and to a right fusiform region for faces
(Fig. 2), compatible with previous fMRI findings (1).
In summary, we found enhanced visual responses in direct
proportion to the reading fluency of participants not on the
earliest measurable response (P1), but at a slightly later stage of
visual processing (140–180 ms). These effects were present not
only for the familiar object of visual expertise (i.e., letter strings)
or for physically similar stimuli (false fonts), but also for a large
set of visual categories.
Literacy Induces Left-Hemispheric Lateralization of the N1. Previous
studies identified the amplitude and left-lateralization of the N1
(∼170 ms) as major correlates of literacy acquisition (13, 37). We
analyzed the N1 component of the ERPs by averaging the voltages
of occipitotemporal clusters (10 electrodes in each hemisphere;
PNAS Early Edition | 3 of 10
Fig. 2. Early and late effects of reading ability on electrophysiological responses to visual stimuli. (Left) Early effects of literacy in the post-P1 time window
(140–180 ms). The topographic map shows the beta weights of the correlation between scalp voltages and the reading scores of the participants (number of
words and pseudowords read per minute), across all categories (in mV/number of additional stimuli read per minute). For each category, voltages from the
two occipital clusters collapsed (green lines) are plotted against the subject’s reading scores. (Right) Late effects of literacy in the post-N1 time window (200–
240 ms). (Insets) Posterior views of the brain showing the cortical sources of these early and late literacy effects obtained by correlating reading scores with
the reconstructed activation at each vertex, at a time point corresponding to the center of the time window (160 and 220 ms, respectively).
Fig. 3. Impact of reading ability on the lateralization of N1. (A) Scalp map of the N1 topography at 176 ms after the stimulus in the grand average (all
subjects and conditions collapsed). Arrows indicate the symmetric occipitotemporal clusters selected (10 eletrodes for each hemisphere; in red). The boxplots
represent the voltages from these two clusters on the left hemisphere minus those from the right hemisphere, calculated for each subject from the activation
evoked by letter strings, across a 40-ms window centered on the N1 peak (i.e., left lateralization index of N1). Scalp maps on the N1 peak are plotted for each
of the six subgroups of participants with increasing levels of reading ability, from illiterates (ILB) on the left to ex-illiterates (EXP and EXB) in the middle to
literates (LB2, LP, and LB1) on the right. (B) Correlation of the N1 lateralization index with the participant’s reading scores for each category.
Fig. 3A, Inset) across a 40-ms window centered at the N1 peak
evoked by S1 (occurring at 176 ms when all subjects and categories were collapsed), using the same ANOVA procedure as
described previously. We found a reading ability × category interaction (F5,235 = 2.6, P = 0.027) driven by checkerboards, the
only category for which the N1 exhibited a positive correlation
with reading scores (r = 0.28, P = 0.005) when both hemispheres
were collapsed. This may be related to the fact that checkerboards exhibited an earlier N1 peak than the other categories
(164 ms vs. 172–188 ms); as we report below, other categories
showed a strong influence of reading ability on a post-N1 period.
The reading ability × category × hemisphere interaction was
not significant (F5,235 <1), but a category × hemisphere interaction was observed (F5,235 = 4.5, P < 0.001), indicating that
the lateralization of N1 varied across categories. Significant leftlateralization was found for strings (left hemisphere, −2.09 μV;
right hemisphere, −1.49 μV; P = 0.003) and false fonts (left
hemisphere, −2.34 μV; right hemisphere, −1.98 μV; P = 0.03),
and approached significance for tools (left hemisphere, −1.61 μV;
right hemisphere, −1.30 μV; P = 0.051), but not for faces (left
hemisphere, −4.31 μV; right hemisphere, −4.53 μV; P = 0.45),
houses (left hemisphere, −2.27 μV; right hemisphere, −2.26 μV; P =
0.98), or checkerboards (left hemisphere, −2.71 μV; right hemisphere, −2.50 μV; P = 0.34). Restricting the analysis to each category, we observed a reading ability × hemisphere interaction for
letter strings (F1,47 = 5.9, P < 0.02), indicating that reading increases
the left-lateralization of electrophysiological responses for this category. The same effect was found for false fonts (reading ability ×
hemisphere interaction, F1,47 = 4.6, P = 0.04) and tools (F1,47 = 4.7,
P = 0.03), but not for faces, houses, or checkerboards.
To confirm these effects, we calculated for each subject a left
lateralization index (LLI) by subtracting the averaged voltage
value of the occipitotemporal cluster in the right hemisphere
from that in the left hemisphere, and regressing it against the
subject’s reading scores (Fig. 3). A negative correlation with LLI
(r = −0.33, P = 0.02) confirmed that reading fluency is correlated
with a left-lateralization of the N1 evoked by letter strings. For
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literates, higher negatives amplitudes of N1 in response to strings
were found in the left hemisphere (LLI, −0.49 μV; P = 0.006).
Ex-illiterates showed a marginally significant left-lateralization
(LLI, −0.04 μV; P = 0.11), whereas illiterates exhibited a nonsignificant right-lateralization of N1 for strings (LLI, 0.22 μV;
P > 0.9). The between-group differences did not reach statistical
significance, however, owing to high individual variability within
literacy groups. Only the regression approach across 49 subjects,
capturing intragroup differences in reading ability, was sufficiently
sensitive to reveal hemispheric lateralization effects (Fig. 3B).
We applied the same procedure for N1 scalp voltages evoked
by the S2 stimulus. We again found a reading ability × hemisphere
interaction (F1,47 = 9.8, P < 0.005), as well as the category ×
hemisphere interaction (F5,235 = 3.1, P < 0.01; strings: left hemisphere, −1.30 μV, right hemisphere, −1.03 μV, P = 0.10; false
fonts: left hemisphere, −1.39 μV, right hemisphere, −1.29 μV, P =
0.61; faces: left hemisphere, −2.45 μV, right hemisphere, −2.80 μV,
P = 0.09; houses: left hemisphere, −1.15 μV, right hemisphere,
−1.12 μV, P = 0.88 ; tools: left hemisphere, −0.99 μV, right hemisphere, −0.88 μV, P = 0.47; checkerboards: left hemisphere, −2.38
μV, right hemisphere, −2.43 μV, P = 0.81). Significant effects of
reading ability on the LLI were found for strings (P = 0.002), false
fonts (P = 0.002), and houses (P = 0.036), but not for faces (P =
0.056), checkerboards (P = 0.067), or tools (P = 0.27).
Source reconstruction analysis suggested that reading ability
modulates cortical activation to letter strings at the N1 stage,
primarily in the left occipitotemporal cortex, at or near the
VWFA site, whereas for faces, sources correlated with the literacy score were located in the right occipitotemporal cortex,
overlapping the classical fusiform face area (FFA) site (Fig. 4).
We plotted the time course of activation and its correlation with
literacy in four a priori ROIs covering low-level (occipital) and
high-level (occipitotemporal) ventral visual areas in each hemisphere. Activation peaked in the occipitotemporal cortex at
∼170 ms for both strings and faces. Furthermore, for letter
strings, source amplitudes at t = 168 ms were positively modulated by reading score in the left occipitotemporal cortex (r = 0.56,
Pegado et al.
read also influence the propagation of brain responses to later
stages of visual processing? To answer this question, we analyzed
voltages on a later time window, just after the N1 (200–240 ms
after the onset of S1, herein termed post-N1). When performing
a regression of ERPs against literacy scores for each electrode,
we observed a major enhancement in amplitudes as a function of
reading skill on posterior regions (Fig. 2, Right). ANOVA confirmed that occipital voltages were strongly influenced by the
literacy factor (F1,47 = 19.1, P < 0.0001). Moreover, a reading
ability × category interaction (F5,235 = 4.5, P < 0.001) was also
seen for the post-N1 stage.
Literacy Improves Exemplar Discrimination over the Left Occipitotemporal Region. Our experiment was designed to examine repe-
Fig. 4. Effect of reading ability on the lateralization of occipitotemporal
responses at the N1 stage (source analysis). Time course of reconstructed
source activity associated with literacy (beta weights of the correlation between source activity and reading scores) for four ROIs of equivalent size
(230 vertices) based on individual source reconstruction: (1) left occipital
(blue), (2) right occipital (orange), (3) left ventral occipitotemporal (green),
and (4) right ventral occipitotemporal (red), separately for strings and faces.
(Insets) Estimated cortical activity at 168 ms. For letter strings, a strong peak
of literacy-related activity is found at 168ms (N1 stage) in the left ventral
occipitotemporal cortex (in green). For faces, a smaller peak of activity occurs
in the right occipitotemporal cortex (in red), in parallel with a reduction of
activity on the left side, followed by a later enhancement (∼250 ms).
Pegado et al.
tition suppression and test whether reading expertise enhances the
discriminability of visual objects. Repetition suppression was evaluated by subtracting evoked responses to pairs of “different” minus
“identical” trials; note that S1 and S2 always belonged to the same
category. We found that when averaging across all subjects and
conditions, this difference affected the P1 and post-P1 ERPs evoked
by S2 (Fig. S2). Furthermore, by regressing these differential voltages for each electrode against the subjects’ reading scores, we
identified positive correlations for the left occipitotemporal region
in this early time window, that is, 100–148 ms after onset of S2 (Fig.
5A). ANOVA on these differential voltages from left and right
occipitotemporal clusters showed a main effect of reading ability
(F1,47 = 6.17, P < 0.02) and a highly significant interaction with
hemisphere (F1,47 = 17.0, P < 0.0005) in this early window. In fact,
only the left hemisphere (F1,47 = 17.8, P < 0.0002), and not the right
hemisphere (F1,47 <1), exhibited an increased repetition suppression effect as a function of reading score. Note that repetition
suppression itself was present in both the left hemisphere and the
right hemisphere (P < 0.0001 for each); however, this effect was
modulated by reading ability only in the left hemisphere.
Regression analysis confirmed that the left occipitotemporal
repetition suppression effect was positively modulated by reading
ability for all categories except tools (Fig. 5). No such effect was
found in the right hemisphere for any category (P > 0.5 for all).
Source reconstruction of this effect pointed to activity in different
posterior cortical sectors as a function of category (Fig. 5A).
Analysis based on literacy groups instead of reading scores
revealed an interaction of group with hemisphere for the repetition suppression effect (F2,46 = 13.0, P < 0.0001). We reconfirmed
that the literacy status effect (group) was present only on the left side
of the scalp (left: F2,46 = 7.0, P < 0.005; right: F2,46 = 2.1, P = 0.13).
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Literacy Enhances Late-Stage Visual Processing. Does learning to
Restricting the analysis to each category, we found a significant
effect of reading ability for each (strings: F1,47 = 10.0, P < 0.005;
false fonts: F1,47 = 11.1, P < 0.005; faces: F1,47 = 38.1, P < 0.001;
houses: F1,47 = 21.0, P < 0.001; tools: F1,47 = 8.7, P < 0.005;
checkerboards: F1,47 = 7.0, P = 0.01). In addition, regression analysis confirmed the highly positive correlations between ERP voltages and reading scores for each visual category (P < 0.01 for all;
Fig. 2, Right). The reading ability × category interaction arose in
part because faces, which typically evoke higher visual responses
than other categories, exhibited greater enhancements than those
found for strings, for instance (P < 0.001).
Searching for group differences, we found a main literacy group
effect (F2,46 = 3.3, P < 0.05), but nonsignificant differences between
literates (mean, 0.43 ± 2.21 μV) and illiterates (mean, −0.49 ± 1.07
μV; P = 0.22) or between literates and ex-illiterates (mean, −0.18 ±
1.2 μV; P = 0.46), owing to high variability within each group. Indeed, restricting the analysis to the literate group still demonstrated
a significant effect of reading scores (P = 0.007), suggesting that the
actual proficiency level strongly influences late brain responses, over
and above any group effect.Cluster analysis confirmed the substantial enhancement of posterior visual responses in relation to
subjects’ reading level, especially in this later time window (Fig. S1).
The analysis for S2 in the same window confirmed a main
effect of reading ability (F1,47 = 8.9, P < 0.005), but the interaction
with category was no longer significant (F5,235 = 1.9, P = 0.09).
Regression analysis for S2 showed that reading ability affected the
responses to letter strings (r = 0.35, P = 0.01), false fonts (r = 0.30,
P = 0.04), faces (r = 0.57, P < 0.0001), and tools (r = 0.30, P = 0.04)
and approached significance for checkerboards (r = 0.23, P = 0.1)
and houses (r = 0.21, P = 0.1).
In conclusion, our data indicate that reading practice considerably increases electrophysiological responses at a later stage of
visual processing (post-N1, 200–240 ms) in a generalized manner
for all categories of visual stimuli.
P < 0.0001), but not in its right counterpart (r = 0.10, P > 0.4),
resulting in a growing leftward asymmetry of responses to strings
as a function of literacy (left minus right: r = 0.38, P = 0.009). In
contrast, for faces, right occipitotemporal responses were only
marginally amplified by literacy (r = 0.23, one-tailed P = 0.059),
whereas left occipitotemporal responses exhibited reduced activation, especially just after the peak, that is, 188 ms (r = −0.25,
one-tailed P = 0.045). This led to a trend toward a growing right
lateralization of face responses with reading score (left minus
right calculated on the peak, i.e., 168 ms: r = −0.28, one-tailed
P = 0.028). Thus, these results suggest that literacy induces a
spatial and temporal focalization of face responses to an increasingly narrow and right-lateralized fusiform peak at 170 ms.
They agree with previous fMRI findings of an affect of literacy
on the left lateralization of word responses and the right-lateralization of face responses in adults and children (1, 38).
Fig. 5. Effects of repetition priming as a function of reading ability. For each subject and category, repetition suppression (i.e., different pairs minus identical pairs
trials) (A) and mirror repetition priming (i.e., mirror pairs minus identical pairs trials) (B) effects were calculated on the average voltages of a left occipitotemporal cluster
of 10 electrodes (green dashed line) in the 100- to 148-ms interval after the second stimuli. Then a regression against reading scores was performed for each category. In
each case, the scalp map shows the beta weights of the correlation between repetition suppression and reading scores for all categories collapsed. Below each category,
source reconstructions show the correlation with reading score calculated for each vertex at the peak of this interval (i.e., 124 ms). r, Pearson’s correlation coefficient. A
positive correlation indicates that as reading fluency increases, the capacity to discriminate between two unrelated items improves (A), as does the capacity to discriminate an item from its mirror image (B). Improvements are seen for letter strings, as well as for faces and, to a lesser degree, false fonts and houses.
When the analysis was restricted to the left hemisphere, literates
exhibited a higher level of repetition suppression than illiterates
(mean, 1.30 μV vs. 0.09 μV; F1,31 = 10.0, P < 0.005) or ex-illiterates
(mean, 1.30 μV vs. 0.65 μV; F1,38 = 5.2, P = 0.03). In a comparison of
ex-illiterates and illiterates, the difference barely reached statistical
significance (t1,23 = 1.92; one-tailed P = 0.034), again suggesting that
even unschooled adults may enjoy some of the benefits of literacy.
In conclusion, our data indicate that reading acquisition leads
to an enhancement of repetition suppression, indicating improved visual discrimination of exemplars within the same category. This effect occurred over the left occipitotemporal region
at an early stage of visual processing (100–150 ms).
Literacy Affects Mirror Invariance in the Left Occipitotemporal
Region. To test the influence of literacy on mirror invariance,
we subtracted the evoked potential values for mirror minus
identical pair trials, thus yielding an index of mirror discrimi6 of 10 |
nation. If the illiterate visual system treated mirror images as
identical (23, 25), then this contrast should be null in illiterates
and should increase with literacy.
Again, for the same early time window as before (100–148 ms
post-S2), we found an influence of reading level on the ERP
responses to mirror minus identical pairs over the left occipitotemporal region (Fig. 5, Bottom). ANOVA of occipitotemporal
clusters showed a main effect of reading ability (F1,47 = 11.2, P <
0.002) and an interaction with hemisphere (F1,47 = 4.3, P <
0.005). Again, only the left hemisphere was influenced by reading ability (left hemisphere: F1,47 = 13.8, P < 0.001; right hemisphere: F1,47 <1). Positive correlations indicated that reading
acquisition improved mirror discrimination. Correlations were
significant for strings, false fonts, faces, and houses, but not for
tools (Fig. 5). Later time windows (centered at 200, 300, 400, and
500 ms), in which other researchers have observed mirror
Pegado et al.
Correspondence Between fMRI and ERP Findings. Our present results
confirm and extend the findings of our previous fMRI study (1) in
which essentially the same subjects were examined with an
identical visual paradigm. fMRI revealed that literacy increased
the VWFA response to letter strings. Similarly, in the present
study, three literacy effects were found in the same left occipitotemporal region: (i) enhanced responses to letter strings (at
∼140–180 ms); (ii) higher levels of repetition suppression, suggesting improved exemplar discrimination; and (iii) enhanced
mirror discrimination, at an early stage of visual processing (at
∼100–150 ms). All three effects concur with the findings of several previous neuroimaging studies. The N150 ERP component
improved after dyslexics practiced with grapheme–phoneme
correspondence (15). Enhanced fMRI activity in the left ventral
occipitotemporal cortex was observed after short-term training
with a new orthographic system in normal adult readers (14). An
efficient capacity for word discrimination was also noted in adult
readers at the same site, using both subliminal fMRI repetition
priming (7, 40) and multivariate decoding (41). Finally, reduced
mirror invariance, specific to the left occipitotemporal cortex, was
found with both letters (27) and words (28).
Relative to these earlier findings, the present ERP study
provides two important advances: (i) the direct demonstration,
through comparison with a rare group of completely illiterate
Pegado et al.
Lateralization of N1. The impact of literacy on the left hemispheric
asymmetry for visual processing of letter strings, previously
detected on fMRI as a strong left-lateralized response of the
VWFA in the vast majority of right-handed adult readers (12)
that increases with literacy (1), was replicated in the present
study with ERP measurements. Here this lateralization effect
was found at the N1 stage (∼170 ms); whereas illiterates
exhibited a tendency to process strings in the right hemisphere,
ex-illiterates were slightly more prone to process them in the left
hemisphere, and literates exhibited a clear left lateralization.
Left lateralization at the N1 stage was previously reported for
familiar orthographic stimuli, and also was found to increase
with reading acquisition (13, 37). Nonetheless, although previous
findings suggested that this N1 stage effect might not generalize
to an unfamiliar and visually distinct script, such as Japanese
(37), we observed a partial generalization to other categories,
such as false fonts (but not faces).
Competition Between Words and Faces. We had previously observed
that literacy increases the VWFA activation to letter strings and
words, but also slightly reduces the fMRI-detected responses to
faces in the left hemisphere and strongly increases these
responses in the right hemisphere (1). Here we observed again
a left lateralization for pseudowords and a nonsignificant trend to
right lateralization for faces in proportion to the subjects’ reading
ability (Figs. 3 and 4). Several previous studies also reported a left
lateralization of visual responses to words and a right hemispheric
shift of responses to faces subsequent to reading acquisition (1,
38, 42–45). This pattern of results is suggestive of a competition
between words and faces for cortical territory in high-level visual
areas. It is compatible with the neuronal recycling hypothesis
(18), according to which cultural acquisitions, such as reading,
invade cortical territories previously dedicated to other functions,
thereby leading to displaced cortical specialization.
Learning to read may force the visual system to dedicate a
specific cortical territory to letter recognition, at a specific site
(the VWFA) defined in part by its connectivity to language areas
(11, 12, 46). Thus, greater anatomic proximity to language areas
in the left hemisphere may “attract” reading-related visual responses to the left ventral occipitotemporal cortex and, as a
consequence, “push” face processing toward the right hemisphere. This effect may be compounded by additional intrinsic
hemispheric properties, such as a right hemispheric bias for low
spatial frequencies (47).
Processing Stages Affected by Literacy Acquisition. Our earlier observation that literacy affects fMRI activation in visual areas (1)
remains open to two distinct interpretations. Bottom-up theories
suggest that the extensive perceptual training provided by reading leads to a partial or total shift of neuronal tuning curves at
several levels of the visual pathway, possibly including area V1
(31, 32). Top-down theories propose that there is in fact no
selective tuning of early visual occipitotemporal regions to letters
and written words, and that the fMRI responses to written
stimuli in the VWFA stem from top-down feedback from language-related cortices owing to an implicit naming, which is
absent for other visual stimuli (33).
By revealing an impact of literacy on visual activity as early as
140–180 ms after S1 and on visual repetition effects as early as
100–150 ms after S2, our present results suggest that literacy
PNAS Early Edition | 7 of 10
In the present work, we provide evidence that learning to read has
a substantial impact on several stages of visual processing. Our study
reveals that the ability to read correlates with (i) enhanced early
visual responses in the post-P1 time window (∼140–180 ms); (ii) left
lateralization of visual processing at the N1 stage over the occipitotemporal region for letter strings and false fonts; (iii) increased
activation in the ventral occipitotemporal cortex, left-lateralized
for strings and a trend toward right lateralization for faces; (iv)
greater repetition suppression (suggesting better exemplar discrimination) in the left occipitotemporal region (∼100–150 ms);
(v) increased mirror discrimination at the same time and location; and (vi) enhanced visual responses to all stimuli in a later
phase (∼200–240 ms). These literacy effects were found for letter
strings and frequently extended to stimuli outside the reading
domain (except for the N1 left lateralization for faces).
adults, that these effects do indeed arise through the acquisition
of literacy, and (ii) an accurate timing of their influence on brain
activity, suggesting that they all occur shortly after stimulus onset
(∼100–180 ms). In other words, increases in the magnitude,
precision, and mirror discrimination of the left occipitotemporal
activity all occur at early stages of the visual response, during
which automatic processes predominate.
priming in literate adults (39), exhibited no literacy effects on
mirror discrimination in our data.
Comparing the literacy groups, we again noted an interaction
of literacy group and hemisphere (F2,46 = 5.5, P = 0.007). Only
the left hemisphere responses were modulated by literacy group
(left hemisphere: F2,46 = 7.3, P = 0.002; right hemisphere: F2,46 =
1.8, P = 0.17). In the left occipitotemporal region, literates
exhibited higher mirror discrimination than illiterates (mean, 1.1
μV vs. −0.02 μV; F1,31 = 8.6, P = 0.007) and ex-illiterates (mean,
1.1 μV vs. 0.3 μV; F1,38 = 7.9, P = 0.008). Ex-illiterates did not
differ significantly from illiterates (F1,23 = 1.8, P = 0.20).
Finally, we analyzed the electrophysiological responses to the
subtraction of different minus mirror trials. This contrast could
be provide information on mirror discrimination, considering
that the illiterate brain might be expected to treat the mirror
stimuli as more similar than the genuinely different stimuli, and
this difference would diminish with literacy. We found no correlation with reading ability, however, even when we restricted
our analysis to separate hemispheres or categories. The previous
analyses suggest that this effect was not significant because
reading acquisition jointly improved the capacity to discriminate
both mirror and different stimuli.
In summary, our data indicate that reading enhances mirror
discrimination (mirror-identical trials) over the left occipitotemporal region at quite an early stage (∼100–150 ms post-S2),
not only for strings, but also for almost all of the visual categories.
acquisition has a strong influence on early visual processing.
Timing information by itself is insufficient for determining
whether this effect arises in a feedforward manner, but some
information about the processing stages affected by literacy can
be gained by relating our findings to previous observations on the
temporal organization of reading-related processes. The vast
majority of studies on reading (48–58), including ERP studies of
masked priming (53–56), support a classical feedforward model
in which information is passed on from visual areas to language
areas in a series of stages. Low-level orthographic processing
peaks at posterior sites at ∼150 ms post-target onset (35, 36, 53,
59). This processing stage is already letter size-invariant (36), but
still case-sensitive (59), font-sensitive (36), and position-sensitive
(35). Just after 150 ms, a shift occurs in the orthographic code
from position-specific to position-invariant (8, 35), suggesting
a transition from low-level visual feature processing to more
abstract orthographic processing. In ERPs, lexical effects do not
arise until 220 ms (51) or 250 ms (52, 53, 55, 56). A recent study
using both magneto-encephalography (MEG) and intracranial
signals showed that letter processing (identified by contrasting
consonant strings vs. false fonts) occurs at ∼160 ms after stimulus
onset, whereas word processing (identified by contrasting real
words versus consonant strings) occurs at ∼225 ms (48). This
time course fits with our finding of distinct early- and late-stage
modulations of visual processing by literacy (Fig. 2). It may be
tentatively proposed that the early-stage effects found here
correspond to the impact of learning to efficiently process letters
and other high-resolution visual stimuli (60, 61), whereas the
later-stage effects correspond to the identification of whole
words and the interaction of this process with higher cortical
language areas (48, 49).
Interpreted in the light of those earlier results, our findings
seem most compatible with the hypothesis that literacy refines
the early feedforward wave of visual processing, as do other
forms of perceptual learning (30, 31, 62). This hypothesis is in
accordance with recent behavioral findings of position sensitivity
for strings of alphabetic and nonalphabetic symbols in literate
subjects, but not in illiterate subjects (63). Additional arguments
arise from the fact that an influence of reading acquisition was
found on the early visual responses to nonalphabetic visual
stimuli, such as faces and houses. Moreover, our task did not
require explicit reading or naming, but only a search for an odd
target (a black star) among the stimuli presented. During this
task, there is no detectable fMRI activation in language areas
beyond the VWFA (1). Thus, it seems unlikely that the literacy
effects observed in early time windows arise from online topdown effects from language areas.
In general, our present ERP results nicely parallel our previous fMRI findings indicating that literacy influences the activation of bilateral occipital and left occipitotemporal areas (1).
One interesting exception is that whereas fMRI revealed an effect of literacy in area V1 (1), in ERPs we found that the P1
window itself (∼100 ms), which reflects the activation of striate
and extrastriate retinotopic areas, was unaffected by literacy.
This finding could be related to poor sensitivity of our ERP
measurements in this time period, or to a genuine absence of
a literacy effect. In the latter case, it could indicate that the V1
effects of literacy previously observed on fMRI may be related,
at least in part, to top-down influences (64, 65). Accordingly,
with ERPs, we also found later literacy-induced enhancement of
electrophysiological responses in occipital regions at ∼220 ms,
which could indicate either a local reverberation of stimulusinduced activity within the visual system or, by this time, a topdown reverberating circuitry involving even more distant attentional and linguistic areas.
The interpretation of our results as reflecting bottom-up vs.
top-down processing must remain tentative, for several reasons.
First, the time course of reading remains a matter of debate.
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Some previous studies, relying on MEG-based source reconstruction techniques, have reported that the first 140–200 ms
are sufficient for visual information to contact phonological and
lexical codes in the precentral cortex and inferior frontal gyrus
(10, 66, 67) and, in turn, send feedback signals to ventral occipitotemporal regions (67). In this case, even early occipital
responses at ∼150 ms could be influenced by top-down signals.
Second, our present ERP findings were obtained in a block design in which each stimulus category was repeated for seven trials
in a row, a design adopted to parallel our previous fMRI study
(1). As a result, after the first stimulus, subjects could adopt
a distinct top-down attention and task set, possibly amplifying
and routing letter strings to left hemisphere circuits in a literacydependent manner. Although how this interpretation would explain the effects of literacy on nonreading stimuli, such as faces
or houses, is unclear, in the future it will be important to replicate the present results in a randomized study design rather than
a block design.
Impact of Literacy on Mirror Invariance. Does literacy acquisition
solely enhance visual processing, or does it also interfere with
some processes? As noted in the introductory section, mirror
invariance is present in the visual system of infants and nonhuman primates (19–22), and may have to be unlearned to enable the fluent reader to automatically distinguish between, for
instance, “b” and “d” (23, 27, 28). Using a behavioral same–
different test in a subsample of the same illiterate and literate
subjects, we recently demonstrated that literacy reduces mirror
invariance for letter strings, and that this effect also generalizes
to false fonts and even slightly to images of faces, houses, and
tools (23). As their literacy increased, subjects became slightly
worse at identifying that mirror images represented the same
object, relative to making the same judgment on identical
images. This finding suggests that mirror discrimination for letter
strings partially generalizes to other visual categories as well. A
possible reason for this, supported by both empirical evidence
(1) and theoretical models (32), is that letter strings and other
visual stimuli, such as faces, are processed in partially overlapping regions of the ventral pathway, and thus are jointly affected by reading acquisition.
Our present findings using mirror repetition priming confirm
that literacy enhances mirror discrimination not only for letter
strings, but also for other visual categories, particularly faces
(Fig. 5). They also clarify the timing of this literacy-induced
change in mirror invariance, showing that it occurs at a very early
stage of visual processing (100-150 ms after S2). It is plausible
that literacy acquisition influences mirror invariance at an early
stage, before the peak of N1 responses, when the extraction of
abstract letter identities is thought to be completed, typically at
∼170 ms (8, 48). A previous ERP study (39) reported a later
effect of mirror priming in literate adults (at ∼400 ms), but we
did not observe such an effect in the present study. Differences
in paradigms and tasks (the previous study used masked priming
and a semantic categorization task) could possibly explain the
discrepant results.
Early vs. Late Acquisition of Literacy. In our previous fMRI study,
we performed additional analyses with more restricted group
comparisons with the aim of finely separating different factors,
such as the impact of early schooling vs. late literacy acquisition
(see the supplementary material in ref. 1). In the present study,
however, the limited number of subjects with valid ERP data
reduced the power for small group comparisons. Thus, we limited
our group analysis to the systematic comparison of the three
literacy groups (i.e., literates, illiterates, and ex-illiterates). This
analysis concurred with our previous fMRI (1) and diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) findings (68) in suggesting that virtually all
effects of literacy, early or late, may be obtained at an adult age
Pegado et al.
Participants. Among the 63 subjects from Portugal and Brazil included in our
fMRI study (1), 18 did not participate in ERP data collection or were excluded
at the preprocessing stage because of excessive noise. Four new ex-illiterates
from Brazil were included, for a total of 49 subjects (20 males), presenting
increasing levels of reading ability (see fig. 1 in ref. 1): illiterates from Brazil
(ILB), n = 9; ex-illiterates from Portugal (EXP), n = 8; ex-illiterates from Brazil
(EXB), n = 8; literates from Brazil, with socioeconomic status matched to
illiterates (LB2), n = 9; literates from Portugal (LP), n = 7; and literates from
Brazil, with a medium to high socioeconomic status (LB1), n = 8. The subjects
had a mean age of 50.7 ± 8.3 y (range, 32–68 y). There was no difference in
mean age among the literacy groups (illiterates, 52.6 y; ex-illiterates, 51.8 y;
literates, 49.3 y; F < 1, P = 0.55). Additional details about the subjects have
been provided previously (1). Four subjects were excluded from behavioral
analysis because button responses were not recorded correctly. All subjects
had normal or corrected normal vision. All provided informed consent after
careful explanations were provided. For illiterates, the consent form was
read aloud.
ERP Methods. ERPs were recorded at a sampling rate of 250 Hz using an
Geodesic NA300 system (EGI) at both the NeuroSpin and Brasilia sites and
a 257-electrode geodesic sensor net referenced to the vertex. We corrected
for projector and amplifier delays using a photocell and verified that ERP
component latencies were as expected in all groups (∼100 ms for P1; 170 ms
for N1). We then applied a bandpass filter (0.5–30 Hz), segmented 1,400-mslong epochs (from 400 ms before to 1,000 ms after S1 onset), and corrected
for baseline in the 400-ms interval before S1 onset. We automatically
rejected voltages exceeding ±100 μV and electro-oculogram activity exceeding ±70 μV, and complemented artifact rejection with a manual inspection of individual data. Trials with more than 20% bad channels were
rejected. Voltage values in the remaining bad channels were replaced by the
interpolation of surrounding electrodes values using a spherical splines
method. An average reference transform was then applied. All preprocessing
was performed using Netstation software (EGI). Data were then exported to
Brainstorm (70) ( for analysis, including
source reconstruction. Statistical analyses were performed in R (http://www.
Source Modeling. Cortical current density mapping was obtained using
a distributed model with 15,028 current dipoles, with locations and orientations constrained to the cortical mantle of the Colin27 template brain
model from the Montreal Neurological Institute. EEG forward modeling was
computed with an extension to EEG using a three-layer symmetric boundary
element method surface model from OpenMEEG software (71) (, implemented as a Brainstorm
plug-in. Individual noise covariance matrices were calculated for each subject across all conditions. Cortical current maps were computed from the EEG
time series using a linear inverse estimator (weighted minimum-norm current estimate), and then the resulting absolute values of currents, indexing
cortical activation, were correlated with reading scores.
Design and Procedure. The present work used a similar paradigm as that in
our previous fMRI study (for a full description, see supplementary materials in
ref. 1), but with six runs instead of three. In brief, six categories of images—
letter strings (pseudowords), false fonts, faces, houses, tools, and checkerboards—were presented to the subjects (Fig. 1A). Pronounceable pseudowords were used instead of real words because the stimuli needed to be
equally readable in normal and mirror form, and there were virtually no real
words fulfilling this constraint (e.g., “obli/ildo”); all stimuli were written
exclusively with the lowercase letter set “bdmnpqiou.”
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Alvaro Luiz Portugal Figueiredo for help
with data acquisition and François Tadel for help with the Brainstorm software. This work was supported by the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche
(Grant CORELEX), the Bettencourt Foundation, the Belgian Fonds de la
Recherche Scientifique (Grant FRFC 2.4515.12), and the Belgian Science
Policy Office (Interuniversity Attraction Poles Grant 7/33). F.P. was supported
by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale and Agence Nationale pour
la Recherche. R.K. is Research Director of the Fonds de la Recherche
Scientifique, Belgium.
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Pegado et al.
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The subjects were asked to attentively observe each stimulus and to press
the button whenever a rare target image (a black star) appeared. The images
were displayed in short blocks (10.5 s), each comprising 12 stimuli of the same
category. In each trial, a pair of images was presented for a total duration of
1.5 s: 200 ms for the first image (S1), followed by a 200-ms fixation point,
followed by the second image (S2) for 500 ms, and finally a fixation point for
600 ms (Fig. 1B). One-third of the trials comprised identical pairs, another
one-third comprised different pairs within the same category, and the
remaining one-third comprised mirror-inverted versions of the same image.
in unschooled individuals. In all of our measures, the ex-illiterates fell in between the pure illiterates and the early-schooled
literates. The difference between ex-illiterates and illiterates,
indicating that a specific reading-related improvement that
could not be imputed to early schooling achieved significance for
the enhanced post-P1 activation to strings (140–180 ms after S1)
and the enhanced repetition suppression (100–150 ms after S2).
Thus, even early visual events may be influenced by adult literacy
training. For other comparisons, we observed trends in the appropriate direction, whose nonsignificance may be related simply
to high variability and small group sizes.
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on plasticity at the earliest stages of vision. Meanwhile, our
present data concur with previous studies (1, 31, 60, 69) in
demonstrating that, even when acquired in adulthood, literacy
can have a deep impact on early visual processing, radically
improving the precision with which we perceive and categorize
visual inputs.
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Pegado et al.