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Soil organic C (SOC) pools under long-term management practices provide information on C sequestration pathways, soil quality maintenance, and crop productivity. Farmyard manure (FYM), paddy straw (PS), and green manure (GM) along with inorganic fertilizers were used in a 19-yr-old rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system in subtropical India to evaluate their impact on SOC stock, its different pools-total organic C (C tot ); oxidizable organic C (C oc ) and its four fractions of very labile (C frac1 ), labile (C frac2 ), less labile (C frac3 ), and nonlabile C (C frac4 ); microbial biomass C (C mic ); and mineralizable C (C min ). Cropping with only N-P-K fertilization just maintained SOC content, while N-P-K plus organics increased SOC by 24.3% over the control, their relative effi cacy being FYM > PS > GM. A minimum of 3.56 Mg C ha −1 yr −1 was required to be added as organic amendments to compensate for SOC loss from cropping. The passive (C frac3 + C frac4 ) pool and C min constituted about 39 and 11.5%, respectively, of C tot . Organics contributed toward the passive pool in the order FYM > PS > GM. Most of the pools were signifi cantly (P = 0.005) correlated with each other. Yield and sustainable yield index were strongly related with C frac1 , C oc , C mic , and C min . Results suggest C frac1 as a useful indicator for assessing soil health, and balanced fertilization with FYM as suitable management for sustaining crop productivity of the rice-wheat system.
Conservation tillage practices are widely used to protect against soil erosion and soil C losses, whereas winter cover crops are used mainly to protect against N losses during autumn and winter. For the greenhouse gas balance of a cropping system the effect of reduced tillage and cover crops on N 2 O emissions may be more important than the effect on soil C. This study monitored emissions of N 2 O between September 2008 and May 2009 in three tillage treatments, i.e., conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT) and direct drilling (DD), all with (þCC) or without (ÀCC) fodder radish as a winter cover crop. Cover crop growth, soil mineral N dynamics, and other soil characteristics were recorded. Furthermore, soil concentrations of N 2 O were determined eight times during the monitoring period using permanently installed needles. There was little evidence for effects of the cover crop on soil mineral N. Following spring tillage and slurry application soil mineral N was dominated by the input from slurry. Nitrous oxide emissions during autumn, winter and early spring remained low, although higher emissions from þCC treatments were indicated after freezing events. Following spring tillage and slurry application by direct injection N 2 O emissions were stimulated in all tillage treatments, reaching 250e400 mg N m À2 h À1 except in the CT þ CC treatment, where emissions peaked at 900 mg N m À2 h À1 . Accumulated emissions ranged from 1.6 to 3.9 kg N 2 O ha À1 . A strong positive interaction between cover crop and tillage was observed. Soil concentration profiles of N 2 O showed a significant accumulation of N 2 O in CT relative to RT and DD treatments after spring tillage and slurry application, and a positive interaction between slurry and cover crop residues. A comparison in early May of N 2 O emissions with flux estimates based on soil concentration profiles indicated that much of the N 2 O emitted was produced near the soil surface.
Studying land degradation through a soil quality approach, which reveals soil functioning within the ecosystem, is necessary for sustainable management of land resources. This investigation was conducted to understand the changes of soil functions, resulting from exploitive management, using some soil quality indicators and their statistical and geostatistical measures. Undisturbed and disturbed sites were identified in each of two study areas, including an oak forest and a semiarid rangeland in central Iran. Soil organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), microbial respiration (MR), aggregate stability (AS), and hydraulic properties of the sites were determined. Statistical comparisons of frequency distribution functions of OC and MR revealed that these functions are normal in protected forest, while in the disturbed forest distributions deviate from normality. In the rangeland sites, the results were exactly the opposite. Spatial variability of the two variables in forest sites demonstrated pure nugget and spherical pattern in protected and disturbed sites, respectively. As for the rangeland ecosystem, pure nugget pattern was observed for both sites. According to our findings, protection of rangeland has resulted in higher OC and MR with no effect on the amount of TN and infiltration rate. The negative effect of this management system was a decrease in aggregate stability due to the formation of crust as a result of complete grazing exclusion. By contrast, improvement in all soil quality indicators in protected forest indicated the success of conservative management in this region.
Humic substances are extremely important attributes of soil quality but the impacts of long-term fertilization on their composition and structure remain controversial and are still not fully understood. A study, employing various methods was conducted to elucidate the influence of long-term fertilization practices on the composition and structure of humic substances. Soil samples were collected from eight treatments at the Red Soil Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), using the MSTAT-C software package. In general, the Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectra discriminated bands between humic fractions. The humic acid (HA) from the NPK plus manure (NPKM) and manure alone (M) treatments showed higher values of the O/R ratios (1.24 and 1.18, respectively) as compared to that from the 1.5 NPKM and fallow (H) treatments, which decreased these ratios (0.66 and 0.85, respectively). Except for NPKM plus wheatsoybean-sweet potato between the lines (NPKMR), the O/R ratios of the fulvic acid (FA) did not differ among the treatments. However, the humin (HM) from H and the control (CK) displayed the highest value of O/R ratios (about 3.23 for both). Humic substances from organic treatments showed more aliphatic nature, whereas more condensed-alkali soluble humic substances were formed in the unfertilized and mineral treatments. Among fractions, the HA formed more phenolic or aromatic structures than did the FA or HM. In addition, the C, H, N and S contents of humic substances increased significantly, whereas their oxygen content decreased.
Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples from three land use types namely cultivated land (CL), grazing land (GL) and fallow land (FL) at a depth of 15-30cm were collected and analyzed using standard laboratories for soil nutrients and soil physical properties. Results show open grazing lands (CEC 19.59 meq/100g) to be more fertile than cultivated (13.88 meq/100g) and fallow (6.40 meq/100g) lands. This was attributed to the continuous dropping of faecal material by grazing livestock. Higher bulk density in grazing land (1.36 g/cm 3 ) compared to cultivated and fallow lands with 1.29 g/cm 3 and 1.33 g/cm 3 was attributed to the hoof action of livestock. These results suggest that different land use types in the semi-arid rangelands contribute immensely to soil properties.
This paper gives an overview of soil ecosystem services, soil organic matter dynamics, models of soil organic matter, biotic and abiotic control of litter decomposition, patterns of soil biodiversity, and potential of soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change. Healthy soil provides a wide range of ecosystem goods and services and the value of the ecosystem services provided by soil biodiversity amounts to US $1.5 trillion per year. Soil texture, soil mineralogy and soil organic matter play an important role in the functioning of an ecosystem. The global carbon pools and fluxes, and soil and vegetation carbon pools at biome and regional level have been discussed. The organic matter inputs and soil carbon pools vary in different biomes and ecosystems. Soil organic carbon simulation models are being increasingly used to describe soil carbon dynamics. Climate, soil fauna and litter quality regulate the rates of litter decomposition at local, regional and global scale. Litter quality has emerged as the most important direct regulator of the rates and patterns of litter decomposition at the global scale. There is much interest to analyze the effect of litter diversity, climate change and invasive species on litter decomposition rates. Modern techniques of molecular biology and high resolution microscopy elucidate the structural and functional aspects of soil biodiversity. Sustainable management and conservation of soil biota is important for conserving global biodiversity, as soil communities are species rich and affect ecosystem processes. Conservation agriculture, tree plantations on degraded lands, and agroforestry could enhance carbon storage in the soil-plant system. The integration of science, technology and traditional ecological knowledge can make substantial contribution to the science of soil ecology, ecosystem carbon management, and sustainability.
Latest trends in soilsciences, 2021
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