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In this note we study a system of polynomials {b Pk} orthogonal with respect to the modified measure db (t) = t d t c w(t)dt, t 2 (0,1) where d,c < 0 and w is a weight function, using orthogonal polynomials {Pk} with respect to the measure dw(t).
This contribution deals with some models of orthogonal polynomials as well as their applications in several areas of mathematics. Some new trends in the theory of orthogonal polynomials are summarized. In particular, we emphasize on two kinds of orthogonality, i.e., the standard orthogonality in the unit circle and a non standard one, which is called multi-orthogonality. Both have attracted the interest of researchers during the past ten years.
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2010
A positive measure ψ defined on [a, b] such that its moments μ n = b a t n dψ(t) exist for n = 0, ±1, ±2,. .. , can be called a strong positive measure on [a, b]. When 0 a < b ∞, the sequence of polynomials {Q n } defined by b a t −n+s Q n (t) dψ(t) = 0, s = 0, 1,. .. ,n − 1, exist and they are referred here as L-orthogonal polynomials. We look at the connection between two sequences of L-orthogonal polynomials {Q (1) n } and {Q (0) n } associated with two closely related strong positive measures ψ 1 and ψ 0 defined on [a, b]. To be precise, the measures are related to each other by (t − κ) dψ 1 (t) = γ dψ 0 (t), where (t − κ)/γ is positive when t ∈ (a, b). As applications of our study, numerical generation of new L-orthogonal polynomials and monotonicity properties of the zeros of a certain class of L-orthogonal polynomials are looked at.
De Gruyter eBooks, 2017
Review of orthogonal polynomials 2.1 Introduction Developments and interests in orthogonal polynomials have seen continuous and great progress since their appearance. Orthogonal polynomials are connected with many mathematical, physical, engineering, and computer sciences topics, such as trigonometry, hypergeometric series, special and elliptic functions, continued fractions, interpolation, quantum mechanics, partial differential equations. They are also be found in scattering theory, automatic control, signal analysis, potential theory, approximation theory, and numerical analysis. Orthogonal polynomials are special polynomials that are orthogonal with respect to some special weights allowing them to satisfy some properties that are not generally fulfilled with other polynomials or functions. Such properties have made them wellknown candidates to resolve enormous problems in physics, probability, statistics and other fields. Since their origin in the early 19th century, orthogonal polynomials have formed a somehow classical topic related to Legendre polynomials, Stieltjes' continued fractions, and the work of Gauss, Jacobi, and Christoffel, which has been generalized by Chebyshev, Heine, Szegö, Markov, and others. The most popular orthogonal polynomials are Jacobi, Laguerre, Hermite polynomials, and their special relatives, such as Gegenbauer, Chebyshev, and Legendre polynomials. An extending family has been developed from the work of Wilson, inducing a special set of orthogonal polynomials known by his name, which generalizes the Jacobi class. This new family has given rise to other previously unknown sets of orthogonal polynomials, including Meixner Pollaczek, Hahn, and Askey polynomials. Orthogonal polynomials may also be classified according to the measure applied to define the orthogonality. In this context, we cite the class of discrete orthogonal polynomials that form a special case based on some discrete measure. The most common are Racah polynomials, Hahn polynomials, and their dual class, which in turn include Meixner, Krawtchouk, and Charlier polynomials. Already with the classification of orthogonal polynomials, one can distinguish circular and generally spherical orthogonal polynomials, which consists of some special sets related to measures supported by the circle or the sphere. One well-known class is composed of Rogers-Szegö polynomials on the unit circle and Zernike polynomials, which are related to the unit disk. Orthogonal polynomials, and especially classical ones, can generally be introduced by three principal methods. A first method is based on the Rodrigues formula which consists of introducing orthogonal polynomials as outputs of a derivation.
Filomat, 2015
In this paper, we define and examine a new functional product in the space of real polynomials. This product includes the weight function which depends on degrees of the participants. In spite of it does not have all properties of an inner product, we construct the sequence of orthogonal polynomials. These polynomials can be eigenfunctions of a differential equation what was used in some considerations in the theoretical physics. In special, we consider Laguerre type weight function and prove that the corresponding orthogonal polynomial sequence is connected with Laguerre polynomials. We study their differential properties and orthogonal properties of some related rational and exponential functions.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015
We analyze and partially solve system of recurrences that can be derived from the properties of martingale orthogonal polynomials that characterize quadratic harnesses (QH). We also specify conditions for the existence of moments of one dimensional distribution for large classes of quadratic harnesses that are also Markov processes complementing earlier results.
We show that two new classes of orthogonal polynomials can be derived by applying two orthogonalization procedures due to Löwdin to a set of monomials. They are new in that they possess novel properties in terms of their inner products with the monomials. Each class comprises sets of orthogonal polynomials that satisfy orthogonality conditions with respect to a weight function on a certain interval.
Walter Gautschi, Volume 2, 2013
In about two dozen papers, Walter Gautschi developed the so-called constructive theory of orthogonal polynomials on R, including effective algorithms for numerically generating orthogonal polynomials, a detailed stability analysis of such algorithms as well as several new applications of orthogonal polynomials. Furthermore, he provided software necessary for implementing these algorithms (see Section 23, Let P be the space of real polynomials and P n ⊂ P the space of polynomials of degree at most n. Suppose dµ(t) is a positive measure on R with finite or unbounded support, for which all moments µ k = R t k dµ(t) exist and are finite, and µ 0 > 0. Then the inner product (p, q) = R p(t)q(t)dµ(t) is well defined for any polynomials p, q ∈ P and gives rise to a unique system of monic orthogonal polynomials π k (•) = π k (• ; dµ); that is, π k (t) ≡ π k (t; dµ) = t k + terms of lower degree, k = 0, 1,. .. , and (π k , π n) = ||π n || 2 δ kn = 0, n ̸ = k, ||π n || 2 , n = k. 11.1. Three-term recurrence relation Because of the property (tp, q) = (p, tq), these polynomials satisfy a three-term recurrence relation π k+1 (t) = (t − α k)π k (t) − β k π k−1 (t), k = 0, 1, 2. .. , (11.1) Vol. 3) and applications.
At present, the enhanced HIPC initiative and the Gleneagles Proposal for debt write-downs by the G8 are the main mechanisms used to reduce indebtedness of low-income countries. In these countries where poor governance is a key issue, it is naïve to believe that the Millennium Development Goals can be achieved if the current debt relief mechanisms fail to address such problem. In this paper, we develop a model of sovereign debt write-downs, where governance problems reflect domestic distributive conflict between two classes in the society and intertemporal conflict. The main policy issue is how to design the optimal form of debt write-downs and the conditionality requirements attached to it with such governance problems in mind. To deal with the domestic distributive conflict, it is crucial that the conditionality requirements target both provision of public goods and private consumption level of the poor citizens. Addressing the intertemporal conflict problem requires the use of long-run conditionality requirements. Against such a benchmark, we then evaluate the efficacy of the current debt relief initiatives and discuss some policy implications.
The equilibrium molar volumes of four series of anhydrous and hydrous aluminosilicate glasses and liquids (0 to 11 mol% H 2 O) were determined at one bar between 300 and 1050 K. The anhydrous compositions range from highly polymerized NaAlSi 3 O 8 to depolymerized synthetic iron-free analogues of tephrite and foidite magma compositions (NBO/T = 0.8 and 1.5, respectively). For each sample the volume was derived from the room-temperature density of the glass and the thermal expansivity of the glass and supercooled liquid from 300 K to a temperature about 50 K higher than the standard glass transition. The partial molar coefficient of thermal expansion of water in hydrous silicate glasses is about (6.2±3.5)×10-5 K-1 , and in the melts ranges from 11×10-5 to 36×10-5 K-1. The present molar volumes of hydrous supercooled liquids are reproduced with the model of Ochs and Lange (1999) to within 1.1%, except for the hydrous foidite series. This agreement confirms that the partial molar volume of water (H 2 O) near the glass transition cannot depend strongly on the chemical composition of the silicate end-member, nor on water speciation. In order to reproduce the molar volumes of the foidite series, a combined model (using Lange (1997) and Courtial and Dingwell (1999) models and values derived from the new data) is used where an excess volume term between SiO 2 and CaO is introduced. Finally, our experimental data are better fit if H 2 O = 23.8 ± 0.5 cm 3 mol-1 at 1273 K, and ௗ ಹమೀ ௗ் = 15.9±1.5 cm 3 mol-1 K-1. Contrasting trends are also observed for the configurational contributions to the expansivity V V
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