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1995, Physics Letters B
13 pages
1 file
The hyperfine splittings
Physical Review C, 2004
Meson spin splittings are examined within an effective Coulomb gauge QCD Hamiltonian incorporating chiral symmetry and a transverse hyperfine interaction necessary for heavy quarks. For light and heavy quarkonium systems the pseudoscalar-vector meson spectrum is generated by approximate BCS-RPA diagonalizations. This relativistic formulation includes both S and D waves for the vector mesons which generates a set of coupled integral equations. A smooth transition from the heavy to the light quark regime is found with chiral symmetry dominating the π-ρ mass difference. A reasonable description of the observed meson spin splittings and chiral quantities, such as the quark condensate and the π mass, is obtained. Similar comparisons with TDA diagonalizations, which violate chiral symmetry, are deficient for light pseudoscalar mesons indicating the need to simultaneously include both chiral symmetry and a hyperfine interaction. The η b mass is predicted to be around 9400 MeV consistent with other theoretical expectations and above the unconfirmed 9300 MeV candidate. Finally, for comparison with lattice results, the J reliability parameter is also evaluated.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2011
Hyperfine splittings (HFS) are calculated within the Field Correlator Method, taking into account relativistic corrections. The HFS in bottomonium and the Bq (q=n,s) mesons are shown to be in full agreement with experiment if a universal coupling αHF = 0.310 is taken in perturbative spin-spin potential. It gives M (B *) − M (B) = 45.7(3) MeV, M (B * s) − M (Bs) = 46.7(3) MeV (n f = 4), while in bottomonium ∆HF (bb) = M (Υ(9460)) − M (η b (1S)) = 63.4 MeV for n f = 4 and 71.1 MeV for n f = 5 are obtained; just latter agrees with recent BaBar data. For unobserved excited states we predict M (Υ(2S)) − M (η b (2S)) = 36(2) MeV, M (Υ(3S)) − M (η(3S)) = 28(2) MeV, and also M (B * c) = 6334(4) MeV, M (Bc(2S)) = 6868(4) MeV, M (B * c (2S)) = 6905(4) MeV. The mass splittings between D(2 3 S1) − D(2 1 S0), Ds(2 3 S1) − Ds(2 1 S0) are predicted to be ∼ 70 MeV, which are significantly smaller than in several other studies.
Physics Reports-review Section of Physics Letters, 1997
The approximate symmetries of Quantum ChromoDynamics in the infinite heavy quark (Q = c, b) mass limit (mQ → ∞) and in the chiral limit for the light quarks (mq → 0, q = u, d, s) can be used together to build up an effective chiral lagrangian for heavy and light mesons describing strong interactions among effective meson fields as well as their couplings to electromagnetic and weak currents, including the relevant symmetry breaking terms. The effective theory includes heavy (Qq) mesons of both negative and positive parity, light pseudoscalars, as well as light vector mesons. We summarize the estimates for the parameters entering the effective lagrangian and discuss in particular some phenomenologically important couplings, such as gB * Bπ. The hyperfine splitting of heavy mesons is discussed in detail. The effective lagrangian allows for the possibility to describe consistently weak couplings of heavy (B, D) to light (π, ρ, K * , etc.) mesons. The method has however its own limitations, due to the requirement that the light meson momenta should be small, and we discuss how such limitations can be circumvented through reasonable ansatz on the form factors. Flavour conserving (e. g. B * → B γ) and flavour changing (e. g. B → K * γ) radiative decays provide another field of applications of effective lagrangians; they are discussed together with their phenomenological implications. Finally we analyze effective lagrangians describing heavy charmonium-like (QQ) mesons and their strong and electromagnetic interactions. The role of approximate heavy quark symmetries for this case and the phenomenological tests of these models are also discussed.
Physical Review D, 2013
This paper aims at proving the fundamental role of a relativistic formulation for quarkonia models. We present a completely covariant description of a two-quark system interacting by the Cornell potential with a Breit term describing the hyperfine splitting. Using an appropriate procedure to calculate the Breit correction, we find heavy meson masses in excellent agreement with experimental data. Moreover, also when applied to light quarks and even taking average values of the running coupling constant, we prove that covariance properties and hyperfine splitting are sufficient to explain the light mesons spectrum and to give a very good agreement with the data.
The isospin mass splittings of the pseudoscalar and vector D and B lightheavy quark system have been calculated using the method of QCD sum rules. Nonperturbative QCD effects are shown to be very small, so that mass splittings arise almost completely from current quark mass splitting and electromagnetic effects, for which a new gauge invariant QED treatment is used. The results are consistent with experiment. A measurement of the isospin splitting of the vector B mesons would give valuable information about quark mass splittings.
Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Charm Physics — PoS(CHARM2020), 2021
We review heavy quark flavor and spin symmetries, their exploitation in heavy meson effective theories and the flavored couplings of charmed and light mesons in the definition of their effective Lagrangians. We point out how nonperturbative continuum QCD approaches based on Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations can be used to calculate strong and leptonic decays of open-charm mesons and heavy quarkonia. The strong decay * → serves as a benchmark, as it is the only physical open-charm observable that can be related to the effective Lagrangian's couplings. Nonetheless, a quantitative comparison of * , , * and * * couplings for a range of off-shell momenta of the-meson invalidates SU(4) symmetry relations between these couplings. Thus, besides the breaking of flavor symmetry by mass terms in the Lagrangians, the flavor-symmetry breaching in couplings and their dependence on the-meson virtuality cannot be ignored. We also take the opportunity to present new results for the effective / and / * couplings. We conclude this contribution with a discussion on how the description of pseudoscalar and vector , , and meson properties can be drastically improved with a modest modification of the flavor-dependence in the Bethe-Salpeter equation.
Fitoterapia, 2006
A new iridoid glycoside named genestifolioside (1) was isolated from the ethanol extract of Linaria genestifolia. Its structure was defined by spectral analysis. D
El término tafonomía significa literalmente las leyes del enterramiento. Fue propuesto por EFREMOV (1940) para la disciplina científica que se ocupa del estudio de la transición de los restos orgánicos desde la biosfera a la litosfera. EFREMOV y otros autores llamaron fosilización a la etapa del proceso de formación de los yacimientos de fósiles en la que tiene lugar la mineralización de los restos orgánicos, una vez incorporados a la litosfera. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, la mayoría de los especialistas consideran la tafonomía como el estudio de los procesos postmortales y dan un significado más amplio al término fosilización. En las investigaciones tafonómicas se suele distinguir entre el estado alcanzado por cualquier resto y/o señal organógeno y el proceso por el cual ha sido alcanzado dicho estado; el proceso se denomina fosilización, y el estado alcanzado por los restos y/o señales es su estado de conservación.
L’existence de scènes musicales alternatives repose sur la ferveur des amateurs qui la composent et s’y impliquent de manière passionnée. À travers une enquête réalisée à partir d’entretiens, cet article vise à analyser les raisons qui motivent les amateurs de musique rock à investir de leur temps, leur argent et leur énergie pour la musique. Plusieurs pistes de recherche sont ainsi explorées : l’implication musicale en tant qu’action collective sous la forme d’une utopie concrète , en tant qu’activité favorisant l’apprentissage de compétences et l’émancipation, et enfin en tant que pratique ludique exercée au sein de communautés affinitaires. Cet article souligne l’importance de l’amateur dont l’attachement à la musique rock conduit celui-ci dépasser un rôle de simple consommateur culturel passif et participer à sa manière aux productions culturelles liées à sa scène musicale. The existence of alternative musical scenes depends on the eagerness of amateurs that are part of and get involved into those scenes. Through a survey based on interviews, this article aims to analyse the reasons and motivations of amateurs to spend time, money and energy in music. Several research trails are explored: musical involvement as a collective action - a concrete utopia -, as a learning process activity leading to empowerment and finally as a playful practice taking place into affinity communities. This article emphasizes the stature of the amateur figure whose attachment to rock music lead him to overstep passive cultural consumption and take part in cultural productions linked to his musical scene. Het bestaan van alternatieve muziek scenes hangt af van het enthousiasme van amateurs die deel uitmaken van en betrokken zijn bij deze scenes. Door middel van een survey, gebaseerd op interview, is het doel van dit artikel om de drijfveren en motivaties van amateurs te analyseren om hun tijd, geld en energie aan muziek te spenderen. Meerdere onderzoekssporen worden verkend : muziekaal engagement als een vorm van collectieve actie – een concreet utopia –, als een leerproces leidende tot empowerment en, ten slotte, als een creatieve activiteit die plaatsvindt in affiniteitsgroepen. Dit artikel benadruk de status van het figuur van de amateur wiens binding met de rock muziek hem/haar ertoe brengt om van passieve culturele consumptie af te stappen en actief deel uit te maken van culturele producties, verbonden aan zijn/haar muziek scene.
Introduction: With the increasing global population concern on older persons abuse is also increasing. There is dearth of research on the elder abuse of older persons in Nepal and very little is known about this. Objective: Objective of this paper is to explore the situation of abuse of older persons in community living older adults of Nepal. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional community based study carried out in eastern part of Nepal. Data was collected through face to face interview using structured questionnaire. Total number of participants were 158 sixty years and above.
Knowledge and Technology Integration in Production and Services, 2002
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2012
Identità e rappresentazione. Le chiese nazionali a Roma 1450-1650, 2015
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2007
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Studies, 2023
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Espace : Art actuel, 2016
International Forestry Review
Alʹmanah severoevropejskih i baltijskih issledovanij, 2023