In BIOFILMS: Persistence and ubiquity
Edited by: Andrew McBain, David Allison, Johnathan Pratten, David Spratt,
Mathew Upton, and Joanna Verran.
7th meeting of the BIOFILM Club, Gregynog Hall, Powys, 7-9th September 2005
ISBN 0-9551030-0-2
C. Robinson and P. S. Watson.
Division of Oral Biology, Leeds Dental Institute, Clarendon Way, Leeds, LS2 9LU
Natural plaque biofilms were generated in vivo on natural enamel surfaces using the
device described by Robinson et al 1997. After 7 days these were recovered from the
mouth and immersed in solutions of the therapeutic to be tested. After designated time
intervals, devices were removed and immediately snap frozen using liquid nitrogen.
After lyophilisation the accumulated biofilm was embedded in methacrylate and
sectioned at 5-micron intervals from saliva interface to the enamel surface. Groups of 10
sections were pooled for determination of therapeutic content and between the 5th and
6th section a pair of 2μm sections was collected for image analysis from which biomass
volume and distribution were determined. Penetration for all compounds examined was
limited in 30 seconds to the outer third or so of the plaque layer. At 2 minutes
concentrations in the outer regions increased but little more penetrated to the enamel
surface. For fluoride, only after 30 minutes was there a semblance of equilibration with
the supernatant solution. The distribution profiles obtained were compared with biomass
distribution and were closely related to the surface area to mass curves suggesting that
uptake may be dictated by available surface area. This may also limit penetration. From
preliminary investigations, where radioactive materials were used in vitro, amine fluoride
was often seen to reside at the surfaces of biomass. The much more hydrophobic
riclosan, however, seemed to be located within the biomass, possibly in the region of
bacterial cells.
Key words: Penetration, human, intact-biofilms, fluoride, triclosan, amine –fluoride,
Penetration and uptake of materials by all pathological biofilms and especially oral
plaque biofilms is a key feature in the administration of therapeutics (Stewart 2003). This
is of particular importance when these have to penetrate difficult to reach stagnation
sites (Addy and Adriaens, 1998) or through plaque to the enamel itself (ten Cate, 1999,
Robinson et al 2000). In the case of dental plaque, periods of exposure to therapeutics
during tooth brushing and mouth rinsing can be very short. While 2 minutes is
recommended this is more usually about 30 seconds (MacGregor and Rugg-Gunn 1985,
van der Ouderra 1991).
Despite a great deal of interest in this area there has been little definitive information
concerning penetration through natural intact biofilms formed on natural surfaces in vivo.
Many studies recovered plaque by mechanical scraping which disrupts plaque
architecture and would not therefore permit accurate determination of location of, in this
case fluoride within the plaque (Dibdin, 1993, McNee et al., 1982, Tatevossian, 1985).
Efforts made in vivo achieved some success but control over period of exposure and
amount administered is very difficult (Kato et al 1997). A model was therefore devised to
generate plaque in vivo on natural enamel surfaces whereby penetration studies could
be conducted both in vivo and in vitro on intact undisturbed human plaque biofilms. This
revealed gradients of endogenous fluoride from surface to interior suggesting that there
was some natural restriction to full penetration (Robinson et al 1997). The model also
showed, using confocal microscopy, that natural plaque contained voids and channels
often extending through the biomass to the underlying enamel (Wood et al 2000). In
other biofilms, such architecture has been highlighted as possibly having considerable
influence on mass transfer through biofilms (Zhang and Bishop 1994, de Beer and
Stoodley , 1995). Specifically channels were considered to provide better penetration
compared with biomass with both biofilm thickness and interaction of components with
the biofilm playing important roles, (Stewart 1998, Stewart 2003).
Such new information on plaque biofilm architecture raised a number of
questions concerning mass transfer through the biofilm. Most importantly, to what extent
does penetration occur via the channels and how easy is it to penetrate the biomass?
These are crucial questions when assessing delivery of, for example, fluoride to the
enamel or antibacterials to bacterial cells deep in the biomass.
Studies were therefore undertaken to investigate the uptake and penetration of
fluoride, triclosan and amine fluoride(s) into natural undisturbed plaque biofilms. Plaque
biofilms were generated in vivo over 7 days; they were then removed from the mouth
and immersed in solutions containing fluoride or radioactively labeled triclosan or amine
fluoride for prescribed time intervals. The distribution of these materials throughout the
plaque was then determined and distribution profiles were compared with biofilm
Materials and Methods.
Plaque generation devices.
Devices were constructed and placed intra-orally as described in Robinson et al
1997. Briefly, nylon rings ~5mm diameter were attached to discs of surface human
enamel using a cyanoacrylate adhesive which were then trimmed to be slightly larger
than the rings themselves. The devices were then bonded to selected tooth surfaces
using Scotchbond Multipurpose Dental Adhesive. After the required period in vivo,
devices were removed using orthodontic debonding pliers.
Exposure to and determination of therapeutics of interest.
After 7 days plaque generation in vivo, devices were removed from the mouth
and immersed in relevant solutions for specified time periods as follows. Devices were
totally immersed in fluoride solutions while radioactive solutions were applied in 3μl
drops to the device surface. All concentrations were similar to those currently used in
1. Fluoride: 1000 ppm fluoride ion was used as sodium fluoride at neutral pH.
C labelled triclosan:
Unlabeled triclosan carrier was supplied by Irgacare,
labelled triclosan (GS-14703) was obtained from Syngenta, as a crystalline solid,
specific activity 5.43MBq/ mg (both obtained through Unilever R&D). 0.054MBq per ml of
C labelled triclosan was used for incubation. Final concentrations in the test
preparation were 10ppm for
CTriclosan, with 3000ppm total triclosan present (almost
all of this remained in suspension).
3. 14C labelled amine fluoride(s): These were supplied by GABA international. 0.185MBq
per ml of an equal mixture of N-Oleyldiethanolamine hydrofluoride (oleyl1-1-14C) and NOleyldiethanolamine hydrofluoride (hydroxyethyl-14C) was used for incubation.
Concentrations of cold amine fluoride i.e. non-radioactive carrier were added to a final
concentration of 1400ppm fluoride.
Fluoride distribution
After the prescribed time, devices were removed from incubation solutions,
placed on absorbent filter paper and excess solution wicked from their surfaces. For
fluoride and amine fluoride investigations they were then lyophilized, embedded in a
methacrylate mixture and then sectioned at 5 micron intervals using an ultramicrotome
from the saliva plaque interface to the enamel surface. Groups of 10 contiguous sections
were pooled for analysis. .A pair of 2μm sections was collected for each group and
retained for toluidine blue staining and image analysis for determination of biomass.
Chloroform was used to disperse the methacrylate and after this was removed by
evaporation, the residue was dissolved in acetate buffer pH 5 and fluoride was
determined using a fluoride- specific electrode (Hallsworth et al 1976). For more detailed
methodology see Watson et al 2005a.
Triclosan distribution
To minimise the possibility of some redistribution of hydrophobic triclosan during
embedding in methacrylate, devices were snap frozen immediately after removal from
the mouth. After freezing (-20oC) and removal of the nylon ring, the frozen plaque
sample was supported in a minimum of OCT compound. Frozen sections (25 μM) were
then taken using a cryomicrotome (Bright Cryostat). Pooled groups of four sections were
subsequently placed in scintillation vials for counting. To each scintillation vial containing
plaque material was added 10ml SigmaFluor scintillation cocktail (Sigma-Aldrich, Poole,
UK). Sample vials, and blank controls, were transferred to racks and dark adapted
overnight in the scintillation counter (Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Analyzer, Packard).
Scintillation counting was then performed, using a
C specific counting protocol. Each
sample was counted twice, for consecutive twenty minute periods and the average count
calculated. Counts per minute (CPM) were automatically converted into disintegrations
per minute (DPM), using an established quench curve. Counting efficiency was validated
daily using
C and background standards prior to measurement of experimental
samples. For more detailed methodology see Watson et al 2005b.
Amine fluoride distribution
Plaque biofilms were lyophilised embedded and sectioned as described above
for fluoride. Pooled sections were then placed in scintillation vials, scintillant added and
counting performed as described above for triclosan.
Determination of TCN distribution by microautoradiography
In a preliminary parallel investigation, a biofilm-containing device was exposed to
an aqueous solution containing 10ppm
C-TCN, frozen, then lyophilised, embedded in
methacrylate and serially sectioned (as described above for fluoride-exposed samples).
Pairs of 2µm thick sections were dried down onto APES-coated glass slides and used
for microautoradiography and image analysis.
Slides were prepared for microautoradiography under dark-room conditions.
Glass slides, on to which sections of 14C-TCN exposed plaque biofilms had been dried,
were immersed for five seconds in LM-1 Hypercoat Emulsion (Amersham Biosciences,
Little Chalfont, UK) which had been pre-melted in a water bath at 43°C. Slides were
carefully recovered, drained of excess emulsion, and incubated at room temperature
(15-25°C) in a light-tight box for one hour to allow the emulsion to set completely.
Anhydrous silica gel was added to the box, which was re-sealed and incubated for six
weeks at 4°C. After this period, the box was allowed to equilibrate to room temperature
(15-25°C) for one hour before being opened. The slides were then immersed in
developer (Kodak D-19) for five minutes, transferred to stop solution (0.5% v/ v acetic
acid) for 30 seconds, incubated in fix (30% w/ v sodium thiosulphate) for 10 minutes,
rinsed for 15 min in running tap water and then allowed to dry. Developed slides were
stained with toluidine blue as described previously and viewed using an Olympus BX50
light microscope (Olympus UK, Southall, UK) fitted with a Hitachi VK-C150ED colour
video camera (Hitachi Europe Ltd, Maidenhead, UK). Images were saved and analysed
using SPOT Advanced software (Diagnostic Instruments Inc., Sterling Heights, MI,
The same procedure was used for plaque samples exposed to radiolabelled
amine fluoride.
Determination of biomass volume
2µm-thick plaque sections, taken between the pooled groups used for analysis,
were dried on to APES-coated microscope slides. These were flooded with 0.1%
aqueous toluidine blue, gently heated over a flame (until beginning to steam) and
incubated at room temperature (15-25°C) for 15 min. Slides were then gently rinsed in
tap water and allowed to dry. Images of stained plaque sections were obtained using a
video camera (JVC 3-CCD) and analyzed using Zeiss KS300 Imaging Software (Zeiss,
Jena, Germany). For each pair of sections, the mean area and the mean total perimeter
of the biomass (stained material) was calculated. Knowing the section thickness, this
permitted calculation of the volume and approximate surface area of plaque biomass
within each section.
Uptake and distribution of fluoride ion.
Figure 1 illustrates mean fluoride distributions for plaque biofilms exposed to
fluoride for 30seconds, 2 minutes and 30 minutes (n=6 for each exposure time). Data
has been calculated assuming that fluoride is associated with the biomass. In the case
of both 30 seconds and two minutes, fluoride concentrations decreased from the saliva
plaque interface towards the enamel surface. Two minutes exposure showed a greater
increase in the outer plaque layer compared with a much lower increase in the plaque
interior. Within 200 microns of the enamel surface there was no significant difference
between 30 second and 2 minute exposures. After 30 minutes exposure, however,
fluoride had clearly penetrated throughout the biofilm almost equilibrating with the
immersion solution (1000ppm F).
Uptake and distribution of amine fluoride(s).
Figure 2A illustrates the distribution of radioactively labeled amine fluoride in
natural plaque biofilms after exposure to 14C labeled material for 30 seconds. Most
uptake was seen in the outer third or half of the plaque layer. Unlike fluoride, a rise was
noted in the extreme outer edge of the plaque prior to the fall towards the enamel
surface. Insufficient labeled material precluded further time periods.
Preliminary results from microautoradiography (Figure 2B) indicated that the
amine fluorides were often associated with the surfaces of biomass with perhaps less
penetrating into the biomass itself.
Uptake and distribution of radioactively labeled triclosan.
The solubility of triclosan in aqueous media at pH 8.5 (the pH of many
toothpastes) was determined to be a maximum of 10ppm. This concentration of 14C
labeled material was therefore used in all penetration studies. The total unlabelled
material present was 3000ppm which is consistent with the concentration in many
toothpastes, although almost all of this would be insoluble. The results were more
variable than for fluoride or amine fluoride, so that 30 second (Figure 3A) and 2 minute
exposure times (Figure 3B) are shown separately. Both showed a rise in the outer edge
of the plaque layer followed by a fall towards the enamel surface. There was no obvious
difference between 30 seconds and two minute exposure times.
Preliminary results from microautoradiography (Figure 3C) indicated that
triclosan was often located in clusters within the biomass possibly associated with
bacterial cells.
Architecture of Plaque biofilms.
Measurement of the proportion of biomass throughout the plaque layer revealed
an increase from the saliva plaque interface which plateaued in the mid region of plaque
and decreased somewhat near to the enamel surface. This indicated that biomass free
areas i.e. channels and voids decreased steeply towards the interior, with a small
increase near to the enamel. (Watson et al 2005a, and Watson and Robinson 2005 this
While surface area of biomass showed little change throughout biofilm depth,
surface area to biomass ratios decreased dramatically towards the interior to rise again
somewhat towards the enamel (Figure 4).
It is clear from the data that penetration of the therapeutic materials into intact
undisturbed dental plaque for the short periods associated with tooth brushing or mouth
rinsing is restricted. Only after 30 minutes did fluoride approach equilibration with the
externally applied solution.
The profiles obtained for each of the species examined indicated that in 30
seconds or so, penetration only occurred within the outer third or half of the plaque
biofilm layer. In the case of fluoride and triclosan where 2 minute intervals were also
employed some small improvement in penetration was observed but the profiles
remained similar with no significant differences in the inner third or so of the biofilm. With
fluoride it was possible to use 30 minute exposure periods, after which time the
concentrations throughout the plaque approached equilibration with the topically applied
Considering fluoride, for which most information is available, this raises
interesting questions concerning normal uptake kinetics. Earlier data using this device
which had equilibrated in the mouth for 7 days (Robinson et al 1997), showed very
similar profiles of endogenous fluoride to those obtained after 30 seconds exposure in
the current study. Since normal salivary fluoride contains about 0.02ppm fluoride had
clearly accumulated in the plaque. However, even 7days accumulation had not
generated more penetration than that seen after 30 seconds in vitro. This suggests that
topically applied fluoride is adsorbed/absorbed most effectively in the outer regions of
the plaque. However, further inward progress appears to be restricted possibly by
adsorption near the surface and also by increasing difficulty of deeper penetration. The
fact that exposure in vitro to 1000ppm fluoride for 30 minutes achieved almost full
penetration of the plaque indicates that diffusion is extremely slow and/or that binding
sites for fluoride in the outer plaque must be saturated before further penetration occurs.
Amine fluoride used in many dental preparations for antibacterial activity and enamel
repair also showed similar restricted uptake after 30 seconds i.e. to the outer third or half
of the plaque layer. Like triclosan but unlike fluoride, a rise at the extreme outer edge of
the plaque layer preceded the fall towards the enamel surface.
Triclosan profiles, while more variable than fluoride, were less steep suggesting
perhaps less binding at the plaque outer surface. Triclosan was still restricted to the
outer regions of the plaque, however, indicating that like fluoride, inward diffusion was
restricted. The very small amounts actually measured may be due the extremely low
solubility of triclosan in water.
It is clear from these studies that all of the therapeutics investigated showed
restricted penetration into intact plaque biofilms during the short exposures associated
with toothbrushing or mouthrinsing. The reasons for the restricted penetration of the
materials studied are not clear. All have very different chemical characteristics. Fluoride
is anionic, the amine fluorides are neutral or cationic and triclosan is extremely
hydrophobic. In view of this, the answer would appear to reside more with the plaque
biofilm than with the nature of the materials applied.
A comparison was therefore made with the architecture of the intact plaque
layers. Confocal laser scanning microscopy had suggested that the outer plaque
comprised frond like structures projecting from a more compact base (Wood et al.
2000). Quantitative measurements (Watson et al 2005b Robinson and Watson 2005 this
meeting) confirmed this but, in addition, were also able to demonstrate that while
biomass surface area remained relatively unchanged throughout depth, surface area to
mass ratios decreased dramatically in this direction. These curves in fact were rather
similar to the penetration profiles reported here (figure 4). This would suggest that
uptake near the surface may be governed by high plaque surface area perhaps by
adsorption to the biomass surface. Decrease in surface area to mass ratio combined
with an increasing compactness of biomass might restrict penetration. The presence of
amine fluoride at biomass surfaces, while not definitive proof, illustrates that charged
molecules can be selectively taken up at biomass surfaces. This may mean such
molecules may be more effective in biofilms with a high surface area to mass ratio.
Although concentrations of triclosan measured were small the apparent
greater uptake of triclosan and possible location in or near bacterial cells may be due to
its entry into the biomass and location in hydrophobic environments such as bacterial
cell membranes,
In general terms, selective concentration of orally applied therapeutics in the
outer regions of plaque biofilms may mean that this is where most of their activity
resides. Future improvement may lie in strategies to improve delivery to deeper layers
as well as deeper into the biomass.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Unilever Research and
Development. for the studies on fluoride and triclosan and GABA International for the
studies using amine fluorides
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Unexposed controls
30s NaF, no wash
2 min NaF, no wash
30 min NaF, no wash
Fluoride (ppm)
Distance ( µ m) of section from salivary interface
Figure 1.
Distribution of fluoride in intact human plaques biofilms after exposure to 1000 ppm
fluoride for 30 seconds. 2 minutes and 30 minutes (n= 6 for each time period).
Depth of Plaque (µ m) Related to DPM Amine Fluoride
DPM Amine Fluoride
GA-10 - Aqueous AmF
GA-12 - Aqueous AmF
GA-16 - Aqueous AmF
GA-20 - Aqueous AmF
GA-18 - Aqueous AmF
GA-28 (Aqueous UNWASHED?)
e p t h
o f µ Pm l
Figure 2A. Distribution of 14C radio-labeled amine fluoride in intact human plaque
biofilms after 30 second exposure to aqueous solution containing…
Figure 2B. Autoradiographic localization of amine fluoride at the surfaces of biomass.
R e p lic a te
R e p lic a te
14 C-TCN
14 C-TCN
D is t a n c eµ m( ) o f s e c t io n fro m e n a m e l
D is t a n c µem( ) o f s e c t io n fro m e n a m e l
2 m in s a q u e o u s
Figure 3.
Distribution of 14C radio-labeled Triclosan in intact human plaque biofilms after (A) 30
seconds and (B) 2 minute exposure to aqueous solutions containing 10ppm 14 C
labeled triclosan. Total (triclosan = 3000ppm)
Figure 3C. Autoradiographic localization of triclosan within dense stained biomass,
possibly associated with clusters of bacterial cells.
Ratio of biomass surface area (mm2): biomass volume (mm3)
Distance ( µ m) of plaque section from salivary interface
Figure . 4. Surface area to mass ratio of intact human plaque biofilms
derived from image analysis and section thickness.