13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
August 1-6, 2004
Paper No. 1708
Paolo BAZZURRO1, C. A. CORNELL2, Chuck MENUN3 and Maziar MOTAHARI4
Structural post-earthquake functionality is conventionally evaluated by trained engineers via visual
inspection of the damage. A building is tagged “Green” (unrestricted access), “Yellow” (restricted
access), or “Red” (no access) according to the severity of the observed damage. Whether the damage
implies an actual decay in safety level of the building occupants during aftershocks is essentially left to
judgment. We propose to use engineering analyses performed prior to an earthquake to determine the
level of degradation in building safety implied by several different damage states. We use the loss of
capacity (in ground motion terms) associated with each damage state as the quantitative measure of
degradation. The likelihood that an aftershock will exceed a specific (reduced) capacity provides an
objective criterion for assigning the appropriate tagging condition to that damage state. This knowledge
can help engineers decide on the appropriate occupancy status should a given damage state be observed
during an inspection after an earthquake. This methodology has another practical application. The same
engineering analyses can also identify the level of mainshock ground motion expected to produce any
damage state. Because a damage state can be associated with a tagging condition as explained above, this
procedure also identifies the mainshock ground motion level that is expected to drive the intact building
into a given tagging condition. Hence, after appropriate consideration of uncertainty in building response
and capacity, one can use this information to develop fragility curves for green, yellow, and red tags, and
for collapse of the intact building. A convolution of such fragility curves with the building site seismic
hazard provides an estimate of the frequency of future building access restrictions and collapse. Such
information is valuable when estimating the likelihood of loss of functionality of a critical facility or
downtime of a building for expected loss estimation purposes.
A few references are available in the literature (e.g., ATC-20 [1], and FEMA 352 [2]) that present
procedures for post-earthquake evaluation of buildings. In all the cases post-earthquake decisions
regarding short-term occupancy of buildings rest solely on engineering judgment exercised by
professionals that visually inspect the facility in the aftermath of the damaging event. So far little
Manager Engineering Analysis, AIR Worldwide Co., 388 Market Street, Suite 610, San Francisco, CA,
USA. E-mail: pbazzurro@air-worldwide.com
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engrg., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engrg., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
Former Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engrg., Stanford University, Stanford, CA
analytical work has been done to provide tools for inspectors to help deciding whether to permit, restrict,
or deny building occupancy given the level of observed damage in the building. In our opinion an
informed decision can hardly be made without considering, implicitly or explicitly, the likelihood that a
building brought into a specific damage state by an earthquake may collapse during aftershock ground
shaking. Therefore, we believe that a procedure that couples a sound estimation of the residual capacity of
a damaged building after the mainshock with aftershock ground motion hazard at the building site is
essential for rationalizing the assessment of building use restrictions after earthquakes.
Within the Pacific Engineering Earthquake Research (PEER) Center – Lifelines Program, we have
developed guidelines (Bazzurro et al. [3]) for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), the largest electric power
distribution company in California, that tackle the issue of “tagging” damaged buildings. The guidelines
deliver a platform for assessing more rationally whether access to buildings that are common in the
PG&E building inventory should be granted or denied. These guidelines are proposed to help inspectors
in making an informed decision and, of course, are not intended in any way to replace their engineering
intuition regarding the safety of the damaged building in relation to short-term occupancy. These
guidelines, which were developed for fairly stiff, mainly one-to-three-story buildings (e.g., steel frame
buildings with concrete infill walls, concrete tilt-up buildings, prefabricated metal buildings, and steel
frame buildings), such as the majority of those owned by PG&E, are applicable to all structure types,
residential, commercial, and industrial alike, with perhaps the exception of tall, flexible buildings.
The building tagging issue, however, is only an intermediate step necessary to achieve the far more
ambitious PG&E goal of realistically evaluating the likelihood that their power distribution network may
be disrupted in the first 72 hours following a large earthquake in Northern California, in general, and in
the San Francisco Bay Area, in particular. Restriction of access to some critical control or substation
buildings during the 72h-long emergency period after an earthquake would greatly affect such ability.
Therefore, the tagging issue is deeply and naturally embedded in a more comprehensive methodology for
computing the chance that a certain level of (mainshock) ground motion at the building site will cause a
building to reach or exceed a specified performance limit state that can be associated with some level of
access restrictions. For historical reasons the access restrictions are defined here in terms of the color of
the placards (e.g., Green, Yellow or Red) that were widely used in past earthquakes to “tag” damaged and
undamaged buildings.
The inspection by professional engineers in a post-earthquake investigation with the purpose of assessing
building safety is usually “blind”. By blind we mean that the engineer usually has no direct knowledge of
the particular building being inspected besides the experience previously gained by
designing/evaluating/retrofitting other similar structures. The engineer, however, would be undoubtedly
helped by knowing the results of specific engineering analyses performed on the same (or similar)
building before the earthquake strikes. In particular, the engineer could be informed of certain damage
patterns and residual roof drifts that are expected to occur for different levels of ground motion. This
knowledge can help the search for damage in elements that may otherwise be left unchecked perhaps
because of difficulty in accessing the structure. In addition the inspector could be provided with a
mapping between different damage patterns of increasing severity and suggested building tags. This
suggestion can be valuable when making an informed decision about building occupancy.
The three conceptual steps that make this approach feasible are discussed in the following subsections.
NSP for intact structure
NSP for intact structure
NSP for structure in DSi
DS5 DS6=collapse DS1
DS5 DS6=collapse
Roof drift
Roof drift
Figure 1: (a) NSP curve for the example building in its, intact, pre-earthquake condition. (b) NSP curves for the
building in the pre-earthquake intact condition and in the four most relevant of all the post-earthquake damage
states. For simplicity, all the curves for the damaged building have had the residual offset removed. A discussion on
the effects of residual offset after the mainshock on the procedure is included in the text.
Identification of Damage States
The main assumption of this procedure relies on the principle that an exhaustive list of possible damage
states (DS) that a building may be in after the mainshock can be identified via engineering analyses.
These engineering analyses must be accurate enough to provide realistic results but not too sophisticated
to be beyond the best engineering practice. In line with other guidelines (e.g., FEMA 356 [4]) we
suppose that the post-elastic behavior of a building can be, to a certain extent, adequately described by
the results of the Nonlinear Static Procedure (NSP) (a.k.a., pushover analysis). This assumption may be
tenable for buildings that do not exceed, say, five stories in height. In particular we assume that the
sequence of nonlinear events (e.g., failure of a significant portion of the roof/wall connection of a tilt-up
building, fracture of at least 10% of all top flanges in a steel moment-resisting frame, or local collapse of
beam-column connection due to shear failure) that develop for incremental lateral loads and the drift
values at which such nonlinear events occur are reasonably well identified by the NSP curve. Some
preliminary results that will be incorporated in a revision of the guidelines (Bazzurro et al. [3]) show that
this assumption for a first-mode dominated 3-story SMRF in general holds for all damage states and
more accurately so for the lower severity ones. Less agreement is to be expected for structures with
significant response contribution from higher modes.
Typically the NSP curve relates the applied base shear, BS, to the resulting roof drift (i.e., roof
displacement divided by the height of the building). The major inelastic events sometimes cause
significant drops in the base shear or changes in the global stiffness of the building which in turn
translate into changes in slope of the NSP curve, as depicted in the graph in the left panel of Figure 1. In
other cases their occurrence may only moderately reduce the global stiffness of the structure and,
therefore, may not produce sharp kinks in the NSP curve. For the purpose of these guidelines, the
building must be “pushed” to drift levels sufficiently high to make the structure unstable (i.e., DS6 in
Figure 1) or to cause at least one element in the structure to loose its ability to carry vertical loads (e.g.,
shear tab failure of a beam-column connection in a steel moment-resisting frame, SMRF), whichever
case come first. The global instability implies, at least numerically, the collapse of the entire building.
The local loss of vertical capacity can be assimilated to a partial collapse, a less devastating failure
mechanisms that can, however, still cause injuries and casualties if the building remains occupied.
These inelastic events can be grouped in a limited set of what we previously called damage states. More
formally, the occurrence of the ith major inelastic event (or a set of events at approximately the same
deformation level) identifies the ith damage state, DSi. DSi is therefore defined by a roof drift value, ∆i,
and a detailed description of the structural damage associated with that event, including whether any
element has reached ultimate vertical capacity.
Residual Capacity of a Damaged Building
To estimate the likelihood of building collapse (global or local) due to aftershocks, we seek to assess the
building residual capacity for any damage state that could be observed after the mainshock as identified
by the NSP curve. Since we intend to couple the NSP results with aftershock hazard, which is naturally
expressed in terms of a ground motion parameter, it is convenient to define the residual capacity in
ground motion terms as well. We use here the spectral acceleration, Sa(T1), at the fundamental initial
period of vibration, T1, of the intact building. To be precise, we intend to estimate the median residual
dynamic lateral “capacity”, (Ša,cap)i, of the damaged structure in each post-mainshock damage state DSi to
resist aftershocks. (Ša,cap)i is the (aftershock) ground motion level that is expected to cause subsequent
collapse and, should the building still be occupied, life loss. We seek an estimate of the median value but
the building capacity is also affected by different sources of uncertainty as it will be discussed later.
Estimation Methodology
The estimate of (Ša,cap)i, however, cannot be directly obtained from the pushover curve, which is a
representation of the nonlinear static behavior of a building, not dynamic. Conceptually, (Ša,cap)i can be
computed by performing nonlinear dynamic analyses for a set of n ground motions that are strong
enough to bring the structure that is in damage state DSi to the verge of failure and by taking the median
of the n Sa values at the period T1. The records can be either naturally at the level of severity that causes
incipient collapse of the structure, or, more likely, appropriately scaled to the desired intensity level with
a trial and error operation (see Luco et al. [5] for issues about ground motion scaling). Luco et al. [6]
calibrated the residual capacity estimates obtained with the proposed methodology by doing just that.
We recognize, however, that nonlinear dynamic analysis is not yet widely used by practitioners.
Therefore, for this purpose we use a practical tool called SPO2IDA (Vamvatsikos and Cornell [7]). This
spreadsheet provides an estimate not only of the median incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) curve
(Vamvatsikos and Cornell [8]) for the building but also of its record-to-record variability without the
need of running any nonlinear dynamic analysis. The median IDA curve provides a relationship between
ground motion level, here Sa(T1), and the building response, here gauged by roof drift. The IDA is
estimated for a single-degree-of-freedom oscillator whose period of vibration and force-deformation
backbone curve are the same as the building initial fundamental period of vibration and its pushover
curve, respectively.
Again, we are interested in assessing the median residual capacity of a building that has already been
damaged as defined, for example, by the damage state DSi. Therefore the pushover curve input to the
SPO2IDA spreadsheet must refer to the building in this post-earthquake damage state. The right panel of
Figure 1 shows a cartoon of four pushover curves for the damage states DS2 to DS5 identified for this
structure and one for the intact building. Note that the curve for DS1 is the same as the curve for the
intact building while the curve for DS6 is meaningless given that the building is on the verge of collapse.
For illustration purposes only, the pushover curves for the damaged conditions are plotted with no static
Computational Aspects
Conceptually, the NSP curve for damage state DSi can be computed in one of two ways. The first
method entails loading the intact structure until the roof drift value, ∆i, is reached, unloading it to zero
base shear (which, in general, corresponds to a static offset greater than zero), and reloading it again until
the building fails (Bazzurro et al., [3]). This method requires the use of a NSP software, such as RAM
Perform [9], that has loading and unloading capabilities. The second method (Maffei et al., [10]) does
not require the use of any specialized software besides the one adopted for computing the NSP curve of
the intact building. It assumes that the NSP curve for the damage state DSi coincides with the pushover
curve for the intact building for roof drifts greater or equal to ∆i. Furthermore, the approach provides
rules on how to compute the reloading stiffness and the residual drift of the NSP curve at zero base shear
based on the observed damage pattern at DSi. These rules allows one to compute manually the NSP
curve for a damaged building for roof drifts below ∆i. Theoretically, it is irrelevant for these guidelines
which procedure is adopted, only the values of the residual capacity may differ.
As mentioned above, the NSP curve for a given damage state DSi is, in general, affected by a positive
residual roof drift, (∆off)i, at zero base shear. The offset at the end of the mainshock means that the
structure is not in a plumb position anymore. Intuitively, for the same damage pattern a large value of
(∆off)i tends to make the building more vulnerable to aftershocks, as shown by Luco et al. [6]. Hence, its
effect on (Ša,cap)i need to be accounted for in this procedure. The SPO2IDA spreadsheet, however, does
not consider oscillators that have an initial displacement offset. Therefore, the predicted value of (Ša,cap)i
has to be adjusted by an amount that is proportional to the value of (∆off)i. To estimate realistic values of
(∆off)i Luco et al. [6] have run multiple mainshock records carefully scaled to cause the same roof drift ∆i
of each damage state DSi for a few example structures. It suffices here to say that, as expected, NSPbased (∆off)i values are upper bounds to the residual offsets predicted by dynamic analyses. That same
paper provides guidance on how to calibrate NSP-based (∆off)i values vis-à-vis the dynamic ones and
how to modify the SPO-based estimate of (Ša,cap)i to account for (∆off)i. It is not important for the
presentation of these guidelines to include here the mechanics of such calibration. The interested reader
is referred to Luco et al. [6] for details. The values of (Ša,cap)i reported hereafter should be understood as
already including such adjustments.
IDA for DS
NSP for DS
(S a,cap) /S ay
global ductility ratio,, m
Figure 2: NSP and IDA curves for the building in the damage state DS3 in SPO2IDA format. The abscissa
represents the global ductility ratio, µ (namely, the roof drift divided by the roof drift at first yielding, i.e., at DS1).
The ordinate R is equal to BS/BSy for the NSP curve and to Sa(T1)/Say(T1) for the IDA curve, where BSy and Say(T1)
are the base shear and the spectral acceleration at first yielding, respectively.
Figure 2 shows both IDA and NSP curves in the same graph for the example building in damage state
DS3. Similarly to the format actually used in SPO2IDA, the drift in the abscissa and the base shear and
spectral acceleration in the ordinate are normalized in the figure by their respective values at incipient
yielding, namely at DS1. For first-mode dominated structures, Sa(T1) can be found by dividing BS by the
building effective modal mass for the fundamental vibration mode. Because of the methodology built-in
in the SPO2IDA, this IDA estimate is accurate as long as the response of a building is first-mode
dominated. This statement is reflected in the earlier word of caution regarding the questionable
applicability of this procedure to tall buildings whose higher-mode contributions to the response may be
As anticipated, we extract from the entire IDA curve for a damage state DSi only the value (Ša,cap)i at
which either the curve flattens out (i.e., when the global collapse via lateral instability is reached – a
similar definition was also adopted by the SAC/FEMA 350-352 Guidelines [2]) or at least one element in
the building has lost its vertical capacity of carrying gravity and live loads (i.e., partial collapse). The
former case is shown in Figure 2 where the value of (Ša,cap)i (divided by Šay(T1)) is represented by a green
dot. The same procedure repeated for all DSi’s provides an estimate of the median residual capacities at
all damage states as shown in Figure 3. Besides the median curve, the SPO2IDA computes also an
estimate of the coefficient of variation of (Sa,cap)i (not shown in figure) obtained from the multitude of
nonlinear SDOF analyses on which it is based.
Graphical Representation Issues
For illustrating the mechanics of this methodology it is convenient to include all the IDA curves for the
intact and the damaged cases in the same plot as done in Figure 3. In order to do so it is necessary that
they be expressed in terms of the same reference spectral acceleration, which in this context is chosen to
be the initial elastic fundamental period, T1, of the intact structure. For structures of moderate periods it is
sufficient to assume that the ratio Sa(TDSi)/Sa(T1), where TDSi is the fundamental period of the damaged
structure in DSi, is proportional to the inverse of the ratio of the periods, as it would be if the spectrum
displayed an equal spectral velocity in this period range. Further details on this conversion are given in
Bazzurro et al. [3]. Note that the conversion of all IDA’s to the same spectral acceleration quantity is,
however, computationally unnecessary. The calibration of the NSP-based (Ša,cap)i proposed in Luco et al.
[6] already implicitly takess care of this conversion.
IDA for intact structure
Roof Drift (%)
Figure 3: IDA curves for the intact structure and for the structure at different levels of damage. The circles
represent for each case the estimate of the median global collapse residual capacity.
Definition of the Tagging Criteria
These guidelines explicitly consider five so-called structural limit states that are directly related to
building performance. In increasing order of damage severity, they are:
Green tag, G: the building has been inspected and deemed fit for immediate occupancy.
Onset of Damage, OD: for example, FEMA 356 [4] and the HAZUS manual [11] define the onset of
significant nonlinear behavior (called Immediate Occupancy in [4] and Slight Damage in [11]) for
different types of structures.
Yellow tag, Y: the building has been inspected and, until further evaluation, deemed fit for restricted
occupancy. The access is limited either to specialized personnel or only to parts of the building.
Red tag, R: the building has been inspected and deemed unsafe. No access is granted until
completion of detailed engineering evaluation, retrofit or rebuilding.
Collapse, C: the building has either collapsed (completely or in part) or is on the verge of global
instability or local collapse.
The G, Y and R tag states refer explicitly to post-earthquake building functionality; the onset-of-damage
state, which relates to the beginning of detectable structural damage, lies within the green-tag state
boundaries; and the collapse state is, of course, the most severe stage of the red-tag condition. The OD
limit state does not imply any limitations on post-earthquake building operability. It is used in the second
part of the guidelines for the purpose of allowing estimates of direct financial losses in addition to indirect
business-interruption losses due to downtime.
The proposed criteria for tagging damaged buildings, in whichever damage states they may be, are
expressed in terms of:
• P0, the building-site-specific mean annual frequency (MAF) of exceedance of the ground motion
corresponding to the median capacity, Ša,cap, of the building in its intact conditions. P0, which
refers to the pre-earthquake conditions, can be obtained using conventional Probabilistic Seismic
Hazard Analysis (PSHA) codes or directly from the USGS website (http://eqhazmaps.usgs.gov/)
for a selected set of oscillator periods and firm-soil to soft-rock conditions.
• P, is the building-site-specific MAF of the aftershock ground motion corresponding to the median
capacity, (Ša,cap)i, of the building in the damage state DSi. P is, strictly speaking, a time-varying
quantity that decreases with time elapsed from the mainshock and, therefore, it is better computed
using an aftershock PSHA approach (Wiemer (2000) [12], Yeo and Cornell [13]). However,
software for performing aftershock hazard is not yet widely used. For the sake of simplicity, we
assume here that pre-earthquake and post-earthquake hazard do not differ. This assumption is
removed in the study by Yeo and Cornell where the tagging criteria accounts for the increased
probability of collapse from pre- to post-earthquake conditions due both to decreased capacity
and to increased (aftershock) seismicity
• Estimates of Ša,cap for the intact building and of (Ša,cap)i for all the damage states DSi’s.
Tagging Criteria: Basis and Use
The proposed tagging criteria are summarized in graphical form in Figure 4.
The figure has two scales for the ordinates, the percentage of loss in Ša,cap and the ratio of P/P0 that
measures the increase in frequency of exceeding the median residual capacity of the building damaged by
the mainshock. The relationship between the two scales (see Panel b) has been tuned for coastal
California sites, for which the absolute value of the (log-log) slope of an average ground motion hazard
curve in the surroundings of 10-3 annual frequency of exceedance is about three. The hazard curve slope,
which depends on the magnitude distribution and on the rate of decay of seismic waves with distance, is
lower in Eastern United States, for example. Hence, in principle caution should be exercised when using
this same chart in other areas of the world. The abscissa refers to the pre-earthquake conditions only; it is
simply the long-term MAF of exceedance of the intact building ground motion capacity.
Before we explain the basis for the definition of the tagging “fields” in Figure 4, let us describe how the
tagging criteria can be used. Any building is identified by a particular value of P0 that can be computed
during “peace” time before any earthquake has occurred. A larger value of P0 can imply that the building
is relatively “weak” or that it is located in an area of comparatively high seismicity, or a combination of
both. The opposite is true for lower values of P0. How the color of the tag changes with capacity loss can
be found by searching on a vertical line at that specific value of P0. Therefore a building whose P0 is
equal, for example, to 3 x 10-4 needs to be damaged severely enough to loose about 5% of its initial
capacity before it is tagged Y and about 30% before it is tagged R. If the intact building had been much
weaker or in a harsher seismic environment such that its value of P0 were equal, for example, to 1 x 10-3,
then a nominal loss of lateral capacity of only 2% or larger would cause the building to be red-tagged. No
yellow tag could be assigned in this case, either green or red.
Loss of Sa cap (% )
Loss (%)
Figure 4: (a) Graphical interpretation of the recommended tagging criteria. (b) Average relationship for loss of
ground motion capacity and rate of increase in mean annual frequency of exceedance of ground motion for coastal
California sites.
If the tagging criteria were simply based on maximum acceptable collapse risk of the partially damaged
building, then the green, yellow, and red tag areas in Figure 4 would be oblique bands delimited by
straight lines of constant P values. For these guidelines we selected P values to be equal to 2% in 50
years (mean return period, MRP, of 2,475 years) and 5% in 50 years (MRP of 975 years) for the
boundaries between green and yellow tags and between yellow and red tags, respectively. These values
may appear too restrictive when compared to building code requirements for new buildings that prescribe
life safety as performance objective for a 10% in 50 years (i.e., MRP of 475 years) ground motion level.
We selected low values to implicitly and partially account for the increased aftershock hazard that the
damaged building is subject to when the inspection may take place perhaps one or two days after the
earthquake. These values, which represent quantitative measures of acceptable risk, should be modified
according to the building importance and severity of failure consequences.
The diagonal bands in Figure 4, however, are delimited by horizontal lines drawn somewhat arbitrarily at
constant values of capacity loss of 2%, 20%, and 40%. “Weak”, under-designed buildings that are
potentially unsafe (i.e., larger P0) even in pre-earthquake condition would not be tagged Y or R and
possibly, at a later stage, retrofitted unless some identifiable physical damage occurred in the building.
Tagging Y or R an undamaged building would be difficult to accept by owner and occupants. A hardly
detectable capacity loss of only 2% encourages Y and R tagging and it is meant here to simply serve as a
trigger for action for such buildings. The lines at 20% and 40%, that increase the Y and R tagging areas
of “strong” (smaller P0) buildings, have been dictated by a different concept. Results from dynamic
analyses have shown, in general, that a rather widespread damage in the building is needed before the
capacity drops by these amounts. In cases of widespread damage the assessment of the true building
capacity is more uncertain and it is conservative to force some restriction of occupancy until further more
detailed analyses are performed.
Note that a collection of figures such as Figure 4 could be produced to account for the time-varying
nature of aftershock hazard. Such tagging criteria could be applicable after the earthquake at different
snapshots in time when more detailed inspections and/or improved capacity analyses may take place. To
mimic the decreasing aftershock hazard with time one could devise criteria that are less stringent as time
goes by. This would be reflected by a change in the constant-P lines that separate green, yellow, and red
tagging areas. Criteria applicable, for example, one month after the mainshock may have constant P lines
demarcating the G, Y, and R areas at higher values than those displayed in Figure 4, which is meant to be
applicable immediately after the mainshock. The increased knowledge about building capacity deriving
from more detailed inspection and further engineering analyses may also call for the removal of the
conservative lines at 20% and 40% capacity drops in the criteria applicable at a later stage.
A final remark is in order. It is conceptually preferable to develop tagging criteria in terms of MAF of
building collapse rather than MAF of median ground motion capacity. This entails considering the
ground motion capacity as a random variable as opposed to a constant. Under certain tenable assumptions
the former MAF can be computed by multiplying the latter by a “correction factor”, CF, larger than one
that accounts for the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties in the ground motion capacity (called β in the
section to come) and the slope of the hazard curve in the neighborhood of that ground motion level.
Figure 4 could still be used as is with this alternative interpretation. As a first approximation, CF can be
considered to be the same for the capacities in both the intact and the damaged cases and therefore it does
not have any impact on the ordinate P/P0. For a particular application, the only change would be in the
value, P0’, of the abscissa to be used to enter the graph in Figure 4, which will be larger than the MAF of
exceeding the ground motion capacity, P0, currently used. This new interpretation, which is implemented
in the revised version of [3], is not carried out here in any further detail
Application: 3-story SMRF Building
As an illustrative example of this tagging methodology we used a 3-story, 3-bay SMRF (Figure 5) located
in San Francisco, CA. This older building contains the kind of connections that fractured in the 1994
Northridge earthquake. Details about the building and its modeling can be found in Bazzurro et al. [3].
Figure 6 shows the NSP curve for the intact building with marks identifying the main damage states:
DS1 or Onset of Damage: it refers to the incipient yielding of the first element in the structure
occurring at a roof drift of ∆1=0.9%.
DS2: it is defined by the fracture of the exterior beam-column connections at the first floor that
cause the first large drop in the NSP curve. This state occurs at a ∆2=1.7%
DS3: it is defined by the fracture of the interior beam-column connection at the first floor. This
state occurs at a ∆3=2.4%
DS4: it is defined by the first failure of a beam shear tab occurring at ∆4=4.8%. This is considered
to be a partial collapse mechanism.
Figure 7 displays the NSP curves for damage states DS2 and DS3.. They were obtained by loading the
intact structure until the roof drift specified above for each damage state was reached, by unloading it to
zero base shear level, and finally by loading it again until failure (here rupture of the shear tab) occurs.
Note that the software used for the NSP analyses (i.e., RAM Perform) is such that the static pushover
curves for DS2 and DS3 return to the original intact-structure NSP curve at ∆2 and ∆3, respectively. This,
however, may not always be the case.
The SPO2IDA-based median capacities of the intact structure and of the damaged structure in DS2 and
DS3 are expressed in Table 1 in terms of Sa(0.73s). The values for DS2 and DS3 are already calibrated as
suggested by Luco et al. [6]. Armed with this information, a site-specific hazard curve for Sa(0.73s) and,
hence, the mean annual frequency of exceedance, P0, of the capacity of the intact structure (i.e.,
Ša,cap=2.7g), we apply the tagging criteria of Figure 4. DS3, with a capacity loss of 25%, is tagged Y if P0
is below about 4x10-4 and R if above. DS2, with a residual capacity equal to 95% of the initial capacity, is
tagged G if P0 is below approximately 3x10-4, Y if P0 is between 3x10-4 and about 7.5x10-4, and R
otherwise. If P0 is between 3x10-4 and 4x10-4 both damage states are tagged Y, and if P0 is greater than
7.5x10-4 both states are tagged R. DS2 and DS3 are always assigned a different tag otherwise. Of course,
DS1 is always green-tagged and DS4 is always red tagged.
W 24 x1 6 2
W 24 x7 6
B o x 1 8 x1 8 x 3/ 4
14 ’
W 33 x1 1 8
14 ’
W 33 x1 1 8
15 ’6”
32 ’6 ’’
28 ’
32 ’6 ’’
Figure 5: Schematic model of the frame
Base Shear ( Kips )
DS 1
DS 4
DS 2
DS 3
Intact SPO
Quadrili near appro ximation
Roof Drift
Base Shear ( Kips )
Base Shear ( Kips )
Figure 6: NSP curve for the intact structure with identified damage states DS1 (onset of damage), DS2, DS3.and DS4
Intact SPO
Quadrilinear approx.
Quadrilinear Approx.
Roof Drift
Roof Drift
Figure 7: NSP curve for DS2 (on the left) and for DS3 (on the right).
S a, cap (T 1 ) (g) Capacity Loss (%)
Table 1: Median capacities for the intact and damaged SMRF building expressed in spectral acceleration at
Methodology for development of fragility curves
The tagging procedure presented in the previous section uses the loss of capacity for each damage state
coupled with (aftershock) hazard considerations and criteria on allowable risk to assign each damage state
to a limit state. The same engineering analyses, however, can also detect the level of mainshock (median)
ground motion expected to cause the building to reach any damage state and, therefore, any limit state
(here G, OD, Y, R, and C). Hence, what has been discussed so far lends itself naturally to the
development of fragility curves for limit states associated with building occupancy restrictions. A fragility
curve provides the conditional probability that the intact building will be assigned a specific tag or worse
for any given level of Sa(T1) that may be experienced at the building site. When convolved with the site
hazard, the fragility curves provide the likelihood that a building can experience occupancy restrictions in
a given time unit.
Figure 8 highlights the fragility curve development concepts. Panel (a) combines for our illustrative
example the residual capacity in each DSi (Figure 3) with the tagging criteria (Figure 4) specified, e.g., for
a value of P0 ≈2x10-4. The damage state DS1 correspond to incipient OD, DS2 is in G, DS3 is in Y, DS4
and DS5 are in R, and DS6 refers to incipient C. The right panel shows how this information can be used
to determine the median spectral capacity value, ŠaLS, associated with post-earthquake tagging status for
any limit state, LS. The value of ŠaLS can be found immediately for OD and C whose onset correspond to
one of the damage states (here, DS1 and DS6, respectively) by reading them off the IDA for the intact
structure at the drift value of ∆OD and ∆C, respectively. The values of ŠaY and ŠaR, however, are not
readily available because the damage states DSi (and, therefore, ∆i) from the NSP curve in general do not
correspond to the inception of the Y and R limit states. The onset of R, for example, occurs for a damage
state in between DS3 and DS4 (Figure 8). In this case either the procedure is repeated for one or more
intermediate DS’s until the computed spectral acceleration capacity is, for all practical purposes,
reasonably close to the target threshold, or, alternatively but less accurately, an interpolation scheme is
used instead. Finally, the value of ŠaG is zero; any level of ground motion will generate a G tag or worse.
The ground motion spectral acceleration at T1 at which a limit state is reached cannot, however, be
predicted perfectly. The value of ŠaLS computed above is to be considered as a “best guess” (i.e., median).
It is assumed, therefore, that there is a 50-50 chance that the limit/tagging state (or worse) will be
observed if this ground motion occurs at the site. There is a smaller chance at lower ground motion levels
and a larger chance at higher levels. These chances are quantified by estimating the dispersion, β, which
is a combined measure of two basic kinds of uncertainty: aleatory uncertainty (or randomness) and
epistemic uncertainty. The former kind manifests itself, for example, in the variability in the dynamic
displacements produced by different ground motion records (even though they may have the same ground
motion value). Aleatory uncertainty is intrinsic in the random, unpredictable nature of earthquakes and
cannot be reduced. The epistemic kind of uncertainty stems, for example, from both the limited accuracy
of the selected response analysis approach and the imperfect knowledge of parameter values of the
adopted mathematical model of the structure. Within the limits associated with current scientific
knowledge, this second type of uncertainty can be reduced, at some expense, for example with more
detailed investigation of the structure, more refined models, and more testing of material properties.
Intact IDA curve
Š Ya
SPO curve
0.00 ∆ OD ∆ Y
Onset of
OD 0.50
Sa(T1) (g)
Sa(T1) (g)
Roof Drift (%)
drift (%)
Loss of Capacity3.00
Onset of
Intact IDA curve
Onset of
Figure 8: (a) Onset of yellow and red tagging according to the criteria in Figure 4 for a structure with P0 less or
equal to about 2x10-4. (b) Median estimates of the mainshock Sa(T1) that takes the intact structure to the onset of
OD, Y, R, and C. Note that, in general, the onset of a limit state may not occur exactly at the roof drift of any
damage state identified by the NSP. In this case both DS3 and DS4 are beyond the onset of the yellow and red tag
limit states for a structure with P0 less or equal to about 2x10-4.
Period, T (sec)
Figure 9: Recommended (default) values for βR.
Limit State
Onset of Damage
Mill-type Buildings
Baseline Improved Baseline Improved
Yellow Tag
Red Tag
Table 2: Recommended (default) βU values for SMRF and mill-type buildings.
The aleatory portion of the dispersion, βR, depends on the initial period of vibration of the structure.
Short-period structures show more record-to-record variability in their displacements (or,
correspondingly, in the Sa value at which a given displacement or damage state is first observed). Further
the response dispersion is larger for higher nonlinearity, especially when the ground motion is near the
collapse capacity. This trend is captured by the curves presented in Figure 9. These curves are based on
average results of nonlinear dynamic analyses of oscillators with different NSP backbone curves and
plausible definitions of limit states corresponding to average structural deformation levels. Hence, they
are suitable as βR default values. When applying this methodology, however, the SPO2IDA spreadsheet
provides structure-specific βR values for each limit state, which can be used in place of those shown in
Figure 9.
The epistemic part of the uncertainty, βU, reflects the professional confidence that the selected model and
the analysis procedure will predict accurate results. The values for βU are larger (i.e., one will have lesser
confidence) for complex, older structures characterized by a simplified model and untested material
properties than for a clean, modern SMRF whose properties have been well determined and whose model
has been developed with extreme care to details. Two different sets of βU values, referred in Bazzurro et
al. [3] as Baseline and Improved, were gathered by elicitation of expert practicing engineers and then
compared with values in the literature (see references in the guidelines) for four categories of PG&E
buildings: a) tilt-up or concrete block buildings (retrofitted and un-retrofitted); b) mill-type buildings (i.e.,
older steel frames with concrete infill walls); c) prefabricated metal buildings; and d) SMRF’s. Table 2
shows the βU values for SMRF’s and mill-type buildings, values that are, respectively, the lower and
upper bounds. The Baseline values are recommended unless the building is relatively simple (e.g., no
structural irregularities), or the development of NSP curves accounts for specific characteristics of the
building, such as structural irregularities or the effects of elements not typically considered part of the
seismic-force-resisting system. Conditions and requirements to change the evaluation uncertainty from
Baseline to Improved for each building category are also provided in [3].
The combination of the two types of uncertainties into the value of net dispersion, β, to be used in the
computation of the fragility curve is done through a SRSS operation:
β = β R2 + β U2
Given the values of βR and βU, the total dispersion ranges from about 0.3 when assessing the onset of
damage of a very simple, moderate-period SMRF structure carefully modeled and analyzed, to more than
1.5 when estimating the collapse of older, stiff complex mill-type buildings modeled and analyzed with
limited effort.
Computational aspects
Under the widely used assumption that SaLS is a lognormally distributed random variable, then the
computation of a fragility curve for any LS requires two parameters: a median value ŠaLS and a measure of
dispersion, β. The former is the central value of the curve corresponding to an exceedance probability of
50%, the latter controls its slope (the larger the β value, the flatter the curve). The evaluation of both
parameters is discussed in the previous section. The fragility curve, FLS(Sa), for the generic structural
limit state LS is determined by plotting the values of probability p = {0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.95}
versus the corresponding values, Sa:
S a = S aLS e xβ
for the values of x equal to {–1.65, -0.67, 0.0, 0.67 and 1.65}, respectively. Additional values of p and x
can be found in any table of the Gaussian distribution function.
median (50th)
OD 1
^ Sa
Y 2
Sa(T1) (g)
Sa(T1) (g)
Figure 10 (a) Fragility curves for onset of damage, green, yellow, and red tags, and for collapse of the building. (b)
Fragility curves obtained both by separating βR and βU (median (50th), 16th, and 84th) and by combining them
We assume that this illustrative example consists of a SMRF building with T1=1sec analyzed according to
the specifications of the Baseline evaluation. We used the ŠaLS from Figure 8b, the βR values from Figure
9 for T1=0.73sec (i.e., 0.25 for OD, 0.28 for Y, 0.32 for R, and 0.43 for C), and the βU values from Table 2
(i.e., 0.3 for OD, 0.6 for Y and R, and 0.5 for C). According to the SRSS operation defined above, the
resulting β values are, therefore, 0.39 for OD, 0.66 for Y, 0.68 for R, and 0.66 for C. Figure 10a shows
the resulting fragility curves for all the limit states. Note that the fragility curve for G is equal to unity for
all values of ground motions. As anticipated before a building will always be at least green-tagged. The
fragility curve for OD is the steepest because the value of β is the smallest. The opposite is true for the
fragility curve for C.
In some applications it may be convenient to keep the epistemic uncertainty, βU, separated from the
aleatory uncertainty, βR when computing fragility curves. If this is done, a family of fragility curves
rather than one (mean) fragility curve is associated with any structural limit state. The central point of
( yβ
each fragility curve in this family can be computed by applying again S aS, y = S aLS e U . For example, the
central value, S aS, y , of the median (50th), the16th, and the 84th percentile fragility curves can be found by
replacing y with the values of 0, -1, and +1 in the equation above. Each fragility curve in the family can
be computed using S a = S aS, y e yβ R where now, unlike before, β is replaced by βR. Figure 10b shows the
mean fragility curve (βU and βR combined) along with the corresponding 16th, 50th, and 84th percentile
fragility curves (βU and βR separated) obtained for the Y condition in the illustrative example. Of course
the mean fragility curves for Y in the left and right panels coincide.
This article presented guidelines for rationally tagging buildings in the aftermath of an earthquake and for
producing fragility curves that are related to post-earthquake building occupancy restrictions (i.e, yellow
and red tags). The guidelines are generally valid for all buildings, perhaps with the exception of longperiod ones, and applicable to individual buildings because they use engineering analyses performed on
building-specific models. An overview of the theoretical framework necessary to extend the applicability
to a generic structure of a specific building class is available in Bazzurro et al. [3]. The proposed tagging
methodology couples the knowledge of loss in capacity of a damaged building estimated via engineering
analyses prior to the mainshock to considerations of aftershock hazard and acceptable risk levels for
building occupancy. The time-varying nature of aftershock hazard is only implicitly considered in this
article but an explicit treatment is included in the article by Yeo and Cornell [13]. The mapping between
capacity loss, associated to observable damage patterns and residual roof drift, and suggested tagging is
valuable to engineers that may be inspecting that building after an earthquake. When convolved with site
hazard, the fragility curves for tagging conditions can be useful for a variety of applications, such as
estimation of the likelihood of downtime for buildings either as stand-alone units or as parts of a network.
Post-earthquake occupancy restrictions play also an important role in the assessment of business
interruption losses.
The PEER Lifelines Program funded the work presented in this paper, which is excerpted from guidelines
prepared for Pacific Gas & Electric. The content of the guidelines greatly benefited from discussions
with many individuals: Kent Ferre, Norman Abrahamson, and Lloyd Cluff of PG&E, Maryann Phipps of
Estructure, William Holmes and Joseph Maffei of Rutherford & Chekene, Robert Kennedy of SMC ,
Nicolas Luco of AIR Worldwide, and Graham Powell formerly at UC Berkeley.
ATC-20. “Procedures for Post earthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings”, Applied Technology
Council, 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 550, Redwood City, California 94065, 1989.
FEMA 350-352. “Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings
(350); Recommended Seismic Evaluation and Upgrade Criteria for Existing Welded Steel Moment-Frame
Buildings (351); Recommended Post-earthquake Evaluation and Repair Criteria for Welded Steel
Moment-Frame Buildings (352)”, SAC Joint Venture, Sacramento, California, July, 2000.
Bazzurro P, Cornell CA, Menun C, and Motahari M. “Advanced Seismic Assessment
Guidelines”, Report Prepared for PG&E, PEER Lifelines Program, Task 501, Draft 1, February 28, 2002.
FEMA 356. “Prestandard and Commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings”, Building
Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C., November, 2000.
Luco N, Bazzurro P, and Abrahamson N. “Scaling of Earthquake Ground Motions and Nonlinear
Structural Responses”, Proceedings of 13th WCEE, Paper No.2404, Vancouver, Canada, August, 2004.
Luco N, Bazzurro P, and Cornell CA. “Dynamic Versus Static Computation of the Capacity of a
Mainshock Damaged SMRF Building to Withstand an Aftershock”, Proceedings of 13th WCEE, Paper
No.2405, Vancouver, Canada, August, 2004.
Vamvatsikos D, and Cornell CA. “Practical Estimation of the Seismic Demand and Capacity of
Oscillators with Multi-Linear Static Pushovers through Incremental Dynamic Analysis”, Proceedings of
7th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Boston, July 21-25, 2002.
Vamvatsikos D, and Cornell CA. “Incremental Dynamic Analysis”, Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics, Vol. 31, No. 3, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New York, April, 2001.
RAM Perform 2D. “User Manual”, RAM International, Carlsbad, CA, October, 2000.
Maffei J, Mohr DS, and Holmes WT. “Test Application of Advanced Seismic Assessment
Guidelines 3-Story Steel Moment-Resisting Frame Building”, Report Prepared for PG&E/PEER Lifelines
Program, Task 508, Draft 1, December 13, 2002.
HAZUS. “Natural Hazard Estimation Methodology”, FEMA,1999.
URL: (http://www.fema.gov/hazus/)
Wiemer S. “Introducing probabilistic aftershock hazard mapping”, Geophysical Research Letters,
Vol. 27, pp. 3405-3408, 2000.
Yeo, G-L., and Cornell CA. “Building Tagging Criteria Based on Aftershock PSHA”,
Proceedings of 13th WCEE, Paper No.3283, Vancouver, Canada, August, 2004.