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The demand of using GPS for height determination and to replace expensive levelling measurements in regions where not the maximum accuracy is needed, requests a height system in which levelling and GPS in combination with geoid information lead to compatible results. The new kinematic height system LHN95 of Switzerland should fulfil this task. The geoid of Switzerland CHGEO98 with an accuracy of 3 to 5 cm over the whole country is available since 1998 and all the levelling measurements since 1902 are now available in digital form and have been evaluated in a kinematic adjustment process. More than 120 levelling bench marks are also connected to the national GPS network, which has been re-measured in 1998. This gives us in a first step an excellent data set for comparing and analysing the different results. In a second step we will try to include the orthometric heights obtained out of GPS and the geoid into the adjustment of the levelling network. This should strengthen the solution over long distances. In addition to these more general investigations two special GPS campaigns have been performed in mountainous regions where we wanted to test the possibilities to replace levelling by GPS measurements. The evaluation revealed promising results but also that much attention has to be paid on the GPS evaluation method. Especially the modelling of the influence of the troposphere plays a major role. Just with standard models it is not possible to get satisfactory results. More sophisticated modelling methods have to be applied.
heights is by selecting the EGM 96 option in the processing software. Comparison is then made between the heights obtained using the total station and the differential GPS using the precise level as the reference height. Also compared, are their root mean square errors. The roots mean square error of GPS heights was + 0.0649 while the root mean square error of total station height was + 0.0674. This research shows that GPS levelling is more accurate than the total station (trigonometric) levelling over a long distance. The recommendation is for the use of differential GPS when long distances are involved, and the use of the total station for short distances and small areas.
Levelling in surveying is the term stand for height difference determination between ground points. If a datum surface is defined for the observed points, the heights of these points (reduced levels) can be computed. In ordinary orthometric levelling Geoid surface is usually used as a datum. Levelling process can be carried out using different survey equipments and techniques. It may be precise; when precise optical or digital levels are used, or it may be ordinary; when using ordinary optical, automatic or digital levels. Moreover it can be carried out trigonometrically or barometrically. Now a day Global Positioning System (GPS) provides a quick modern technology to determine heights of points. But here, the datum surface is already defined with ellipsoidal surface. Therefore, different reduced levels can be expected compared with orthometric leveling. In this research work, difference in heights between numbers of points, in Khartoum State (Sudan), were carried out using both ordinary orthometric levelling (in which geoid is the reference datum) and GPS techniques (in which ellipsoid is the reference datum). Results obtained showed that the accuracy in levelling for GPS data in levelling for height differences is better than the accuracy of orthometric height determination. Therefore, GPS can be used in many engineering applications when variation in height is the main target. This result leads to ability of GPS to produce grid vector map at scale 1:5,000 and smaller. Moreover, GPS data can be reduced to a new arbitrary datum so that contour maps at scale 1:5,000 and smaller can be plotted.
The importance of practical, as well as orthometric heights in engineering cannot be underestimated as it is required for the determination of proposed construction levels and to direct the flow of water. This study presents the determination of orthometric heights of points using gravimetric/GPS and geodetic levelling approaches and compares the resolution of the two approaches to determine which of the methods is better for orthometric height determination in the study area. A total of 59 stations were occupy for gravity observation using Lacoste and Romberg (G-512 series) gravimeter to obtain the absolute gravity values of the points. GNSS observation was carried out in static mode using South GNSS receivers to obtain the positions and ellipsoidal heights of the points. The modified Stokes’ integral was applied to obtain the geoid heights of the points. Similarly, levelling was carried out using the geodetic level to obtain the level heights of the points. The orthometric correction was applied to the geodetic levelling results to obtain precise level heights of the points. The RMSE index was applied to compute the accuracy of the geoid models. The computed result shows that orthometric heights can be obtained in the study area using the two models with an accuracy of 0.3536m. Z-test was carried out to determine if there is any significant difference between the two methods. The test results show that statistically, there is no significant difference between the two methods. Hence, the two methods can be applied for orthometric heights determination in the study area.
The main objective of this thesis is the construction of a corrective surface in the Moldova area for further conversion of the geodetic heights into normal heights. For this purpose a detailed analysis of the optimal combination of heterogeneous height data is presented, with particular emphasis on (i) modeling systematic errors and datum inconsistencies, (ii) separation of random errors and estimation of variance components for each height type, and (iii) practical considerations for modernizing vertical control systems. Although the theoretical relationship between geodetic, normal heights and height anomalies is simple in nature, its practical implementation has proven to be quite challenging due to numerous factors that cause discrepancies among the combined height data. In addition, variance component estimation is applied to the common adjustment of the heterogeneous heights. This leads to the connection between the proper modelling of systematic errors and datum inconsistencies with the estimated variance components. Ultimately, one of the main motivations for this work is the need to introduce modern tools and techniques, such as GPS/levelling, in establishing a vertical control. Therefore, part of this thesis is aimed at bringing to the forefront some of the key issues that affect the achievable accuracy level of GPS/levelling. Overall, the analysis of the optimal combination of the heterogeneous height data conducted herein provides valuable insight to be used for a variety of height related applications.
International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 2002
The DFHRS (Digital-Finite-Element-Height-Reference-Surface) research and development project is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research. It aims at the conversion of ellipsoidal GPS-heights h in an online or postprocessed GPS-heighting into the standard heights H, which refer to the height reference surface (HRS) of an orthometric, NN-or normal standard height system. The DFHRS is mo delled as a continuous HRS in arbitrary large areas by bivariate polynomials over an irregular grid. Geoid information (geoid heights N, deflections of the vertical ξ,η) provided with a HRS datum adoption parametrization and identical points (h,H) as observations in a least squares procedure enable the statistically controlled DFHRS computation. Several geoid mo dels may be introduced simultaneously and any geoid model may be splitted into different "geoidpatches" with individual datum-parameters and continuity requirements along the patch borders. The resulting DFHRS database provides a correction ∆=∆(B,L,h) to transform an ellipsoidal GPS-height h directly and online into a standard height H. Examples for the computation and use of DFHRS databases in DGPS-networks (e.g. SAPOS, Germany) are presented for different countries.
The combined use of global positioning system (GPS), levelling and geoid height information has been a key procedure in various geodetic applications and provides at the same time a very attractive evaluation scheme for the accuracy of gravimetric geoid models. The main goal of this paper is to propose a tool of adjustment of combined GPS/Levelling/Geoid networks. For this kind of adjustment, generally, two main types of unknowns are estimated; the gravimetric geoid accuracy and 2D spatial field that describe all the datum/systematic distortions between the available height data sets. Accordingly, two modelling alternatives for the correction field are programmed, namely a pure deterministic parametric model, and a hybrid deterministic and stochastic model. In this context, and for a first attempt, a Fortran program has been developed translating in application this methodology using the Hirvonen model as analytic covariance function of the reduced signals and the four parameter mod...
The contribution treats a sophisticated concept in the area of GPS-based height determination with components being appropriate to branch out into different classes of standard approaches, depending on the kind of data sources as well as on the principal target. Basicly any kind of height data, namely geoid models N, vertical deflections (ξ,η), heights H, levelling ∆H, GPS heights h and GPS baselines ∆h may be combined. A powerful mathematical tool within the general concept is the developed finite element model (FEM) surface approximation, which may be set up in different ways for the representation of the height reference surfaces (HRS). This FEM is parametrized by sets of bivariate polynomials, and continuity conditions guarantee a continuous transition of the FEM surface along the edges of neighbouring meshes in any area size. In opposite to digital terrain models, the nodes of the FEM mesh may differ from the position of the data used for the FEM determination. The first part o...
Journal of Geodetic Science, 2022
The use of orthometric height in geodetic applications provides elevations on the physical topographic surface of the earth rather than ellipsoidal heights that are not in conformity with the physical topography. Global positioning system (GPS)/levelling produces ellipsoidal heights that are not consistent with levelled heights above mean sea level. The study provides a practical solution of using the GPS levelling approach or the geoidal heights aimed at providing local orthometric height. Many research studies were conducted with a view of finding a viable solution to the derived orthometric heights. It was revealed that the research studies conducted were found lacking in the use of only lower order numerical solutions models, which limit the accuracy derived from the model, the use of online post-processing, RTKlib, and other non-precise software to obtain the coordinates of the stations used in the derivation of orthometric. Finally, the use of gravimetric data, with its temporal variation problem, poses a threat to the derivation of orthometric height, so also to the accuracy of the developed model. Considering factors while developing models for orthometric heights improves the accuracy in achieving required heights for geodetic applications and aids in fast-tracking mapping.
Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2013
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2011
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Design Automation Conference, 2018
Understanding Local Economic Development, 2023
Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, 2018
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2008
British Journal of Psychiatry, 2006
Revue Malienne d'Infectiologie et de Microbiologie, 2016
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2020
Cretaceous Research, 2019
Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference, 2023